• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,619 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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New Partners and New Situations

Back in the real world, Flash and Micro had headed over to the glasses wearing teen's house.

Micro's parents weren't around, which meant the pair could play music as much as they wanted without anyone yelling at them to keep the music down. Currently, Flash was strumming his guitar as Micro was playing his theremin. Despite how unusual it appeared, the two instruments together made a rather rocking sound.

When the song came to an end, the pair struck a pose before laughing at this. They then moved over to where their drinks were sitting and took a swing. As they did, Flash looked at the Digivice still laying on a nearby table. He frowned, wishing he knew how long it was gonna take for his avatar to be verified.

Micro saw this and fought back a laugh, wishing he could tell Flash what was really happening. But he knew Flash would just think he was nuts. "Don't worry. A lot of players end up spending hours waiting for their avatar to get verified. But once it is, you'll realise it was worth the wait."

Flash frowned, but decided to trust Micro and put the Digivice down. As he moved over to grab his guitar, Micro turned to his own device. "Virtual me. You better get Flash's avatar back before he gets mad. Wonder what you're doing over there."

Back in Codex, Micro and Tentomon returned to the floating island and as soon as they did, they ran towards the nearest robot.

"Hey!" He cried, grabbing its attention. "I need to talk to a Codex Commander." The robot looked at him and tilted its head, clearly confused. "Come on! Where's the nearest Commander!? I need to talk to them!" The robot beeped a few moments and as it did, a flash of light occurred behind him.

From this light, a lean figure with tanned skin and spiky brown hair appeared. He was wearing a white robe, with brown trim, and had a calm yet serious demenous. "Mr Chips." Micro stopped and turned to him, "please refrain from damaging our robots. They're not easy to fix."

"Sorry," Micro gulped, "but this was an emergency. I really needed to talk to you. Mr..."

"Gennai," he replied. "Now what seems to be the problem?"

"It's my friend, Flash Sentry!"

"Ah, yes. The new recruit you recommended. Is he having a hard time adjusting to all this?"

"No," Tentomon told him, "he managed to get over the shock pretty quickly. But he's gone missing." This surprised Gennai, and he wasn't the only one. Someone had been walking by when they heard this.

"What do you mean, missing?"

"We were going to Primary Village," Micro explained. "I showed him how to transport there and saw him teleport away. But when I got there, he was nowhere to be seen. And Elecmon hadn't seen him anywhere."

"That is worrying," Gennai frowned. He snapped his fingers and suddenly, a holographic screen and keyboard appeared. "A Fresh Level player with no Digimon in his arsonal would be an easy target for any Digimon they come across. If he's not in Codex or Primary Village, he could be in serious danger."

"Can you find him?" Micro asked.

"I'm looking for him now. Let's just hope I can find him before it's too late. And let's also hope he's in an area that doesn't have any strong Digimon." Hearing this, Micro and Tentomon both shared a worried look. Meanwhile, the other person listening in also seemed worried, along with the little dragon besides him.

Flash could hardly believe what he was seeing, as light flowed out of the rock he had freed the Digimental Of Courage from.

This day had just been one insane moment after another. First, he discovered the Digital World and Digimon were real. Then he was accidently transported to another area of the Digital World away from his friend before getting on the bad side of a grumpy Digimon, leading to him taking cover in this cave. And now, he had to sit there and watch as something formed out of the light pillar.

That something took the shape of a blue lizard Digimon, with a white belly and mouth. A yellow V was also located on his forehead, his eyes opening to reveal they were bright red.

He turned towards Flash before leaping out of the light, "YAHOO!" He landed in front of him before jumping around the confused teen, "free at last! Free at last! You moved the Digimental!" He turned to Flash and held out a hand. "Hi, I'm Veemon. But you can call me Veemon."

"Err...hi." Flash took his hand, shaking it carefully. "Flash." He frowned, "Veemon? I've never heard of a Digimon with that name before."

Veemon smirked, "well you've just met one." He then started stretching out his back, "and I'm really glad you let me out of there. My body feels like it's been stuck in there for a millenium."

"What were you even doing in there?" Flash asked, as Veemon turned to the rock and scratched his head.

"I have no idea."

"What? How can you not know about being stuffed inside a rock? What's the last thing you remember before being freed?"

"Nothing." He turned back to Flash. "I can't remember a thing. All I know is that my name's Veemon, I was stuck under the Digimental of Courage and only someone with a great amount of courage in their heart could move it and free me. So thanks for that."

Flash was really confused. Why was Veemon stuck under this Digimental and why was the cave hidden away? Had someone found this place before and been unable to move the egg? Or was Flash specifically brought to free Veemon? So many questions, so few answers.

It was then that the entire cave started shaking, causing Flash and Veemon to fall to the ground.

They both looked up and when they did, Flash gasped when he saw Monochromon breaking through the hole in the ceiling. Once it had its head inside, it fired its attack towards them. "WOW!" Flash leapt away, the fireball exploding on the ground. "RUN!" Flash screamed, jumping up to his feet and high tailing it.

Veemon also ran, clearly wondering what the heck was going on. "Why is that thing attacking us?"

"Because it thinks I'm the one that threw something at it. Stupid Numemon." They reached end of the tunnel and as they approached, the wall went static again and vanished.

They ran through it before it reappeared, the pair panting as they tried to think of a way to get back to safety. "I need to find a way to defend myself," Flash groaned as Veemon turned to him.

"You have one." He pointed at the Digimental. "If you can unlock the Digimental of Courage, I'll be able to Digivolve and fight against whatever might attack us."

"You can Digivolve with this?" Flash asked, staring at the egg-shaped object. Veemon nodded, "but how do I unlock it?"

"You have to use your courage. The courage that allowed you to move it in the first place. You have it within you, but you have to dig deep and not let your fear control you." As he said that, the wall suddenly exploded and massive chunks of rock went flying towards them.

Veemon quickly tackled Flash out of the way, as the rocks flew passed them and smashed through a few trees. As they did, Monochromon stampeded out of the cave.

"Flash!" Veemon got up, "you gotta run!"

"You can't beat that thing on your own!" Flash cried, as Veemon charged towards the dinosaur Digimon.

"Vee-Headbutt!" He shot off the ground and propelled himself through the air, attempting to slam into Monochromon. But the Champion Digimon simply swung its horn around and knocked Veemon away. "Augh!" He crashed through a tree, falling to the ground in a heap.

Flash gasped at this, as Monochromon turned back to him. Flash slowly stepped backwards, as he wondered if this was gonna be the end. The Monochromon charged and Flash could only stand there, only for a blue blur to suddenly latch itself onto the dino's horn.

"Hey!" Veemon cried, "I'm over here! Focus on me!" Monochromon swung its horn around, trying to dislodge him. But Veemon held on tight.

"Get out of there!" Flash yelled, but Veemon didn't listen and continued to hold onto the horn. "Brave little guy!" He knew he should use this chance to escape. To run away whilst Veemon was distracting it. "I mean...it's not like he's real. He's just a bunch of data given form." But as he said that, Micro's voice echoed in his head.

"Everyone thinks what you're thinking their first time. That this is just some kind of simulation or VR scenario, but it's not. It's real and so are the Digimon. You might not believe it now, but eventually you'll realise this is all real."

"He's...real," Flash whispered. "He's real because if he wasn't, he wouldn't be trying so hard to help me." Veemon was finally tossed off of Monochromon, the little dragon slamming his head into a tree and falling to the ground. When he didn't move, Flash got worried. "No!"

Monochromon moved towards Veemon, looking ready to stomp him out. Flash knew it was insane, but he didn't care.

All the fear he had previously felt washed away, as he charged forward. "Leave him alone!" As he said this, the symbol on the Digimental began to glow. The dinosaur turned to see him and charged forward, Flash barely managing to leap to the side to avoid getting crushed.

He rolled along the ground as Monochromon slid to a stop, then turned to glare at him. "Volcanic Strike!" The fireballs exploded from his mouth, Flash jumping away from them but the explosion still knocked him flying.

"Augh!" Flash crashed into the ground, rolling along it before jumping to his feet. "That the best you go?" The Digimon growled, "come on! I'm not afraid of you." The symbol glowed brighter, "you want some? COME AND GET ME!" Monochromon charged at him, its horn pointed right at him. Flash stood his ground, not daring to let the overgrown iguana terrify him. And as he did, the symbol exploded with light.

Monochromon suddenly found itself crashing into a dome of orange light, which hand completely encased Flash.

The teen looked around, then noticed the light from the Digimental and looked it over. As he did, he could feel something awaken inside of him. Words formed in his head, Flash realising he could unlock the power hidden within. And as Monochromon slashed its horn on the dome, he held the egg up. "Digi-Armor...ENERGIZE!" The symbol burst into light, which consumed the Digimental and morphed it into a light stream that shot towards Veemon. As soon as it hit Veemon, he let out a gasp as his eyes opened.

"RAAAAAAH!" He pushed himself up to his feet, as his body burst into flames. "Veemon, Armor Digivolve to...!" His body expanded within the fire and began more lean and stocked. When the flames extinguished, he was revealed as a six foot humanoid dragon with red flame patterned armor and the symbol on his back. "Flamedramon, The Fire of Courage!"

Flash could hardly believe it. Veemon really had Digivolved. And he had helped him do it.

His celebration didn't last long, since with the Digimental gone the barrier protecting him had also vanished. As such, Monochromon could attack him again. And it did.

But as it prepared to crush him under foot, Flamedramon exploded off the ground and shot towards the dinosaur. He slammed his body into its side, knocking it away from Flash. Once he landed, he reached around and grabbed Flash. He then did a massive jump, causing them to go flying up towards the top of the rocky cave they had just been on.

"Stay here!" He put Flash down and leapt back towards the ground, where Monochromon was picking itself up. As he landed, the dinosaur charged forward. Flamedramon held his ground and managed to duck under the opponent's horn and grab him around the neck, then used all his strength lift Monochromon up and slam him into the ground.

The dinosaur was rattled by this and as Flamedramon jumped back, it let out a roar. Flamedramon roared back as he charged, Monochromon's mouth filling with fire. "Volcanic Strike!" The many fireballs exploded towards Flamedramon, who simply punched them away with his gauntleted claws.

He got in close and tried to punch Monochromon, but the dinosaur managed to hook its horn into his arm and throw him into the air. He cried out, as Flash watched in fear. But Flamedramon quickly managed to regain control and straighten himself in midair.

As he did, his entire body burst into flames. "Fire Rocket!" He dived down, heading straight towards his opponent like a giant flaming meteor.

"Yeah!" Flash cheered, "show that overgrown gecko who the boss is!" Monochromon fired the Volcanic Strike attack, but the flames merely bounced off the Fire Rocket and increased its power. Eventually, he smashed right into the dinosaur and caused an explosion that sent the beast fly.

Flamedramon leapt out of the explosion and jumped up towards the cliff, landing next to Flash as Monochromon lay upon the ground. They both looked down, as it pushed itself out of the crater it form. They wondered if the dinosaur would still attempt to attack. But instead, it turned to stagger away.

"It's leaving," Flash cheered as Flamedramon smirked.

"Heck yeah it is!" The dragon Digimon nodded, "thanks to you unlocking the Digimental." Flash smiled, then remembered something Micro had told him.

Now that he wasn't in absolute danger, he decided to take out his Digivice and scanned him. When he did, the Armor Digimon's stats appeared.

Name: Flamedramon
Level: Armor
Type: Free
Attribute: Fire
Species: Dragon Man
Family: Dragon's Roar, Nature Spirits, Metal Empire, Nightmare Soldiers

"Wow," Flash smirked as he stared at the information given to him. He had his first Digimon Scan. But this didn't mean he was out of the Fresh Level yet.

As soon as he finished scanning him, Flamedramon's body was consumed by light before he shrank. When the light flew off of him, Veemon was revealed as the Digimental reappeared between them.

Flash grabbed the egg before it hit the ground, the teen looking it over and feeling the power within it. "This is so cool." But as amazing as this had all been, he was still trapped somewhere in the Digital World with no way out. "I gotta find a way to get back. But how?"

Before he could think of an answer, a loud roar filled the air as they all turned to see something push its way through the trees. A giant red T-rex Digimon with green spikes.

"Tyrannomon!" Flash cried, as another T-rex appeared. This was followed by another and another and another, until five of these titanic behemoths stopped towards them. And unlike Monochromon, they were so big that Flash and Veemon were directly in their line of sight.

The Digimon roared at them, Flash realising he was about to become lunch.

"Look out!" Veemon pushed him out of the way, right as the lead Tyrannomon unleashed its Fire Breath attack. The flames flew over them and the heat was almost unbearable. When it finally ended, they both looked up and saw the other Tyrannomon about to attack.

"You need to Digivolve again!" Flash told Veemon, only to hear a sound coming from the little dragon's stomach.

"Sorry," Veemon moaned. "That last fight really drained me. I don't think I have the energy to Digivolve." Flash gulped as he looked up at the Tyrannomon, which were all about to blast them. But before they could...

"Cyber Nail!" A dark blur shot passed the Tyrannomon and they roared in pain, as the blur shot passed again and caused them to all stagger back and hold areas of their body that were starting to bleed.

The cause of these slashes finally appeared in front of Flash and Veemon, it being a strange Digimon in black rubber armor that had spikes on its elbows, claws and crimson torn wings.

"Wow," Flash whispered, "a Cyberdramon." The Ultimate Level Digimon shot forward and slashed at the Tyrannomon, moving too fast for any of them to react to and stop. When it reappeared in front of the pair, its claws turned green.

"Desolation Claw!" It slashed them through the air, creating trails of green energy that then formed into an orb it held it each hand. Bringing them together, it thrust the now single orb forward and it exploded into a beam of white light.

The beam split into multiple beams, which collided with the Tyrannomon and made them all roar in pain as they were sent staggering back.

Cyberdramon turned to the pair and flew down, grabbing them both in its arms. "Come on!" He cried, as he flew straight up into the air and over the small mountain as the Tyrannomon all recovered from the attacks. Flash and Veemon both felt terrified, fearing they had gone from one dangerous situation to another.

"Hmm," Flash gulped, "excuse me. You're not...planning on eating us or anything, are you?"

"What?" Cyberdramon looked down at him, "of course not. We came to save you."

"We?" Flash asked, before hearing a voice coming from up ahead.

"FLASH!" He looked ahead and was surprised to see a giant blue beetle Digimon he knew as a Kabuterimon was flying towards him, with Micro riding its black helmet.

Micro looked happy to see him, as Kabuterimon and Cyberdramon flew down towards the ground. "You're okay!" Micro leapt down off the beetle, as it transformed back into Tentomon. "What the heck are you doing here? We were terrified something happened to you."

"Something did happen to me!" Flash cried, "instead of going to Primary Village, I got warped here and attacked by a bunch of Digimon. I tried to use the return function, but it didn't work. What the heck happened?"

"I apologise." Flash jumped as someone suddenly appeared. That someone was Gennai, who smiled at him. "I'm afraid some kind of glitch has entered this area of the Digital World. This glitch caused a few issues and one of them was you getting pulled out of the transport stream and dumped here."

"Huh." Flash was a little confused by this, but then he remembered the wall that kept glitching. "Could it have something to do with this?" He held up the Digimental and Gennai's eyes went wide when he saw it.

"Where did you get that?" He asked, only for a light to catch their attention.

They all looked around to see Cyberdramon being consumed by light. He then shrank down before actually splitting in two with the light then fading, revealing a pair of individuals. One of them was a small purple dinosaur Digimon with yellow and red trim and a pair of small wings on his arms. Flash realised this was a Monodramon, a Digimon he had always wanted to play but could never get the card for.

But it was the other light that really caught his attention, as it turned into a man with white skin and blue hair. He was wearing a purple shirt under a white overcoat and black pants.

Flash was shocked, "where did you come from?"

The man laughed, "I was Cyberdramon. You really are a newbie, huh?"

Flash frowned as Micro stepped forward. "Flash, this is Shining Armor. One of the best Codex players around. He and his partner heard about you being lost and offered to help." Flash nodded as he looked down at Monodramon, realising he was the Cyberdramon that had saved him.

"Thanks for the assist."

"You shouldn't thank me," Monodramon smiled. "Shining was the one who saved your butt." Flash was still confused, as Shining laughed.

"Biomerge Digivolution. It allows a human and their Digimon partner to merge and Digivolve together, with the human normally being the one in control of the body."

"Huh," Flash looked impressed, "that's cool." He was still getting used to the whole, being a digital life form. Hopefully, the next time he dived into the Digital World he could try this.

Gennai looked like he was about to speak up, but in that moment he noticed Veemon standing besides Flash. And when he did, his eyes went wide. "Where did you find a Veemon?" Flash looked shocked by this, as Gennai knelt down and looked the blue lizard over. "I can't believe it. I thought the Veemon species had gone extinct."

Veemon looked a little awkward. "Well...I'm still here." He pointed at the object in Flash's hand, "I was just trapped under that."

Gennai stared at the Digimental and nodded. "I see. So another ancient species has been freed."

"Ancient species?" Flash asked, as the others nodded.

Gennai explained. "Veemon is a species of Digimon that hasn't been seen for a millennia. It was believed they had all gone extinct, the data needed for a Digimon to become one lost to time. And he wasn't the only one. There have been other Digimon from the ancient past, long thought gone but in truth were merely waiting along with their Digimental."

Flash looked at the egg he had used to Digivolve Veemon, as the others also looked it over. "Wow," Micro smirked, "A real Digimental. I've seen scans of them, but never seen the real thing."

"There are others?" Flash asked, as Shining nodded.

"So far, four Digimentals have been discovered. Love, Kindness, Knowledge and Light. If we add yours to the mix, that makes five."

"But only two of them had a Digimon hiding beneath it," Gennai nodded. "Both of them were ancient Digimon who, like Veemon, were thought long extinct." He knelt down in front of Veemon and patted him on his head, "you are the last of your kind." Veemon was clearly upset about this, "for now."

"Huh?" Veemon looked up at him, "what do you mean...for now?"

Gennai smiled, "you think we'd let such an amazing species like you become extinct again? If you'll let me, I can take a copy of your data and return it to the Digital World's main information stream. That data will then become the blueprint for more Veemon who can appear. I'm sure there are a few In-Training Digimon with the potential to become a Veemon." Veemon liked the sound of this. "Well, we'd best be getting Flash back to Codex before anything else decides to try and eat him." Veemon didn't like the sound of this.

"I guess," Flash nodded before turning to Veemon. "Well, I guess this is it for now. Hope we meet again someday."

"Yeah," Veemon frowned. Clearly, he didn't want to say goodbye to Flash.

Shining noticed this and smirked. "You know Flash. If you moved that Digimental, it must mean you were meant to meet Veemon." Flash looked at him in confusion. "And it's clear Veemon likes you." Veemon nodded, Flash smiling as he patted him on the head. "So why not take him with you back to Codex."

"How?" Flash asked.

"Make him your partner." This surprised the pair. "That way, Veemon would be allowed in Codex and you guys can continue to hang out together. And if it doesn't work out, you can go your separate ways with no hard feelings."

Flash turned to Veemon, who smiled at him. "I like that idea. Let's be partners."

Flash still didn't look sure, but then smirked. "Sure, why not." He took out his Digivice, "how do I do this?"

"There's a function called partner scan," Gennai explained. "Activate it and it'll connect to the next Digimon you scan." Flash smirked and looked it over, eventually finding the option and activating it. He then pointed it at Veemon and pulled the trigger, causing a beam to fly out and hit him.

Veemon stared down at the red light on his chest, as his information was scanned and a connection was made between him and the Digivice. Eventually, the scan completed and Flash's Digivice beeped.

Connection Established. Veemon data now uploaded and registered.

It then switched to show the information on Veemon, just like it had shown for Flamedramon when Flash had scanned him.

Name: Veemon
Level: Rookie
Type: Free
Attribute: Neutral
Species: Tiny Dragon
Family: Dragon's Roar, Nature Spirits, Virus Busters, Unknown

Several more stats also appeared on the screen, showing Veemon's Attack, Defence, Special Attack and Defence, HP and even Speed. Flash didn't know if any of the numbers on here were good, but he liked to think they were.

"Wow," Flash whispered, "my very own partner Digimon." As he said that, an alert came up on his Digivice. Words then appeared, "congratulations on entering the In-Training Level."

Micro smirked, "your first Digimon was your partner. I think you might be the first Codex Player that's ever done that." Flash smiled, he and Veemon turning to one another and high-fiving. "Alright, let's get you back to Codex."

"How?" Flash held up his Digivice. "When I tried to use the return function, it didn't work." The others looked confused and all quickly brought out their Digivices, Gennai summoning his holographic computer again.

"I see. Must be part of the glitch. Give me a second. I'll send you a patch." He typed away at it before Flash's Digivice beeped, the teen watched as it went blank for a second before rebooting. "Alright, that should have fixed it. Try returning now.

"Alright," Flash hit the return button on the location page before raising the Digivice high and pulling the trigger. As he did, he and Veemon exploded into a flurry of ones and zeros. These numbers shot into the sky, as Micro and Shining did the same. Gennai simply vanished as the pair transported themselves back to Codex.

Flash and Veemon both flew through the tunnel, Flash worried he would end up being blown away somewhere else again.

But to his relief, when he reached the end of the tunnel he found himself reappearing back in the crazy world he had started this whole day from. Veemon was still standing beside him, looking around in amazement.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Veemon nodded as Micro and Shining appeared at the Digi-Port.

Shining smiled as he saw Flash and Veemon looking ready for anything together. "Well, this is where we part ways." Flash turned to him, "hope your little misadventure hasn't put you off Codex." He began to walk away, Monodramon going with him. "Maybe we'll battle one day."

"Maybe we will," Flash smirked as Micro laughed.

"Yeah right." Flash looked at him, "Shining's the best. Literally. He was one of the first Codex players online. He was the first to make it into the Rookie, Champion and Ultimate levels. And pretty soon, he's gonna be the first Mega Level Player. Don't take this the wrong way, but you battling against him is something that's not gonna happen for a long, long time."

Flash frowned, but he wasn't gonna let that get the better of him. If Shining really was that great, he was gonna find a way to get good enough to battle him. And with the Digimental of-

"Huh?" He looked into his hands and saw the egg was gone, his eyes going wide. "Oh no. Where's the Digimental?"

"Relax," Micro told him, "go into your item box." Flash looked at his Digivice and saw said window, pressing it and finding it opened a page with multiple empty squares. Only one was full of something. The Digimental. "See. That's your item box. Anything you find in the Digital World will be stored in there. You can't physically touch it here, but you can still do a bunch of things with it."

"Cool," Flash nodded. He quickly realised that even if he wanted to face Shining, he was still a newbie and needed to learn as much as he could about this world. But first things first, he needed to log out so the real him knew what the heck this all was. "So I just press the top button, right?" Micro looked at him and nodded.

"Yup. You press it and it sends a signal to the real you, who'll press the same button. Then, all the memories you made will be uploaded into the real you's brain."

"Cool," Flash smirked before pressing the button. Micro did the same and a few seconds later, the pair and their Digimon exploded into data that was sucked into the Digi-Port's lights.

Back in the real world, Flash and Micro had taken a break from jamming and were currently making lunch in Micro's kitchen.

Flash had just finished a ham and egg sandwich, when he suddenly noticed the light on his Digivice glowing. "Hey!" He picked it up, "my avatar's been processed." As he said that, Micro's Digivice also glowed. The pair picked them both up and pressed the buttons at the exact same time.

Flash's eyes suddenly went wide, as memories of everything his avatar did were streamed right into his head. Going to Codex, learning Digimon were real. Meeting Veemon. It all flowed into his mind.

When the upload was complete, Flash blinked as the memories settled. They were so vivid and clear, it was as if he really had lived them all himself. He now had two sets of memories, one of his time on earth and these ones. Both memories were completely ingrained in his mind, making his feel like he had lived a lifetime in just a few hours.

"Dude," he finally stated as Micro smiled.

"I know."

"Dude," Flash turned to him.

"I know."


"Flash!" The teen looked down at his Digivice and was surprised when he saw Veemon on the screen. "Hi!" The blue dragon waved, "er...where am I?"

"Relax, Veemon." Flash turned to Micro's Digivice and saw it had Tentomon on it. "This is where you'll be whenever you and Flash aren't logged into Codex."

"Oh. Okay." Veemon looked around at everything he could see through the screen, "so that's the real world?" Flash spun him around and showed Veemon the kitchen. "Pretty cool."

"And there's loads more to show you," Flash smirked. "But I think we should get back in there."

"Already?" Micro asked, "guess I shouldn't be surprise. You're always eager to learn everything you can about something new. Alright. Let's get going!" They both nodded and pressed the button, the pair of them once again transporting their avatars into Codex. As soon as they did, the pair saw their Digivices go blank and Flash frowned.

"Now what?"

"Now we do whatever we want whilst we wait for our avatars to come back. We can keep jamming, go to the movies or do our homework so it's all ready for school." Flash raised an eyebrow at this. "What, I like to get it out of the way so I can enjoy myself." Flash laughed as they finished their lunches.

As soon as Flash and Veemon returned to Codex, the teen looked around the place with wonder. It was still hard to believe that all this was virtual, even him.

Micro and Tentomon arrived as well, Flash turning to them with an eager smirk on his face. "Now that I'm an In-Training player, I can battle in the stadiums. Right?"

"Almost," Micro nodded. "But first, you need to build a deck." Flash and Veemon looked confused, but Micro gestured for him to follow. They headed over to a cafe, where the pair sat down and ordered some burgers. "The best part about this place. You can eat anything you want and not gain a single pound. You'll find a lot of overweight players lose a ton because they're eating healthy food in the real world and enjoying the virtual food here."

"Girls must love that," Flash laughed with Micro nodding. "So how do I build a deck?"

"First things first," Micro took out his Digivice. "We need to get you registered as my friend. That way, we can communicate even if we're not in the same place."

"That could have come in handy earlier," Flash frowned as he opened the page. The pair pointed their Digivices at each other and pulled the trigger, the lasers flying out and hitting one another. Once that happened, they both got a new window inside the page with each other's names.

"There," Micro nodded. "Now that that's done, we can find one another and call whenever we need each other." Flash nodded before exiting the page, then noticing the deck tab.

Activating it, he found it opened up a page with two buttons inside. One said 'New Deck', whilst the other said 'Edit Deck'. But the second button wasn't highlighted. "Alright, so how do I make a deck?"

Micro smirked. "First, hit the new deck button." Flash did so and it brought up an image of several boxes in a row, each connected to the other by a line. Each box had a letter inside, the far left having an R, followed by C, U and finally M. Below them were two other boxes, one with an I in it and the other with BG inside. "Alright, first you need to pick what Digimon you wanna start the deck from."


"Some people build decks by selecting one of the higher Levels first. Either the Mega or Ultimate Level. They then work backwards. But since you only have Veemon, you'll only be able to put him in your deck."

"But I don't just have Veemon," Flash pointed out. Micro and Tentomon looked surprised by this.

"He scanned me when I was Flamedramon," Veemon smirked. "Before he made me his partner."

"You scanned an Armor Form before you scanned your Rookie?" Flash nodded, Micro laughing. "Only you would do that. Alright, then you can add Flamedramon. First, click the Rookie box." He did so and suddenly, another window popped open. This window had a bunch of empty boxes in it, with two of them filled. Both had Veemon, though one was surrounded by a golden border. "Those are all your scans. If you pick the Veemon in the golden box, that means you're using a partner scan. That'll make it so Veemon merges with you when you fight."

"Like what Shining did?"

"Exactly. Veemon won't be able to do anything, but he'll be able to give you advice and you'll get another Security with him." Flash didn't know what Security was, but he knew Micro would explain eventually.

Flash selected the Partner Scan and it returned to the deck page, the image of Veemon now inside the R box. "Now I pick Flamedramon, right?" He pressed the C box, but nothing happened. "What's going on?"

"If you wanna use an Armor Digimon, you're gonna need to place the needed Digimental into your item box."

"Got it." He pressed said Box and the item page appeared, the Digimental of Courage ever present. Selecting this item, he smiled when the Deck Page reappeared with Digimental in the box and the C one illuminated. He pressed it and sure enough, the Flamedramon scan was waiting for him.

Once he had that scan locked in, he assumed his deck was complete. But then he noticed the BG box and asked Micro what that was.

"Battle Gear," Micro explained. "Weapons and gadgets that give the Digimon using them new abilities. Some are laser blasters, others are drills and other stuff. Each Battle Gear is specifically designed so it can only be used by a certain Digimon Family."

"Cool," Veemon smirked, "I wanna try one."

"But I don't have any Battle Gear," Flash told him.

"Hang on," Micro started typing away at his Digivice. "I managed to get my hands on a double of something. You said Veemon was part of the Dragon's Roar Family, right?"

"And Flamedramon."

"Great. Then this'll be perfect." He hit the button and suddenly, a window popped up on Flash's Digivice.

Micro Chips has sent you a present.

Flash pressed the accept and to his surprise, it took him to the Battle Gear page where he found an item was now in it. Said item was something called a Dragon Booster, Flash smirking but then frowning. "Thanks, but I wouldn't feel right having you hand me something."

"Don't worry about it," Micro smirked. "We're friends, so it's what we do." Flash still didn't feel right.

However, in that moment he realised there was something he could do. "Hang on." He went to his item box and found the Digimental, tapping it and seeing it had three options. Send, delete and scan. He hit the scan button and sure enough, he got a second scan of the Digimental. One he quickly hit send on before attaching Micro's friend address to.

A few seconds later, Micro's Digivice beeped and he looked shocked by what he saw. "Flash...really?"

"Why not? You've more then helped me. Consider it a trade for the Battle Gear." Micro smirked and looked through the info, as Flash added the Battle Gear to his deck. "Alright, I've got my deck. Probably not the best..."

"For an In-Training, it's great. Most players only have a single Digimon in their decks when they have their first battle. You'll be able to Digivolve whilst they're stuck as a Rookie. Now come on. Let's get you to the stadium." They headed out of the main building towards the bridge leading the another of the floating islands.

"So...how exactly do we battle? Is there a trick to it?"

"It's basically just an all out fight," Micro explained. "The goal is to destroy all your opponent's security."

"Security. You mentioned that before. What is it?"

"Security are the lives you have. Each security has a life bar and when that bar drops to zero, you'll lose a security. Once you've lost all your security, your opponent will only have to hit you one more time to delete your Digimon and beat you."

"Oh, got it."

"You're still In-Training," Micro explained. "So you're supposed to have two Security right now. But since you'll be battling with Veemon, you'll get an extra Security." Flash nodded, counting that that meant he had three. With an extra security and the benefit of being able to Digivolve when the opponent probably couldn't, he had a feeling this first match would be a lock.

They finally arrived at the entrance to the In-Training Stadium. There wasn't that many people and Digimon around, but that was likely to be expected. "You ready Veemon?"

"Yeah!" Veemon nodded, "let's show whoever we face what it means to be a Digimon." Flash smirked and turned to Micro, who nodded back with Tentomon.

"Just watch. I'm gonna wipe the floor with whoever I'm facing."

"Yeah you will." He began to walk away, "I'm gonna watch your match from main building. Good luck." Flash nodded and turned towards the building, as Micro and Tentomon ran across the bridge. Now it was just Flash and Veemon.

"Let's go bud!" He and Veemon marched forward, entering the stadium and seeing several people inside. Unlike Flash, none of them had any Digimon. As such, Flash seemed to draw a lot of attention to himself. He suddenly felt very worried and waved as he made his way towards the reception desk. "Hey," he saw a robot behind it, "I wanna compete."

"Very well. Please insert your Digivice into the slot." Flash looked down and saw an opening in the desk appear, Flash pushing the end of his Digivice into it as the data was transferred. "Excellent. The system will now select an opponent for you. If you would please wait until then, your Digivice will announce when you're battle will begin and which room to go to."

Flash nodded and took the device out of the slot, moving over to an empty area of the stadium. He and Veemon didn't have to wait long, however, as a minute later the Digivice announced his opponent had been chosen. He followed the directions on the device and headed down a hallway, eventually coming to a large door that was waiting for him and Veemon.

The young teen and his Digimon Partner stepped into the room, which they found was a large black dome. There, he spotted a pair of podiums in the centre of the room. And as he moved towards it, the door opposite opened and someone stepped inside.

It was one of the teens Flash had seen in the foyer, a slightly overweight teen with glasses and long hair. He walked up to the podium closest to him as Flash did the same, both looking unsure.

"Flash Sentry!" Flash was surprised by the voice that spoke out above him, "Coconut Crasher!" The other teen looked up, "you are both here to compete in your first Codex Battle. The winner will proceed to the Rookie Level and the loser must battle again to gain the rank. Are you both ready?"

"Yes," Crasher stated.

"Yeah," Flash nodded as Veemon cheered with his fist in the air.

"Then place your Digivices into the battle podiums and select your decks." They both placed the devices into the podium slots, causing a holographic version of the Digivice's display to appeared above them. Flash looked at Crasher's screen, but the back of it was black and he couldn't see anything. He assumed the same was true for his screen.

Flash selected the deck box and it brought up the same option to create or edit decks. Flash wondered if anyone ever made a new deck right from this point. He selected edit deck and brought up the one he had just made, selecting it. It asked if he wanted to edit the deck or use it as is, Flash selecting use it.

Crasher quickly selected his own deck and the pair watched as the screens vanished. Then, Flash's screen returned. "Flash Sentry! You have been randomly select to choose the battlefield you would like to use." Flash looked at his options and saw he only had two. Primary Village and Brave Forest. He knew his best bet was to select the Brave Forest, since he already knew about it. "Brave Forest has been select. When both players are ready, hit the start button."

The two quickly found a holographic start button appeared in front of them, the two glancing at one another before Crasher smirked. "Let's get Digital!" He cried, slamming the button. As he did, he was suddenly surrounded by light and shrank down into a smaller form. "Gotsumon!" When the light faded, he was revealed to be a small rock Digimon.

"Cool," Flash smirked before glancing at Veemon. The Rookie Dragon nodded before Flash slammed his hand on the button. "Let's get Digital!" The pair were consumed by light and suddenly merged together, the light flying off of them and revealing a single Veemon. When Flash got over the shock of it, he looked himself over and was amazed. "Wow. I'm Veemon."

"This is so cool," Veemon's voice echoed in his head. "I can see and hear everything you can, but I can't move."

"Well bud, I'm counting on you to be my extra eyes and ears."

"You got it!" As they said that, the entire room radiated a bright light. It blinded Flash, forcing him to close his eyes as he felt the area around him change. The next thing he knew, he felt grass beneath his toes and a gentle breeze upon his skin.

When he opened his eyes, he realised he was back in the Brave Forest. He also noticed several things in his vision. The first was a shield symbol in the top left of his vision, which had a three on it and a green bar next to it. Seems that was his Security. He then spotted a blue bar under the green one, though didn't know what that was. He also notice something at the top right of his vision. An empty gauge of some kind, which he wasn't sure about.

But what he did know about was the two boxes on the bottom left and right of his vision, the left having a familiar I inside of it and the right having BG. Those were likely his Item and Battle Gear options. But he would have to save them for later. Right now, he needed to find his opponent.

"Rock Fist!" He spun around towards the voice and gasped when he saw a large rock flying towards him, slamming into his head.

"Augh!" He cried, staggering back as the green bar next to his Security went down.

Veemon: 3-75%
Gotsumon: 2-100%

He leaned against a tree, holding his head in pain as he turned towards where the rock had come from. And sure enough, the Gotsumon he had seen Crasher turn into was standing right there.

"First blood to me," Crasher laughed. "Hope you're ready to concede." Flash glared at him. He wasn't about to let this guy get the better of him. He had been through too much to just give up at the starting block. He was only just getting started.

Author's Note:

And thus, Flash has his partner and is now battling in his first official Codex battle. How will things turn out and will Flash manage to overcome his opponent. Only time will tell. Hope these two chapters got you hooked and I'm looking forward to hearing what you guys think of the story.

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