• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,618 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Target Locked

Within their canyon base camp, many Virus Digimon were sitting around waiting for orders.

Some were training, hoping to grow stronger, whilst others were getting into arguments that could have turned ugly if other Digimon hadn't just in to break it up. And in the large cavern, the strongest members of this group were making battle plans.

"Are you sure this Digimon can be trusted?" Armormon asked WarGrowlmon, who glared down at him.

"Are you doubting my judgement?" He asked, raising his claws and showing off the blades on his arms. "Do I have to remind you of whose in charge here?"

"Of course not," Armormon replied. "But letting such a powerful Digimon into our ranks might prove dangerous, especially given what he could Digivolve into. What if he tries to betray you and take the stone for himself? It'll be him destroying the Digital World instead of you.

"He knows betraying me is a foolish idea," WarGrowlmon stated. "He has no ambition when it comes to Digivolving. He only just recently acquired his current form. He will not attempt to take it for himself. And we need all the power we can get, especially after the loss of Therizinomon." It was in that moment that another Digimon arrived in the cave. Fumamon.

The ninja Digimon leapt through the air and landed on the ground, kneeling before WarGrowlmon. "Master, the time has come. Another Dragon Soul Stone has appeared." This statement caused the pair to look towards him in shock. "It's not too far away. If we hurry, we will have the area under our control before Azulongmon and his army can mobilise."

WarGrowlmon smiled at this and stood up. "Prepare to move out. Fumamon, take the Flymon to its location and have them dispense the warp bombs. Armormon, make sure our new recruit is ready to do battle. If you're so worried about him, then keep and eye on him. If he gives you any reason to worry, deal with him." The pair nodded and began to head out, only for WarGrowlmon to speak up. "Another thing." They stopped and looked back, "I will not accept failure this time. Understood?"

"Understood," they both nodded before heading out.

The two left the cave and went to accomplish their assigned tasks, Fumamon leaping over to where the Flymon were stationed. Meanwhile, Armormon headed over to a section of the canyon that held a rather powerful Digimon.

"Hey!" He slammed his arm onto the side to catch the Digimon's attention, "time to get up. Your master has need of you." The Digimon inside of the cave picked itself up and slowly turned towards him, revealing just how large it was. "You're finally going to be putting your destructive talents to good use. And you'd better not mess up."

The Digimon in the cave growled as it pulled itself out, revealing itself to be a large orange and yellow lindworm. It had purple wings and a helmet like MetalGreymon's, along with a pair of mechanical gauntlets on its arms.

"What do you need of me?"

In Codex, the players were enjoying themselves in battles, hanging out with friends from across the world or simply watching the other players duke it out.

Over at the Digi-Lab, Flash and Veemon were staring at an image of Paildramon in the computer. They then looked up at the Digivolution Tree, which had only one branch leading up to the Mega Level. However, it was blacked out and they had no idea what it was that Paildramon was able to Digivolve into. Worst, it was locked so Flash couldn't even buy the Digivolution into the Mega Level.

"Any idea what it might be?" Veemon asked, but Flash had no idea.

"Sorry, bud. A silhouette isn't exactly easy to figure out." He scratched his head, "I think it's quadrupedal...but that's all I've got."

Veemon sighed. They finally figured out what Veemon's DNA evolution was and now, they had an entirely different mystery to figure out. "You think Thorax and Grubmon were able to figure out Dinobeemon's Mega?"

"I doubt it," Flash unplugged his Digivice. "Who knows, maybe it's the exact same Mega Paildramon has." They laughed, thinking that was stupid. What would be the point of them having a split evolution if they just ended up with the same Mega Level?

They stepped out of the Digi-Lab and headed over to the Foyer, where Twilight and the rest of their friends were sitting. They were watching a battle between a Zudomon and a WereGarurumon, whilst talking amongst themselves what they intended to do over the next few days.

"I gotta start training," Rainbow stated. "You guys are starting to go Ultimate and I feel like we're nowhere near ready to do that yet."

"Yes," Rarity nodded. "I would also like to grow strong enough to Digivolve into Ultimate." They noticed Flash and Veemon sit down, "you were able to force your Digivolution. Isn't that right?"

"I'm not sure," Flash replied as he remembered when he Digivolved for the first time. "Back then, we weren't really trying to Digivolve. We were just focused on beating Therizinomon and stopping WarGrowlmon from getting that stone."

"Yeah," Veemon nodded in agreement. "We just wanted to help as many Digimon as we could. We knew if we let WarGrowlmon win, everything we loved would be lost. We couldn't let that happen." The girls all nodded, understanding what had likely pushed Flash to the Ultimate Level.

"We were different," Micro nodded. "When we were fighting against Toropiamon, we were in a bind and I was trying to be like Flash. But it wasn't until I realised I had my own way of battling, that Kabuterimon was able to Digivolve."

"And it was good you realised that," Tentomon smiled. "We would have been up a creek if you hadn't used that big brain of yours to save the day."

"What about you three?" Applejack asked, Trixie, Sandal and Thorax thinking.

"We Digivolved because we needed to help Micro," Mangoramon told them. "I remember. We were fighting that Blossomon and we knew if we lost, Micro would end up fighting two Ultimates."

"Yeah," Sandal nodded. "That's what happened. We couldn't let Micro down. We had to get the fruit to save those Digimon. And that made Arbormon Digivolve."

Trixie hummed. "Lunamon got to Ultimate because we were trying to get the Digimental of Friendship. I'm not really sure how she Digivolved."

"Yes you do," Lunamon smiled. "It was when you decided to put others before you. You wanted the Digimental, not just for yourself, but so others could use it as well. That's why I was able to Digivolve. Because you put your own wants aside and decided to stop being selfish." Trixie smiled at this, as Thorax thought about what happened to him.

"It's not hard to see why you got to Ultimate," Grubmon told him. "Remember. You stopped letting your worries and fears control you and AncientWisemon gave us the Data we needed to DNA Digivolve."

Twilight heard this and noticed something. "So...it's either a desire to help others, an overcoming of some kind of flaw, or a mixture of both. That's how you all got to Ultimate." The others heard this and were interested in that theory, wondering if it was true or not. And if it was, how were they going to get to Ultimate.

At that moment, Flash's Digivice beeped to signal a message. And he wasn't alone, as everyone else seemed to get the message as well. "Anyone else getting deja vu?" Pinkie asked, as Flash checked the message.

Greetings, my friends.

I know it's been a while, but the time has finally come for me to ask for your help. The second Dragon Soul Stone has appeared and WarGrowlmon's forces have already mobilised to take it. We need your assistance to get to it before it's too late.

"It's from Azulongmon," Flash stated. The others got different messages, likely due to not being as tight with the head Digimon as Flash. However, Rarity got her own message from Angewomon.

Shining Armor and Monodramon rushed over to them, clearly having gotten their own message. "You guys get-" He stopped when he saw everyone holding their Digivices. "I'll take that as a yes."

"We have to hurry," Monodramon stated. "Those creeps might already be there ready to take the stone." They all nodded and rushed off towards the Digi-Port. Other players were also heading there, though he heard one having an argument with their partner.

"But that guy's just gonna bully me again!" He looked over and saw an Otamamon looking upset. "You heard what he called me." Flash frowned, remembering MagnaAngemon and his unfair hatred of all Virus Digimon. Luckily, he wasn't the one in charge of the resistance right now. But that could change if he got to the Dragon Soul Stone first.

They arrived at the Digi-Port and brought up the resistance base's location, then teleported there along with the other players that had accepted the call to help. "Leomon!" Flash smiled when he saw the lion Digimon approaching. "Long time, no see."

"Indeed," Leomon nodded. "I can sense that many of you have gained new strength since our last meeting." He was looking over Trixie, Micro, Sandal and Thorax, they and their Digimon nodding as he smiled. "Good. We'll need all the strength we can get if we are to defeat our opponents."

Shining nodded. "Any idea how strong that Virus Army's gotten since the last time we fought them?" He remembered many of the Virus Digimon had been destroyed, including one of their strongest members. But that was a while ago and many new Digimon might have joined since.

"I cannot say," Leomon replied. "MagnaAngemon has led many scouting parties out to try and locate their home base, but none of them were successful. We have no idea where they are or what their strength currently is." That didn't sit well with any of them.

In that moment, the spotlight suddenly appeared and illuminated the large stage.

The back of the stage then opened up, Angewomon and MagnaAngemon flying out to greet them all. Salamon smiled, seeing her sister, whilst a large holographic screen appeared above them.

On that screen, Azulongmon was in the temple located above their heads. "Greetings," he told them. "I welcome you all to our base and to the battle that may decide the fate of the Digital World."

MagnaAngemon stepped forwards. "We called you here to reinforce our campaign. The second Dragon Soul Stone has appeared and WarGrowlmon's forces may have already begun their charge for it. We must get to it first and protect it from falling into his evil claws."

Azulongmon nodded. "Unfortunately, I will be unable to enter the area of the Dragon Soul Stone. I must leave its acquisition to the rest of you. I know I'm asking a lot, but I hope you will fight hard and keep the Digital World from falling to WarGrowlmon's evil." Everyone nodded, knowing they couldn't let WarGrowlmon Digivolve into Megidramon.

Angewomon stepped forward. "Are they any questions?" Shining raised his hand and she nodded to him.

"What can you tell us about the area the Dragon Soul Stone is in?"

"Yes, we were just about to explain that. The area is a rocky landscape known as the Target Mountain. It's named this because it is technically three mountains in one." The screen showing Azulongmon changed to show a large mountain, covered in many different holes. It then shifted to an aerial view of the mountain.

This image showed that it was actually a trio of ring-shaped stone walls, with each one smaller than the last and making it look like a target. Azulongmon began to explain. "The mountain is divided into three sections and each mountain is covered in holes. Some of these holes lead to dead ends whilst others lead back out the way you came. But there are tunnels that lead into the inner side of the ring and will allow you access to the next one.

MagnaAngemon nodded. "The scout that found the stone and contacted us, announced the Dragon Soul Stone is in that centre area of the mountain. We must claim the mountain and keep any Virus Digimon from getting to it. Is that understood?" They nodded as MagnaAngemon turned to leave. "Remember, it's vital I get to the Dragon Soul Stone and Digivolve. Only I have the power needed to destroy WarGrowlmon and the rest of his evil Virus army. You must help me get to it, no matter the cost. Even if it means your deletion."

Flash frowned as he watched MagnaAngemon step off stage, then looked around and saw all the Digimon that seemed a little worried about what he had just said. "Jerk. I get this is important, but you can't just ask someone to sacrifice themselves so you can get what you want."

"Classic superiority complex," Twilight stated. "Though I don't think this one's being used to cover up a sense of inferiority. He genuinely believes he's more important than the rest of us, just because he has the power to Digivolve into Goldramon."

Leomon nodded. "It's gotten worse since Azulongmon took over. MagnaAngemon founded this resistance. But now that Azulongmon's in charge, he probably feels his destiny was stolen from him."

"Let's just focus on what's important right now," Shining stated. "The Dragon Soul Stone is the key. We have to get MagnaAngemon or Angewomon to it. If we don't, WarGrowlmon might take the power for himself."

As they were saying this, Angewomon flew over and saw her sister and Rarity smiling at her. She knelt down, as Salamon leapt into her arms. "You've gotten stronger," she told the Rookie. "I can feel it."

"Thank you," Rarity nodded. "We've been working hard ever since we last met. I know last time things got rough, but we'll do whatever it takes to help you get to that stone."

Angewomon nodded, as she stroked Salamon's head and the Rookie purred. "I know you will, but please don't follow MagnaAngemon's advice. I don't want anything to happen to you. Keep yourselves alive, no matter what." She turned to the others. "That includes the rest of you." They nodded, as the back wall suddenly began to open and reveal the portal.

MagnaAngemon stepped forwards and flew through it, some of his closest Vaccine generals flying in behind him. Shining led the Codex Players and their Digimon, as they marched through it. Leomon and Angewomon were the last through, Leomon noticing Angewomon looking worried.

"Is something wrong?"

"I just wish we didn't have to fight like this," she stated. "So many Digimon are going to lose their lives. All so one deranged Digimon can do what he thinks he was born to do."

"Maybe," Leomon nodded. "But they chose to follow WarGrowlmon. That means they believe in him what he hopes to accomplish."

"Maybe," Angewomon nodded, "but do they believe they have a choice?" Leomon looked confused. "Digimon like MagnaAngemon have spread so much fear about Virus Digimon, that many Virus Digimon have been ostracised by the rest of the Digital World. I wouldn't be surprised if the Virus Digimon partners with humans, did so because there was nowhere else for them to live. Having to live with that kind of stigma, can greatly affect a Digimon."

"I guess that's possible," Leomon nodded. "But unless you think you can change their minds, what else can we do?"

Angewomon sighed, knowing he was right. If only there were Virus Digimon in their army. Then maybe they could serve as an example of other Virus Digimon, showing them there was another way. If only.

Flash flinched at the light of the portal, as he and the others arrived at the area that the Dragon Soul Stone was meant to be in.

As the light began to leave their eyes, they opened them up and found themselves standing on what appeared to be a large savanna. The grass was dry and yellow, there were barely any trees around and the heat was intense. "Is this the place?"

"Indeed," Leomon nodded as he and Angewomon arrived. "Target Mountain should be right ahead." They turned in the direction he was pointing in, Twilight summoning a pair of binoculars that she used to get a better look at the area.

She spotted a mountain and smiled when she saw it appeared to have a large number of holes in the side of it. "Yup, I see it. Just like you said. Shouldn't take too long to-" She stopped at the sight of something, "oh no."

"What's wrong?" Shining asked.

"Flymon. A whole bunch of them are buzzing around the mountain." This worried them, since Flymon had been a huge number of the Digimon under WarGrowlmon's control last time. Twilight zoomed in more and spotted several Pachymon rushing around the base of the mountain, whilst several other Virus Digimon were located inside of the holes. "This isn't good."

Angewomon flew over to MagnaAngemon, "WarGrowlmon has already taken the mountain."

"I know," the angel growled as he stared at the place holding his destiny. "We have no choice. We have to storm the mountain. and force our way through."

"Don't be a fool." A glass orb floated out of the portal before it closed, flying over to the angels and showing Azulongmon within it. "Do you really think you can overpower that many Digimon? Even if you could, you would simply be exhausting yourself."

"So what would you have us do?" MagnaAngemon growled, only for Shining to step forward.

"I've run into situations like this before," he explained. "If a heavily fortified area doesn't appear to have any weakness, then make a weakness."

"What do you mean?" Angewomon asked.

"If we have our forces attack a single area of the mountain, they'll be forced to reinforce it and weaken the defence of the rest of the area. Then you can hit those areas and attack."

"I see," Angewomon nodded. "I understand. We focus our attack on one spot, forcing them to remove units from another. And by the time they realised that area is unprotected, we'll already be through."

"Exactly," Shining nodded.

"Alright," Azulongmon nodded. "Shining Armor. I would like you to lead the attacking force and get their attention. Angewomon and MagnaAngemon will head around the opposite side of the mountain and once the coast is clear, they'll head in. But I want you to take a small detachment with you. Just in case."

"Fine," MagnaAngemon nodded. "Garurumon and Gaogamon are the fastest. We'll take them."

Azulongmon's orb flew over to Flash, "will you go with them? There might still be strong Digimon left and your ability to go Ultimate will come in handy."

"Sure," Flash nodded as MagnaAngemon rolled his eyes. Salamon then rushed over to Angewomon, Rarity running up beside her.

"We'll go with you," she stated. Angewomon nodded as they turned back towards the mountain.

"We have to hurry. There's no telling when the Dragon Soul Stone will activate. We have to get to it as fast as possible." They all nodded and Shining turned towards the group that would take on the full frontal attack.

"Alright everybody," Shining announced. "You all ready to Digivolve?"

"YEAH!" They all cried, as they took out the Digivices and began to transform. Shining also did so, he and Monodramon quickly Biomerging into Cyberdramon. The others soon followed, most letting their Digimon Digivolve before transforming themselves.

"Tawnimon, Digivolve to...HOOTAWNIMON!"

"Tentomon, Digivolve to...KABUTERIMON!"

"Kamemon, Digivolve to...TORTOMON!"

"Lunamon, Digivolve to...LEKISMON!"

"Labramon, Digivolve to...DORULUMON!"

"Mangoramon, Digivolve to...ARBORMON!"

"Dilemon, Digivolve to...GATORMON!"

"Grubmon, Digivolve to...SNIMON!"

"Terriermon, Digivolve to...GARGOMON!"

"Veemon, Armor Digivolve to...RAIDRAMON, the Storm of Friendship!"

"Salamon, Armor Digivolve to...NEFERTIMON, the Angel of Light!"

"BIOMERGE!" The humans then cried, as they brought up a Digimon to combine with.

"Patamon," Twilight cried, "Digivolve to...UNIMON!"

"Tentomon," Micro yelled, "Armor Digivolve to...FLAMEWIZARDMON, Burning Magical Courage!"

"Hawkmon," Rainbow announced, "Armor Digivolve to...PTERYXMON, Flightless Courage!"

"Impmon," Trixie stated, "Digivolve to...SORCERIMON!"

"Lalamon," Applejack cried, "Digivolve to...SUNFLOWER!"

"Shamamon," Sandalwood called out, "Digivolve to...APEMON!"

"ToyAgumon," Pinkie cried, "Digivolve to...TOYGREYMON!"

"Grubmon," Thorax stated, "Digivolve to...STINGMON!"

"Wormmon," Fluttershy announced, "Digivolve to...HUDIEMON!"

The ten transformed humans and their partners all stared the mountain down, Cyberdramon spreading his wings before taking to the air. He flew up, the flying Digimon following. "FOR THE DIGITAL WORLD!" He shot towards the mountain and the rest of the Digimon following after him.

As they did, MagnaAngemon began to fly towards the other side of the mountain. Angewomon flew after him with Nefertimon and Rarity beside her. On the ground, Flash and Raidramon raced across the land with the two wolf Digimon on either side of him.

They knew they had to be fast, since time was of the essence. And hopefully, WarGrowlmon and the other villains wouldn't figure out what they were doing.

Within Target Mountain, at the very centre of the innermost ring, WarGrowlmon stood in front of the Dragon Soul Stone.

He placed a claw on the rock and knew that it would soon activate, allowing him to finally claim his destiny and become the Mega Level that would destroy the entire Digital World. "Soon," he whispered, "soon it'll all be over." As he said that, Fumamon leapt down from the top of the ring.

"Master, a force of Digimon is approaching. It's them."

WarGrowlmon let out a snarl, "do not let them get to this point. Destroy any Digimon that attempts to fly over the rings. And guard every tunnel that leads deeper into the mountain. They will not stop me this time." Fumamon nodded and rushed off to begin commanding the tropes, whilst WarGrowlmon simply stared at the rock. "No, nothing will stop me. Not now."

Outside, Cyberdramon lead the flying Digimon in the attack whilst Leomon did the same to the ground troops.

As they approached, the Virus Digimon guarding that area of the mountain took an offensive stance. They then started launching their long range attacks, the Cyclonemon unleashing blasts of heat whilst the IceDevimon launched icicles in their direction.

"Evasive maneuvers!" Cyberdramon roared, as he and the other flying Digimon began zipping around working to avoid the attacks as best they could. Some weren't able to avoid the attacks and were hit, causing them to fall to the ground where the other charging force was approaching.

HooTawnimon saw this and frowned, as another wave of attacks flew towards them. "Defence Gale!" He beat his wings and unleashed a large gust, which formed a wall that the attacks bounced off of. "Now, counterattack!" They all nodded and began to attack.

"Desolation Claw!" Cyberdramon launched a sphere of dark energy, whilst Unimon, Kabuterimon, Sunflowmon and Snimon unleashed their attacks.

"Aerial Attack!"

"Electro Shocker!"

"Sunshine Beam!"

"Twin Sickle!"

Other Digimon launched their own attacks, hitting the Virus Digimon on the ground around them and exploding. This caused the defensive line to be broken, allowing Leomon and the other ground troops the opening they needed.

"RAAAAH!" He drew his sword and used it to cut an Ogremon down, whilst several Pachymon charged with their heads lowered to smash into the attacking Digimon.

"Fire Cloud!" FlameWizardmon slammed a fireball into the ground and it exploded, morphing into a wall of fire that the Pachymon ran into. They roared in pain, as the flames covered their bodies.

"Blazing Slash!" Pteryxmon rushed passed the lot of them and cut several down, the Armor Digimon completely unaffected by the flames covering them.

A small group managed to avoid her, but Tortomon charged in. "Spinning Attack!" Retracting into his shell, he spun and barrelled through them like they were bowling pins. As the Pachymon hit the ground, Tortomon came to a stop with Pteryxmon landing on his shell and letting out a squawk.

Several Woodmon had managed to avoid the flames and were attacking another group, but Arbormon and Apemon rushed in. "Roundhouse Punt/Magical Monkey Punch!" The two knocked the Woodmon back, as Hudiemon and Stingmon flew in.

"Spiking Strike!" Stingmon stabbed a Cyclonemon, whilst Hudiemon spun around.

"Flying Kick!" She slammed an IceDevimon in the head, knocking it back. As she did, two more IceDevimon appeared behind her and prepared to attack with their freezing claws.

"Gargo Pellets!" A barrage of bullets shot up and gunned them down, Hudiemon turning to her partner and nodding as Gargomon smirked. As he did, Dorulumon rushed past as some Raremon slithered across the ground.

"Drill Bit Blitz!" He unleashed a barrage of drill missiles, which slammed into them and exploded to scatter their slimy bodies everywhere. "Disgusting."

"Toy Nova!" ToyGreymon fired a plastic missile out of her mouth, hitting another Cyclonemon and knocking it back. But the heat coming off the Virus quickly melted the missile and ToyGreymon frowned.

"Crystal Barrage!" Sorcerimon cried, leaping above her and unleashing a gatling of icicles. These struck the Cyclonemon and knocked it back, as three more approached in order to attack.

"Hydro Pump!" A powerful blast of water struck them and knocked them all back, Gatormon nodding to his partner as Lekismon ran forward and dealt several swift kicks to their chest.

Cyberdramon watched from above, nodding as he saw how easily they were cutting through the force. And as he watched, several more Virus Digimon were heading their way. Their plan was working. But would it work well enough?

On the other side of the mountain, the smaller force had reached the area they hoped would be their way in.

They watched as the Virus Digimon continued to keep guard, not appearing to have any plan on moving. "This is taking too long," MagnaAngemon stated as they hid behind the peak of a hill. "Looks like your friend's plan was useless."

"Hey," Flash glared at him, "I didn't see you coming up with any ideas. We've gotta wait for the others to thin out the rest of the heard, so these Digimon will have no choice but to reinforce them."

"I can understand that," Angewomon nodded. "But don't forget, we're on a time crunch. it's possible the stone could activate whilst we're waiting for them to leave." Flash knew she was right, but also knew they couldn't simply jump in and waste their energy attacking these Digimon and leave themselves tired when they got to the stone and WarGrowlmon.

"Look!" Rarity then spoke up, making him turn back to the caves and see the Virus Digimon beginning to leave. The only ones that stayed were a pair of Ogremon and a Flymon.

"Nice," Flash smirked. "We can handle those three without much issue." The others nodded as Flash rushed over to Raidramon.

"I will take the Viruses down," MagnaAngemon stated. "It will be simple for me."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Angewomon told him. "You're not exactly the fastest Digimon. They'll see you coming and sound the alarm before you can stop them." She turned to Flash, Rarity and their Digimon. "Can you four take them down quickly?"

"Of course," Rarity nodded. Flash agreed and they shot ahead, Nefertimon taking to the air whilst Raidramon raced across the savannah at top speed. They were so fast, the Virus Digimon saw nothing but a blur as they approached.

"Blue Thunder!" Raidramon unleashed the electric sphere and threw it at the Ogremon.

"Cat's Eye Beam!" Nefertimon launched the lasers at the Flymon, hitting it before the sphere slammed into the Ogremon and blasted them backwards. They roared as they were slammed into the mountain, whilst Raidramon and Nefertimon skidded to a stop.

The three fell to the ground and as they tried to pick themselves up, Flash was about to tell them to surrender. But before he could, MagnaAngemon appeared above them and carved a circle of light in the air. "Gate of Destiny!" The circle formed the golden disk, which opened up to reveal the portal that started sucking everything below it up.

The three were unable to save themselves, as they were sucked into the gate and screamed as they did.

The others watched and frowned as the gate vanished. "Don't you think that was a bit excessive?" Rarity asked. "They were already beaten. There was no need to do that."

"There was every need," MagnaAngemon told them. "I am a Virus Buster. It is my sworn duty to eradicate all viruses from the Digital World." They frowned at this, as MagnaAngemon flew towards one of the holes. "Do not mourn them. They chose this path when they Digivolved into Viruses. With hope, their next lives will see them picking the right path."

Angewomon flew down and landed next to the others, as MagnaAngemon, Garurumon and Gaogamon stepped into the tunnels leading in. "Try and forgive him. Despite his actions, he only wants to keep the Digital World safe."

"Safe for who?" Raidramon asked. "Himself?" They sighed and followed the three into the tunnel. Hopefully, it was one that would lead them into the next ring and allow them to get to Dragon Soul Stone before it was too late.

"Sky Strike!" HooTawnimon barrelled through a bunch of Flymon, knocking them back as the rest of his friends continued fighting.

The Digimon were waging complete war on the Virus Digimon. And despite how many new Digimon showed up to strengthen the defence, the attacking force had gotten too much of a lead against them.

"That's it!" Cyberdramon cried, cutting through an IceDevimon. "Don't give them time to regroup. Keep the pressure on them." Those that heard all nodded and kept blasting the Viruses, whilst Shining looked back at the mountain. "Flash and the others should have gotten in by now. I hope they're alright."

"Don't worry," Monodramon told him. "Flash is tough. And if something bad happens, Veemon can Digivolve to Ultimate and protect him. Right now, we gotta focus on giving him the time he needs to get to that Dragon Soul Stone."

"You're right," Shining nodded. "Alright," he dodged a Bakemon's attack and used his Cyber Nails to cut it to pieces, "we just have to keep fighting!" But as he said that, something caught his attention.

Up above him, a Flymon was soaring higher than the others in its group.

Moments later, something leapt off the top of the Flymon and fell towards them. Cyberdramon barely had time to register it before he realised he needed to defend himself. "Raaah!" He spun around and used the blade on his elbow to protect himself, as a katanna blade slam down upon him. "Augh!" The impact pushed him down, but he quickly used his wings to keep himself airborne.

"Hello again," the sword's owner chuckled.

Cyberdramon growled, "Fumamon!" He used all his strength to push the ninja Digimon away, Fumamon falling back and landing on a Flymon. "Should have known you'd show up."

Fumamon chuckled. "What can I say? You and your friends were so much fun to play with last time. Why wouldn't I want to face off against you again?" the Flymon flew upwards, Cyberdramon about to chase after him. But he knew this was just a ploy to make him leave his friends.

He stayed where he was, knowing his friends would need him should any more powerful Digimon show up. If Fumamon wanted to fight him, it would have to be down there with him. However, Fumamon had other ideas.

"Tsubakuro!" The ninja Digimon unleashed a bunch of shurikens, which flew down towards the battling Digimon. The next thing several of Cyberdramon's comrades knew, their wings were being cut into or they were struck somewhere that caused serious harm.

Cyberdramon gasped, as the Digimon took major damage and were left open for the other Virus Digimon to attack. "Coward!"

"You don't wanna play?" Fumamon asked, "that's fine. I can have fun sniping your friends from a safe distance." He threw more shurikens and Cyberdramon tried to deflect them, but there were too many and several hit other Digimon.

"Shining!" Unimon cried, firing an Aerial Attack at a shuriken that almost hit HooTawnimon. "You've gotta stop him. He's not gonna stop until you fight him."

"We can handle these guys!" Sunflowmon assured him. "Go!" Cyberdramon nodded before flying up towards Fumamon, the Flymon carrying him to the very top of the first ring.

"Desolation Claw!" He launched the energy sphere and Fumamon leapt off Flymon, seconds before it was struck and destroyed.

Fumamon landed atop the mountain and Cyberdramon was close behind, the ninja Digimon drawing his swords. "Hope you're ready," he rushed forward. "This is gonna be a blast!" He swung his swords around, Cyberdramon countering with his claws. The two began their clash and would keep clashing until one of them finally gave up. Whoever that was, was up to whoever wanted it the most.

Back inside the mountain, the infiltrators had managed to make through the tunnels and arrived outside the second ring.

As they leapt out of the tunnel, they found a bunch of Raremon waiting for them. "Raidramon!" Flash cried, his partner unleashed a burst of lightning that zapped the Raremon. This made them cry out, paralysing them as the group rushed past them.

"We need to take them out!" MagnaAngemon cried.

"Why?" Nefertimon asked, "we've gotten past them! Let's just focus on the enemies ahead of us!" The others agreed, but MagnaAngemon was clearly upset about leaving the Viruses alone. They headed into another tunnel and flew down it, eventually reaching a fork.

"Which way?" Angewomon asked, only for MagnaAngemon to fly down the left tunnel. "Never mind!" They followed him as he searched for the exit, only to find the tunnel lead to a dead-end.

"Heavens Damn it!" The Ultimate roared, as they spun around and headed back the way they came. But as they did, a Digimon appeared to block their path. A large pile of yellow...let's say slime, with eyes and a mouth.

"Ew!" Rarity cried, only for the Digimon to throw something at them.

"Cat's Eye Beam!" The laser fired and destroyed the projectile, as Garurumon unleashed a blast of blue fire. This attack burned the Digimon, allowing MagnaAngemon to fly in and cut the poor thing to ribbons.

"Hurry!" He cried, continuing to fly down the path. They kept going and had to make several detours back, since MagnaAngemon kept leading them to dead ends. But eventually, they reached an exit leading out the cave and into the space between the centre and innermost ring.

"We're almost there!" Flash cried, but looked around and saw no sign of any Digimon guards.

But before he could think there weren't any, a voice called out from within a hole. "Justice Strike!" Suddenly, a barrage of bullets exploded out of the hole and flew towards them. They all gasped as they attempted to dodge, with Raidramon getting hit by an explosion these blasts caused.

"Raaaah!" He cried, as he was thrown through the air and Flash was dislodged. He then glowed and reverted back to Veemon, he and Flash hitting the ground rolling as they let out a groan.

"Flash!" Rarity cried, as the others looked at where the bullets had come from. Heavy metal footsteps filled the air and eventually, the one who attacked revealed himself. And as Flash picked himself up, his eyes went wide.

"Armormon?" The cyborg centaur chuckled at him.

"Long time, no see." He pointed his gatling gun arms at Flash, "I haven't forgiven you for what you did to me." Flash glared at him, he and Veemon picking themselves up. "Now it's time to take my revenge."

"You know this Digimon?" MagnaAngemon asked.

"Yeah. I left him trapped under a mountain. Didn't think I'd see him here!"

Armormon chuckled. "My new master saved me from the tomb you sealed me in. Now, I fight to fulfil his goals and take my revenge on those that wronged me!" He pointed his guns at them "now DIE!" He unleashed a barrage of bullets, which Flash and the others were forced to evade.

"Damn Virus!" MagnaAngemon cried, using his arm shield to try and block the attacks. "We don't have time for this!"

"Leave this guy to us!" Flash told him, "you and Angewomon have gotta get to that stone." He turned to his partner, who had recovered and was now running in order to avoid the bullet. "Alright, bud! Let's do this!" Veemon nodded and Flash held up his Digivice, loading a new deck and hoping what he wanted do would work. "STINGMON!" Two lights exploded out of the Digivice.

One of those lights shot over to Veemon, whilst another took shape and formed an image of the humanoid insect Digimon.

As the light reached him, Veemon leapt into the air and was surrounded in a shining cocoon. "Veemon, Warp DNA Digivolve to..." The Stingmon data flew into the cocoon and it grew larger, then exploded to reveal the Jogress Ultimate. "PAILDRAMON!"

Rarity and Nefertimon were amazed by this sight, whilst Angewomon was surprised and the wolves were shocked. MagnaAngemon tried not to look impressed, whilst Armormon just stared at it in shock. "Ultimate?"

"That's right," Flash landed. "Last time, you had the Level advantage. Not anymore." He then swung his Digivice around and formed the energy cube, "Biomerge!" The image of Strabimon appeared within it before Flash leapt inside, transforming into the Rookie before glowing. "Strabimon, Digivolve to..." The light exploded off of him and revealed the armored wolf warrior. "LOBOMON!"

"Desperado Blaster!" Paildramon began to unleash a barrage of blast on Armormon, who jumped back to avoid them. As he did, Lobomon rush forward and pulled out a pair of tubes.

"Lobo Kendo!" The tubes unleashed a beam, transforming them into a pair of Lightsabers. He started swinging these sabers around forcing Armormon on the defensive. As he did, Nefertimon and Rarity turned to the Angels.

"Go!" She told them, "we've got this!"

"You've got nothing!" Armormon roared, as MagnaAngemon, Angewomon and the wolves flew into one of the holes. "GET BACK HERE!"

"Not gonna happen!" Lobomon cried, slashing at Armormon's arm and cutting into it. Armormon roared at this, having had enough. "You asked for it!" His back lasers spun around and shot a pair of beams into the air. The others saw this and wondered what he had just done, Rarity not liking it.

She leapt off of Nefertimon and took out her Digivice, swinging it around as she did. "Biomerge!" She fused with another Salamon copy and transformed. "Salamon, Digivolve to..." She broke out of the cocoon and landed on the ground, "Gatomon!" The cat Digimon glared at Armormon, then rushed forward before he could react. "Lightning Paw!"

"Rosetta Stone!" Nefertimon summoned the tablet and it broke apart.

Armormon dodged Gatomon's attack and as it did, the stone shards started smashing into him. "AUGH!" He staggered back and this allowed Paildramon to land behind him.

"Cable Catcher!" He launched his fingers at Armormon and wrapped him up, making it impossible for him to move. "Now we've gotcha!" And as he held him in place, Lobomon ran forward and held his swords at the ready.

"This might sting a little!" But as he was about to attack, the sun was suddenly blocked out. "Huh?" He looked up and saw a giant mass was now flying down from above. And as it did, it pointed its metal arms at them.

"Dark Side Attack!" A bunch of fish-shaped missiles were suddenly sent flying down towards them. Lobomon, Gatomon and Nefertimon leapt back, but Paildramon wasn't able to uncoil his fingers in time and the missile struck him.

"GYAH!" He cried, being blasted back and forced to release Armormon as the Ultimate galloped to safety.

"Watch it, you giant dolt!" He roared, as the Digimon flew down and filled a lot of the open space there. "I summoned you to help me, not blast me!"

"Sorry," the Digimon replied. "I thought the element of surprise was important." As he said that, the smoke cleared and their opponents got a better look at him.

"Megadramon," Nefertimon stated. "I can't believe they had such a strong Digimon in their ranks."

Armormon chuckled. "Impressed? Yes, he's a new member of our group. We found him just after he Digivolved and welcomed him into our army. Now his great power will be used, to help WarGrowlmon accomplish his mission. Destroying the Digital World." Megadramon seemed to frown at this, but then got serious and began to whip his tail around.

However, Paildramon managed to recover from his earlier injury and rushed over to grab said tail. Despite how big Paildramon was, he was only half Megadramon's size and needed both arms to stop the tail.

Lobomon used Megadramon's temporary capture to point his left arm at it. As he did, a hole in his arm brace began to glow. "Howling Laser!" A beam exploded out of the hole and shot towards Megadramon, hitting it in the chest. But the Ultimate barely seemed phased by the attack.

"Don't make me laugh!" Armormon chuckled. "Megadramon, DESTROY THEM!" Megadramon pulled Paildramon around and threw it at a nearby wall, the Jogress Ultimate smashing into rock and groaning. Megadramon then leapt into the air and pointed both his gauntlet arms at the ground.

"Dark Side Attack!" The fish missiles flew out of them and shot towards the ground, Gatomon leaping onto Nefertimon's back as the Armor Digimon leapt into the air. Lobomon was forced to leap into one of the holes, Megadramon seeing this and moving down to grab him.

Armormon watched as Megadramon reached one of these holes and struck an arm inside, then pointed his gatling guns at the girls and unleashed his Justice Strike attack.

The girls screamed as the rain of bullets flew up towards them, Nefertimon barely able to keep herself from being gunned down. This wasn't an easy feet, as Megadramon's tail whipped around and almost crashed into them. With Paildramon down for a moment, they were up a creek.

Cyberdramon and Fumamon continued their battle, both slashing and jumping around one another in an attempt to defeat the other.

Meanwhile, down below, the two battling Digimon factions continued to fight and appeared evenly matched. The attacking Digimon were starting to wear down, whilst the defenders were coming into the fight fresh. "We're starting to get overrun!" Unimon cried, as she blasted another Bakemon.

Down on the ground, FlameWizardmon blasted an IceDevimon as he looked around. "Guys, I think it's time we kick it up a notch." The others nodded, as Kabuterimon flew down.

"You sure about this? You've never done it without being biomerged with us. Who knows what'll happen."

"Only one way to find out!" Apemon jumped over a Raremon and landed next to them, Arbormon, Stingmon Snimon, Sorcerimon and Lekismon doing the same.

The Digimon all nodded and as the next wave of attackers charged, they closed their eyes and focused. The next thing they knew, they were all glowing and the light exploded off of them. "FlameWizardmon, Digivolve to..." The light faded to reveal the fire sword wielding wizard. "MISTYMON!"

"Kabuterimon, Digivolve to...MEGAKABUTERIMON!"

"Arbormon, Digivolve to...PETALDRAMON!"

"Stingmon, DNA Digivolve to...DINOBEEMON!"

"Snimon, Digivolve to...METALSNIMON!"

"Lekismon, Digivolve to...CRESCEMON!"

Apemon and Sorcerimon both became completely new Digimon. Apemon was now a humanoid monkey Digimon, wearing leather clothes and carrying a large metal staff. "GOKUWMON!"

Meanwhile, Sorcerimon transformed into a beautiful woman with ice blue skin, white hair in a ponytail and a tiara on her head designed around a snowflake. She was wearing a silver dress with blue snowflakes on it, blue heeled boots and a staff in her hand with a snowflake on the end of it. She also had a white cape, running down her back with blue fur around the edges. "Khionemon!"

The Ultimates stood together and all glared at the Digimon currently surrounding them, Khionemon raising her staff.

"Winter Breeze!" The blast of cold air flew out and quickly froze the Digimon, with even IceDevimon unable to withstand it. The other Ultimates quickly rushed into action, breaking the icicles apart. The others smiled at this, thinking this battle was in the bag.

But it would be meaningless, if the others weren't able to get to the stone in time.

Lobomon was still inside the tunnel, Megadramon's arm still being stuffed inside of it.

He had hoped it led to another hole that he could use to escape. But unfortunately, the tunnel was a dead end and barely longer than Megadramon's arm. The metal claws were inches from him, Lobomon trying to decide if using his Lobo Kendo on them were a good idea.

Back outside, Nefertimon was still flying around to avoid getting shot by Armormon.

As this was happening, Paildramon groaned as he came around and saw how things had changed in the battlefield. He spotted Megadramon and realised Flash had to be in that hole, so picked himself up and rushed over to him. "I don't think so!" He thrust his arms forward. "Cable Catcher!" The cables flew out and wrapped around Megadramon's body, Paildramon leaping into the air and pulling the Ultimate Virus with him.

Megadramon roared as he was pulled back, his arm yanked out of the tunnel. Paildramon then released him and grabbed his hip cannons. "Desperado Blaster!" The lasers slammed into him and pushed Megadramon towards the ground, making him slam into it hard and begin to crack around him.

Lobomon rushed out the hole and leapt into the air, seeing Armormon as he did. "Howling Laser!" The beam flew down and struck Armormon in the chest, knocking him back and stopping his attack on the girls.

Nefertimon saw this and quickly flew down. "Queen's Paw!" She fired a bunch of gems from her gauntlets, which rained down on Armormon whilst Gatomon leapt off and fell towards him.

"Nekodamashi!" She started spinning and eventually slammed her tail into Armormon's head, through this did little to nothing against him.

"Pathetic!" He swung his arm around and backhanded Gatomon, knocking her flying until she hit the ground. As she did, Megadramon picked itself up. And Paildramon flew down towards him.

"Sting Strike!" His arm blade extended in an attempt to stab Megadramon, but the Ultimate grabbed the blade in his metal claws and broke it off. "HEY!" Paildramon pulled the blade back, as Megadramon raised both arms.

"Dark Side Attack!" He fired the missiles towards Paildramon, who dodged one whilst using his Desperado Blaster to destroy the other. The first missile then spun through the air and shot down towards him, Paildramon seeing this and diving down.

Megadramon swung his tail around and tried to hit him, but Paildramon dodged this and the missile was struck instead. The tail knocked the attack flying before it crashed into the ground, exploding against one of the cracks.

The entire area shook and everyone on the ground almost fell over. And as it shook, the cracks on the ground grew and grew. But the smoke from the explosions had blinded them all, so none of them noticed this until it was too late.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the ground completely crumbled beneath Megadramon. "WHAT?" Megadramon roared, as he began to fall into the darkness below. He tried to spread his wings, but rocks slammed into them and stopped him from grabbing any air. He let out a mighty roar and disappeared into the darkness. And he wasn't the only one.

Armormon, Lobomon and Gatomon found themselves about to fall in, as the hole grew larger and larger.

"Flash/Rarity!" Their partners screamed, as they flew down to try and save them. The three ground Digimon ran away from the hole, but it expanded too quickly for two of them.

Armormon leapt into one of the holes and quickly pointed his guns at his foes, unleashing a barrage of bullets that flew towards them. Nefertimon managed to grab Gatomon and pull up before she was struck, but Paildramon couldn't reach Lobomon in time.

As such, he was struck by the bullets and pushed backwards, roaring as he was forced to fly back. This meant Lobomon fell into the darkness, Paildramon roaring his name as he disappeared. And at the same time, parts of the two rings began to break apart and collapsed into the whole. The two rock slides collided with one another and were pressed together, causing them to form a lid that covered the hole in the earth.

"FLASH!" Paildramon roared, taking out his blasters and preparing to blow a hole in the rocks.

"No!" Gatomon told him. "If you do that, you might send those rocks crashing down on him." Paildramon growled, as Armormon laughed.

"Oh, that was good. How ironic. You left me buried alive, and now your friend's been buried alive as well. You can't write this stuff." Paildramon growled as Armormon leapt down out of the hole, pointing his gatling gun at the rock pile. "Maybe I'll finish the job for you."

"NO!" Paildramon flew down and tackled the Digimon, throwing him as far from the rock-pile as possible. He wouldn't let Armormon hurt his partner's head. However, Paildramon couldn't help but fear for his friend's safety.

At the same time, MagnaAngemon, Angewomon and the wolves continued to fly through the tunnel into the centre of Target Mountain.

A light was up ahead, signalling a way out. But would it be the spot they were looking for?

They shot out the hole and when they did, their eyes went wide at the sight of the Dragon Soul Stone. And it hadn't activated. "Now's my chance!" MagnaAngemon flew towards it, only for something to shoot towards him from behind it. "WOW!" He barely managed to block it with his sword, MagnaAngemon seeing it was a familiar blasted whip that quickly retracted as the owner stepped out from behind the stone.

WarGrowlmon glared at them, clearly unhappy to see them. "Those useless fools."

MagnaAngemon pointed his sword at him. "Give up! You will not be getting the Dragon Soul Stone."

"You think so?" WarGrowlmon asked before charging, "I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU STOP ME!" The others charged as well, ready for the battle that would decide the fate of the Digital World. Many had fought hard for them to get to this point and they refused to let their hard work go to waste.

Flash groaned as he felt himself beginning to wake up, the teen picking himself up and finding he was covered in rocks.

Luckily, they weren't too heavy so he was able to pull himself out of the pile. But he was pretty badly scuffed up and was aching in several spots. "Ow." He then noticed he was back to being human, which worried him since he doubted he could biomerge again in his current state.

He stood up and looked around, but could barely see anything.

The area he was in was almost pitch black, only illuminated by a few streams of light coming from above. He tried to use his Digivice to light it up some more, but that barely did anything. After attempting to port out, which didn't work, he sighed and sat down.

"I'm gonna have to find another way out of here. But I'm gonna need to let myself recover first." But as he said that, suddenly heard a growl before the rocks next to him started shifting.

He leapt away, as the rocks fell down off of whatever was hidden beneath. And as they fell, they revealed the metal covered head of Megadramon. The Ultimate Digimon did not look happy and let out a mighty roar, which shook the room and made Flash fear the ceiling would be shaken loose again.

Flash realised he was in serious trouble. He was trapped underground, with a dangerous Digimon and the Digital World might be about to end. This wasn't good.

Author's Note:

The second Dragon Soul Stone has arrived and soon, the next Great Dragon will appear. But which one will it be? Only time will tell.

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