• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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276. Server City Ransom Pt. 1.

Author's Note:

If I were a more sane person, I would have stopped writing a while ago.

Music: Digimon World 2, Jijimon's theme.

-Digital Realm, Server City, slightly upgraded hideout, evening, Pom-

“So… where did Strabimon go?” Dazzle asked as we sat here eating.

“He’s a free spirit and he probably didn’t want to stick around a lot of people for long, the guy might need to socialize more and that’s coming from me given how horrible I was at it until moving to my home in Huoshan and I’ve been better about it. Besides, it’s going to be hard enough to survive getting back to Ransei with more people involved.” That was my read on the guy. Dazzle recently acquired a friend in Frizzle and speaking of the overly calm red and relatively silent lizard, she was quietly chewing on some bread next to her. “Goodness knows you don’t want to go back to Ransei and have plenty of reasons not to, aside from having friends in Aurora.”

“…” Dazzle didn’t comment and continued to eat some food Uver procured outside of the digital realm.

Frizzle just gave Dazzle a slightly curious and worried gaze before popping some bread with other stuff between it in her mouth, she was eating a full baguette with various weird things on it.

Lit was gnawing on a few fresh strawberries, nothing interesting going on with the lightning bug. He was leading a simple life and living on Dolly’s back as a benign tick.

Dolly was happily munching away on some kibble, happy to not have gone an entire week without it and the small resupply wouldn’t last her very long unless she rationed it out.

I was personally eating still hot vegetable lo-mein, Uver had a unique storage space in his bag that’ll keep things that go in the same until they come back out. Not that it’s a new concept to me considering we saw examples of that in the World Where Dreams Can Come True.

“First bit of real food I’ve had in a while that wasn’t the usual digital world weirdness, I almost forgot how good it could taste.” Canard was enjoying some bread freshly baked by Frizzle and was enjoying some food from ‘reality’ for himself. He seemed in a good mood at least. “You’re attention please, we know the lockdown was caused by a Chaosdramon X. That said, there are very few anchors in this world that can be used to be get out of this realm to a reality. One of those anchors is huge and that is not the way we’re going for one good reason. I don’t know why there is another digital world at the end of that other particular anchor, but I think we should leave that one alone considering the information I found shows it’s where Chaosdramon X came from to actively intercept your group. The anchor that Pom’s group came from is going to be in repair for quite a while, but after scrounging up enough information I already know there is another anchor is nearby, it’s in what is in the capitol of the kingdom of Violight.”

“Well that’s doesn’t sound too far away from where we previously were, do you know the time disparity we’re working with here?” After saying this, I watched as Canard unrolled a map of this world and sighed. “Really Arceus? That’s not a very subtle at all.”

“Sixty days to a minute or hour at least in reality based time. You won’t be missed for long if we can get out through the computer connected to the Violight city anchor in less than a few months.” The map had several anchor locations drawn on it, some were too far away to use and many of them were labeled Valora. There seemed to be a thick amount of those anchoring this digital realm to Ransei, in fact it seems that’s where this digital world is primarily anchored at. “There are only two anchors close to us and one of them is heavily blocked off, as I said Chaosdramon X came from that direction. The other is the one we need that will get us to Ransei.”

“Arceus, the physical god of the world Dazzle and Lit are from?” Sami asked as she looked at the map. “What makes you mention them?”

This entire realm was shaped like Arceus as if you were looking at him from head on, I could see the circle and four spikes of the circular thing coming from Arceus’s waist. His body made up the central spiked I shaped mass of this continent. We were on the western edge of the incomplete circle between the north western and southern west spikes that were a part of Arceus’s halo thing.

“Call it a hunch that he’s had some influence on this realm...” I said blankly.

“Yeah, that’s not really a hunch at all and you know it Pom! He’s probably got something going on here and probably wants us to figure it out or something… I mean that’s usually how this stuff works with god’s right? I’m only basing this off of that Poodle Wolf stuff Dylan and Dor… Dormarch were into.” Dolly muttered that last part as I sent her the image of Arceus looking straight at us and then mentally overlaid that on the map with that. The western edge of this continent would be Arceus’s right side waist girdle thing extension. The peninsula at the bottom was his two pointed legs coming together and at the northernmost part of the continent was the top of his head. “He really is stupidly powerful… so why couldn’t he bring Dormarch back?”

“I’m sure there are very good reasons for it Dolly, for one Dormarch wasn’t a Pokémon or under his purview so he was probably limited in that respect.” I whisper to her and didn’t want to explain what Dolly just said, so I kept her words to myself. “Also he had to grab onto a soul and couldn’t do so because Dormarch did something with his to make it impossible to reincarnate him as a Pokémon.”

“So the continent looks more unusual than a normal File Island or Folder Continent should… it still has some aesthetic close to being a File Island at least, what with the disc shape going around the central I shaped mass with the ghostly candle like flame at the northern edge and dagger like tip at the bottom.” You don’t know the half of the truth Sami and I think you were trying to distract us, even I barely even know less than a quarter given the wacky stuff we’ve been seeing. “Well if you see something different, then that’s alright to me.”

“Anyway… I got a good look at the source coding for this realm even if I can’t touch it with a mile long pole. We can access the way out of this realm into the reality that is the Ransei continent. I came into this world from closer to the southern end of the continent from a different digital realm and you met me around here.” Canard said tapping the map western curve of the coastline portion of the ring and our current position was in the middle of the arc in that ring. “With a few issues being in our way.”

“I’m guessing that there’s a large big backside in there ready to rudely begin thrusting itself in our faces and asking for a hard kicking while it’s at it.” I’m definitely quite sure that I wasn’t wrong in thinking it either, even if I was being sarcastic. I just wanted to have some fun, befriend a lot of strange monsters and not have to fight anything, which was too much to ask for apparently.

“I won’t say it then. We simply can’t access the next closest anchor back to Ransei without the key code and the code for that particular anchor point… was recently stolen as I was looking into a way to open said anchor point after all the anchors to this world went into lockdown.” Gee, what a surprise Canard. Let me guess, we’ll have to do something like go track them halfway across the... “The culprit is currently in this city, but I don’t know where and there are a lot of Digimon gathering around them to possibly take over the city or cause a riot that the local peace keepers can’t deal with. That would be very bad for all involved and we may need to egg a lot of Digimon soon. We’ll try to find him tomorrow, but he’s going to be a big problem to deal with as much as find.”

Oh… that was much simpler than what I was expecting, what was the catch? I’m terrified of the proposition of another Saint Canard Crisis happening and Dolly was shivering quietly too.

“How big of a problem are we talking here, can I at least get a name of this culprit so I know how to prepare for them?” Sami was glancing at Canard, as she pulled her gun from her back and seemingly inspected.

“It’s an Ultimate level Digimon named Etemon, apparently a real nasty piece of work at any range and I wouldn’t want to fight that guy in hand to hand if I could help it.” Canard seemed worried about the guy that has the thing we need to get out of here in a timely manner.

“An Etemon? Ugh… those guys are some of the nastiest and most aggressive bit of coding in existence… an advertising virus. I’m pretty sure this city has to have a Volcamon at least to counter the guy somewhat, how else would a city like this run without someone to monitor this realms processor heat sink?” Now Sami was shivering quite violently with a horrified wide eyed look in her eyes, as if she’s met an Etemon before, she slowly looked at us and then sighed while coming back to her senses. “Right, we have biologicals here that need protecting, get your brain in gear Soldier. In simple terms… imagine a ridiculously powerful muscle bound microphone and banana wielding monkey with a horrible singing voice and a thing for advertisements and jingles as much as being into himself, Etemon. Now imagine a large bipedal robotic looking guy with a volcano coming out of his back, Volcamon.”

“What are we looking at as far as forces we might have to fight if we can’t talk our way through this scenario to get back what the thief stole so we can use it ourselves to get back to Ransei? Not saying us using the key to open the anchor to escape would be a good thing considering we could be letting Chaosdramon X through the lockdown and that would doom this realm entirely.” Noticing the way that Canard’s beak clenched as he seemed to be warring at himself with the happy idea of being back in a reality at the possible cost of this ones existence, I had an idea that we weren’t getting through tomorrow without at least one fight or many… no matter what we did.

“Well we do have vague acquaintances that wouldn’t want this city to come to ruin…” Not that I thought they would be able to handle a monster of that kind of awe inspiring despair that basically erased a number of Machinedramon in seconds. Machinedramon were quite terrifying soulless looking beings to most people of these worlds apparently, it says something when even the soulless beings can have something to fear and I definitely feared it.

Frizzle raised a claw and nodded, she was really chill about hearing we’d have some trouble coming to us as soon as tomorrow and wanted to protect the city if the narrowed look in her eyes were anything to go by.

“I know a lot of species of Digimon, but Etemon is one I haven’t personally dealt with or met yet in person… for some reason I think I should feel lucky about that. I prefer interacting with rookies and champions for a reason and had to avoid anything bigger like an ultimate. God of all pucks help me if another mega sees me as target to pursue like Hiandromon, that guy was a bit relentless given how far he pursued me from the south.” Canard looked to us. “That said, an Ultimate level Digimon is nothing to sneeze at and his minions are likely to be Rookies or Champion levels, mostly cannon fodder at best for us if we all put in some effort. As for Etemon himself, we’d never beat him even if all of us took him on without at least a few Champions working with us.”

“I can take on the grunts with some help from you guys, but Etemon himself… we’re going to need a darn good fighter for that and at least we already have a Digimon with the right element to do a little damage. Etemon is weak to fire… that’s about it as blunt trauma doesn’t phase them one bit so earth based and most forms of physical Digimon attack do zip.” Sami was looking at Frizzle when she said that and the lazy red lizard nodded with a slight gleam in her eyes. “They are arrogant and very much in love with their own voices, but when they get serious… they fight dirty, they fight rough and they can give you a beating at a pretty good speed despite keeping up their goofball act entirely while doing it. If they start going hour long infomercial spiel, then we’ll need to put them down hard and fast because they might soon become MetalEtemon and then they’d be impossible to deal with… in more ways than one… so many Andromons…”

“I’d still like to try myself against Etemon to gauge his strength, us Pokémon are pretty hardy beings and if you need fire…” The markings along Dazzle’s backside spewed purple slightly and then promptly lit on fire, Frizzle took a moment to appreciate the flames and then pulled out a pan with something in it and held it over the flames without Dazzle paying her any attention. “Well you do have another lizard who specializes in poison, fire and flammable poison. I’m still learning to sing so I can do my Round move better.”

“Less worried about Etemon now, but still pretty darn worried if he’s going to be surrounded by powerful minions.” At least Sami had a pretty good idea of this Etemon’s strength and could measure it against our strength.

“Dolly can increase the power of fire based attacks with her wind magic if it helps.” It was me simply acknowledging just how much support duty Dolly kept pulling when she wanted to be more front and center at times. I have to give it to Dolly, she knew how to keep a bright attitude going in the face of adversities that keep beating mine to a creamy pulp. “Also I can work on a technique I haven’t gotten correct quite yet.”

“That Blazing Thousand Spear thing, yeah, that one still needs work Pom. Stick to the wolf claws if you have to really dig into the fighting and keep your wool protection up.” It was something Dolly was trying to help me with before and after the battle of Fontaine, aside from Buster Wolf and Bark Buster, I still haven’t even perfected those two moves yet what with the anomalies I’ve seen from Dolly’s perspective in the Buster Wolf attack and I’m still trying to get the Bark Buster to be a bit more uniform in power even if it was a versatile attack that I have to spit in an arc. Bark Blast was still more powerful close up. “You need more practice with your Sheep’s Clothing wool shift, because you still tear your muscles really fast when using it. The only reason why you aren’t in agony is because those Sitrus Berries do a lot of good work fixing the pain you keep putting yourself in to even move that fast and wasn’t that the major problem with using Dancing Flame? Except that form isn’t just a burst of speed, it’s constantly on. We only have so many of those berries Pom and we might need them soon.”

“Noted.” I continued to eat quietly as I thought of what to do or be worried about tomorrow, I slurped up a few noodles and considered something. “What’s a Jijimon, should we worry about the guy that’s stated to be the protector of the Dalmamon?”

“Etemon probably wouldn’t want to mess with him. Jijimon are really powerful, everyone’s grandpa kind of guy. They are a mega level Digimon that tends to hide their full true strength behind a sweet old man visage, endanger those they care for at your own risk.” Again Sami was a fountain of information and it sounds like that grandpa was a dangerous guy and would be doing the job of guarding innocent Digimon lives if the city went into an uproar. “Even so, he can’t be everywhere at once and will likely take down more than his fair share of Digimon that try to hurt any local baby Digimon or even the Dalmamon who we’ve heard are having battle programming problems. So we can’t rely on them to defend themselves effectively, they’ll be fine if he’s there to protect them at least.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t ask us, but I guess you probably already know that as champions we are kind of lacking in the outright combat department due to specializing in something. Uver and I are not entirely helpless though.” Hea-Gatomon sounded somewhat worried about the Dalmamon, despite her nervousness, she had befriended quite a few of them before we left. “As part of the UCT, Uver’s Courier Team, I can safely say that we can add two high speed mobility specialists and information gatherers that are quite decent in combat too and would be good at rescuing and or moving others to safety. Another Champion that can fight at an Ultimate level and just an Ultimate outright. We’re willing to throw in and help, because I think Uver is looking to make this entire realm, or just this city at least, a vacation spot. I mean fixing up this place as much as he did when you weren’t going to be here forever or for long was rather suspicious.”

“Yep.” Uver said lazily.

“Good, you’ll probably be able to help us out a lot then if your friends are as mobile as you say they can be. Let’s finish our food, get some sleep and then go see that Jijimon about some information on possibly giving us a direction or at least some rumors to finding Etemon before he becomes too much of a hassle.” With any amount of horrible luck Canard, I know we’ll find him and it’ll be another hard and painful day for me. “You can do your own thing to give us directions to our target and help us out where you can, but don’t put yourselves into danger over it.”

Dolly sent me a look knowing exactly my thoughts and eventually asked for a banana as a dessert based treat now that she’s finished her meal. She knew we were going to need all the sleep we get tonight to survive whatever happens tomorrow.

Soon Frizzle was pulling her pan off of Dazzle’s back and Dazzle glared at the gently smiling red lizard who started slicing up some flash fried cinnamon roll bread and silently offered it to anyone who wanted some.

Dazzle grumbled a bit about being used like that despite taking a slice for herself. It was some good dessert.

-The next day, the streets-

“This city is still a bit eerily quiet Pom.” Dolly that’s usually the kind of thing that you shouldn’t say. Since when you say it, it usually leads to a massive of fights breaking out.

We were well on our way to Jijimon’s house, which was apparently the strange cardboard box building we passed on the way to the park, it also double as a Digi-tama raising facility for baby Digimon. The one hundred and one Dalmamon’s home was basically next door to the place and playing up the dog stereotypes quite clearly, much to Dolly’s distaste for the buildings design.

Didn’t think that the four or five story home should be designed like a bright neon orange fire hydrant, I could also see Di Lodovico’s paw work on the building given the random splotches of paint to add darker colors to the eye searing building and making it less so.

We just had to hope Jijimon wasn’t too busy to see us.

-Jijimon’s home-

Jijimon was tending to a bunch of baby Digimon when we showed up, they were so ridiculously adorable and squishy looking. One fox Digimon a blob with four tiny nubs for legs, a fluffy tail and big cylindrical fox ears basically bounced up to me excitedly looking for affection with another similar looking Digimon that was just a blob and tail, they reminded me of Renamon and probably what she looked like as a baby Digimon. I freely gave them some affection and they cuddled up against me cheerfully making happy growling noises.

“Oh, some visitors. Not one of those Trial Dalmamon I helped I see. It seems Relamon and Viximon really like you miss, they tend to be good judges of character.” If it wasn’t for my canid magnetism, that would be a more agreeable statement Jijimon. The guy looked old, felt old and even gave off the feeling of old with his cat paw staff, but the muscles he had were very sturdy and not wrinkly. The friendly persona was definitely hiding the truth of his actual strength.

“Oh-hohoho visitor’s, deary me, well the babies could use some worldly experiences with something unsual for a bit before their morning nap time.” One look at the other Digimon that looked as old as Jijimon, only female and Sami seemed to be quailing under the pressure of the two being in the room together. “Don’t fret deary, I’m just a simple Babamon.”

“Vaccine and another Mega.” Sami stated plainly with a hint of fear. “Two in the same room, the pressure is… daunting… to say the least.”

“Is that lady going to be alright, does she need a potty?” A small black baby blob Digimon with yellow eyes and two small ears asked, it received a few pats on the head from the false elderly looking grandma as the false elderly looking grandpa tended to some of the other babies around.

“Sorry about these sweet little darlings, we don’t get out much unless it’s to make sure these babies get their exercise.” Babamon stated and smiled. She had a similar incredible musculature compared to Jijimon and was also hiding her strength behind being a grandmotherly being. Her name reminded me that I couldn’t call Tianhuo last night, given the time disparity between worlds… that was a good reason, but still a problem for me as she was what was holding me together mentally. “As long as you don’t intend any harm, aside from accidental, you’ll be fine here… don’t make use tear apart your coding and raise you from in training.”

Sami was about to comment when a round blob with three eyes and a fuse bounced up to Sami and looked up at her.

“Boom-boom?” The baby said in honest awe of Sami.

“Bommon, do you need to go to the bathroom again?” Did Babamon just say bommon as in Bomb Monster?! What… I… that… a baby bomb… just what?

“Nu-nu… boom-boom!” The baby stated looking at Sami with worship while bouncing in place.

“Oh right, a Commandramon, specializes in quick digi-bomb construction and not necessarily the healthy kind if they aren’t careful about it and end up as a Raremon… must have happened to you given that wince. Sorry you had to go through such a terrible thing as putting down a friend my dear. The Bommon must recognize you as a possible form of its existence and is quite excited to meet you. Going to have a heck of a time keeping it grounded when it eventually becomes a Missimon. Those things tend to fly everywhere and are problematic to raise right.” After a pause Babamon looked around at us all through her hair covering her eyes. “Ah yes, you came here for a reason beyond meeting these little cuties… hohoho, they can be so distracting yes, why you’re little black and white friend seems popular with them too!”

“Pom… help me…” Dolly was basically covered in Baby Digimon affectionately rubbing up against her, she thought they were as adorable as I did. Now she was swamped with them.

“We’re sorry to bother you ma’am, but we hear there’s going to be trouble popping up soon and came to warn you about it. We also wanted to know if you’ve heard anything about an Etemon being in the city.” Canard immediately flopped onto his butt when we all felt the pressure from the grandma and grandpa Digimon as they focused on us entirely now.

The babies didn’t seem to feel it, but they did quiet down a bit and look at their caretakers with slight worry. Jijimon patted one of their heads and their moods lightened up immediately and they went back to playing with one another.

“We might be taking care of many more babies than we can handle in the future, but it’s a living. No trouble makers touching anyone that hasn’t hit Rookie on our watch. After that you need to start growing up a little on your own two feet, but we don’t leave you high and dry if you ask for help. At Champion you’re good to go find yourself unless you want to take up child rearing with us. It’s a rewarding profession don’t get me wrong, but it can be quite tiring keeping up with so many little tyke bombs. In a literal sense sometimes.” Jijimon stated bluntly and firmly as he had a tan Digimon with wiggly ears cuddle up against him and gestured at Bommon. “Don’t know where that monkey is, but if he so much as bothers our baby tending operations here… then he will be one quick Ex-Digimon let me tell you even if he does become a MetalEtemon, Babamon has some real fire in her. However we’re not going to go running about looking for them, don’t have the time as you can tell. I do have an idea try the data river front area of the city to the east, the coast to the west side of the city seems fine from what I last saw and the Digi-food plantation is still running smoothly. Thank you for the heads up, wish we could do more to help, at least we’ll be ready now for a chaotic outbreak of aggressive Digimon. You can send any Digimon that might son need help our way. We’ll take in the injured, the sick and any Digimon that needs us in a temporary manner, no matter what type they are. So long as we can trust them to not harm our little ones here on purpose.”

“To the east eh… thanks for the tip at least, we’ll check that way.” Canard looked over to Frizzle and saw a bunch of red baby Digimon with bat winged ears crawling on her and then looked at his shoulder to see another one smiling at him. “Once we figure out how to get untangled from these little ones…”

“They are quite a handful… yes.” Jijimon said while stroking his beard. “Excuse me Babamon, but I need to go check on the Dalmamon and make sure they aren’t running off like that Variance always is. Quite a troublemaking Digimon that one, but she’s trying to find herself and I can’t truly fault her for her frustrations given she’s a Search Engine with nothing to look forward to… quite literally being incapable of living out her function and not having the ability to defend herself too well. At least Pickle understands and is careful, one of the reasons why I let him lead expeditions to the park with all the other Dalmamon. Come by here again and spend some time with the babies when the whole Etemon situation blows over if you survive it. I’ll help round up these little rascals first, so you can leave without one of them clinging to you. Like that yellow one there… wait… that’s a biological? Heh-heh-heh, haven’t seen nothing like that bug before, kind of like the dark colored lizard… must be with you I assume. What an interesting beings, it looks like we’re about to make friends with some real monsters from the reality we’re connected to hoo-hoo!”

After that Jijimon, who made me feel like I was visiting my grandpa, and Babamon gathered up the little ones and counted them and made sure they weren’t getting clingy like Bommon was to Sami so we could leave. The babies all whined sadly to see us go, soon Jijimon exited after we did and headed towards the fire hydrant.

-The next few streets over to the east, Canard-

Didn’t take us long to find trouble at the riverfront area.

I pulled my Puck Pistol as soon as I heard someone shouting for help as we came to the digital river running through the center of Server City.

“Help, we’re under attack, Goblimon and Kamemon are on a rampage!” A Bearmon, haven’t seen one of those in a while. The backwards blue cap wearing small bear Digimon was being chased by some ugly green brutes with clubs in various shapes, sometimes resembling meat on a bone.

One was leaping for the battered Bearmon with a raised club and I put a puck between that ugly green mugs eyes knocking him down and onto his back. His data fluctuated a bit due to the amount of damage the Digi-puck did. I ran out of real ammo a long time ago trying to fight of Digimon.

My Puck Pistol proved effective against Rookie and Champion levels, but could barely scratch Ultimate, much less the paint on Hiandromon’s chaser mech. High speed burning pucks should do more damage than that, but as I’ve learned… Digimon do wonky things to physics calculations on their home turf.

Gods and goddesses of the noble hockey mask, I hope everyone back on Puck World didn’t switch to the dissidents sport that is known as Soccer.

“Let’s go everyone!” I said taking the lead and charging forward before that Bearmon got surrounded and deleted. Pom was already ahead of us with Dolly riding her into battle, they were focusing on the Bearmon.

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