• Published 3rd May 2022
  • 1,134 Views, 399 Comments

Minecraft: A New Adventure - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie Pie and Octavia end up being sent to a brand new world, one made of blocks and having different rules to live by, where they join forces with Steve and Alex to see what the world has to offer.

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The First Vault

After seeing what Octavia had been up to for some time, and being impressed by her golems and what each of them were capable of, Steve and Alex decided to take the rest of the day off and just tend to the rest of the village, helping out all of the Villagers with whatever they needed, just to make things more functional. Such a thing meant that they would be adding all sorts of items to the farms to make sure they produced more food and required them to do less, so all of the Villagers could focus their efforts on other aspects of their home. Some of the guards, based on what Steve heard, preferred having some sort of ally to help them deal with any dangers that might come towards their home, especially since there was no telling when another Blood Moon might happen, causing him to think about Octavia's battle golems. He and Alex decided to speak with the Elders at one point, to see if they could convince them to allow their friend to make more protectors and set them up outside the village walls, thereby allowing the guards on the walls to start training in using the bow in case ranged foes tried to attack them.

While they did that, however, Pinkie made a short trip to the Nether and returned without delay, where Alex found that she went back to get a couple pieces of Blackstone and raised an eyebrow as their friend walked over to the portal area, even if she paused for a moment before rearranging things. By that Alex meant that Pinkie terraformed the area by altering it with all sorts of stone, as she had crafted all sorts of variations to use in her various buildings, and she ended up creating three platforms out of stone, even if it meant moving the Nether portal. She discovered that the main stairs, leading to the central pedestal, was where she placed a bit of Blackstone in a way that mimicked the Nether portal, while the Nether portal and the bed portal were moved down to the two other platforms, both still connected to the dimensions they lead to. With that done Pinkie also changed up the landscape and made it far more protected than before, adding railings and even a bridge that linked up with the area outside the village, even though it also made it look more modern as well.

Once that was done Pinkie returned to her workshop and Alex followed her, where she found that Pinkie combined a bit of obsidian with four purple blocks from the End and a block of diamond, creating an altar of some kind that she placed in it's own section of her massive house, before placing the gray gemstone above it.

"What are you doing now?" Alex asked, as Pinkie was always up to something, in fact she could tell that her strange friend had made a large library for her enchanting table, giving her access to some of the more impressive enchantments, and she knew that this was just another strange thing her friend was focusing on.

"I was curious as to why this was called a 'Vault Rock', and Pandora recommended that I make this altar." Pinkie replied, to which she added a button to the wall behind the altar and found that four images popped up around the gemstone, where Alex noted that she still had a gemstone in her hand, her powers ensuring that she only needed one to have an unlimited amount of them, "Interesting... some obsidian, a few pumpkins, a couple of cobwebs, and a few red flowers... should be easy for me to obtain, since I'm sure I've picked up most of them at one point."

Sure enough Pinkie had each item in her massive Inventory, where Alex wasn't sure what to call it at this point, and quickly transferred the required amount of each item into the magical altar, earning a green check mark once she was done with each one, and once all four were marked she pressed the button and the crystal turned purple, allowing her to collect it as she headed outside.

"Time to see what this baby can do." Pinkie commented, where Alex could tell that she was excited, as this was something new for her to experience and, given how much Experience her friend had access to, a vast amount that never went down, she suspected that only Pinkie would be able to deal with whatever was on the other side of the area she was planning on heading into.

Alex simply followed for a few moments and watched as Pinkie approached the new portal, where she tossed the gem into the air and the Blackstone seemed to be empowered the moment the crystal stopped into the center of it, where they just stood there as it created a glimmering rainbow portal between the material, causing Pinkie to smile as she dived into it, all without waiting for anyone to join her.

"What did Pinkie do this time?" Steve asked, as he stopped by Alex for a moment and spotted the new portal, and the area that the three structures were now resting in, showing his interest in what might have happened this time, since they were talking about the oddest member of their group.

"She made a new portal area, crafted an altar, made a new gemstone, and entered a new dimension... I think." Alex replied, as Pinkie hadn't shared too much with her, either because her focus was elsewhere or because she didn't know too much on the subject, where she suspected that the latter might be the truth, before she shrugged for a moment, "Either way, I'm sure there's nothing in there that will challenge her... she'll return with all sorts of information and Octavia will come down to talk with her about it."

Steve considered that information for a moment before nodding his head, allowing the pair to go about their own tasks, or chores since they weren't going to do anything drastic, like Pinkie and Octavia were doing, all while both wondered what in the world was on the other side of the new portal.

Pinkie found herself in a chamber that looked like someone, likely one of the Builders who created the Admins, had made in the past, though while it was about twelve blocks wide, and probably twenty blocks from back to front, she found that the area on the other side of the opening was different from a stone area. She discovered that there was a forest of sorts on the other side, complete with chests to loot and monsters to fight, though when Pinkie opened the first chest she let a smile cross her face as she realized that it had all sorts of new items for her to collect. The chest had a few items that she had collected so far, nuggets of gold and iron ingots, plus food that she didn't really need and took anyway, and several other items that seemed to be tied to the vault she had entered, before pulling out a deep blue gemstone. This, according to what she could tell, was a Beniotite Gem, meaning there had to be an ore version somewhere inside the vault, and she pocketed it without delay, because while she had no idea what she was supposed to do in a place like this she was eager to collect all sorts of new items for the future.

In addition to that she found a few Catalyst Fragments, a relic booster pack, a brown candy bar that wasn't chocolate but tasted rather good when Pinkie tried it, and even a Wither Skull, as odd as that sounded, though she looted the entirety of the chest and added it all to her collection before readying her scythe.

Her reasoning for that was because there were Zombies, a whole force of them, emerging for the woodwork, where she hacked and slashed at them as she continued to explore the vault, finding that the rooms were either designed to look like stone caverns, a forest wilderness, a small western styled village, and even a dragon's horde, complete with a dragon that was made out of different materials. One thing she noticed was that there was a literal treasure trove of items in most of the walls, where she used her dragon eyes to track them down and found that she could even locate the gems that were in the dungeons, such as Beniotite, Alexandrite, Painite, Iskallium, Gorginite, Ashium, and many others. Fortunately, due to all of the enchantments on her pickaxe, Pinkie was able to carefully extract those gems in their ore form, while the rest of the materials, like diamond, emeralds, and all the basic materials, she instantly mined in her rapid mining sessions before moving onto the next room in her search. Another thing she discovered was that there were a number of gray obelisks for her to touch, as they seemed to be linked to something, so when Pinkie found the first one she tapped it with her hand as she hacked through some Zombies and Creepers, rapidly zipping off to the side to find more materials, before cutting her way through another opening as she headed for another room.

Some of the chests didn't have much inside them, and some had treasures like what she found in the first one, though she broke down all of them and collected everything that was inside them, preferring to leave nothing behind since she had no idea if the vault could be reentered once she completed her adventure. She also found a few dark green apples, which were called 'Jade' Apples apparently, and when Pinkie tried one she found that her speed was faster, like it boosted part of her, as in her haste, allowing her to make quick work of the area that she discovered it in before continuing her adventure in this place. She discovered a few special chests that required her to either kill monsters near them, sacrifice some of her health, or even offer her Experience to open them, though given all of her abilities none of those bothered her, including the last one since her bar never went down. Those chests had better loot than the normal chests, more gems and other new items for Pinkie to claim, and they were outdone by gray chests that contained some of the best loot she had seen in the vault, possessing a vast number of gems and materials for her to collect, before she tracked down a third obelisk right in the center of the entire vault.

She glanced around for a moment, wondering if there was anything else for her to do, before deciding that there wasn't, as she had looted everything and anything she could find, to which she tapped the obelisk and it summoned a creature for her to fight, a giant green figure that walked like a Zombie and carried a blade like the monster in question.

"A boss monster... nice!" Pinkie stated, where she burst into the air and swung at the beast, the 'Boogie Man' she could see by observing it for a few seconds, and found that he was capable of swinging his sword faster than Zombies did, which just made things much more interesting than she originally thought when she decided to try this out.

While the massive Boogie Man was strong, he even pushed her back once or twice, his defenses were weak as she hacked into his legs and brought him down with far too much ease, allowing her to end him without wasting too much time, only as she dealt the finishing blow, and he collapsed on the ground, she was warped back to her workshop, complete with all sorts of rewards from the first vault.

"I have to admit, that was an interesting way to kill time... I wonder what else I can find in those vaults." Pinkie commented, as she could see all sorts of treasure inside the crates that appeared near her, the reward for ending the boss no doubt, giving her all sorts of gems, ores, odd vault items, and many other items to add to her collection, causing her to smile for a moment as she popped another gray crystal on the pedestal.

She was interested in seeing what else the vaults had to offer her, because it was a great way to kill time while she waited for the others to discover something that needed their immediate attention, or if Pandora informed them of something that needed to be done, and, once the next crystal was ready, she was eager to kill some more time as she waited for the future to be revealed to them.