• Published 3rd May 2022
  • 1,134 Views, 399 Comments

Minecraft: A New Adventure - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie Pie and Octavia end up being sent to a brand new world, one made of blocks and having different rules to live by, where they join forces with Steve and Alex to see what the world has to offer.

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Hunting for Enchantments

When morning arrived Octavia rose with it and decided to get started on her work, the first of which being creating a new type of stone by using her Crafting Table as she surrounded a Vis Crystal with eight pieces of cobblestone, making nine of what the tome called Arcane Stone. By combining four of those together she got the brick version in no time, though to make sure her experiments continued without slowing down she did cut corners by having Pinkie duplicate her items with her power, where she wasn't even remotely surprised to see her friend up at the same time she was up. From what she could see Pinkie was in the middle of cooking the purple fruit she had collected from some of the Specters she had slain the previous day, all while having set up the new station of her smithy so she could combine ores, even though it looked like she had plans to combine Manyullyn, dragon bones, and Netherite to make a superior scythe. Of course such a thing was next to impossible right now, since she didn't have the last material and it would be some time before she found some, but Pinkie wasn't letting that get her down as she continued her work, allowing Octavia to do the same as she returned to her tower and continued her work.

Octavia found that when she combined four Arcane Stone Bricks in her magical Crafting Table, similar to the pattern that created the item in question, it allowed her to make a black stone with a number of magical runes all over it, a Barrier Stone according to her tome, and she had a feeling that it was the key to protecting the village.

With the Barrier Stones in hand she departed from the tower and made her way over to one of the entrances of the village, where she used a shovel and dug up some dirt that was in front of the wall Pinkie had made, and once that was done she placed the new block in the ground. For a few seconds nothing happened, making her wonder what she had done wrong in making her way through her tome's extensive knowledge, before purple particles appeared in the air above them, which told her that it had to be working. According to the tome these blocks were supposed to keep hostile enemies, like the monsters, out of an area, making a barrier wall to keep foes on the other side, and given that there were all sorts of enemies she had a feeling this would be easy to test out. Sure enough she spotted one of the Creepers and smiled as it walked over to where she was standing, allowing her to slip back into the village as it approached her, only to stop as it encountered an invisible wall that was coming from the Barrier Stones, meaning they were working quite well.

"Now that is an improvement," Steve commented, as he and Alex had plans for today and had gotten up early to get ready for the journey they were planning on undertaking in the next few minutes, only to pause as they witnessed Octavia making a new addition to the exterior of the wall, adding something to keep their village safe.

"indeed, and it is only the start of what the tome has to offer." Octavia replied, where she found herself wondering what sort of secrets might be inside her tome, even though it would take her some time to make her way through everything, given the rate she was going at the moment, before she glanced at her new friends, "Who knows, I might be able to make a barrier dome over the village at some point in time, which would be great since we've got so many dragons and all sorts of flying enemies to worry about."

"Until such a thing happens, we'll have to be the protectors of the village." Alex remarked, which was the truth, that they were the first and last line of defense for their allies who called this place home, and whenever they weren't here it placed everyone in danger, hence why she was glad Octavia found out about the Barrier Stones, at least before they left to locate some enchanting books.

Octavia said nothing as Pinkie joined them, resting the handle of her scythe against her shoulder as she did so, though she did take a moment to head over to all of the other entrances and repeated what she did with the first one, digging out the dirt in front of the wall and placed some Barrier Stones in their place. Once she was done, and all of the entrances were no longer hazards for the Villagers, she rejoined the others before they left to continue their exploration of the world, though this time around she, Steve, and Alex were looking for enchantment books. While that evil building might be the best place to find what they were looking for, or at least they assumed such a thing, the group knew it might be slightly beyond their ability to take everything there down, but, if they failed to find what they were looking for, Steve figured they could return to it and tackle whatever was inside it. For now he figured that something might be beyond where those two large figures were located, a dragon Pinkie discovered and that giant Pinkie had slowed down with her new walls, and even if that failed it would allow them to see more of the world, to further understand everything they had been thrust into.

It took them a while to get back to where the shrine was located, giving them another view of the walls and Pinkie was able to confirm that all of them were just fine, in fact the giant beast seemed to have stalled entirely, as if the Admin in charge of it was debating what to do with the information in front of them.

After they passed by where the shrine was located, however, it took the group a few more moments before they spotted a large tower that seemed to be more like a home that had been abandoned, which happened to have four armor stands in the four corners surrounding it, one having chain armor, the second having iron, the next having gold, and the final one having diamond armor. As Alex gathered the sets of gear that were around the building, which was impressive when they stared up at the structure, Steve headed inside as Pinkie and Octavia followed him, where he found a number of chests, all empty unfortunately, a number of sea lanterns in the ground, which he had Pinkie carefully extract, and some redstone lamps with blocks of redstone below them. After that they climbed the stairs and found a few rooms that didn't have any items for them to take, safe for more of the redstone items, before Pinkie found that one had a block of redstone in the section the door was in, the next had iron, the third had gold, diamond was on the fourth, and the fifth had a green block, emerald according to Steve. Pinkie refrained from taking everything they didn't need, just in case someone wanted to use this as a home away from home, before finding that the sixth floor was a farm and the final one was like a lookout area of sorts, and once they were done checking the area out everyone regrouped and resumed their journey.

It took them a while to find anything of interest, save for more enemies that wanted to bring them down, though it was in the evening when the group discovered a river the size of a ravine with five Battle Towers lining their side, the other side, and one even rested in the middle of the area they had discovered.

"What in the world?" Steve asked, as that was the question going through their minds right now, why had five towers, all made of the same prismarine material he and Alex knew could be found in the rare underwater temples, been made in the same place like this, especially since two towers seemed close to each other, "Were the Admins drunk when they put these particular towers in?"

"Not the ones we're focused on... rather, one connected to that dragon." Pinkie replied, where Octavia knew she was being weird again, seeing or knowing something that no one else knew about and only figured out without telling anyone what she had learned, before she made a note of this place in her atlas, "Well, we only need two, maybe three, of the towers, so we should split up to tackle them... you guys can take one, I'll take another."

Octavia said nothing to that as she, Steve, and Alex watched Pinkie leap into the air, looking like she was going to fall into the water below her, before she seemed to dash through the air and landed on the roof of the tower she had picked out, which went underground based on what they were seeing. As she started to engage her enemies, Skeletons mostly, the trio just walked over to the nearby Battle Tower and climbed inside without delay, finding that it had Zombies instead of Skeletons, to which Steve and Alex took point as Octavia pulled out her staff. She recalled what she did back during the blood moon, to save the village from the dangers that had been threatening to overwhelm them, and it was long before she summoned two of the little Wraamon, one with the flaming aura and one without it. Octavia issued her orders to them, they were to head up the tower and clear the floors above them, so while they were clearing out the first floor, and taking the treasure, the pair would deal with the enemies and then wait for them to catch up before moving again.

Steve had to admit that it was a worthwhile plan, allowing them to save their energy for the enemies on the higher floors, in addition to the Golem who guarded the final of the ten floors, though as he and Alex broke the Spawners, and gathered the Experience for later, Octavia found that her summons didn't last too long, meaning the enemies here had to be tougher than she expected. What they found was a force of Zombies and Skeletons, which was odd since it was generally just one of them and Spiders, but the trio repeated what they did during their first Battle Tower run, two of them forced their enemies away from the Spawners so the third could break them. With that done it was a simple matter to take down all of the remaining monsters and collect their Experience, which most of them were saving up for later since they were reaching a point where it took a lot of the substance to empower them further. Sadly, when they looked in the chests, it didn't look like there were any enchanted books for them to claim, which was the whole point of this venture, but Octavia was fine with that, since she had a feeling that moving too fast was a bad thing, even if Pinkie seemed to be the only one who cared about moving fast, given all of her power boosts recently.

As it turned out the Battle Tower didn't really offer them too much in the way of difficulty, allowing them to reach the Golem on the top and pulled him away from the treasure chest, since it's power could break it and scatter everything to the wind, where they found that, with their improvements, it was far easier to take down than they originally believed. Due to that fact they were able to bring the Golem down, collect the treasure it dropped, and then raided all of the chests as they made their way down to the lowest floor, beating the self destruction of the tower since it was tied to the Golem. After exiting the tower the trio gathered their treasure and found nothing new to aid them, save for some glowing ingots that might be new, but before they could do anything else they found another tower collapsing before their eyes, the one Pinkie had gone into not that long ago. Sure enough she emerged from the water and walked up to where they were standing, informing them that, sadly, she had been unable to find the tomes they were after, meaning they would have to tackle the evil structure at some point in the near future, but she did find a recipe she wanted to try out when they got back to the village.

Since the towers were mostly for Experience, based on their experience with them, the group decided to return to their base and plan their next move, though Pinkie did reveal something interesting, she found a large dragon skull, likely the largest of them all, in the final chest as well, like someone had been in the process of filling out the recipe before being taken out by the Battle Tower's guardian.

"Must be something special, if you're eager to make it." Octavia commented, which seemed to be the norm for Pinkie now, she loved to make things and aid them in figuring out how to survive the dangers of this world, even though facing all the dragons and imposing figures seemed more than what they were expecting when they joined Steve and Alex.

"Supposedly, according to the recipe, it'll help with tracking down items while mining." Pinkie replied, something that was more useful to someone like her, who spent her time making things or down in the mines they had created, but it would open some doors for her to make items that would aid the others in some manner.

Octavia was interested in what Pinkie was talking about, to which they said nothing as they made their way back to their village and she slipped into her workshop, as it was much more than a smithy when one thought about what was inside it, and what else Pinkie could add to it. She then revealed the recipe to the others, that she required the large dragon skull that had been in the chest, four diamond swords, which she could make easily enough, three glowing gems, and a specific ring she'd be able to craft in no time. Since her power allowed her to have an unlimited amount of an item she collected, no matter what the item might be, she could break down one of the glowing ingots into dust and then combine said dust with a block of diamond and a couple of ingots, making a glowing gem. After that she crafted a golden carrot, which was a carrot and eight golden nuggets combined, and added four iron ingots and a glowing ingot to it to make the ring that was part of this, before combining the items into a single form, a purple sphere with a deep red slit, a dragon's eye trinket that she embraced, causing it to disappear in seconds.

When Pinkie turned towards them, however, Octavia could see that her eyes had changed, changing into the slits that a dragon had, and as she glanced around it was easy to see that things were working, she could see whatever treasure the item allowed her to see, where she suspected that it would be put to good use when they faced whatever the next couple of days had in store for them.