• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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319. Motivated Montage.

-Equus, Airship Mauled, The Witch’s Fare, Tianhuo-

“Hmm… Kurilian, break out the ice cream float fixings and root beer it, we have a depressed longma here and she looks like she’d be an avid appreciator of a few shots of vanilla!” Brenda shouted, she was one of the most well-known companion of Savannah ‘The Wild’ and her weird escapades, I had almost forgotten that she was one of the waitresses here.

“What’s wrong?” The poodle diamond dog asked as she took a seat across from me.

“Something is wrong with Pom and her friends of the found, they didn’t call the other night to give us an update about what is going on. Their last report was that the problems with a place called Ignis were mostly over and there was something clearly wrong with Pom.” The reports had been regular until the other night. “I fear something bad may be happening to them.”

“Oh right, that is a problem, must be hard to not have your significant other by your side. I would know, Savannah does tend to wander… like… a lot. I don’t think anyone else would tolerate someone who gets around as much as she does.” Brenda sighed, we were soon joined by Fresh Start the early bird pony and maid. “That Abyssinian is the best friend I’ve ever had. In any case, they might have just misplaced the communication device Mrs. Lambchop.”

“Oh, hey there, Tianhuo, for a second there I thought it might have been Wary Berry again… she’s still trying to get over a recent flying purple pony eater attack. Always need a hyperventilation bag with her.” Was there truly such a thing around here Fresh? “Thank Goodness Drip was working on some pipes nearby and managed to hose it with enough water to make it drop Wary and leave town. We wouldn’t want to be without our quality assurance on fruit.”

“So have you seen Flamberge or…” Brenda gets a little shifty eyed. “Fortitude, around here any...”

“I am Fortitude, the fantastically fragrant!” Everyone in the room jumped at the sound of a distant yak yelling that.

We didn’t even know how far away he was, just that he somehow knew we were talking about him.

“Never mind, must be dealing with the local giant fauna, that or getting rid of the mega rooster that just attacked Ponyville.” One can easily see what you were doing Brenda, while I appreciate the company and attempts at distractions, distractions being a very common sight around here, it did not alleviate my worries about Pom or those she is in charge of taking care of. “Those brothers are always dragged into fighting really weird stuff.”

“Ay, that they do, but it makes the adventures around here all the more fun for it.” The historical figure of Rockhoof had taken a shine to Airship Mauled and was quite a storyteller at Twilight’s School of Friendship. He was also still quite a warrior of renown. “It’s always nice to see that incredible adventure hasn’t become dead since my time.”

Skelly snorted some air and rolled her eyes, of course she would, given she was a bit mortally challenged. Probably taking a break from the brother’s shenanigans.

“Right, sorry if my choice of words upsets you ancestor.” Rockhoof tilted his head to the quiet mare as she took a seat.

“While you may be trying to distract Tianhuo ‘The Blaze’ Lambchop, all of your attempts are not going to be nearly enough to make her stop worrying entirely.” Stygian was also another common visitor around here and he wasn’t wrong, he was in the middle of his own food. “Love the food here by the way.”

“And we clearly thank you for your patronage Mr. Abyss!” Fresh responded with good cheer.

“We’re all basically family here Tianhuo, on the house. Occupy your mouth and your mind.” Kuril stated as she placed a float before me, it seemed to sparkle in the light of the room, I sniffed it and then took up the spoon and took a bite out of it. I found it to be… exceedingly delicious, it was almost addictive in flavor. Almost, but it would never usurp my thoughts of Pom being in terrible danger. “Note to self, Longma and Kirin really love cinnamon and some other interesting spices.”

“Can I get one of those too?” A kirin with a fiery red mane asked with a bright smile as I happily downed another spoonful. “I like the noises she’s making!”

I blushed and tried to quiet my enjoyment, my stoic discipline having been lost for a minute there.

-Pokémon Realm, Ransei, northern shore of eastern Chrysalia, midday, Shanty-

“You know just about all I can teach you… but it’s still nice to get in a spar and my spear skills are still a bit rusty.” If you call that being rusty Pom, then I didn’t want to be meeting Tianhuo for training. “You would know more about your weapon than I would.”

Pom was good with a spear, mind you wielding weapons with hooves wasn’t being easy in the slightest to begin with.

“This spear is made of incredible materials and of fine quality, does that guy really have so many weapons of such quality that he can just fire them at us like he did? Seems like a huge waste.” Pom really couldn’t be getting her mind off of Gilgamesh, she was angry, sad and upset.

She was also just ready to sacrifice herself for our sakes if things be getting too horrible regardless of how she feels about wanting to continue to be among the living.

I was being one of the ones among her friends who could be building up enough skill to be preventing Pom from doing just that. We wanted Pom to remain happy and as alive as possible, because I don’t be thinking I can see the real actual Pom die without feeling something being ripped from my own chest. Bad enough watching it happen to a fake or Pom being exceedingly close to it.

Smolder, Ocellus, Dolly and even Dodo would be doing their own thing to improve, but when it be coming to combat… I was becoming quite good at it and I be needing to be anyway. Learning Pom’s lesson of adapting one’s own abilities to things we experience and anything can be training be leading me to being able to create clones of myself, after seeing Pokémon do Double Team enough times, except I be making actual clones. I’m pretty sure I not be doing the Dancing Flame part of my newest technique correctly, but my version be helping me with ten minute breathe holding pirate technique

I be having a lot of thing to be improving on, still wanted to do a flying slash with water and without it.

“I’m not going to even try to tell you to not use Dancing Flame, at least the way you use it is… well… quite bizarre really. How long can you keep your clones going though?” Pom be asking as she be looking at the real me, I be a little surprised as she blocked three slashes coming at her with a single sweep of her spear. “I can hear you’re heartbeat, smell your actual scent compared to the slightly muddled ones of your clone and there’s the fact that your clones have a more fluctuating quality in their motions. Could use more flow like Dolly. Aside from your heartbeat, it might get hard to detect the actual you the better you get at your technique.”

“You are being a very good teacher.” I be knowing that Pom didn’t like fighting or being in a fight, but she is still being quite ridiculously good at it.

“Comes with the territory of teaching Huoshan Guards to work with canine companions I guess…” Pom planted the butt of the spear against the ground and rubbed the back of head with her left hoof. “So how long can you actually actively hold those clones up for?”

The clones immediately popped and I hadn’t been hit, they disappear when I’m hit or after eight or so minutes.

“About the amount of time I can be currently holding my breath.” I answered honestly.

“Pirate lung technique?” Pom stated bluntly.

“Pirate lung technique… with a bit of Dancing Flame… maybe it is being more like a Water Rondo.” I nodded back to her, I be training to go the full nine minutes and fifty nine seconds. It is being really hard... also I be knowing that you never be going the full ten minutes.

There was the last split second between life and death, but I’d rather never be in a position to be testing that split second.

“Just remember how much of a problem it was when I overused my technique and try not take after me in getting yourself seriously hurt.” Pom be putting the spear off to the side and be hugging me, I be hugging her back. “Do you need some water, it can’t be healthy to expend that much sweat instantly.”

“Yeah, that would be nice. I should probably be using outside sources of water first before using the water in my body.” I would be getting strong enough to stop you from sacrificing yourself for us Pom, I would not be letting any family do that for me if I can be helping it. Goodness knows Dodo could do some training himself, he be getting almost as big as he was previously… maybe he will even be being bigger what with the wings. “Thanks for helping me so much Pom!”

“Don’t mention it… oh and watch your hips when doing horizontal swings, you don’t want to throw them out by pushing into the swing too hard.” Pom snuggled me a bit and then be letting me be as she had wanted to get in some training with Dolly.

-A thirty minute break later-

Favela, Ocellus, Lit and Mr. Mundo were waiting off to the side. They could be hitting me with attacks that won’t be too painful.

“Okay are we being ready?” I asked as I prepared to run along the shore, it is being a while since I have felt sand under my hooves.

“Remember this is as much training for everyone else as it is for you.” Mundo stated as he be waiting for me to start the exercise.

I get a nod and started running through the sand and was being bombarded until I was knocked over.

Okay… that be being way too fast, also Lit be hurting a lot even when he be holding back as a bolt be taking me in the side.

“Hey now don’t get listless, if we want to have… some fun~!” Before everyone knew it Mundo was picking me up and getting me back on my hooves. “Are you giving up marauder, or will you start… a new run~!”

I started to dodge bolts of lightning, magic missiles, exploding seed bombs and one seed bomb caught me from behind and I was blown clear off my hooves to go tumbling along the sand. I ended up flopping onto my face.

“You’re a part of the greatest bunch we can ever get, and you know that I’ll help you see this through~.” Mundo be hefting me up and getting me back to the starting line, I felt reenergized. “Sister, we’ll… help you grow to heights, that are new~!”

For my next exercise I was trying to gather and keep water around me in a defensive measure, I be quickly trying to create a bubble of water while under assault by the others distracting me from my task.

“Peaceful as the air, before a torrent begins~.” Mundo sang from his position on a log and his arms crossed with a smile. As my attempt to gather and control the water were being halted under the strain of the assault being sent my way, Lit being the worst one with his ability to be electrifying the water I was trying to control and that be disrupting my magic. I got blasted off my hooves by Favela. “Once you find you’re balance, there will be no knock down wins~.”

The next training exercise Shanty was fighting off Favela, Lit and Ocellus, but she was trying to hit them with long range attacks and failing to launch flying slashes she had to evade in the middle of circle.

“You’re brave, bright and quite a lot, but you still need some more clues~.” I was blown over by a Magic Missile to the chin, it didn’t be damaging my beard so I am being okay. Mundo walked over to me and gently helped me up again and started to massage my bruises. “Somehow we’ll, show the others, some good news~!”

We proceeded to the next exercise. I splashed up out of the water gasping for air, this exercise was figuring out to do while under attack while out on or in the water, I can be skipping across the top of it or I can be swimming in it.

“Give me a moment to catch my breath~…” I gasped out on my back, the thief training courses I went through were about avoiding notice. This was more about what I would be doing when I was in the thick of a battle.

The next exercise was me dodging by flipping and jumping around with Fleet Cunning Doe style, I not be very good at jumping very high.

“Come on, I dare you to tag me newbies~!” While I was down I watched as they tried to Ninjask and he just kept getting progressively faster, I carefully scrutinized his incredibly fast movements as he zipped around at high speed. What can I be learning from that? Pom did be moving just as fast at times.

“Boy all this training is already looking quite grim~.” Still Mundo looked like he was ready to continue coaching us, even if he was shaking his head.

I wasn’t the only one doing these exercises though… as Favela was doing a ‘beach run’, I tagged her with a blast of water.

“Shanty’s got me scared and out of breath~.” Given Favela didn’t make it as far as I did, before she was knocked down. She wanted to be keeping up with me… which was being heartwarming if I didn’t be easily nailing her with a solid ball of water from a Riptide attack.

Unfortunately for her Dodo started a run immediately and didn’t let her get out of the way, he basically be blasting by all of us.

“Did anybody see what just blew right through me~?” Favela stated a second later as Dodo succeeded in the beach run exercise on his first try, even with Quetal firing his Swift move full blast. Dodo managed to outpace the energy stars or even lead them into hitting obstacles.

The scene changes to Dazzle getting help from Frizzle on how to properly swim, it wasn’t going well for the fire poison type Pokémon.

“I hope you all know that I’m really not learning this on a whim~!” Dazzle sputtered and coughed up a bit of water as she flopped back onto the shore with Frizzle’s help. Frizzle slapped her back and she coughed up a Krabby that quickly scuttled back into the water leaving Dazzle standing there with wide eyes.

“To be quite grand--~.” We sang as we continued training into the evening.

“We have to face dangers without a shaking quiver~.” I sang as I dodged several attacks and was knocked down by a single glowing star to the face, I be looking up at Quetal who smirked at me as he came to help me up by letting my grab onto his arm.

“To be quite grand-~.” Some of our bug friends sang as they added obstacles for us to dodge, such as barely visible tripwire webbing, hidden pitfalls in the beach and more.

“With all the force of some great friends soon~.” Mundo despite being tired kept Coaching us even if it was taking a lot of energy out of him to keep us up and going, he never had a negative word to say about us even as I was struck by a Thousands Spears from Pom that barely be moving my front right leg off by an inch, which caused me to fall and flop onto my back.

“To be quite grand-~.” Pom be wanting to help and I be seeing no reason to keep her away from our training, she just didn’t need to know why I specifically was training so hard. Also all this training be good for the others as well.

“We’ll have the fury of raging pyre~!” I was soon in a fight with Favela at my side, Dolly created a horizontal tornado and Pom lit it on fire with a spark from her hooves slapping together, using campfire lighting technique that turned a simple ‘aero’ into an explosive force of nature.

Pom and Dolly were so great at working together, I would do some training with Dodo after we got in dinner.

“Quite serious in these rising tides of doom~!” I sang to Pom as she sat down beside me quietly on the beach with a smile and passed me a bowl of soup and we both looked up at the glowing moon.

-Two days later-

“Time is coming for us, until the Morpeko, arrive~.” Everybody was listening to Mundo as he had us all better organized than ever, we be showing stupid amounts of improvement under his Coaching move. “They’ll eventually come from the western forest, so everyone look, alive~!”

“I’m still not suited for, the call of war~.” Pom sang as prepped her wool to start firing Thousand Spears at me as I be on the beach with a determined look, Mundo be patting me on the back and backing away as I started to run forward.

“Don’t back down, for home, we’ll improve…~!” Smolder flick her ribbon and smiled as she practiced dancing with it. Dragons weren’t the most elegant lot, but Smolder was picking up quite a bit of grace.

“How can we, help all of you, grow to heights that are new-~?” General Dos sang as he and some troops arrived, the silk bandaged Beedrill were okay for some light action and would be especially helpful in the beach run exercise with their Pin Missile move.

“To be quite Grand~!” Everyone sang.

“With courage I must move without a quiver~!” I sang as I leapt and twisted my way through hundreds of Pin Missiles needles from the Beedrill, Thousand Spears air jets from Pom, I be spin kicking the sand into the air before doing a rolling leap as the sand stopped the Swift from Quetal and I be barely being singed from a fireball from Smolder, I be cheekily catching a high speed apple turnover pastry in my mouth from Dodo and quickly be chewing through it. I landed on my front hooves and pushed myself into a flying Wild Windmill and sped myself up twice to land some very fast moving cartwheels across the sand avoiding three Seed Bombs and I be diving under several magic missiles from Ocellus as I be getting to the finish line and be grabbing my motivation to complete a beach run.

A bottle of rum dangling on a fishing pole held by an amused Mundo.

“To be quite Grand~!” We sang as I sat on the beach and started to gather water as everyone began attacking me.

“With all the force of an incredible monsoon~!” I belted out was wrapped in a bubble of water in seconds and blasting my way through the air using jets of water to dodge attacks, I be getting the idea from the Bullet Buizel’s Aqua Jet move to create my Bounding Bubble.

I also be blocking attacks within my bubble of water by blasting out hundreds of bits of water from it to intercept projectiles or even create a tentacle of liquid to launch a seed bomb back at Favela and knock down some of my friends, I was keeping concentration despite multiple impacts against the wall of water between me and pain.

I was moving along the surface of the ocean so I be having infinite water to jet around on, I passed by a waving Dewpider, a spider like Bug and Water Type Pokémon that had its head encased in a bubble of water. He be helping me greatly with finishing my Bounding Bubble technique, apparently Bug Types be having their own scuba divers and small navy as well.

I be getting just about everyone on the beach wet and then I made two clones from the water and created two more Bounding Bubbles to be firing three rapid streams of water bullets from them. Once the Bounding Bubble got small, I had to retreat to the nearest water source to grow the bubble back to my maximum amount of water I could be controlling all at once. My clones could be controlling the same amount as me too!

I could be staying underwater as long as I could keep a bubble of fresh air around my head, but I still couldn’t be doing it forever. I can be staying underwater for more than ten minutes now, but once I run out of fresh air in the oxygen bubble around my head I was being put on the usual Pirate lung time limit at that point.

“To be quite Grand~!” Pom and Dolly sang together as I faced them down with Favela again.

“Altogether we’ll face dangers like volcanic pyres~!” I screamed as Shanty set up a surf, I collected the building water wave and swirled it around us protectively to take the flaming tornado, then I charged forward towards Pom with water bursting out behind me pushing me forward as I mimicked the Aqua Jet move.

When Dolly moved to intercept with her board, a vine whip snapped past me and got Dolly by the waist and she quickly threw her bone at Favela in retaliation. The other vine caught it and bodily slapped the Dalmatian against the ground as I leapt for Pom.

A little later I be sitting with Pom who had a proud smile and a slightly silk covered bandaged cut on her face, she didn’t even mind being hurt or was upset that I managed it. Her wool already made her hard to hurt.

“I might not have to sacrifice myself in these tidings, of doom~!” Pom sang softly before she started to howl and Dolly joined her in their wolf song to the moon, likely thinking about that Gilgamesh guy.

It was being the idea Pom, we would not be losing you to someone that is being like that and we definitely wouldn’t want you to sacrifice yourself to death!

-Three days later-

“We’ll be quite grand~!” Favela sang as she fought a fire bug and was using her vine whips to sling herself about and fire seed bombs as she moved. She leapt into the air and turning into a blurring buzzsaw with her lashing whips as she rolled at the bug before it could light her on fire.

“We’ll create our own fork in time’s new river~.” Quetal sang as he slashed through a blast of water and almost nailed me with his claw before he was blown out of the bubble of water.

“We’ll be quite grand~!” Shine continued to work on her ability to handle pain, she was training her Trick-or-Treat to work on multiple targets and or extending the time, she was even using Phantom Force to dodge and more move about a battlefield, even swapping places with people about to be hit using Ally Switch and immediately diving into the shadows with her Phantom Force move to dodge the attack that would have hit her.

Shine popped up in an explosion of darkness, one that sent Ninjask flailing into the air, with a cute little grin on her face. Shedinja got knocked out second later by Shine flinging a Graveler Pebble at its forehead from the pouch she was wearing.

“We’ll be able to put up a great fight soon~.” Sang the ‘Lucha’ Mundo as he and Pom wrestled one another, he tried to slam Pom onto her back and she caught herself on her hind legs and tried to lift him he quickly change his grip and with a kick at the air with his legs he pinned her against the ground on her stomach.

His sleeper hold made Pom tap out and then he helped her up, Pom had been wrestling him without the assistance of her wool.

“We’ll be quite grand~!” Dazzle sang as she used her singing to fire off a Round move, that caught her opponent off guard and then Dodo found himself eating a face full of sand.

Dazzle followed up by using a Flame Lash to physically vault her body into Dodo as he tried to stand up.

“Heroes be forged from a raging desire~!” I sang in a spirited manner as I watched Lit be fighting the entire unit of almost fully recovered Beedrill by himself.

Lit used the move called Lunge to leap vast distances despite his tiny size. He is using his String Shot to change directions in an instant. He had already used Electroweb to disable three of the Beedrill and one of his Lunge’s took out one with a direct impact, his four tiny blue eyes narrowed as he blasted a thunderbolt at the lead Beedrill and the Protect it brought up buckled under the pressure from the power that the tiny bug was unleashing. Said lightning bounced off and fried his last remaining comrade still in the air.

Lit the Joltik was proving to be more fierce than Pokémon several times his size, after having won the fight with the two remaining Beedrill he tiredly crawled up one of Dolly’s hind legs and then fell asleep quickly after snuggling into her back.

“Protecting loved ones and the future coming for all of us… quite soon-~!” Canard finished out the song as he held up his new hockey stick to the sky and then glanced back at his felled opponent, a large green scythe armed bipedal bug type called a Scyther.

He walked over and helped the Scyther up and the green bug saluted with its right blade arm, while giving the big duck a broad grin.

Sami ran up to them with Cleffa and I be smiling as I turned to go talk to Ocellus. We be making a lot of improvements this week thanks to Mundo’s Coaching.

Still can’t be doing a flying slash though… I be needing to find someone that be being specialized in it.

I just be hoping all this is being enough to face the many dangers that are being beyond Gilgamesh guy… since the Morpeko unit be arriving not too long afterwards.

As I be making my way off the beach I be looking to see Charjabug ramming head first into a tree and then he be gathering berries, not for himself, but for us. He was being such a nice little guy all week and worrying about us eating enough or making hammocks when we be getting tired.

-Other side of the moon in space, ???-

A large glowing golden core inside a cube floated in space, the cube was far more dangerous than it appeared, even if it couldn’t move as it floated a set distance away from the local moon.

Moon Cell, was trying to keep in touch with its primary instigator of world destruction, it needed some help and was busy doing something quite nasty in Valora. Unfortunately the Steel Type Pokémon were quite sturdy, but the flames of war to wipe the world clean couldn’t be stopped if given enough time to propagate.

Its influence on reality was minimal and getting a foothold was being a bit of a problem, but it had a foothold all the same and soon...

-Illusio, Castle of Illusion, Gilgamesh-

“Wow… so much training… what the… eh?” My sarcasm was cut off when I noticed I couldn’t see too much further into the future or the area around there. “Must be Dark Types congregating around there, the future has become quite murky. “Heh, things will get fairly entertaining soon at the very least. Hm-hm-hm, so amusing that they think they can even come up with something to use against me.”

-Eastern Chrysalia, northern beach front, noon, Shanty-

“So… that was an impressive amount of working out this week. We got the entire Bug Type encampment in on it too, had fun, made lots of friends and you got to create an awesome technique where you create a flying bubble of water.” A giggling Smolder said as she came up to me. “Probably won’t be nearly enough, but it is making Pom a little calmer to see you getting stronger at the very least. Goodness knows she attracts as much trouble as our teachers at the Friendship School do.”

“Yeah, but for all the trouble she attracts, Pom’s always willing to help. Whether or not it’s her whole ‘sacrifice’ problem of being a Chrysomallus being a part of her nature doesn’t matter. She’s still going to be Pom.” Ocellus said coming up to my other side and sitting down on the other side of me with a sigh. “Even if the training did prove helpful in learning new things about ourselves, I don’t think any of it covers god tier Pokémon with nigh infinite teleportation powers with a few rules about how those portals work being known to us. That guy could have been watching us all week and just laughing at our efforts.”

Dodo chirped cheerfully as he slammed his metal backside into the sand near getting us covered in covered in beach.

“Pffft… Dodo!” He looked only mildly cowed as I glared at him, before I burst out laughing. He be smiling and making chortling laughing noises.

“So is today a beach day?” A Morpeko asked, they were strange hamster shaped Pokémon one with darker personalities when they get angry or hungry, maybe even both. “We do need a break, given how tired we are from traveling all the way here. Sorry if we got caught up in a few… incidents.”

“Yeah, a break would get me to calm the ‘BLEEP’ ‘BLEEPING’, ‘BLEEP-EEP’ ‘BLEEP’ with a tire iron ‘BLEEP’, down!” Stated one of the said changed form into a Morpeko that had a slightly altered state of mind, another Morpeko quietly be passing that one a berry and he reverted from being black, purple and angry looking to being happy looking with right side colored brown, middle and bottom parts turning yellow and right side was raven black. “Thank you dear sir, that was quite horrible of me, I apologize for my utter rudeness as I was just a little hungry.”


“Uh… what’s her problem?” Smolder asked slightly wide eyed and terrified at the display of such vulgarity.

“I be giving that a three, it not even be rating the top five most vulgar things I be hearing.” My statement be getting disbelieving stares from the five other Morpeko in the unit.

“Mating cycle, Morpeko females tend to get extremely volatile for about four straight days every year… they also, thankfully enough, don’t synch up… don’t know if that’s honestly worse or better. It’s ‘kind of’ why we were delayed.” The male Morpeko that had calmed down stated. “Hmm… get it all out of the way at once and all the males suffer greatly for a week or to continue to have it in small year round doses that we won’t die from horribly. Anyway, she’ll be much nicer when we set out for Illusio tomorrow, we promise. We're taking a break for the rest of the day. The Electric and Dark Type Morpeko unit is at Chrysalia's and Team Harmony's service, Queen Ginchiyo sends her regards.”

“Sure… we’ll take your word for it…” Ocellus stated pleasantly with a shiver and a weak grin, I wonder what she be feeling from the emotions of that one in particular.

“’Volatile Foghorn Noises’!” Shouted the no filter female Morpeko as she scampered away.

“Anyway, after the last three solid days of that, we came here because we heard you have intel about what might be a major problem for the scouting mission into Illusio?” That we did be having clearly Mr. Morpeko sir.

“Yes, we do.” Smolder confirmed.

“Before that… I’m intrigued, what was the most vulgar thing you’ve heard in your life that could be worse than our comrades er… issues… as it were.” The Morpeko be looking at me expectantly.


“Holy Arceus… did you grow up around pirates or something!” The Morpeko stated with wide eyes, his four friends were staring

“Yes, I be doing that exact thing.” I be stating calmly.

“Sounds fair.” The Morpeko stated calmly and all his four friends nodded and agreed.

“Can you all please stop cursing around me…” Ocellus be looking a little green and Smolder carefully started rubbing a claw up and down her back. “It’s giving me indigestion…”

“Now you see Shanty, this is why I got into insult contests with Gallus when Ocellus wasn’t around.” Finally, Smolder be explaining something I be wondering about for a while.

"It's basically the same reason why Psychic Types wouldn't want to read our minds even if they could, our minds are absolutely filthy!" The Morpeko unit leader stated proudly while he stood tall. "That and dark dimensional energy is a perfect counter to most psychic powers, can't forget that."

Author's Note:

Shanty's newest technique just basically replicates the effects of a Gushen from Mario Odyssey, with a bit of water bender in there for good measure.

Apologies for all the vulgarity, but it's going to be a Morpeko thing as much as the Wooloo are all perverts.

Morpeko have a reason to be vulgar though, they are partially aware of Arceus's attempts to create a cuter electric mouse Pokémon than Pikachu. They became half Dark Types out of animosity of being yet another electric cheeked rodent Pokémon.

Music: Mulan (The good 1998 animated one) - I'll Make a Man out of you.

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