• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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274. Spotting Spots.

-Origin Space, Arceus-

Time held no real meaning here, so I could keep track of Pom’s progress despite time moving faster in that realm easily.

The time disparity means that they age at the rate of the reality the digital world is connected to, so essentially they’d be aging far slower in the digital realm and spending a year in the digital realm could be anywhere from a full day in real time to half as much if the disparity was huge. If the disparity is bad enough you’d possibly appear almost as soon as you left.

Truly Yggdrasil.sys has their own form of fun with time and space as well… at least they weren’t anything like their offshoot idea of King Drasil, now that… ‘thing’… was quite a piece of work and caused an entirely unnecessary amount of death while it was alive.

I made sure my children wouldn’t have anything befall them quite like that.

Pikachu taking down a really powerful Charizard with the spirits of all his friends throughout the journey gathering around him, I’m quite proud of Ash as his bond is true.

The beauty of friendship, love and a positive attitude that made a long journey worthwhile. Helping both their species and seeking equality between them.

I shed a few tears and wondered if Ash would continue journeying now that he’s succeeded at becoming the top of the trainers.

Probably, you can’t actually stop him from adventuring and seeing new Pokémon, unless he was to find someone and settle down. At least he has enough females after him, he’ll continue being entertaining beyond his Pokémon journey doubtless.

I wouldn’t even be surprised if Latias was going to try to get to him first, she was already plotting something. Her and Bayleef were going to come to blows and that would be a few good laughs.

In any case, because while that Ash is a champion among his people… he has to equally become a champ among mine… but how to go about getting him to actually want to challenge me in a peaceful manner though.

I’ve already thrown threatening the world at him more times than an average person could handle, he could probably use a break from that. Maybe draw his attention with some Alpha Pokémon?

Well… more watching what Pom is going to get into next. Her attitude was decidedly less positive, happy and a bit of a downer, but she still tries to get through the day regardless of what happens to her, her friends or her new acquaintances.

I wonder how she’ll get back to Ransei… oh sure I could help, but I’ve already done too much recently and she was going to have some problems calling her mate. That’s going to be her drive to get back to Ransei moving forward.

It’s also I’m also feeling lazy from all the near perfect popcorn, despite someone absconding with a single bowl of it. I glanced at Mew chugging parfaits next to me.

“What?” Mew stated innocently and she lifted a parfait and started downing it like a mad kitten. “I don’t get ice cream headaches as you very well know.”

“I will help Canard reach his friends when we meet, but I need him to help us all first.” The bitter heart of a hero beat within that Puckian from being lost in the digital realms for so long, but he would heal spiritually and mentally with Commandramon’s plucky help.

“Quite nice of you, knowing exactly how you have to operate.” Mew commented idly as she pulled out another parfait from behind her back and started digging into it with an Alakazam’s spoon, I gave her a flat look. “Hey, the Alakazam I took this from will get it back… if slightly used… okay, I’ll wash it first, give me a break parent of all Pokémon!”

Not that Canard would like lizards anytime soon given how many dangerous ones he’s run into in the digital realms, but he might eventually make an exception for his partner.

-Digital Realm, Server City, Streets, Pom-

“We’re just going to walk around for two hours?” Well no Dolly, we were actually going somewhere. I heard this city has a park and I was curious to see it, because everything in this ‘realm’ was a little bizarre and had plenty of nonsense going into it.

Lit squeaked happily from Dolly’s back, not seeming to understand what was going on around him and just enjoying the ride under the shade of Dolly’s skateboard. The little four legged electric type tick seemed just happy to be around us and was minding his own business.

“We’re going somewhere to have some simple fun Dolly, we’re not here to cause any trouble… or attract a big fight.” Digimon of all types usually found a way to enjoy themselves and or help other Digimon with their unique skills. Like a Virus Digimon running a gym to help other types get stronger with sparring sessions because it liked fighting, sure not the best example, but the Digimon in question didn’t want to seriously hurt other Digimon. “It’d be just my luck if we did get into one.”

Street signs that hang from walls, electrical wires that looked like spider webs, plenty of strange popping colors in places there shouldn’t be any, even the ground was covered in really strange lines that seemed to shift from one moment to the next like the world itself was evolving and breathing, there were screens everywhere advertising odd things about coding or some kind of pick me up from sickness being manufactured by Yggdrasil Industries and there was even a house made out of a cardboard box. It was odd like that one house made of an upside down pagoda.

It’s like the architects of this place took information from the nearest form of reality and didn’t quite interpret it right because I thought I saw some sideways portions of Aurora castle in one of the buildings down a street we just passed. There was a part of Fontaine Castle at a really odd slanted angle the next street over, as part of a building that looked like or strongly resembled a giant crashed airplane… so I’d be somewhat correct.

Compared to all the weird stuff, the empty carnival wheel and karaoke bar looked… ridiculously normal as we passed by them on the way to where Hea-Gatomon was leading us.

Hea-Gatomon was a Vaccine Digimon, her medical capabilities made patching up other Digimon far better than most at the cost of some of her combat ability were she to be a normal Gatomon. Hea-Gatomon enjoyed being a medic and she gave Sami a clean bill of health, so there was no issue there of the orange soldier lizard spending more time with us.

Canard on the other hoof was off trying to find us a feasible exit back to Ransei, since it would get him closer to getting to his friends and a form of home if not Puck-World directly.

Learned in idle conversation that Hea-Gatomon was still trying to work on creating a new digital evolution, as she didn’t have one yet and was angling toward becoming something called a MarineAngemon if she couldn’t make a new path forward. Marine Angel Monster, what would that look like? A cheerful little otter like a Buizel? That’s just my hopeful imagination talking.

Vaccine Digimon were usually strong against Virus Digimon, Virus Digimon were usually strong against Data Digimon like Dormarch had been and finally Data Digimon were usually strong against Vaccine Digimon, it was like Pokémon with their Fire, Grass and Water types.

Vaccine were usually seen as holy Digimon, but were not necessarily always good or just like Hiandromon attacking Canard despite him being fairly harmless to the digital realms. I mean, aside from giving some Digimon like Sami ideas. The journey of Sami learning to build her own motorcycle ended in a roving gang of two wheeled motor murder vehicles called Machmon, of which I only have a description of so far, so that might have been good enough and justified reason for Hiandromon even if Sami was an entirely reasonable person trying to be happy like Dolly in spite of everything.

Viruses were seen as beings capable of great destruction, but could be benign and more honorable than most and were usually mischievous at best. Data were somewhere in between the line of dark and light this world seemed to play with.

The elemental attacks from what we knew were imitations of actual elements according to Canard and thus only acted like the elements as far as weakness of other Digimon were concerned. Hiandromon in particular was going to take a while since he landed in water and that was one of his weaknesses despite being an electric element using Digimon. So I can’t rely on the logical elemental system that the Pokémon ran on if we came under attack here, mostly we should assume their attacks are raw energy, fire or electrical in nature even if they looked like they were shooting water like a Water Type Pokémon.

Virus was more of a predisposition than an actual evil nature, more like how Oleander was a Dark Unicorn with a heroic heart… Fred the demon was actually evil, but Oleander had him under control… I think.

I idly wondered why Dormarch didn’t count as Vaccine and was a Data Digimon with his hospital knowledge gained from his prior incarnation, but it wasn’t very important to think about as the thought just brought me down an emotional level.

Tsukaimon PV was supposed to be a virus type and yet all he wanted to do was explore and do fun or mischievous things, basically another Dolly. He wasn’t currently following us around and went off to find things to build himself a new plane with. If Tsukaimon did something wrong, he said would always fix his mistakes at least, how well he actually fixed them would be judged by whatever person he wronged.

Another oddity was the local food, where Digimon were growing meat in the ground… I didn’t know exactly what kind of meat that was, but it was still odd to see flesh on a bone acting like a plant. I saw an apple tree and was immediately suspicious of it considering the meat growing from the ground on the farm we passed.

Dazzle, being an ever curious Salandit… climbed up the tree and plucked an apple. When she bit into it, I was quite right to be suspicious of the apple. Mind you this world didn’t have bugs, well at least not normal ones like Ransei did on top of the Pokémon type that Lit came from.

“Hm?” Dazzle looked at the apple and the insides of it were definitively not normal. “An apple made of meat? How does that even work? Would probably taste better cooked though...”

“Yeah, lots of weird stuff like that in the digital realms. At least I know that vegetables are always safe for biologicals, if highly off in the flavor department. Be wary of digital mushrooms as there are some really bad ones even if a good number of them are healthy, they tend to be a great weight loss diet for Digimon that get too fat. Not sure if you’d actually get nutrition from eating our food, never really dealt with biologicals much. I’ve always been geared towards helping digital beings like myself.” Informed Hea-Gatomon as we continued on our way from the meat farm. Blowing some flames on her apple that didn’t have any seeds in it, she started eating it with more appreciative noises. “It’s definitely better if you cook the apples first before eating them, even if you’re a carnivore. Don’t ask why the digital realms have such strange whimsies like that, we Digimon stopped caring a long time ago and just know this stuff by heart at this point. Also if you’re going to eat fruit, ask me first, because things like Conductor Lemons are actually like powerful batteries and will give you such a zap if you’re not a Digimon.”

Lit sat up and the information and looked fairly excited to have one of those Conductor Lemon things, Hiandromon’s bipedal vehicles was drained of its energy quickly by him and I started to wonder how much power went into making that suit move. That just proves that size was nothing to Pokémon considering I could fit Lit in the scoop of a single cloven hoof and he tore a hole in that mech, sure with Sami’s help, but he still did it. I also have an idea that some Digimon didn’t care much about size either, so much as they do stages of evolutionary life being a general idea of their level of power in these realms.

While we were waiting on Black-Tailmon-Uver to do his dimension hopping thing for some food, we’d be going to the nearest park to see what Digimon did there as normalcy was almost out the window here. Since apparently they were the only Digimon with that unique capability to safely jump between worlds, the key word being ‘safely’ as between dimension things like Chaosdramon X might be roaming around and Uver knew how to bypass the gap between entirely somehow.

Apparently Uver can only get into realities with one or two Digimon with him, he had many more issues transporting biological beings across dimensional barriers as to be basically impossible for him except in an exceedingly dire circumstance. Said dire circumstance would always involve the biological being hurt by the process of dimensional transference as Uver does it. He was better at pulling Digimon back into the digital world, provided they weren’t fighting him on it, and could also pull in objects as easily from just about any reality touched by Yggdrasil at least once… which meant he might be able to find a bag of kibble for Dolly while getting the rest of us food.

When I asked about money, Uver just said it won’t be a problem and he’d be paying for us. Any world with enough capability to have a digital realm with Digimon in it will be able to take Digi-credits that can transform into the local currency through whatever digital banking inevitably exists in that world, since any world with powerful enough computers systems usually has digital banking.

He did note that the world connected to this one was one of the odder ones. This realm was connected to a world with powerful enough computers, but there was absolutely no digital banking whatsoever. Since Pokémon operated on barter and Poké, though I wonder how they had powerful enough computers to handle having a digital world appear here. From what I’ve seen Ransei isn’t exactly as advanced in technology as the world prior to it was.

Sure it might fudge a few numbers, but it was above board and better than stealing when Uver had already had tons of digi-credits to his name from his haphazard job as interdimensional courier along with any other Black-Tailmon-Uvers that existed. They can apparently always get you things that you wouldn’t normally see in the Digital Realms.

For all the power Uvers seemed to have in crossing dimension boundaries even vaguely touched by the still rather curious Yggdrasil.sys person, they didn’t have much combat ability to speak of and was overly specialized in being a courier that could easily avoid any danger and always deliver on the times they said they would.

After a bit more walking we came upon the park and two sights of immediate interest, I mean aside from the trees growing colorful lightbulbs on them that wouldn’t look out of place during Hearth’s Warming back on Equus. Again, whoever made this world seemed to take ideas and jumble them together in a blender and just planted them in the soil of this world, at least the giant benches were understandable as there were giant Digimon that likely came through here that could use them.

One of the two things of interest were one the oddly designed skate park that looked like someone took several ideas from a rollercoaster and a non-Euclidean painting given some parts of the skateboard park was upside down and twisted. In said skate park were several tall bipedal Digimon riding skateboards around, one looked like a white and blue wolf with dark blue stripes wearing pants marked with skulls and he just seemed to be enjoying himself. I really didn’t want to bother any of the Digimon over there, but Dolly sure look like she did as her right paw slowly started reaching back for her skateboarding helmet.

Now if Dolly weren’t so distracted with what was an obviously ridiculously designed skate park that looked to challenge those who loved skating in many forms. Including one Digimon on a scooter that didn’t have anything to hold onto to the handle bars with, so how was it doing… no, just don’t go there Pom.

Dolly would see the thing that really had drawn my attention, had we not been so distracted. For there was a large gathering of Digimon, specifically Digimon that looked quite familiar to us and was apparently new to Hea-Gatomon who was a little wary of them because of their appearances.

“Dolly… please stop drooling over the skate park and actually look at the park entrance, it’s important.” Dolly did so, then goggled at the number of Digimon there, all of them were relatively similar in appearance. If I had to guess, this would be the world Yggrdrasil.sys made the one hundred and one Dalmamon.

“That’s… a lot of fish tails.” Sami said blankly starring at the number of them, likely 303 fur covered fish tails if none of the Dalmamon were missing one or two among them. With Dazzle nodding next to her.

“Okay everyone, don’t wander off too far from the park with any other Digimon you don’t know too well, and be wary of both Vaccine and Virus alike… even Data can be bad too. Also don’t get into fights, we are still missing a lot of attack programs to actually defend ourselves with due to the incomplete data that made us. Remember that if you see a Datamon in the city, run as fast as you can and raise an alarm.” One Dalmamon stated, with red eyes and star shaped black spots. The speaking Dalmamon looked to one Dalmamon in particular that looked a lot like how Dolly would be if she were a Dalmamon what with the colorful hearts, stars and speed line shaped spots going across her body, she was also carrying a skateboard covered in artwork that was probably relative to this realm that I didn’t quite understand. The squares and lines on her board made a nice pattern though similar to some parts of the surroundings. “Realize that I’m looking at you for a reason Variance.”

In fact the various Dalmamon’s eyes and spots came in a various rainbow of colors like Dolly’s adoptive sister Da Vinci having colorful spot like splotches near permanently etched into her fur, the spots also came in a variety of fun or basic shapes and designs. It was easy to tell that none of them were Dormarch given their varying sizes and another reason, because I felt like I just took an ice pick to the chest at the still frayed edge that used to be a bond still sitting there lifelessly as I looked at all the Dalmamon with a broken heart. A reminder of the time and sorrows I’ve faced thus far.

“Hey, chill Pickle my bro, so my name means divergent, doesn’t mean I’m going to cause problems by just hanging out with Renamon, Gaomon and Weregarurumon. They both are totes chill and are good Digimon!” Yep, that Variance’s voice was similar and not quite the same sold it for me. Also like all the other Dalmamon she had the same large goofy claws accompanying the three fish tail motif they all had going on.

“I worry about you sometimes, that Chuumon you spend time around in particular, he seems like a dodgy customer.” It didn’t take long for Pickle to devolve into worrying about all the other Dalmamon.

“Hey, Little Squee is a perfectly friendly Digimon.” Variance stated firmly back at him. Variance seemed to be more carefree and more open to being adventurous.

I hear a clack as Dolly dropped her board and just stared, I looked to her and she looked to me. She certainly didn’t feel like skating anymore and even drooped a little as I felt her mentally looking at her frayed end of the three way bond we had with Dormarch. She calmly placed her helmet on the skateboard and sat down on the street, before quivering as she brought her paws up to wrap herself in a hug.

“Is something wrong with you two, is it those strange new Digimon?” Sami seemed to be worried when we broke down a little at the sight of so many nearly, but not quite the same, Dalmamon all clustered together affectionately. For Dolly it was a reminder of good and bad times, the bad times being amplified.

“Don’t… worry about it… too much.” I said calmly as Dolly carefully placed a suddenly fussy and worried Lit on her Skateboard and then leapt to hug me tightly. “You can go ahead guys.”

I held Dolly for about a minute before Hea-Gatomon shrugged and worked up the courage to go talk to a few of the Dalmamon. Sami looked interested in the skate park and wandered off in that direction after hiking her backpack up a bit, giving us a look that said she’d be back if we needed her. Lit quietly leapt on to Dolly’s back and started to rub his face against her fur as we quietly sat there. Dazzle also looked curious about going off to explore and instead stayed with us in silence.

“Ah, so sweet your love for one another, can I do a portrait for you while you comfort your friend there? It might cheer you up, yes?” Looking up from hugging Dolly, I saw one of the Dalmamon had wandered over to us, he was wearing a beret like one of those Smeargle and the spots on his body looked the most artistic out of all the other Dalmamon, given they were all in several art styles all throughout his body. His fur was also a strange soft turquoise or teal color among the artistic spots compared to the mostly white fur with odds spots of the other Dalmamon. “I am Di Lodovico, nice to meet you strangers. You don’t look or smell like Mons like us, so you must be biologicals or something like it. And you… you are a thing of beauty madam, but I can’t exactly say or describe why. Your soul screams of being an unattainable work of art to mine, something precious that should never be taken away by the likes of me. No… a true artists knows to appreciate at a distance what is before him, for art is always in how others perceive its worth if appreciated or not. An artist can make work they don’t appreciate and they can make work they love, but others may see it differently. I know what I like and you, while highly attractive, are something that I can never quote connect with on a more personal and emotional level beyond a sudden and truly heartfelt offering of a friendship.”

This would be Da Vinci’s Digimon counterpart I take it, if Pickle was Dylans… Dyl Pickle… Dolly… Variance…Deliverance... oh my goodness, really? I’m betting a number of the Dalmamon’s when matched to some of Dolly’s family were just horrible puns. Yggdrasil.sys had a horrible sense of humor it seemed.

Feeling a whimper against my chest, it seems like Dolly running into a vague resemblance of her family was messing her up and that resemblance also had a lot of the appearance of her what used to be her little brother and… my self-proclaimed son.

“Go ahead, Dolly here is going to be a while after just experiencing heavy emotional turmoil at the moment from seeing all of you.” I was barely holding it together as it was, one of us had to keep our head or else our bond would be a whole mess of emotions increasing the sad feelings exponentially like a vicious cycle. “It’s nothing you did, we just lost someone important to us not too long ago in some dire circumstances.”

“I’m sorry for your loss, but what was their name?” Di Lodovico, don’t honestly know how that puns off Da Vinci. He was less enthusiastic with his three wagging tails. “I can write it onto the portrait in memory of them.”

“Dormarch Dalmatian Lambchop.” That seemed to spook the artist and I know he definitely recognized that name because…

“The name of our progenitor? Oh… no wonder… we are probably like pale imitations to the one that you knew more personally… am I right to assume that you were his… er…” It seemed like Di Lodovico didn’t know how to broach the topic, I nodded and motioned for him to set up the easel and get to work. Dolly was going to take a while to come back to her normal state of exuberance. “We watched the records he left. Sorry we don’t know how to Dalmamon like him, but we can only hope to catch some of his rather unique qualities. Wish we knew how to do what is supposed to be our signature move, watching him do it just doesn’t quite tell us how he did it.”

Signature… oh Dormarch’s Search Hunter ability, that teleport thing he invented based off watching me using Dancing Flame. He said something about overclocking himself… I’m not sure it’s a good idea to give any Dalmamon a hint. I wouldn’t want them to hurting themselves trying to figure it out if they weren’t already and I didn’t want them hurting themselves even if they did on their own.

I’m sure they were all smart, but they were basically children.

-A few minutes later-

“Feeling better Dolly?” I said as Dolly final pulled away and Lit decided to hop onto my head, I wasn’t going to freak out about it… although I did feel the urge to light myself on fire with Lit sitting on my wool.

“Yeah… I am.” Dolly said with a grin and a wagging tail. Di Lodovico was just about done and when he turned the portrait to us with a smile, it showed a smiling Dolly instead of the sad one. It was also signed in Memory of the First Dalmamon, Dormarch Dalmatian Lambchop.

“Hey there, cool deck, is that yours?” Variance came up to us looking to me and then looked at the portrait. “Sweet and heartwarming art as always bro… though invoking the name of the original seems kind of iffy. Not that we actually have a job as Search Engines yet, we’re kind of going stir crazy without trips to the park and the meat farms.”

“No it’s not mine, its Dolly’s skateboard and helmet. She’s a really good skater you know.” Dolly looked to me as she took up her Helmet and Board. “I bet she can do tricks you’ve never seen before.”

“I’d like to see someone try to top me in a contest of tricks.” At Variance’s words, Dolly slapped her helmet on her head secured it and grinned at her. Dolly then took off on her board towards the oddly designed skate park. “Hey, wait for me!”

“I actually want to watch this.” Dazzle said as she turned towards me. “Do you… do you need some time alone?”

“I would like that, I’ll join you soon enough to watch. Lit, please go with her.” Lit leapt from my head and landed on Dazzle’s nose to start hugging it. “Di Lodovico, take the portrait and go with her. I can take care of myself for a bit.”

Dazzle nodded and sent me a worried look before she turned and left, as did Di Lodovico before he too moved on after her to go watch Variance and Dolly battle on skateboards into the evening.

“Okay, what do you want?” I asked the air as everyone was in the parks, I was expecting to be attacked because frankly a dodgy character watching you from the shadows was likely to do that.

“For you to leave and to never come back.” Growled out a Digimon as he stalked from the shadows, he was similar to the skateboarding bipedal wolf Digimon except less excessive in appearance. He was more dog like and smaller for a start, he wore toeless shoes with three purple claws sticking out on each foot, white pants, a lot of belts around parts of his body and two gloves ending in silver claws. The purple and white furred canine like entity that didn’t like me at first sight, a novel experience that. Unless he is not a dog at heart, so I should be worried about him attacking me. “Digi-destined always means trouble wherever they show up.”

“A rebuttal if you will… my name is Pom Lambchop, I’m not currently a digit-destined as I don’t have a Digimon partner considering I’ve been said to be of a nullified status and I didn’t come to this world by choice.” The bipedal canine crossed his arms and glared at me, but that really didn’t change the truth of the matter. “My friends and I coming here is entirely accidental, but I can assured you that whatever is coming… it was going to happen regardless of my presence here. If I could stop it, I would. I don’t think I have the capability and I’d rather not worry my friends about the severely high possibility of that Chaosdramon X getting into this world and decimating it entirely to get at me. Trust me, if the way I came in didn’t spell it out for me, the way going out is going to be equally bad and I’m having to do it with several extra people more than what I came in with. Which is going to be much slower and much harder to do, especially with what I have been told is a totally genocidal monster with the power to actually backup the 'genocidal' part that'll be gunning for us when we do. So if you’ll stop stressing me out further by following us around quietly in the shadows, it would be greatly appreciated and if you were going to attack me then just do so and stop dithering about it like you currently are.”

The bipedal dog Looked like he was going to say something angrily, he tried several times to bring up a thought to counter my argument and he raised a claw several times before putting it to his bottoms lips in deep thought. He failed to do anything more than looking conflicted for a number of reasons I could only begin to start guessing.

“… Hmph… fair point. I’m Strabimon by the way. The data for my existence came from several different incidents involving digi-destined from several different realms entirely, the most notable is the one that fused with partial data to become like what you see before you. I’m a recreation of that data made realized and... I hate it.” Well doesn’t that information just cause a sinking feeling in both our guts Strabimon? “If I’m here for any reason, then it’s probably that I should be watching you because you are, or were, a digi-destine and stuff happens around them.”

“Please do so openly and not from the shadows, it’ll get annoying having to be paranoid about you when there are others that are more openly aggressive Digimon. Like the bedsheet monster that was following you and is about to attack.” I said bluntly with a frown on my face. With a wide eyed look Strabimon immediately rolled forward and avoided the bedsheet ghost that tried to attack him from behind with a pair of nightmarish dark claws reaching from under the tattered bedsheet exterior. The claws pulled back under the bedsheet and resumed looking like cute little nubs as part of what might actually be a mildly terrifying bedsheet ghost. “And now you owe me one for the warning, despite the fact that I might be the reason it was here in the first place.”

“Rarrgh!” The monster roared from under the bedsheet revealing its nasty mouth full of teeth, it would be much scarier if it wasn’t for the darn bedsheet it was wearing. I couldn’t take it seriously as a threat even as he blasted me with a strange gas.

“Do you ever brush your teeth, it might be why you have horrible breath.” I commented idly and felt slightly hungrier, ah so it wasn’t just bad smelling… it was meant to be poisonous. Again the Pecha Scarf pays for itself. “Can we take care of this ridiculous, vaguely scary, thing fast? I have some friends that I need to be getting back to.”

“Did you just no sell its poison breathe attack?” What Strabimon doesn’t know, probably doesn’t matter in the long run if he’s going to continue being antagonistic towards me. “Also I think it’s after me and not you because of my Wizardmon heritage. It’s a Bakemon, if that Bakemon kills me it’ll try to turn into a Soulmon using my data.”

“Will it still have the ridiculous bedsheet if it does?” I asked lazily.

“Yes.” Strabimon stated, turning to me ignoring the Bakemon with a hint of a smile despite still scowling at me.

The Bakemon seemed to be in agony for some reason and neither of us had attacked it and it started shrinking.

“Yep, I’m sorry, but I can’t take you seriously.” Conversationally speaking, it was about as scary as Mr. Beezy was. That being less than an innocent, if slightly aggressive, puppy that just wanted belly rubs. “How much worse is it as a Soulmon exactly in appearance?”

“It looks the same, except it basically has a witch’s hat that sometimes covers its eyes blinding it and making it even worse at combat sometimes.” Blinking at Strabimon, I turned to the Bakemon. "At least it gets cool looking magical attacks to go with that."

“Seriously, that’s the best you can do after killing him? Look at him, he looks much cooler and stronger than you are and will ever be.” My bluntness made the Bakemon shrink even more. “Why is it becoming less terrifying by the second the more we disparage its life choices to wear a bedsheet when not wearing it might have made it scarier in appearance judging from the claws, the mouth and the dead inside looking hollow eyes?”

“Because we’re either ignoring it or exactly because we’re disparaging how little fear it’s causing us, it’s a ghostly Digimon so they probably get strong off fear and get weaker in the face of out of nowhere deadpan apathy.” Strabinman was also feeling less threatened than he was a second ago.

“Make it stop, make it stop, be scared of me already!” The Bakemon shrieked. “Would it help if I said I am the great reincarnation of the monstrous Beelzebug that has apparently become some strange demon ghost computer monster thing that feeds on your incredible fear of me… which… doesn’t exist apparently… oh no… wait... why am I getting flashbacks of you and why does this situation feel horribly familiar!?!”

Oh... it was Mr. Beezy, huh.

Okay… yeah… any hint of fear I had before knowing that this is just Mr. Beezy again, meet the mental super toilet and immediately flush that emotion down the drain until something actually threatening comes along... then I'll need the worlds largest plunger, some brown pants and a megaphone for the shrill scream I'll let out.

“Wow… you’re a really sad being if this is what you became. There, there, you’ll explode or go away in a humorous fashion soon enough Mr. Beezy, though I am quite sorry that I’ve done this to you twice though.” I walked up to Mr. Beezy the Bakemon and hugged him, it screamed as if my affection burned him and he struggled to get out of my grip.

He was already too weak to escape.

Seconds later Mr. Beezy promptly exploded in my hooves into bits of strange colorful cubes that floated away on the wind. I think Paprika would be somewhat proud... maybe.

“Huh… seriously thought that would be a harder thing to fight.” Eh, you get used to weird stuff like that guy Strabimon, well if you stick around long enough. Mr. Beezy barely registers as anything more than an acquaintance to me, I've only met him twice. I wonder what he’s been up after sending those rather dim beetles, that explosively caught fire, after me. “I wonder what Digimon he’ll reincarnate as next.”

“Probably something that flies.” No wonder I lost my fear of that thing so quickly, it was just Mr. Beezy playing at being an evil thorn in my side again. He’s still really not that threatening after a few seconds of being lightly spooked. “Come on let’s go watch one of my friends do cool stuff in the skate park, I’ll introduce you to them!”

I cheerfully grabbed Strabimon’s right claw and dragged the perplexed Digimon into the skate park.

It'd be easier to help him make friends instead of just having him secretly follow us around a lot like a lost puppy while being about as angsty as I am at times and trying to struggle with finding himself! I am definitely not going through that mess here if I could help it. Since I can, so I will.

Author's Note:

Pom the Beelzebug Slayer: 2.

Beelzebug The Unfortunate: -7.

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