• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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372. Rising Flyweights.

-Origin Space, Arceus-

“Huh, so that is her Digimon partner’s body? Did not actually know that.” Something disturbed me about the change in Pom’s demeanor once that information came to light, mortals usually don’t like hearing bad news like that… but that bad news takes the cake on a number of things already plaguing Pom.

“She’s so totally going to snap.” Tiamat the dragon sibling of Bahamut stated bluntly as all of her heads on serpentine necks smirked. “It’ll be glorious.”

-Pokémon Realm, Mystery Dungeon Anchor Point, Icy Ruins Special Zone, Icy Ruins Library, Pom-

“I’m going to start this off by dealing with Fou, so I can have some room to breathe while I fight Skull X.” I checked over my injuries…. one hoof in the grave sounds about right, still pressing forward regardless.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea to get back into the fight or that close to either of them, you could let them wail on each other for a little bit longer Pom. Fou seems to be shrinking Dormarch’s body faster than you were.” Dolly was under the assumption that the half of Dormarch we held onto wasn’t going anywhere, but that wasn’t true. Dormarch was going back into his body and I was getting my good boy back regardless of what happens to me. “You could use a little rest, do you even know how bad your injuries are? I can feel them too you know, they feel terrible!”

“The reason for my haste are several fold Dolly, speaking of… use haste on me, I don’t want Fou to accidentally destroy Dormarch’s Soul and Body before we can reintegrate his Mind and Heart back into it first. Also the recent concussion Fou gave me might have something to do with my attitude about my personal injuries and the oncoming onset of idiocy I’m about to perform by going straight back into that fight with what amounts to a pocket full of dreams.” The massive stabbing wound by a giant metal claw piercing through my right shoulder and one of my legs nearly being broken didn’t make my decision any more sane sounding either, considering I was limping a bit even if it wasn’t one of my hind legs that was the sprained or the twisted one. Oh and don’t forget the bruised spine and the worsening of my Chrysomallus condition. “Why yes, I’m absolutely using my recent head injury as an excuse for why I’m going to start acting like an aggressive lunatic Dolly.”

“Gee, you sound pretty coherent to me right now.” Are we going to argue here or are we going to work to get Dormarch’s body and soul back? They do rightfully belong to him after all.

“I’m a hero, my voice gives me super strength and I enjoy the thrill of battle as much as I do pain and my favorite thing to do is to adventure right straight into danger at every chance I get. Can’t get enough of looking for trouble… heh!” My slightly deranged delivery didn’t make Dolly believe me one bit. “This situation has all my favorite things in it, including the late soul crushing information we could have used a bit earlier.”

“Yeah, that would definitely be a sign that the concussion is having quite a severe effect on you. You know I’ll always have you’re back right Pom? So let’s do this thing!” Getting a trademark cheerful grin from Dolly, she pointed her paw to me and gave me a concentrating stare. “Remember you’re only going to have five minutes of this at the most once I use it and like that whole bestial thing you do, it’s going to be a long time before I can do it again. I won’t be able to do it again for an hour. I’m still wondering if I can make it last up to six minutes, make this count Pom.”

“Oh I will, don’t you worry about that, I’ve got plenty of kick in me yet.” I said as I prepared to charge forward as both Fou and Skull X started trying to steer the battle back towards us. “I’m only saying this again because I love you Dolly, once I start, please stay out of my way. Dormarch is counting on at least one of us to live through this and you’re his big sister.”

“Haste!” Dolly called out, while completely ignoring the rather fatalistic remark, she was used to Pom being a bit dour.

I felt the corona of red magic wrap around me and a mental clock suddenly doubling everything, including perception, speed and reaction time… mix it with Dancing Flame and I was going to be the most dangerous thing under this dome for at least the next five minutes.

Once the magic took hold, I immediately charged straight at Fou who was still distracting Skull X somewhat as it kept trying to break away and come at me. I would be doing Skull X a favor in that regard by putting myself within range of their attacks on purpose.

-Pom (Enraged Ewe) Vs. Skull Chaosdramon X (Dormarch’s Reanimated Soul Core) Vs. Fou (Baleful Comparison Beast)-

“BAAAAAAH!” Pom streaked towards them as an indistinct shift in the air and Skull X tried to turn and attack it with its spinning right grasping claw, only for it to hit nothing but air as Pom disappeared and reappeared behind Skull X.

A huge blast of cubes shot out of Skull X’s back in a powerful burst, not only that but it was horribly staggered by the sudden damage.

Pom hadn’t stopped moving and was going straight for Fou, a few steps before she reached him she threw the paralance upwards and flipping forward.

Fou was going to attack and was initially excited to see the sudden change in one of his opponent’s demeanors, until he was blinded by the flare of her lighting her front legs on fire by crossing her left leg over her right while continuing to charge him.

Pom lunged forward and slammed her left hoof into Fou’s right side with a devastating hook, then followed it up with a right upper hoof to the jaw stunning him at how fast the blows were coming and then the third slammed him across the temple dazing him and making him unable to counter.

What followed was a rapid fire pummeling of flaming jabs of Fiery Flurry that even Skull X couldn’t follow despite being digital entity.

Burning spots and markings erupted all over Fou’s body, his ghost Typing wasn’t going to protect him from Pom’s flaming attacks and he really couldn’t put up anything approaching a defense with how blindingly fast the attacks came.

After one harsh jab into his chest caused Fou to stumble back, Pom hopped up grabbed the falling lance and once her hooves touched it, it ignited entirely on fire itself as she brought it down on Fou’s skull putting her full weight behind it.

Fou was sent skidding back a few feet near the right wall from the entrance with a large burning black scorch mark on his forehead.

Pom wasn’t even done with him yet either, she spun around counterclockwise on her right hind leg once, twice and then with a hop she slammed bother her hind legs to the floor. Planting them both firmly in place and locking them to the floor with her wool, she used the resulting shock from her legs impacting with the floor as it sent a wobble up to her torso through both of her front legs holding the spear in a shaky batter pose and when the vibrations reached the weapon she swung with as much force as she could put into it.

“Ping-BOOM!” Fou went sailing through a stone wall at least a foot thick and disappeared leaving behind a large hole in his wake.

Pom stalled the swing and unlocked her hind legs from the floor, as the end of her spear went upwards and behind her. She swiftly planted the butt of it against the floor while opening the canopy at her back, and blocked the extending claw of Skull X’s left arm aimed at her.

-Correction, Pom (‘Extremely’ Enraged Ewe) Vs. Skull X (Corrupted data monster with Dormarch’s reanimated digital soul core)-

Skull X watched as Pom skids across the floor clinging to the shaft of the weapon until the back end of the paralance struck the wall stopping her in place. It could barely see Pom behind the parasol’s canopy, but its target was definitely still there.

Skull X had silently changed Pom’s threat level assessment from being ‘dangerous’ when she was using her Chrysomallus energy to ‘mild’ when she lost her bestial transformation back to ‘Dangerous’ with a capital D this time as something had changed in her demeanor.

Stomping forward to continue attacking, it launched its spinning grasping drill for where Pom was.

Pom bounced up the wall past the hole she made using just her hind legs to ascend twice before stopping, while still angle the open canopy of the odd burning lance at Skull X defensively as the extended drill tore into the stone while rising up beneath her.

Launching off the wall, Pom closed up the canopy of her burning weapon and immediately slammed the tip of the weapon home into Skull X’s right eye socket and bounced upwards in a pole-vaulting manner from the impact. For its part Skull X didn’t roar in pain.

Skull X likely didn’t even feel it even as a massive shower of light cubes blasted out of the wound in its head, but it obviously didn’t like the inconvenience to killing its target that was now currently blazingly fast.

Quickly opening the canopy up of the paralance up, Pom hooked the bladed edges of the horn and swung around to onto the back of Skull X’s head and started to move for the back cannons with a sharp look in her eyes.

Pom was well aware she wasn’t going to be able to do enough damage to the overall body, but there was an overall weak point she hadn’t considered until now. All she had to do is reach it and do something before Skull X thought to start spinning the cannons.

Flipping the paralance so that she was wielding it backwards, Pom leapt down from the head and kept the shaft of the paralance between the two cannons and the canopy under them as Skull X tried to shake her off by violently bucking about.

Wedging the edge of the canopy against the connected joint and lodging the paralance in place, Pom turned her head and fire a Bark Buster up at Skull X’s horn and ignited the liquid magic to explode as soon as it touched the horn.

It didn’t destroy the horn, but it did damage it lightly.


What in the world was Pom doing now?! Also how did she light her weapon on fire? The skull face zombie robot that had my little adoptive brother’s body was trying to shake her off.

I was staying well away from the fight and I carefully put my right paw to my jaw and pushed it back into place, it had dropped when I saw her put Competition through a wall somehow performing wobble counter and I was only now getting around to putting it back in place.

Okay Aero, limited use against something that big and basically made of odd looking metal.

Haste, just used it on Pom, needed a full hour before I can use it again and it was being put to good use at least.

Gravity, had minimal effect last time I used it and ‘metal album monster’ seemed to even resist it quite a bit.

I wasn’t going to try and hit that thing with my board, a single hit from something that big would kill me and I really didn’t want to know what dying from getting hit by a truck feels like.

Couldn’t effect that things momentum, it was far too big for me. I’ve got to figure out something at least... I can’t just be useless. Sure I can effectively move Pom around with ‘Aero’ or use ‘Gravity’ to make her fall sideways or even up, but she would have to ask for it.

I thought about how I would feel if…. when… we got Dormarch back. Speaking of the little dude, I could feel the two parts of him doing something in my bond to Pom. Probably getting ready to take his body back, must be at least a little excited to be among the living again. I know I would be in his position.

A loud painful screeching noise occurred and I covered my ears by shoving my paws up under my helmet, because whatever cause that noise really hurt. I watched as Pom clung to the shaft of her weapon and was spun around rapidly by the cannons on the monsters back.

Then the spinning cannons popped off and… oh dog! I got on my skateboard and blasted as much momentum as I could put into my kick and moved to the left side of this strange domed building as the cannons and Pom went tumbling through the air towards the entrance.

The large cannons slammed into the wall above the entrance and sealed it off in a mass of collapsing rubble as the cannons exploded into a solid mass of those quickly disappearing light cubes. It was like watching bubbles from a bubble bath popping into nothing in seconds.

Pom thankfully didn’t get crushed or stuck in the rubble and was trying to pick herself up from where she fell onto the floor and earn a few more bruises from her tumble. I don’t think there’s not much time left on her Haste and mentally reminded her of such.

Looking back towards the skeletal dragon, I could see it shrinking drastically as it slowly reformed the useless cannons on its back. Why would it reform them after losing so much size to them?

My question was answered by Pom, who mentally sent me the message something about it being ‘involuntary’ by recreating missing parts of itself.

I was only listening to half of that explanation and was more interested in the fact that the monster was now less than half its previous size and more of a slightly easier fight for Pom.

Pom sent me a mental message to find and get the spear back to her as she ran forward to draw the monsters attention, she couldn’t fight the monster with her burning legs for too long. Also the fire was starting to harm her quite a bit… should really find a way to stop Pom from doing that to herself in the future.

Finding the spear was something for me to do, even if it suspiciously sounds exactly like I’m playing fetch, I grew alert as Pom took off for little bro’s monster body with her blazing front legs lighting up the room in the form of a blazing streak.

I put my nose to the air and started sniffing, now where did that burning metal umbrella spear thing get off to? I think I saw it fly off to the left after somehow tearing the cannons off monster bro’s back, thing must be made of some real tough stuff to have stayed intact after that… also how did it light on fire just because Pom touched it with her burning legs? It was just made of metal right?

I needed a way to help Pom stop Dormarch’s body, I mean I’ve learned a few spells already at random… can I actually learn a new one in time to help out. How would I even go about doing that while I’m trying to find that odd spear?

-Back to the battle still in progress-

Pom charged forward and leapt onto a pillar to her left and avoided the spinning stabbing blades by hopping up higher on it and spitting a Bark Blast into Skull X’s face for what little damage that did.

If the right arm could extend and spin its grasping claw, then the left could do it too with the row of blades.

Following that Pom leapt away for the floor as the grasping claw drill slammed into where she just was, notably Skull X had lost a lot of size, but what it lost in size it made up for in getting faster.

Skull X stomped forward twice sending a shockwave with each stomp that Pom had to leap over and when the second one came she clambered onto a pillar and climbed up to the portion of walkway still hanging above the floor and leapt off towards Skull X’s face.

It was around this point that Haste finally wore off and all of Pom’s adrenaline and actions caught up with her a bit and it almost got her eaten.

Skull X tried to snap at Pom only to have Pom cling onto its nose with her rear legs and she started slashing with flaming magical wolf claws damaging the base of the nose horn. She clambered up onto its head and leveraged her right and left hind legs into position between its horn and face, her left hind leg slammed outwards causing the horn to break and blast off in a shower of digital blood.

At this point Pom, put out the flames on her front legs while kicking away for the underside of the nearby walkway as the monster tried to grab her with its grasping claw.

Narrowly avoiding the grasping claw closing around her, Pom was now wary of Skull X thanks to having lost her ‘Haste’ speed.

Pom, sticking to the underside of the walkway quickly did something to the walkway as the drill spun up again and Skull X immediately extended it at her causing her to leap from the underside of the walkway and spit a volley of three Bark Busters to the right as the drill ruptured the stone flooring behind her form falling back first towards the floor.

Rolling after she hit the floor and getting into a four legged stance to face Skull X as she skid into position, Pom narrowed her eyes as the monster surged forward, still intent on killing her as ever.

After Pom flicked her eyes to the right, an explosion went off and a large section of walkway fell down on top of Skull X as it moved underneath it.

With a crash and a thunderous force, Skull X smashed to the floor on their belly pinning their own arms, with their tail and legs flailing at the heavy fallen portion of walkway. The tail was slowly chipping away at it at the very least and started to spin up like a drill as well.

Pom wasn’t idle and ran towards the head, it extended forward and snapped at her. She stopped just short of the things teeth and continued to stare at it with a grim frown and rage filled eyes. She slapped the side of its chin with a hoof feeling more pain from it than the monster likely had given only a single small cube floated off of it.

Pulling its chin upwards Skull X slammed it down, Pom inhaled and leapt over the shockwave created by Skull X’s chin hitting floor.

Upon exhaling Pom loosed hundreds of right hind leg stomps into the top of the draconic monsters nose and face, some of her attacks causing enough damaged to make a few cubes fly off of the beast. Pom dropped straight to the floor avoiding the swiftly regrowing horn that burst forth in an attempt to skewer her.

Landing on her hind legs, Pom inhaled and exhaled to dart forward and started delivering rapid fire blows into the chin of the slightly trapped creature with a rhythmic beat. Said blows shook and rattled the monsters entire head as Pom flickered left and right, landing multiple blows and was relying on her actual speed to actually do some damage while she had a chance.

Pom was likely injuring herself more than her opponent by hitting it with her bare hooves with as much force as she could put behind her blows. The damage she was doing with her bare hooves brings to mind that someone could eventually die by a thousand papercuts… mostly it would be from all the bacteria caused by the cuts than the actual cuts themselves.

Unfortunately this monster was considered undead by the ‘Skull’ designation it had, so bacteria wouldn’t help here in any good way as Pom still needed Dormarch’s body moderately functional if she survived long enough to reinstate the rightful owner to the body.

Skull X’s head started spinning and it started inhaling in a powerful manner trying to draw her into its mouth.

Pom started using her limited wool supply to slowly move away from the spinning mouth full of teeth and bladed horn as wanted to avoid being pulled into being absolutely torn to shreds.

Once Pom had got far enough away Skull X went back to working on freeing itself so it could kill Pom, so far its threat assessment of Pom had been rising steadily despite her inability to do any big lasting damage without a weapon.

Pom already stealthily tried Bark Breaker just to confirm something, but despite the appearance of rigidity Skull X’s metallic body presented… it was not actually a solid structural mass that the technique would work on.

Sitting down a fair distance away and closer to Dolly than the currently trapped Skull X working itself free, the tired ewe started taking a few ragged breathes and was trying to get some rest and wait for Dolly to get back to her with the spear.

Pom already knew she wasn’t going to take such a large monster down with her bare hooves unless it did absolutely nothing and let her attack it constantly for half a day. The unusual weapon, the paralance, was the only way she could effectively continue this fight.

She decided to take a moment to meditate and remember what she was fighting for.

-Bond between Pom and Dolly, Dormarch-

“Dormarch… is it… is it enough yet?” Hearing her tired voice, I opened my eyes and saw a battered Pom sitting in front of me and my other part. She had a fierce look in her eyes, her spirit was willing but her body wasn’t actually able to cash that check.

My right paw held tightly onto that of my emotions and my emotions left paw tightened its grip on my own at the sight before us. I was trying to bind my two parts together without my soul core, which has been going quite abysmally… since it was proving to be functionally impossible without a digital soul core to house both parts.

However I did successfully manage to get a single strand of the torn bonds I had to both Dolly and Pom restored. It wasn’t much, but it was still something and it made Dolly feel hopeful at least to feel a working connection to me again. Bringing her mood up would at least help Pom in turn. This was also enough for me to tap both their senses as they could for each other, almost felt alive again through them.

It was just unfortunate that circumstances led my body to committing horrible acts, I don’t think I will ever be able to make it up to the people who live in this kingdom for all the destruction it’s caused. It’s just like that hospital and all those people…

“No, but you and Dolly will need to be touching that monster at the same time for me to transfer into it and should only do so when it’s as weak as you can feasibly get it without dying.” I could do it, but it needed to be much weaker.

Even as degraded and how worn down it had become, that Skull X thing was still a ‘Mega’ level Digimon for crying out loud, maybe she brought it down to ‘Ultimate’ level after tearing it’s cannons from its back with that unusual weapon and even then that was still too much.

There was no way mom could keep this up for much longer and bring it down to a ‘Champion’ level Digimon, which was as close as I was going to need it to be to pull off a completely hostile takeover of my own body. Mom was looking pretty mangled already and her front legs had nasty burns all up and down them, one looks badly sprained. She must have lit herself on fire again at some point, her limited wool wasn’t helping her either, I could see the shoulder wound that was forcefully sutured shut. She’s already suffered a massive amount of blood loss from whatever hit her there and she was likely experiencing all sorts of trauma, at what point can my mom stop fighting and be allowed to rest, heal and actually be happy?

“It needs to be much weaker doesn’t it?” Mom was always perceptive, she did have some of the best canine attributes available to her. “Don’t worry, I’ll make it happen Dormarch, regardless of how impossible it might seem to you.”

I tried to explain that if it came right down it to it, she should just seek a way to outright destroy Skull Chaosdramon X, because I certainly wasn’t in control of it at the moment. Only for her to disappear on me and go back to preparing to continue the fight.

I had doubts that I could even regain control of my body in a swift enough manner to stop it from killing them, even if they do get my mind and emotions back inside it. If there was another mind already in there, then I was going to have many problems regaining control of my body. If it was an automated system running my body with simple priorities, then it would be almost as simple as flipping a switch. It would need to be weakened much further than it already was before we try that and my family was already struggling to achieve that goal.

I looked towards the other end of the bond and tried to communicate with Dolly, she was busy looking for that weapon and I saw it out of the corner of her eye and managed to get a little control over Dolly to redirect her to look back in that direction.

I could only do so little here like this, but it could still have a profound effect at least.


“Huh?” Call it a feeling, but I felt something redirect my gaze to the spear, there it was embedded in one of the shelves along the far left wall! That got my tail going. “Yes, found it!”

Huh, we would both have to be touching Dormarch’s body to return Dormarch’s mind and emotions to it? I’m up for it Pom, if we had to do it that way then we would, also I got the spear… well I have to pry it out first.

I heard an eruption and turned to see Hull Y standing up and was roaring after having freed itself. Pom stood firmly in its path to draw its attention, like she really needed to be there to draw it away from what I was doing as it really hasn’t stopped trying to attack her since it first saw her.

Right, I’ll get it to you soon Pom. I quickly ran and climbed up to the part of the stone shelf it was sticking out of and started to pull at it… wow, it was really buried in the stone wasn’t it?

After futilely trying to tug it from where it was stuck, even used momentum assisted yanks, I figured that it was really wedged in there and I wasn’t anywhere near strong enough to wiggle it free.

I wonder what Enemy was doing at the moment and if he could pull this out for me without trying to kill Pom for landing a KO bat blow to his thick skull? Guy was still intact when he was blown through that wall, so he should still be alive.

Huh, try opening it? What’s that going to do Pom?

Still, I attempted to flick it open like Pom suggested and it immediately went tumbling away from the shelf through the air as the spears canopy expanded explosively with me still clinging to it. I think I was about to blow apple chunks until I righted myself and controlled the momentum to angle it towards Pom who was in the middle of climbing up a pillar near where I was about to pass by.

Let go and get clear and get ready to eventually slam myself into the monsters chest? Okay, going to find a position on one of the stone shelves to jump from!

-The fight-

Pom watch as Dolly let go and with a flip glided her board towards another pillar on the left side of the building and with a mighty leap she grabbed the Paralance out of the air by the shaft with her right hoof. She latched onto a different pillar further towards the back with her left hoof. She used her momentum to swing around the pillar a bit to get her other legs into position to get a grip on it.

While this was happening the previous pillar she was on was set up by her to collapse onto Skull X doing some damage to it as it had to get close to attack her.

If Pom had to she would drop the entire building on Skull X… if it had any chance of working.

Skull X shoved the pillar to the side and roared as it watched Pom climb up and leapt onto a walkway again. Its threat assessment of Pom kept rising and what little automated intelligence the machine monster had couldn’t quite understand the nuance of what that exactly meant, it was a mindless puppet following simple commands and Pom was meant to be killed by it via whatever method it had available.

Skull X still had a lot of methods and still a lot more attempts. Instead of climbing up onto the walkway with Pom, it leapt up and used its grasping claw and its blade claws to rip a large section out of the walkway. Both of the broken ends of the walkway sagged as Skull X moved out from under the walkway and crouched down.

“What in the…” Pom’s eyes widened as she started inhaling when she watched Skull X crouch down while holding a ripped out section of the walkway she was standing on above its head. Skull X wasn’t very inventive so she already had an idea as to what it was about to do.

The monster leapt high into the air, while pulling back the massive section of walkway it held above it and then sent it hurtling directly at Pom.

The ewe exhaled in that moment and leapt at the high velocity stone walkway chunk to slam all four of her hooves into it, this flipped it one hundred and eight degrees where she kicked off the thrown stone walkway and shot straight for Skull X’s chest to ram home the lance into it.

Skull X lost a solid amount of cubes as it landed on its left leg and was horribly off balance trying to use its tail to stay upright until it could get its right leg down.

Pom crouched as she dropped to the floor and with a quick burst, she launched upwards in a spiral with the lance to slam it into the inner side of Skull X’s left knee. Despite how lightweight she was, the paralance added onto Pom’s effort and she managed to topple Skull X onto its side and it started to thrash in an attempt to hit Pom with its flailing.

Retreating quickly out of its normal melee range, Pom took a few breathes and held the paralance aloft and at the ready. It wasn’t a moment too soon as she had to immediately deflect the suddenly extending tail trying to slam down on her by quickly bringing the lance up high in a defensive position.

The lance took most of the force of the blow for Pom and it sent her skidding away to slam back first into a pillar knocking her down. What few hits Skull X managed to land on Pom were rather devastating thus far and now was no different.

Skull X slowly got standing on its feet and Pom slowly got up from the pillar wielding the paralance to prop herself up and eventually get standing, she was ready to keep going and still very much angry about all of this having happened.

There was a small part of Pom wanted to be thankful or grateful that, should she win this fight, she’d have Dormarch again.


I really didn’t know how Pom had the strength to keep facing that thing like she was, much less stand up right now after smashing into a stone pillar like that. I would have been down for the count… even then I could feel Pom was hurting and her prior injuries weren’t helping the matter either and we weren’t even close to winning yet.

I wanted Dormarch back too, but not if it kills one of us.

Wish Dormarch or Pom could ‘float’ me some ideas to help w… wait a minute did I just… Wish Dormarch or Pom could ‘float’… THERE! There it was again, the feeling that I could learn some new magic.

The word ‘float’ though, really? What would making things float even do here, we were nowhere near an ocean and I doubt hovering above the floor is really going to… wait… my gravity spell works really well on flying things and it would probably work just as well on things that float too. Well that would be one useful thing to use it for.

It would also let me move heavier things and launch them with more accuracy… like the bit of walkway that’s still mostly intact. Make that float in the air, then Gravity plus momentum boosting something of that size.

Sure I could have used gravity to launch objects in a given direction before, but float might allow me to do it with better accuracy and I can easily move things out of the way using less energy than Gravity.

There’s floating large things and riding on them to places, we wouldn’t even need an airship anymore to get around anywhere in that circumstance and it could help Dodo with flying us around when we next see our lovable pastry spewing buddy again.

Making things float seems about the same as Gravity really… except the gravity spell doesn’t and couldn’t stick something in one place in the air.

Wouldn’t it be exceedingly useful against being that don’t have ranged attacks like Fou? Oh yeah, I can really start to see the potential in this now!

No slow fall gliding, just me spinning in the air upside down on my board until I’m dizzy enough to barf!

Still… how was I going to manifest the spell though, what caused me to learn the other spells again?

First spell, the whirling winds of a hundred puppies racing around and the activity, the liveliness of their movements and the smell of the breeze left in their wake.

Second spell, Haste was brought about by my anger I think… or my aggressiveness? Maybe it was that I wanted to do things faster? Maybe it was because I was naturally hasty at times? Which led to me hurting Pom not too long ago in an attempt to help her, I should think more on that later.

Third spell, Gravity, I was under duress and being crushed by something like the spell. Maybe I learned that one from being affected by something similar to it? I at least knew that no matter how far away from family I was, I would always feel the pull of the good memories we had together.

So… maybe the idea of getting Dormarch back or spending the time with those I cared about? Warm fuzzy feelings might be a good cat analysis for this… and those warm fuzzy feelings will come once we’ve given Dormarch his body back. No… that’s not nearly enough, come on Dolly push it further.

“Excitement, the anticipation of wanting to experience something new. The anticipation of wanting to do something you love. Uplifting those around you to make them feel as if they were riding on a cloud. Emotions like loving someone makes you feel as if you were walking on the very air itself. No still not there yet. To rise above things… lifting your own spirits even with the weight of the world is upon you?” I was always trying to be positive and goodness knows Pom needs to smile more, because she was an absolute full time job for me. If I ever needed to literally rise to the occasion for anyone, then maybe I can rely on… “Float!”

I could see the magic wrapping around Dragging Bull E as it was trying to stomp on a dodging Pom again, but when it stomped it didn’t create a shockwave and instead launched itself into the air flailing.

The monster tried to extend its limbs to pull itself to the floor only to slam into the ground in a shower of cubes and bounced off quite painfully to continue to floating awkwardly and continue its flailing.

I knew then that I had quickly discovered a fun spell. Watching what was happening, I quickly made my way over to that bit of walkway the monster previously threw with a broad grin on my face. Pom just stared up at Dormarch’s body in confusion and watched as it tried to accomplish anything as it was stuck floating in the air.

Surprisingly this ‘float’ spell was exceedingly cheap on the migraine juice too! I quickly leapt onto the chunk of stone walkway and cast the spell again.

“Float!” The chunk lifted into the air with me on top of it, it doesn’t seem like this spell had much of a weight limit. “Gravity!”

Add on momentum to the suddenly gravity launched object and I’m now one of the most dangerous dogs from back home! Sure the ‘Float’ spell only did one thing, but it did that one thing so exceedingly well that I’m easily impressed with it since it went so well with my other spells. It’s the simple things in life.

I leapt off the accelerated massive chunk of stone and watched as it smashed a lot of cubes out of Lull Bets when the impact nearly drove it through the damaged wall at the entrance.

“Dolly, what in the world was that?!” Pom asked as she looked back at me.

“Sunshine and rainbows, Pom, sunshine and rainbows!” I stated jovially with a patented cheerful toothy grin as I glided down to her side and took up a position next to her.

“I’m too mortified and horrified to ask...” Pom stated dully as she turned back to the floating monster as the spell wore off after the second impact and it flopped onto the floor. We really needed to figure out the limitations of this and quickly, I wanted to know what more I could do with it! “Need a recharge?”

“Float like a butterfly, win like a honey badger!” I said as I pulled my board from my back held it up defensively.

Author's Note:

There are limitations to Float... but a seldom used support spell in Dolly's paws is a dangerous thing.

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