• Published 3rd May 2022
  • 1,135 Views, 399 Comments

Minecraft: A New Adventure - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie Pie and Octavia end up being sent to a brand new world, one made of blocks and having different rules to live by, where they join forces with Steve and Alex to see what the world has to offer.

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Into the Mines

Following their battle against the monsters of the blood moon, and getting some rest after seeing that no more enemies were coming out to harm anyone in the village, Octavia woke up before the sun and got to work transferring the notes she had made to the research table she had constructed. Boosting her magic skill, not to mention wielding the staff, had broadened her horizons and opened her mind more than she expected, allowing her to work with her research notes and the magical tome that contained all of the locked information that she was trying to learn about. One such thing she made a note about was some sort of link between the phases of this world's moon and the energies she was beginning to tap into, knowledge that had been boosted by examining the strange blood moon that tried to take them down, likely an Admin who wanted to torment them. She double checked what she had discovered about the magical crucible and found that all she had to do was find a cauldron and apply some Salis Mundus to it, just like she had done to a few items so far, which could be found in several locations, such as a witch's domain or a mansion according to the Villagers, or she could make one out of a few iron bars.

Since it was the next part of her studies Octavia headed over to the smithy and found Pinkie hard at work, repairing their gear before morning arrived, though she wasn't too surprised by this discovery, where she told her companion what she was after and soon enough she was walking away with a cauldron, something that she sprinkled some Salis Mundus on when she returned to the tower, creating a similar looking object with runes on the sides and a slight glow to it.

"Okay, so the crucible has been made... now what?" Octavia remarked, as she knew she was scratching the surface of what was inside her tome, in fact the tome confirmed it by revealing a process that would allow her to make something called 'Nitor', which seemed to be a glowing light of sorts, only to discover that, to make progress, she needed glowstone, which was in the Nether, "Of freaking course... everything in this world eventually leads to the Nether and it's resources... I mean, this is progress, but I was hoping for far more than this."

Octavia admitted defeat once more, as there was nothing she could do until they found a way to the Nether, before she found that there was another page about making Arcane Stone Bricks, likely building material or a component for one of the later items she needed to craft to open more of the tome's secrets. It wasn't much to go on, save for the fact that the tome told her that to craft it she needed more Vis crystals and stone, something that told her she needed to head back to the mine with the others, otherwise she wasn't going to be able to make any progress. Fortunately, because Pinkie was now using a secondary method of crafting items, it was possible that they might be able to head to the Nether soon, just to get all sorts of materials for her to work with before worrying about all of the items to get to the End. Her reasoning was due to the fact that Pinkie had figured out how to use the diamonds they had recovered so far, much to Steve and Alex's relief since this world was so different from their own, so if she was able to make a pickaxe out of diamond they would be able to mine obsidian, giving Pinkie a new material and allowing them to construct the portal to the Nether.

Once she was done going over whatever had been unlocked in the tome, and confirming that a trip to the next dimension was in order, Octavia got up and headed into the village, where she met up with the others for breakfast, finding that the Villagers continued to work around their domain, including working on the walls as well.

"So, did the cauldron do what you wanted?" Pinkie asked, because she was interested in what Octavia was doing, since it reminded her of everything Twilight did after she and the girls met her, and there was a chance it might help them figure out what was up with this world.

"Yes and no... I made a new crucible from it, but to continue I need glowstone, and likely other materials, which can only be found in the Nether." Octavia replied, something that caught the attention of her companions, as they knew that they would be going to the dimension in question at some point in time, since they needed blaze powder and other items, not to mention Pinkie's materials to make better gear, but now everyone needed something from it.

"Which means that we need to go mining, though we're in luck since Pinkie's made diamond pickaxes for us," Steve said, confirming what Octavia had considered earlier that morning, though of course only three of them, at most, would have the skill level necessary to wield such a tool, given that Octavia had pooled her Experience into her magic tree after what happened in the dungeon.

Alex nodded her head for a moment, mostly because there wasn't much more to add to the conversation, at least for right now, and once they were done with their food, which was rather filling Octavia noticed, each of them slipped into their set of gear and she found that Pinkie had made sure Steve and Alex were outfitted for whatever the future held for them, as at this point anything could happen. Once everyone was ready they headed through the gate Pinkie had made in the north and headed for the mine that they had worked in earlier, which had emerged from the blood moon unscathed, meaning the village had been the target the entire time. Pinkie passed out some torches as they tracked down the last point they had worked in, that way everyone had some in case they decided to go in different directions at some point, though Steve did find some iron and coal at the end and got to work, causing the others to spread out and swing their pickaxes as well as they searched for obsidian and other resources. Octavia, however, focused on collecting stone and any Vis crystals they came across, because having more of the latter would be good for the future, since she had no idea what the tome had in store for her, leaving Alex and Pinkie to whatever they were doing.

For a while nothing happened as they carefully dug diagonally down into the ground, though when Alex broke through a wall and discovered a chasm, which was filled with all sorts of Skeletons and a few shadowy creatures, Pinkie jumped over the edge and descended into battle, landing in some water for a few seconds before springing out to fight the monsters that were in this area.

"Good thing she's clearing out the area, since I can see some lava off in the distance," Alex commented, where she turned and started to make a walkway down to where Pinkie was fighting her enemies, a staircase built into the stone and hidden a little so the monsters couldn't see it, though Octavia found the area that she was referring to, what looked like a passage filled with lava.

According to Steve and Alex that was what they were looking for, as they could combine watch and lava to make obsidian in an instant, though in addition to all of that it was possible that someone might find more diamonds while they were in the middle of collecting the material. As they did that, however, Octavia heard something nearby and gripped her staff, as she brought it with them in case she or her companions were overwhelmed by enemies, but for the time being it didn't look like enemies were coming out to fight them. Personally she didn't want any monsters to come out and attack them, as she had enough fighting last night and just wanted a simple mining experience so they could get the materials that two of them needed to progress with their trades, but she knew that time would tell. Steve and Alex also suspected the same thing that was going through her mind, as Alex readied her weapons as Steve focused on breaking the stone and making a staircase for them to use, but for right now it seemed like whatever else was down here didn't want to mess with them, which they were fine with.

When Octavia and the others caught up with Pinkie they found that she had cleared out the area, lighting it up with a fair number of torches, though she found a number of ender pearls, black squares that looked like obsidian, and an odd stone that was circular in nature, or as much as this world would allow.

"Did you mine some obsidian already?" Octavia asked, because if that was true it meant Pinkie was much faster than she thought, especially since she had a diamond pickaxe like Steve and Alex, who were surprised by what they were seeing at the moment, confirming that it wasn't common to find obsidian laying on the ground.

"No, some of those Grue dropped the pieces that are on the ground." Pinkie replied, where she returned to the treasure that had been dropped by the slain monsters and collected everything, something that put a smile on her face since this meant she now had the ability to use obsidian to make the Nether portal and whatever improvements she wanted to add to their gear, "With this I'll be able to improve our gear to the next level, make the portal to the Nether, and maybe add in a central core for the village's wall, so just in case something damages it they won't be able to get inside and harm any of our allies."

Given how quickly Pinkie had set up the wall, in what was considered record time, Octavia knew that if Pinkie did such a thing it would be done in no time and would also protect the village against land based dangers, though sure enough their companion departed for the village, leaving them to mine in peace. Octavia continued to collect stone so she could make more of the bricks she might need in the future, since there was no telling how much of it she might need and she had a few ideas on how to improve her tower, while Steve and Alex looked around for other materials. Sure enough they found a few veins of gold, iron, coal, some lapis, and even more redstone, some of them requiring some effort to get to, but each piece claimed meant they were closer to leveling up one of their skills and improving their combat abilities. One thing they discovered was that some of the coal transformed into some sort of material monster, which Alex felt should be fought with a pickaxe and not a normal weapon, allowing them to mine the earthen creature apart and gave them a bit of stone and iron ore, plus some nether quartz, but nothing too major.

When Pinkie returned she expressed her disappointment in missing the Geonach, the monster they had defeated since Octavia had scanned it with her lens to identify it and told her about it when she returned, before she got to work on the obsidian that was in the passage the others had spotted. They discovered that, true to form, Pinkie had upgraded just her pickaxe, explaining how she got back so quickly, before finding that her empowered pickaxe was more durable and was able to actually mine the obsidian that was in front of her, meaning it should be tough enough for whatever was waiting for them in the Nether. As she mined the material, even if her ability meant it was unnecessary, she also discovered an odd room off to the left and found two Spawners inside it, ones that seemed to be broken, as they spawned nothing, but it was a bit of Experience for her and the others to collect. In addition to that they found a pair of chests that had a couple of interesting items inside them, such as a golden apple, some seeds they didn't have, bone meal, a couple of plain books, a tome about monster weapons, and a tome that detailed strange chickens that existed in the world.

With those tomes in hand, more reading material for Octavia and Pinkie to check out in due time, the group resumed their mining as they sought out diamonds and any other material that might be down here with them, though after obtaining obsidian it was time for a trip to the Nether so they could make some real progress and figure out what to do next.