• Published 3rd May 2022
  • 1,135 Views, 399 Comments

Minecraft: A New Adventure - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie Pie and Octavia end up being sent to a brand new world, one made of blocks and having different rules to live by, where they join forces with Steve and Alex to see what the world has to offer.

  • ...

Rahovart, Lord of the Underworld

Following their period of rest in the village, well deserved after everything they had been through so far, Pinkie and Octavia gathered near the portal to the Nether, as the first of the three beings that needed to be take care of was supposed to be in the fiery realm. Normally it would take them some time to figure out where to place the summoning circle, but due to their previous exploration of the realm in question Octavia was sure that they had an area where to set everything up for the big fight with Rahovart. There was no telling how powerful this being would be, especially since he was one of the three beings that served the other Admins, so they were hoping that he wasn't on the level of Raijin, otherwise Octavia was sure it would be an impossible challenge for her and the others. Such a thing was why Steve and Alex spent more time gathering what they needed before meeting up with them, though they were fine with waiting since it gave them a bit more time to think about the plans they had come up with for the battle that was ahead of them.

"So we're really doing this..." Steve commented, as he wasn't a fan of this world's version of the Nether, since it was filled with demons and who knew what else, in fact part of him was sure that there were monsters in there that they hadn't seen yet and didn't want to see them.

"Yeah, but we've risen from facing monsters to facing powerful beings." Alex remarked, though while she did share some of Steve's worry, since they had seen Raijin's power with their own eyes during their battle with the Golem, the other part of her wanted to see if she and the others were even ready for this fight.

"This will be one of the greatest battles of our lives, since we don't know how much power the Admins gave their creations," Octavia added, though at the same time she tapped her staff on the ground as she made sure her magic was at the ready, one last check before they headed into the Nether and faced Rahovart, before focusing on the portal that they would be using to travel to their desired destination.

Pinkie simply nodded as she made sure everyone had everything they needed for the Nether, though once that was done she stepped through the portal and caused the others to follow after her, where her companions quickly summoned their Morocks and took off before the demons noticed them. Pinkie, on the other hand, spread her wings and took off, where the four of them headed out towards where the lone area was located, as it seemed like the best spot to summon Rahovart so they could face him, given how there was nothing around it. Fortunately they tracked down the location of the small piece of land in the lava, where Pinkie landed first, to be sure the area was clear, before the others came to a stop in the air that was around her, figuring that staying in the air would be best for when their foe made his appearance. Once everyone was near the designated area Pinkie got to work, using obsidian to make four pillars that stood in the corners of a five by five square, while the center held another pillar made of two obsidian, the Demonic Soulcube, and two more obsidian, before placing a diamond block on top of the four corners.

With that done she pulled out a Soulkey and used it on the Soulcube, where the altar structure was consumed by a glowing green light that caused Pinkie and the others to jump back, while watching as a solid stone floor phased into existence all around them, complete with massive walls to prevent them from flying out of the arena. Sure enough there were demons that also phased into existence as the light transformed into a massive pillar of energy that seemed to be spiraling around the center of the arena, though the sheer size meant that Rahovart was taller than they had been expecting. For the next couple of seconds the four of them slashed and blasted the demons that surged at them, who had either been trapped in this place when Pinkie activated the altar or were part of the encounter, before the green energy dissipated at long last and revealed their foe to them. Rahovart was a massive crimson colored colossus that stood far taller than the group did, just like Raijin, a hulking beast that looked like he had a club attached to his left hand, as if it was a replacement of sorts, and seemed far more demonic than most of the demons they had seen so far, with large curved horns, large black bat wings on his back, and massive hooves.

This was Rahovart, the so called 'Lord of the Underworld' when they considered Pandora's information on the beast, who just so happened to be Null's most powerful being, so killing him would likely cripple one of the Admins in some manner, a fact that would make their end goal that much easier.

In that next moment they discovered that Rahovart's left hand wasn't a club, rather it was a demonic cannon that allowed him to fire off bursts of demonic green energy that took the form of large spheres that rapidly zeroed in on where Pinkie or the others were located. Such a thing caused them to fight from four different locations, since it was clear that he was able to quickly turn on whoever he felt was the most threatening or the weakest, because in the beginning Rahovart had Steve and Alex in his sights, switching between both of them as their Morocks bared them to safety, before turning toward Octavia as his next blast slammed into her fireball and cancelled her attack. The terrifying thing was that he was capable of firing off multiple attacks from his cannon without slowing down, where they rushed by where Octavia was standing, due to her using her magic to change their trajectory, which wasn't very easy, so the wall behind her would tank them, ending in flames erupting from where they landed. It confirmed that he was definitely a being that belonged to one of the Admins of this world, his speed and power were stronger than some of the other opponents they had encountered so far, and in addition to that Pinkie found that while she could deal some damage to him his hide was incredibly tough.

After a couple of moments they discovered that there was more to Rahovart's attacks besides just loosing energy shots at them, he was capable of actually walking around his arena, instead of standing in the center of it, and he used his fist in an attempt to smash them into the ground or walls. Steve and Alex dodged to the best of their abilities, to the point where Alex actually landed and dismissed her Morock, where she took off with her new speed and jumped up onto the walls of the arena, finding that they were set on different levels and she could use them as platforms to attach Rahovart with some of her arrows. In addition to all of that he even had a massive wave of fire ability that triggered every now and then, as in intense heat that would scorch the flesh from their bones if they were caught in it, though Octavia countered that with her magic, creating icy barriers around herself and her friends so no one was taken out by the Hellfire Wave. He even held the power to alter the surrounding environment with a single punch, rearranging the layout of his arena with ease, likely one of the powers given to him by his Master, forcing them to change their tactics and movements before he had a chance to hit any of them.

The most annoying thing was that the arena continued to spawn demons for them to fight, though to make sure most of them could focus on Rahovart, and not be distracted, Alex rained arrows down on all of the newcomers, doing her best to clear the area so she could focus on their foe as well.

Eventually something changed in their foe, as if he was changing tactics or something, where Rahovart continued to call in more demons to fight them as he rained death on his foe's locations, though in addition to that he called forth what had to be giant human shaped monstrosities, Behemoths they were called, that joined the battle. These new foes were some of the toughest demons in the entirety of the Nether, far more than the ordinary demons they had faced so far, meaning that each of them took a few more hits to take down so the group could focus on Rahovart, which showed them that the colossus was taking this battle seriously. Octavia also slammed as many icy spells into the colossus' chest, doing her best to push him back and deal some damage to him, while Steve hacked at the demons that dared to come near him while he stabbed at Rahovart's feet, which seemed to be doing some harm to their foe, and Pinkie flew around the arena to distract the Demon Lord while targeting several weaknesses to boost their chances. After a while of the battle progressing like this they found that the massive demon shuddered before the demons disappeared entirely, leaving him alone with them for what might be the foreseeable future, but in the next moment Octavia realized that he had sacrificed his army to grant him the power of constant Hellfire Waves.

In response to that Octavia summoned her power and conjured a massive wall of thick ice to protect them from the rest of his attacks, while Pinkie hurled Steve at Rahovart's legs, allowing him to hack into them and force the massive demon to his knees, before she stabbed him in the head, pushing him to the ground as the walls collapsed around them, a sign that they had slain the Demon Lord.

"Dear Makers he was tough... and there's two more of him standing in our path." Alex commented, where she huffed for a moment, as the running she did had worn her out, even though her new training made it possible for her to sustain these long battles, before they watched as the massive demon showered them with materials, which Pinkie happily collected for later, before discovering a swirling crimson mass.

"And I think we might have a fragment of the key needed to end our true enemies." Octavia remarked, as Pinkie captured it with a glass jar, revealing that it had to be some sort of essence, meaning that when they downed the other two beings, Asmodeus and Amalgalich, two more would likely fall into their hands and grant them the power needed to bring an end to their long quest.

The others said nothing to that as they got ready for the journey back to the village, so they could rest and recover before worrying about the next powerful being that was on their list, as they had a feeling that the next might be tougher since it was Entity's powerful being and were eager to see what might happen when they challenged it.