• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,619 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Battle for the Champion Title

Codex was abuzz with activity. The reason was because one of the players had just won his way into the Mega Level, the first to do so in Codex.

Said player was currently making his way towards the foyer, Monodramon walking besides them. And whenever they passed someone, that person or Digimon stopped and congratulated him on his ascension.

Shining smiled and thanked them, only to be stopped by the next person he walked by. As such, it took him quite a while to finally get back to the main building. And when he got there, he found a large group of players were gathered around a table.

One of them was his sister, Twilight turning to laugh as she ran up to him. "YOU DID IT!" She threw her arms around him, Shining hugging her tightly whilst Tawnimon and Monodramon high-fived. "You were amazing."

"Thanks sis," Shining smiled as they pulled away. "It was a close fight. Could have gone either way."

"Are you kidding?" Rainbow asked. "You totally obliterated that guy. I almost felt bad for him. Almost." Shining smiled at this and looked around, seeing all of Twilight's friends were there and had clearly seen the fight take place. But then he noticed one friend was missing.

"Where's Flash and Veemon? Don't tell me they missed my Mega Level battle?" But then he noticed everyone smiling, "what?"

"Oh, they saw it alright." Micro took a sip from his drink. "And as soon as he saw you win, he ran over to the Rookie Arena."

"He's gonna go become a Champion," Tentomon announced. As soon as he said that, one of the monitors changed to show Flash and Veemon standing in the arena. They all watched as the pair waited for their opponent, all of them biting their nails.

"Kinda hard to believe those two made it to this point already," Sandalwood stated. "I don't think any of us were able to make it to the Champion Stadium so quickly." They all nodded. Many of them had taken far longer. Flash had barely lost any matches in the Rookie Stadium, which was either a testament to how good he had become or proof all the best players had already left that stadium.

"Flash hasn't made it to the Championship yet," Shining pointed out. "Who knows how tough his opponent is."

"Maybe." They all looked around and saw Thorax and Grubmon, the pair walking towards them. "But those two aren't exactly your run of the mill players. I mean, they can already Digivolve to Ultimate."

"That won't help them here," Twilight pointed out. She stared at Flash and noticed the look on his face. It was a mix of excitement and worry. "You can do this, Flash."

As Flash waited for his opponent to arrive, he couldn't help but think back to Shining's battle.

Compared to him, Flash was nothing special. He was still making mistakes, even if he managed to pull out a win after he did. But he couldn't let that stop him from pursuing his goal. He was gonna battle Shining in a full on battle one day and this was his next obstacle to overcome.

The doors of the room then opened and when they did, Flash saw a girl his age walk in.

She was a light green skinned girl, with dark green hair wearing a brown striped jumper and blue jeans. She stepped forward and was surprised when she saw her opponent. "Flash Sentry." The teen hummed at this.

"Do I know you?"

"No," she shook her head, "we've never met in person. But I know you through reputation. I've been playing this game twice as long as you and only now am I getting the chance to play for the Champion Level. Guess it just shows how much better you probably are than me."

"Hey," Flash frowned, "that's not true. I might have been able to get here faster than you, but I bet you have a bunch more experience than me."

"I guess," she nodded. "Still, you'll probably forget about me as soon as we finish playing. Most people do." Flash frowned, seeing this girl had serious confidence issues.

"I doubt that. Especially if you beat me. Anyway, are we gonna battle or what?" She nodded and took out a green Digivice, placing it down on the podium. Flash did the same, as the robotic voice appeared.

"Flash Sentry! Wallflower Blush! You are both here to compete in a Codex Battle. A victory here will allow either of you to rank up to the Champion Level. Are both players ready to compete?" They nodded, "then choose your decks." The screens appeared and the pair began to chose them.

Back in the foyer, Flash's friends were all curious about which Digimon he would pick.

"What do you think?" Rainbow asked, turning to Twilight and Micro. Neither of them had an answer, though they knew there was a high chance of Flash picking Veemon. But after that, there was no telling what might happen.

"Has anyone ever seen his opponent before?" Thorax asked, everyone shaking their heads. "Really, not even once. She's fighting for the Champion Rank to, so she has to have won a lot of matches." Still, they couldn't remember if they had seen her before. And if they had, they all felt bad that they might have forgotten.

Shining rolled his eyes. "Well if she beats Flash, we'll definitely remember her." As he said that, both of them locked their decks in. "Here we go."

"Flash Sentry. You have been randomly selected to choose the battlefield you would like to use." Flash opened up the menu and selected a battlefield. "Flame Terminal has been selected. When both players are ready, hit the start button."

The pair nodded and locked eyes with one another before slamming the start button. "LET'S GET DIGITAL!" Everyone watched as the pair were surrounded with light, Flash's friends shocked when they saw Veemon get sucked into the Digivice.

"He's not using Veemon?" Trixie asked, as Flash's form was revealed.

"Flamemon!" He cried, revealing the impish half man half beast Digimon with a burning tail. He stood tall, as the light around Wallflower vanished as well.

Doing so revealed plant Digimon, who was mostly green with white and purple arms, a collar of red leaves around her neck and two red petals covering the top of her head. She also had a tail with thorns sticking out of it. "Floramon!"

Everyone was still shocked by Flash's choice, wondering why he wouldn't use his best Digimon in such an important battle. "Maybe he's taking a leaf out of Shining's book?" Micro guessed. "We were expecting you to use Monodramon, but instead you used other Digimon and it completely threw your opponent out of whack for the rest of the match."

Shining hummed, wondering if that was true. But he had a feeling Flash had intended to use Flamemon even before seeing his fight.

"Either way," Twilight brought up Floramon's bio-sheet. "Flamemon has an advantage."

Name: Floramon
Level: Rookie
Type: Data
Attribute: Plant
Species: Vegetation
Family: Wind Guardian, Jungle Trooper

"Floramon's plant attribute is weak against Flamemon's fire attribute. And since Flamemon's a Free-type, Floramon won't be able to do much damage. If Flash keeps using Fire Digimon and Wallflower Plant Digimon, he'll have the upper-hand."

"Maybe," Shining nodded as the battlefield began to form, "but there's no telling how this battle might turn out." The battlefield appeared and revealed a large metal piece of land, surrounded by forests on all sides. On this metal piece of land were many metal building, that were shaped like cactuses and had flames coming out the tops. In the very centre of this city was a large building, that had train tracks running in and out of it.

Inside this train station, Flamemon and Floramon appeared on platforms opposite one another.

The pair stared one another down, Floramon quickly glancing around in every direction. Flamemon didn't need to look around and quickly ran forward, leaping off the platform and flying towards her. As he did, his blazing tail grew stronger.

"Flame Tail!" He spun around, his tail morphing into a whip-like weapon that shot straight towards Floramon.

But the flower Digimon leapt back, avoiding the flaming tail as the petals on her head lifted up and revealed said head was completely hollow. "Rain of Pollen!" A cloud of dust flew out of her head and flew towards Flamemon, surrounding him before he had a chance to escape.

"Augh!" He fell to the ground and started coughing, as the dust entered his system. As he did, his body began to grow numb and he felt like all his strength was leaving him. "What...what is this?"

"My Rain of Pollen," Floramon explained. "Anyone who sniffs it will find themselves losing the strength to fight." She smiled at the vine-like tendril coming out of her hand glowed. "Now, you can do nothing but sit back and let me whip you into shape. Poison Ivy!" She swung her vine around and it extended into a long whip.

Said whip struck Flamemon and knocked him staggering, as Floramon claimed first blood.

Floramon: 3-100%
Flamemon: 3-90%

Floramon kept whipping her vines around, attempting to hit him again. But Flamemon was able to jump away and roll along the platform to avoid them, only for Floramon to spin around and swing them at him again. "Augh!" Flamemon cried, getting hit in the back whilst the second whip flew at him.

Floramon: 3-100%
Flamemon: 3-80%

But instead of hitting him, Flamemon was able to grab Floramon's tendril and yank her towards him. As she staggered closer, Flamemon shook his head to try and focus himself whilst his other hand ignited into fire. "Noble Heart!" He roared, as Floramon got within striking range.

His swung his fist upwards and smashed it into Floramon's chin, the uppercut making her scream in pain as she was knocked backwards.

Floramon: 3-80%
Flamemon: 3-80%

As she staggered back, Flamemon released her and staggered back. His head was still feeling the effects of Floramon's first attack and he knew if he stayed with it still in effect, he would be in for a major disadvantage.

As such, he looked around and spotted a section of the train station that led to a lower area. And the best part was, the doorway was full of fire.

"Where are you going?" Floramon asked as Flamemon charged towards the door, staggering towards it and even running on all fours for better balance. When she saw where he was heading, she realised he was going where she wouldn't be able to follow. "Oh no you don't. Poison Ivy!" She swung both vines towards Flamemon as he got closer to the door.

The first one struck him in the back, making him flinch as he reached the fire.

Floramon: 3-80%
Flamemon: 3-70%

The second vine grabbed him by the ankle and tried to pull him away, but Flamemon used all his strength to pull himself through the fire. "Augh!" Floramon cried, as he vine was singed and she was forced to release him.

Floramon: 3-75%
Flamemon: 3-70%

Flamemon sighed as he stood on the other side of the doorway, on a staircase leading down into the Flame Terminal's sub-levels. He headed down it, knowing there had to some coins down there. He also knew that there were none-flaming entrances into the basement, meaning Floramon would be able to follow him. But the area was a collection of mazes and she would have a hard time finding him.

By the time he reached the bottom of the stairs, the effects of the pollen were finally starting to wain. He knew he had to be careful, since all Floramon had to do was hit him again and he would be back in trouble. "Come on," he whispered as he made his way through a hallway. "There's gotta be one somewhere."

He stepped turned left, then right and straight ahead to arrive at the entrance of a large chamber. Said chamber was dome-like and had metal pipes running along the walls. In the middle of the room was a large pipe, sticking out of the ground that ended a meter or so up. It had a grate over the top of hit and every ten seconds, a massive blast of fire would explode out of it.

It was atop this pipe, floating over the grate, that Flash spotted a Digivolution Coin. "Yes!" He ran towards it, getting ready to leap over it. But as he did, a voice caught his attention.

"Rain of Pollen!" The dust cloud flew out of another entrance and shot straight towards him. This forced him to leap back, covering his mouth as the make of the attack ran into the room. "Poison Ivy!" Floramon launched a vine up into the air, wrapping it around a pipe and using it to propel herself upwards.

The flames coming out of the pipe stopped as she swung towards it, giving her an opening to swing over it and grab the Digivolution Coin. As she absorbed it, Floramon swung towards the other side of the pipe and got out from above it seconds before the flames exploded out again.

She let go of the pipes and landed down on the ground, as Flamemon flew towards her. Floramon saw this and unleashed another Rain of Pollen, but Flamemon was ready for her this time. "Monkey Ball!" He cried, as fire exploded out of every pour in his body.

The flaming veil around him allowed the Rookie Digimon to rush into the dust cloud without fear, the pollen burning up as soon as it touched the flames.

This allowed Flamemon to get in close and start throwing punches at Floramon, who did her best to avoid the attacks as best she could. But Flamemon eventually managed to land a hit on her stomach and knocked her back with a powerful kick.

Floramon: 3-55%
Flamemon: 3-70%

"Augh!" She crashed into the ground and Flamemon leapt up into the air, moving in an arch down towards the flower Digimon. As he did, the fire coming out of his body began to concentrate around his knee.

Floramon opened her eyes and saw the flaming meteor flying down towards her, preparing to crash into her and do serious damage. "Poison Ivy!" She used a vine to pull herself away, Flamemon crashing into the ground as she escaped.

She retracted her vine until she was up by the ceiling, as the smoke from Flamemon's attack vanished along with the flames all around him.

"Not bad," she told him. "Against something like that, getting close to you would be impossible." Flamemon nodded as he got into a fighting position, "but I'm guessing it uses up a ton of SP." She dropped down as Flamemon's tail flared up, "so you can't use it much."

"Maybe not!" Flamemon spun around, his tail extending up into a fire whip. "But I've still got Flame Tail!" The fire lash shot towards her, but Floramon spun in the air and doing so allowed her to create air resistance between herself and the whip. As such, the force around her and the whip pushed against one another and were repelled, allowing her to land.

"Poison Ivy!" She swung her tendrils around and lashed at Flamemon, hitting him head on. Literally, the whip slammed into his head and knocked him back.

Floramon: 3-55%
Flamemon: 3-60%

As he regained his footing, he prepared a counter attack. But before he could his body suddenly went rigid and he couldn't move for even a second, "ahhhh!"

Floramon smirked, "paralysis stat acquired."

"That's not good," Twilight gulped.

"How'd that happen?" Pinkie asked.

"Poison Ivy lives up to its name," Shining replied. "A lot of Plant Digimon developed how to use it because of how useful it can be. Hitting the opponent with a whip covered in a special toxin. Hit them enough times and an effect will kick in. Either poison, sleep or paralysis. Flash just got paralysed."

"That could make things tricky," Micro gulped as Floramon ran forward.

She got in close and with a swing of her arms, slapped Flamemon with her leaf hands.

Floramon: 3-55%
Flamemon: 3-55%

Flamemon staggered back, but Floramon chased after him and started dancing, slapping Flamemon with her hands and feet several times.

Floramon: 3-55%
Flamemon: 3-20%

"Augh!" Flamemon cried as he slammed into the wall of the chamber. Floramon prepared to attack again, but he had finally recovered from his paralysis. "Monkey Ball!" He once again surrounded himself in flames and stopped Floramon from getting to close, the Demon Man Digimon leaping forward and slamming a fist into her chest.

"Gyah!" She cried, getting burned pretty badly as she was knocked backwards.

Floramon: 3-30%
Flamemon: 3-20%

She staggered back, whilst Flamemon's fire went out. The Rookie checked his SP gauge and saw it was at almost nothing. He wouldn't be able to use any of his fire attacks for a while. "Alright," he told himself, "then Battle Gear...BOOST!" A burst of light exploded in his hand and began to take shape.

Everyone watched the Battle Gear, as it appeared in Flamemon's hand. But when the light faded, they were amazed by what they saw. Amazed, but underwhelmed.

"A knife?" Rainbow asked, as Flamemon held a fifteen centimetre blade in his hand. The blade was black with red flame patterns running along the sharp side all the way up to its curved tip.

"Not really a ground breaking piece of equipment," Labramon stated. But as he said that, the entire blade burst into fire and flew out the end to double the blade's length. "Wow, where'd that come from?"

The others were just as surprised, but then Shining realised something. "Ignislash." The others looked at him, "that's a rare item called the Ignislash. A weapon that can only be wielded by Fire Attribute Digimon. Where the heck did he get it from?"

Flamemon smirked as he looked at the knife, remembering where he had gotten its scan.

After their battle with WarGrowlmon and Azulongmon's thanks, Flash had been allowed to look around the temple. There, he had found the mysterious blade on a wall alongside many others. Something about it had called to him and he had been glad when Azulongmon had let him scan it.

"Alright," he told himself, "time to show Codex what I can do." With that, he shot forward with the blade still pointed at his opponent. Floramon saw this and was worried about this weapon, Flamemon slashing at her with the blade's length extending to be long enough to reach her.

She tried to leap back, but the flame blade was too long and the tip slashed against her chest.

Floramon: 3-10%
Flamemon: 3-20%

"Poison Ivy!" She swung her vines around and attempted to swat at Flamemon, but he was able to avoid them and slash back with his sword. Floramon didn't want to risk getting too close, the flower Digimon pulling her vines away before the blade could burn them. At this rate, she wouldn't be able to beat him.

She realised she only had one chance and opened up her head again. "Rain of Pollen." The cloud flew out blocked Flamemon from getting closer, allowing her to run towards one of the exits.

Once she was gone, Flamemon was able to run around the side of the cloud. And once it had cleared enough to allow him to follow, he heard down the tunnel with Floramon.

"What do you think she's up to?" Sandal asked.

"Not sure," Mangoramon frowned. "She must want to get away and rethink her strategy." Against a weapon that's constantly on fire, she's in serious trouble."

"I think it's more than that," Rarity hummed. "She got that Digivolution Coin a while ago. By now, her Digivolution Gauge must be full. But she Didn't Digivolve. Why?"

"Good question," Twilight nodded. "Could it be that the Digimon she'll become wouldn't be suited for fighting in that room?" As she asked that, Floramon ascended a flight of stairs and exited out into the train station again.

Floramon looked around, then back where she saw Flamemon charging at her.

The Digimon still held his Battle Gear in a reverse grip, but the flames on the blade were no longer burning. As he got in close, his hand ignited. "Flame Toss!" He threw a fireball at the Plant Digimon, but she leapt backwards as it exploded against the platform.

As she did, her entire body began to glow. Flamemon frowned, knowing what this meant, and slowly stepped backwards so he could assess the situation. "Floramon!" He heard her cry out, "Digivolve to..." She grew until she was around fifteen feet tall and appeared to have the same body type, though her tail changed and morphed to mimic the legs.

Eventually, the light faded and revealed what appeared to be a taller version of Floramon from the waist up. Her waist and three legs were made of wood, the legs standing in a tripod formation and being covered in many thorns with the feet being made up of four root-like mini-feet. Blue shrubbery was now growing out of her upper body, covering her chest and arms up to her elbows. Her previously flower-like arms and hands had been replaced by five green vines, which were wrapped around one another to form the limb whilst the ends struck out to make the fingers. A pair of long brown vines were sticking out her back, being covered in thorns.

Her head was sticking out of her chest, with the red flower helmets she once had as a Floramon being replaced by brown wood. Wrapped around her neck was a larger version of Floramon's flower collar, which flipped up and covered her entire head for a moment before opening up again. "Barbemon!"

Twilight brought up Barbemon's bio-page, many of the other players having not seen this Digimon before.

Name: Barbemon
Level: Champion
Type: Data
Attribute: Plant
Species: Vegetation
Family: Wind Guardian, Jungle Trooper

"Now I can see why she wanted to get out of the chamber," Rarity nodded. "That Digimon doesn't seem to have a lot of manoeuvrability. Being in a confined space where a smaller, faster opponent can jump around could be dangerous.

"But she's still a Plant Digimon," Salamon pointed out. "Flash will still have an advantage."

"Depends on what this Digimon can do," Tawnimon told her. As he said that. Barbemon began to act, the vines on her back starting to glow green.

"Frenzy Plant!" The vines extended and shot towards Flamemon, as the thorns on them grew larger.

Flamemon raised his blade and slashed at the first vine, expecting his knife the cut right through it. But the vine's thorns blocked the blade and did nothing, the energy coming off of them somehow protecting them from the fire. "That's not good," he gulped as the other vine swung around.

He was about to leapt away, but in that moment the paralysis stat kicked in again. "AUGH!" He cried, freezing up as the vine slammed into him. He screamed as he was sent flying, crashing into a station pillar and sliding down the metal.

Barbemon: 3-10%
Flamemon: 3-0%

His friends flinched at this, the little fire Rookie groaning as he picked himself up. At the same time, Barbemon's vines retracted as she stepped forward.

Flamemon groaned as he picked himself up, whilst Barbemon raised her arm. As she did, the vines that made up her hands unwrapped and came apart, revealing a hole in the middle of them. "Thorn Assault!" From out of her arm, a bunch of thorns exploded out and shot towards Flamemon.

The Fire Digimon gasped as he grabbed his Ignislash and rushed behind the column. He barely managed it before the thorns caught up to him, the sharp projectiles slamming into the metal and bouncing off it. But Flamemon knew he couldn't hide behind it forever.

He checked his SP and saw he had recovered enough for a single attack. He just needed to wait for the right moment.

And that moment came when Barbemon stopped shooting her thorns. As soon as she did, Flamemon leapt out from behind the column and rolled along the ground with his hand exploding. "Flame Toss!" He shot the fireball towards Barbemon and the flames slammed into the Champion before she could react, exploding and knocking her backwards.

Barbemon: 3-0%
Flamemon: 2-100%

Flamemon then took this chance to rush forward, Ignislash in hand as he charged at this top speed. He got in close and swung his blade at her, Barbemon barely able to lean back enough to avoid the fire sword.

She then leapt onto her back leg and tried to stomp on Flamemon with her front two, but Flamemon leapt backwards to avoid getting stomped on. "Thorn Assault!" She unleashed another barrage of thorn bullets, this time from both hands, with Flamemon using his knife to deflect as many as possible.

But one managed to hit him in the shoulder, doing a tiny bit of damage but enough to allow another one to hit him in the leg and waist. "Augh!"

Barbemon: 2-100%
Flamemon: 2-85%

He staggered back, as Barbemon swung her thorn vines around and tried to crush him under them.

Flamemon raised his arms and braced himself, the first vine slamming down on him and forcing his weakened leg to give out. He cried out as he fell onto one knee, but was able to survive the attack and was about to counter with a fire attack. But before he could, his Paralysis kicked in and he was frozen again.

This allowed the second vine to swing around and as the first one was lifted off of him, it slammed into Flamemon and sent him flying.

Barbemon: 2-100%
Flamemon: 2-80%

He was sent shooting through the air and out of the strain station, the Demon Man Digimon crashing into the ground and rolling along it until he eventually came to as stop. It was a miracle he was able to keep his blade to hand.

"Augh," he groaned as he pushed himself up. He realised that despite having the elemental and terrain advantage, Wallflower's strategy had him at a serious disadvantage. "Come on Flash," he stood up. "You can do this." but as he said that, a barrage of thorns flew towards him. "WOW!" He leapt back and tried to avoid them all, but two managed to hit him in the arm and foot. "Gyah!"

Barbemon: 2-100%
Flamemon: 2-70%

He leapt behind a building, as Barbemon walked out of the station with her arms at the ready.

Flamemon panted as he tried to think of a plan. His SP was still really low and Barbemon's projectiles were a serious problem. Combine that with the paralysis he was suffering from and he was in major trouble. "What do I do? I can't think straight." He was then reminded of Shining's fight.

During that battle, Shining had been in complete control. Even when it seemed his opponent had the advantage, he had been able to remain in control.

"How does he do it?" He asked himself, wishing he knew why Shining was so unbeatable.

"Come on Flash," Shining told him. "This is nothing to be scared over. You've faced worse."

They all watched as Flamemon looked around the building, only to duck again when Barbemon fired more thorns at him. "You got this, Flash!" Micro cried, as Barbemon made sure to stay at a distance. "You just gotta get in closer."

"But how?" Tentomon asked, that being the question on everyone's mind.

Flamemon panted as he thought about Barbemon's abilities. And as he did, he continued to remember Shining's battle.

He also remembered his own battle against the now Mega Level player and all the things Shining had taught him. One of which was learning from all his past battles, wins and losses included. As such, he remembered every fight. Every battle he had previously been in. And as he did, he realised something.

"This is nothing I can't handle." With that, he leapt out from behind the house and charged at Barbemon.

"Thorn Assault!" She laughed the barrage of projectiles towards Flamemon. As she did, the little Rookie started slashing at them with his knife.

'I've fought faster opponents,' he told himself as he slashed the thorns away. Instead of trying to hit all of them, he focused his attention on the ones right in front of him. Keeping his body as small as possible, he slashed at only the ones that would definitely hit him and cut a path right through them until he reached Barbemon. "And compared to Therizinomon and the other stronger Digimon I've face, her strength is nothing.'

He reached Barbemon as she stopped firing, Flamemon slashed at her with his sword. "AUGH!" She scream, as the blade of fire carved its way down her body.

Barbemon: 2-80%
Flamemon: 2-70%

Flamemon jumped back to avoid any retaliation from her, all the while his mind remained focused on his goal. 'I'm going to become stronger, so I can face him.' "Flame Toss!" He launched the fireball at Barbemon and it exploded against her, knocking her backwards.

Barbemon: 2-50%
Flamemon: 2-70%

'And when I do face him...' "I'M GOING TO WIN!" He rushed forward with his blade pointed forward, the flames around it exploding to burn ever brighter. He thrust it forward but found himself be grabbed around the waist before he could reach her.

"Not if I have anything to say about it," Barbemon stated as her Frenzy Plant was active and holding Flamemon back. And before Flamemon could react, she raised him into the air and smashed him back into the ground.

Barbemon: 2-50%
Flamemon: 2-60%

The impact caused the Ignislash to be lost from Flamemon's grip and before he could reach down and grab it, Barbemon lifted him up before throwing him into the air as hard as she could.

Flamemon cried out as he was sent flying across the metal city, eventually falling towards the ground. He fell through one of the house flames as he did so and as he did, he used his control over fire to grab some. "Flame Toss!" He launched it at the ground where he would land and it exploded, the force of the explosion hitting him and slowing him down just enough.

He fell the rest of the way and landed, rolling along the ground but jumping to his feet. He then looked down at his hands and frown, as he had lost his best weapon against Barbemon.

But then he noticed something and smiled, then ran back towards where Barbemon had thrown him from.

He ran as fast as he could, but still found himself getting paralysed every now and then. After a few minutes of this, he finally reached the area Barbemon had been. But she was gone.

Flamemon rushed over to where he thought his knife might be, but the weapon was also nowhere to be found. "You're not gonna find it!" He heard before he leapt to the side, some thorns slamming into the building behind him. "I took the liberty of throwing it away so you can't get your hands on it again."

Flamemon spun around and saw Barbemon, ready to take him down. But Flamemon smirked. "That's fine. I don't need it to beat you."

"Maybe. But it's gonna be a lot harder to do it."

"Don't be so sure!" Flamemon ran forward, as his body ignited. "Flamemon, Digivolve to..." The flaming body grew larger until a new figure leapt out of the fire. "Agunimon!" The Champion smirked at Barbemon, who looked shocked to see him as his fist burst into flames. "Pyro Punch!" He threw the fist forward and slammed it right into Barbemon, the explosion that followed knocking the plant Digimon backwards.

Barbemon: 2-20%
Agunimon: 2-60%

She barely managed to land on her back leg, keeping her upright as she raised her arms. "Thorn Assault!" The projectiles shot towards Agunimon, but the Legendary Warrior of Fire summoned fire from his gauntlets.

"Pyro Darts!" He launched his own projectiles at the thorns and they incinerated them before continuing towards Barbemon.

The Plant Digimon used her back vines to propel herself into the air, the Pyro Darts exploding below her and leaving her untouched. Agunimon saw this and prepared to leap up, but was struck by the paralysis again.

This allowed Barbemon to land safely before running off down the street. "Hey!" Agunimon cried, trying to move his body with little success as she vanished between two buildings. "Get back here!" When he could finally move, he chased after her and ignited his gauntlets.

He quickly realised why Barbemon had run away when they turned a corner onto another street, as Agunimon spotted a Digivolution Coin up ahead.

"I don't think so!" He leapt into the air and started spinning, "Pyro Tornado!" The flames around him spiraled into a hellish vortex, which moved towards Barbemon and threatened to pull her in.

The Plant Digimon grabbed onto a nearby metal pipe and held on for dear life, whilst the tornado got closer and closer. But before she could be pulled in, her vines glowed. "Frenzy Plant!" She thrust them forward as they shot into the fire, making her cry out as the energy around them did little to protect the vines.

Barbemon: 2-5%
Agunimon: 2-60%

The fire tornado vanished as Agunimon was revealed to have been caught by the vines, stopping him from spinning. Barbemon then threw him away before he could burn her any more, the plant Digimon rushing over to where the Digivolution Coin was.

And as Agunimon landed, managing to spin around and hit the ground on his feet, Barbemon leapt into the air and grabbed the coin. "Not good," Agunimon gulped as Barbemon turned towards him.

As she did, her body began to glow. "Barbemon, Digivolve to..." With that, her body began to go limp as her back seemed to break apart. As it did, something began to pull itself out of it whilst Barbemon's body began to disintegrate into specks of light.

When the new figure had completely escaped out of the body, it spread a pair of wings and leapt into the air. Doing so revealed a humanoid form, the light fading away to reveal a seven foot tall woman wearing an assortment of flower clothing.

Her skin was green and she had flowing yellow hair that went down to her shoulders, with a red daisy burret in it. She was wearing a pink sleeveless top with blue vine patterns sewn into it, with blue sleeves sticking out from under it that had red flower bracelets around her wrist. Around her waist, she wore what appeared to be a yellow scrunchie belt. And from out of that were a bunch of white petals, which flowed downwards to her knees which gave it the appearance of a skirt.

She was wearing a pair of pink knee-high boots, with blue vine patterns wrapped around them and a red flower just above where the foot met the leg. A daisy was attached to her top at the chest and on her back were a pair of wings shaped like daisy leaves.

Using her wings to fly around, she spun through the air and struck an elegant pose. "Daisymon!"

"Wow," Sandalwood smirked at the sight of her. Mangoramon looked just as impressed and as the girls looked around, they saw almost all the males watching were just as transfixed.

"Boys," Twilight shook her head and checked her brother. She could she he was also impressed with Daisymon's appearance, but for the right reason. At the same time, Rainbow brought up Daisymon's bio-page.

Name: Daisymon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Data
Attribute: Plant
Species: Fairy
Family: Wind Guardian, Jungle Trooper

"Doesn't look like too much for Flash to handle," Rainbow stated.

"I wouldn't be so sure," Applejack pointed out. "I've seen what that Digimon can do." Sure enough, Daisymon flew up and prepared to do something that would really shift the odds.

"Cleansing Synthesis!" Her wings and all the flowers on her body began to glow, taking in solar energy which was sent back into her body and caused the burns covering her to fade and vanish. As they did, everyone was shocked to see Daisymon's life bar increase.

Daisymon: 2-55%
Agunimon: 2-60%

"She can heal herself?" Rainbow asked, Applejack nodding.

"But it takes up a lot of SP and it had a cool down period, so she can just keep using it every time she gets hit." They nodded, but knew that kind of ability was still useful.

Meanwhile, Agunimon looked confused. "What did you just do?" They all remembered he couldn't see her health bar, meaning he had no idea Daisymon had undone some of the damage he had done.

"Whatever," Agunimon summoned more flaming projectiles. "Pyro Darts!" He launched them at the fairy and Daisymon easily avoided them all as she danced through the air.

"Where are you aiming?" She laughed as she dived towards him once he was out of darts, showing incredible speed as she reached him and swung her leg around.

"Augh!" He was sent staggering backwards and fell to the ground, his health dropping as Daisymon flew up.

Daisymon: 2-55%
Agunimon: 2-50%

He quickly started breakdancing in order to get back to his feet, his arms and legs bursting into flames as he did so. "Pyro Tornado!" The flames spiralled around again and formed the vortex of fire, which flew up towards Daisymon and consumed her.

"Augh!" She cried, feeling the heat of the attack beginning to overwhelm her.

Daisymon: 2-35%
Agunimon: 2-50%

"Battle Gear...BOOST!" Daisymon's arm glowed as something appeared within it, the light exploding off to reveal a large metal flower that she now held like a shield. The flower's petals began to spin as she swung her arm around, the shield flying off but remaining attached to her by a green vine. "Razor Fleur!"

She swung the weapon downwards and it extended until it reached the still spinning Agunimon, hitting him in the chest and cutting into his armor like a buzzsaw. "Augh!" He cried, stopping him from spinning and causing the Pyro Tornado to vanish.

Daisymon: 2-35%
Agunimon: 2-35%

He staggered back as Daisymon retracted her weapon. As she did, he raised her other arm as the flowers on her bracelet began to glow. "Floral Flash!" She thrust her hand down and the energy exploded out of it in a powerful burst of light, which shot down towards Agunimon.

The Champion Digimon didn't have the time to react, as the attack smashed into him and exploded. He roared in pain, as he was sent flying backwards by Daisymon's most powerful attack.

Daisymon: 2-35%
Agunimon: 2-10%

Agunimon crashed into the ground and rolled along it, whilst Daisymon flew down. The Fire Digimon managed to roll into a kneeling position, as Daisymon got in close. The shield on her arm continued to spin it, as she swung it around to try and slash at him again.

However, when it came to hand to hand combat, Agunimon shined as he dodged the attack and swung his arm around. "Pyro Punch!" He slammed Daisymon in the face and then dealt a hit to her stomach before she could react, followed by spinning around to try and hit her with a flaming kick. However, Daisymon was able to block that attack with her shield.

Daisymon: 2-15%
Agunimon: 2-10%

The two glared one another down as Daisymon pushed his leg away, then slashed at him. Agunimon leapt back, but Daisymon launched the shield forward and it slammed into his chest again. "Augh!" He cried, feeling his security break.

Daisymon: 2-15%
Agunimon: 2-0%

But he didn't let this stop him, as he knocked the shield away from him and grabbed the vine. With a powerful pull, he yanked Daisymon towards him and dealt a swift knee strike right to her chin, then extended his leg to kick her right in the stomach.

"RAAAAH!" She cried, being knocked backwards and smashing into the side of a building. The heat from a nearby flame made the metal blazing hot, burning away the last of her Security's health.

Daisymon: 2-0%
Agunimon: 1-100%

As Daisymon fell to the ground, the pair panted as they prepared themselves. Both knew the other had to be pretty low on health. so knew landing the next attacks were important.

Agunimon got into a boxers stands, as he stepped back and forth. But as he did, he happened to spot something inside on of the buildings. Something that made him smirk.

Daisymon prepared to counter Agunimon's attack, but it never came. Instead, he dashed towards one of the houses and she quickly realised what he had to be after. As such, she leapt into the air and raised her hand as the bracelet began to glow. "Floral Flash!" She fired the laser at Agunimon, who leapt towards the building as the attack struck the ground and exploded.

Smoke filled the air, as Daisymon raised her shield ready for anything Agunimon threw at her.

But as the smoke cleared, the Legendary Warrior of Flames was gone. "Oh no." She flew down towards the building he had been running for, only for the place to start growing bright red.

"AGUNIMON!" She heard him roar, having managed to get the Digivolution Coin. "DIGIVOLVE TO...!" The building melted as a blast of fire exploded into the sky, a figure appearing within the pillar with glowing red eyes.

"Not good," she gulped as the flames exploded away in a wave of fire. Daisymon barely managed to avoid the fire, flying over it as her opponent was revealed.

"BURNINGGREYMON!" The Beast Warrior of Flames let out a roar, spreading his flaming wings in preparation of the upcoming fight. The pair then glared at one another, as BurningGreymon's weapons spun around. "Pyro Barrage!" Multiple flame bullets exploded out of the weapons, flying towards Daisymon with such speed that the Fairy had no way of protecting herself.

"AUGH!" She screamed, as the bullets exploded against her and knocked her backwards.

Daisymon: 1-70%
BurningGreymon: 1-100%

She barely managed to regain control of her flight and stop herself from crashing into the ground, as she threw the Razor Fleur towards BurningGreymon. But the Dark Dragon Digimon simply blocked with his shields as he flew down, his eyes firmly locked on Daisymon.

As the Ultimates stared at one another, Daisymon saw something in BurningGreymon that she had never seen before. Determination. A drive to keep fighting and win, no matter how impossible the battle seemed.

BurningGreymon slashed at her, Daisymon using her shield to block him. But with every slash, one of the spinning blades was cut off. All the while, BurningGreymon continued to look set on victory.

'Is this how he's been able to win so much and get to this point so quickly?' Wallflower asked, as her Battle Gear continued to take a beating. 'He's chasing something. Something he won't stop chasing until he catches it. What the heck is this guy so motivated by?'

'I won't stop!" Flash cried as BurningGreymon flew backwards, then dived at her. "Crimson Fanger!" He moved at incredible speed and slammed into the Razor Fleur, shattering it to pieces as Daisymon was knocked back. He then quickly slashed at Daisymon, hitting her in the side and making her scream.

Daisymon: 1-55%
BurningGreymon: 1-100%

Daisymon pushed herself back and held up her hands, "Cleansing Synthesis!" The flowers on her body began to glow, but BurningGreymon didn't give her the time to complete the attack.

He shot forward and tackled her, Daisymon crying out as the attack was cancelled. He then threw her towards the ground, the fairy trying her best to stop herself. But she crashed into one of the buildings before she could and took some more damage from the heat.

Daisymon: 1-50%
BurningGreymon: 1-100%

"RAAAAAAAAAAR!" BurningGreymon roared, as flames exploded out of every gap in his armor and surrounded his entire body. "WILDFIRE TSUNAMI!" He spun around, using his tail to launch the flames off of him straight towards Daisymon.

Daisymon was picking herself up when the flames slammed down upon her, trapping her in a vortex of fire that burned every part of her body. "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed, taking major damage.

Daisymon: 1-0%
BurningGreymon: 1-100%

BurningGreymon smirked, only to freeze up as he felt the paralysis kick in again.

This allowed Daisymon to leap out of the flames, the Fairy Digimon barely able to fly and falling to the ground. She could feel her Digital body was a single strike from being destroyed, but she wasn't going down without a fight. And as BurningGreymon's paralysis began to fade, she raised both her hands.

"Floral Flash!" The laser exploded out of her hands and shot towards the dragon, slamming into him and making him flinch.

Daisymon: 0-0%
BurningGreymon: 1-80%

As the attack ended, BurningGreymon dived down towards her. "Floral Flash!" Another laser slammed into BurningGreymon, but the Ultimate Digimon pushed his way through it as he continued to fly down towards her.

Daisymon: 0-0%
BurningGreymon: 1-60%

Daisymon prepared to attack again, but her SP had run out. She gasped at this and realised, there was nothing she could do now. "Alright," she told him as he reached her, "you win." BurningGreymon smiled as he raised his claws.

"This was a fun match. Let's battle again some time." With that, he swung his claws down and slashed at Daisymon, making her cry out as she exploded and revealed Wallflower.

The girl fell to the ground and clutched her chest as she did, BurningGreymon standing tall above her. And as he did, the battlefield began to dissolve. "Battle Over! Winner, Flash Sentry!"

BurningGreymon began to transform back to human form, as Veemon appeared out of his Digivice. "You did it!" The little dragon cheered, the pair high-fiving at Flash's victory whilst Wallflower picked herself up.

"Flash Sentry, you have claimed victory here in the Rookie Stadium. For that, you have earned prize money." Flash nodded, his Digi-Dollars increasing even more. "Also, this victory has allowed you to rank up to the Champion Level. Congratulations."

"YES!" The two cheered, high-fiving again as Wallflower nodded. Flash turned to her and smiled. "I meant what I said. Let's have another battle one day. When you get to the Champion Level."

Wallflower smiled and nodded, taking her Digivice off the Podium. "Sure. I look forward to it." She turned to leave and Flash did the same, heading out of the stadium whilst Flash looked at his Digivice's Status Page.

Seeing the word Champion next to his rank made Flash feel like he was as light as a feather. Whilst the rest of his friends had all been a rank above him, he was now equal to them. He could hardly believe it. "Everything changes now, Veemon."

"It does?" The blue dragon asked, as the pair stepped out of the stadium.

"Heck yeah. Our friends have had to go the long way to locations we were going to, even though they could have just Digi-Ported there the whole time. Now they don't have to, because we can go there as well. And that's just one of the new perks to Levelling up. Now we're gonna get to go up against even better players. Ones that have shown they're the best, like no one ever was." He was actually getting giddy, Veemon also excited.

They arrived at the Foyer and when they got their, they saw their friends were waiting for them. "He's here!" Tentomon cheered, everyone turning towards them and applauding.

Flash and Veemon both smiled at this, as they stepped over to them. "Way to go, man!" Rainbow slapped him on the back, "you're officially one of us now." Flash rolled his eyes at this, as the others all smiled at him.

Then he saw Shining and the man smirked at him, whilst Flash smirked back. He stepped forward and when they were close, Flash held up his fist. "I know I've got a long way to go, but one day I'm going to battle against you in the Mega Stadium. And when that happens, I'm going to win."

Shining heard this and was impressed by how sure of himself he was. This wasn't the first time someone had said this, but the way Flash was saying it was different. It wasn't a cocky teen overestimating his abilities. It was someone who knew their flaws and aimed to overcome them, in order to face the one they respected most.

Shining could only smile before holding his own fist and placing it against Flash's. "I know you will. But don't expect me to make it easy on you. If I let some snot nose punk get the better of me, my reputation will be ruined." Flash nodded and the two were both looking forward to the day their fight would come.

Flash still had a long road ahead of him and much to learn, but he was going to push himself past his limits in order to get to that point. And he wasn't the only one. Everyone around them had also been inspired by Flash and Shining's victories. Each of them were aiming for the top, and they would climb up to it together. With them and their Digimon.

Author's Note:

Bet you weren't expecting Wallflower to be in this. What did you guys think of my fanmade Floramon evolutions? I'm surprised there hasn't been a real Daisymon made. Hope you liked it.

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