• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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408. Metal Hound Chaos! Pt. 12 Finale.

-???, Oleander-

“Honestly now, how is it that this is the third time we’ve ended up in a dimension with this theme set to it?” I said dryly. “Also, me and my friends are not imaginary, I’m fairly certain that Imaginary creatures have insides that don’t make sense right? Well we have biology that makes perfect sense!”

“Hey, speak for yourself, I’m fairly certain that Buttina and my biology makes no damn sense whatsoever at the best of times after all the crap we’ve survived.” Wrex commented dryly as we were stuck at a mad house of warped space and time for the time being.

“Honestly, I can see why they would think we’re imaginary friends, BUT WE’RE NOT AND I’M A LITERAL DEMON IN THE SHAPE OF A BOOK!” Honestly Fred, it was hard to tell if you were imagined or not. Some people wished you were just a nightmare.

“Coco?” Said an airplane, life raft faced walking palm tree bird thing. This world had the strangest entities.

“Yeah, got any further proof than just having a clearly understandable and defined biology?” The tall, one armed and clearly basketball focused, red creature thing stated. “Sure not all children can imagine a working circulatory system properly, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have one.”

“Si, that would be muy helpful as Wilt is saying.” Said the friendly purple furred minotaur.

“Well okay, what is the absolute simplest thing that we can do that proves we’re not imaginary friends?” I asked because apparently imaginary friend could be and do almost anything.

“Well imaginary friends can’t create imaginary friends for one, why that’d be quite ridiculous!” The tall red guy, Wilt, stated while waving his one arm at us in a friendly manner.

“Buttina, you are the most childlike in mindset here among us, create the dumbest thing you can literally imagine!” I turned to Buttina and she concentrated for a moment and a cloud appeared next to our favorite Pandoran Bicorn.

A second later something made out of an odd cross of a piñata and a bunch of shotguns in the shape of a puppy appeared. It swiftly sneezed a shotgun blast of individually wrapped sour candies out of its double barreled nose as a form of buckshot onto the floor. Surprisingly the packaging and the candy remained intact after hitting the floor at bullet speeds, the packaging is probably magically protected for a time.

“Whoa, that is awesome!” Blooregard stated as he took up a piece of candy and tossed it in his mouth. I blinked, he didn’t seem surprised to see us… would that mean he’s… “Oh, hey Oleander, Buttina, Fred and Overlord Ender ‘seeker of the Doggy Messiah’. Yeah gang, it might surprise you to hear this, despite how weird and colorful they are, these guys aren’t imaginary friends. Remember when I said I got lost in another dimension and there was that whole thing with those freaky evil television belly monsters everywhere, yeah these guys are the ones that saved me from that and sent me back home.”

“Really, I thought that was an excuse to get out of doing chores again.” Wilt seemed a little shocked and surprised that Bloo knew us.

“Those freaks just wouldn’t stop smiling… and had so many sharp teeth…” The shotgun piñata, oddly colorful and dog shaped as it was, calmly hugged Buttina and started patting her back. It randomly fired a blast of several sealed bean bag shaped plastic packets of ‘Gummy Freds’ out of its wagging tail and I quirked my eye at my fiancé who shrugged and grinned. We’ll definitely talk about the merchandizing Fred has been doing behind my back later. “I think I already love you in an entirely platonic manner that won’t freak out my boyfriend. I’m naming you Shotgun Surprise… I named him so we’re keeping him right?”

“Can I imagine something to the tune of brain bleach and have it appear?” Wrex asked a second later

“Would it work?” I asked scathingly.

“No, but it might get me drunk.” Wrex stated with a patented Krogan smile.

“Coco!” The island escape bird laid an egg and out of it popped something labeled ‘XXX Super Brain Bleach’, with a smaller label stating it was not safe for children, foals or imaginary creatures under eighteen years of age and any creature that lays eggs that are named and can only say ‘Coco’. The last one was fairly quite specific to the individual that just produced the stuff.

“Don’t let Coco drink any of that, we’ve been trying to keep her off of that stuff.” That imaginary friends could even get drunk was weird Wilt, I wonder if any of the other Oleander’s ran into this imaginary friend problem? “Coco has… a sad history and she’s been doing so good about not hitting the er… ‘sauce’… as it were... that’s the nice word for it right?”

“It is not being that bad, we is helping our amiga Coco with it and she is being very good at holding her liquor. Now you being arrested five times in one day and are still being a fugitive from the police… that is being muy grande bad Wilt.” Well the chunky mexicolt speaking purple minotaur just brought up what sounded like an intriguing story.

“It’s… complicated…” Wilt stated while wilting at my stare and his wonky eye looking all over the place suspiciously.

“Can we keep the magical imaginary bird that can give me alcohol?” Wrex asked pleasantly as he chugged the brain bleach a bit, then belched quite loudly. Said belch was spewing blue and white flames everywhere. “Aw yeah, now that’s the kind of stuff that’ll mess you up and knock you on your back for a week and make you forget your twenty eighth ex-wife trying to orbital drop a battlecruiser on your head… almost like chugging an entire bucket of Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster would.”

“No, we’re not adopting any imaginary creatures!” The second I said that, Shotgun Surprise started giving me a hurt puppy dog look. How is a dog creature that is made almost entirely out shotguns with eyes that looked googly so freaking cute?! “Though we’ll make a small exception for Shotgun Surprise, provided we eventually introduce them to Pom just to see what happens.”

Shotgun Surprise explosively farted a huge amount of foil wrapped chocolates shaped like unicorns onto the floor in sheer joy at having a chance to spend more time with his creator. This was coming from the shotgun below his tail, so it is easy to imagine that I’d rather not touch what came out of his backside.

-Moon Cell Realm, Mare Melum, Warped Farmlands, Castle Alexander Outskirts, Quetal-

A blast of lightning flashed across the field frying everything in its path.

Lit was quite a little force of nature on the battlefield, but we all had pulled back to let the APs handle the front, those reusable mines hadn’t stopped going off since we’ve been pushed back to protecting the perimeter of the castle.

At least most of the threats were coming from the direction of the twisted city, where most of the mines were, and not as much our surroundings to the point that the APs could easily cover the sides and back of the castle.

I saw flashes of territory being taken by our towers. Nice to know our support fire was going to a good cause, but we still had a large incoming machine coming at us. Even with Dodo and Canard distracting it to the best of their abilities, they weren’t actually slowing it down.

Didn’t know how we’d handle it once it got here, we would all needed to be evacuated into the castle by then.

“Lit, come on, we’re falling back!” I waved a claw and the little yellow battlefield maestro immediately started bounding back in our direction. “You too Curdle, everyone into the castle!”

As I climbed the stairs with Shine at my side and passed through the gates of the castle, I saw a bunch of Gazimon on flying machines taking off with a lot of sacks. Whatever they were doing I wished them well. I was exhausted and needed a meal and some rest from being on the front lines to save Ransei again. Since we’re still trying and we’ve succeeded at getting this far.

I hoped the underground team is doing okay.

-Mare Melum, Underground, Complete Disaster Zone, Pom-

I’m not doing okay, but I would be alive at least, the Paralance was proving to be quite useful yet again.

Pushing the end of the lance forward into the torso of an Eater Soldier, it staggered back and then I swung for its head, it went down phased out of existence.

That was rather easy compared to the hundreds of rounds of ammunition from the Magitek Armor needed to do the same thing was telling. If the Paralance was a mystical weapon, then it was fairly powerful one that I had no idea what it could actually do.

At least now knew going into full Beast Mode and using magical wolf claws would be effective, but it also might get me eaten if I was to sacrifice mental sanity to use it.

I continued to fend the Eater Soldiers off and beat them down with the Paralance with a few swings and make sure they can’t lunge onto me or get near the truck. I didn’t want to be touched by these things after seeing what they’ve done to the surroundings and being told they have the same effect on everything.

The missile truck moved and launched a volley of missiles, as much good as that would do, the Excelsus was practically indestructible and the only reason why we’re shooting it is to stop the Pure Eaters from fusing to it and taking it over.

Those Pure Eaters really wanted the Excelsus and it was the largest thing in the area that had some general success in dealing with them… by being a large easy to hit target and it took multiple missiles to really do some damage to the alien flying whelk things, but we’ve managed to destroy a few of them with the missile barrages from the truck.

The unreal alien nature of the Eaters was fairly daunting given how much punishment they could take compared to everything else we were dealing with on top of them.

An example is the Eater Soldiers were being struck with fireballs from the flying red wyverns, for all the good that did when they were resilient to most forms of attack and the fireballs only knocked them over before they flowed back into a standing position with their tentacles.

There were quite a few things attacking the Eaters, but anything that got close to them tended to die or be eaten really fast. At least the Zombie Gekko had flamethrowers, enough concentrated heat had some effect on the Eaters even if it was slow damage. I’m fairly sure the Eaters were eating the heat and temperature out of the area as well.

Any damage done to the Eaters was hard to see, given underneath the black and white checkered skin… was more checkered colors, they don’t bleed in a normal manner and the static they create when they are about to be destroyed was the only indication you were close to beating one.

The oddest thing that was helping the situation was the colorful balls of what smelled like condensed sugar slamming into the surrounding Eater Soldiers from out of the sky, enough direct hits from those actually took out a few of them. It was coming from the one small allied region we had nearby which had me curious.

Dormarch was quite busy dealing with Jack. Even if his new evolution was powerful, given he just fired a powerful laser from his mouth that tore a few Eater Soldiers in half, he was still having problems dealing with Jack and likely wasn’t entirely used to his new forms capabilities yet.

Fou was… oddly staying away from Eaters and observing them a little bit fearfully. Having been distracted from the fight with Jack and Dormarch clashing their respective blades and chainsaws coming out of their backs. If even Fou’s backing away warily from the Eaters, then they were the most dangerous things around here.

“Pom, Pure Eater coming for missile truck, can you stop it?” Yeah, thanks for the heads up Driver, I see it coming.

“… try….” My throat hurts so really that’s about as much I could say before it constricted. I was still very thankful that the Commandramon were here, even if they were heavily stressed with actually taking out Eater Soldiers that started wandering towards us as their primary focus.

Pure Eater - Consume Everything!? (Insert threatening ‘Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth OST- Something Eroding’ music here.)

I positioned myself when I saw the Pure Eater heading this way, these things were larger than the Eater Soldiers and could float. Staring down the red eye as it focusing on me with hit’s two tentacles and its bulbous shell, I brought up the Paralance and waited as the checkered alien cuttlefish charged me.

Once it was reaching out for me with its odd two odd tentacles, one lined with a zipper like spikes, I slammed the paralance open and managed to stun it or at least pause it in motion.

I closed up the lance and lunged forward with a thrust slamming it into a smaller tentacle between its two larger tentacles, the creature flopped onto the ground squealing in pain. Even then I didn’t let up my guard around something that can kill on contact and stepped back when it tried to lunge for me.

Bringing the paralance to the left while open, I swung it to the right and the edge of the blade edged canopy slashed into its three grasping tentacles reaching for me and cut them all in half. They immediately started regenerating and I quickly jammed the lance forward into the red glowing eye thing on the creature above the damaged tentacles, after having dealt my damage I leapt backwards as its tentacles reformed and tried to wrap around me.

Having failed to get a grasp on me the Eater made a strange noises and two Eater Soldiers appeared right next to it.

I heard the missile truck firing behind me and I saw more Pure Eaters being blown apart into hazy static as the Excelsus was damaged.

Dolly, can you get me some help?

One of the Eater Soldiers was suddenly being hit with concentrated fire from the Commandramon as the Eater charged for me with its other soldier. Several explosive devices flew overhead and blasted the other Eater Soldier knocking it back.

The two tentacles spread out wide and swept inwards for me and I bashed at the larger one on my right and dodged away the one from the left touch me. I did not want to be any closer than I already was as I thrust my weapon forward and pierced the side of the creature’s regenerated large toothy tentacle.

My blow caused the left side of its shell to twist towards me, I jammed the lance forward and then slashed it up with a magic wolf claw as I hopped out of range of it trying to whip me with the large tentacle.

One Eater Soldier eventually blew apart and then the Commandramon had to focus on a group of Eater Soldiers off to the side coming at us from a different direction.

The other Eater Soldier started to surge for me as did the Pure Eater, when a bunch of colorful cannon balls blew apart the Eater Soldier making it easier to concentrate of the large eater as I open the paralance and fend off its tentacles try to so much as graze my wool.

It was increasing the forward pressure and trying to force my off my hooves and I was already leaning back to avoid getting touched, it was going to succeed when it was hit and pierced through the side by… a sharpened Candy Cane? It seemed to make the Pure Eater back off of me and had done a lot of damage.

“Did not know this form could do that, need some assistance darling? Then Flarity.exe is here to help! From a relatively safe distance of course…” I glanced at the voice and saw… a marshmallow looking cougar with candy cane claws, she was already in the process of growing a candy cane horn from her head. Not the weirdest thing I’ve seen today considering I’m fighting something quite alien that can me kill on contact… in melee range. Couldn’t use my barks, threw out my voice weakening Jack, so any long range help was appreciated. “Pinkpie.exe be a dear and help the lovely soldier boys would you?”

“On it, Pie Army, Digimon style attack P-Cannonball thingy artillery support!” Why did I feel a sense of dread hearing that voice and the way it said that? At least I knew where the colorful cannonballs were coming from now.

“Blunt damage is not as effective on these eaters unless it’s a massive overpowering force, I believe piercing attacks to be their major weakness.” Said a purple raptor as a group of colorful… beings like the yellow winged Caerbannog, given they showed up with their own PLANTs with their symbols emblazoned upon them, they were our allies at the very least. “So keep firing those horn spears Flarity.exe!”

That’s when the Eater started to turn on Flarity, at least it was no longer pointed at the missile truck. It was quickly encroaching on her.

Hey, I know this might be a bad time to test your intelligence, but can you make yourself pointy and elongate so I’m not within range of those tentacles? I had no idea why I was mentally asking this of the Paralance as if I had a familiar bond with it as I rushed to stop the Eater from attacking someone who wasn’t apparently fit for close up combat scenarios.

Despite looking like a powerful cougar, Flarity looked more freaked out than anything at the approach of the Eater and was firing Candy Cane spears into it dealing quite a bit of damage as fast as she could. Which was a slow five seconds between each shot.

If we were having this much trouble with one without an excessive, possibly overkill, amount of explosives, then imagine what would happen if the seventy or so Eaters in the area that were busy swarming the Excelsus all decided to stop doing that and come at us all at once.

It was about to reach this Flarity, when I thrust the closed Paralance forward at the back of its odd shell when I got close enough… much to my surprise the lance decided to finally respond to my mental request that it change form to something more helpful at the most inopportune moment.

The end of the spear became a sharpened shorter conical spike, then I assume the mass taken from the normal cones length possibly went into creating a shaft of the same length as what I was currently holding in my hooves.

This basically doubled the overall length of the weapon immediately and threw me off balance as the Paralance ripped through the back of the creature and out where I think its eye was at its front.

It wildly shrieked and tried to get at Flarity or turn on me unfortunately I had the wherewithal to actually keep it from being able to move to threaten anyone. I had ran the Paralance clean through the darn thing and it refused to die and it was starting to pull and thrash me about.

Barely managing to stay standing and holding on as Flarity pierced it with another candy cane horn spear firing from her forehead, the Eater that came for the missile truck was final started to create a static noise and looked like it was becoming static itself.

“Bonsai!” A voice shouted as it came diving in from above, it was a colorful butterfly winged lizard.

“Darn it you dang idiot, you’re not supposed to touch those things!” I heard before a boulder whistled through the air and impacted the Eater forcing it into the ground as it made me stumbled at the sudden weight being placed on the spear. That’s where the diving lizard slammed into the boulder, bounced off and avoided being killed by her own definitive brand of idiocy. I still had the thing skewered and the rainbow lizard looked dazed as the boulder dissolved by having been eaten a second later. “Remember that those things kill on contact Rainbow.exe!”

“Oh… right… yeah, my bad!” The lizard said dazedly as the purple raptor face clawed, as did the muscular blue cow next to her. “What about her spear though, why is that not going away?”

“Well it’s obviously something special you idjit!” The Blue cow roared at the Rainbow lizard.

The Eater continued to struggle and some Eater Soldiers started to form, but they were doing so quite slowly that they were stopped from fully forming by a pair of candy cannonballs.

Could someone help me finish this thing off? I wanted to yell this so direly, but with me being temporarily mute this wasn’t going well.

That is when the paralance answered my prayers, as the tip of the spear retreated into the Eaters body and then it practically exploded when multiple spikes ripped through it from the inside, causing said monster to fade out of existence in a mass of static noises and black and white fog.

I was a little freaked out by the morphing Paralance as it quickly returned to a more adorable and friendly looking parasol form and I glared at it. After what I just saw, could I ever really simply look at this thing the same way again knowing what I do now?

“Whoa… that spear is so metal!” Rainbow.exe stated as she looked at lance as she came crawling up to me fast with a wide grin as her humming PLANT came down to float behind her.

“Rainbow.exe is not the only one that needs to use their head, Flarity.exe start summoning programs from your personal PLANT and get them focused on firing their horns on the Eaters. Pinkpie.exe help deal with the aggressive beast programs or the coding zombies. Apple.exe, find anything sharp or blunt object and start throwing them, in fact have a Flarity clone give you spears to throw or just liberally throw aggressive enemy programs at the Eaters.” The purple and dark blue raptor seemed to be the smart one of the group. “Now if you’ll excuse us…”

When she said ‘us’ the purple raptor generated multiple copies of herself and they all started working like a hive mind in concert. They immediately started picking off any EPs that was surviving this onslaught of insanity.

“What do I do?” Rainbow.exe asked as she took up position next to me.

“Something Rainbow.exe, just don’t touch or go near the Eaters!” The head purple raptor stated.

“…” Rainbow.exe generated a single clone from her PLANT. “Do you have any idea what we can do?”

The clone lifted its front legs and shrugged, it seemed about as bright as the original was and I gave them a flat stare.

Shaking my head I turned and went towards the missile truck to regroup with my group. The last few or so hours have been driving me quite spare. I looked over to see how Dormarch was doing.

-How Dormarch is doing-

My wing blades locked up the two chainsaw and I opened my mouth for one of my newest attacks.

“Lupine Laser!” I gathered energy in my mouth Jack narrowly avoided having his head taken off and I blasted off his left chainsaw, following up my mouth beam I stabbed my unoccupied wing blade into their left side and they quickly kicked off of me before I could cut them in half with my frequency blade wings.

“Oh come on, mouth lasers! Why didn’t we get something like that or a mouth gatling cannon?!” Blade Wolf really liked to complain, him being an onboard AI I think I can empathize with his frustration considered what it was like for me before I got my body back. “Sure finding a place to fit the ammo in this very streamlined body would have been hard, but still. I knew we should have at least sprung for that rail gun attachment, but no-~ it’s always rule of cool with you Jack! Wouldn’t have needed too many rounds of that and the rail gun could have been handheld on top of being capable of being attachable to our back too!”

“Yeah, I’m starting to feel like a better designed you now too…” Considering the many similarities between our bodies, one would think we were designed by the same company… if I weren’t a digital entity that is and some kind of ridiculously lethal cyborg monster robot that can take a lot of punishment in its canine mode.

“Standing here, we realize, you are just like us, trying to… agh?!~” Blade Wolf started to sing as Jack continued to attack like a berserker with his claws, fangs and the single remaining low frequency chainsaw, still in ‘True Ripper’ mode even now improving his capabilities beyond what his body should be capable of, given I had a good idea of its specifications at this point.

“No, never let villains start heart songs, that’s always bad Dormarch!” Mom shouted as she blindsided Jack Wolf with a stab of the paralance. She damaged his right hip and knife launcher while sending the cyborg skidding across the ground threatening to topple over. Her wool was shifted for Sheep’s Clothing meaning, her wool was enhancing her physical capabilities and she stopped caring about her wools protection. “We got help, but after this we need to really deal with the Excelsus, we’re getting help with the Eaters thanks to our strange new allies!”

“Yeah, my friends have… whoa… got it!” A rainbow colored Draco Volans stated… a flying rainbow colored Draco Volans that just dodge blazing hot knives from the left hip mounted launcher.

“Shouldn’t you be incapable of flight?” I asked.

“I don’t know that, so yes, I am capable of flight.” Was she really just going to ignore the fact that she shouldn’t be able to fly and smile about it… just to be able to fly?! “So long as I avoid hitting the ground, I’m flying right? Besides bats do this all the times.”

She wasn’t a bat though, was arguably heavier and should only be capable of gliding!

I looked to mom and she shook her head no and mentally told me not to pursue a matter this absurd. Thankfully I agreed to not do that and continue to focus on Jack who was most likely no longer acting in the capacity of a servant.


We just needed to finish off Jack, he was just too dangerous to let stick around and we now had an opportunity to focus him.

“Rargh!” Jack lunged at me, despite the damage we’ve done to his body he was still giving off a blood filled aura and was intent on killing me since I came at him. I shifted to the right and swung the paralance down and missed as he brought his rear half around to dodge.

The paralance had thankfully returned to its blunter form. I inhaled and fell onto my back in slow motion as he launched for my face claws first. I let go of the paralance as I fell and then got my hind legs up under his belly, Jack and Blade were ridiculously heavy and I was thankful my wool was currently boosting my strength enough to push them back.

I took a sharp painful mechanical claw across the left side of my nose and muzzle, feeling every inch of those blades shredding my face in slow motion as I continued to inhale with my mouth. I exhaled and retaliated with a golden magical wolf claw that worryingly formed on my left hoof, instead of my right, that shredded their chest and throat open splattering me in blood, oil and letting me see the horrors of the machinery and flesh melded together up close and personal.

I heaved up with my hind legs and avoided the left claw swipe taking the right side of my face, I lifted Jack Wolfs front torso high enough with as much strength as I could put into my hind legs. The working knife launcher on the cyborgs left hip started to aim for me when several ropes wrapped around Jack Wolf's body and helped me heave the robotic wolf even higher onto its hind legs.

The ropes had stopped the tail from impaling me, the working portions of the molten knives launchers from getting an angle to fire and helped prevent me from getting clawed or possibly bitten further

Behind Jack was an odd Caerbannog, green camouflage fur, headband and a cigar, he was pulling Jack Wolf into position for…

The left high frequency blade attached to Dormarch’s back rammed through the spot I had clawed open on Jack Wolf’s chest.

“Blade Wind Turbine!” Dormarch yelled and what followed was a brutal display of parts, oil, blood and gore intermingling as he drilled Saber Jack and Blade Wolf's body apart, the red aura immediately winked out. I was completely and horrifyingly splattered by all of it.

The Caerbannog avoided Dormarch’s attack and then started making his way back for the missile truck with a grim smile while giving the shredded cyborg a weird look, he saluted me and then quickly made his way back to the truck.

“Heh… we were sent to ass-ass-assassinate… Sabers meant… to-to-to lead and… h-h-he-hero.” Blade stated as I calmly got standing with my heart trying to leap its way out of my throat and battered gore covered face. “We were… we were… WE WERE HEROES… doggy messiah…”

“That rabbit… heh… a real snake-snake-Snake… in thethethe grass, what… Colonel… on my way… hah hah… wars... over… thanks for the fight… come on Blade… let’s go find…” Jack managed to say while the red eyes on the head of the wolf machine finally died out and the body started evaporating. “Home.”

I think my eyes were deceiving me as I saw something come from the machine, a pair of souls… a grinning bipedal devil holding a sword towards the sky and a robotic canine that circled around him playfully as they shot into the air together and evaded the surroundings Eaters as they both left for who knows where.

Were they finally free like Totsugeki?

I felt something force its way into my mouth as everything was growing fuzzy and with something forcefully taking control of my mouth away from me, a familiar taste had my entire world coming back to life as I bit down.

“Those Sitrus Berries are really doing a lot of work huh? It’s really interesting how they regenerate your injuries, medically you’re fine now, but still quite exhausted.” Dormarch stated before turning and blasting an Eater Soldier away with a Lupine Laser, he used a claw to place the Paralance beside me and I gripped it weakly. “We’re not done here mom, come on… get onto my back, we still have things to do.”

The rainbow lizard helped me up and before I knew it, she had helped me over Dormarch’s back with an identical rainbow lizard. I was idly gripping onto the left handle of his left wing as Dormarch started to carry me back towards our defensive line… which felt weird as he moved along the ground on his heel wheels at high speeds.

He was just one problem among the many that are still left and Fou, was actively helping us, he seemed to command the Neutral Programs through sheer force of will and they started fighting more ferociously and were… actively trying to help us?

At least Fou saw and acknowledged the bigger threat in the Eaters at the very least to really toy or play with me for the moment. I wonder how things would have gone had he not shown up, at least things would have been less chaotic and not continuing my migraine.

-Mare Melum, Top Side, Ocellus-

“The Ray is almost upon us, Gazimon please give Canard some support fire! Make it stop trying to focus him down, his Skein Flyer looks like it’s about to fall out of the sky. Canard please retreat to Castle Alexander immediately. Shanty call Dodo back too.” I watched as the Gazimon took up wing above the castle and fired volleys of energy shots into the thing on approach, at least they knew that if they didn’t help here… they had nowhere to go with being relatively surrounding by Zombie Programs or ZPs, EPs and NPs.

They had gone beyond their original mission of lining the nearby water sources with traps, they had surrounded the castle with mines like an exploding moat that the APs took to avoiding and leading enemies into. Were they… intelligent?

“Coming in hot.” As Canard called this he serpentine through the air avoiding the hundreds of shots chomping at the backside of his machine. Once he got by the castle wall, I saw a curious event among the APs as the Caerbannog APs seemed to create a net from their rope darts that slowed Canard’s fall and managed to land him safely behind the protection of Alexander’s walls. “That would have been a rough landing, thanks for telling the Caerbannogs to catch me guys.”

That’s just it, we didn’t tell them to catch him… also having seen so many elite program signals of the enemy, why did we have one of our own? It was coming from underground? In fact we were getting a lot of information from the underground region, I could even get a visual of what was happening and we no longer had connection or communication issues.

“Colonel Ocellus, proceeding with Operation: Metal Gear Die.” Said the odd Caerbannog as he appeared on the screen for a few seconds, he smiled at me and then the screen disappeared and I blinked. I didn’t understand what the Caerbannog was talking about or that they could even talk at all, APs in general didn’t seem overall intelligent until just now and were just following orders we gave them.

Pom’s was still dealing with the Excelsus and Eaters, at least she was getting a lot of powerful support from the HPs or Harmony Programs… so we had to take care of The Ray ourselves.

“Castle Alexander, enter combat mode…” I really didn’t know how to work this thing in combat mode, but we really couldn’t sit still while that thing was coming at us.

-Origin Space, Arceus-

Hmm… curious… a soul and an artificial soul that became real like that of a Porygons or Digimon, we will not be separating them in death. They deserve a more peaceful life together on some other world far from wars as we could put them.

Most souls are commonly referred to as Pyreflies… even in the dimensions Bahamut and Tiamat hailed from, my Ghost Type children were quite unique in that respect.

I solemnly sent them on their way and thanked Yvetl, with Giratina’s help, for being able to grab them before the Eaters or Moon Cell could get them.

“Time dilation between the worlds is starting to falter, the seals on the Mystery Dungeons are starting to fail. The entire continent of Ransei is about to fall into chaos father.” Mew stated worriedly, I calmly ran one of my hooves over my sweet child’s head and made them purr.

“Patience is a virtue… and mine is about to run out. Our hopes rests on King Evan succeeding in getting a stubborn mule of a dragon to unite with the rest of Ransei.” I smiled a little. “Mystery Dungeon teams have already heard of a Mystery Dungeon popping up in Ransei, the kingdoms of Ransei are not alone.”

Jiri and her bear squad were making headway into Yaksha, land of the Dark Types, when it came to diplomacy. Avia was on board with King Evan who had more than half the continent preparing for the initial oncoming onslaught. The only concern was Dragnor and Spectra and their love bird leaders beating the snot out of each other.

Nixtorm thankfully lost its only Moon Cell invasion foothold anchor thanks to Pom’s group taking out the Mystery Dungeon there, so Nixtorm might be able to recover enough to lend support to their neighbors.

Ransei was about to become an even worse hotspot of activity as the battles in Viperia weren’t going well… since they were having problems poisoning the enemy programs currently flooding their lands.

Violight and Valora would be two major points for Moon Cell to try and break through, thankfully they were both aware of that due to the communications between the two kingdoms.

I changed one of my viewing windows to show thousands of rescue teams big and small, all of them moving towards the Ransei continent. Where there was disaster, there were rescuers and heroes that rose to the call.

They would bring with them supplies, they would fight for the world and they would face insurmountable odds… but they wouldn’t do it alone. The digital monsters world severely needed help in their slowly losing battle to a superior force and those heroes coming to Ransei… they all wanted to make some new friend.

Why Team Go-Getters were already on the continent having arrived well ahead of everyone else in the kingdom of Fontaine not too long ago with their core members, having heard of Team Harmony and the troubles in Ransei from the Pokémon of Fontaine spreading the news worldwide through postal Wingull and Pelippers.

A warmth filled my chest as I watched everyone prepared to unflinchingly throw themselves into the coming dangers, all for the sakes of others and the world around them. The heroes of this world were all answering the call to adventure and the needed fight beckoning them from all corners of the planet.

The friendships made would be glorious, as would be the fights and the many stories that would be written from this alone.

I’m already wondering… would Latios or Latias would meet a Sparrowmon? It was interesting how such a digital entity came to be, it was mostly thanks to other worlds being capable of seeing glimpses of possibilities beyond themselves… also mild copyright infringement.

Author's Note:

Jack, without a high frequency blade, doesn't fight as well.

Another servant of Moon Cell down.

For those wondering, any Oleander and Fred events might not necessarily be from the same Oleander and Freds given they have a multiverse worth of Oleanders and Freds trying to find Pom and are still failing at it spectacularly.

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