• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,586 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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A Rapid Battle

Night had fallen on the Digital World and in Machine City, we find Datamon hard at work within his lab.

The Ultimate Digimon was staring at the holographic screen he was using to work on his next new Digimon attempt, which happened to have a very familiar Digimon within it. ExVeemon.

Datamon stared at the Digimon scan he had gotten, after secretly scanning and Digivolving Veemon. He had been amazed by the Digimon, whose data was so incredibly pure. He had never seen such a stable Digimon before. There was zero chance for it to ever undergo an unexpected mutation. But that was a double-edge sword, as most Digivolutions resulted from unexpected mutations.

"Let's see." He brought up several cyborg and machine Digimon scans, highlighting parts of their bodies and seeing if they could be used to upgrade the Digimon. And even if they couldn't, seeing how well ExVeemon accepted them would go along way to helping him design parts that might.

He was so focused on his work, he was completely blind to everything else around him. As such, he had no idea that his workshop was currently being broken into.

A figure forced their way in, showing incredible stealth skills as they made their way through the workshop towards Datamon's lab.

"Yes," Datamon smiled at some kind of accomplishment. "That could work." The figure loomed over Datamon, who didn't notice it until the shadow blocked out the light. "Huh?" He looked around, only to then scream at what he heard. Unfortunately, his workshop was soundproof. As such, nobody would hear those screams.

The next day.

In an open meadow with many rivers running through it, two Digimon were battling it out. ExVeemon and Kabuterimon charged at each other, the blue dragon throwing a punch into the beetle Digimon only for it to use its hard head to block.

He quickly used his multiple hands to push the dragon back, as lightning surged around his body. "Electro Shocker!" He fired the lightning sphere towards ExVeemon, who barely managed to avoid it before charging forward and swinging his tail around to try and hit him. "Augh!" He was knocked backwards, falling towards the ground where two more Digimon were fighting.

Those Digimon were Lobomon and Ballistamon, the wolfman swinging his lightning sword around in an attempt to cut the robotic beetle to pieces.

Ballistamon leapt back and as he did, he thrust his chest out. "Seismic Speaker!" The hyper sonic soundwaves filled the air and slammed into Lobomon, making him cry out as he tried to cover his eyes. Ballistamon then rushed forward with his horn pointed at him. "Ram Slammer!" He thrust the horn into Lobomon's chest, knocking him backwards with a cry

Lobomon landed in one of the rivers, splashing around as Ballistamon prepared to unleash another sonic. "Vee-Laser!" The X-shaped beam of light shot down and almost struck him, Ballistamon leaping back and causing it to hit the ground to scatter mud and grass everywhere.

He landed but his weight caused the soggy ground to open up and suck his feet in. "Ahh!" He tried to pull himself out, but the hold of the mud was just too much. "Not good."

Lobomon finally swam to the shore and pulled himself up, as ExVeemon flew down and landed on the other side of the river. Once he was out of the water, he raised his arm and pointed his blaster at Ballistamon. "Give this a try! Howling Laser!"

The beam shot towards Ballistamon, but Kabuterimon had recovered and used his hands to shield Ballistamon. The blast struck his hand and he flinched, but this allowed to robotic beetle to finally pull himself free. "Let's do this together," Ballistamon announced. "Seismic Speaker!"

"Electro Shocker!" Kabuterimon unleashed his blast, whilst ExVeemon and Lobomon leapt into action as well.

"Lobo Laser!"

"Vee Laser!" The twin beams flew across the riverlands towards the sonic and electric attacks, the shockwave expected from this collision bound to be a tremendous one that would most likely rip the landscape apart.

It was then that a loud beeping noise filled the air, causing their attacks to fizzle out. At the same time, their bodies began to glow and they all reverted back to their Rookie and human forms.

When they did, they all fell to the ground in exhaustion. "That was brutal," Micro stated.

"Maybe," Flash nodded. "But if we wanna be able to beat WarGrowlmon and stop him the next time he tries to get the Dragon Soul Stone, we're gonna need to be as strong as we can be." He picked himself up and stepped over to the podium with his Digivice. "These time limit battles should help us learn to fight and take down an opponent as fast as possible."

"Don't you think you're overdoing this a little?" Tentomon asked. "I understand you wanna be strong enough to stop WarGrowlmon, but I fear you might be on course to only care about winning instead of having fun."

"I intend to have as much fun as I can," Flash assured him. "Once the Digital World is safe. This isn't a game right now. If we wanna be able to enjoy Codex again, we need to be strong enough to protect it."

"Maybe," Micro stated. "But we can't be overdoing it as well. Training's good, but too much training could make you weaker instead of stronger."

"You're right," Flash nodded. "Let's relax for a bit and recharge." The other three nodded and headed for the exit. They stepped out of the Beta-Stadium, all exhausted after the training they had been doing. Flash and Veemon had every intention of simply sitting in the foyer and enjoy watching some more battles, whilst Micro had other ideas.

"I'm gonna head out to a new area I got the other day," Micro explained. "Hopefully, I'll be able to find something interesting. Then I might head over to Datamon's place and see if he's got any new Battle Gear for me to scan."

"Cool," Flash nodded, "let me know if he has anything good." Micro nodded and headed towards the Digi-Port, whilst Flash made his way over to the foyer.

In the canteena, he looked around and spotted many interesting battles in progress. But he soon spotted Twilight, Rainbow and their Digimon watching one screen in particular.

"Hey," he stepped over and sat beside them, "anyone we know having a match?" Looking up on the screen, Flash saw the ruins of what appeared to be an old city.

The buildings were broken and crumpling, weeds and other plants were growing in areas that would usually have people walking or driving through. The whole place looked like it had been abandoned a long time ago.

Flash was about to ask who was battling, but at that moment a Digimon appeared on the screen. Gargomon. "Fluttershy?"

"Yeah?" Rainbow nodded. "What, you think she doesn't battle?"

"Well I've never seen her compete before. But I guess she'd have to be good, since she's already a Champion."

"It took her a while," Twilight nodded. "Fluttershy isn't the most battle hardened player in Codex." Rainbow laughed at this, making Flash give her a confused look.

"She only became that way when she came to Codex. Before, she was known as the Merciless Mistress." Flash could hardly believe that. The sweet and innocent Fluttershy, going by such a dark sounding title. "Back before she knew Digimon were real, she played online all the time and completely wrecked her opponents. She's a nice girl, but when she was facing someone she absolutely destroyed them without mercy."

"Hence the name," Flash gulped. He could understand that. Flash had thought Digimon were just programs when he first arrived. If someone like Fluttershy learned Digimon had feelings and could get hurt, of course she would be upset about it. "So that's why she doesn't battle much?"

"She battles," Rainbow nodded. "Since you can't get permanently hurt in Codex, she can go all out without having to worry about hurting her opponent."

"Fair enough. So...who's she battling?" He watched the screen, as Gargomon reached a corner and carefully looked around with her guns primed to attack if needs be. But there was no sign her opponent.

She let out a sigh, only the building behind her to suddenly explode.

She spun around, as something flew towards her. It was a giant skull, that looked like it belonged to a T-rex of some kind. She flew towards her and tried to take a bite, but Gargomon leapt up and the mouth ended up biting into the building that had been behind her.

As Gargomon flew into the air, another head suddenly appeared out of the smoke and dust. This one looked like a giant alligator head, with metal covering its top as it reached out to bite her. But Gargomon used her guns to propel herself away from the mouth, shooting herself with the kickback pushing her away before the mouth snapped shut.

As she landed, the dust cleared to reveal the Digimon she was fighting. A giant blue and white T-rex Digimon, with long arms that ended in the skull and alligator heads.

"Deltamon?" Flash had heard of this Digimon, but never got to see it. He quickly brought up the Digimon's data, wondering how much trouble Fluttershy was in.

Name: Deltamon
Level: Champion
Type: Virus
Attribute: Earth
Species: Composition
Family: Unknown

"A Virus Digimon," Flash nodded. "Gargomon's a Vaccine, so Fluttershy should have the advantage."

"Except Gargomon's also an Electric Digimon," Twilight pointed out. "And against an Earth Digimon like Deltamon, she's at a disadvantage. An Electric Vaccine verses an Earth Virus. That's pretty even." They looked back at the screen, as Deltamon rushed in to attack.

"Serpent Bite!" Deltamon thrust the skull arm forward and tried to hit her, but Gargomon leapt up and landed on top of the skull before it could get her.

"Gargo Pellets!" She thrust her guns at the Digimon's head and unloaded a bunch of bullets, which flew up and slammed into his head.

Deltamon: 3-15%
Gargomon: 3-35%

He roared in pain, staggering back as Gargomon did a back-flip off the skull.

As he was regaining his balance, Gargomon rushed into a nearby alleyway and started vaulting up the sides of the walls. Eventually, she reached the top and became level with Deltamon's head. There, she unleashed another barrage of bullets and that flew towards Deltamon's chest.

However, the Digimon used its metal alligator head to block the bullets. He then thrust the skull head into the building, ripping through it and causing Gargomon to go tumbling towards the ground. She cried out, as she barely managed to leap off the building and grab the side of another. But as she did, rocks started pelting her from the destroyed building.

Deltamon: 3-15%
Gargomon: 3-20%

Deltamon smirked as she finally let go and fell to the ground as he opened up his mouths. "Triplex Force!" All three mouths filled with fire and unleashed a triad of flames, which merged together into an extra strong blast that flew towards Gargomon.

She gasped and tried to run, but the flames caught up to her and she was soon engulfed by the fire. "AUGH!" She screamed, as she was badly burned.

Deltamon: 3-15%
Gargomon: 3-5%

Her friend called out to her, fearing the worst. But before they could really start to worry, Gargomon leapt out of the flames and pointed her weapons at the Digimon. "Gargo Pellets!" She unleashed a barrage of bullets and before Deltamon could counter, they slammed into his chest and made him roar at the onslaught.

Deltamon: 3-0%
Gargomon: 3-5%

Gargomon landed and ran off, as Deltamon glared at her and unleashed another Triplex Force. The combined flames chased after her, but Gargomon began to bounce on her large feet to get ahead of it. And eventually, she was out of range of the attack.

Deltamon growled at her escape and knocked down a building in annoyance. And in doing so, he revealed something that made him smirk. "Yes!" He reached down and grabbed the Digivolution Coin, its power flowing into him as he crushed it in his arm mouth.

He then turned his attention back towards Gargomon, but she had disappeared from view.

"You can't hide forever," he called out to her. "I'll find you and when I do, you'll be in trouble."

Gargomon heard this and inside her head, Fluttershy and Terriermon were trying to discuss a strategy. "You gotta hit him hard!" Terriermon stated. "Hit and run! That's the only way you're gonna win."

"I don't think it's gonna be that easy," Fluttershy told him. "Deltamon's huge and he doesn't take any damage if his arm heads are hit, so he can use them to defend himself." She tried to think of the best way to capitalise on her speed. But before she could, part of the building she was hiding behind was destroy.

She gasped and unleashed a blast of bullets to destroy the fragments of building falling towards her, as Deltamon's head stared down at her. "Ah, there you are!" He thrust his skull arm down to punch her and Gargomon leapt away, barely managing to avoid it and jump into the air.

But as she did, the alligator head flew in and the snout slammed into her. "Ahhh!" She was sent flying, her Security breaking as she was

Deltamon: 2-100%
Gargomon: 3-0%

She hit the ground and rolled for several moments until she eventually came to a stop, as Deltamon prepared to strike. But Fluttershy had a plan and as he stepped forward, she pushed herself up and aimed her guns at the large Digimon's feet. "Gargo Pellets!" She unleashed the hail of bullets and struck the Digimon's legs, making him roar as they were bombarded with pain.

Deltamon: 2-80%
Gargomon: 2-100%

He staggered back, flinching as he stepped on his.

"Nice," Twilight smiled. "If Deltamon's legs are hurt, it can't move around too well. That'll make it easier for Fluttershy to get some hits in."

They watched, as Gargomon ran towards Deltamon whilst firing another barrage of bullets. Deltamon blocked these with its arm heads, but that allowed her to get in close and run between his legs.

The twin tails Deltamon had swung down, but Gargomon managed to avoid them and leap out from under the composition Digimon.

"Gargo Pellets!" She spun around and unleashed another bombardment, which slammed into Deltamon's back and made him roar in pain with every hit.

Deltamon: 2-60%
Gargomon: 2-100%

Deltamon began to turn around, but his injured legs were making that difficult. And as he turned, flinching with every step, Gargomon ran forward and got between his legs again. "Where'd you go?" He got his answer when Gargomon leapt into the air.

"Bunny Pummel!" With all her strength, she swung her metal arms around and struck a place that would hurt a lot had Deltamon not been a Digimon.

Deltamon: 2-45%
Gargomon: 2-100%

"OH!" All the males cried, the girls rolling their eyes. "Now I get it," Flash winced. "Merciless Mistress indeed."

"Oh come on," Rainbow told him. "That couldn't hurt that badly. You boys are just way too soft." The boys all glared at her, wishing they could show her just how badly that kind of attack hurt.

They were so busy glaring at her, they almost missed Deltamon's tail.

The twin appendages swung down and before Gargomon could escape, one slammed into her and she was knocked flying. She cried out, as she crashed into the side of a building.

Deltamon: 2-45%
Gargomon: 2-85%

As she fell to the ground, Deltamon slowly turned his attention to her and raised his arms. "Triplex Force!" The three in one attack exploded out of its mouth, shooting towards Gargomon as she picked herself up.

She moaned and looked up, seeing the flames flying towards her. But at the last moment, she spotted a piece of broken rock near the ground beside her and leapt behind it. The flames struck said rock and began to make it melt, but Gargomon used it to regain her breath before leaping straight up into the air.

She was low on SP and would only be able to use one more attack, so made sure it would hit its mark. "Gargo Pellets!" The bullets exploded from her guns and slammed into Deltamon's chest, making him roar in pain and he was sent staggering back on his injured legs.

Deltamon: 2-25%
Gargomon: 2-85%

Gargomon landed, but frowned since she was out of SP to attack. And as she was about to run off and find an SP coin, Deltamon pushed himself off the wall and growled. "You'll regret that." Gargomon expected him to attack, but he didn't. Instead, he did something worse and was surrounded by light. "Deltamon, Digivolve to..." The cocoon grew larger and larger, shattering the buildings around it. And when it finally broke apart, the Digimon that was revealed was something truly terrifying.

Everyone stared at it in amazement, seeing the Digimon was a fusion of many other Digimon.

Its chest and lower mouth belonged to a Greymon, whilst its head was that of a Kabuterimon with the hair of MetalGreymon sticking out the back. It had four arms, a Kuwagamon's, SkullGreymon's and two from Devimon. Its legs were that of a Garurumon's and its tail belonged to Monochromon. Four wings were on its back. Two belonged to Airdramon and the other two looked like they belonged to an angel Digimon.

The Digimon was a little larger then Deltamon and when it opened its eyes, it let out a mighty roar that shook the buildings around it to collapse. "KIMERAMON!"

"What is that thing?" Veemon asked, looking shocked as Twilight brought up its states.

Name: Kimeramon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Virus
Attribute: Dark
Species: Composition
Family: Unknown, Nightmare Soldiers, Metal Empire.

"That doesn't look good," Flash stated. "How the heck did a Digimon like that even come into existence?"

"Nobody's really sure," Twilight replied. "One theory is that a Digimon once loaded the data of multiple Digimon before getting destroyed. But instead of letting it be released so they could all return to Primary Village, the Digimon forced the data of its victims to become its new body and...that was the result."

"Is Fluttershy in trouble?" Kamemon asked, Rainbow unsure how to reply.

Gargomon stared up at Kimeramon, who glance down towards her and let out a growl as he opened his mouth.

"Heat Viper!" The next thing Gargomon knew, a bright red beam of light flew out of its mouth and shot down towards her. Gargomon leapt back and the beam struck the ground, burning it black as Kimeramon used this to spread its four wings and take off.

Gargomon saw him fly up, as the heat ray began to move and chase after her.

All she could do was run, as the beam followed after her and slowly began to catch up. It barely missed her, as Kimeramon had to close its mouth to take a breath. But it quickly managed to catch up to her and flew down, where it swung its arms around and managed to hit Gargomon with the SkullGreymon arm.

"GYAH!" She screamed, being smashed into and sent flying through the air.

Kimeramon: 2-25%
Gargomon: 2-75%

Gargomon smashed into the ground and slammed into several pieces of rubber, making her flinch with every hit until she finally came to a stop.

Kimeramon: 2-25%
Gargomon: 2-50%

"You okay?" Terriermon asked, as Fluttershy pushed their battered body up.

"I think so," she nodded. But she didn't feel so okay, when Kimeramon flew down and swung its legs around around to try and stomp on her. Gargomon gasped and leapt away, the wind caused by the feet slamming into the ground slamming into her and throwing her backwards. "Gyah!" She landed on her back, as Kimeramon raised the Kuwagamon claw above her.

"Look out!" Her partner cried, making her open her eyes and see it come flying down.

She managed to roll out of the way, but the impact sent out a shockwave that destroyed the street and sent rubble flying everywhere.

It also sent Gargomon flying into the door of a building, the Digimon rolling through its ground floor.

Kimeramon: 2-25%
Gargomon: 2-40%

She quickly picked herself up and when she did, she saw an SP Coin further in. But as she rushed to grab it, the building shook. She quickly realised Kimeramon was smashing the building, trying to bury her alive.

Moving as fast as she could, she grabbed the coin and kept running towards the back of the building. The ceiling was beginning to crack and Gargomon used her Gargo Pellets to break a wall apart, allowing her to smash through it seconds before the roof gave in.

The rest of the building followed suit and collapsed, as Gargomon ran over to another building and hid behind it to make sure Kimeramon didn't spot her.

The Ultimate Digimon looked around the rubble, trying to see where she had been buried. This allowed Gargomon to sneak into an alleyway and parkour up onto the roof. And by the time Kimeramon noticed her, she was unleashing her attack. "Gargo Pellets!" The bullet barrage flew towards Kimeramon and slammed into his chest, making him roar.

Kimeramon: 2-5%
Gargomon: 2-40%

Gargomon then tried to take out one of his wings, but Kimeramon pulled away at the last moment and she missed. "Heat Viper!" He unleashed a blast of heat towards her and Gargomon gasped, running towards the other side of the building to try and escape. But at the last moment, the heat ray struck her.

"AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" She screamed, the heat of the beam being unbearable. What made it worse was it was also super-heating her arm guns, increasing the pain she was feeling.

Kimeramon: 2-5%
Gargomon: 2-15%

She finally managed to leap out of the beam's direction and jumped off the building, where she fell towards the next one and barely managed to grab a vine growing around it. She used this to swing down, but her metal hands were still a hundred degrees and burned through it.

"YAAA!" She fell and hit the ground, flinching as she staggering forward and fell over.

Kimeramon: 2-5%
Gargomon: 2-10%

She continued to flinch at the heat of her gauntlets, trying in vain to remove the or cool them down. The metal was so hot, she could feel them beginning to warp. There was no way they were going to fire now.

Kimeramon flew down and laughed, seeing he had her in trouble. "I got you now!" He saw Gargomon turn to him and pick herself up, as he raised his form arms to crush her. But as he did, Gargomon rushed forward and dodged the Kuwagamon arm. She then dodged the SkullGreymon arm and leapt upon it, running up the limb as one of the Devimon limbs tried to grab her.

But she battered it away and then leapt up to grab its finger.

Kimeramon growled and prepared to unleash a Heat Viper, but Gargomon swung off the finger and flew through the air until she reach his head. And the next thing he knew, she was grabbing onto his horn.

"What are you doing?" He shook his head, but Gargomon planted her feet in the crux of the horn and held on tight.

"Just have to hold on," she stated. Kimeramon's black hands then reached up to try and grab her, but she managed to avoid them as the Digimon then turned towards a building and prepared to smash his head into it. "Almost!" He charged at the building with his head pointed right at it.

Gargomon quickly let his horn go and ran up the Kabuterimon head, leaping off the back seconds before the head crashed into the building. She slid down his back towards the angel wing and with all her strength, smashed her ruined arm gun into it.

Kimeramon roared, as his wing was injured and Gargomon leapt off his back.

Kimeramon: 2-0%
Gargomon: 2-10%

"Yes!" Twilight cheered. "That should stop Kimeramon from being able to fly for a while.

"Aren't its legs still hurt?" Rainbow asked, the others nodding as she smiled. "Awesome. He's a sitting duck like that." They watched, as Kimeramon pulled his head free and as he turned towards the falling Gargomon.

And as she flew through midair, the Digimon suddenly began to glow. "Yeah!" Flash cried, "time to even things up!" And sure enough, the light grew larger as Gargomon changed.

"Gargomon, Digivolve to..." The light exploded, revealing an entirely new Digimon.

This one was taller and thinner than Gargomon, whilst being covered in green and gray armor. Her arms were a pair of cannons with red claws on the sides, whilst a double-ended multi-barrel blaster was on her back. Even her ears were covered in armor, whilst her snout was quickly covered by a mouth plate. "RAPIDMON!"

The long eared Digimon hit the ground rolling and quickly leapt to her feet.

Kimeramon growled as he unleashed another Heat Viper attack, but Rapidmon leapt into the air to avoid it. She then used her giant metal covered ears like hang gliders, allowing her to float in the air. The force of the Heat Viper caught said ears and pushed her upwards, away from Kimeramon.

"Rapid Fire!" She cried, pointing her cannon arms at the frankenstein Digimon before unleashing a barrage of missiles, from them and the launcher on its back.

Kimeramon quickly swung his heat ray around and managed to hit all the missiles, causing them to explode before they could hit him. He then charged forward, his injured wing preventing him from flying, flinching with his injured legs as he threw his SkullGreymon arm through the smoke.

Rapidmon didn't see the attack coming until it was too late, the arm slamming into her and making her cry out as she slammed into a nearby building.

Kimeramon: 1-100%
Rapidmon: 2-0%

Rapidmon pulled herself out of the building she had been cratered into and as she did, Kimeramon moved over and looked ready to unleash another Heat Viper attack. But Rapidmon managed to pull herself free and leapt out of the wall, seconds before the beam struck.

She did her best to glide through the air and avoid the blast, but Kimeramon tried to follow her with the beam. She realised she had to time her attack just right, so flew around and leapt off the building she reached at the very last moment. She did several flips through the air, as the heat ray continued to follow her and destroy the surrounding street.

But then, Kimeramon had to stop and take a breath. And that was when Rapidmon struck. "Homing Blast!" The launcher on her back unleashed a bunch of missiles, which flew at high speed towards Kimeramon and exploded against his chest.

Kimeramon: 1-80%
Rapidmon: 1-100%

Kimeramon roared as Rapidmon landed. She prepared to fire again, but Kimeramon recovered first and attacked. It swung its Monochromon tail around and tried to hit her, but Rapidmon leapt into the air. However, this allowed Kimeramon to throw a punch with its Kuwagamon arm and slam into her.

She screamed, being thrown backwards before crashing into the ground.

Kimeramon: 1-80%
Rapidmon: 1-85%

She groaned against the ground, as Kimeramon attacked. The fact that he wasn't attempting to blast her with his heat ray must have meant he had used all his SP, allowing her the time she needed to push herself back up and. Just as he was about to stomp on her, she leapt to the side and jumped up with all her strength.

She let out a cry, as she swung her leg around and smashed it into the Digimon's chin. "RAAAH!"

Kimeramon: 1-70%
Rapidmon: 1-85%

Kimeramon was thrown backwards and fell onto his back, as Rapidmon landed on the ground before bouncing upwards into the air. And as Kimeramon pushed itself up, Rapidmon pointed her cannon arms at him. "RAPID FIRE!" The missiles exploded out of her arms and the barrel on her back, shooting down towards the stitched together monster.

Kimeramon swung his Wukagamon and Devimon arms around, attempting to create a gust that blew the missiles away. And whilst this caused two of them to explode in the air, the others rained down on him and exploded. "RAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Kimeramon: 1-45%
Rapidmon: 1-85%

Rapidmon nodded at this, as she began to glide down towards the ground. But before she could land, Kimeramon pushed himself through the smoke and roared. "HEAT VIPER!" The heat ray exploded form his mouth and slammed into Rapidmon, making her scream as she was blasted backwards.

Kimeramon: 1-45%
Rapidmon: 1-65%

She tried to escape the beam, but Kimeramon was able to follow her with it and keep it on her. This kept her armor super heated and she started burning more.

Kimeramon: 1-45%
Rapidmon: 1-55%

No matter what she did, she couldn't escape the heat until Kimeramon's SP finally gave out and the ray stopped. But by then, she had taken a lot of damage.

Kimeramon: 1-45%
Rapidmon: 1-25%

She fell to the ground and her armor was slowly beginning to cool down. But before she could properly recover Kimeramon moved towards her.

He raised his Devimon arms, ready to grab the Ultimate Digimon and squeeze the life out of her. The dark energy that flowed through his body, shrouded the hands and looked ready to destroy all her data.

She panted and looked up at Kimeramon, as the Devimon arms drew closer.

"You better not be thinking of giving up!" Terriermon cried, as Fluttershy regained her breath. "We're not losing to this freak. No way, no how."

"But he's so strong," she stated.

"So are you. Don't forget, you're the Merciless Mistress. Show this guy why you got that name. Show him what makes you the best." Fluttershy closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as Kimeramon got closer. And just as he was about to grab her, Rapidmon's eyes shot open.

The next thing Kimeramon knew, Rapidmon was suddenly right in his face and let out a scream as she slammed a foot into his face. "AUGH!" He was knocked backwards, as Rapidmon launched a blast from her cannon to propel her back.

Kimeramon: 1-35%
Rapidmon: 1-25%

As Kimeramon tried to regain his footing, Rapidmon bounced off the side of a building and flew towards him. He tried to punch her with his SkullGreymon arm, but she quickly blasted herself to the side and dodge the punch before bouncing off another building and charging at the beast.

Before he could counter, she slammed a foot into his side and made him roar in pain.

Kimeramon: 1-25%
Rapidmon: 1-25%

And as he staggered into another building, knocking it over, Rapidmon landed and instantly jumped towards him again. And as he tried to grab her with his arm, she started spinning in midair. This caused her to shift out of the Devimon's reach an spun around the arm until she reached his chest.

She continued to spin and slammed her cannon arm into his chest, doing more damage before thrusting her feet into his chest and bouncing back into the air.

Kimeramon: 1-15%
Rapidmon: 1-25%

Once she was high enough, spheres of light appeared around her feet and on the ends of her arms. She then brought her feet together and held her arms apart, as the spheres unleashed a line that connected the three together before the inside of the formed triangle filled with light. "TRI-BEAM!" The triangle exploded away from her and shot down towards Kimeramon, forming a pyramid beam that led back to the Ultimate Digimon.

Kimeramon pushed himself up and saw the attack. All he could do was gasp as the attack landed, slamming into him and making him scream as his HP dropped.

Kimeramon: 1-0%
Rapidmon: 1-25%

Kimeramon roared as he tried to fight through the laser and reach out to grab Rapidmon, whilst the armored Ultimate did her best to keep her power up long enough. It was a match of attrition. Who would give out first?

As it turned out, the loser of that battle was the larger of the two Digimon and Kimeramon let out a scream as his physical form was deleted. Rapidmon's attack ended and she sighed, her mouth guard opening up as the light of her attack faded.

Doing so revealed her opponent, a young man who let out a moan as he lay there.

"Battle Over! Winner, Fluttershy." The battlefield was then consumed by light, transforming back into the domed room as Rapidmon suddenly split back into Fluttershy and Terriermon.

As soon as they split, Terriermon turned to Fluttershy and laughed as he leapt up and she hugged him. "You did it!"

"We did it!" Fluttershy smiled, "I couldn't have done it without you."

"Well, obviously." He laughed and moved to hang from her shoulder, turning to the boy that was picking himself up. "Too bad sport. Better luck next time."

"How the heck did you win?" He cried, removing his Digivice from the podium. "You're usually super shy and look ready to wet yourself when someone talks to you. You should have been easy to beat!"

"What did you say?" Terriermon cried, looking ready to scratch his eyes out. Fluttershy placed a hand on his head, patting him to help the Digimon stay calm.

"It's okay," she told him before focusing on her opponent. "You shouldn't judge someone based on how they appear. People aren't just some easily identifiable cliche that you can figure out just by looking at them. They're more complicated than that. You should try and learn to look past the surface."

"Whatever," the guy glared at her. "This isn't over. I'm gonna beat you the next time we face off." He ran out of the room before Fluttershy could say anything else, making her sigh as she left as well.

"Talk about a sore loser," Terriermon stated. "Couldn't just take the loss like a man."

"If he wants to be upset about losing, that's his right. He's just hurting himself." They made their way out of the stadium and back towards the foyer, where Flash, Twilight, Rainbow and their Digimon were waiting for her.

"Fluttershy!" Rainbow cheered, "you did it." As soon as she was close, Rainbow pulled her in and wrapped an arm around her. Fluttershy smiled as Terriermon jump down. "You were awesome."

"Thank you," Fluttershy nodded as she sat down. "It wasn't easy. He was very strong and I couldn't even touch him at first."

"Oh yeah," Flash nodded. "You had a partner and he didn't, so you must have started out with another Security." Fluttershy nodded, explaining that early in the battle, he had gotten several sneak attacks off on her before she could counter.

"His Rookie Form was really strong," Fluttershy explained.

"What was his Rookie form?" Veemon asked, since he and Flash had arrived after the pair were Champion Level. He couldn't help but wonder, what kind of Rookie Digimon would Digivolve into a dinosaur with three heads.

Fluttershy was about to reply, but Flash got a message on his Digivice before she could. He opened the message up and found it was from Micro. "Huh." He read it and his eyes went wide, "we have to get to Machine Town. Now!" He leapt up and ran for the Digi-Port, the others looking confused but running after him anyway.

They all loaded Machine Town and as soon as they were at the Digi-Port, they transferred themselves over to the city.

They ran over to Datamon's workshop as soon as they arrived, fearing the worst. When they got there, they were shocked to see Datamon's door had been knocked down. "Micro?" Flash rushed inside and found the place was completely trashed.

"What happened here?" Twilight asked, looking worried Datamon might be in trouble.

Micro and Tentomon ran out of Datamon's Digi-Lab and panted. "You're here!"

"Yeah, we're here." Flash looked around, "what the heck happened? Don't tell me Datamon's customers didn't like their new Battle Gear."

"I have no idea what happened," Micro told them. "I showed up and...everything was like this. The place was totally trashed. And it gets worse." Micro had them head into the Digi-Lab, which was in an even worst state than the rest of the building.

Every piece of equipment had been ripped out of the walls and off the ground, making the place look rather sparse.

"Do you think Datamon moved?" Rainbow asked, as the Digimon started crawling across the ground. "Maybe he found another place to set up shop."

"Datamon wouldn't leave without telling his customers where he's going," Micro told them. "He'd definitely tell me, at least." They weren't so sure about that, but they did agree he would try and tell everyone in Codex where to find him before he left. If Datamon was gone, it wasn't of his own choice.

"Find anything?" Flash asked the Digimon, Veemon, Terriermon and Kamemon shaking their heads.

"Nothing," Terriermon frowned. "The only scent on this place is Datamon's. And I can't figure out where it leads."

"This is really bad," Twilight frowned. "Datamon might be small, but he's an Ultimate. If someone else was able to capture him, they had to have been the same Level as him. Maybe higher. And to move all that equipment wouldn't have been easy."

"Hey, you're right." Flash began to leave, the others following him.

"Where are you going?" Twilight asked, Flash heading out the building and out into the city. He ran over to the building Datamon lived under and knocked on the door, the others looking at him shocked as he waited for the door to open. And when he did, a Clockmon was standing behind it.

"Hey. Sorry to interrupt. But I'm wondering if you can tell me where Datamon is?" The Clockmon looked confused. "He's a friend of mine and his store's been destroyed. And he's missing. Did you happen to hear if anything was going on in his lab?"

"Sorry," Clockmon told him. "That guy was always making loud noises. It got so bad, we threatened to kick him out of the city. So he soundproofed his workshop so even the loudest explosion didn't cause a noise. We can't hear anything that goes on outside."

"So you didn't hear anything?" Clockmon nodded. "Did you see anything? A bunch of his equipment's missing. Did you see anyone walking out carrying a bunch of computers or other things?"

"Nope. Sorry. I would have seen something like that. But I didn't." Flash sighed, thanking him anyway.

The others caught on and started asking around in all the different buildings, but the machine Digimon all had the same response. They didn't see or hear anything coming from Datamon's lab. Due to the soundproofing Datamon had done to his workshop, there was no way to hear what might have happened.

They soon returned to Datamon's lab and Micro picked up a damaged piece of machinery. "Datamon. Where did you go?"

"Maybe someone else spotted him," Tentomon stated. "Let's head back to Codex and ask around." They nodded and all headed out. As they did, they feared something terrible might have happened.

But they also knew there was a chance nothing had happened. It was just as likely, Datamon had gone off somewhere and taken all his equipment with him. They didn't know why he would, but he might very well be somewhere nice and happily running his experiments in the bright sun.

Datamon let out a moan, as he felt himself beginning to come around.

As his head began to clear, he opened his eyes and found he was wedged between two things. He looked down and found a bunch of rope was holding his main body to a large rock. Meanwhile, his hands were trapped inside a pair of metal cuffs that held his entire hand and were nailed to the ground to keep him from freeing himself.

He was in a small stone chamber, likely some kind of cave, with a single entrance leading to a tunnel Datamon assumed lead to the outside.

He tried to pull them out of the cuffs, but nothing he did worked.

"Don't bother." He gasped and looked up, allowing him to see someone walking towards him. Fumamon. "You're not leaving this place until you've done what we need of you."

"And what would that be?" Datamon asked. "Where am I? And who the heck even are you?" Fumamon took out one of his katanas and pointed it at Datamon, making him gulp. "I mean...how can I be of service?"

"Better," Fumamon used his sword to cut through the Digimon's rope. Datamon thought he might have a chance to make an escape, but a bunch of Hagurumon suddenly flew in with a bunch more chains. The next thing Datamon knew, his legs were chained together and the cuffs holding his hands were connected.

The Rookie Digimon lifted Datamon into the air and carried him towards the tunnel leading to another part of the cave.

He tried to figure out where they were going, keeping his eyes out for any sign of another route out. But there wasn't one and when they arrived at the end of the tunnel, Datamon found he was in another chamber. One with a rather large Digimon who was waiting for him. WarGrowlmon.

The cyborg T-rex stared down at him and let out a growl, as Datamon was thrown at his feet. He looked up at WarGrowlmon, shaking in fear as he realised who much trouble he was in. "What...what do you want with me?"

"You're going to create some new weapons for me," WarGrowlmon stated. "For all the remaining Digimon in my army. Weapons stronger than anything you've made before. Battle Gear that will leave any previous Battle Gear you've made in the dust."

"I see," Datamon nodded. "Umm...anything specific?" WarGrowlmon snarled at him, making Datamon scream. "There are many different Battle Gear I can create. Without details, how can I make what you want?"

"I want something that will put a Champion on the Level of an Ultimate. I want something that will spread fear throughout the Digital World when it's unleashed. I want something no Digimon can stand against."

"Okay," Datamon nodded. "I can probably make that. But it won't be easy. It'll take time. Materials. And I'll need my lab in order to-"

"We took the liberty of removing the equipment from your lab," Fumamon explained. "It's being set up as we speak."

"I see," Datamon forced a smile despite not being happy. He had a feeling, he wasn't going to be leaving this place any time soon. "Anything else I should know?"

"Yes." Datamon spun around and saw another Digimon enter the cave. Armormon. "I hear you've been working on creating new Digimon. More specifically. Digimon evolutions." Datamon frowned at him. "When you're not busy equipping our army with your Battle Gear, you and I will be having a little talk about granting me an evolution strong enough to defeat anyone I want."

"You want me to Digivolve you?" Datamon asked. "Do you have an idea how dangerous that is? I've never succeeded in creating a stable evolution and you want me to make you a Mega Level, the hardest Level to create a Digivolution for? You're insane!" Armormon pointed his gatling gun at Datamon, making him freeze up.

"You will create an evolution for me. One so powerful, the only one able to defeat it will be another copy of that evolution. And with it, I will destroy all those that have gotten in my way before."

Datamon gulped, looking over at WarGrowlmon hoping he would save him. But it seemed the Cyborg had no issue with Armormon destroying the one he had brought to upgrade his army. If Datamon wasn't careful, he was going to be destroyed.

"Okay," he nodded, "I'll do what I can." The Virus Digimon all smiled at him, glad he was seeing things their way. Soon, the Digital World would tremble before the almighty power of the Virus Army. And nobody would be able to stop them.

Back at Codex, Micro had gotten in contact with everyone on his friends list. But nobody had seen or heard from Datamon since the last time they went to his shop.

"Datamon's missing?" Shining asked, with those that had been to his shop nodding in response. "This can't be good. Datamon doesn't just leave his place. We've gotta find him."

"But where should we look?" Twilight asked, as Shining held up his Digivice. Moments later, a bunch of different scan locations flew into the air.

Everything from mountains, to oceans, to deserts, forests, savannah and more. More location scans than any one person would ever need. "I've been pretty much everywhere in the Digital World," Shining announced. "I don't know where Datamon could be. But if he's out there, we'll find him. And we won't stop looking until we do."

Everyone nodded. They might not be as close to Datamon as Micro, but they considered him a friend. If their friend was in danger, they wouldn't stop until they found him. They swore on that.

Author's Note:

We finally get to see Fluttershy fight and what an opponent she was up against. Hope you enjoyed it.

Now, will our heroes be able to find Datamon? What kind of weapons will he be forced to make for the Virus Army? And what other dangers could be waiting for our friends, in the days that are yet to come? Only time will tell.

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