• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
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Perfection? I don't want that, because that would mean stopping, standing still, instead of improving.


Pinkie Pie, seeking a new adventure after sometime of peace in Ponyville, ends up bumping into Octavia and the two, against all odds, are sent to a blocky and strange world that doesn't work in the way they're used to, as the sun and moon move on their own and monsters want to hurt them. The pair end up bumping into a pair of odd creatures, who call themselves Steve and Alex and are more than willing to teach them about this world, not to mention everything they need to know to survive. Together the four of them must face the dangers of this world, master crafting techniques, explore other dimensions, and face whatever challenges are thrown at them, all while seeking a way for Pinkie and Octavia to head home.

(MLP/Minecraft Crossover. Not part of the Demon War story series)

Mod List:
Tinker's Construct + Construct's Armory
Lost Cities + Scape and Run Parasites
Chickens + Hatchery + More Chickens
Vault Hunters
Improvable Skills 3

Chapters (52)
Comments ( 399 )

Let's see how it goes.

Insta read and follow.

Excellent start~ Good job pal

11230629 Thanks. It took me a while to decide on where to start them, especially since I'm using RLCraft in this story, and figured escaping from a dragon was the most exciting option.

Exciting and terrifying. Great start man

Let's get this block party started. Favorited and tracking.

Pinkie getting into Tinker's Construct.

I expect Octavia to go into Thaumcraft to balance this.

This is pretty good. Love the attention to detail

11233391 That's the plan, just takes a bit more set up for Thaumcraft.

11233617 Thanks. I'm trying my best to take a game with little to no lore, mix in mods, and then explain things in a believable way, while paying attention to all the new biomes that got mixed into the world.

Excellent. It's hard to make up a story for a game which has no story other then "Beat Ender Dragon"

11233749 Indeed. I mean, the end goal could be the defeat of RLCraft's three main bosses, five when you throw in Scape and Run's two bosses, but that's a long ways away right now.

5 bosses to beat. Fuck that's a lot. But exciting.

11233795 Aye. We've got Rahovart, Asmodeus, and Amalgalich for RLCraft, from the Lycanite's mob mod, plus the Dreadnaut and the Overlord from Scape and Run... six bosses if we count the Elder Dragon herself... and that's not counting the lesser bosses scattered in all the structures of the land, as there are dungeons and some have powerful monsters inside them.

Wish Minecraft allowed you to start with Grass if needed, rope slings, woven sheets for carry bags, nets, snares, clothing, sheets, padding.

Grass craft?

Seen some of the advanced version on YT, only played some of the basic stuff myself. Just too many controls to someone old and slow bought up on context controls, 4 way dpad, OK and Cancel. :pinkiesad2:

11233970 Well, that's my bad. I keep forgetting that the Wither is a boss as well... either way, they'll be facing it as well, as I believe multiple recipes throughout the modpack require Nether Stars.

11233913 Seven, actually, as Cyrus reminded me that the Wither is a boss. But yes, the amount of stuff one can do in RLCraft is awesome.

11233985 And there might be even more, as I know the Defiled Lands are part of RLCraft... that might have a boss as well... so I'll have to check out a mod list for the modpack and see just how much there is for Pinkie and Octavia to do.

Can't wait to what is in store for the group

11234480 Good to hear, as I'm eager to do so as well.

Thaumcraft and Tinkers. Perfect first finds here, especially with Pinkie's eternal item inventory.

11237289 Indeed. Pinkie's power will become more useful later on, when they face the harder difficulty of RLCraft.

Oh Mod,

All Pinkie needs now is to breed some Emerald Chickens?:pinkiecrazy:


Its a long way along the tech trees of a combination of several Mega Mods? where Emerald chickens lay Emeralds, which you feed into a box that converts them to Energy? But its Convertable Energy, that you put one item in, and the box can then replicate however many of the item as long as you have Energy, which in this case is generated by the chickens? Especially when the tech list has Time accelerators etc?

Pinkie has Dont use up item when selected, cheat activated?, as far as Steve could understand?:trixieshiftright:

I wish I could remember the Megamod series I was watching at sisters, a few years back. The work that went into the guide series was increadible, and the detail in the Mods themselves was insane. Especially as youd finally make a certain item, and a book would appear, with another totally seperate tech tree etc?

11237602 I'm not sure which tech mod you are referring to, as this is the first time I've seen a mention of such a thing, but it sounds like it might be interesting to look into. As for Steve and Alex, that's probably what's going through their mind, only that Pinkie's using it on multiple items at the same time, instead of just a single item.

Wiki MinecraftMods

Extra Utilities, Industrial Craft, Natura, Mo Creatures and Optifine look like a good selection, though the videos had things like Bottanica, Sophisticated Storage, Quark, Charm, Create, Tetra, One Block worlds, and so many many more.

Hmm, one entry claims theres over 100 Thousand mods available now, and another YouTube channel claims to have tried a single ModPack which contained ten Thousand mods. Though what kind of Super Server and Gaming PC the guy had, noidea.

Lets just say Pinkie has access to ALL the Mods, she can load whatever she wants?:pinkiecrazy:

11237678 If Pinkie had such a power, and nothing was stopping her, I'm sure she could do it. However, I think that power would be in the hands of a Builder, the god-like figures who made the structures of this world, or someone like them, like a game Admin.

Of course. I very much look forward to what they will face.

11238325 A bunch of things, that's all I can really say. RLCraft has a lot of stuff to do, before one can even face the Elder Dragon or even the Wither, and they're living in a village that's close to a stage three black dragon's domain... so yeah, so much to do.

So many Mods.

Took me far too long to realise Pinkie.

Is in Creative Mode?:pinkiehappy:

Just spotted a new Mod on the market place, Extreme Dragons? Start with eggs and looks like you can ride them?

Its been a while since the cousins played on Minecraft that I got to watch, but they were Fast. Knew how to use all the controller buttons, liked crafting, did a whole Redstone, Hopper and Chest auto sort and inventory. In basic, then added keycard entry cos one of the freinds kept trying to, improve things.:trixieshiftright:

11240316 I wouldn't say that Pinkie's in full creative mode, otherwise she'd be able to pull anything and everything out of nowhere, rather she's only able to use an unlimited amount of any item she's already handled... so I would guess a nerfed version of creative mode.

Great story so far:pinkiehappy:

This is rather fun so far!

11240598 I'm glad you guys are enjoying the story so far.

This is getting better and better

Yes!! Thaumcraft stuff! This is amazing

11240768 Yeah, Thaumcraft gets interesting once you get into it... it just takes a while to get beyond the first couple of tools that need to be made.

Yeah but that is what makes it interesting. Can't wait for more

11240801 Indeed, and Octavia will face the wonders of the mod in due time, especially since she moved into the tower to ensure that none of her experiments damage the village.

Very considerate of her.

11240858 Yep. Likely heard of or witnessed one of Twilight's experiments, so she decided not to replicate Twi's errors... plus, given the corruption that takes place later in Thaumcraft, her move has more benefits than she realizes.

the end of this chapter, in the least spoiler way i can think of, makes me think of Left 4 Dead 2 style gameplay, with the A.I. Director and all that, only with modded Minecraft and more than 1 director all agreeing on what needs to be put in.

Looks like The Bored dont realise Pinkie has noticed them already.

Where there are pistons and slime, there are machines, gliders and processors, which would be terrifying but I cant remember the mod that allows you to pick up a whole group of blocks as a single object, as if Pinkie got that, she could Chessboard or Grey Goo the entire realm within seconds.:twilightoops:

11243102 I've never played Left 4 Dead 2, nor have I watched anyone play it, so that's a happy coincidence.

11243122 One can assume the Board, as you called them, thought she was looking at something else, like a dragon or flying creature... but you would be right in your comment. As for the mod, I think you might be referring to the Create mod.

I can't wait for Pinkie to wave or talk to The Bored Ones. Should be fun!

11243885 Will definitely shock and surprise them when it happens.

Pinkie might be able to look at the Thaomamometer with her Thaumamoter as it wont pick up the reflection in a mirror, just the mirror itself?

Events? Minecraft, Populous Mode?:pinkiegasp:

11246105 Well, Pinkie would have to make her own Thaumometer, but she's leaving that sort of thing to Octavia. As for the events, RLCraft has a number of mob spawning events that happen every five to ten hours and everything created is hostile, I just gave them an easy one to introduce the concept.

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