• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,585 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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The Dragon Soul Stones

Night time had fallen on the Digital World and everything seemed peaceful.

In one corner of the Digital World, a massive forest could be seen. It wasn't massive in the sense of miles covered by it, since the forest was only about ten miles from one side to the other, but in the sense of the tree's height and width. The trees on the edge of the forest were large enough to fit a Seadramon within them, completely straight, and they were the smallest of the trees.

And in the very centre of this forest was a large clearing, big enough for four soccer fields to fit inside. It was in this clearing that a bright flash of light appeared, illuminating the forest.

When the light died down, it revealed a stone orb that was now floating in the very centre of the clearing.

This orb was a perfect sphere and had the images carved into the stone. Those images were of four dragons, each one looking rather different from the other, with swirls and lines around them. Whatever this object was, it was something of great power. Which meant somebody no doubt wanted to get their hands on it.

It was another a brilliant day in Codex and in the foyer, Flash and Veemon were sitting at a table looking at their Digivice.

Flash found himself at in interesting situation. He was only one win away from becoming a Champion, something he was very proud of, and thus was preparing his deck. The only problem was, he couldn't think of which Digimon to use for that battle.

"How about Slayerdramon?" Veemon suggested, but Flash didn't seem to like that idea.

"Everyone's been paying a lot of attention to us. They know we have almost all the Royal Knights. And they know I seem to prefer using Free and Vaccine Digimon. They might end up finding a way to counter that."

"Good point," Veemon nodded as he thought about it. "Maybe use a Virus Digimon instead. Don't you have that deck you got after De-Digivolving a copy of Examon?" Flash opened said deck, showing Dracomon, Green Coredramon, Groundramon, Breakdramon and the Royal Knight.

Flash hummed, considering it. But he wasn't quite sure yet.

It was then that something happened, which took Flash's attention away from the upcoming battle. An alert, suddenly appearing on his Digivice. And he wasn't the only one who got it.

All over Codex, every single player received what appeared to be an invitation to someplace. An invitation not unlike the one he had gotten from the Royal Knights. "What's going on?" Veemon asked, as Flash opened the invite.

Greetings, Codex Player.

I send you this message to ask for your help. The details will be discussed when you arrive at the location that we have sent you. You may choose to decline if you wish, but doing so may put the Digital World at great risk. We need all the help we can get to accomplish this mission. Will you accept?

Flash read the message several more times, then looked around. Some players instantly head for the Digi-Port, whilst others looked unsure on what to do. But some seemed to simply ignore the request, two of which being Lightning Dust and Jet Set.

But Flash spotted someone rushing towards the Digi-Port that he knew. Rarity and Salamon.

"Rarity!" He rushed over to her, Rarity looking around and gasping. "You get that message as well? Wonder what that's about?"

"I didn't get that message," Rarity explained. "I got an entirely differently one." Flash looked at her curiously, Rarity taking out her Digivice and showing it to him.

Rarity. I need you and my sister to come to the location I've sent you. It's important and the rest of the players in Codex are being asked to come as well. If you can, convince as many of your friends as possible to come and help us. Trust me, this is could spell the end of the Digital World.

Flash's interest peaked, especially about the first part. "Whose this sister they're asking you to bring?"

"Me." He and Veemon looked down at Salamon, who smiled at them as Rarity picked her up. "When Rarity first met me, I was travelling the Digital World with my sister. Gatomon. It's actually her scan that I use to Digivolve with."

"Cool," Flash smirked, "so any idea what this could be about?"

Salamon shook her head. "No, I haven't really seen my sister since I joined Rarity. I hope she's okay."

"Only one way to find out," Veemon smirked. "let's get going." They nodded and headed for the Digi-Port. When they got there, they saw Micro, Sandal, Twilight and Shining there with their Digimon.

"You guys know anything about this?" Flash asked, Shining checking the location sent to them.

"It's very rare for Digimon to get in contact with players like this," he explained. "No doubt they only did this because they're desperate for as many fighters as possible." They all nodded, thinking the same thing. "You guys up for this? I doubt they'll be much of a reward."

"They're asking for our help," Micro replied. "And they said the fate of the Digital World was at stake. We should at least see what they're asking for help with." The others were in agreement and once they loaded the location, they pointed their Digivices up and pulled the trigger.

In the blink of an eye, the lot of them were transported through the tunnel until they arrived at a large dark room. It wasn't pitch black, but there was still barely any light.

They all looked around and saw many other players and their Digimon, all looking just as confused. But there were other Digimon around as well, like Clockmon, Frigimon, Gorillamon and a few others.

Flash then spotted a Digimon he recognised and smiled. "Leomon!" He rushed over to the humanoid lion, who looked around and smiled seeing him.

"Ah, hello my friends. I was hoping I'd see you here. We certainly need all the brave souls we can get in order to face what's coming."

"So you know why we're here?" Flash asked, but Leomon frowned.

"In a way. But I think it's best that I let them explain it." This just made Flash more curious, as he looked over to see more of his friends arriving. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Trixie and Thorax were all with the others, all just as confused as they were about what the heck was going on. And when Flash returned to them, a spotlight suddenly appeared and illuminated a large stage.

Suddenly, the back of the room opened up and allowed three Digimon to appear within it.

The first was a MagnaAngemon, just like the one Trixie had used in many of her battles. The next was another humanoid Digimon, that looked like a tall blond woman wearing revealing white clothing, with pink trim and eight beautiful white wings on her back. Her head had a metal helmet covering her eyes.

The last Digimon was bigger than the others, barely able to fit through the opening. It was a large serpentine Digimon, that was sky blue in colour. Its head looked like that of a traditional Chinese dragon, with long blue whiskers coming out of its face. Instead of hair coming out the back of its head, the Digimon instead had a substance that looked like a cloud. The same substance could be seen on the end of its whiskers, around its chest, the wrists of its front and back legs and on the tip of its long tail.

"Who's that Digimon?" Flash asked, Shining humming since he seemed to be having trouble remembering.

"It's a pretty rare Digimon. I think it's called...Baoyendramon." Flash nodded, working to remember that name as MagnaAngemon flew forward and landed on the stage.

"Thank you all for coming," he stated. "I had hoped to see more of you, but it seems humans aren't as reliable as I was told you were." Many of the players frowned at this, not liking the way this Digimon was talking about them. "I'm sure many of you are wondering why you're here, so I'll cut straight to the chase. The first of the three Dragon Soul Stones has appeared." This statement brought much confusion to the Codex players and several Digimon.

"Okay," Flash turned to Shining, "and I thought I wasn't a newb anymore. What the heck is a Dragon Soul Stone?"

"Beats me," Shining replied. "Never heard of one." The rest of his friends all shared their confusion, as MagnaAngemon began to explain.

"Centuries ago, the Digital World was almost brought to utter ruin, due to a powerful Digimon appearing. Megidramon. It was so destructive, that it's very presence almost ripped the world apart. To counter it, three other Dragon Digimon appeared. Goldramon, Magnadramon and Azulongmon."

Angewomon continued. "These three Digimon battled Megidramon and destroyed it, sealing away its power. And to make sure it could never appear again, the three gave up their lives and created a lock. The Dragon Soul Stones. Now, the only way to Digivolve into any of those Digimon, is with one of those locks. Azulongmon, Magnadramon, Goldramon and Megidramon will not see the Digital World, unless a Digimon that can become them touches the stone once it's power has awakened."

"I see," Twilight nodded. "And with only three Dragon Soul Stones, only three of these Four Great Dragons can exist at once. And if it's the three good ones, Megidramon can't be born."

"Exactly," Baoyendramon nodded. "Whenever one of the Four Great Dragons is deleted, a Dragon Soul Stone is set to appear at some point in the future. The other good Dragons then make sure that stone comes in contact with one who will become the last good dragon. This has gone on for centuries and there hasn't been any threat of Megidramon returning."

"Until now," MagnaAngemon explained. "The Four Great Dragons are all gone. The three good ones were all deleted a long time ago and now, the first of the Dragon Soul Stones has appeared. Because of that, the danger of it falling into the wrong hands is great. Especially with the Virus Army amassing."

"The Virus Army?" Flash turned to the others, "you guys know what that is?"

"I've heard rumours of it," Micro frowned. "A large group of Virus Digimon, amassing power with the intent of destroying the Digital World that once shunned them."

"This army is no rumour," MagnaAngemon stated. "They are a plague that must be wiped out. And our intelligence informs us, that they intend to claim the Dragon Soul Stone. If they get their hands on it, Megidramon will return and nothing might be able to stop it."

"So what do you need us to do?" Leomon asked.

"Simple," Angewomon explained. "We have located the Dragon Soul Stone and already have members of our resistance guarding it. But our numbers are nothing compared to the Virus Army. We need your help to protect the stone from them." A holographic map appeared above them, showing the forest. "The stone is located here," she pointed at the centre of the forest. "The three of us will remain there and act as its last line of defence. Meanwhile, the rest of you will be located inside the forest surrounding the stone."

"Your mission is simple," MagnaAngemon announced. "If you see a Virus Digimon attempting to get past, destroy it." The group flinched at this.

"Kind of harsh," Flash frowned.

"Well they are trying to destroy the Digital World," Shining reminded him.

"You must keep any Virus Digimon from getting to the Dragon Soul Stone," Angewomon explained. "Once it powers up, one of us will absorb its power. With it, we will Digivolve into the three Great Dragons and prevent the Virus Army from destroying the Digital World. Is that understood?" They all nodded. "Good, then let's get ready. We have to head out soon." With that, the spotlight switched off and the room was filled with more light.

Flash turned to the others, who looked amazed by the situation they were in. "So," Rainbow smirked, "we gotta help save the Digital World. Sounds like fun."

"Oh," Fluttershy looked worried, "what if we fail?"

"We're not gonna fail," Applejack assured her. "With this many Digimon, we can handle whatever that army throws at us." They all nodded and Flash looked around, spotting Leomon once again.

He stepped over to him, smirking. "So are you just helping out? Or are you a member of...whatever the heck this is?"

Leomon smiled. "They call themselves the resistance. Protectors of the Digital World. And yes, I've chosen to ally myself with them. They have a just cause and I wanted to do more good. Although, their leader isn't exactly the most caring of Digimon." Flash wondered what he meant by this, only to hear MagnaAngemon's voice call out.

"FREEZE!" Everyone looked around and saw MagnaAngemon, who was pointed his sword at one of the Codex Players. Though more specifically, he was pointing it at the Digimon he was holding. "What is that, doing here?" He was referring to the Otamamon, who looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

"What are you talking about?" The player asked, "you called us here."

"And you brought an enemy into our headquarters?" He looked outraged and ready to attack. But before he could do anything, Leomon rushed over with his hand on his sword.

"Hey!" He cried, "back off! This Digimon hasn't done anything wrong."

"It's a Virus Digimon!" MagnaAngemon exclaimed. "It's very existence is a threat to the Digital World. All Virus Digimon are evil and must be wiped out!" Everyone else frowned at this, but Leomon looked the most outraged.

"You can't just determine if a Digimon is evil just because of its type. This Digimon is only a Rookie. There's no telling what it could become in the future." MagnaAngemon glared at him, only for another voice to call out to him.

"He's right." He looked around and saw Baoyendramon flying over to them. "Little one, do you happen to know what your natural Champion Level is?"

"Co-Coalamon," Otamamon gulped.

"See," he told the Ultimate. "Leave him alone. He came to help and we need all the help we can get."

MagnaAngemon glared at him. "You should mind your own business. I only brought you into this resistance, because you were the only Digimon I could find that was capable of Digivolving with the stone." He spread his wings, "don't think you're an equal in this standing." He turned to Otamamon, "I'll be watching you." With that, he flew off and out of the room, whilst Baoyendramon turned to them.

"I apologise for him. He sees any Virus as a criminal, even ones that wish to do good. I hope this won't dissuade you from helping us in our mission." The player and Otamamon nodded, but looked very worried as they walked off to join their friends.

"Thank you," Leomon nodded. "I'm glad to see some of the Digimon leading this resistance, aren't all hate filled."

"You'll have to forgive MagnaAngemon," Baoyendramon replied. "He suffered a lot of pain in his Rookie-hood, thanks to some Virus Digimon. It's made him grow to hate Virus-types, even ones that have yet to do anything threatening. But I know not all Virus Digimon are dangerous."

"That's good to hear," Flash smiled. "A friend of ours was a Virus Digimon and thought he had to die in order to keep the Digital World safe. But he fought to protect the Digital World and became one of the Royal Knights." It was then he realised something. "If you need help, why not get the Royal Knights to guard the stone? I'm sure they wouldn't want Megidramon to appear."

Baoyendramon nodded. "Unfortunately, there's only so much the Royal Knights can do. For some reason, the Dragon Soul Stone creates a barrier whenever it appeared. It's a ten mile dome that prevents any Digimon that's Mega Level or higher from entering. I'm afraid the Royal Knights can't help in this instance."

"Dang," Veemon cried. "Oh well. Guess we'll just have the fight extra hard."

"Indeed," Leomon nodded. "The Digital World is counting on us."

Flash nodded and turned to Baoyendramon. "You have our word. We're not gonna let a single Virus Digimon near that stone."

"Yeah," Veemon nodded. "You just focus on Digivolving into...whichever of those dragons you're gonna become!" Baoyendramon nodded, as Flash turned to head over to his friends.

As he approached, he noticed another Digimon heading towards them. Angewomon.

As she got closer, the others noticed her approach and that she was focusing on two of them in particular. Rarity and Salamon looked up at her, seeing her smiling as she approached them. "it's so good to see you both again," the Ultimate replied as she knelt down.

Salamon stared at her, then gasp. "Sister?" Angewomon laughed and nodded, Salamon looking ecstatic as she leapt at her. "I can't believe it's you!" The pair hugged, as Rarity smiled. Salamon then pulled back and looked her over. "Wow, you got to the Ultimate Level."

"Yes. And I'm sure you've grown stronger too." She gave Salamon back to Rarity and stood up. "I wish we had more time to spend together, but right now we need to focus on protecting the Digital World from Megidramon's return. Can I count on you to keep me safe until then."

"We'll do our best," Rarity assured her. "I'm guessing this fight won't be easy."

"No, it won't. This army is powerful. We know little about their leaders, but they seek to only destroy the Digital World. We cannot allow that to happen."

"Don't worry," Shining assured her. "We'll fight with everything we have and hold nothing back." The others nodded, as Angewomon smiled.

"Thank you. I'm glad you chose to come and lend us your aid. Just be careful." As she said that, the back wall of the building opened up to reveal what appeared to be a portal. "This will take you to the forest, where the Dragon Soul Stone is located. Once there, get ready for an instant attack." They all nodded and began to head towards the portal, the rest of the Codex players and Digimon heading through it as well.

As they did, they all wondered about this unknown enemy. Hopefully, whoever they were, they would realise they couldn't defeat this many opponents and chose to leave.

In another part of the Digital World, a dark canyon held the army that was preparing to attack.

The army was made up of many Virus Digimon, each one different from the next. There were Ogremon, Cyclonemon, Bakemon, Raremon, Devidramon and many more. There were hundreds, maybe over a thousand of them if not more. They were all preparing for battle, ready to destroy any who got in their way.

Amongst these Digimon, the dark ninja Fumamon was leaping around heading towards a cave at the very back of the canyon.

Stepping inside, he headed down a passageway into a large underground chamber. And there, several Digimon were waiting in the shadows.

Two of them were large Digimon, whilst another was only a little bigger the Fumamon. "Master," he rushed forward and knelt down, "the Dragon Soul Stone has appeared. But the resistance managed to find it first and has set up a defence to protect it from us."

The second largest of the two big Digimon growled. "This is not the news I wanted. You were the one in charge of finding the Dragon Soul Stone before it could fall into their hands. And now you've allowed those fools to get it before us."

"Who cares if they found it first," the smallest of the three announced. "Let's just go there and take it back from them. Our numbers more than outmatch their's. We'll get the Dragon Soul Stone and destroy the resistance in one fell swoop. Two birds, one stone."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple," Fumamon replied. "From my investigation, I've discovered that the resistance intends to recruit humans and their Digimon partners. Against them, we my not have the advantage you expect us to have." The other Digimon growled at this and stepped forward.

As he did, the sound of metal on rock filled the air. And out of the darkness came a heavily armed centaur Digimon with guns all over his body. "Humans. They're the ones that took everything from me." He started preparing his machine guns. "I'll make them pay for what they did."

"Armormon!" The other Digimon announced. "Don't do anything stupid. We have more important things to focus on right now. Like getting me my hands on the Dragon Soul Stone."

Armormon was clearly not happy about not getting the revenge he was wanting. "Fine. What would you have us do?"

"Fumamon," the Digimon replied, "you will lead the charge. Use the Flymon to drop the warp bombs onto the forest. That will allow us to get our Digimon past at least a few of the defending Digimon. And when you get close to the Soul Stone, create a portal for me to enter. I will deal with the leaders of the resistance myself."

"Yes master," Fumamon nodded before running out of the cave.

Armormon watched him leave and huffed. "I don't trust him. He always seems to have some kind of agenda."

"Maybe," the Digimon nodded. "But we need all the help we can get right now. Especially after Orochimon went and go himself deleted." He then turned to the largest Digimon in the chamber. "As such, we'll be relying on you to deal with any of the fools that chose to side with the resistance. Is that clear, Therizinomon?"

The Digimon turned towards the other two and let out a low growl, one they recognised as a reluctant agreement. Armormon frowned under his mask. "If I had known joining this group would mean teaming up with a bunch of bloodthirsty monsters, I might have decide to stay stuck under that mountain." He just cared about getting more power. And hopefully, those kids that had trapped him under said mountain would be there and he could get his revenge.

Flash and his friends stepped out of the portal and found themselves in a forest full of giant trees.

They looked around, amazed by the sheer scale of the place. "Wow. And we've gotta protect this place from getting overrun with Virus Digimon?"

"Exactly," Baoyendramon announced as he flew through the portal. "This will be a tough battle to be sure. And honestly, I fear we may not all make it out of this alive." The Codex Players and their Digimon all frowned at this. "If at any point, you wish to leave. I understand."

"What are you doing?" They all looked around and saw MagnaAngemon. "What do you mean you'd understand. They can't leave. They promised to help protect the Digital World with us. Are you trying to make them desert us."

"I'm just telling them what's on the line," Baoyendramon replied. "This is war and they have a right to know what they're getting themselves into."

"It doesn't matter," MagnaAngemon stated. "They will remain and fight, even if they end up getting deleted. Their lives will serve the greater good and allow me to ascend into one of the Four Great Dragons, allowing me to wipe out any and all Virus Digimon that exist."

The players all frowned at him, as MagnaAngemon spread his wings and flew towards the centre of the forest. "Does he have to be the one to Digivolve into a Great Dragon?" Veemon asked, as Baoyendramon sighed.

"He may have his prejudices, but his strength is no joke. And he's the only one we know of capable of such an evolution. besides, he started this resistance and has been able to lead us. He's the best Digimon for the job."

"I don't know," Flash shrugged. "You seem like a pretty good leader. You're kind to those around you and I can tell you known when to be firm. I bet you'd be a way better leader than that jerk."

Baoyendramon chuckled, "thank you for the kind words. But I'm anything but leadership material. I'd be terrified of making the wrong choice."

"Everyone has that fear," Shining told him. "I've lead a bunch of teams before and made mistakes. It's impossible to be perfect. All you can do is stick to what you believe and do what you can."

Baoyendramon smiled at this, but was still clearly unsure about his leadership qualities. "We should focus on the battle for now. You should all Digivolve and get ready. It won't be long before the Virus Army begins their assault." They all nodded as Baoyendramon flew off, whilst Leomon turned to the others.

"I've been assigned to the northern side of the forest. This is where we part ways, for now." They all nodded and Leomon headed off, whilst the Digidestined took out their Digivices and began to choose their Digimon.

"Let's do this!" Shining told Monodramon.

"Oh yeah!" The Rookie cried before leaping into the air. The pair high-fived as light surrounded them. "Monodramon, Biomerge Digivolve to..." The cocoon exploded as the Champion appeared. "Strikedramon!"

The other Digidestined held up their Digivices, except for Flash, the light flying off them and towards their partners.

"Lunamon, Digivolve to...Lekismon!"

"Mangoramon, Digivolve to...Arbormon!"

"Kamemon, Digivolve to...Tortomon!"

"Labramon, Digivolve to...Dorulumon!"

"Terriermon, Digivolved to...Gargomon!"

"Dilemon, Digivolve to...Gatormon!"

"Salamon, Digivolve to...Gatomon!"

"Tentomon, Digivolve to..." Tentomon's cocoon exploded to reveal a large robotic hercules-beetle Digimon, being mostly blue with red on its stomach, shoulders and arms along with yellow pipes around his shoulders. On his chest was what appeared to be a large speaker system. "Ballistamon!"

Twilight and Thorax held up their Digivices, as the Digimentals of Love and Knowledge appeared. "Digi-Armor, Energise!" The Digimentals exploded and flew over to Tawnimon and Grubmon, surrounding them in cocoons of wind and earth.

"Tawnimon, Armor Digivolve to...Aurumon, Loving Wisdom!"

"Grubmon, Armor Digivolve to...Mothmon, the Swarm of Knowledge!"

Once their Digimon were Digivolved, the players each selected their own Digimon to transform into. The cocoons appeared around them and they began to morph and change.

"Tawnimon!" Twilight cried, "Digivolve to...Unimon!"

"Grubmon!" Thorax yelled, "Digivolve to...Stingmon!"

"Hawkmon!" Rainbow cried, "Armor Digivolve to...Pteryxmon, Flightless Courage!"

"Lalamon!" Applejack yelled, "Digivolve to...Sunflowmon!"

"ToyAgumon!" Pinkie hollered, "Digivolve to...ToyGreymon!"

"Wormmon," Fluttershy gently announced, "Digivolve to...Hudiemon!"

"Salamon!" Pinkie stated, "Digivolve to...Darcmon!"

"Tentomon!" Micro yelled, "Armor Digivolve to...FlameWizardmon, Burning Magical Courage!"

"Shamamon!" Sandalwood cried, "Digivolve to..." The cocoon exploded to reveal a large yellow monkey Digimon, with a bone on its back. "Apemon!"

They all looked themselves over and smiled at what they saw. But then they noticed Flash and Veemon hadn't transformed. "What's the hold up?" Pteryxmon asked, the pair glaring at her.

"Hey, I'm trying to pick a form!" Flash looked around, trying to take his environment into consideration. "Can't use any of my fire Digimon or I could set the whole place alight." FlameWizardmon and Pteryxmon looked around, realising he might have a point. "Maybe ExVeemon."

"I wouldn't," Stingmon stated. "That Digimon isn't as graceful as the rest when it's in the air. You might end up crashing into things."

"Go with something you know inside and out," Strikedramon told him. "Don't forget, this is an army of Virus Digimon. A Vaccine-type might be the best bet." Flash nodded and knew who to pick, loading one of his decks.

"Ready Veemon?" His partner nodded as Flash swung his Digivice around, it unleashing a light that consumed the pair of them.

"Veemon, Biomerge Digivolve to..." The cocoon grew larger until it exploded, revealing the large blue T-rex Digimon. "VEEDRAMON!" Now that they were all ready for battle, they turned towards the edge of the forest. The Digimon in the air flew up and perched on the top branches, knowing an attack from the air was very likely.

And so they all waited...and waited...and waited some more. Soon enough, an hour passed from when they had arrived and nothing happened.

"Come on!" Pteryxmon moaned, "what's taking them so long."

"Don't be annoyed they're not showing up," Darcmon stated. "The longer they take, the less time we have to defend the Dragon Soul Stone."

"Yeah," Gatomon nodded. "Hopefully, it'll activate before they get here and we won't have to fight at all." Some of the more battle-loving Digimon and players didn't like the sound of that, preferring for there to actually be some action. But they also remembered how the Digital World was at stake, so there not being a fight was a good thing.

Then, from atop the largest tree he could find, Aurumon's mechanical eyes caught sight of something in the distance. "Something's coming!" The other flyers flew up and saw what he had seen. But with their weaker eyes, all they could see was a black cloud.

"What is it?" Unimon asked, straining her eyes to try and see. Aurumon's eyes zoomed in as far as they could see, allowing him take in some visual aspects of the creatures that made up the clouds.

They were a swarm of insect Digimon, mostly yellow in colour with black stripes and large purple wings. The tips of its four front legs had black spikes whilst its back legs had claws on the ends of them. It had no eyes and a beak-like mouth, with spikes sticking out the sides.

"Flymon!" Aurumon cried, everyone knowing this had to be it.

"Everyone," Strikedramon limbered up, "get ready for a fight!" He started leaping up the sides of the trees and eventually landed on a top branch, looking up at the swarm as it approached. "Ready?" He called, as the Digimon prepared their long range attacks. As they did, he noticed one of the Flymon was carrying another Digimon on its back. "Fire!"

The Digimon all launched the attacks and the Flymon found themselves under heavy fire. "Evasive manoeuvres!" The Digimon riding them yelled, as the Flymon started flying in a random fashion. "Launch the warp bombs!" With that, the Flymon started dropping something towards the ground.

"Look out!" Unimon cried, as the others found a bunch of orbs falling towards them.

"V-Nova Blast!" Veedramon launched out an energy ball, which struck many of these projectiles and caused them to explode. But more hit the ground and unleashed a blinding light, causing them to stagger backwards. The lights then swirled around and formed a bunch of portals, which they assumed were going to bring their army to them.

"Not good!" Dorulumon cried, as something rushed out of the portal.

That something was a battalion of dinosaur Digimon, halfway between Veedramon and Flamedramon in height.

Its body was T-Rex-shaped, being orange in colour with silver stripes covering its body. It had large muscular legs and small arms, with a long tail that had what appeared to be a mace-like wrecking ball on the end of it. But its head was the most noticeable thing about it, since the top of it had a yellow metal hard-hat on it.

The whole thing gave the Digimon the appearance of a demolition man, which made them worry considering they were gonna have to stop them.

"Pachymon!" Hudiemon cried, as the Dinosaur Digimon rushed forward. But they were quickly intercepted by another pair of dinos.

"Blazing Slash!" Pteryxmon roared as he claws burst into flames and allowed her to slash at the dinosaur Digimon. At the same time, Veedramon swung his tail around and sent the Pachymon flying backwards. But more of them kept coming.

"HEAD SMASH!" Many cried, as energy flowed around their heads and turned into a slipstream that covered their bodies as they picked up speed.

"Drill Tornado!" Dorulumon roared, as he spun his tail around and unleashed a tornado that stopped many of them in their tracks.

"Gargo Pellets!" Gargomon unleashed a barrage of bullets upon the Pachymon, as Apemon and Arbormon rushed forward.

"Magical Monkey Punch/Roundhouse Punt!" The pair started punching the Pachymon, making sure to avoid their helmets and aim for their chests to knock them backwards.

"Hydro Pump!" Gatormon unleashed a blast of high pressure water, which hit several Pachymon head on and knocked them to the ground. But some managed to avoid the attack with one swinging its tail.

"Wrecker Tail!" The mace on the end of it threatened to smash into him, but ToyGreymon blocked it with her own. The impact caused her tail to shatter, but she didn't seem at all worried and spun around to face them.

"Plastic Nova!" The plastic fireball exploded out of her mouth and slammed the Pachymon right in the face, knocking it away.

At the same time, FlameWizardmon and Sorcerimon rushed up to another group of Pachymon and leapt onto their backs. "Hahaa!" Sorcerimon laughed, "I'm riding a dinosaur!"

"Now it's time for them to go extinct!" FlameWizardmon cried, as he pulled his Pachymon towards another group and leapt off before it barrelled through them.

Sorcerimon did the same, as the pair pointed their staffs towards the group. "Flame Ignition/Crystal Barrage!" The flames and ice exploded out of the staff and slammed into them, causing them to explode as the pair landed. But as they did, more Pachymon charged towards them.

"Tear Arrows/Seismic Speaker!" Arrows of ice shot towards the dinosaurs and exploded against them, as a powerful sonic blast exploded out of Ballistamon's chest and destroyed the last of them.

The Digimon on the ground smiled, then looked up at the sky where the air Digimon continued to fight. The Flymon were still in a mad swarm, making them easy pickings for the Digimon attacking.

"Spiking Strike!" Stingmon cried, as his energy stinger extended and he thrust it into the head of a Flymon. This caused it to explode, whilst Mothmon flew by.

"Gauss Powder!" Being careful not to hit any of his allies, Mothmon unleashed the burning powder onto the Flymon and made them all cry out at the burning sensation.

Fumamon saw this coming and chose to leap off his Flymon, falling down towards the trees and landing on a branch. But no sooner did he land, he found himself under attack from Strikedramon. "Wow!" He cried, avoiding a burning claw as he leapt to another branch. As he landed, he drew his swords. "Interesting way to say hello."

Strikedramon growled, "are you the one leading the Virus Army?"

"Me?" Fumamon laughed, "I wish. No, I'm just a cog in the machinery. But I have a mission to complete. You wouldn't happen to know where the Dragon Soul Stone is, do you?" Strikedramon growled, "is that a no?" The Champion leapt at him with his claws burning, but Fumamon leapt into the air. "Tsubakuro!" Suddenly, the shuriken on his gauntlet enlarged and her threw it at Strikedramon.

The Dragon Man Digimon slashed at the spinning blade of death, but was quickly overpowered and sent flying. "Augh!" He slammed into a trunk and fell to the ground, as the shuriken returned to Fumamon as he landed on a branch.

"Hope that wasn't too painful," he joked as Strikedramon picked himself up. "I hate to do this, but I've got places to be. So we'll have to cut this fight short."

"RAAAH!" Strikedramon roared, as he felt his anger rise. "Not gonna happen. I'm not letting you anywhere near that Soul Stone." He rushed forward and as he did, light exploded off of him. "Strikedramon, Digivolve to..." The cocoon shot into the air and exploded, revealing the Ultimate Digimon. "Cyberdramon!" He slashed at Fumamon, who quickly used his swords to block the incoming attack.

The two pushed against one another until Fumamon leapt back, throwing several smoke bombs through the air in an attempt to blind Cyberdramon to make his escape. But the Ultimate refused to let himself be beaten so easily and gave chase.

All over the forest, battles were being raged between the resistance and the Virus Army.

Leomon roared as he rushed forward, slashing at an Ogremon that blocked the attack with its club. "Why are you doing this?" He asked, as the pair pushed back from one another. "You realise if Megidramon is revived, all of the Digital World will be destroyed. That includes you."

"I'm a Virus-type," Ogremon announced as he charged forward. "It's what I do." The pair duelled with their weapons, blocking and avoiding each attack. "We destroy data. Even if we don't want to, what other life can we lead?"

"Virus Digimon have an important role to play," Leomon stated tried to sweep his feet out from under Ogremon. "There's a balance in the Digital World. Virus Digimon destroy old data before the Vaccine Digimon stop them, allowing the Data Digimon to build something new where the old data once was." They slashed at one another and eventually came to deadlock, their weapons pushing against one another. "It's a continuous cycle that's important to the evolution of the Digital World. But if you destroy everything, then there's be nothing left to rebuild. It'll all have to start from scratch."

"You call it balance," Ogremon growled. "I call it a life of being hated by everyone. If the Digital World is reset, maybe it'll become a place where Digimon like us can belong!" He leapt away and pulled his fist back, Leomon doing the same. "Pummel Whack!"

"Fist of the Beast King!" The two punched the air and unleashed blasts of purple and orange energy, which took the shape of their heads and collided to create an explosion. When this explosion vanished, the pair continued to stare one another down.

Back with the Codex Players, they were continuing to do battle against the Virus Digimon that appeared out of the warp bomb portals.

Not long after the last Pachymon was destroyed, more bombs had been dropped by another wave of Flymon. These ones created more portals and from them, a bunch of Cyclonemon came charging out.

"Hyper Heat!" One of them yelled as a blast of super hot air flew out of its mouth and struck Dorulumon, making the drill wolf Digimon howl in pain as he was sent staggering back. But before Cyclonemon could attack again, Arbormon leapt at him and sent a punch right to its face.

Hudiemon flew towards Dorulumon, as Pteryxmon and ToyGreymon staggered over to him. "Infinite Dream!" Fluttershy might not have been the most battle willing player, but she had ways of protecting her friends. As such, she unleashed a wave of energy that flowed over the three and caused their injuries to heal. It also re-energized them, allowing them to get back into the action.

"Thanks Fluttershy!" Pteryxmon cried, as she rushed over to battle some Vegiemon that had just appeared out of the portals.

Up in the air, Unimon unleashed a blast of light. It struck a Flymon and caused it to explode, the bomb it was carrying falling to the ground. "Infrared Beam!" Aurumon launched a red laser form his eyes, hitting the bomb and destroying it before it could activate. He then fired a beam at another bomb, dropped when Darcmon impaled a Flymon through the back.

"Sunshine Beam!" Sunflowmon unleashed her super bright beam attack, hitting a bunch of Flymon and destroying them all. It also destroyed their warp bombs, preventing another wave of enemies from appear.

But that didn't stop the portals that had already appeared, allowing more Cyclonemon and other Digimon to attack. One of which was a pile of sludge known as Raremon, walking trees called Woodmon and the giant dark dragons referred to as Devidramon.

"V-Nova Blast!" Veedramon unleashed a powerful blast of fire, destroying several Woodmon. Sorcerimon then unleashed a wave of ice, freezing the Raremon that Lekismon slammed her foot into in order to shatter.

"Seismic Speaker!" Ballistamon fired the sonic blast from his chest, hitting the Devidramon in the air and causing them to fall to the ground.

"Magic Ignition!"

Blockade Seed!"

"Angry Spike!" FlameWizardmon and Arbormon fired their long distance attacks, burning the Devidramon or tying them up with vines. Meanwhile, Apemon's arm fur turned to metal and fired off of him as he punched the air.

The Devidramon roared as they were impaled, some of them exploding whilst the others broke free of the vines. "Spinning Attack!" Tortomon spun around, morphing into a beyblade the sliced several Devidramon in to pieces.

Several Raremon launched a barrage of sludge attacks, but Gatormon counted with his Hydro Pump and allowed ToyGreymon to rush it and slammed them with her rebuilt tail.

"Lead Slider!" Some Woodmon fired a bunch of super sharp leaves from out of their trunk arms, heading straight for Hudiemon. But Gargomon leapt up and deflected them with his metal arms.

"Bunny Pummel!" He cried, smashing his metal arm through the Woodmon and shattering it.

Hudiemon smiled at him, but quickly flew up to avoid getting attacked again. Up in the air, she saw Stingmon grab Flymon's stinger whilst Mothmon slammed his drill tail into its back and caused it to explode. Another Flymon prepared to attack the pair, but Unimon slammed her hoof into it back and pushed it down towards the ground.

The insectoid Digimon exploded upon impact with the ground, Unimon shaking her head and trying to catch her breath. But as she did, a Devidramon flew towards her and let out a roar as it reached out with its clawed hands.

But before it could grab her, Veedramon tackled the dark dragon and pushed it away. He slammed it into the side of a tree and dealt several punches to it, the beast roaring with pain as it tried to claw his eyes out. But Veedramon jumped back before thrusting his horn forward.

It impaled the demonic Digimon and destroyed it, Veedramon pulling his horn out of the tree as Unimon flew up to him. "Thanks."

"No problem," Veedramon nodded as he looked around. There were still many more Digimon, but one in particular was missing. "What happened to Shining?" He asked, not seeing Strikedramon or his evolutions anywhere.

"He ended up battling against a pretty powerful Digimon," Unimon replied. "I think it might be an Ultimate. He had to Digivolve in order to keep up with it."

"That's not good," Veedramon growled. "I hope he manages to beat it."

Unimon nodded. "I just hope that's the only Ultimate we have to deal with." She dodged a Cyclonemon's claws and launched the sphere of light from her mouth, blasting it back and allowing Veedramon to slam his tail into it and destroy it. As he did so, Flash wondered if Twilight was right in her hope.

This Virus Army couldn't be much of a threat, even with this many Champion Level Viruses. There had to be more Ultimates, even possibly Megas, but how many? And what kind were they?

Cyberdramon and Fumamon continued to do battle against one another, the pair's bladed weapons clashing against each other as they leapt form branch to branch.

"Desolation Claw!" Cyberdramon launched the energy sphere at the ninja, who swung his blade around and cut it in half. The two halves flew behind him and created a pair of explosions, as Fumamon took out his shuriken weapons and threw them at Cyberdramon.

The Ultimate Digimon slashed them away with his claws, then leapt at Fumemon and slammed his tail into him. Fumamon blocked with his sword sheave, the impact still knocking him backwards though.

By this point, their battle had drawn closer to the Dragon Soul Stone. MagnaAngemon, Angewomon and Baoyendramon all noticed the explosions and turned to see them. "Cyberdramon!" Baoyendramon cried, as the pair landed on the ground still locked in combat.

"You were supposed to keep the Viruses away from us!" MagnaAngemon growled, as Cyberdramon grabbed Fumamon and threw him away.

"Don't worry!" Cyberdramon assured him. "He might have been able to get this far, but he's not getting any closer!"

Fumamon laughed as he picked himself. "I don't need to get any closer." With that, he took something out of storage and threw it at Cyberdramon. The Ultimate leapt into the air and saw it was a metal sphere, with a red button on it that Fumamon had pressed. "I'm exactly where I need to be!" With that, the orb hit the ground and unleashed a powerful light.

Cyberdramon and the resistance Digimon cried out, as the light blinded them whilst forming a giant portal of some kind. "What is that?" Baoyendramon cried, as the portal stabilised and the light grew dimmer.

"How do you think so many of my army got here?" Fumamon asked, as he charged at Cyberdramon. Cyberdramon quickly countered with his blades and the two duelled, whilst the three Great Dragon Candidates watched as something appeared inside the portal before stepping out.

It was a giant red, white and black Digimon. It looked like a giant T-rex, but its chest, arms and part of its mouth was covered in red metal. Large blades could be seen on its metal arms and it had long white hair on its head, whilst a metal whip as long as it was tall was sticking out the back of the metal bodysuit. On its chest was a symbol they all recognised as the Digital Hazard.

"Finally," the Digimon laughed as he stepped out and the portal vanished behind him. "You took your time, Fumamon." He spotted the Dragon Soul Stone and smiled. "Ahh, there it is." He stepped forward, but the other three Digimon jumped in front of him. "Out of my way."

"Absolutely not!" MagnaAngemon told him. "We know why you're here. You want the Dragon Soul Stone to Digivolve into Megidramon, don't you?" WarGrowlmon smirked, whilst Angewomon noticed the symbol on his chest.

"The Digital Hazard. You wouldn't have that if you didn't come with some kind of danger." She created a Celestial Arrow and pointed it at WarGrowlmon. "Leave or we will be forced to destroy you."

"Like you could," WarGrowlmon laughed before raising his claws. "Come on then. Let's see just how powerful you are!" With that, he rushed forward as Angewomon fired her arrow. He quickly used his arm blade to block the attack before slashing at her with his claws.

The three leapt into the air, Baoyendramon opening his mouth as air began to swirl within it. "Aero Stream!" A tornado exploded from his mouth, the Ultimate Virus raising his arms and blocking it from connecting. At the same time, MagnaAngemon flew up behind him.

"Excalibur!" He cried, rushing forward to stab him with the sword on his wrist.

WarGrowlmon looked back at this and smirked before the metal whip on his back moved on its own, the blade on the end of it swinging around and blocking Excalibur. "Nice try. But my Assault Balancer protects me from any sneak attack!" Baoyendramon's attack came to an end and as it did, a pair of booster wings folded out of his arm and ignited to push him into the air. "Prepare to feel the full power of the Digimon that will destroy the Digital World." The twin cannons on his chest armor began to power up. "Atomic...BLASTER!"

The three watched as the energy exploded out of his chest and shot towards them. Angewomon quickly flew forwards and held up her hands. "Heaven's Charm!" Light flew out of her hands and formed a protective circle in front of them, the Atomic Blaster hitting this circle and being blocked by the heavenly light.

The two pushed against each other's attack until the Atomic Blaster finally stopped, Angewomon's attack also fading as she fell to the ground panting. The other three Digimon glared at one another, knowing the real fight had just begun.

In another part of the forest, where no Digimon were currently waiting to battle, a single Flymon flew down and placed a metal orb on the ground.

As soon as it did, it flew away as the device started beeping. After a few seconds, a bright light filled the air and created a portal. And from out of that portal, a massive Digimon stepped out.

It was roughly thirty meters from head to tail, its gray body being a mix of a Tyranomon and Peckmon. It had long bird-like feet and legs, along with an egg-shaped body that was hunched over. It had a long neck and long thick arms that were like those one saw on many reptilian Digimon.

Its entire body was also covered in metal and leather. Its long neck had a bunch of leather belts wrapped around it, along with leather shoulder-pads that had metal spikes on them. Its chest was covered in metal chest armor, whilst its legs were wrapped up in leather belts that had metal spiked pads on the knees.

On each arms was a large mechanical gauntlet, with six-foot long claws, that went all the way up to its elbows. Its head had a roman helmet on the top of it and instead of feather, large red blades were sticking out the top. Its tail was almost as long as its body and was covered in metal, making it almost look like a mechanical tail. On the end of said tail was a long bladed tip, which looked like it could split in half.

The Digimon finished pulling itself out of the portal and with every footstep, the ground shook. It looked ahead and moved towards its destination, using its large claws to slice through the trees that got in its way. It was a walking disaster and it was heading straight toward the Dragon Soul Stone. With the power it held, it would take more than a few champions to overpower it.

The Digital World was in great danger and unless this threat was destroyed, nothing would ever be the same again.

Author's Note:

Now things are getting interesting. How will Flash and his team deal with this? And who will get the Dragon Soul Stone first? Only time will tell.

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