• Published 3rd May 2022
  • 1,133 Views, 399 Comments

Minecraft: A New Adventure - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie Pie and Octavia end up being sent to a brand new world, one made of blocks and having different rules to live by, where they join forces with Steve and Alex to see what the world has to offer.

  • ...

Facing Herobrine

Following the downfall of Entity, and the destruction of his realm, the group gathered in the Nexus once more, where most of them simply rested as Octavia carefully manipulated the disc to open the way to Herobrine's realm, just like she had done for the last two realms they had been in.

"So Null and Entity were weaker than you expected?" Alex inquired, as Pandora had said something interesting after they cut down the second brother, that the two Admins didn't have the strength she was expecting them to have, even if both were weakened from the loss of their powerful beings, though she did see that their ally nodded her head, "What does that mean, exactly?"

I am unsure... it could be nothing more than my imagination, that we did more damage by taking away their powerful toys than I expected, Pandora replied, because after what happened with Entity she was sure that something was wrong, but she couldn't figure out if it was due to what they had done, how strong her champions were, or if there was another aspect that they weren't seeing right now, or there's some darker purpose that we aren't seeing, like...

"Herobrine stealing their power to boost his own?" Pinkie remarked, because after everything they had discovered so far it sure seemed like something that one of the Admins would do, to ensure their survival in the face of such danger, and she could tell that the others were considering her words to some degree.

It's a possibility we can't ignore... though if he did that than he's no longer the brother I knew. Pandora said, as she had seen how Null and Entity had reacted to what was going on and realized that they had been corrupted by their desires, or maybe it was Herobrine's darker desires that had twisted them into the shades she barely recognized, so she was eager to see what madness was going on in his realm.

Octavia considered the idea for a moment as she opened the portal leading to Herobrine's realm, where they entered it so they could see what sort of madness was going on in his domain, only to find that it was a copy of the Lost Cities, a massive place that meant it would be harder to find him.

"So, the riffraff have finally reached my domain." a voice said, where they glanced up at the air and paused for a moment as they spotted Herobrine staring down at them, only he looked a lot like Steve, just without all of the armor and weapons, and his eyes glowed with power, making it look like he and their friend were twins, "Surprised? What can I say, the Builders were so impressed with their first creation that they made a race of mortals that look a lot like me... sometimes the firstborn are better than those who came after them."

You drove our brothers insane, forced them to join you, and refuse to fulfill the duties our makers gave us. Pandora stated, though this was a pleasant surprise, that the third and final brother was out in the open, instead of lurking in some shadowy area while watching as his minions tried to tear them down, but now she was worried about their chances, as her elder brother seemed stronger than she remembered him being, With your powerful minions destroyed it seems like you took advantage of the situation and...

"Robbed Null and Entity of most of their remaining power. As much as I enjoyed working with them, there's only room for one Admin in this world... and that includes you." Herobrine replied, though in that moment he extended his hand towards them and lightning struck Pandora in the chest, actually shocking her despite the fact that she was a specter, before raising a glass jar that he stuffed her spirit inside, which he shattered with his fist, though their ally didn't come back, "You know, I must thank you, Pinkie, for creating a weapon capable of actually killing an Admin... I've been meaning to dispose of all three of my siblings and you have delivered the key to my problem, right into my hands."

"You're a monster." Octavia remarked, as while they were expecting to discover some sort of darkness, when dealing with all of the Admins, she wasn't expecting to find that Herobrine was basically evil and likely had some sort of dark plan that they would have to stop, now that they've uncovered the truth.

"No, I am a visionary, as my plan involves taking all of your powers and opening the way to the realm of the Builders, as I will become the god of reality itself!" Herobrine stated, showing them that he was completely insane and that he had likely been building up to this point, ever since the day he and his brothers sealed Pandora away in her prison, though this also meant that he felt that he had the keys to realizing his dark and incredibly dangerous dream, "The power to adapt to any situation, the power to open portals to the furthest reaches of reality, the power to strive and have hope, and the power to destroy even the strongest beings in existence... all of these powers will become mine in due time. It does not matter if I destroy you or my pets do the deed, because I will have what I need in the end... kill them."

Sure enough they discovered that his minions were more of the Parasites that lived in the Lost Cities, or, as they called it these days, the Sculk Dimension, though this time around, after everything they had been through, Pinkie, Octavia, Steve, and Alex were more than ready for a fight with them. Steve stood his ground and used his shield to block attacks, finding that the Harmonium element of the shield was stronger than the sharp claws of the Parasites, while his blade was more than enough to rend them asunder, scattering pieces and body parts as he made his way through the city. Alex used her new speed to bounce from one building to another, causing the Parasites to follow her with their eyes, or whatever they had for such a thing, and found that they were having a hard time doing so, while loosing arrows at her targets, piercing their hearts with ease as she left a trail of bodies in her wake. Pinkie, of course, was a whirlwind of death as she swung her scythe and slashed through her opponents, where Octavia noticed that it was more like dancing, in a sense, though she was just as strong as she was in the past, meaning Herobrine was in danger if he did nothing to stop her.

Octavia, on the other hand, had a nasty surprise for their foe as her arms split down the middle and doubled the amount she had access to, where one held her staff as another channeled the power of fire, another called forth ice, and the last used lightning, allowing her to decimate anyone who got near her. She also altered her legs to allow her to jump better than before, more along the lines of what Alex was doing, and changed her tail into that of a snake, or rather the head of a snake, giving her an extra set of eyes that kept track of what was going on around her. In the past she had been worried about the power she had absorbed from the one Parasite that wanted her to become their queen, or something like that, but now she understood that it was power for this point in time, causing Octavia to enhance her eyes with better sight and granted herself some horns for some extra protection. Such a thing allowed her to headbutt one of the taller Parasites in the chest, sending it straight into the side of the building behind it and crushed it, all while cracking the entire structure in the process, since she found that it collapsed on several other Parasites, before she rushed off and sent lightning down at some of their other enemies.

Herobrine chuckled as he activated his power, where they watched as reality itself seemed to shuddered as the buildings started to move, some lifting into the air while others sank into the ground, and even a few were turned on their heads to point sideways or diagonal. He was messing with them, that much Octavia could tell by looking at what was going on with the world, while at the same time displaying his might as an Admin who wasn't restrained by the others that were made to watch over the worlds that the Builders left behind. With that information in hand she and Pinkie landed for a moment, on the side of two different structures, before she enchanted Steve and Alex with some power so they could keep up with the battle that was about to take place in the skies above Herobrine's twisted world. What was even weirder was that what he was showing them wasn't the end of it, as there was a large silver ship in the air, a mechanical one that seemed far more advanced than what they had seen in the world they were used to, in fact Octavia was sure that it was from another world that he was supposed to watch over.

In the next moment Herobrine rained cannon fire down on where they were standing, intending on blasting them all into submission or even death, where Pinkie utilized her Pinkie Sense and helped everyone overcome the barrage, though it also meant they rushed from one building to another as they avoided the attacks. As they did that Octavia found instances where she could dig some of her clawed hands into the sides of the buildings before hurling them through the air, hitting the bottom and sides of the ship with as much force as she could muster, which also opened a path for Pinkie to reach the deck. With that done she rushed into the hallways and swung her scythe at anything and everything that might be critical to the safety of the structure, causing explosions in her wake as she tore apart the insides, which meant she might be able to prevent it from firing at Octavia, Steve, and Alex, before she glanced outside and found more appearing in the air, as if an armada was waiting in Herobrine's realm. Of course he was forgetting that Octavia was one of his foes as she hurled all sorts of spells into the air, blasting them into pieces to the best of her ability, though some of them were destroyed by the most unexpected thing of all, large tentacles that likely came from another realm of existence, a plane far beyond what all of them were used to, which wrapped around their targets and crushed them.

It was hilarious in a way, as Herobrine had declared that he would be the master of reality, and Octavia was sure he meant all of creation since his plans had to be bigger than even the Builders that made him, causing some of the stronger beings in the universe to retaliate, crushing his weaponry while they did their work.

Herobrine, seeing that happen, called forth more of his power as he donned gleaming silver armor and a red cape, along with a shimmering trident that had to be his personal weapon, where Pinkie switched into her offensive form, which was mostly her armor taking a more offensive appearance, before linking her scythe to her tail piece. With that done the pair clashed in the air above the realm, lightning flashing as the two swung at each other and dodged whatever attacks each of them were able to avoid, though in the beginning Octavia noticed that Pinkie had an edge thanks to her weapon and her armor. The Harmonium that was added to her gear, making it capable of extraordinary feats, protected Pinkie from most of Herobrine's attacks, even though she suspected that they still hurt to some degree, while the bladed edges had to hurt the Admin when he was struck, so it was like two equal forces clashing with each other. Even then the pair burst from spot to spot as they clashed, each trying to bring the other down, though even with his speed and power it was clear that Pinkie held a greater advantage than Herobrine did, as she had been fighting monsters for a long time now and the Admin had done no practice in preparation for this event.

Pinkie smashed open his defenses and shifted into her larger dragon form, releasing a burst of flames that consumed the area that Herobrine was resting in, though while most of them knew it was pointless, since it wouldn't kill him, Octavia did know her friend had a plan.

"Hah! How pointless of you!" Herobrine shouted, emerging from the flames and smoke without a scratch on him, which was what the others expected after everything they had seen of him, though as he said that, however, Octavia smirked for a moment as he coughed up blood, where the rest of the smoke cleared and they found Pinkie's scythe head was resting in his chest, right where the heart would be.

Pinkie said nothing to that as she shifted her stance, showing them that she had used the attack to cover him so he didn't see her reverting to her anthro form, and grabbed onto the handle of her weapon, where she gathered her power before swinging the weapon, the energy splitting Herobrine in half. It was amazing, that an all powerful Admin could be deceived like that, though this time around the realm didn't shudder or start to break down around them, meaning that something else might be coming and caused Pinkie to land as their foe's body turned into silver dust. After a few moments nothing happened, causing them to wonder if they might have been wrong about another threat coming, and, eventually, Octavia called for them to head home, even though she had an idea on how to reach Pandora's prison. She suspected that with all of her brothers slain whatever magic had been keeping her contained will have been broken, to a degree, and she might be in need of some help to full break free of the magic, causing the others to smile, because after everything Pandora had done to help them it was time for them to help her out.

The first thing they had to do was head back home, so they could rest and recover from the three battles they had been in recently, though Pinkie knew that once everyone was ready they could tend to Pandora before worrying about whatever the future held for them.