• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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211. Battle for Saint Canard Pt.1.

-Earth, Saint Canard, Calisota, Shanty-

“Uhn… where be the pirates?” Sitting up, I be finding that I not be in the museum any more.

“You missed them, sorry, but Pom took care of it… mostly.” Looking around after Ocellus answered me, I be wondering something.

“Where be Quackerjack?” I be really out of it and hungry, but even I can be seeing the wince on Ocellus’s face. “It’s okay… I be used to knowing stuff like it.”

“You shouldn’t have to be…” So Ocellus just confirmed it for me by looking away.

It was the fact that Quackerjack was no longer among the living. Looking around I saw some of the toys he left behind and Mr. Banana Brain.

I felt the sadness well up in me, he hadn’t been so bad.

“How did he go?” I asked looking at the floor.

“If you can believe Pom, playing the kazoo as he stuffed explosive bananas down Splatter Phoenix’s throat. She was apparently made out of the same magical paint she created her creations with.” After a bit of silence Ocellus added. “Pom left some food for you and Dolly, she’s… going to be getting into a really bad fight soon, but I’m sure she can handle it.”

“You not be sounding too sure of that.” It did not be taking me long to figure out that Pom was rushing into grave danger, but she be wiser than I on many a thing. Like a big sister or a mother, mostly the first but the second be crossing my mind more than once. “What did she make?”

“Vegetable soup with an emphasis on mushrooms, nothing in it that’s bad for a dog except for the cream being slightly rich.” Looking in the direction Ocellus indicated I saw Dolly with her face in a large bowl, she be horribly slurping up the food… she was my kind of friend and we worked so well together. “Also she’s with Banana Boy, Dormarch, Darkwing, Maui and Neptunia. Negaduck just apparently supercharged himself with incredible amounts of power, so it’s going to be that much harder to take him down after the failed sneak assault Pom pulled on his base. Now he can fly, levitate things and is capable of firing building destroying blasts of energy, among who knows what else. He also intends to turn everyone inside the city into being somewhat like he currently is.”

They be all that was left to fight? Turning everyone in the city into more of him be sounding really dire.

I be wishing that Dolly and I could join the fight, but I wouldn’t be wanting Pom to be distracted by me or her, especially being as slow I currently felt. At least Pom wasn’t being alone out there.

At I least I got to fight ninjas and they gave more of a fight than I thought they would.

-On the back of Banana Boy, Pom-

“There he is… he’s just waiting for us isn’t he?” I just stared at Negatron Duck who stared back with his arms cross, as the tronsplitter device was being set up behind him under the dark red and yellow glow coming off him without him even focusing on it.

“Well if it isn’t Banana Splits at the first sign of danger, Leaping Loony and the Dimwit Doggy.” His commentary was not appreciated.

“I believe I’m much smarter than you were for being barely two months old.” Replied Dormarch with a glare. “All you could do was cry, drool and mess yourself.”

“Oh how cute, the little talking mutant mutt thinks he’s scary. I’m surprised the fake countdown timer on my lair didn’t catch you all off guard.” Holding up his right hand he fired a lightning fast blast of energy skywards, much to my surprise Banana Boy flew to the right sideways in the air while continuing to face Negatron Duck with a serious expression on his yellow form. “Well come on then, try to prove me wrong and that you’re something to take seriously.”

I thought that explosion happened too fast to be normal… his lair at the bakery was probably set up to explode with enough time so that he could narrowly make a clean escape. I really didn’t like Negaduck and after becoming Negatron Duck, he’s gotten far more dangerous.

“Gladly.” Responded Banana Boy.

Negatron Duck raised both his hands and sent a series of rapid blasts at Banana Boy who rolled and tumbled in the air, completely in control of which direction he went. It seemed Banana Boy was more concerned with us not falling off than effectively dodging the blasts of energy that were heavily damaging the nearby buildings if said energy so much as barely scraped them.

Negatron Duck pulled a rapier from his back with his right hand and it levitated up into the air and swung itself twice, he gave us a grim smile as he slapped the palm of his hand against base of the hilt.

I kicked off Banana Boy with Dormarch still on him and the Rapier passed through the space we were half a second ago before turning on a dime and zipping right at me as I started falling towards the rooftop.

Dormarch fired a blast from Banana Boy’s back and it knocked the Rapier away from hitting me.

The rapier still swerved around to try and pierce me as I came in for a landing on the roof, I tucked and rolled dodging the weapon again as it cut through the building’s materials like a hot knife through butter.

“You do realize that… EEP!” I rolled to the side and quickly bucked the rapier away before it could stab me through from behind after spearing back up through the roof at me. “That if this building is destroyed you’ll never be able to use that antenna.”

“Which is why I’m going to make sure this building doesn’t fall, even if you turn off the power station I can just power the negative tron-split wave myself.” The only reason why Negatron Duck would be explaining that is if he thought he had already won and we couldn’t stop him.

Negatron Duck glowed and the holes in the building sealed themselves up. Okay, he had the ability to prevent us from destroying the antenna if he could rebuild it, but rebuilding it would take more time.

I ducked the rapier as it tried to slash me across the forehead and Dormarch fired on Negatron Duck stumbling him slightly, but doing no visible damage to him whatsoever. This at least made his rapier drop into the stone roof, doing the abnormal thing of piercing straight through it without resistance.

If Negatron managed to hit me with any weapon while it was charged with that kind of power…

Negatron wasn’t really trying… yet.

He was just toying with us or mostly me specifically, as his strange recently acquired powers continued to set up the antenna.

“Is this really the best you can do with all that power of yours? Target the antenna, make him work for it!” Oh come on Pom where did your brain go?! Why were you going to taunt this psycho, he tanked a bark blast without trouble before he even got his powers! “Wow so powerful, you can levitate things like some form of evil prancing unicorn, I’m so scared.”

“How about I add a few more toys to the mix.” He didn’t seem to be angry as he pulled out a battle axe, a spear, a dagger and a chainsaw. All the weapons started levitating and the chainsaw roared to life as he stood there. “Next I’ll add trying to blast you and the pathetic beings you call sidekicks to dust while you’re beset by the weapons. Then I’ll see about how many guns I can have shooting at you at once, entertain me and you’re death might be relatively quick.”

At most we were slowing him down by having to divide his attention.

Turning Negatron slapped at the air and both Banana Boy and Dormarch were hit with a blunt wall of raw power coming from him that knocked them away from even getting close to the antenna, before turning back to me and simply lifting a single digit to point at me specifically.

Dormarch and Banana Boy were okay, though Dormarch had to teleport back to Banana Boy after being knocked off. I didn’t have much time to worry about them as the axe came swinging for my neck.

Kicking off the ground in a back flip, I landed on the edge of the roof on my hind legs and wobbled backwards and looked over the edge as the rapier and spear shot forward.

I dropped back and off the ledge and then clamped onto the wall to run along it and then I leapt up and almost straight into the chainsaw that slashed through my wool without resistance as I barely got my hooves down to hop over it.

I concentrated and pulled the slightly loose wool back into my mass as I rolled to the right avoiding the dagger slashing for my face, I definitely needed to go full on evasive.

Spreading my legs slightly I sprung back to the left and over the battle axe swinging at me from behind and twisted in the air to avoid being stabbed by the spear and rapier crossing each other as they came at me, then landed and skipped backwards to avoid being impaled by the chainsaw.

I couldn’t even get close to him as all the weapons surrounded me.

-Banana Boy-

“I’ll attack Negatron Duck directly, go for the antenna while we have his attention, we need to hold out until Darkwing, Maui and Neptunia get here.” Dynamo Dog nodded to me and then disappeared in a flash as he teleported onto the antenna personally earning Negatron Duck’s attention by making him turn towards it, I accelerated straight at him head first.

We need to give him all we got until we could figure out how to stop him.

Turning, I angled it so my stem was in the path of his face.


The chainsaw rammed into the roof next to me on my right and then the glow died around all the weapons and they dropped to the roof lifeless before the dagger could come close to stabbing me through my left eye.

Negatron Duck had been knocked entirely off balanced by a strong blow across the face by a passing Banana Boy going by in a big yellow blur, the impact being quite loud and painful. Dormarch capitalizing on this by firing a retriever bark into his back knocking him beak first into the roof, before turning back to the antenna and started damaging it with his long sharp claws extending out of his paws.

I charged forward and leapt into a front hoof spring and started rapidly flipping forward before I lashed out both my rear hooves into the back of Negatron Duck’s skull driving his head down into the roof with a harsh blow.

Flipping back from the impact I waited and then saw him lift his left hand towards me, I ducked and the spear shot over my head and reoriented to go after Banana Boy.

His right hand fired a blast at me making me dodge back and to the left, the energy blast tore a chunk of the roof out and if I hadn’t been paying attention I might have been hit by the chainsaw spinning at my right flank in an attempt to cut me in half.

The chainsaw turned around and pointed at me in the air as Negaduck pulled his head free. He didn’t look any angrier, as the scowl he had was a constant on his face since the start of this.

It showed that despite putting his head into the roof… we really hadn’t done much to him with our attacks.

Reaching out with both his hands he sent two waves of energy pulsing in my direction and tried to fire the rapier to chase Banana Boy. At the same time Dormarch was being beset by the dagger, I had the chainsaw, the spear and a broadsword Negatron Duck just sent spinning at me horizontally.

Having leapt into the air to avoid the two waves of energy, I quickly dropped my float and dropped below the blade and had to scurry sideways as the chainsaw charged for me and veered to continue giving chase I had to hop to the right as the broadsword impaled the roof and then jumped backwards over the chainsaw as the spear tried to pierce me from the side.

The chainsaw veered upwards and passed by my face before I landed and a blast from Negatron Duck took off the top of a nearby building as I dove forward. Looking to my left as the building collapsed, I tried to figure how we can stop being on the defensive.

We’re supposed to be attacking him, where were Darkwing, Maui and Neptunia?!

“This is getting pretty boring, I need to hear some blood curdling screams!” Negatron Duck angled all weapons my way and pulled out a pair of guns from his back.

He called back all the weapons and surrounded me with them in a circle, he sent them after me at the same time and fired his guns.

I jumped over most of them but the chainsaw swung and clipped my right hind leg and a bullet grazed my belly. The injury left me unable to stick my landing and I went tumbling across the rooftop into a humming piece of machinery denting the metal with my body.

“A yelp, was that the best you can do?” The chainsaw roared as it and the other weapons aimed towards me. I just glared in defiance.

A blast of purple smoke erupted as all the weapon shot towards me along with two bullets from Negatron Duck’s guns, also a flash of Dormarch moving towards Negatron Duck as a large yellow form moved to help me.

When the purple smoke continued to build, I blinked.

“I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the scourge that pecks at your nightmares… I am Darkwing Duck!” Darkwing swept his cape outwards as the purple smoke cleared and two chunks of metal hit the ground.

On both sides of Darkwing was Cold Shadow and Neptunia.

“It’s about time you showed up Darkwing, I was getting bor…” That was when Negatron Duck was hit by a Wild Bark and froze up for a second.

“Destroy the weapons!” I was quick to act upon Dormarch’s suggestion as Negatron Duck swung for him and took off an entire corner of the building in one blast of energy.

Domarch had thankfully teleported away before that hit.

I lunged for the chainsaw and grabbing the back of it, I swung it sideways into the ground and snapped off the spinning chain blade. Having shattered it, received a bit of metal across the left side face for my trouble and tossed the remaining bit I held in my hooves over the ledge.

Cold Shadow had taken care of the broadsword and spear with swift whacks of his staff, whereas Neptunia destroyed the dagger and battle axe with her trident.

“Eyes closed.” Darkwing fired his gas gun and Negatron Duck shot hit the gas canister with a wave of, energy I closed my eyes only to be struck with a powerful bright light through my eyelids afterwards.

“AGGGGGHHH!” Negatron Duck was knocked down and his glow weakened slightly.

“We don’t have much positronic gas, but there should be enough to put even you on the back foot.” Darkwing twirled his gas gun and pushed his hat up. “Do you really think you can take all of us?”

“Yes!” Negaduck Surged to his feet and floated off the ground and sent a blast at us. Banana Boy swooped under me and carried me up into the air as everyone scrambled.

“Are you okay ma’am?” Banana Boy asked as he veered around a ball of solid energy shooting up at us.

“I’ll be fine…” I started concentrating and my wool shifted to bandage my leg and stitched the bleeding wound shut immediately.


Pom sealed her chainsaw inflicted wound shut, but she had lost a worrying amount of blood from that one hit before doing so. The other’s immediately charged into the fight and Negatron Duck started shooting supercharged bullets as I was busy trying to figure out a way to permanently disable the antenna.

Steal the transmitter? He’ll just get another one or build another antenna if this one was destroyed… he could also use his powers to rebuild it. We really did need to take him down and he was stupidly tough now.

I seriously doubted that destroying the tronsplitter would help, but...

Firing a retriever bark at the innocuous device sitting off to the side away from the fighting from within the support structure of the antenna, I saw that it had a shield around it.

Negatron Duck was not leaving the tronsplitter to chance then, though I had to wonder… how much multitasking could he be really doing at once with his strange new powers? His concentration had to be split at least ten ways and he wasn’t breaking a sweat… not that he could sweat with that aura going on.

He was now levitating his guns out of his hands and pulling out a massive two handed gatling gun with one hand. It’s the kind of thing I would expect someone with exoskeletal armor to wield, basically something only Gizmo Duck’s mechanical armor could wield effectively handheld… why does he even have a piece of military equipment like that?!


A spray of bullets started filling the air and I ducked behind a humming piece of machinery, not that it was helping much as I could hear the screeching of the bullets eating through the material rapidly as a waterfall of projectiles struck it and swept around at everyone. Not only that his pistols were shooting at both Cold Shadow and Neptunia, before changing target to me and Banana Boy.

The machinery eventually exploded and the chunks were grabbed by Negaduck’s powers and added to the efforts of building an antenna, he wasn’t even bothering to try and stop Dormarch from damaging the antenna. At best we’re just slowing down the inevitable.

“I’m beginning to see why we’re the only ones left standing!” Neptunia shouted as she deflected a shower of super charged bullets off of her tridents fork, her small size also helped a lot in avoiding taking any direct hits.

Negatron Duck just laughed gleefully as he continued to fire his weapon. How many projectiles does he have that he can just spray them like that?

I received information from Dormarch that the tronsplitter was protected and the antenna was still being set up, our connection was actually becoming on par with my connection to Dolly. It hadn’t exactly started strong, but it was getting there.

Okay, so we absolutely needed to take down a lunatic that had powers that we had a limited amount of resources to counter. He was setting up a device that would turn everyone into negative versions of their selves if I was understanding things right and…

My cover blew apart and I quickly started running with a stream of projectiles following after, I felt pain and something crossed the top of my nose and I tumbled.

Inhale, exhaled, push off the ground with my hind legs, I felt something zipping across my back as I launched upwards and slammed into the antenna’s structural support softly.

I shifted some wool to cover the scratch across my nose, and looked down trying to get the world back under control as my perception was sped up. I just avoided taking a bullet to my right eye by stopping short and was nearly gunned down by the subsequent mass of projectiles coming from Negatron Duck’s weapon.

Nobody could get close to him and nobody was able to so much as touch him, the only sign of weakness he showed is when Darkwing hit him with that gas.

“Dormarch, tell Ms. Shuttle to hit the antenna.” That earned me a look from Dormarch and he whined as he saw the scratch across the top of my nose as well as the discolored wool around my hind leg.

If Negagtron’s this power was spread out over a wide area as I thought it was, then we needed to weaken it as fast as we could.

“She only has the one shot though. Also you need to slow down you’re perception, I doubt anyone else aside from me would be able to keep up with the fact that you’re speaking so fast.” Did Dormarch just state that I was still in the state? I took a few breathes and tried to slow down my perception again.

“Agh!” Neptunia the mutant fish hero just got clipped in the left shoulder and ducked out of sight of the rapid firing weapon. “Can we please get some competence together here and at least hit this guy?!”

“Dormarch at this rate, we’re not going to be able to stop him unless we can actually attack him personally.” My perception quickly returned to normal when I felt Dolly pull on something, I even felt her send me one of her warm smiles through our bond and a sense of worry for my health.

I’m going to be fine Dolly.

“That… was weird… how did Dolly even make you… move!” Dormarch suddenly shouting had me twisting so that the frame of antenna was between me and the projectiles that tore into the metal and deflected off the tower.

Dormarch could feel the bond between me and Dolly? Hm... that’s curious, but not exactly what we should be focusing on at the moment.

“Ugh!” Negatron Duck was suddenly hit by a canister and another bright flash went off, the glow around his body dimmed as did that around the tronsplitter and the antenna. He struggled to keep his two guns in the air and the galting gun held up, but after a moment the glow returned… if a bit weaker. “Of course, I should be paying attention to you, my fault really, there are just so many targets here to mangle… so where are you Darkwing!”

“Do you really think that I’d tell you?” Came Darkwing’s voice sounded like it came from several places.

One of the guns zipped around the rooftop and fired, Darkwing staggered into view as a projectile threatened to pierce his cape that was being effectively used as a shield.

“Do you really think I wouldn’t know all your tricks by now?” The two guns started to circle and fire at Darkwing as Negatron Duck started focusing on him exclusive with all his weapons. “I made you what you are!”

I clambered up the structure and noted that the construction his powers were continuing to commit to looked like they were going for a skull themed aesthetic as the setup continued.

I jumped off pulling back my right hoof, we couldn’t stay on the defensive. We had to really keep him pressured.

Still aiming the gatling cannon in Darkwing’s general vicinity with his left hand, he reached behind him with his right and whipped out Mr. Splatter as I got close to him.

He fired and I was suddenly moved to the side by Banana Boy, I kicked off of him and landed on top of Negatron's right shoulder and slapped my left hoof across his face staggering him and started to pummel him with rapid hoof strikes.

Caught in a erupting pulse of energy, I was sent flailing into the air in incredible amounts of pain, with my vision becoming blurry.

Author's Note:

Fun Fact: Darkwing Duck NES game, Darkwing's cape his a bullet proof shield.

How he is blocking Negaduck's super charged projectile weapons... we haven't a clue.

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