• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,585 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Fighting Blind

Once again, we find Flash, Micro, Twilight and Sandalwood in the Digital World.

The four were out, searching for any sign of Datamon. But like all the other times, the Ultimate Digimon was nowhere to be found. But Micro refused to give up and now, they began searching in the most random areas one would think to look.

"What makes you think Datamon's in here?" Tentomon asked, staring at the large mountain that was full of different holes.

Micro sighed. "Honestly, I'm just clutching as straws here. I know this mountain is supposed to have a lot of rare materials in it. It's possible Datamon came here to find some for his experiments, but it's just a guess at the moment."

Flash placed a hand on Micro's shoulder. "It's okay, Micro. I know you're desperate to find Datamon. And we'll keep looking until we find some trace of him." Micro smiled, as they looked up at the many holes in the side of the mountain.

"Searching them all's gonna be tricky."

"So we'll split up," Twilight told him. "Each take a section of the mountain to search. If we find anything, we'll call it in."

"Alright," Micro nodded. "You guys ready?"

Sandal laughed. "You kidding? Let's do this thing." He took out his Digivice and swung it around, Mangoramon rushing forward as he did so. "Go for it, little buddy!" The light flew out of the Digivice and into Mangoramon, the light swirling around him.

"Mangoramon, Digivolve to..." His body grew larger than it normally did when he Digivolved, confusing them as he expanded to the size of a Greymon. And when the light faded, it revealed a large purple sphere with multiple eyes on its body. The sphere had a pair of long purple arms, with metal claws on the end of it, and a bunch of green vines beneath it that it walked on. The Digimon was certainly...odd. "Argomon!"

"Wow," was all Flash could say. "This is new."

Sandal laughed. "Pretty cool, huh. I just got this scan. Not as cool as Arbormon, but I'm betting it'll come in handy more than him." He leapt up and landed on Argomon's head, the Digimon beginning to crawl along the ground and up the mountain.

The others smirked at this and nodded to one another, as they each took out their Digivices and prepared to head up the mountain.

"Digi Armor Energize!" Flash and Twilight announced, as they summoned a Digimental. The Digimental of Friendship burst into electrical energy, which started swirling around Veemon. Meanwhile, the Digimental of Love exploded into a gale of wind that surrounded Tawnimon.

"Veemon, Armor Digivolve to...Raidramon, The Storm of Friendship!"

"Tawnimon, Armor Digivolve to...Aurumon, Loving Wisdom!" Aurumon flew down and grabbed Twilight's shoulders, lifting her up into the air whilst Micro jumped onto Raidramon with Flash. They all headed towards the mountain, completely unaware that they were currently being watched.

Two figures stood behind a tree, glaring at the group as they headed towards the mountain.

"Is that them?" The smaller of the two asked, letting out an almost insane cackle as they watched. The taller one nodded.

"Yup. That's them. Your target is the blue haired kid and the Digimon he's riding on. Time to make them regret ever crossing me." The smaller one cackled again, as the pair moved out to follow the group.

When the group reached the mountain, Raidramon dropped Micro and Tentomon near their chosen area before heading to their own.

At the same time, Twilight and Aurumon flew up to the top of the mountain whilst Argomon started climbing until they reached their area. "You ready?" Sandal asked him, though Argomon seemed a little uneasy.

"I'm not sure. I haven't really had a lot of practise with this."

Sandal smirked. "You'll be fine. I know you can do it. Just take it slowly and we'll have this done in no time."

Argomon took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. I'll give it a try." Sandal nodded as he jumped off his partner, who turned towards the many caves that covered the side of the mountain.

As he did, the front of his orbular face split apart. The X-shape running across the front opened up, revealing a large space behind it full of pink tentacles. Each tentacle had a bunch of eyes on the end of it, which slowly started stretching outwards and entered the caves.

Sandal smirked, thinking that was a pretty cool thing to watch. He knew others might be a bit grossed out by it, but he didn't mind. "You got this." He watched as the tentacles disappeared down the holes, then looked up at one Argomon hadn't sent a tendril down. "I'll go check this one. Holler if you need anything." He climbed up until he reached the hole and headed inside, using the light of his Digivolve to illuminate the place.

Meanwhile, up above, Twilight and Aurumon had arrived at one of the higher caves.

Aurumon's special goggles were in night vision mode, allowing him to look around without needing to worry about how dark it was. "Maybe you should stay here," he suggested to Twilight. "I can fly around without the dark affecting me. But you might trip and hurt yourself."

"Alright," Twilight nodded. "Just be careful, okay." Aurumon nodded and flew into the cave, his robotic eyes scanning the walls and tunnel for any sign that Datamon was there. But by the looks of things, nobody had been in these caves for a long time.

Flash had led Micro up to one of the caves and dropped him and Tentomon off.

Once there, Micro Armor Digivolved Tentomon into FlameWizardmon. The Armor Digimon ignited his match stick staff, using them to light their way through the caves as they also searched for their friends.

"Datamon!" Micro cried, "can you hear me? If you're there, answer me. Please!" But there was no reply, Micro frowning.

"We'll keep looking," FlameWizardmon assured him. "Even if he's not here, we'll keep looking until we find him." Micro smiled at him and nodded, as they continued down the passageway.

They got deeper and deeper into the cave, when they suddenly found themselves coming across a large wall made up of fallen rocks. "You think Datamon could have been trapped behind this?"

"Maybe," FlameWizardmon nodded. "Only one way to find out." Micro nodded and they started moving the rocks away, being careful to watch the other ones and make sure the place didn't fall down upon them. This was gonna take a while.

Flash and Raidramon had arrived at their allotted caves, Flash jumping off and taking out his Digivice.

"Let's do this thing!" Flash swung his Digivice around and the white cube appeared, with Strabimon inside of it. "Biomerge!" The cube then flew over to him and he was transformed into the Rookie, which then began to glow. "Strabimon, Digivolve to..." The cube exploded off of him, revealing the Digimon Warrior or Light. "Lobomon!"

Lobomon and Raidramon nodded at each other, then headed into the cave with Lobomon's armor beginning to glow and light the place up.

Raidramon started sniffing the ground, working to get a lock on anything that might have walked through the area. "I'm not smelling anything," he stated. "Maybe further in." Lobomon nodded, the pair delving deeper into the darkness. And as they did so, they were completely unaware that a dark figure had arrived at the entrance of the tunnel.

Sandalwood carefully made his way down the tunnel, being careful not to trip over anything.

But then he came to a curve in the tunnel and when he stepped around it, he suddenly came face to face with a giant eyeball. "GYAH!" He leapt back, but then realised he was looking at one of Argomon's eye tendrils. "Geez, man. Don't scare me like that." But he suddenly remembered he was only talking to an eye, not ears. "Right, you can't hear me."

The tendrils looked around and then gestured to the way Sandal came.

"Oh, you wanna know if there are any other passages down this tunnel." He shook his head, "nope. The place just goes straight to where I came in." Sandal wasn't sure if he understood that, but the tendril started to retract. "Hey, wait for me."

Micro and FlameWizardmon continued digging through the rocks, pulling more and more of them away from the pile.

They had chosen to move up and remove the rocks from the top, hoping to make an opening they could fit through. And to their joy, the pile was slowly giving way. FlameWizardmon grabbed a rather large rock and pulled it free, which caused many other rocks to fall away from the pile.

"Wow," Micro moved, as the rocks fell down the pile and almost hit him. He then looked up and saw it had created a large opening, which Micro could fit through. "Yes!" He crawled up to it and used his Digivice to illuminate the other side, Micro seeing it was a ten foot long passage which came to a dead end.

Datamon was nowhere in sight, Micro realising he wasn't there.

Lobomon and Raidramon had gotten pretty deep into the cave, but now found themselves at a fork in the road.

"I'll go this way," Lobomon told him partner. "If you find anything, try and call out to me." Raidramon nodded and the pair split, heading down the different paths. And still, they had no idea that a dark shadow was following them.

Raidramon's horn sparked as it lit up, illuminating the place and allowing him to see down the dark tunnel. "Datamon?" He called out, but nobody answered. "Are you there? Come on. Answer us. We're worried about you." But still, there was no answer.

However, as he turned a corner, he thought he heard something coming from behind.

He spun around, looking down the dark tunnel, but there was nothing there. He then turned away, only to hear a skittering sound coming from behind. "Who's there!?" He roared, glaring into the darkness. "I know you're out there. Show yourself."

Then he heard it. A cackle, coming from above.

He looked up and saw something, hanging from the ceiling and hidden in the darkness. "What the?"

The creature suddenly held up its hands. And when it did, a pair of eyes suddenly glowed in the darkness and unleashed a bright light. "Eye of Nightmare!" Raidramon's roar then echoed through the cave.

Lobomon heard this and gasped, looking around as he did so.

"Raidramon?" He ran back up the tunnel until he arrived at the fork where he and Raidramon had split up, the Warrior of Light illuminating his armor to the max so that he would be able to see everything in front of him. "Raidramon!" But there was still no reply.

He ran up the tunnel, fearing something might have happened to his partner.

But then, he noticed a figure ahead of him and the light of his armor quickly revealed who it was. "Raidramon!" He sighed at the sight of his partner. "Why did you yell? Why didn't you answer?" Then, Raidramon turned around. And when Lobomon saw his eyes, he gasped.

Raidramon's eyes were pure white. And as he moved around, Lobomon noticed he was staggering like he wasn't really there. He was about to ask what happened, but Raidramon's armor began to spark.

"Blue Thunder!" the blue sphere of energy formed above him and shot towards Lobomon. The Warrior of Light leapt back, the attack slamming into the ground and exploding. The whole place shook at this, as Lobomon landed on one knee.

"What are you doing?" He cried, as Raidramon's horn sparked.

"Plasma Blade!" He swung his head around and the lightning shot off his horn, shooting towards Lobomon and threatening to cut him in half.

"Lobo Kendo!" He summoned his laser swords and used them to block the electric blade, as Raidramon leapt forward in an attempt to slam into him. "Something's controlling you!" He cried, leaping into the air and over his possessed partner. "Snap out of it."

"Blue Thunder!" The energy sphere fired at him and he crossed his swords, the blue orb slamming into them with incredible force.

He grunted, as he was pushed backwards by the attack. Eventually, the energy died down and he slowed to a stop. But the effort he needed to stop the attack had exhausted him, whilst Raidramon charged again. "Sorry bud!" He put his weapons away and raised his blaster arm. "Lobo Laser!" The light beam fired from his gauntlet and struck the ground in front of Raidramon.

The ground exploded and forced Raidramon to stop, allowing Lobomon to run forward and leap over the Friendship Digimon.

Once he was on the other side, he ran up the cave as fast as he could. But Raidramon was soon on his tail and kept firing electrical blasts at him.

The explosions and shaking of the cave, had drawn the attention of the rest of their friends.

Twilight stared down the mountain, as Sandal, Micro and FlameWizardmon rushed out of the caves. "What the heck is going on?" Micro asked, as Aurumon flew out the carve and Argomon retracted the last of his tendrils.

An explosion flew out of one of the holes and along with it, Lobomon was thrown outside letting out a cry of pain. "Flash!" Twilight cried, as Aurumon grabbed her shoulders and lifted her into the air.

The others made their way down, as Raidramon leapt out of the cave with his body sparking. "What's he doing?" Sandal asked, only to see him fire his Blue Thunder at Lobomon. "Is he nuts!?"

Lobomon pushed himself up and leapt to the side, the blast causing the ground to explode. "He's being controlled!" As he said that, Raidramon turned to the others and they saw his eyes. He then rushed forward and leapt into the air, his body charging up energy as he prepared to attack.

"Entrap!" Argomon cried, as his face opened up and unleashed the pink tendrils.

They wrapped around Raidramon and held him tightly, keeping him from pulling himself free. But before he could think of what to do next, Raidramon unleashed a blast of lightning that zapped him. Argomon flinched, but his plant-like nature allowed him to withstand the shock.

"Hold him still!" FlameWizardmon yelled, as he leapt into the air towards Raidramon. "Sorry about this. You'll thank me later!" With that, he swung his leg around and kicked him in the head.

Raidramon howled in pain, as FlameWizardmon fell back down. And as he landed, Raidramon went limp in Argomon's tendrils. "Did that do it?" Twilight asked, as they all gather around him.

Then, Raidramon groaned as he opened his eyes. They were back to normal, "what happened?"

"Raidramon," Lobomon sighed. "You're okay." The others looked just as relieved, Argomon putting him down. "Something was controlling you. Making you attack us. Don't you remember?"

"No," Raidramon shook his head. "The last thing I remember is...something in the cave. Something hiding in the shadows." He looked around, "then everything's a blur." But as he said that, he noticed movement up above. "There!" They all looked around and saw some kind of Digimon, who quickly hid behind a rock.

"Entrap!" Argomon unleashed a tendril, which shot up towards the rock and grabbed something behind it.

"HEY!" They heard the Digimon cry, as he was lifted into the air. "Let me go!" The Digimon was revealed to be a small whitish blue Digimon, wearing black pants and a black mask covering its face. His fingers were long and had red claws on them, whilst the palm of his hands had an eye on it that was either red or green.

Lobomon and the others stared at the Digimon, completely lost by what they were seeing. "What the heck is that thing?" Twilight asked, the others just as confused.

"I've never seen this Digimon before," Micro stated.

"Same here," Sandal nodded. He looked over at the Digimon, but none of them seemed to recognise him. "Who the heck are you? And why did you make Raidramon attack Flash?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," the Digimon growled.

"It was him," Raidramon growled. "I remember now. Those eyes on his hands can take control of you. They let out a light and that's what got me." The Digimon still said nothing. "Let me fry him."

"Hold on," Twilight held out her Digivice. "Let's see if this tells us anything." She tried to scan him. But when it was complete, the device beeped and told her she couldn't scan a partner Digimon. "Partner." She looked up at him, "you're someone's partner?"

"Yeah, mine." That voice made them all gasp as they spun around, shocked by who they saw step out from behind a boulder.

"Jet Set?" Lobomon could hardly believe it, the Digimon reverting back to human form and glaring at him. "What are you doing here?"

"My partner and I were out searching for some Digimon to scan," Jet smirked. "Now, would you be so kind as to release him. He's very important to me."

"Since when do you have a partner?" Twilight asked, "you hate the idea of Digimon partners."

"I'm allowed to change my mind, aren't I?" They all glared at him, as he gave them all a serious look. "I'm serious, though. Release him."

"After what he did to me?" Raidramon growled. "He took control of me. Tried to make me hurt my friends."

"Really? Do you have any actual proof of that? Did anyone see him take control of you? Did anyone see him order you to attack Flash and the others?" They all frowned, as they realised they didn't have any proof. "I thought not. Now let him go, or I'm contacting the Codex Commanders to report you for attacking my partner for no reason."

They all glared at him, but eventually realised they had to release him.

Argomon lowered him to the ground and let him go, Dracmon brushing himself off as he did so. "About time." He walked over to Jet Set. "Thanks."

"Any time," Jet smiled. "I guess introductions are in order. This is my new partner Digimon, Dracmon."

"Where the heck did he come from?" Twilight demanded. "I've never seen a Digimon like him and I've studied every piece of Digimon media out there."

"Well I guess you don't know everything," Jest smirked. "I met Dracmon a little while back, wandering the forest. We got to talking and finally agreed to partner up with one another. It was a win-win. I get a one of a kind rare Digimon to trade scans of, whilst he doesn't have to wander around looking for something to eat or live."

Raidramon glared at him. "You left me locked up in your Digivice. Why aren't you doing the same to him?"

"Because I don't want to," Jet simply shrugged. "Plus, he doesn't annoy me enough to warrant locking him up." Raidramon growled. "I was hoping to surprise Codex during my next battle, but I guess you guys are going to spread the word about him anyway. So much for that. Might as well leave." He turned to walk off, whilst the others glared at them.

They all wanted to know more about this Digimon, and if it really could take control of things. And Sandal decided he wanted to face off against it.

"Hey, Jet!" The teen stopped and turned to him. "If you wanna impress Codex so much, then face me with him." That was a surprise, Jet chuckling.

"You really think a no talent battler like you, can stand up to me?"

Sandal smirked, glancing back at Argomon who nodded. "We can handle anything you throw at us." Jet gave a cocky grin, as he and Dracmon looked ready for a hunt.

"Then bring it on."

Word quickly spread around Codex, that a never before seen Digimon was going to be battling.

In the foyer, Flash, Micro, Twilight and their Digimon watched. "You think Sandal can handle Jet?" Flash couldn't help but remember his own battles against the cruel teen. They had not been easy, and that was when Jet used known Digimon.

"Sandal's got this," Micro assured him. "No matter what Jet throws at him." As he said that, the screen came on and shot Sandal and Jet, who had chosen to have an actual stadium battle in the Champion Arena.

The pair stared across from one another, Sandal still trying to get a feel on Dracmon and how he'd likely fight.

"Sandalwood!" the overhead voice stated, "Jet Set! You are both here to compete in a Codex Battle. Are both players ready to compete?"

"Yes," they nodded.

"Then place your Digivices into the battle podiums and select your decks." They did so and Sandalwood looked over at Jet, who began building his deck as Dracmon just stood there looking bored.

'He doesn't believe in the whole partner thing. So he's not gonna use Dracmon, even if it'll give him an extra security. That's our advantage.' He began building his deck. 'But I gotta be careful. Flash had the same advantage and still lost. I can't let him get the upper hand.' He finished his deck and slotted it in, Jet doing the same as the robotic voice spoke up.

"Sandalwood. You have been randomly selected to choose the battlefield you would like to use." Sandal smirked as he had an idea, selecting one of the locations and loading it up. "Shining Garden has been selected. When both players are ready, hit the start button."

Sandal and Jet locked eyes before a smile appeared on their lips. "LET'S GET DIGITAL!" They both cried before slamming the start button. The dome filled with light as Sandal and Mangoramon merged into one.

"Yeah!" The newly formed Mangoramon appeared, ready to kick butt.

However, when he turned to Jet, something shocking happened. Instead of Dracmon being sucked into the Digivice and Jet transforming, the pair turned to one another before merging into one. "Dracmon!" He cried, landing opposite Mangoramon.

"What?" Sandal couldn't believe it. "They're actually working together?" That was all he said before the dome was completely filled with light, which started forming the battlefield.

Everyone watched as the battlefield was revealed to be a giant garden.

But this garden wasn't like most gardens. This one was huge, looking like a scene from that shrinking movie. It also lacked any normal vegetation. Instead, the plants there were all partly crystal. The giant blades of grass were a bunch of thin wavy gems that flowed with the wind, whilst the flowers had normal stems but the petals were crystal.

The gems refracted the light of the cloud covered sun, making them glow bright and fill the place with light.

Two lights also appeared on the field, which quickly disappeared to reveal Dracmon and Mangoramon.

Dracmon: 5-100%
Mangoramon: 5-100%

To say everyone was surprised by Jet's decision was an understatement. "I can't believe Jet's actually using his partner," Flash cried. He was still having a hard time believing he even had a partner, especially one he let loose. "This isn't gonna be good for Sandal."

"I'm still trying to find Dracmon's data," Twilight stated. "Whatever this Digimon is, that's barely any info on it in the database." But as she said that, the computer finally lit up and showed Dracomon's stats. "Finally.

Name: Dracmon
Level: Rookie
Type: Virus
Attribute: Dark
Species: Undead
Family: Dark Area, Nightmare Soldiers

"Oh that's not good," Twilight frowned. "Mangoramon's a Data Type. Against a Virus, he's gonna be in serious trouble."

"And there's still barely any info on Dracmon," Tawnimon frowned. "Where in the world did this thing come from?" The others were wondering the same thing, as the battle began.

Dracmon didn't even bother to look around, instead charging forward as he held his hands up. The eyes on the palms of his hands started shifting around, as he reached Mangoramon.

"Demi Darts!" Suddenly, the same syringes a DemiDevimon would wield appeared in his hands. He threw them forward and Mangoramon barely managed to leap back and avoid them, whilst he swung his head around.

"Bloom-Arang!" His head leaf shot off and shot towards the undead Digimon, Dracmon skidding to a stop and swinging his arms around to deflect it. But the blade still dug into his arm and he flinched.

Dracmon: 5-85%
Mangoramon: 5-100%

Mangoramon landed and reached onto his moss jumper, pulling it off and throwing it. "Moss Pelt!" He threw the green slime towards the mysterious Digimon, but Dracmon leapt to the side and it missed.

"Demi Darts!" He pulled another syringe out of hammer space and threw it, this one stabbing Mangoramon in the chest and making him scream in pain.

Dracmon: 5-85%
Mangoramon: 5-80%

Mangoramon fell backwards and groaned, the syringe sticking out of his chest as he laid there letting the pain shoot through him. "Ow." Dracmon laughed hearing this, whilst Mangoramon reached up and pulled the needle out of him.

But as he threw it away, Dracmon took a bunch more out. "I'm not done yet!" He started throwing the needles towards him, but Mangoramon leapt away and ran towards a giant blade of grass.

When he finally got behind it, he took a deep breath whilst Dracmon threw more syringes at him. But they didn't even scratch the crystal grass, giving Mangoramon the time he needed to come up with a plan.

"He's a Virus. He's fast and he can attack from a distance."

"This doesn't look good," Mangoramon pointed out. "What do we do?" Sandal tried to think, but Dracmon suddenly leapt around the grass blade.

"Surprise!" He tried to slash at Mangoramon, but the plant Rookie leapt back and barely managed to avoid him. Then, Dracmon raised his hand eyes up to his head eyes. "Eye of Nightmare!" The eyes began to glow, but Mangoramon quickly closed his eyes.

However, this left him open to attack and Dracmon leapt forward before dealing a swift kick to the plant's chest. "AUGH!" He was knocked backwards, crashing into another blade of grass and bouncing off it.

Dracmon: 5-85%
Mangoramon: 5-60%

As Mangoramon picked himself up, Dracmon laughed his head off. "This is so much fun. You losers don't stand a chance against me now!" Mangoramon growled as he stood tall, then noticed Dracmon jumping from one foot to another.

"Moss Pelt Barrage!" He started throwing moss ball after moss ball after moss ball at the virus, who barely managed to react.

"Wow, wee, waa!" He made a bunch of random posses, as he let the moss fly past him. "Nice try!" But then, Mangoramon used his Bloom-Arang attack and sent it flying towards him. Dracmon leapt backwards, avoiding the bladed leaf. But as he did, he landed on a piece of moss that trapped his foot. "Gaaah!"

"Yes," Flash cheered. "That's the way. Show him who's boss."

"Now he can attack," Veemon cheered. But instead of doing just that, Mangoramon began to run away. "Hey, what's he doing?"

"He's being smart," Micro told him. "Mangoramon can't do much damage in his current form. And even with his foot stuck, Dracmon can still move around a lot. Sandal needs to use this chance to grab as many Digivolution Coins as he can find."

They watched, as Mangoramon rushed through the crystal garden. At the same time, Dracmon was using his claws to cut through the moss. And it wasn't long before Mangoramon found what he was looking for.

"Yes!" He cheered, seeing a Digivolution Coin pressed against the face of a crystal sunflower.

He rushed over to a blade of grass and ran up it, the crystal quality of the grass keeping it from bending as he ran up to the edge and off the end. Flying through the air, he collided with the flower as it bent down under his weight.

The Digivolution Coin exploded and flew into his body, as he let the flower go and rolled along it. The flower touched down, as the plant Digimon rolled off the end of its petals. As he did, the flower suddenly shot back upwards and bent the other way before smashing into the blade of grass he had been on.

The two collided and exploded, the force of the impact sending crystal shards flying everywhere. "Boom!" Mangoramon laughed, as he continued running through the garden. He seemed to know the place like the back of his hand, eventually reaching yet another flower that had the same Digivolution Coin.

But as he began running up a blade of grass, Dracmon suddenly leapt out of nowhere. "Gotcha!" He slashed at Mangoramon, but the plant managed to dodge the slash and the undead Digimon landed on the grass.

But his feet suddenly slipped out from beneath him and he cried out, hitting the blade and sliding down it. "Ha!" Mangoramon laughed before rushing up the blade. As he did, Dracmon dug his claws into the crystal and stopped himself. He then started climbing up, as Mangoramon leapt off the end.

"Get back here!" He cried, reaching the end of the grass tip as Mangoramon flew across and landed on the flower again.

The flower bent back towards the ground and as Mangoramon absorbed the Digivolution Coin, an idea formed in his head. One that made him smirk as he released the flower and rolled off it. And as he reached the very edge, he gave Dracmon a smile before sliding the rest of the way off it.

Dracmon watched the flower suddenly shoot towards him. "WOW!" He cried, attempting to escape as the flower crashed into the grass blade and caused the two to shatter. "AUGH!" He cried, as the gems slammed into him whilst he was sent flying.

Dracmon: 5-50%
Mangoramon: 5-60%

He crashed into the ground, rolling along the ground as he let out a moan. And as he laid there, Mangoramon rushed a safe distance away from him. "Go time!" He announced, as his body started glowing. "Mangoramon, Digivolve to..." Dracmon began to pick himself up, as the light made him look away. And as he did, the growing Digimon rushed forward before the light exploded off of him. "Arbormon!"

The now Champion Level Digimon leapt forward and swung a leg around, attempting to kick Dracmon in the head. But the Rookie gasped before rolling away, Arbormon's kick hitting the ground instead. "Is that the best you've got?" He asked, snarling as he stood up.

"Nope!" Arbormon spun around. "Blockade Seed!" He fired the seeds out of his mouth, which shot towards Dracmon and began to wrap around him as soon as they struck. The vines tied the Rookie up, his arms locking to his side as he struggled against the bindings.

Arbormon then rushed forward and as he threw a punch towards Dracmon, the Rookie leaned to the side and the punch missed. "Undead Fang!" he suddenly bit into Arbormon's arm, making the warrior of wood cry out in pain.

Dracmon: 5-50%
Arbormon: 5-45%

"GET OFF!" Arbormon swung his arm around, trying to dislodge the dark Digimon. But Dracmon held on tight and refused to let go. Arbormon then raised his other fist and tried to punch Dracmon, but the Rookie let go and the punch missed and caused Arbormon to be knocked off balance.

"Undead Fang!" He then bit into Dracmon's leg, making him scream some more.

Dracmon: 5-50%
Arbormon: 5-30%

"Ouch!" Tentomon winced. "That had to hurt."

"This Digimon is even giving a Champion a run for his money," Micro realised. They watched as Arbormon swung his leg around, whilst Dracmon's claws worked to cut through the bindings around him.

Arbormon then turned towards one of the grass gems and ran towards it, leaping into the air and swinging his legs around to try and smash Dracmon into it. But at the last moment, Dracmon cut through the vines and released himself. He let go of the leg and jumped away, as Arbormon kicked his leg into the gem.

The crystal cracked, as Arbormon turned towards Dracmon as the Digimon laughed.

"Even as a Champion, you don't stand a chance against me. What a loser." He jumped up and down, Arbormon glaring at him. But then he noticed something and smiled.

"Well this loser knows more about this battlefield than you do." With that, he leapt behind the grass blade and crouched down. Dracmon raised an eyebrow at this, only to then feel a bright heat coming from above.

"Huh?" He looked up and saw the sun coming out from behind the clouds, which sent a bunch more light streaming down on the battlefield. And then the light's rays flew down and hit the crystals, they started refracting in multiple different directions. "What?"

The lasers bounced around the place, some hitting the ground or non-gem plant parts, whilst others just kept bouncing from one crystal to another. And eventually, they started firing towards Dracmon.

"Gaaah!" He barely managed to dodge one blast, then another and another. Eventually, the lasers out sped him and he was blasted in the back. "GYAH!"

Dracmon: 5-40%
Arbormon: 5-30%

The lasers kept bouncing around the place and eventually, the sun disappeared behind the clouds again and the lights slowly faded away. As they did, Arbormon leapt out from behind his cover and rushed towards Dracmon. As the Rookie picked himself up, he found a wooden foot flying towards him.

"WOW!" Was all he could say, before the foot smashed into his face and he was sent soaring into the air.

Dracmon: 5-30%
Arbormon: 5-30%

Everyone couldn't help but smile, as Dracmon was sent soaring through the air and incredible speed.

"He's going...going...going...GONE!" Flash cheered, the others laughing. They watched, as Dracmon barely managed to avoid slamming into one of the grass crystals and instead, grabbed the end and used it to break his fall.

The grass bent and slowed him down. But stopped a good ten feet off the ground and was about to bounce back, forcing Dracmon to let it go so he fell to the ground. He hit the dirt and moaned, whilst the grass swung back up towards the sky. And as he picked himself up, he noticed a light and looked ahead.

A crystal flower laid on the ground, looking like it had just sprouted from below. And coming out of it was a bright light.

Dracmon rushed over to it and leapt atop the gem, using all his strength to push it open. And sure enough, hidden within, a Digivolution Coin was waiting for him. "Gotcha!" He grabbed it, just as Arbormon rushed in.

"Roundhouse Punt!" He launched his arms towards Dracmon, who leapt off the flower as the power surged within him.

"Too late!" He cried, "now it's time to power up!" And sure enough, his body started glowing. "Dracmon, Digivolve to..." His body grew larger and began to reshape itself, turning quadrupedal as her grew to the size of a Dorulumon. Many wondered if that was what he was becoming, as he morphed into a wolf-like form. But then his feet began to gain several edges, as if giant blades were sticking off of them. And when the light faded, his new form was revealed.

Sure enough, he was a wolf-life Digimon. Except this Digimon was a mix of gray, red and bluish purple. His head was entirely gray, along with his neck, chest, underside and the tip of his tail. The rest of his body was purple, but had red bat-shaped markings on it. But the most noticeable thing about him were the blades and bat wings.

A pair of dark purple bat-wings were wrapped around his head, covering his eyes, whilst a larger pair of wings stuck out the back of his neck and wrapped around that. Finally, his legs were dark blue and had a bunch of blades and claws sticking out.

The wolf let out a mighty howl, as he did a flip through the air and swung his bladed claws around to slice through several nearby crystals. "Sangloupmon!"

Everyone in Codex was staring at the screen showing this battle, each of them completely shocked by this never before seen Digimon.

"What is that thing?" Flash asked, the others just as confused. Twilight tried to bring up data on him, but his biopage appeared and was very sparse.

Name: Sangloupmon
Level: Champion
Type: Virus
Attribute: Dark
Species: Demon Beast
Family: Dark Area, Nightmare Soldiers

She tried to bring up more data, but nothing showed itself. "Where did Jet find this thing?" She asked, as the dark wolf Digimon prepared to strike. Arbormon was clearly thrown for a loop by this creature, as he stood apprehensively trying to get a read on this Digimon.

Suddenly, Sangloupmon rushed forward with incredible speed.

"Raaah!" Arbormon was broken from his trance and tried to strike back, throwing a punch into the wolf's head. But at the last moment, Sangloupmon's body exploded into a black mist that seemed to fade away. "What the?"

"Where'd he go?" Mangoramon asked, as Arbormon looked around. But there was no sign of the creature, anywhere.

"Where are you?" He cried. "Come on. Don't go hiding. Where's the fun in that?"

"Says the guy that hid behind some crystal grass before." The voice came from behind him. But when he spun around, there was nothing there. "I'm closer than you think."

"Come on out and fight me!" Arbormon cried. And as he said that, his shadow began to wave and move in an unusual way. But since he currently had his back to his shadow, Arbormon couldn't see it. And he also couldn't see when the wolf materialised out of his shadow.

"Black Mind!" He howled, as he slammed into Arbormon's back and dug his claws deep into his wooden armor.

"GYAH!" He cried, feeling his wood body being torn into.

Sangloupmon: 5-30%
Arbormon: 5-5%

Arbormon spun around, attempting to throw the wolf Digimon off of him. But Sangloupmon dug his claws deeper and deeper into him, eventually doing more damage and breaking the security.

Sangloupmon: 5-30%
Arbormon: 5-0%

"Get...OFF!" He finally threw the wolf off of him, but Sangloupmon spun around and landed on his paws. As he did, Arbormon tried to regain his composure. But Sangloupmon suddenly rushed forward as he did.

"Drain Slash!" In the blink of an eye, he shot past Arbormon and the blades on his legs cut into the wooden Digimon.


Sangloupmon: 5-30%
Arbormon: 4-90%

His friends flinched, as Arbormon fell to the ground. "That didn't look like it did much," Flash pointed out.

"Look again," Micro pointed at Arbormon's SP bar and the others realised it had gone down. "That attack must not be for draining HP. It's about draining the opponent's strength to fight back."

As Arbormon picked himself up, Sangloupmon spun around and charged at him again. "Draining Multi-Slash!" He morphed into a blur and suddenly, Arbormon felt himself getting slashed at in multiple areas. They only did half the damage from before, but just as much SP was taken.

Sangloupmon: 5-30%
Arbormon: 4-70%

"This is bad," Micro cried. "If Sandal doesn't do something, he's gonna be all out of options to fight back."

Arbormon staggered over to a grass blade and leaned against it, panting as Sangloupmon appeared in front of him.

"You're out of your league," the wolf snarled. "My new Digimon is way too powerful for a wimp like you to take." He began circling around, like a hunter about to finish off his prey. But just as he was about to pounce, Arbormon noticed the sun was about to appear from out of the clouds.

"Bring it on," Arbormon told him. "You think your little tricks will work twice? Dream on, dude."

Sangloupmon growled before charging, his claws ready to tear Arbormon to pieces. But at the last moment, the warrior of wood sank down as the sun appeared. And the next thing Sangloupmon knew, a beam of light was being shot straight towards him thanks to the crystal grass.

A howl of pain filled the air, as Sangloupmon was knocked backwards. The laser did serious damage, as it struck him in the chest and burned him.

Sangloupmon: 5-5%
Arbormon: 4-70%

As Sangloupmon was knocked away, Arbormon raised his arm. "Battle Gear, BOOST!" His arm began to glow and changed shape, the light fading to reveal a green tube-shaped weapon with vine patterns etched into it. "Seed Shooter!" He pointed the device at Sangloupmon, firing as he picked himself up.

From out of the tube, a bunch of seeds shot out faster than bullets.

They zoomed through the air and before Sangloupmon could react, they slammed into him. The first struck him right on the chest, breaking his security.

Sangloupmon: 5-0%
Arbormon: 4-70%

Then, several more speeds struck and did minor damage that quickly began to build up.

Sangloupmon: 4-75%
Arbormon: 4-70%

Sangloupmon finally recovered enough to actually dodge the onslaught of seed bullets, the wolf leaping into the air as Arbormon looked up. "Sticker Blade!" He roared, spinning backwards as the blades on his claws glowed.

And from out of that light, many shards of metal came flying out towards Arbormon.

He gasped, trying to avoid them. He managed to dodge a few, but three of the blades sank into his wooden chest. "Gaaah!"

Sangloupmon: 4-75%
Arbormon: 4-40%

He staggered back, as Sangloupmon landed and ran forward. His blades were ready to slice the Digimon to bits, but Arbormon yanked the blades out of him before thrusting his arm upwards.

Said arm extended and grabbed the bottom petal of a flower, then retracted to pull him upwards and away from the wolf's claws. "Fire!" He cried, launching the seeds down towards Sangloupmon.

They slammed down upon him, making him howl in pain before he leapt back.

Sangloupmon: 4-55%
Arbormon: 4-40%

He once again leapt backwards, as his leg blades glowed. "Sticker Blade!" The shards shot up towards Arbormon, threatening to stab into him again. But at the last moment, Arbormon let go and fell towards the ground. As he did, the blades flew over him and one cut through the stem of the flower.

As Arbormon landed, the crystal flower began to fall towards him and Sangloupmon.

Both ran in opposite directions, as the flower crashed into the ground. The impact sent out a gust of wind that slammed into the two of them, whilst shards of crystal flew everywhere.

Arbormon staggered around, doing his best to avoid the crystals as they rained down everywhere. And as he managed to regain his balance, he noticed a light coming from between some grass blades. A Digivolution Coin.

"Yes!" He rushed forward and as he got closer, Sangloupmon picked himself up and saw where he was going.

"Oh no you don't!" He rushed forward, moving at an incredibly high speed as he shot towards him.

Arbormon spun around at the last moment and managed to block Sangloupmon's bite with his Seed Shooter, the weapon breaking apart as the wolf's teeth dug into it. But before Sangloupmon could slash at him, his mouth opened. "Blockade Seed!" The small projectiles shot out and slammed into the wolf's chest, quickly sprouting and wrapping around him.

Tied up, Sangloupmon was unable to protect himself as Arbormon pushed him away before kicking him right in the face.

Sangloupmon: 4-45%
Arbormon: 4-40%

Sangloupmon howled as he was thrown backwards, whilst Arbormon's Battle Gear fell apart.

Arbormon then turned towards the Digivolution Coin and closed the gap, grabbing it as Sangloupmon started cutting through the vines with his blades. And as he freed himself, Arbormon spun around and glared at him before his body burst into light. "Arbormon, Digivolve to..." His wooden body broke apart, as the Digimon inside it sprang free and grew giant.

Sangloupmon was forced to run back, as a giant foot almost stomped down on him. And as it smashed into the earth, the light faded to reveal the giant plant lizard. "PETALDRAMON!"

The beast of wood looked down towards Sangloupmon, who slowly backed away as the Ultimate leapt onto his back legs. "Leaf Cyclone!" The petals started spinning around his head, as he took a deep breath in and unleashed a blast of air towards Sangloupmon.

The gale blasted down upon him and started slamming into him. "Augh!" He cried, digging his claws into the ground to keep from being blown away. As he did, the leaves slashed at him and he flinched.

Sangloupmon: 4-20%
Petaldramon: 4-40%

As the guest began to weaken, Petaldramon raised his tails into the air before stabbing them into the ground. "Thorn Jab!" The ground began to shake, as Sangloupmon tried to pull his claws free of it. And as he started running forward, giant spiked vines stuck out of the ground and flew into the air all around him.

They started whipping around, trying to grab him. But Sangloupmon started slashing at them with his claws, cutting through most of them. But then one grabbed him around the waist and gripped him tightly. "Augh!" He was pulled into the air, as several more vines swung around to try and crush him.

But before they could strike, Sangloupmon disappeared.

"What happened?" Flash asked, as Petaldramon looked around.

"He disappeared!" Veemon cried, but Micro and Twilight had another theory. Their eyes turned towards the darkness of Petaldramon's shadow and remembered what had happened before.

"Look out!" Micro cried, as the shadow began to shift and move. And Petaldramon noticed only at the last moment, as the vampiric wolf shot out of his shadow and aimed his blades right at his throat.

"Augh!" Petaldramon cried, as he was slashed at the neck by Sangloupmon.

Sangloupmon: 4-20%
Petaldramon: 4-20%

His plant-like nature quickly allowed him to repair the damage, but Sangloupmon was flying through the air and pushed his feet against one of the crystal grass blades. He leapt off it, shooting down towards the beast of wood with his claws at the ready.

"Drain Slash!" He aimed for the beast's legs, but the roots on Petaldramon's back quickly shot forward and wrapped themselves around him.

"I don't think so!" He threw him away before he could disappear, but Sangloupmon started spinning as he did so.

"Sticker Blade!" The metal shards exploded out of his claws and flew towards Petaldramon, raining down upon his and cutting into his body. Petaldramon flinched at this, as Sangloupmon landed atop a grass blade which bent down to slow his fall.

Sangloupmon: 4-20%
Petaldramon: 4-0%

Petaldramon shook his head, as Sangloupmon leapt off the grass tip and onto the ground. "Too bad," he told him. "You thought Digivolving into a big strong Digimon would give you the edge. But it didn't. Instead, all it did was turn you into a bigger, slower, target." He rushed forward, as Petaldramon's back vines grew larger.

As the wolf leapt forward, claws at the ready to slash into him, Petaldramon used his vines to hit the ground and push off.

This caused him to be thrown up into the air, causing Sangloupmon to miss. "Who's big and slow now!?" Petaldramon cried, as he swung his tail around as hard as he could. "Thorn Jab!" The tail slammed into Sangloupmon, making him howl as he was sent flying backwards.

Sangloupmon: 4-5%
Petaldramon: 3-100%

He spun through the air and eventually crashed into a blade of grass, the force of the impact causing the crystal structure to shatter. Several pieces of it cut into Sangloupmon's body, making him flinch in pain as his security was broken.

Sangloupmon: 4-0%
Petaldramon: 3-100%

Sandal's friends cheered, as Petaldramon fell back to the ground. "That's the way," Flash yelled.

Twilight smiled with a nod. "This Dracmon might be an unknown. But a Digimon is still a Digimon and as long as you can figure out how to fight it, not knowing where it comes from doesn't really matter." The others nodded, as Sangloupmon began to pick himself up.

"Go Sandal!" Micro cried. "Hit him before he manages to recover. Take him down!"

Petaldramon leapt onto his back legs, preparing to use another Leaf Cyclone.

But as he breathed in, Sangloupmon suddenly shot to his feet and ran in the opposite direction. Petaldramon frowned as he jumped back onto all fours, then started chasing after him. Sangloupmon's speed allowed him to weave between the blades of grass, whilst Petaldramon simply barrelled through them.

"He's running scared?" Sandal smirked, but Mangoramon had a different theory.

"He's running to even the playing field," he stated. "He's trying to find a Digivolution Coin." This made Sandalwood worry, since it was likely he would become another Digimon Sandal wouldn't know.

"Gotta stop him." He doubled his pace in an attempt to catch up, but Sangloupmon was just too fast.

As such, the wolf Digimon soon arrived at a grassless clearing with a large flower on it. And just as the Champion thought, the flower had a Digivolution Coin on it.

"Raaah!" He slashed through the stem and as he did, the flower began to fall.

Petaldramon saw this and realised he wouldn't be able to get to it before Sangloupmon, so leapt onto his back legs. "Leaf Cyclone!" He unleashed the tornado and it shot straight towards the wolf, who saw it coming and realised he wouldn't be able to get through it before the flower fell.

"Black Mind!" He once again exploded into a million bits, seconds before the tornado slammed into him. As he did, the flower hit the ground and crystals were sent flying everywhere. And so was the coin.

Petaldramon looked around, but quickly realised where he had to be and stared down at the shadow below him. But he was so large, his shadow was equally as big. And as he tried to find Sangloupmon, the shadow of his tail warped before the wolf shot out of it.

He howled as he flew through the air, landing atop Petaldramon's back before shooting into the air.

Petaldramon tried to grab him with his back roots, but the beast started spinning around and slashed through them before they could catch him. And eventually, he landed next to the Digivolution Coin and smashed it under foot.

Sangloupmon smirked, as the power flowed into him. "Now it's time to take things up a notch. You won't be so tough, once you've faced the power of my Ultimate!" His body began to glow, the light consuming him completely as he grew. "Sangloupmon, Digivolve to..." The beast's body completely reshaped itself again, turning back to a more humanoid form. Giant claws appeared on the end of his arms, whilst his back legs grew thinner and his feet changed to a strange shield shape.

The light finally faded and what was revealed was some kind of bladed clown. He was now wearing clothes that were a mix of pink, red, green and black. His head was white, with sharp blades on the end and a large head of yellow hair on top. Five sharp claws stuck out the ends of his sleeves, whilst his feet had a pair of large bladed shoes around them that looked large enough that one could use them to stand on water.

The Digimon swung his claws around, then leapt into the air and kicked his bladed feet around to unleash several air cuts that sliced through surrounding flowers. "MATADORMON!"

Everyone stared at the new Digimon in shock. Once again, none of them had ever seen such a Digimon. Whatever it was, it looked dangerous. And Sandalwood had to find a way to beat it, if there was one.

Author's Note:

Bet you weren't expecting to see Jet Set with his own Partner. And one nobody knows anything about. How will Sandal handle this new opponent? What other surprises could Dracmon have up his sleeves? And what secrets is he hiding? Find out next time.

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