• Published 3rd May 2022
  • 1,135 Views, 399 Comments

Minecraft: A New Adventure - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie Pie and Octavia end up being sent to a brand new world, one made of blocks and having different rules to live by, where they join forces with Steve and Alex to see what the world has to offer.

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Eldritch Tampering

After leaving the Crimson Citadel behind, as that was what Octavia was going to call it since they didn't know the name that the cultists gave it, she and her friends headed outside and got on their Morocks without delay, allowing them to escape before the insane people realized they had been robbed.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Steve asked, as while he knew that Octavia must have discovered the book they needed, especially since no alarms had been sounded after she left the citadel, he wanted to be sure that she had done what she had told them, since he didn't want to go back there anytime soon.

"Yeah, I did." Octavia replied, where she carefully removed the crimson tome, appropriately named 'Crimson Rites', so the others could see it, though staring at it made her wonder what sort of secrets were contained inside it, since she knew that the cultists were tampering with eldritch energies, "Not to mention a little surprise, another tome that might help me figure out what to do next."

"Two tomes, three counting your book... what an odd coincidence." Alex remarked, which was true, the fact that there were three special tomes in this world, that they knew of, made the three of them wonder what in the world she could do now, if she was able to do what the cultists couldn't do.

Octavia shared Alex's unspoken thoughts, as she was able to do wonders with her own tome and the secrets kept inside it, so it only made sense for them to wonder what in the world she might be able to do with the second tome, much less the third one, an unexpected treasure she couldn't leave with the cultists. Still, what worried her was the fact that the cultists would no doubt discover that their citadel had been ransacked by someone and conclude that it had been them, since she and the others knew they were the only ones around for a good while, to the best of their knowledge anyway. There was a chance that claiming these tomes might bring about an attack from the insane cultists, and with their number they would need more statues to defend the line as she and the others prepared for battle, hence why one of them would have to tell Pinkie the news. At the same time, however, she knew that there was a chance that they might be able to wipe out their enemies without drawing attention to themselves, they would have to direct the cultists to the lightning dragon guarding the jungle temple, as she knew that they were hunting for powerful components and it seemed like a reasonable idea, one that might end with the cultists being wiped out.

When she shared the idea with the others, however, she could see that they weren't totally convinced, and to be fair she knew it was a long shot when faced with the idea of having another war with some of their many enemies, but it was far better than inviting the army of cultists to their village, though she focused on other things as they landed outside the walls and headed inside after dismissing their Morocks.

"It seems you guys have been busy." Pinkie commented, speaking when the group came to her workshop, not that they were at all surprised, as she was more in tune with Pandora than they were and their ally might have figured out what was going on as soon as Octavia pieced everything together, "So, what did you discover?"

Octavia went into detail about what she had seen in the Crimson Citadel, detailing the fact that the cultists were ready to go to war with whoever they wanted, as long as it meant they could find more components to complete their ritual, which she had stolen the main key to before their departure, and she handed over the bar she had collected. She went into as much detail as she could about the three main targets of the entire cult, those being the Church and Military Generals and the Crimson King himself, because if a fight happened she believed that taking them out might dissuade the cultists, as in force them to retreat once their leadership was shattered. Both Pinkie and Pandora, the latter listening to what they were saying since she was still trapped in her prison and was keeping most of her attention on her brothers, agreed with using Raijin, the lightning dragon, against the cultists, as Pandora was sure he'd trash them in no time. Pinkie was also sure that the material Octavia had secured was Refined Crimsonite, which she suspected had been a normal metal at one point in time, only twisted and refined by the eldritch powers that the cultists were trying to tame, but, in her eyes, it was weaker than diamond.

"Still, even with all that we've seen, I'm still not sure what the cultists are planning." Alex remarked, speaking once Octavia was done explaining everything to Pinkie, who had absorbed all of the information with ease, though that was the one part of everything that she was unable to understand, what were the cultists working towards.

"They were probably hoping to tap into a power equal to the Admins, or maybe even a far greater power." Octavia said, as there was the third tome to take into consideration, one that seemed far more than the Crimson Rites tome, at least from a quick glance, though she wasn't too sure if her thoughts were right or not, "I'm going to head to my private dimension for a time and see what sort of information I can get out of the tomes, in a world that the cultists won't be able to track... I don't know if I'll discover anything, but they had the tomes for a reason and I'm hoping that I'll learn something by looking into each of them."

As the others nodded their heads, allowing them to focus on Pinkie's studies of the new metal, Octavia quickly returned to her tower and slipped inside her test dimension, where she found the golems hard at work extracting materials from the hole they were digging, making sure to leave a trail so they could leave. Instead of interfering with the work that the group of golems were doing she headed up the side of a mountain, making sure to put some distance between the portal back to the main dimension and where she was planning on experimenting. Her reasoning was that if something happened the distance would ensure that whatever went down wouldn't bother the others or their village, and once she was sure that enough distance had been achieved she pulled out her pickaxe to clear out the area, making it flat in no time. After doing that Octavia pulled out her tomes and set them on the ground in front of her, carefully opening the Thaumonomicon and Crimson Rites as she sealed the other in a sphere of magic, so it wouldn't be bothered by her studies, before taking a seat as she opened her mind to everything that she was about to learn.

Octavia discovered that the cultists, despite her earlier thoughts, weren't insane, at least not totally, as their tome gave her some insight into their beliefs and rituals, as they were convinced that there was a higher power in this world, though that power wasn't the four Admins. They believed that there were gods still watching over their world, either the Builders who left the Admins or what the cultists called the 'Old Ones', likely beings of great and terrible power that drove people mad, some hidden in sealed temples that were next to impossible to open, others sealed in other dimensions, and some were found in the depths of space. Such a thing brought her to the ritual that the cultists were attempting to complete, one that seemed to be the key to opening the way to where one or more of these beings was located, while the ritual itself labeled as Apertis Oculis, or 'Opening the Eye', likely a way to gaze into other realms without going insane. She had to wonder if the cultists were planning on killing whatever was on the other side of the portal, when she considered the weapons and the army that they were building, to make themselves gods or something so they could advance through the stars, or the other dimensions that existed in this world.

The leather bound book, which practically oozed eldritch energy while it floated on it's own, rather freaky she admitted to herself, was definitely the key to what the cultists were doing, in fact the more she thought about it the more Octavia was convinced that the Crimson Rites tome was just the preliminary work for this dark tome, but when she touched it with her hand, glowing with magic, she saw worlds and immense creatures pass by her eyes, causing her to jerk her hand back as sweat started to form.

"The Necronomicon... such a dark and eerie tome." Octavia remarked, though this time around she found that it opened to her touch, like someone wanted her to read it and the information contained within it, though it contained all sorts of secrets that, when combined with her tome's knowledge and the Crimson Rites' knowledge, would allow her to form the rituals necessary to summon the minions of Herobrine and his brothers, even invade their realms.

Octavia had been right, the Crimson Cultists had the key to defeating the other Admins and their creations, the three dark beings that seemed to be as strong as the lightning dragon, and now that key was in their hands, she just had to figure out how to use it and soon their enemies would fall, making her look forward to what the future held for her and the others.