• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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305. Indomitable.

Author's Note:

Music: Lu Bu Theme, from any Dynasty Warriors, but I was listening to his 8 theme in particular.

Am I underutilizing Lu Bu's abilities? I'll let you be the judge as this is going to be a multi-page fight.

Also take notice of the things Shanty does... because 'Pursue' definitely happens here.

-Pokémon World, Ignis, Tamamo No Mae -

Having felt something familiar I went looking in a direction and saw many denizens of fire running from something.

Upon barely spotting what they were running from… I too turned tail with my tails between my legs.


“Nope, nope, nope, nope, definitely not going near 'The Flying General', the somehow resurrected bloodlust monster, especially not when he has full use of ‘God Force, Sky Piercer’!” The very weapon that could take on several different forms, has a lethality of several levels of phantasmal power. There was no mistaking the weapon, the owner of said weapon or the horse with him all being fully reimagined in this strange world.

Lu Bu could kill me in a single blow, none of my current abilities would stop it either! I am not an idiot or nearly dumb enough to even go near Lu Bu, especially not with the kind of bloodlust he’s putting out that hasn’t been felt since the Hulao Gate incident and that’s one of the most infamous incidents in his history.

It was little wonder that I felt something familiar, it’s only when I got close enough that I finally felt exactly why it was familiar. So I decided to head in the complete opposite direction before the mortal War God felt my presence and decided I made for good hunting. I was still getting the hang of having nine tails and having strange dimensional based elemental powers, on top of my already mighty repertoire of abilities.

I almost felt his eyes come close to landing on me, but he just missed me by a fraction of a second.

Had to keep running for my life and leave whatever sucker is willing to fight him to their dooms!

-Lu Bu-

Hmm… I thought I felt something familiar… something that might have been fun to hunt for a little while.

No matter.

Dong Zhuo, the worthless scum fell so easily to such small numbers and with one swing I tore him in two pieces for his failings, his liver tasted pretty good all things considering for a washed up politician and warlord.

Now who are these people that would stand in the way of my might? At least one of them had to be worthy fight. All else already said, I would destroy them one person at a time.

“Is there a worthy warrior among you that can even hold my interest long enough to see to the safety of the kingdoms I will soon come for?” I started moving forward and readied my spear with a smirk. “I will not stop until I have the grand battle with the god of this world, so send out all your warriors at me at once and I will ensure that their deaths are at least quick.”


I be taking a few steps forward and I felt a pair of vines wrapped around my waist.

“Shanty, you can’t be thinking of fighting that… he just cut someone in half! With a single swing!” Yes, Favela, we did be seeing that happening and the Big Pig be getting a chunk of himself eaten by that guy as well.

He be feeling worse than that giant metal owl did, only his malice was being far more concentrated into a small area.

I be believing that Ocellus is possibly having a migraine right now, I don’t even need to be told this guy was dangerous. I could be feeling it in my bones that there was no joking around with someone like this, Pom would definitely have the right idea here to be running away.

I wasn’t Pom though, I was Shanty. Though after what I be seeing, I also think Pom would be protecting anyone this guy went after.

“I’m no idiot Favela, he’s not letting anyone leave here alive, anyone who isn’t already running that is...” As I be once told by Pom, a master of fighting should fear the untrained or the unpredictable, for they have no clue what either will do.

I just had to be being very unpredictable… I give myself three minutes of life left to live.

I’ll just be making those three minutes last far longer than they should possibly have, like the rest of my life if I be winning.

With a sharp tug at the vine hugging me, I pulled myself free of the vines and stared directly into the eyes above the bloody beak as I approached him with a bit of swagger in my steps.

“You be killing someone who took you in, in cold blood no less.” I remember what would have happened had I not been taken in so long ago, I would not have survived long enough to be here.

This person be having blood on their wings and that of the people who took them in. As if their small kindness, no matter how little those people might have had, was a weakness that this guy cared little for.

The Big Pig had to of been acting like a father for him in some capacity, I be picking up on that much at the sight of deep betrayal in the Big Pigs eyes before he died. This Lu Bu just slew him without a second thought.

“And?” This Lu Bu be saying as he stared at me as if I were an insignificant speck. “He was weak.”

“Is that all you be having to say? Are you truly that cowardly that you be hiding from having any emotions at all? Do you kill everyone that be weak, even someone that can vaguely be loving someone like you?” I be hitting something of an issue somewhere with him, as the flare in his eyes spoke of my murder and I be accepting what was to come. “You don’t ever be dreaming of a day when you’ll finally be losing an actual fight do you?”

I glanced at the red, darkly burning, demonic looking unicorn and returned my eyes squarely on his.

Time to put my thief training with Mr. Cooper the gang into practice. I stood on my hind legs and unslung my weapon from my back and held it aloft ready for a fight, I knew how to use a cane… or a makeshift scythe.

I’ve seen pirates with such darkness in their eyes, I not be being brave enough to cross their paths when I was too young to be doing anything and they only tend to care about survival and have long since stopped dreaming. Their crews following them out loyalty and inertia, I should be thanking Bentley if I ever hear his voice again for teaching me what that word meant.

“Shanty, are you seriously…” Holding up a hoof to cut Quetal off, I be looking to him and nodded.

I looked this Lu Bu guy in the eyes, he be looking into mine. I be challenging him outright, he may be having muscle, size and possibly a magical weapon on me due to the absurd sharpness… but I be having grit and a dream.

“I, Lu Bu, will be the one to snuff out your spirit, if Red Hare doesn’t do it for me first.” As far as bravado went that was a pretty good boast, now to be getting my rebuttal in…

“You will not be breaking my spirit nor will you break a dream unlived.” This was going to take all my concentration. “Also, I would say you are nothing more than being a big chicken too afraid to actually live. You be having a dream, sure, but you are not having a life.”

“You’ll come to regret those words.” His deep voice in the soft rains might have made everyone else shiver, but I held his gaze without looking away. “Red Hare, face everyone else that tries to interfere, leave this one to me.”

I started to approach him and he started approaching my dragging his spear along the ground digging a furrow with the blade, as if there was no resistance whatsoever from the ground as the blade passed through it. I be making a silent note that the magical weapon was being absurdly sharp and powerful for a halberd that was just recently used like an arrow, it was definitely a magic weapon from what little he be showing of its power.

“Avast, for you be facing Blade Hoof Shanty!” I shouted as I held myself at the ready and took on a forward leaning stance ready to get into the fight.

“Again, I am Lu Bu.” Was all he said before he came flashing forward at me as I looked to be curling up as if in fear.

I wonder if he be seeing the grin on my face?

I not be paying attention to what Red Hare be doing in the background as they be charging at my friends. Didn’t have the time to focus on anything else, but in this moment where I could sneak in a quick victory.

“YAHARRRR--!” My scream could possibly be being heard by the world as far as I know, I bet even Arceus could be feeling and seeing this moment coming.

My scream be stopping the weapon dead as it hit the wall of my bending and unbreakable spirit as it continued for my neck.

“ARRRRRR-” I was no longer screaming, it was my unyielding spirit that was pulsing out from me in defiance making that noise as I stared at Lu Bu who kept putting pressure to slice my head from my neck.

The powerful golden glowing of his weapon started dimming entirely under the torrent of my spirited scream continuing on even without my voice.

I pulled back my weapon and prepared to lunge forward, Lu Bu be narrowing his eyes and then his weapon… it be deflected and knocked back entirely throwing him off balance.

I lunged forward and swung, he be leaping backwards to open up the distance between us. He be having no room for retaliation against me in those few seconds.

There was a silence as a grey stone in the soft rain became splattered with a single drop of red, I opened my mouth and caught the tip of a slowly falling slightly damp feather in the right side of my mouth.

Quite a few be seeing the interaction and be staring at me as if I were being insane… they did not be knowing me too well then. As Favela be the only one staring at me with awe, Smolder was looking curious before she swooped at the flame spewing pony.

“Well, if you want to be taking my head...” My cane had a tiny bit of blood on it, I brought it about to the ready to a defensive stance. “As far as I be seeing, first blood be going to me… so bring it.”

“Morning Sun.” Lu Bu started glowing bright red with an incredible intensity, then as he twirled his weapon about above his head he announced a second move. “Hurricane.”

Powerful walls of wind be whipping up and swirling around us and cutting us off from everyone around us, the swirling winds also cut the rain off and stopped it from falling on us. It be far more powerful than whatever Dolly can be doing, given her winds not be lasting as long as to create a localized tornado around us.

“You have earned my ire.” He stated calmly, I can be telling he is being quite angry if his red aura is anything to go by. His weapon be taking on its golden glow again.

“You’re being welcome!” I stated smarmily while trying to make sure the feather didn’t fall out of the side of my mouth. I be prepared to fight for my life with a smile, if he can be feeling anything other than bloodlust then I actually just be doing my job very well.

The power of my ‘Pirate Shout’ was enough to deflect his attack or at least be slowing it down, but I had to prep it and build up to doing it. He almost be getting through it too, so I shouldn’t be relying on it to save my backside when being swift would be better for that. This guy was blazingly fast, strong and most off all daunting, I would have to be using my shout sparingly and be constantly moving to stay alive.


“Shanty!” I tried to move forward only to dodge backwards as a blaze of flames passed by me and that’s when I be paying attention to the one that guy be calling Red Hare.

The demonic looking Rapidash was being quite scary for one particular reason.

“If we want to help her, then we’ll have to get by that Rapidash.” Quetal be saying from at my side, he did just see what I saw right?

The rain… it seemed had no effect on the power of the Rapidash’s fire attacks, it didn’t be weakening at all and his every breath was causing a lot of steam.

The five Buizels moved forward and glared down Red Hare, Jiri was picking herself up from her break and readying her spear with her bear friends around her.

Quite a lot of people left the area when Lu Bu showed up, but Favela was surprised that Aurora’s defenders were still here and still ready to fight. Even against what was the world’s most demonic looking Rapidash.

-‘Blade Hoof’ Shanty (Captain title pending), Cut-lass vs. Lu ‘Do Not Pursue!’ Bu, The Flying General, Bloody God Force Wielder That Pierces The Sky, Imminent Death Incarnate, Halberd Hell Bird, The ‘Morning Sun’ Warrior, Rapidly Regenerating Raptor Reaper, Stop Killing Me I’m Already Dead-

The bird was blindingly fast, yet Shanty somehow kept up with his next few attacks perfectly, slowly inhaling as she deflected the first overhead blow to the side. The next two sideways swinging blows from right and left knocked her back from the pure force of the impacts that the cutting arcs from her own weapon fought against.

Shanty was not going to win a battle of strength against Lu Bu, especially not when he had pressed her back close to the wall of winds behind her in three barely deflected blows that be sent her sliding back from the impacts alone. She was so close to the wall of wind that she could be feeling it on the hairs of her tail, her ears drifting to the right in the breeze of the counterclockwise tornado.

If it were anyone else in this situation they would believe themselves already in dire situation, however Shanty was not ordinary in the slightest and Lu Bu couldn’t possibly expected what came next from wily goat.

Lu Bu thrust his spear into the wall of wind straight for Shanty and she leapt straight up and bucked out at the wall of whippings winds behind her, an odd move to be sure.

Following his stab, that blasted a small hole in the wall of whipping wind temporarily, Lu Bu expected Shanty to fall into the path of his next swing, as he swiftly brought his spear around to the right out of the winds and overhead for a rightward swing from the right towards where Shanty should have been.

Instead his halberd hit nothing but his own hurricane forces walls and threatened to reverse the hurricane’s spin entirely from sheer force of will, he looked to his left tracking something and his eyes narrowed as he quickly turned to the right and tried to swing his halberd upwards only to be too late as he received a harsh cutting slash up the right side of his neck and face as Shanty shot by and slightly upwards.

The goat took to standing horizontally on the rapidly swirling, twisting, winds and, having reversed the grip on her weapon, managed a good decent blow against Lu Bu. Decent was about all it was as Shanty stared at Lu Bu as she continued to ride the winds upwards slightly wielding them as a solid, yet moving, stable surface to stand on.

Lu Bu was quite unamused and his bleeding face soon stopped bleeding as the cut and wound almost immediately gone leaving only bloodied down with not a blemish beyond the coloration and liquid dripping from unblemished feathers and flesh.

Shanty blinked at the sight of his wounds having closed almost immediately and watched as Lu Bu carefully scrutinized her rapidly circling form.

Lu Bu was far more skilled and stronger than Shanty and far more capable in the air given his title as the Flying General would suggest. At least the goat intelligence, speed and small size, that was all Shanty had going for her… all Lu Bu needed was one solid blow to put her down.

Something sparked in Shanty’s eyes and she leapt upwards and narrowly avoided a rising halberd that cut an upwards scar in the swirling winds.

With a flap of his left wing Lu Bu shot up and swung his weapon in his right for Shanty, it change into a multiple pronged sword mid swing, her weapon was far too out of place in time to make a deflection.

Shanty kicked the blade with her right hind leg and the cutting arc from her hoof slammed against the blade and she went shooting backwards through the air to land on the wall of wind. She had angled herself to pass by over his head riding the wind where she landed and she dropped down and watched as he turned in the air to keep track of her.

That Lu Bu was even capable of flying with one wing was terrifying in and of itself as his weapon reverted to being a halberd.

Twirling her scythe cane in her right hoof, Shanty kicked off the wall of wind and shot towards Lu Bu leading with her left hind leg already having a plan in place for when Lu Bu tried to strike at her.

Lu Bu timed his swing perfectly and Shanty exhaling slowly before she was struck, she seemingly split into two halves one going up and one going down.

A slash swept deeply across Lu Bu’s neck as Shanty that kicked off the shaft of his halberd to the winds above him with her right hind leg. The neck injury sealed immediately not causing Lu Bu any discomfort.

However what confused Lu Bu was the second Shanty that erupted from his* lower half coalescing into a second Shanty going downwards from the slash and cutting into his belly and organs. An injury that lasted all of five seconds for all the good it would do to Lu Bu while he had Morning Sun aura active.

He didn’t even flinch at the feeling of a blade cutting into him, to say he was fairly used to war and fighting would be an understatement as to how many injuries he could easily and actively ignore. Even injuries that would have permanently dismembered or disable him didn’t work as his aura immediately reattached his body parts and could even fix brain and eye damage, his might could not be stifled so easily by singular mortal blows.

Lu Bu looked at the two Shanty’s now riding the wind, each grinning, each having dealt damage to him and each one wielding the exact same weapon… that had not been a simple Double Team trick.

The second copy had physically dealt damage to him and they were moving independently of each other, Lu Bu’s eyes were busy trying to discern how the goat came up with such trickery.

The upper Shanty dropped to the same level as the lower Shanty and the lower Shanty, once she reached the height that Lu Bu was at launched for him with a Goat Fly.

Lu Bu’s weapon shifted into a chain and sickle and swung the chain and blade upwards, his opponent split into two copies which he deflected readily with quick back and forth defensive flourish that blocked their attack coming at him from both the left and right.

His weapon hadn’t actually touch them, but he had distinctly felt two taps on his sickle blade through the chain as the single form split into two. He quickly thought back to when the goat had split seconds prior, for this warrior was showing his* rather impressive might. It was almost too bad Lu Bu had to slaughter him*.

Lu Bu was a warrior and with his masterful insight on combat, he was slowly piecing together this Shanty’s sudden technique to generate copies of himself*. It was not reliant on Lu Bu actually striking them.

Lu Bu knew this to be true, because he recalled that he felt the slightest pressure on his weapon from the first strike where he thought his attack was splitting his opponent in half.

The first time Shanty split before he* kicked off his shaft to go upwards with his right hind leg… he* had used his* left to push upwards and forward off his blade before jumping upwards with his* other hind leg off the shaft. Thus created an illusion of being split in half while generating his* second clone. Trying to hide his* duplicity from Lu Bu’s senses could only work for so long.

That was when the third Shanty, still riding the hurricane force winds, slid by him and slashed him across the butt as he hovered there have just deflected the other two clones.

Lu Bu’s eyes narrowed, now there were three physical copies of nuisance riding the winds and he didn’t know how this warrior was doing what he* was, but he just figured out how to stop the so called trick rather easily.

Given the strike he just took, it gave something about this trick away entirely… had his opponent kept to using his* clones to attack him then he wouldn’t have discovered that only one of the copies had a heartbeat and was slowly exhaling. The other two didn’t breathe, but they could still cause damage and were most certainly not Double Team illusions.

This meant that… Lu Bu knew what to do to end his opponent’s trickery before it grew out of control. He flapped his left wing and moved to the center of the howling winds of the vortex he had trapped them in and waiting hovering in the air without an issue.

The three Shanty’s all kicked off and each one yelled while wielding their weapon for attack Lu Bu all at once from three direction, launching three simultaneous kicks at once. One was coming at Lu Bu from the front and to the right, another front and to the left, Lu Bu paid neither of them attention and quickly spun to slash.

One was coming at Lu Bu from directly behind him… but again, only one opponent had a heartbeat and breathed. Bringing his wings together his weapon turned from chain and sickled into bladed wing guards.

In an instant the feathers of his left wing jabbed backwards stabbing into the heart of a clone, his right wing scythed out and the spiked wings guard punctured a second clone’s heart with one of the spikes as his right wing continued to scythe forward.

The one coming at Lu Bu from the front and left of him, suddenly change their flying form into a wind-milling series of blade as they must have realized that Lu Bu actually figured out his* trick.

With the way they were spinning, his right wing would miss, but Lu Bu lashed out with his left leg and aimed imperiously at their belly side. When they did a miraculously bit of air control by slamming their hind legs together to somehow reverse their spin and would use their weapon to block his right talon lashing out.

Lu Bu’s talon hit a blocking cutting arc and his talons sent his opponent slamming into the ground back first.

The two clones dissolved into harmless splashes of water that smelled salty and like the sea.

Shanty rolled away from the center of the vortex as Lu Bu came down with his wing guards turning back into a halberd in his wings to ram it into a ground.

The massive bird created a shockwave that sent this Shanty flopping away and this unfortunately disarmed her as well, her cane getting caught on the wind wall she bounced off of and went sailing to a different portion of the vortex bound arena where it shot out and got stuck in the dirt hook bladed end first.

Shanty gritted her teeth and propped herself up, with a gasp rolled to the side and then forward underneath Lu Bu who tried to stomp her as she got behind him and manage to send a quick cutting arc through a specific area between his legs.

Much to Shanty’s surprise, Lu Bu didn’t even flinch and didn’t slow in his next attack when he swung about to his left and brought his halberds blade towards her prone neck with a golf swing.

Shanty quickly brought both her front hooves together and slashed out a larger cutting arc to be sent tumbling across the ground and away from her cane sticking out of the ground at an angle.

Lu Bu just turned to her and started stalking forward.

Shanty started to slowly inhale again and didn’t show even a hint of fear even if she was in dire situation and her spine be badly battered by the fall.

“You will not win.” Lu Bu stated as he noticed Shanty glance at her weapon. “Wait… you’re a girl?”

“What? Just because I be having a beard means you thought I was be being a boy, heh heh… agh-…” Shanty looking for an out and thinking of something, the pain in her back was quite bad. "Also, why do you only be noticing that now?!"

Lu Bu realized his opponent was still a warrior, yes and a decently challenging one at that, but it was mildly distracting that he’d been fighting a girl with such incredible spit and vinegar as to have given him some 'mild' trouble.

“No matter, you’ll die all the same.” Lu Bu continued forward and then something stupidly fast punctured through the winds and ripped through his chest in a horrifying fountain of blood. “UGH!?!”

-Many miles away exactly a minute later, outside the borders of Illusio in Chrysalia, Celebi-

“Now I just have to make my report and… AGH?!” A spear hit me center mass and on the spear was a still beating heart that somehow hadn’t realized that it had left its body behind.

“Well… look at it… this way…. Arceus… at least… I didn’t die this time. Still… survivable…” Then the heart decided to explode in my gasping face and I started choking violently on the mass that exploded its way into my throat.

As the world dimmed, I heard Arceus sigh quite loudly… but he apparently wasn’t blaming me for what just happened.

-North of the Aurora and Ignis bridge, outside the vortex, Jiri-

My spear pierced the clearly hit the malevolent bird’s heart, but didn’t do enough damage to knock them down. Though it was a bit strange that the tornado turned a bit red when my Bounce empowered spear hit its target with full force. What confused me is why he wasn’t falling over with the heavy injury I just dealt him, I could still see the red glow of that horrifying Pokémon beyond the swirling winds.

I quickly had to run and roll to the side as the demonic Rapidash charged for me covered in flames that the rain couldn’t quite weaken. Before they could trample me the large mechanical bird that was Shanty’s friend slammed its right foot into the side of their head moving at incredible speeds.

Hoped that helped Shanty out at least, because I can only do that once. I was completely out of energy for my Bounce attack now and I no longer had a spear to defend myself with. All I had was my shield.

The insane Rapidash was once up again, barely even scratched by… Dodo was he called? Despite taking a kick at Agility levels of speed, the Rapidash was barely hurt.

I have never seen a Rapidash disable five Buizels nearly as fast as this one had, in fact one would think it was impossible for a fire type to be functionally immune to water types or wipe out an entire unit six to one… or in this case at least fifteen to one given it had injured my unit pretty badly.

The Rapidash snorted and targeted me again, my bear buddies formed up protectively in front of me battered and covered in hoof prints.

Dodo sent a worried look at the swirling winds encasing Shanty and warbled worriedly, as if knowing something we didn’t about what was going on in there.

-Lu ‘Do Not Engage With’ Bu vs. ‘Blade Hoof’ Shanty (Captain title unlikely, someone save the poor goat) continued-

Jiri hadn’t realized the exact lethality of her spear throw nor did she calculate how much power she would need to put into it to pierce the hurricane and right into the vortex where Shanty was struggling to do anything to Lu Bu.

All Jiri had known was that Shanty was in danger on the ground and still moving judging by the shadows she saw from that outside looking in.

Shanty was staring at Lu Bu wide eyed disbelief as he propped himself upon his weapon and gritting his beak as the bones, sinew and flesh quickly started knitting itself back together rebuilding a working heart from practically nothing and then the wound sealed over with fresh skin, followed by fresh down covering.

At best this caused his red aura to only dim somewhat.

Shanty hadn’t been idle and was up and immediately galloping for her weapon, her eyes watching as the hole in his chest filled with a new heart.

The level of absurdity to survive such a death blow almost made Shanty want to give up, only almost, the dimming aura let Shanty know at least there was a limit.

Shanty swiftly rolled under spinning halberd blade that bounced off the winds and back into Lu Bu’s grip as Shanty grabbed the shaft of her weapon and wrenched it from the ground and immediately deflected a slash from Lu Bu’s weapon, got knocked back first into the wind wall and went flying sideways out of Lu Bu’s range.

Shanty managed to kick off the wind safely and roll into standing on her hind legs at the ready again, slightly more wobbly as her spine was in quite a bit of pain.

Lu Bu paused and considered something for a moment.

“My God Force: ‘Slash’, goes through any physical defense, how are you deflecting my attacks?” It had finally occurred to Lu Bu that she had deflected multiple attacks with physical movements.

“My slashes be magic too.” Shanty answered as she wearily readied herself to keep going, catching her breath and regaining whatever strength she had in her before they got back into it.

Being slapped into the ground had taken a bit of fight out of her.

Even after seeing him regrow his heart in his chest without so much as batting an eye at the fact that he had been gored so badly and barely reacted in mild pain as his heart grew back.

She shoved the shaft of her hooked scythe in her mouth and brought her hooves close together as she backed up towards the winds and angle her front hooves at the winds threateningly.

Lu Bu was being far too powerful and Shanty hadn’t wanted to do this… but, when needs must… think stupid and hoped it worked out!

Lu Bu gave her actions a curious stare, she was threatening something, but it wasn’t likely to work as he readied to charge and end her existence in a painful manner.

Shanty for her part knew that a lot of fire would really be messing up Lu Bu’s healing ability something fierce, she wasn’t going to be able do the clone thing again unless she actually survived this battle and only then after an amount of rest.

Her new technique took a lot magic to even do and the weakness of it made itself apparent if her actual self takes a hit, it immediately disrupted the clone’s existences which was a drawback if her opponent could be telling who the real Shanty was.

What was Shanty about to do? Why that simple campfire lighting technique Pom had taught her of course! She readied her right hind leg and would kicked off the ground with her left and lash her right up high to cling to the wind wall while igniting the swirling winds upside down.

Shanty was going to matchstick the whole arena and hoped it did more to help than actually hinder.

Lu Bu lunged forward his spear stabbing and then sweeping about in a slash, Shanty naturally followed through with flipping upward on to the wall of wind and…

-Outside the Hellish Hurricane, Quetal-

The entire world became blinding in an instant and once I blinked the spots out of my eyes I saw a massive blazing swirl racing into the sky.

Oh gods and goddesses, all legendary deities above and Arceus himself…. Shanty was in there!

I quickly dodge back and slashed a wound into the Rapidash side when I found my feet trying to take me towards the blazing tower to help Shanty.

“Shanty!” Favela shouted.

Smolder also made a panicked exclamation, she currentgly had multiple hoof prints embedded in her scales, Smolder proved to be quite good against the Rapidash given its flames did exactly nothing to her… it’s hooves on the other claw were downright scary that they could dent Smolder’s scales so badly.

Favela had been hanging back and trying not to be close and personal to the Rapidash, Smolder had been trying to use blunt force trauma and got trampled for it injuring her wings somewhat.

Dodo warbled at Smolder and tilted his head at Smolder, was Dodo implying what I thought he was.

“Right, I’ll get in there and help Shanty.” Smolder said as if understanding Dodo’s gesture. “You just have to stop that Nirik, Pony, Demon, whatever it is from getting in the way.”

Dodo quickly spat something out, a blob of liquid that suddenly hardened upon contact with the flaming face of the Rapidash, completely blinding it with what I assume to be a massive amount of dough and sugar.

The metal bird quickly rammed into it, doing a good rendition of tackle, to proceed and use its weight to temporarily pin the demon Pokémon down letting Smolder get by before it could use its blazing heat to clear its sight.

The Rapidash roared, reared up and sent the glowing red scorched Dodo flying back with an explosion of flames and two smacks of its hooves.

It tried to follow up its attack having failed to stop Smolder from getting by it, by choosing to go after the prone Dodo in anger.

I moved to intercept only for the Rapidash to be hit with a powerful torrent of water slowing them down immensely. It was coming from the last remaining Buizel still standing, who had just crossed the bridge and had recently used Rain Dance once again considering the rain renewed.

I followed up by pummeling the Rapidash with a Swift attack slowing their forward charge down further allowing Dodo to get up retreat and allow his metal form to cool down from the insane heat the Rapidash was putting off.

Whatever was happening in there, I could only hope Shanty was alright after the hellish localized hurricane's winds lit ablaze.


It is being quite hot in here, but I be blinding the angry bird by burning his eyes with the eruption of flames... he wouldn't be healing from that in a timely manner! Also wrapping myself in a thin barrier of sweat be the only reason why the heat hasn't done me in yet.

Oh don't get me wrong, I knew Lu Bu was still being quite dangerous even when blinded, nobody who is being this strong would be easy to take down just because he lost his physical sight for a short amount of time.

That red glow around him still hasn't stopped and was still going strong, like the howling burning winds around us.

So I'm not being nearly stupid enough to think he is anywhere close to being done.

I kept the one feather tightly clenched in my teeth still, even as Smolder barreled into the swirling vortex to lend some very much welcome aid.

Of course hearing him say that no physical defense could be stopping his slash, I just be realizing what that could be meaning for Smolder and an exceedingly cold chill be going down my spine.

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