• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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339. Mental Compound Fracture, Pt. 5.

Author's Note:

Again I'm still healing off a Cellulitis problem... most of it has cleared up.

I apologize for the Morpeko's dialogue.

-Yet another moment with the dark heroic unicorn, Oleander-

“I swear, these last few dimensions we’ve been to have been kind of too consistent.” I was upset and rightfully so. “All these dimensions have the same thing in common, what would normally be games are now something with ridiculous stakes!”

“Yep and we’re currently in the dimension where everything is dodgeball this time.” Buttina said as she bounced a dodgeball off a nearby brick wall covered in cracks with her hoof. “There’s the dimension with the fun monster based card game where everything revolves around it…”

“Yeah, I got my own card in that dimension and everything, even made a deck of skeletal monsters!” Well Fred was happy that he had his own card and deck apparently. At least Fred has his hobbies aside from trying to eat the souls of the innocent, bagels really put a stop to him when he gets rowdy. “The Lost Kingdoms universe was also interesting, I mean turning things into cards created from killing actual monsters… I have a few metal skeletons from that universe I can summon for fun.”

“There’s the dimension where everything was centered on a bloody version of Football called Blood Bowl. The dimension where everything was centered on soccer but there were all kinds of powers ups around to cause all sorts of weird things to happen, the mushroom people seemed to enjoy it. The dimension centered on Football insistently being called Soccer and then Soccer being called Football. We eventually got out of those dimensions, but the one with martial arts soccer was fun.” I liked that last one, all kinds of elements being used to fight with a soccer ball. “Why is it so many dimensions we’ve been to lately features games as universally important things? It boggles the mind that something children can play would be life threatening and world shaking, that hopscotch dimension really shouldn’t have existed for as long as it did.”

“Yeah, I liked destroying the hopscotch one too…” Wrex said with a happy sigh. “Oh, what about that dimension with those flying rocket cars and the giant soccer balls that explode when they enter the goals? Kind of want a bloodier version of that sport back on Tuchanka.”

“Out of the fifty racing dimensions we’ve visited, that one and the one with the Acceleracers and the evil vehicle driving robots were alright.” Anyone who made hopscotch a matter of national security deserves to be destroyed in my opinion. “Still can’t get over the fact that a universe for ‘GO FISH’ exists and the less said about how long we got stuck in the ‘game of UNO’ world the better. Those UNO games we played lasted for days… it didn’t take us long to figure out that we had to play until we finished the game, that universe enforces playing the game to the end.”

I was haunted by the dimension where UNO was the most played game in existence… it was horrifying how a single game of UNO had been going on for more than a year straight. We were lucky that the game we played only lasted a few days, the one that’s been going for a year straight was someone else’s problem.

“Let’s be fair here, nothing could ever get as dumb as that hopscotch dimension that no longer exists… with extreme prejudice…” Buttina used her magic to lift a dodgeball that had fire symbol on it, her jersey looked nice on her and she was the sportier of the two of us. “Ready to pelt faces with painful rubber mayhem?”

“YOU BETTER BELIEVE I AM!” Fred had multiple tentacles all wielding several dodgeballs.

“I agree with where this is going!” Wrex stated also wearing a jersey and was also holding a dodgeball, one with what was definitely a nuclear symbol on it. I gave him a flat look and he just grinned at me.

“The stakes better not be as ridiculous as the dimension where everything was centered on battle tops, including the technology. Which explained so much of the weirdness in that dimension.” I grumbled because that world might have been interesting, but the strategy was mostly build a top and put your soul behind the crest that have spirit beasts embedded into them. Aside from a few unique setups, there wasn’t much to the magical spinning top world. “Still, can we eventually to go back to that planet with the cute little battle flowers and giant vicious monsters?”

“Sure, maybe we can even find a space dog for Pom there, don’t think she has one of those yet.” Fred stated with a hint of humor.

-Ransei Region, Illusio, Cerebrum City, upper tier, Prison Compound Reception Room, Pom-

I slowly inhaled through my nose to slow everything down and think.

The Jynx were not nearly as fast as I was, but they would soon be on us in force and the entrance was being contested by Drowzee and Hypno breaking through a generally strong webbing barrier set up by Lit. There were also all the other monsters that I knew were surrounding the prison. Getting out of here alive was going to take a lot of effort, hopefully Shanty, Dodo or Ocellus were doing something to make said effort easier.

Favela looked like she was a shivering from all the cold, plants don’t do well in winter and Grass Types had the associated weakness. Ice types had a weakness to fire, so I could very well hit those Jynx with a Spark Burst combo Dolly and I can do. The question being, did Dolly have the magic or mental fortitude for that in this moment?

Dolly was apparently thinking at my speed in this instant and answered at the speed my mind was going, that had to be subconscious because there was no way Dolly could do this consciously without effort as her body wouldn’t handle the Dancing Flame’s side effects. Said side effects nearly killed me in her world when added on top of using Shock-Ram a second time.

Shock-Ram was so easy to use and comprehend, but the side effects as soon as it was over were nasty to my continued chances of living a long fruitful life… yeah at this rate I would barely had three years left to live if I had to do it again.

As smart and capable as Dolly was, she was still quite frail like I was without my wool absorbing most or all the damage for me. Her body was as fit as it was going to get and she was mostly like that before I met her.

I really wouldn’t want to use that move a third time, not in this situation and not until I had a very good reason to overclock my body to what would be a certain death. Barely survived the second use, which turned out exponentially worse. I’m not ready to make that kind of ‘final sacrifice’ yet, goodness knows if that will push me to full Chrysomallus status and I would have a major problem keeping that under control if I fully turned.

Lit wasn’t going to be any help, he was out of energy to fight. The guy was a little trooper, but he can’t give much more than he obviously already had. He needed some time to recover some energy and possibly needs to be struck by a lightning bolt or chew on some static charged wool socks, maybe eat a berry or two.

In the next second, Dolly and I acted as one as when I asked her permission. She didn’t even give it a single thought, not a single thought before she agreed to do whatever I needed of her in that moment. It was terrifying what kind of power I could have over her, almost as much as what power I let her have over me. Our trust in each other was bordering on the level of being completely ridiculous for the amount of time we’ve known each other, but not entirely unfounded as we bonded quite well with one another.

She leapt at me holding her board in front herself while grimacing, my left hoof flashed out and struck it with a thunderous force. Dolly barely had time to prevent herself from slamming into the wall or corner to the left of the entrance with her momentum control, but I could feel the impact had recharged her very limited magical pool to bursting and I could vaguely feel something new and strange about Dolly.

I’d have to investigate what was new with Dolly later, I turned my head and looked to the passage way I came from, the approaching Jynx were almost on us. Dolly could see what I saw, even if she couldn’t see it personally from her current position. Dolly could still direct her magic using my line of sight to aim right where I needed her to.

“Aerora!” Two horizontal tornadoes formed and immediately combined into a massive hallway filling one to buffet the Jynx and push them back slightly.

I was relying on Pokémon being horrendously sturdy for what I was about to do, Dolly and did this with ‘Aero’ quite a few time, but in this moment I wanted us to go full blast with ‘Aerora’.

I exhaled, raised my front legs and solemnly slapped them together in under a second. A spark left the wool claws from above my hooves into the roaring winds that took the spark and ignited it with impressive force. The hallway became a one way conflagration entirely directed at the Ice Types, I was relying on Pokémon being quite sturdy here.

Our abilities were incredibly complimentary, though I’m quite sure that nobody thought the campfire lighting technique could be used quite like this. Though I’m fairly aware some cows ignite their farts for the fun of it. Trying so very hard to not think about Arizona’s mother right now… Maggie certainly seemed like a cow that would do that, she lit enough dynamite sticks that way whenever I saw her that I was traumatized anytime I even so much as heard her voice.

The time from meeting up with Dolly to igniting an entire hallway of horrific amount of fire, barely three seconds had went by since I arrived in the reception room area. I looked at Favela and continued to pat her gently on the back, trying to comfort her. This was all a little bit much for the bush goat and I was glad she was accepting my comforting and not panicking.

I stood here for a solid minute as the Hypno and Drowzee hacked away at the webbing separating us from them getting into the reception room from the bottleneck of the entrance hallway.

Okay, Pom, what outrageous thing would I have to do this time, what more of myself could I compromise in the name of staying alive? I’ve been pushing my meekness to the very back of my mind, alongside the anxiety Ocellus could obviously feel from a fair distance away, but in face of danger meekness was not going to help nor was worrying about the lives of those who could care less about me or mine. I still definitely cared about theirs though, doesn’t mean I won’t maul or cripple, I’m drawing the line at actually causing an intelligent being to die by my hooves with the exception of possibly Gilgamesh.

I would really rather become a beast, than let the Chrysomallus heritage take me. Unfortunately I couldn’t become a full beast, I had near full control of my bestial side. Why couldn’t I just be myself anymore?

After everything was said and done, the mental scars might never heal… no matter how much help my physical body might get from all the ways to heal this world could throw at me. You can’t heal or seal a mental scars like you can a biological wound.

Focus Pom, dour thoughts later, a lot of people are counting on me whether I know them or not… kind of wish that wasn’t the case here. I kind of put myself into this position because I have a responsibility to Ocellus and Smolder, not to mention my other friends who were also currently trapped in this prison.

The conflagration I created died down and I saw five barely breathing badly scorched blackened bodies, only one of the Jynx among the six were still active… because they flash froze themselves into a block of ice.

There was barely any ice left covering the Jynx, but they quickly freed themselves from it with only some minimal harm from the heat and looked ready to continue attacking as she carefully stepped around the body of her fallen comrades while glaring at me.

What to do about the immediate problem of the Hypno and Drowzee, I couldn’t tap Dolly to keep using up her energy to use magic constantly as it was taxing on her head to use too much magic in a short amount of time.

“Favela… prepare yourself for what’s incoming, stay with Dolly after I push the Drowzee and Hypno back.” I was a responsible adult and was willing to take responsibility for what comes next when I gave Dolly my idea. “Dolly, on me, now!”

“You do realize this is going to drive you crazy right? It certainly got to me.” Dolly mumbled as the Jynx prepared an attack. “Well I’ll still be somewhat capable of fighting after this, hope you know what you’re doing Pom… HASTE!”

I was the target of Dolly’s spell.

I felt it surround me, my blood was thrumming in my body I felt the world slow down, I added Dancing Flame as the magic washed over me to the effect. Instead of deep breathing I used a steady breathing method, my every normal breathe was now performing Dancing Flame instead of using quick powerful bursts.

I felt the world become incredibly slow, it almost seemed like it stopped. Speed had always been one of my best attributes… now I was faster than the world.

In Dolly’s sight I could see she was imagining a red clock floating above my head and the hands on said clock were moving slowly at first and then began spinning wildly representing the speeding up of the target compared to everything else.

I could feel the aggression building up in me, I tried not to let loose like Dolly does while under the effects of her body suddenly being doubled in capability of being able to move, think or react to her environment. My mind was more solid than Dolly’s under the effects of Haste, I have five minutes and I should not let the effects become addictive to me. It felt like there was fire in my veins and it felt so wonderful, terrifying and impossible, the power that came from this bit of magic.

The magic despite how incredible it was, was really quite simple in what it does, it does not age the body or speed up biological processes… magic could ignore a few things like that. Wherever this spell comes from, it was made with the very intention of being used in combat without the side effects of the user aging to death rapidly… the magic succeeded in making one feel so alive. The main magic effects also don’t cause any strain or backlash personally, it made me wonder how anyone could have made such ancient magic that could be passed down by certain individuals just seeing it, because I doubt Dolly knowing how to use this spell was anywhere near close to the word normal.

First three seconds were spent with my wolf shaped wool paws clawing up the Jynx to weaken it, I heard the last of the webbing barrier left by a weak Lit rip and I did one last thing to the Jynx by biting it in the arm to cripple it. Within the next second I was already bearing down on the six Drowzee and Hypno trying to enter the reception and had just broken through… they couldn’t react to my presence in time or the series of rapid fire barks that blast into them as I charged forward. The Bark Blast Barrage was going to make my throat sore for a bit, but I was going to be using Wolf-Fang-Hoof style to wear down the number of active guards outside and within the compounds walls.

The more I took down in the next five minutes, the more chances for the others to escape. I could only hope Favela and Dolly would be enough for the Jynx. My muscles were going to tear badly from my wool boosting my natural capabilities, but I didn’t need my defensive ability if I was moving fast enough to not get hit.

I did one small shift in my wool, I streamlined it like I did when I fought that creature on the airplane… I kind of copied this capability directly from it. Right now I needed a sufficient lack of air resistance and I knew how to basically become frictionless…

This power, ‘haste’, it was quite maddening in how it was driving my mind to frenzy! Hopefully I could mangle enough guards to not be in trouble when the magical effects wear off.


I didn’t even see Pom move, within a blink she was gone and I was perceiving two very different things. The world almost at a stop from Pom’s perspective and the world as I saw it in real time.

Pom was moving far faster than she had ever moved before, her muscles being enhanced by her wolf wool thing, her Dancing Flame and my Haste added on top of that… she was impossible to see. It’s kind of like those statues that only moved when you weren’t looking at them in that one horror story, so fast it’s as if they didn’t exist if you so much as blinked. Also you would be quite dead if you blinked… too bad this would last five minutes and Pom was going to be hurting afterwards.

That’s when the strange biped with the weird lips and long hair came into the room, bleeding from a series of claw wounds across the front of her body. They certainly looked jinxed, I can understand why they were called that.

The feminine monsters right arm looked to have been bitten into at the elbow joint and crushed rendering that limb useless, I wonder if that was the ‘haste’ or just naturally Pom being protective. She turned towards us and was about to attack when a whip of flames slapped her across the face making her wail in pain and another wrapped around her good arm.

The jinxed could barely react when Dazzle pulled it to her and was already on the jinxed in an instant, not giving it any chance to fight back by immediately going into violently biting and scratching the other monster without any of that energy stuff going on.

Dazzle quickly overpower the Jinxed with relative ease.

-Outside the prison compound, Kenshin-

I had arrived and stood on the edge of the building to get a scope of the situation, the compound was practically swarming with… what the?!

An explosion from the entrance of the prison to the left of the warden’s offices and the guard’s barracks, multiple yellow bodies were flying covered in claw marks and I vaguely felt the air shift. I could feel heightened aggression surrounding the flying bodies in that instance, I could barely see what was clawing them.

It was moving faster than any eye could possibly perceive, but my mind could capture the front portion of the image as it pass through the air leaving a trail of after images. As if the being were a ghost with how fast they were moving and didn’t have hind legs.

My eyes widened, the form was like that of a wolf… it was not a Pokémon though. I watched as the inside of the compounds courtyard was thrown into complete chaos, said area was positively covered in various types guards quickly became dispatched by something moving at an incredible speed. I’m pretty sure the world didn’t even know it should be creating multiple sonic booms in response. Whatever it was, it slid through the air as if frictionless and at speeds most Pokémon couldn’t comprehend. Only a Latias and Latios would be hard pressed to fight something that moves like that as their combat speeds were not the same as their high altitude flying speeds and they flew by Cerebrum every once in a while, maybe even visited for a quick stop for food.

I watched for ten seconds as the guards went flying every which way, but none of them were being killed…

Whoever this was, despite their current level viciousness, they had a lot of burdens on their heart. I could sympathize with them greatly. As a member of the Ralts line I am in tune with the feelings of others. This was not the power of a great beast, this was the movements of pure desperation to take down as many of the guards as possible within what I assume to be a time limit. The guards that were about to flood into the prison to keep things contained were caught flat footed and were trying to fight back, the keyword here was ‘trying’ if it could even be called that.

The being attacking them was so fast that the Wobbuffet couldn’t even get a Shadow Tag lock on them. Some were trying Destiny Bond, but that was proving entirely ineffective for some reason and normally that would work on anything that could take them out in one blow or multiple consecutive blows.

There were just as many of Gilgamesh’s forces outside the prison, hundreds of them.

My Sharpness was needed here, but I need not pull my blade out… I didn’t want to use it quite yet. However my blade was not needed when my arms were blades in themselves.

Life Dew, Fury Cutter, Psycho Cut and… Sacred Sword… a move I could only do with the blade at my hip to use my most devastating techniques. Those were all the moves I needed to see the next twenty four hours through.

Whether I lived or died, I was going to liberate Gilgamesh’s head from his body or at least set it up that someone could end his reign of terror once and for all.

“So you came here… well I can tell you right now, you better hurry if you want to be saving the wooly one. She’s a good cook and seemed like a nice homemaker. If she wasn’t being forced to be a fighter right now she’d be really good friend to have, but even she can’t fight that many Pokémon for long and I’m sure she’s aware of that and is going full tilt. She’s going to slow down eventually and she’ll be surrounded when she does. Her body can’t take such a strain she’s putting it through in my ex-per-tease based opinion.” I looked to the Murkrow who perched next to me and her eyes were darting about, was she actually following the path of the flying bodies or could she see the movements of the creature attacking the guards? “That right there would be the creator of Team Harmony… she’s more terrifying than I would have first thought and I watched her cripple the most elite team of Hypno Gilgamesh could bring against her and she’s not even doing what she did then. She’s not even tapping into that… whatever it was she did when she brought to life an entire pack of beasts she can apparently portray just by herself with scary amount of accuracy. I’m going inside to get scope on things, help that normally sweet lady Pom out front will you?”

With that the Murkrow took off and quickly flew for the entrance of the prison after apparently seeing something of interest.


I leapt from the ledge to the streets and stopped myself with my psychic ability before I hit the ground, I charged up a Fury Cutter on the edges or both my blade like arms. Those who followed me here better not draw trouble, for I would be trying to draw as much of it as I could away from them and to myself as I could.

“Go help your friends!” I called out behind me, then I charged forward towards the nearest Sigilyph deftly avoiding its blasts as I closed in and with one, leaping, sweeping lash and flash in the air the Sigilyph fell to the ground.

My heart was still too kind, despite being an assassin that had killed many… I could not bring myself to murder in cold blood those who have sworn themselves to the throne regardless of who is sitting on it. I needed to harden it for the final battle ahead.

“Come, show me that your resolve is worth all the suffering you’ve caused in Gilgamesh’s name!” I screamed out loud, drawing the opposing forces outside the prison to myself as I charged for them with glowing arms.

There were hundreds and I was but one Fighting and Psychic Type, unfortunately for all of my opponents involved I was the strongest member among the rebels. I had to help the Rescue Team Leader secure the prison!

-Prison Compound, Reception Room, Dazzle-

Okay the guard was taken care of and… what happened here? I looked to Favela and, after seeing what I just did, Favela ran up to me and hugged me with her hooves while whimpering. I gently tried to comfort her, she had apparently lost some of her mental faculties due to the psychic energy in the air.

“Can we go save Shanty now? We kind of left her behind in the Dark Type Cellblock.” Favela asked quietly, showing that she was still capable of keeping her mind focused.

I calmly ran my claws down her back, stroking her leaves to get her to stop panicking. It was kind of hard to remember that she was a kid like Shanty, what with how brave she was throughout everything we’ve been through thus far.

I looked to Dolly who seem exhausted, but she gave me a hearty grin and a wagging tail and pumped a paw. She made sure Lit was resting comfortable as she came over to me and motioned towards the Dark Type Cellblock.

I nodded and we were going to both set out that way when we heard two noises from the third Cellblock entrance and turned to see two Araquanid looking at us curiously.

“One of you follow me, the other holds this room!” I called out while waving my right claw. If they were free, then the Sleepers Cellblock was being dealt with already. Possibly Ocellus’s doing if I had to guess, one of the two of us who weren’t captured.

Lit had done so much already, his spirit was still quite willing even as he sat silently on Dolly’s back incapable of much else as he was out of energy. Not an easy thing to accomplish as Pokemon always had lots of energy, but the smaller the Pokémon the more they needed to pace their energy usage and Joltik were not exactly known for their efficiency compared to the amount of raw lighting they could ingest.

There was no argument, just the nodding of the two Araquanid as they surveyed the destruction left in what was obviously Pom’s wake. One started towards the Dark Type Cellblock to aid in whatever the situation was there with me as we moved down the hallways.

Pom could only do so much, it wouldn’t be long before she tore herself apart… again. I remembered how well she fared after her fight with Cu Chulainn using her wolf form, as Geoff had proven… that alteration to her appearance was not unstoppable.

I had wondered why Geoff beating her was so soothing to Pom at the time, but now I can kind of understand that she needed the comfort of being beaten into the ground. That she had not stopped being herself was important to Pom, but I didn’t have the full context aside from the word ‘Chrysomallus’ to go off of. Being defined as a Chrysomallus was apparently life altering to a major degree, kind of like how I’m now defined somewhat by being a Salazzle of an unusual size.

Still don’t know what she did when she went total beast on those Hypno in the forest, I just know that swallowing flesh or blood was not something she should naturally be capable of doing without getting sick. Still, Pom was of mind to not kill any of them despite crippling them.

Odd thing to be thinking of right now as I heard fighting ahead of us.

It’s hard to find friends who will accept everything about you, but being hugged by Favela was an oddity of trust I don’t think I’ve quite fully earned. Favela still came with Dolly and me, with the Araquanid bringing up the rear as it trundled along.

I didn’t know what Pom was doing right now, but we had to hurry before she burned herself out.

-Alleyway, Mundo-

Kenshin was quite brave, but he was also being quite a madman charging directly into a horde of dangerous Pokémon. He was showing his bravery as he tore into the numbers as a one Pokémon war effort and he was doing quite well in the short term.

“Any words of wisdom here Mundo?” Shine asked patiently.

“Yes, the heart or willpower is sometimes stronger than the body, perhaps even unbreakable in some situations.” I stated with a certainty. “I am here after all in a city surrounded by Psychic Types, am I not brave for not cowering at the thought of having to fight at least a few of them?”

“You are at that Lucha Mundo.” Shine said with bright smile that could light a darkened world as much as her belly would.

“I hope Mr. Thunderbeak is alright…” Cleffa stated as the Morpeko and Leavanny poked their heads out of the alleyway.

“Wait a moment… what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in safety or evacuating to such?” I asked of the Leavanny.

“Nowhere is exactly safe at the moment.” The male Leavanny said wisely. “Besides we owe those three other Morpeko trapped in there our functional sanity. We are not traditionally fighters, but we know how to turn work into fighting. We want to at least help out here before we, heh, ‘bug’ out.”

“You do a service to the species from which you come, for never have I ever seen braver souls in the face of such numbers.” I said confidently while standing tall.

“Wish I had your kind of spirit, but yes we’ll fight for our friends here and in Binder Blade forest.” The female Levanny shivered and rubbed her arms with her scythe like leaves. “We’re partly Bug Types, we shouldn’t cower from a fight with some fancy Psychics even if we don’t have the numbers to win a large scale battle.”

With the several hundred guards around the compound converging on two separate things, we could slip through in the chaos to get into the compound and lend assistance where needed.

“At most I think we only need to win multiple smaller scale battles truthfully, you will act in a medical capacity to those in need if the conditions in the prison are as bad as we think they are.” I would protect them with my very life, the Morpeko would too as they were here to rescue everyone we feasibly could.

-Prison Compound, Dark Type Cellblock, Shanty-

“Just be keeping them off of me please!” The entirety of the Dark Type Cellblock was being in chaos, a number of Dark Types had been taken down in flashes of pink or other strange attacks, but I’ve freed enough that they were starting to overrun the guards.

“Do you need an army? I can get you one, help me get to the Sleeper Cellblock… I can assure you that none of the sleepers like Gilgamesh.” The grey cat Pokémon called an Espurr stated with a wary weak look as the two Dark Types with him supported him and kept him standing. “The Purrloin here can’t fight if they are constantly holding me up and I have a good idea of what you’re doing here… the rebels finally came for us… there’s hope…”

I did not want to be correcting him and simply nodded, I was being a rebel enough as a pirate. No need to be disappointing him with the truth.

“Why can’t you be asking the other Dark Types for help?” A number of them were busy holding off the guards for me as I did my best to unlock more cells. The locks were barely difficult to me anymore and I was taking five to ten second minimum to open a cell now once I reached them.

“I was a warden of this prison… they are not liable to listen to me or want to help me. Though they are not inclined to hurt me because I’m as bad off as they were.” That and everyone else be too busy fighting the guards.

“Go on, we’ve got this. We can take things from here.” The tall bipedal fox Dark Type stated as he appeared from ripples in the air. “Just send back some help.”

I nodded and carefully escorting the great bipedal cat being helped by two purple and cream spotted furred cats.

When we be getting back to the top of the Cellblock and the entrance, I be getting some good news.

“Shanty!” Favela stated with happiness, though she didn’t look to be too good in the head. The Psychic energy must be getting to her.

I was about to move forward when I found myself stuck in place.

“Wobba!” One of the Wobble Wardens be catching me only to be taken down a second later by Quetal slamming a swinging kick into it that toppled it. It is being knocked out when the back of its head be slamming into the floor.

“The fighting here is getting pretty bad, but I think we’ll make it out of here.” He wasn’t the only one that showed up with a cheerful grin, behind him were the three Morpeko. One of the Morpeko was notably transformed.

“’FLEEEP FLEEP FLEEPING FLEEP FLEEP,’ THIS ‘BLEEP, Euphemism for a corkscrew and a bottle opener used quite incorrectly’ and wreck some face while we’re at it!” Yep, a Morpeko would make for a good pirate in a cursing contest, but they were being a bit too small for my intended crew.

“Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?!” One of the appalled Dark Types among the fighting the Psychic Type guards yelled.

“OF COURSE I DON’T FLIPPING KISS MY MOTHER WITH MY ‘a visual scene a nice grassy knoll with the wind blowing through it’ it’s so filthy that ‘insert favorite metaphor for a baseball bat here’ and then I’ll cauterize the wound!” Quite a few Dark Types shivered and even the prison guards stopped their fighting to stare at the lone Morpeko that had jumped up on the railing to let loose another tirade of expletives. “Let’s ‘BLEEPING’ go get this Espurr to the Sleeper Cellblock already!”

A number of guards had the same thought when they heard Espurr and Sleeper Cellblock in the same sentence and paled visibly at seeing the two Purrloin propping up the Espurr quickly carrying him out of sight through the entrance.

The guards all immediately started ignoring the Dark Types and began targeting the group at the cellblocks with everything they had to go after and stop Espurr as the collected Team Harmony group fled for the hallway.


“Don’t let the guards go after them, keep them occupied!” I was the undisputed leader of the freed Dark Types now and they all knew that the guards had a priority to keep the Espurr from doing what I think he was going to do.

It would be glorious!

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