• Published 3rd May 2022
  • 1,144 Views, 399 Comments

Minecraft: A New Adventure - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie Pie and Octavia end up being sent to a brand new world, one made of blocks and having different rules to live by, where they join forces with Steve and Alex to see what the world has to offer.

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Asmodeus, Mastermind of Invasion

After defeating Rahovart, a powerful being tasked with watching over the Nether by his master, the Admin known as Null, the group returned to the Overworld for a time, allowing them to rest and recover from the battle that could have gone in their foe's favor, had they not done what they had to secure their victory.

"Okay, so that battle was tougher than we were expecting... though, oddly enough, I'm finding that I am eager to do battle with the next powerful being." Steve commented, which had to be his adrenaline speaking right now, especially after all of Rahovart's powers and abilities, some of which could have crushed them had they not been quick on their feet, causing him to turn towards the others for a moment as they finished their meal, "So how long are we going to rest?"

"Eager to get to the End and face Asmodeus?" Octavia inquired, though she couldn't blame him, because after witnessing the immense power of the first two powerful beings, part of Raijin's power and Rahovart's full terrifying might, she was eager to see what happened when she and the others summoned the next being, including the final one, Amalgalich, who had to be stronger than the other two.

"Oh, is that where we'll call him and fight him?" Alex asked in return, where she stretched for a moment, as her new body was definitely more suited for combat than she originally believed when it was given to her, but found that she agreed with Steve, she was eager for a fight and wanted to see just how strong Asmodeus was, since he was listed after Rahovart, to which she turned towards Octavia, "You said that we'd find Amalgalich in the Sculk Dimension, right?"

"Yeah, and that's going to be a problem given what we did to it." Octavia replied, because there was no telling what might have happened to the dimension in question, given that the Sculk was likely still spreading and all of the monsters that it brought were no doubt still patrolling it, killing anything that made sound and devouring the Experience to cover more of the dimension's vast area, "We'll worry about that once Asmodeus is dead... though I have a feeling that this battle is going to be even tougher than when we fought Rahovart, so I'm a little worried about what we might discover when we decide to challenge the last powerful being."

Pinkie, however, remained silent as she studied the material that she had captured after Rahovart's demise, because while it seemed like a mass of demonic energy, and those who thought such a thing were correct, it also contained a fragment of power that, if she had more of it, she could determine what to do with it. By 'more of it' she meant more samples of the energy of the other powerful beings that were in this world, as while Raijin might offer his willingly, without hurting himself in the process, Asmodeus and Amalgalich would need to perish for her to obtain their fragments. Pinkie was sure that she would be able to craft weapons capable of ending an Admin with these strange pieces, which seemed to be what Pandora was pushing them to do so she could get her revenge on her brothers, but she needed another piece to determine if her thoughts were right or not. For now, anyway, she carefully deposited the jar inside her Inventory before readying more of them, three to be exact, as she wanted to gather the others once they were able to do so, though she reflected that Raijin could wait until the other two had been claimed, causing her to nod as she stored them away as well.

After another hour of rest the group was ready to go, to which they gathered the supplies they might need this time around, readied the Morocks that would bare three of them into battle, and departed from the village after wishing the Villagers well, as they would be safe with Octavia's golems guarding the perimeter of the wall. As such they used the Waystone to teleport over to the location of the Stronghold, thanks to Pinkie setting it up ahead of time before she and the others worried about the Ender Dragon, before making their way down into the depths of the ancient fortress. There were no enemies inside the building this time around, either because they had cleared everything out and lit it up with a number of torches, which was the most likely explanation on the matter, or the defeat of the Ender Dragon caused the monsters to vanish, but the group said nothing as they tracked down the portal room. Once they found it the four of them returned to the End at long last, to which they found that the obsidian pillars were the same as before, there were a number of monsters still lurking around the area, and the portal back to the Overworld looked untouched, though they focused on their mission as they took to the skies once more.

Fortunately it didn't take them long to find a suitable location to place the altar, as in a rather small floating island that was just floating in the air, right in the middle of the void between the three larger islands that were around it, before Pinkie set up the alter, which was the same as Rahovart's, save for the aberration Soulcube in place of the undead one, and quickly used a Soulkey before backing off.

Sure enough her thoughts were proven right, as soon as the alter was activated it was consumed by a pillar of green energy, which had to be the summoning mechanism for the powerful beings, before they watched as the void was filled with a new flat flooring that was made of the same dark material of the Soulcube. This time around, however, they found that the arena wasn't circular, like what they found in the Nether, rather it was a massive square shaped arena that had no deviations in the outer walling, so Alex would have to either use her Morock or stay on the ground. At the same time there were a number of square shaped pillars that appeared in the arena, likely halfway between where the pillar of energy was resting and the area that the walls of the arena were in, where the tops were on fire as well, no doubt to keep them from going too far once their foe had arrived. This also spawned monsters for them to fight, alien invaders that looked like brains attached to some spider-like machines that had what appeared to be guns in place of a scorpion's tail, along with the small Trites, small spider critters that also seemed like invaders, before the energy dissipated and their foe arrived at last.

Asmodeus was nearly as tall as Rahovart was, appearing to be a dark pale brain of sorts that was protected by a casing and attached to a machine body that had six powerful looking legs that would help it move, before discovering that it had what appeared to be a large barreled weapon on it's underside, one that was primed for battle.

"So this is Asmodeus, Mastermind of Invasion... and that, according to Pandora, is a machine gun." Pinkie remarked, where she was amazed at the sheer power that the being possessed, as it was like they were standing near Rahovart once more, but while she and the others had no idea what a 'machine gun' was they also knew that they would find out in due time, to which they separated from each other as the battle started.

Asmodeus turned on them as it's weapon started to spin, where they paled for a moment as it loosed a massive amount of yellow colored bursts of energy at them, tearing through the ground and part of the protective pillars with ease, despite the fact that the arena healed as if nothing had happened. Such a thing told them that it was best to not get hit by the bullets their foe was using against them, as Pinkie found that Pandora had some knowledge on the matter and was sharing it with her, to be shared with the others when the opportunity presented itself. By her estimates Asmodeus fired about a hundred of them in the span of a few seconds, while it's power prevented the arena from sustaining massive damage, though to have any hope of victory the group decided to fight from four separate locations and divide it's attention, forcing it to decide who was more important in the grand scheme of things. It seemed like she was it's target for the moment, which Pinkie was fine with since it allowed the others to attack Asmodeus and the annoying aliens that were heeding it's silent commands, but as Steve rushed in to attack it they watched as their foe activated some sort of flying device that pushed it off the ground for a time and let it move closer to it's main target.

In addition to all of that they found that the powerful being could also fire off rings of concentrated energy that were strong enough to topple the pillars that were around him, as one got hit by several of it's attacks and crashed to the ground within seconds, even though Asmodeus' power allowed it to be restored not a moment later.

Pinkie tanked some of the being's attacks, just to see how her armor held up to it while opening the way for the others to do bit of damage to their foe, and found that while she could endure a number of hits with her armor, forged from the greatest materials in the known dimensions, it did sting a little. It was a price she was willing to pay so her friends could hit the large being and actually harm it in some manner, though she understood that this was going to be a tough battle since Asmodeus was fond of moving out of an area to ensure that they lost their favorable footing. Alex did her best to deal any damage with her arrows, aiming at the main body and the legs that were holding their foe's brain up, trying to bring part of it down to make the battle easier, before finding that some of the larger foes warped into the arena and called forth a green barrier around Asmodeus. It was ridiculous in her mind, they had barely done that much damage to the being and it was calling in reinforcements to defend itself from whatever damage the group might do, while at the same time directing orbs of green energy at her and the others, in addition to it's main weapon blasts.

Rahovart was a master of melee combat with magical attacks thrown in, while Asmodeus was a master of ranged combat with magical defenses, making Alex wonder what in the world Amalgalich would throw at them, especially since Pandora claimed that it was the hardest of the three opposing powerful beings.

Octavia noticed what to do as she turned her magic on the barrier keepers, wiping them out with explosions from the few fireballs she hurled at them, allowing Pinkie and the others to continue onto their foe's main body, Steve focusing on it's legs, to slow it down, while Alex joined their friend in assaulting the brain section. The only good thing was that attacking it from below was that Asmodeus couldn't turn it's machine gun down on Alex, something that caused the others to dismiss their Morocks as well before rushing below it, while Octavia switched to frost magic to freeze it's legs, so it didn't fly off to another part of the arena. After a few more moments they found that more barrier keepers warped into the arena, not to mention a number of ugly flying creatures that Pinkie slashed through to eliminate any potential dangers, before finding that Asmodeus siphoned the power of the newcomers to mend the wounds it possessed. At the same time Octavia found that it was preparing it's main weapon, for an attack that would likely deal great damage to them, where she gathered her magic into an orb in front of her and fired a beam of energy that smashed into Asmodeus' brain container, which pierced it and surged off into the far wall behind it.

As Asmodeus collapsed, the lie fading out of it as items dropped for Pinkie to connect them, especially the interesting dark purple essence she captured, Octavia huffed as she wondered what in the world would happen when they faced the third and last powerful being, though she had a feeling that some rest was needed before they dared to return to the Sculk Dimension and face the might of Amalgalich.