• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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397. Metal Hound Chaos! Pt. 1.

-Equus, Airship Mauled, The Witch’s Fare, Maries-

“So is everything in order Pace Set?” We asked of our prosecutor colleague, he was a really good friend when he got over the fact that we were a ‘legal’ chimera.

“Yes, I do believe so. Thank you for helping me organize these files and tell your family I said hello.” Pace Set calmly patted Silvers affectionately on the head and left for Canterlot.

“I think he needs a girlfriend.” Marie stated.

“Oh no, don’t you start Marie!” Maria stated as she looked back at our tail.

“I think I know a nice mare that could be interested in him.” Maria looked at Mara aghast for even having a suggestion lined up.

“Ooh is there a conspiratorial date thing starting up?!” That attracted matriarch Kuril immediately. “I could rope Blade Bright into it and make it a double date to make sure no one interferes!”

“Please, no, just stop, before we end up doing something that is Jaded levels of horrible when in reference to Saddle Arabia.” Maria groaned. It’s not like Jaded has done anything to Saddle Arabia recently, much less anything permanently damaging aside from psychologically, she’s been too busy fighting with Princess Luna.

Luna apparently got her back, and good, for the whole multiple teleporting pies over the course of several days thing among insulting her intelligence and causing an international incident using bat ponies. Apparently Pinkie Pie might have gotten involved because Looney is her friend. Luna was topping Jaded’s petty kitty list at the moment, even surprisingly above Saddle Arabia, and Celestia was surprisingly helping Jade with her sister.

We were still honestly trying to break Jaded of the mental issue she has with going after Saddle Arabia like she does. Sure, historically speaking she did have some reasons for her distaste for the country, but it was still getting to a very ridiculous point of absurdity that defines our particular Abyssinian’s life when her last plot involved the use of a gallon of cream cheese against an entire country.

Admittedly it would actually work if our Jaded used approximately three and a half gallons, give or take, but she couldn’t do math to save anyone’s life including her own. We didn’t actually want Saddle Arabia to be destroyed and we weren’t going to mention this to her… right MARIE.

Our snake sister started whistling idly and thinking of top hats, also a noise distracted us from her somewhat racy thoughts.

Looking down at Silvers holding up a drawing with her cat heads mouth, we sighed as we saw a picture of Saddle Arabia in ruins. While artistically good and really well done, we needed to have a talk with Jaded since that chip buried deep in her backside has started affecting our Daughters.

“Aw, that’s adorable, I’ll hang it on the fridge!” Really Matriarch Kuril, the destruction of Saddle Arabia was adorable now? We needed to have a long talk with Jaded about this.

Jaded making an entire country fear her was actually attractive by our standards as a chimera, but we seriously couldn’t condone such a thing as actually occurring. Not when they are paying us and Fizzy quite well to stop Jade when she gets too close to succeeding and she’s had fifty three plans in the last week that almost did so.

Fizzlepop owning an entire country and being the queen of it was equally attractive, even if our Fizzy really isn’t really doing anything with it beyond checking in on it and making sure it is doing fairly well as far as the Storm Creature citizenry and warriors were concerned. Jaded hasn’t tried to use the Storm Creatures or her connections with Fizzy, proving that Jade at least knew what lines she shouldn’t cross.

-Moon Cell Outer Inner Layer, Night Land, Mare Melum, City of Lost Destiny, Central City region, Rooftops, Pom-

“It’s like the Caerbannogs knocked over an anthill, EPs are appearing in massive numbers everywhere as the local PLANTs are all going active.” Domarch stated as I fought off an axe wielder and bashed it’s spine in, followed by ramming the tip of it into the back of its blocky head to smash it into the stone roofing. “We’ll have the farmlands zone secured soon, Castle Alexander gun towers are already wiping out the Archer Gekko, enough EPs for the Elites EPs and PLANTs to appear and it’s only a matter of time before we secure our entry region. I’ll keep you updated on when you can call in an artillery strike.”

“Good, because we’re still a little busy here within the minor rooftop territory.” The Elite Saber Knight that showed up was giving Rokusho problems while Metabee and Krosserdog kept them off his back as he clashed with the AP. The elite had more colors, more notable minor appearance differences and then there was the terrifying amount of skill it showed with a sword while trying to take Roksuho down.

I was a little concerned that I was able to recognize skill from a fighting style I had no prior knowledge of aside from what little I know of Rokusho’s fighting abilities.

Dormarch would be sitting the Guardian Lancer APs out of this fight, they weren’t nearly as useful as the Tower Shield variant of the Saber Knights. Speaking of said variant of Saber Knight, it was interesting that such a minor modification as a large shield almost doubled the time it took to produce one and the only thing that changed was literally just the shield.

“Servant and Archer Gekko all heading your way at a fast speed, the servant might not be a Rider, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a lot of mobility. Be careful when they show up mom.” With that Dormarch went silent and was likely ordering the other teams around as mission control.

I flared the Paralance open and knocked a few of the Lancer Guardians back from trying to stab at me and followed that up by lunging forward and rapidly jabbing my weapon into them to take them down.

I saw a crucial moment that the Elite EP swung downwards for him, Rokusho opened his pincer blade and closed it around the swords blade tightly to stop it in place. With a swift twisting jerk, the blade caught in his pincer sword snapped off by at least two thirds. Rokusho proceeded to ram its own blade and followed it up with his own into its lower torso.

With Rokusho’s sword going out its back, he heaved the slightly taller Elite EP off the ground and then slammed his explosion fist straight up into its chest. The thing flew off his pincer blade and then landed face first on the ground with the broken blade erupting out of its back at an angle having been pushed through by its landing. The Elite EP soon started to disappear after that rather painful looking takedown.

“The PLANTs vulnerable!” Reported Krosserdog as it appeared in the open and Metabee leapt on to it.

“Don’t destroy it yet!” I called out hastily as I looked over the side of the roof, as the black metal canine robot thing had arrived and was coming straight toward the building I was on.

They were also looking back at me, I can already tell that this was definitely going to be one of those things.

-Farmland Zone, Castle Alexander, Dormarch-

It only took a shot or two from the defense towers to take down an Archer Gekko, they were easily toppled when one of their legs is destroyed and the top of their heads had a notable weak point that was quickly discovered.

The Archer Gekko were generally armored anti-infantry because it’d be hard for anything smaller than them or not flying to get into a position to attack their main weak point.

“All teams, Archer Gekko have weak points on top of their heads near the center.” I called out over the various headsets and got several reports coming back that they understood in case they ran into the tall bipedal machines. “Not easy to miss really, just hard to get to.”

“Thanks for the heads up, we know where to throw our DCD Bombs now if we run into them!” Sami called back, Canard was the one driving the bike with Sami behind him as her and the roofless APC were on their way into the city after the towers cleared a pathway for them while collecting the farmland territories. We had successfully started off this battle with an initiative advantage. “Starting mission to locate the Archer Gekko spawning PLANT.”

“We’re doing great here!” Jeanne called in. “Am I using this thing correctly?”

“Yes, Jeanne, you are using it correctly.” I responded and rolled my eyes.

-Abandoned Valley, Pokémon Companions, Quetal-

“We’re in, the valley won’t last long.” I stated into the device on my head as I led our team forward once the valley was clear of the walking bipedal machines. “The Archer Gekko were the main defense in this area.”

Once the Archer Gekkos and servant were clear, I motioned to my friends to move in. The two PLANTs left behind weren’t very well guarded and the EP numbers here were still light enough that we could take the areas with ridiculous easy.

We’d hit the valley before it could really build a functional defense, Jeanne’s Valora units were doing something similar on the north side of the map… at least it was what we were calling north. They had the slightly easier job of taking the upper district of the city, after that massive explosion it should be much easier to deal with the enemy in that region with the aid of most of the Caerbannogs being in that region.

“All teams, Commandramon mobile squad moving out and we’ve secured most of the farmland zones. Castle Alexander is now a good fallback point.” Called Dormarch to let us know Sami, Canard and the Commandramon were going to be on the lookout for the enemies special PLANT. “You’ll be able to call in Artillery strikes soon. Gazimon are planting the FOF mines as we speak.”

“Do you think my mother will be alright back in Ransei?” Favela asked as she rode near us on Dodo.

“She’ll be fine Favela, you’ll see sweetie.” Reassured Shine as took up a brace of Korsola Spikes in her right leafy hair hand ready to start throwing. “Lit, Frizzle, you’re our forwards, Lucha Mundo in the air and watch our backsides and warn us if those Archer Gekko things start coming at us!”

The small yellow blur and the rampaging red dinosaur girl didn’t need to be told twice as they both charge into the fray ahead of us. Lit, with an incredibly brutal sounding war squeak, shocked the life out of numerous EPs at once with his lightning bouncing between them with incredible ferocity.

Somehow the lightning didn’t jump to the chains Frizzle was wielding as she brawled her way toward the Elite Lancer Guardian that immediately showed up because of Lit. Since there were only two PLANTs in the area this would be relatively quick.

-Central Mare Melum, Rooftop, Pom-

Thanks to my orders, we had to deal with infinitely spawning EPs for a bit, until the shadow of a four legged figure shot up and over the edge of the roof and landed before me.

Knife blades at the back of his hind legs behind the paws as heels, knifes holstered in parts of his hips, extra knifes underneath the forelegs behind his deadly clawed blades. The canine’s head even had a slightly demonic look to it. That its entire body had a lot of sharp edges had me fairly weary as the tongue like tentacle came from its mouth as it moved and breathed like Dodo did. Its clawed tail whipped back and forth excitedly clacking a bit in a threatening manner, supposing that it would eventually be used to stab and or eviscerate me personally if it wasn’t going to be used to hold a weapon.

This thing was quite built to be lethal and had a strong resemblance to a wolf.

“My name is Pom, may I ask who you are and that we can settle this peacefully?” I’m already aware of the answer if this person was captured soul like Shanty implied.

“No.” Not even talking, he transformed into a biped mid charge without destroying his rather unusual looking sombrero and poncho that might enrage Lucha Mundo. I saw thick gray tufts of wild hair poking out of his head as he shifted forms to be more biped, so the servant wasn’t just a robot and had some biological nature to him. He pulled a brilliant red katana out of his sheath and when he got close enough to me he called out. “Blade mo…”

That’s when Metabee finally fired some devastating point blank shots and destroyed the PLANT he was standing on causing a territory takeover, the PLANTs themselves were not capable of combat and standing on top of it was probably the safest place you can be with enemies spawning all around you. This not only hit the servant with a shockwave…. but also sent at least five Berserker Vikings EPs along with their burning axes mostly blade first as he was blown off the roof.

“Do you think that might have stopped him entirely?” I asked earnestly as the fluttering of the shockwave caused my wool to wiggle lightly. I looked at the building he slammed into and looked over the side of the roof as he fell to the street below. Knowing, if anything, that that had just really cheesed him off at best.

An AP producing PLANT promptly appeared in our territory and started producing APs, but the rectangular rooftop territory barely larger than a small houses floor space was already flickering between blue and red. At least it didn’t immediately turn red and blast us off the roof too.

“No.” The four deadpan tones of the Digi-bots and even Dolly said as one, the entire roof was cleared at least.

“Didn’t think so.” I sighed, then something blared in my instincts quite loudly.

I rolled away from the edge of the roof and witnessed three or more flashes where I had been standing. We all watched as a large physical section of the roof I had been standing on slide away and then toppled towards the streets below as the one wielding the red katana landed on the roof.

Yep, he was angry, quite cheesed off and I could feel the hatred for me radiating off of him.

“Ga heh heh heh… you really got me with that one, just for that successful cheap shot… my name is Saber Jack Wolf, Moon Cell’s mission is to take you out and you just gave me some real some incentive there!” Saber Jack roared as he started for me.

Metabee and Krosserdog opened fire on Jack and his arm blurred deflecting every single last shot from the two Digibots with a blade that ripped apart the very air around it as it danced while he was coming at me at a full sprint. He wasn’t even looking in their directions to deflect every single shot, likely even doing the unnecessary deflections that weren’t going to hit him just to show off.

I brought the fully opened Paralance around as Jack Wolf got close enough to me to call out what he had been saying previously.

“Blade Mode.” He intoned and his weapon blurred.

I tried to anchor myself in place, but that didn’t really matter as the guy just decimated an entire section of the roof I was standing on and the multiple impacts that felt like one solid blow sent me flying from the roof with incredible force.

Just when I was going hit the building going at an incredible speed, Dolly somehow ended up behind me and caught me to drop us both towards the alleys below by redirecting my momentum into falling downwards then slowing our fall by redirecting it upwards.

I simply inflated my wool before we hit the ground and started moving for the open streets while looking out for Archer Gekko that were definitely around.


I ran forward and with a single swing from the servant my pincer blade was damaged and I had a large ugly slash through my torso armor around my chest as I was sent bouncing across the rooftop. He was enormously strong, ridiculously fast and from what I knew of his weapon from being hit by it, deadly.

Not once did Metabee and Krosserdog stop firing on our opponent and not once did he miss a single deflection. To make matters worse, he slashed Metabee’s incoming missiles apart in such a way that the shells and inner workings of the missiles simply fell to the ground as the redirected explosive materials inside carried on without them into the distance and exploded.

“Did he just cut my missiles out of the air without blowing himself up?!” Metabee stated with shock, because yes he just somehow separated every part of the digital missiles except for the explosives in less than a second.

This was most certainly a terrifying and worthy foe. Also the blade was giving off quite a frequency, so it was a High Frequency weapon. Definitely not something I wanted to be hit by again, I just narrowly avoided being cut in half thanks to my own pincer blades vibrating at a lower frequency, that weapon was made to vibrate at a frequency that made it slice through the toughest materials as if it were butter.

It couldn’t cut Pom’s Paralance though, must be its paranormal properties at work.

Ignoring finishing me while I was down, this figure that called himself Jack Wolf, just smirked and dropped off the building.

“Warning the Servants main weapon is a high frequency blade, do not get hit by it, it’ll cut through most materials. Dodge it at all costs and do not block it unless you have something like Pom’s Paralance!” I called out over the communications headset. “I repeat, do not try to block or be anywhere near the servant when he swings his main weapon! Also the Servant is called Saber Jack Wolf.”

“Okay APs, drop off the roof and get cracking down on the territory, focus on taking down the Archer Gekko if you can!” Metabee called out as multiple Caerbannogs and a few Saber Knights with large shields appeared and started doing as he said. Hopefully that doesn’t go to his head like a lot of things do. “Say Rokusho, we’re completely useless against that guy aren’t we?”

It surprised me that Metabee was humble enough to acknowledge the failure that just happened, instead of ranting and raving about going after that cybernetic monster that was hunting Pom like prey.

“Yes.” I answered solemnly. “It is as you say. Our time would be better spent securing the central territory. To that end we should start taking the several other rooftop territories”

There was a lot of central Mare Melum to take and we could grab most of it while Pom drew the most dangerous individual that can solo all of us away and keep his attention. I did not envy Pom’s position of being the live bait in this situation.

-Central Mare Melum, Streets, Pom-

My first meeting with an Archer Gekko up close was being shot at as soon as I exited the alleyway, thankfully my reaction time to things has increased significantly as I barely stayed standing under a tirade of shots being taken by the Paralance as I tried to get out of the street and away from the building that Jack Wolf just dropped down from.

Also there was an incessant mooing noise and I kept expecting Arizona to fall out of the sky and explode something.

I slowly moved to the side and kept my body lowered as I tried to get off the street. A few shadows passed overhead in the moonlight.

“Pom on robo-wolf-guy incoming on your right and he sure seems to be taking his time, and two chicken walkers jumped onto our backsides, we’re about to get shot from behind here!” Dolly announced with a frown as she was still on my back. “I’m not going to be able to stop all those bullets.”

“I’m working on it Dolly, could you maybe make it harder for them to shoot us?” I said as I continued to move sideways.

“Float!” Dolly took that as a sign to start using magic, the two machines floated into the air and started firing. What Dolly just did it sent said shots flying everywhere randomly and it left the two machines flailing wildly around in the air at a set height. A shot flashed past my ears and Dolly’s face. “Not a good idea, not a good idea, oh my dog!”

It was a decent idea, at least as I made it out of sight of the one firing on me and into the alleyway as the Jack Wolf guy was about to get to us. I turned around inhaled and exhaled to burst down the alleyway avoiding the various slashes tearing up that entrance of the alleyway behind and found myself out on the street at the other end where I backpedaled a bit as a stream of rounds fired from the right.

“Dormarch, can I get an artillery strike yet?” I said as I tapped the headset and looked behind me to see Jack Wolf incoming fast, Dolly let loose an Aero to blow him back down the alleyway. There were also more of those leaping two legged machines starting to pen us in from all sides, I now recognized that they were the ones making that strange mooing noise.

“We’re open for calling one in. Try to get to the center of the intersection to your left.” Never really thought about it before, but Dormarch calling me mom did give me warm fuzzy feelings in my chest. “Firing in ten, once I give the Commandramon the order.”

“Moving.” I immediately darted out and started backing away as hundreds of shots came at us and my front legs were getting numb from the amount of heavy impacts I was having to hold up against. Right now would be a bad time to drop the Paralance.

“You’re surrounded, where do you think you’re going oveja?” Jack Wolf stated as he pulled his hat back to hanging off his neck.

“He does know that you’re not a true sheep right?” Asked Dolly, making me goggle at her that she actually understood another language when she couldn’t get a name she couldn’t care less about correctly. “Hey don’t give me that look… uh… Pom…”

A bunch of red dots and lasers covered me from all side, all of them coming from the Archer Gekko machines, there was little I could do to block all the bullets much less dodge through them all if they started firing all at once.

“Mom, artillery strike happening now, get down!” Dormarch shouted in my ears, and I quickly pulled Dolly from my back and covered her with my body as I squished us into the underside of the canopy of Paralance.

The world erupted in smoke and explosions all around us, it was really quite loud and I didn’t feel any pain as I frankly trusted the Commandramon in the gun towers of Castle Alexander to not cause a friendly fire incident.

“You okay mom?” Dormarch asked.

“Do not create hot air in a really cold place.” Oh look, Dolly remembered what happened in Nixtorm.

“We’re fine, I just wish those explosions weren’t so close to me.” I lifted my head and stood up to look at the various surrounding bodies of the Archer Gekko, I wondered why they weren’t dissolving.

“Did we get the servant?” Dormarch asked.

Out of the smoke in front of me walked Saber Jack Wolf, without a scratch on him.

“No, he didn’t even get scratched by all that, unless he dodge most of it or somehow blocked or parried an explosion.” Which would be beyond the impossible, but then again I’ve actually seen a lot of that to think it actually was. “I’m pretty sure he was in the blast zones otherwise. At least you got the Archer Gekko, but despite taking them down, they are sticking around for some reason.”

“I needed a recharge anyway, Zandatsu!” Slashing open one of the fallen Archer Gekko with his red blade something came out of it and he quickly crunched it down and then his eyes lit up brighter. “That’s the stuff, going to keep running or are you actually going to put up a fight.”

“I think she’s cute, she reminds me of us.” A second voice said. “She even has a cute canine companion.”

“Not now Blade… also you’re the thing they stuck in me to try and control me. Didn’t take…” Grumbled the biped as he stalked towards us dragging the edge of his blade along the ground and it was digging a furrow in the asphalt with the barest of touches. “Be a good little sheep and let me make a lambchop out of you!”

“Um, I already am a Lambchop, my full name is Pom Pawdore Lambchop.” I stated succinctly that made him pause his forward threatening walk.

“Wait you’re last name is Lambchop… wow… no seriously… really? I only think mutton would have been marginally worse.” Can you just get back to killing me Jack Wolf and not commenting on my name? Also I wouldn’t mention meeting that dimensional doppelganger named Muttoncoddle. “Are you… are a living name based pun?”

“You’d be surprised how common that is where I’m from.” As I stood up and prepped the Paralance, I felt Dolly ready to hop into the fight.

“What, did someone name a horse Twilight after that horrible romance novel?” Didn’t know what romance novel Jack Wolf was talking about, but I did know someone named Twilight.

“Well I do know someone named Twilight Sparkle and she’s a pony.” I kept backing away from him and the glaring red in his eyes. Keeping him talking was slowing him down.

“Snrk… no… don’t laugh… though I bet Snake would have loved to have heard that one, after all that weird crap he’s had to deal with. Like that Vamp guy.” That comment just made me wonder why Jack Wolf sounded oddly fond of this Snake guy. Seriously, how often can you run into the same guy with irritable bowel syndrome in a lifetime?” Now stop talking and please die horribly!”

“If I said no, would you go away?” He charged right at me for asking that, so I had an idea that he wasn’t going to stop coming at me until I was dead.

I deflected his downward swing to the right, he brought it around high and tried to stab me in the face over the Paralance’s with the blade of the sword pointing towards the sky. I stepped back out of range and continue blocking, instead of deflecting. Had I deflected his weapon upwards he would have sliced into me with it he was trying to get me to drop move my defense out of the way, it’s like he’s dealt with someone like me on the defensive before.

His red eyes narrowed at me as he grinned.

“Would now be a bad time to tell you that…” That mechanical voice started to say.

“Not now Blade! Whatever it is, it can wait until after I’m done with the target!” He shouted as he charged in and slashed at me several times, forcing me to continue backpedaling down the street under his ridiculously powerful blows. I couldn’t bunker down and take it either as he could cut apart the street making locking myself in place with my wool useless.

“Rrrrr… Yip!” I fired a Bark Breaker at the blade and then watched as it bounced off and cracked a wall on a building to my left, did he just seriously deflect magical material rupturing sound waves with his sword?

I let out a harsh bark and watched as my bark blast was slice into two halves that petered out a second later. Yes, this guy was definitely going to be a problem. I thought for a moment and tried a Bark Buster.

He slashed the liquid blob of magic into two halves that fell to both sides of him, I immediately remotely ignited both halves into exploding into him and caused him to be staggered and doing minimal damage.

“Dolly!” I called out, giving Dolly a mental flick as she continued to scrutinize Jack Wolf and not attack.

“Right, Aero!” A ball of swirling struck Jack Wolf and slowed his forward momentum down, his sword immediately came up and he started cutting through the swirling wind while slowly stepping forward into it.

“Heh, nice tricks, but it’s going to take more than…” Jack wolf was blasted away when I dropped the Paralance and slapped both my hooves together to create a spark to ignite the magical winds, the explosion of flames sent him tumbling down the street and I quickly picked up the Paralance from where I dropped it.

The bipedal figure down the street transformed into a quadrupedal mode and came at me with a howl, I turned and leapt for the nearest building and ran up it. He leapt onto the building to give chase and when he was going to push off to lunge straight up at me...

“Float!” A flailing out of control mechanical canine rocketed past us and still tried to swing the sword, held by his tail, into me as he passed by. Dolly waited until he was high up in the before aiming her left paw at him. “This is going to burn me out on spells until my next charge up Pom, but I think it’ll be worth it… Gravity!”

His upward momentum suddenly turned him into a burning meteor when the summoned gravitational sphere struck him, which slammed him into the ground in an exorbitantly painful looking manner that left a pretty big crater in the ground. I didn’t stop to look back and had Dolly working on that as I continued climbing up the side of the building.

“How’s he looking Dolly?” As I continued to gallop up the side of the building, Dolly looked back down at the thing.

“He’s still in one piece, but that did some damage… huh?” Dolly gave me what she was seeing as she didn’t understand exactly what was happening, apparently Jack Wolf’s slightly damaged body was immediately healed after he slashed open another Archer Gekko.

“Guys, the Archer Gekko PLANT has suddenly become a priority to take down.” I said into the headset. “The servant Jack Wolf can heal from cutting apart Gekko EPs.”

I sent what Dolly saw directly to Dormarch and his mind froze up.

-Saber Jack Wolf-

“Hmmm… I actually felt that!” I grinned. “Things are about to get messy then!”

“Again, since you have a moment, I have to warn you that…” Blade tried again, my onboard AI was just being annoying as usual.

“Not now Blade, it’s probably not even that important like cutting my target to bits!” Instead of clambering up after the target, I prepped my sword. They would not escape me! “I’m going to fry and eat the black and white rat riding on your back after that!”

“You never did get over that Chinese food incident did you or the one that occurred in Africa before the whole Jetstream Sam thing?” Blade stated bluntly. “Also you’d likely bury the dog after killing them, you really don’t like people who abuse or eat canines. I’d think you’d be a bit more respectful than that and are just trying to inspire fear… you’d do that better if you enter Ripper Mode.”

“Again, shut up!” I screamed as I chased my target up the side of the building. I didn’t need Ripper Mode, not until I was sure I actually needed to tap into that side of me.

-Blade Wolf AI-

I was trying to warn him about the reality marble realm on a collision course with this one, in fact… it makes one wonder who could move an entire realm of Moon Cell’s at another one.

They’d have to be ludicrously powerful to do so or some form of conceptual force of nature, enough so that they’d have to overpower multiple systems to make it happen. Not to mention Moon Cell should and would definitely be putting a stop to it before the realms collided as some major glitches will occur if they were to fuse.

The fact that the realm was only accelerating was troubling and that Moon Cell likely couldn’t stop what was about to happen.

-Jungle Realm, Fou-

Fou could feel Fou’s prey getting closer, also that something else was hunting what was rightfully Fou’s to hunt!

-Currently Inside Dodo’s brain, Program Pony Gaiden, PinkPie.exe-

“We’re magical programs, so we should be able to interact with the magical realm outside of Dodo’s head, because it’s technically a digital and magical realm!” I said cheerfully.

“You’d be wrong, the Digimon’s realm is digital, this realm is technically a stupidly powerful crystalline computer matrix of alien origins that vastly outstrips us in not only scope, power and a capacity for killing everything in a genocidal manner that’s quite…” Purpsmart.exe started going into one of her long drawn out overblown monologues before being interrupted by Oz.exe.

“Yeah, yeah, we get it. Super evil computer threatening two worlds. Can we as the Harmony Magical Operating System Six, help them directly or not?” Oz.exe stated with an aggressive tone. “Also PinkePie.exe change my name back to Rainbow.exe!”

“I thought it was cute.” CuddleStare.exe stated with a friendly sounding giggle before she began humming the tune of ‘somewhere over the rainbow’.

“I thought we were going to get rid of her system administrator access.” Stated Flarity.exe to Applelove.exe

"We tried, but we ended up wearing socks and getting wet manes for some reason or you'd put on a fashion show." Aw you guys are always so wonderful! "In fact I think our collective personalities matrixes keep getting in the way of stopping PinkePie.exe from being the system admin."

"Well other things have never stopped us before and we're magical offshoots of actual ponies brought about by the magic of Equus, what sense can you make of us even existing in the first place?" I asked Purpsmart.exe and she raised a hoof at me, looked confused and then rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

"Do you think we can contact a Digimon for a copy of their the manifestation program?" Purpsmart.exe finally suggested.

I squealed happily and hugged her, we're going to be a big help, I just know it! Oh, the Pokémon Companions just took the Valley region.

"If this the crystalline computer Moon Cell is so powerful, why hasn't it stopped the invasion force yet?" I said with a grin.

"Likely because it's views on how to deal with problems is obviously quite skewed to just throwing powerful historical souls at things if raw numbers just isn't working until those things die violently and becomes more souls for it to use against other things." Yeah, quite true Purpsmart.exe, but the problem with that is that it's feasibly losing control of those souls... did we technically have our own? Yeah, I was going to eat a cupcake and ignore thinking anymore personal existential questions.

"Where did you get that cupcake?" Really Purpsmart.exe? I thought we went over this already.

"Internet." That was a good answer as any and I'm not going to think too hard about this sweet cheesecake cupcake.

"Chaos!" Said CuddleStare.exe while clapping her hooves cheerfully. Ooh that was an equally good answer!

"We're doomed!" Flarity.exe sighed and flopped onto a couch.

"Well we already knew that within a minute of existence of being inside Dodo's head Flarity.exe... how many names have you gone through again?" Applelove.exe said flatly as she bit into an apple she pulled from who knows where or who knows why, because eating really didn't do anything for us... at least the flavors were nice right? "It's just that said doom has been taking it's gosh darn sweet time."

"Oh come on girls, I'm not that bad... right?" I received stares from my compatriot pony programs of the Magical HOS installed inside of Dodo.

"The Black 'Doughnut' Holes." Purpsmart.exe said flatly.

"One time!" I said, not that anyone caught wind of it happening because Dodo was off on his own for a bit at the time that happened.

"What about the Apple Burn Overs? Caused an overheating problem... though the flamethrower effect was kind of neat." Applelove.exe stated bluntly. "It was rather rough on Dodo's insides."

"So two times, sue me for wanting the baked goods to be a little funny while also being combat capable!" Oh great they weren't getting distracted by their usual shenanigans, think Pinkpie.exe think!

"Um, what about the velvet blood transfusion cake, the one that creates instant blood transfusion as it's digested?" CuddleStare.exe said.

"Actually... that's is a functionally good one, we just haven't implemented it too much, which we'll definitely need if anyone loses too much blood." Purpsmart.exe admitted. "Dodo needs more medical support functions like that."

"Look it's actually kind of cool that we can turn baked goods into weapons, but I want to get back to lasers." Rainbow.exe stated. "Lasers are awesome and can be used in the all sorts of things way."

"I believe the word for it is 'multifunctional' Rainbow.exe." Purpsmart.exe continuing to be the best knowledge repository we have, also she was quite exasperated that Raindash.exe was still as densely coded as ever.

"I want to prioritize a Friendship Laser or no lasers at all!" I was putting my hoof down on this one thing though. All the other programs looked at each other.

"Okay!" They all actually agreed on it that fast?! What a rare occurrence that was.

I moved over to the days since our last 'fast agreement' calendar and... yeah, it's really been quite a while.

"Can we try my idea next for a baked good weapon before repairing the laser function at least?" We all looked at Flarity.exe. "You known the Bedazzling Bon-Bons, they'd make for good quick escapes and would create quite a beautiful flare too!"

The other programs started descending into arguments almost immediately after that, I sighed happily and took out a bottle of programming language and stuck a silly spiraling straw into it and started drinking it all in.

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