• Published 3rd May 2022
  • 1,135 Views, 399 Comments

Minecraft: A New Adventure - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie Pie and Octavia end up being sent to a brand new world, one made of blocks and having different rules to live by, where they join forces with Steve and Alex to see what the world has to offer.

  • ...

Facing the Golem

Following the destruction of the parasites, or rather their leaders, Octavia joined up with Pinkie, Steve, and Alex as each of them landed outside the city that the Sculk was currently invading as the Wardens, and the other monsters it created, tore through their enemies, converting more land with every bit of Experience they gathered.

"You know, when you said that you wanted to use the Sculk against the parasites, I don't know what I was expecting to see when we set it in motion." Alex commented, where everyone stopped near the area that Pinkie had set the escape point in, back during their first visit to this strange dimension, giving the three of them a chance to store their mounts away while Pinkie kept track of what the Wardens and the Sculk were doing, "but... well, I honestly wasn't expecting to witness this, or have your plan work out so well."

"Honestly, I wasn't expecting it to work this well either." Octavia admitted, especially when she considered the Worm and the Serpent that had been summoned to deal with the Overlord and the Dreadnaut, leading to the Voice surrendering without fighting her or the Sculk, and even then she suspected that there was more to this material, an even darker being than the three she and her friends had seen so far, "You have to admit that the results are far better than we could have asked for."

"Yeah, and we infected this dimension with the Sculk." Steve said, as he wasn't too sure if that was a good or bad thing, due to what they had witnessed so far, but given how strong each of the three monsters were he suspected that it was more in the latter's field, before he turned to look at the pair that caused this to happen, "Shall we head home?"

Pinkie nodded her head and wasted no time in passing around the scrolls they needed to use, to which they used them and warped back to the Overworld, appearing near their Waystone as the Villagers cheered for their safe return, though in that moment they found that it was nighttime and everyone decided to return to their houses. Octavia, on the other hand, simply returned to her tower and sat on the ground of one of the floors, allowing her to close her eyes and focus on the power of her new staff, a parting gift from the Voice before it threw itself into the Sculk. She was able to reconfirm that it contained a vast amount of power inside it, which made sense given that it's previous owner had been one of the leaders of the parasites, and, despite it's shape, she could sense that it was free of taint, meaning the only thing that might bring about the revival of the foul parasites was herself. That fact was due to what happened to her in the past, she was able to figure that out with ease, and Octavia found that if she focused her mind she could alter parts of her body to match her desires, so if she wanted a lizard's tail, for example, it would happen, and it was something she tested for a time, mostly to see what her limits were like.

Once that was done she went to bed, instead of working on her own tome, and when morning arrived she found that the majority of her group wanted a simple day off, instead of running off to deal with something else, especially after facing the Ender Dragon, the Warden, and the parasites in a row.

"So where's Pinkie now?" Octavia asked, as that was who was missing right now, though given her friend's habits lately she had a feeling that the mare in question was either working or she had found another tome to boost her power, likely part of Pandora's odd blessings.

"She said that she was checking out another tome, about some skills she could improve." Steve replied, though as he said that he made sure to eat some of the food in front of them, as the Villagers were able to cook and insisted on doing most of the farm work for them, which told him that someone likely made it so they could do more than what he and Alex were used to in their previous world, "Apparently she might have found a way to make some things easier for us, in what way she didn't say, but I have a feeling it's to make us stronger for whenever we head back down into the Ancient City... I have a feeling she might want to do that at some point in the future."

"Actually, I think she's preparing for the Golem... we still have to deal with it." Alex spoke up, reminding them of the last danger that was in the immediate area of their village, not counting the Warden and Sculk in the depths of their mine, all while Octavia had a feeling that the creature in question was a minion of another Admin, if what the Voice said was to be believed.

"With his parasites taken out, I have a feeling Herobrine will make his move soon." Octavia said, figuring that the Admin in question had more minions than the others, even though there was a chance she might be wrong about it and the Golem could belong to one of the others, but she knew it didn't matter, as they would face it in no time.

As the others opened their mouths, to say something on the matter, everyone stopped as the air shuddered, almost as if something had crashed or something strong was pissed off about whatever was happening around it, which caused Pinkie to emerge from her workshop.

"It's the Golem! Pandora says that it has breached the last barrier and will be at the temple soon." Pinkie stated, which told all of them that they must have missed it crushing all of the other walls, not that anyone was surprised with everything they had been through since they were set up, and, since she was still armed to the teeth, she opened her wings as soon as the words were out of her mouth.

Octavia really couldn't believe they were doing this, so soon after messing with the Lost Dimension, or Sculk Dimension she guessed it should be called at this point, but it wasn't long before she, Steve, and Alex followed after Pinkie by using their Morocks to take to the air. As they headed to the south, however, the group discovered that the desert covered more than what they remembered and it was about to invade the jungle that held the temple they had come across, and they found a sight everyone was expecting to see, the Golem had knocked down the last of Pinkie's walls. In addition to that it was easy for all of them to see that it wasn't alone, as all of the desert monsters that had been near it were invading the jungle area to take down whatever was in their way, causing Pinkie to beckon to the others for a moment as she flew down at the invaders and clashed with them. Octavia understood the situation, their friend was taking care of the ground forces while leaving the Golem to her, Steve, and Alex, which was fine with her since it meant they wouldn't have to worry about enemies bothering them, hence why she gathered her magic and hurled a volley of fireballs at the Golem.

The downside was that, since the thing was made of hard sandstone, Alex wouldn't be able to use her arrows against it, so she focused on doing what Steve was doing, flying in with his Morock and slashing at the beast, intending on doing as much damage as they could while opening areas for Octavia to hit. She was perfectly fine with that, as it granted her the chance to find weaknesses and use them against their foe, launching spells into the space between them, freezing both of it's legs to the best of her ability, or calling forth large roots to stop it in it's tracks. Of course it wasn't that easy as the large beast tore through whatever obstacles she put in it's way, all while trying, in vain, to hit either Steve or Alex, who buzzed around the air and did their best to deal any damage to the Golem, but it appeared that their foe didn't seem to care too much about their attacks. In fact, unless she was mistaken, it appeared that only her attacks and Pinkie's scythe attacks, as she accidentally cut the right leg while dealing with the other enemies, were working against the Golem and the rest of the group seemed to be diversions to make sure it didn't hit either of them.

As Octavia thought about it, however, she gathered some of her new power into her right hand and let it bulk up for just a few seconds, allowing her to punch the Golem in the side of the head and caused it to stagger, but it swung at her and she went flying into the forest, crushing several trees in the process.

"So the beast is durable and strong... should have known that would be the case." Octavia remarked, though after being killed by one of the parasites, and seeing the Warden in action, she figured that one of them could take four hits from the Golem before perishing, thanks to Pinkie's special armor, but a few seconds later she rushed forward and jumped into the air, allowing her to return to her mount.

This time around Octavia channeled more of her power into her spells, blasting the Golem back without allowing it to take a step towards the jungle that it had been trying to reach since they discovered it some time ago, but as she did that, and dealt some damage to the actual figure, she felt a sudden change in the air. In the following moment a burst of lightning, dark purple colored to be exact, tore through the trees and smashed right into the Golem's chest, which knocked it back into the ground and forced it away from the border between the desert and the jungle. Octavia glanced back for a couple of seconds, just like the others did, and found that maybe they didn't need to be here, as there was a large dragon, easily far taller than any dragon they had seen so far, and much more terrifying with it's curved horns and lightning dancing all over them, approaching them. It's eyes, however, were on the Golem and the smouldering hole it had left in it's chest, as if it was a 'storm' dragon, a beast of lightning that was far stronger than any normal dragon, while at the same time showing all of them that the minions of the three Admins were nothing compared to Pandora's pet.

In fact, as she thought about that, Octavia spotted a shadowy phantom like figure near the dragon, a slender figure that resembled Discord, only her body seemed to be dark purple, the tips of her claws, hooves, and tail tufts were red, and her eyes were red surrounded by yellow.

"Pandora!" Octavia remarked, as that had to be who appeared before them, while at the same time awakening her dragon to make sure the Golem was taken down, but as the figure turned towards the dragon, and the pressure in the air started to shift again, she turned towards the others, "Guys, get out of the way!"

Pinkie and the others flew out of the way before anything happened to them, where they watched as the dragon loosed a burst of lightning, the same one it had just used to knock it's target back, that surged passed the Golem and obliterated it in an instant, leaving a burning scar behind as the beam traveled off into the desert, which caused the figure to smile for a moment before glancing at the sky as it disappeared.

"Does anyone feel like the dragon actually didn't need our help?" Alex asked, where they stared at the lightning dragon as it returned to the center of it's home, now that the intruder had been dealt with, and it wasn't long before the everyone nodded their heads to show that this wasn't what they were expecting either, "Good, I'm not the only one."

Octavia sighed as she regrouped with the others so they could head home, as it seemed like their plan and preparations for this had been for nothing, the dragon certainly didn't need their assistance in stopping the Golem, plus it looked like it let nothing behind for them to grab, to which they returned to the village to rest and figure out what to do next.

Herobrine, Null, and Entity observed the group as they discovered the Warden and the Sculk, the fact that they used it on the parasite dimension without even wasting time, and their return to the Overworld to deal with the Golem, where they watched as Raijin smashed the Golem apart with relative ease.

"Damn it all!" Herobrine stated, shattering the goblet he had been drinking from, as he had prepared a few snacks for the moment the final wall came down so his Golem could march into the jungle and utterly destroy Raijin before he was able to fully awaken, only to discover the truth of the matter, his minion was nothing compared to Pandora's, "Her followers are far more annoying than we originally thought they'd be."

"Indeed, and it is worrying at the same time... they chose to release the Sculk on the parasites, eliminating another toy you created to have fun with our chosen Crafters." Null remarked, though such a thing worried him since there was no telling if the Sculk could spread to the Nether, if the group were to do the same thing to his dimension, and with the powers that Pinkie and Octavia had he knew they could move their Nether portal with ease.

"Yes, there is no telling what darkness resides in that foul material, so it must be one of Pandora's creations." Entity added, as he had been interested in that material, because it wasn't one that he and the others had introduced to the world, but that fact informed them of the terrifying truth of the matter, their sister was getting stronger as time went by and it was only a matter of time until she broke out of her prison, "The Mad Admin is growing in strength, at an alarming rate, likely brought on by several of our minions being destroyed by her followers... we have to stop them, before they take out any of our main minions."

"She's mocking us... you could see it in the smile on her face." Herobrine said, where he recalled the last thing the three of them had seen before the image cut off was a wicked smile appearing on Pandora's face, reminding him of when he and the others witnessed Pinkie looking up at them, only their sister's gaze held a promise, that she'd reunite with them once she was out of her impressive prison, "Especially now that Raijin is awake... if she wanted to she could have that beast invade our dimensions and hunt our greater minions down..."

"She won't, since she doesn't have enough power to do more than we have seen so far," Null replied, where he raised his own goblet and sipped at the wine that was inside it, something none of them could get drunk on or impaired by, one of the benefits of being an Admin, allowing him to consider the information that they had discovered so far, nothing good for any of them when he thought about it, "but we shouldn't rule out her new followers, as they've taken down the Wither, the Ender Dragon, and the parasites by using this Sculk and the dark creatures against them... they're likely preparing for their next mission right now, and we need to be ready for whatever that mission is."

Herobrine growled for a moment, annoyed that his brother was right, they could only watch and wait as they planned out their next assault on the Overworld so Raijin would fall, even though he knew they were racing against the clock, as it was only a matter of time until the prison shattered and they needed to take the dragon down before that happened, though he'd rather not think of what might happen if Pandora returned with her full power, combined with her followers, and silently hoped for them to prevail in this fight.