• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 31,382 Views, 2,270 Comments

The Memoirs Of A Reality Jumper - Techogre

Alex has been lost for a life time. Can he make a life in Ponyville?

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63 - Meatball Psychiatry

Dr. Emerald enjoyed the quiet of the evening at the hospital. He was preparing for tomorrow at a leisurely pace, following up on patient lab work, reviewing correspondence from other doctors, and so on. Suddenly, his office door flew open. He exclaimed, “Who in blazes?” He saw a familiar purple unicorn, “Oh, Miss Sparkle.” She quickly slammed the door behind herself. He added dryly, “Please, come in.”

Emerald saw a look he had rarely seen on the face of any pony. Anger. Rage. He could feel it rippling off of her. Concerned with his friend, he started to ask, “My dear Miss Twilight, what—”

She snarled, “He’s gone crazy! He wants us to kill him!”

Emerald raised a soothing hoof, “Please, calm yourself. Kill whom?”

Twilight threw her forelegs out in exasperation, “Alex! He told us how to kill him.” She continued passionately, rage in her voice, not letting Emerald a word in edgewise, “After all that work! Weeks spent slaving over a hot enchantment table for those medallions! Almost 90 milligrams of aluminium! 90 milligrams! And after convincing Princess Celestia he was no danger to anypony, now I learn he’s a danger to himself?” She took a breath. “How dare he? How dare he throw his life away!” She stopped, collected her thoughts, and seemed to come to a realisation. She continued in a low, angry tone, “ What about us, his friends? Rarity wanted nothing to do with it, but Beatrix seemed to go along with the idea.” Twilight grew a little frantic, “What about Dash? Oh, Celestia, what about Scootaloo?”

Dr. Emerald placed a mollifying hoof on her shoulder. “Twilight, are you sure? Could you have misinterpreted what was said?"

Twilight looked Emerald straight in the eye, “He showed us where to apply pressure to cut off blood flow to his brain. Not a lot of wiggle room to misinterpret, doc.”

Dr. Emerald felt fear rising in his thorax. His ears involuntarily pinned themselves back. He took a deep breath, calmed himself, and drew on his medical training. “Did he say anything else? What was the context?”

Twilight started casting about, trying to remember the details of the revelation earlier that night. “He wanted us to know how to stop him if he ever became dangerous to us, to ponies.”

“Do you believe he is a present danger to himself or others?”

“N-no. He just seemed so adamant to tell us how to,” she stumbled on the word, “kill him. He was worried he would become a danger. Emerald, I know him. He could never hurt a pony, not in the way he’s worried about.”

Emerald reassured his friend, “You did the right thing. In a few days, I shall be giving him a checkup. I will speak to him then. In the meantime, I will inform Rainbow Dash of the situation.”

“That’s logical. What do you suggest I do? How can I help him?”

“Get a good night's sleep, and when you interact with him, remind him he is a beloved friend.”

Once he had reassured Twilight, she returned to the library for a fitful sleep. In the renewed quiet, Emerald stared at the painting of Luna on the office wall, doing a mental inventory of details about Alex that could help. He finally focused on a minor detail on Alex’s left arm. At the time, he assumed it was just a coincidence. He muttered to himself, “I will have to investigate further.”

It was a bright and early morning. The children were still sleeping, and Miss Sweetheart was in her office. Carefully, she was copying the last page of an official document. She muttered to herself, “One little change here, one little stamp there, and,” she precisely stamped a green smiley face on the last page, “there. Done. Now, no one will ever know.” She placed the stamp and green ink pad in a concealed drawer under her desk.

With a happy hum, she filed the paperwork in the appropriate filing cabinet. “Now Scootaloo gets her loving parents.”

Rainbow Dash nervously entered Dr Emerald’s office. “Hey, Doc. Derpy said you wanted to see me?”

He nodded, “Yes, Rainbow Dash. It is about Alex.”

Dash gulped, and her attention became laser-focused, “Alex? What’s wrong? Did he get hurt again?”

Emerald held up a hoof, “No, he is physically fine. I am… concerned. Last night at the party, he spoke with Miss Twilight, Lady Rarity, and Miss Beatrix.”

“Oh yeah.” She added questioningly, “Something about the theatre?”

Dr Emerald shook his head slightly, “I’m afraid he was not completely honest with you. He gave them instructions on how to… disable him.”

Unsure, Dash continued, “That’s a little weird, but it doesn’t sound too bad, I guess.”

“You misunderstand. He gave them instructions on how to disable him… permanently.” Dash’s eyes grew wide with comprehension. “Now, don’t be alarmed. I do not believe he is a danger to himself or others. However, I am legally required to let you know about this incident. In two days, I shall be giving him a follow-up examination on the injuries he suffered during the diamond dog attack. At that time, I will be conducting a preliminary psychological evaluation. I have a hypothesis, but I would rather not say any more until I evaluate him more closely.”

Dash grew angry, her wings popping open, “He’s no Discord-addled nut job, doc. Yeah, he had it rough, and I know about his fair-trade crud, but he’s been good. Happy. I don’t believe he would have told them that just to hurt himself. He’s not thinking of anything like that. I’m sure he had a really good reason." A tiny seed of doubt crossed her face, " I mean, he would tell me if he was, you know, feeling like that. Right?”

“I agree. He must have wished not to alarm you.”

Dash snarked, “You did a great job of that, doc.”

“I apologise for that. However, I must ask, for the moment, not to mention that you know. It may alarm him.”

Dash thought for a moment. “Yeah, I guess it would.” She squared her shoulders, ready to do anything for her loved one, “So, what should I do?”

Emerald smiled at his friend, “Remind him he is loved.”

The tidy, meticulous, green-coated, brown-maned unicorn looked around the Canterlot coffee shop. Even though his brew was lukewarm, the cup, spoon, and napkin were precisely arranged in front of him. When he was feeling like this, he always became even more fastidious. He couldn't help it. His mind was present and yet trapped in the past.

His eyes followed a fellow pony, an average mare, going about her day. He could clearly see their circulatory system, and not because of some silly x-ray vision spell. It was from experience. In his mind's eye, he was back at the changeling attack in Canterlot. Franticly patching up fellow ponies, desperately trying to save their lives. When they’re bleeding out in your hooves, you need to pinch the correct artery, or they die. Hold it. Hold it there.

The memories washed over him.

A soft voice interrupted his melancholy daydream, "Sir, are you okay?"

He looked up and smiled at the unicorn waitress. She was quite pretty. "Sorry, lass. Just thinking."

"Here, I'll warm up your coffee for you. If you need anything, ask." Her tone was warm, just like her smile. He felt a pang of regret as she trotted off to the next customer.

His quiet remembrance was interrupted by a familiar, breathless and nasal voice, “No hugs for your old friend, Corporal Quick Fix?”

He turned and, seeing who had just spoken, embraced Beatrix. “Trixie! Oh, my ray of sunshine! It’s so good to see you again!”

Beatrix smiled radiantly, “Good to see you again, too, Quick. How's life in the Guard treating you?”

“Good! I made sergeant last month. I have my own medical squad now.”

She gave him another hug. “I always knew you could do it! I’m so proud of you!”

He smiled surreptitiously, “Scuttlebutt says you got a promotion too. A Paladin, no less. Working with that,” he over-enunciated the unfamiliar word, “hyooman, Alex Roberts.”

Beatrix chuckled, “That Scuttlebutt. She’s always in the know.”

After about a half hour of catching up, Beatrix finally broached the subject she had come about. “So, I have a favour to ask.”

“Sure thing. Whatever the Great And Powerful Trixie needs.”

Beatrix looked around and spoke quietly. “Alex Roberts asked me to share some information with someone I trust.”

Quick Fix grew serious and leaned in towards his friend.

I entered the familiar tailor’s shop, ‘Snazzy Suit & Son - Suits For The Discriminating Stallion’. The merry jingle of the little bell above the door didn’t match my mood. “Morning, Elusive. How’s business?”

He looked up from his workbench in the back. “Hey, Alex. Can’t complain. I’m kind of busy right now, but maybe we can do lunch?

I smiled nervously, “Actually, I need a favour. Well, I need to tell you something important. It’s something I hope you never need. I’m only telling this to people I trust.”

“What is it,” he smirked. “Unlimited access to your bank accounts?”

I chuckled, “Not today.” I turned to the door and flipped the OPEN sign to CLOSED. I didn’t want to be interrupted.

Slightly annoyed, Elusive asked, “Okay, what is it, Alex? I know it’s something important. You wouldn’t do that to me unless it were.”

“This is about insurance,“ I began.

He rolled his eyes, “Don’t tell me you're selling Canterlot Life™ now.”

I caught his eye. “This isn’t about me selling anything. It’s about me making sure you can stop me if I get out of control.”

“Like, what? Making you apologise? That should buy me three or four seconds. Plenty of time to get you back to your senses.”

I chuckled again. I loved his sense of humour. “No, I’m thinking something a little more effective that doesn’t rely on me coming to my senses.”

I told him my plan to incapacitate me, possibly terminate me.

His reaction was unexpected. He laughed. Not just a chuckle but a full-on pony rolling-on-the-ground belly laugh.

Confused, maybe a little hurt at his lack of gravitas, I had to ask, “What’s so funny?”

“You expect me just to snuff you out? Just like that? Okay, I know you can tend to dark humour, but colt, that was a good one. Me? Take you on in a fight? Alex, my dude, I don’t think you would even need that knife of yours to whoop my flank.” He chuckled heartily.

I grunted in frustration, “That’s the point, Elusive. I’m not kidding. I already told Twilight, Rarity, and Beatrix.”

There was a metaphorical record scratch. “You did what now?”

I explained. “I made sure the most precise unicorns I trusted knew, including you, pal. I mean, don’t get me wrong. Try anything and everything you can think of first, but if it comes down to it, you can stop me. Long enough to do something else, or permanently if you need to.

Elusive grew concerned. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

I nodded, and then he surprised me. He got up and hugged me.

“Okay. Alex. I’m telling you now, I’ll do everything to avoid doing it. But if I have to, I will. I did my time in rattle. I know that sometimes, you need to do stuff you don’t want to do to protect others.” He chuckled, “But, um, can you tell me again? I was too busy laughing.”

I had the plans and supporting paperwork tucked under my arm. I realized my knee was involuntarily hopping while I was waiting for our turn in the council chamber. Dash put a calming hoof on my thigh and grinned at me. “Don’t worry, big guy. Things will be just fine. I’m not worried, and neither should you. No matter what happens, I love you. Don’t forget that.” She grabbed my face with both hooves, gazing deep into my eyes, “Never forget that.”

I chuckled. This was so unlike her, but I appreciated the vote of confidence. I smiled and nuzzled her nose with mine. “I won’t forget, sweetheart.”

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, a pinto mare official opened the door. ”Mr Alex Roberts? The Ponyville Counsel will see you now.”

Dash hugged me tight, then looked at me with an anxious expression. "Don't forget, I'm here for you, no matter what."

I smiled warmly, "I know, Dash. Never doubted it."

The mare spoke with a slightly irritated tone, "Sir? The council is busy. If you need to reschedule…"

"No, no. We're on our way." I felt a little pang of guilt. Dash seemed a little, I don't know, clingy today. I wonder if-

My thoughts were refocused on the task at hand as we were escorted through the door. The council chamber itself was small and crowded. The opposite end of the room held a long table, and the rest of the room had boxes, scrolls, books, and all the flotsam and jetsom of government work piled in a seemingly haphazard manner against the walls.

Mayor Mare, Berry Punch, Filthy Rich, Golden Coins, and Gale Force were seated at the table. Each had a little stand-up card with their name on it. I recognized most of the ponies except for Gale Force. I recalled Dash mentioning he was a big deal in the weather patrol.

Golden Coins had a sour expression. “Let’s get this over with. We still have a rather large itinerary with more pressing matters.”

The Mayor adjusted her glasses. “We have reviewed your proposal. The plans are very extensive and comprehensive. However, we do have a few questions.”

I nodded, “Of course.” Dash seemed nervous, so I placed my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me with a forced smile.

“Yes, well, at the risk of being indelicate,” she glared at Golden Coins, “a large fraction of your fortune has been lost. How do you plan on funding this project now?”

“Ah. While I would have loved to finance this project all on my own, I see my current situation as an opportunity for the citizens of Equestria to join in this endeavour. I will offer a simple bond with a three percent return per thirty-six weeks after the theatre goes into operation. The payouts will begin ninety-six weeks after the theatre opens, giving me enough time to get established. The bonds will be as little as five bits with no upper limit. The minimum time of the investment period will be one hundred and forty-four weeks after the payouts begin, so sixty months after the theatre opens. That will give me enough time to build a nest egg to buy out anyone interested in leaving. Given my personal relationship with them, I also hope the princesses will invest.” I beamed at the council, “This would be an excellent investment, wouldn’t you agree, Mr Coins?”

“I reluctantly agree. However, three percent is rather generous, almost twice the typical return rate. How do you propose providing for this financial lavishness?”

I smiled, “I have several ideas, but as you can see in Appendix H, the projected return on investment is over fifteen percent in the first year. This will allow—”

Berry Punch interrupted me, “Yes, Alex Roberts, we have all read your proposal. It is rather ambitious, but I don’t see any problems as a certified accountant. The teleport pads are especially clever. It will be useful for many non-theatre applications and an excellent income stream. Have they been developed yet? Have they been tested?” She punctuated her question with a small belch. The other ponies nodded.

I opened the proposal to the relevant section. “As you can see in Appendix Q, Twilight Sparkle has sketched out the magical engineering. According to her, this is all straightforward. She has done the initial investigation, allowing us to estimate the requirements, with redundancies, to make it work. We estimate the pads will be ready about a month before the theatre opens.”

Gale Force spoke in an accent I didn’t recognize, “Dat Twilight Sparkle is one smart cookie. I trust her estimates. From what Dash tells me, she probably already has it all designed and prototyped.”

Dash beamed.

Mayor Mare smiled, “Does anypony else have any questions?” There was silence at the table. “No? Time to vote. All in favour?”

Everypony raised their hooves.

“The ayes have it.” Mayor Mare beamed at me. “It is with great pleasure that we approve your theatre building plans. Good luck, Alex Roberts.” With that, she struck her gavel. “There will now be a half-hour recess.”

Dash jumped up and hugged me. “You did it! I knew you could do it!”

Golden Coins trotted up to us with a patronizing smile. “Alex. May I call you Alex? Of course, I can. Alex, despite our past differences, I will, naturally, personally, invest in this project. I believe this will be a great boon to Ponyville. However, with the sums involved, I must insist that I be the one in charge of the project. Say, Chief Executive Officer?”

‘Nice try,’ I thought to myself. “No, I’m afraid I can’t accept that. No offence, but I just don’t trust you. You can invest just like everyone else. I can’t stop you. But this is my baby.”

Dash’s wings flared in anger. “You heard him Coins. Beat it.” I thought Dash might have overreacted a little, but screw Coins. I may be willing, eager even, to help him redeem himself, but that doesn’t mean I need to let him take advantage of me.

Coins smiled condescendingly. “Of course, Element Bearer. As you wish.” He turned that smile to me, and I frowned a little, “Alex? I will invest in your foal. I will also make a tremendous profit, double what I would get elsewhere. All thanks to you.” He chuckled infuriatingly, “I believe this is how we play the game, correct?”

‘Why, you bastard,’ I thought to myself, then smiled bitterly. “Yes, and well played.”

Dash looked at me in confusion, “Why are you letting Coins invest? That flank head doesn’t deserve-”

Coins interrupted Dash, “Ah. You never told your dear marefriend about ‘the game’, did you?”

I deadpanned, “Didn’t think it was important.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. So many secrets. And from the Element Of Loyalty.”

Dash snarled, “Shut up, Coins.” And she looked up lovingly at me, “I trust this big lug. If he doesn’t tell me something, there’s a reason.”

“While I appreciate your confidence in me, he does have a point.” I sighed. “Remember the night of Derby's wedding?”

She cocked an eyebrow at me, “Don’t tell me. Your cathartic experience?”

“Yup.” I then told her exactly what happened that night. The ninja suit, sneaking around town drunk, the garrot, my speech about ‘the game,’ everything. Well, everything except that Coins peed on the carpet. Why embarrass him?

Coins looked on as I spoke, a sneer slowly forming as the story continued. When I was done, I smiled, “I want to thank you, Golden Coins, for reminding me I need to be completely honest with my beloved.”

He replied with venom dripping from his voice, “My pleasure, Paladin.”

Dash smirked, “See, Coins? My stallion is the best! And he was right. I might have been more ticked off if he had told me that night. Now, it’s just a funny story.” She paused momentarily, looking imploringly at me, “Anything else you want to tell me?”

I kept that light smile, “Only that you’re the best.”

She seemed slightly disappointed, but I couldn’t think of anything else she might want to know.

Dr Emerald’s office was always a little too cool for my tastes, but it was the standard temperature for the hospital. I sat on the examination table in my underwear while he held a clipboard and pen in his glow. He was making notes and going through a checklist of some kind.

"Very well, my boy, that is the physical examination complete. I believe you have fully recovered from your escapades. Now, I want to ask you a few routine questions about your mental health."

I chuckled, "Looking for bats in the belfry, huh? I can tell you now I'm as sane as you are. Have to be, don’t I? Building a theatre, raising an amazing daughter, marrying a beautiful wife, and rebuilding my relationship with my human wife.” I tapped my right temple, “All tickety boo."

We stared at each other for a few moments, daring the other to break eye contact. He finally spoke, still locked in eye-to-eye combat. "Your arm, please."

I presented my right arm.

He shook his head slightly, maintaining eye contact. "Your left arm, please."

I smiled tightly, keeping my tone neutral, "What's wrong with my right arm?"

Eyes locked, he spoke darkly, "It is not the arm I wish to examine."

My eyes flicked away for the briefest of moments, then refocused. "Why? What's wrong with my good arm?"

His voice remained calm, "It is not that arm I have a hypothesis about. Now, your left arm. Please."

I suddenly felt angry at his gall. Who the hell did he think he was? "You go to hell." I reached for my clothes.

Suddenly, the arm in question was encased in a green aura and forced out, palm up, fingers spread. He pointed at the neat row of memories on my inner forearm. There was a beat, the silence between us deafening. He continued softly, "How do you explain these?” He pointed to the memories on my arm. “All the same length, all with the same distance apart, almost mechanical precision. Based on the scarring, I would guess they were all made years apart.” I stared in hate at that sanctimonious son-of-a-bitch, my mouth deformed into a savage snarl. He asked quietly, pleadingly, “Well?"

I could feel the rage and shame welling up inside me. I put my right hand on my knife. Just give me an excuse, you freak. I angrily lashed out, "None of your goddamn business. Now let me go, or I’ll make you let go."

He didn't flinch, "I don't believe you will."

I stared at him for a few moments. Then, reluctantly, my right arm went limp.

He let my left arm go, and his expression, even the one under his skin I could barely make out, was full of concern. "Have you had any thoughts of taking your own life?"

His question stopped me cold. I sat on the exam table and stared. “What are you talking about?" I finally realized what this was all about. "Is this about the insurance?" I did my best to sound reasonable, one adult speaking to another about a simple topic. "What I did was take reasonable precautions. I gave them the tools to stop me.” I looked away and muttered, “I specifically told them to keep you out of this for a reason.” Then, maybe a little louder than I meant, “Who was it? Who blabbed?”

Emerald smiled, “It was a friend who cares. Now,” his expression became serious, “why did you give instructions to three powerful unicorns on a method of killing you?”

I could only glare at him. Didn’t he see the simple evidence in front of him? I guess I’ll have to explain it like he’s five. I spoke clearly and slowly. I overenunciated every word. "Because I am a danger to everyone around me. I could lose control and kill you all. Friends. Family. Foes. Everyone.”

Elusive didn’t seem moved by my explanation. “With this in mind, I ask again. Do you plan on harming yourself?”

I stared blankly at him for a moment, then answered with a sigh. “No, of course not.” I waved my hand dismissively, “I want to live a thousand years!” There was a long pause, and I found my hands involuntarily making those little circular motions when I was thinking.

He prompted me, "But?"

I lifted my hands in mock surrender, “Okay, fine. I used to, for a very long time. But not for a while. Not since Dash.”

“And what about this fair trade? Ms Rainbow Dash mentioned it when we spoke.”

“You spoke to Dash? Huh. Well, that explains the clinginess. It was a little uncharacteristic of her, but now it makes sense. Not that I minded. It was just not her usual behaviour." He cocked an eyebrow at me, and I chuckled, "Okay, enough stalling.” I pursed my lips, collecting my thoughts. “So, my fair trade. I was looking for it for years, doc. Long, hard years. I was alone and, frankly, terrified out of my wits. It was like that all the time. After a while, I thought, if I've got to go, at least it can mean something. It was something to make it all end, but not for nothing. I started looking for a fair trade about fifteen years in. I wasn't afraid of death, as long as it was for a good reason. I never really thought about just ending it. I never had the guts. Doing myself in, I mean.” I recalled an incident that contradicted my statement. “Actually, I lied. I did once, maybe about ten years ago.” I paused, remembering the moment. “I was standing on a chair, rope around my neck." I laughed, "The damn ceiling beam broke. Aw man, was the innkeeper ever mad. Cost me over a hundred gold pieces to fix it, too." I wiped my eyes and looked up at him. "Look, I know you’re just doing your job, but…?"

Emerald looked at me with an understanding smile. "Why? Because it is my oath as a physician to relieve pain. Because of my oath as a member of the Night Guard requires I show compassion to all. And because, even though you know I'm not a pony, you still call me your friend." He became serious. “Alex, under equestrian law, I had to inform your next of kin. I was able to contact Rainbow Dash. Applejack was away on business, but I’ve sent her a confidential letter. Ann Roberts is in another universe. I will inform her as soon as possible.”

I begged him, “Please don't. I can't give Ann anything else to worry about. Applejack has so much on her plate. Can’t you, I don’t know, cancel the letter?” I whispered, "I can't let Dash know how weak I am.” I chuckled bitterly, “That ship’s sailed.” I continued, “I know she's committed to me, but I'm afraid she'll… God, I don't know which would be worse, her pity or her leaving me… Anyway, it's not like I'm going to off myself any time soon.” I sniffed away a tear and sat straight. “Too much shit on my plate. And someone needs to show that little girl what a good dad is." I became frightened, "And what if she found out? She’d never look at me the same way again." I plead with him, "Doc, can we forget this whole thing? Tell them all there was just a terrible mistake?”

He shook his head and smiled sadly, “I’m afraid not, Alex. Your loved ones need to know.”

I desperately flailed around for a solution to make this all go away. “Look, doc, I’ve been able to keep myself together for a very long time. I'll be fine with Dash and Ann and friends like you for the rest of my life. Deal?”

Emerald's expression didn't change, "First, Alex, even in your world, I am sure there are many who advocate that mental illness is not a problem with one's character. I understand you are afraid that people would see you less the… man you are if they knew, but does hiding one's problems from their family equate to strength of character? I would wager the Element of Loyalty would say no."

He took a deep breath, and his voice became softer: "Now, I am aware Dash doesn't present the insight to understand these things easily, but I had to inform her. I did my best to make sure she understood the gravity of this. Applejack, as well. Would it not be a greater burden on Applejack and Dash not to know? Do you really think Rainbow Dash would see someone who has gone through as much as you have to be weak? Frankly, for you to get as far as you have after all you have been through merits a person of unyielding will and resilience." He put a hoof on my shoulder. "But even the strong need to heal their wounds. There is no shame in letting others help carry the burden and for you to draw strength from them for a while."

I watched the changeling for a long while as he patiently waited for my reply. I smiled involuntarily, "How long have you been saving that cheesy speech?"

Emerald smirked, "Practiced it in front of a mirror this morning." We both shared a soft chuckle. "But it’s all true, wouldn't you agree?"

I nodded and took a deep breath, holding back the tears. "I’m scared, Emerald. I am afraid I'll fall apart if I let this all out. I feel like I’m holding my insides in, and if I let go… I’m scared."

"That, my dear Alex, brings us to the second part of this consultation. I am going to refer you to Miss Introspective for an intake interview. She is a certified psychotherapist with a specialization in multiculturalism and held a practice in the Griffon Kingdoms for several years. That way, you will have a safe place to talk about it.”

In the cool of the night, Celestia awoke with a start. She looked around in panic and unceremoniously bolted to the throne room, startling several guards along the way. She slammed the gilded door open and bellowed, “Clear the room!” The startled ponies and foreign dignitaries quickly obeyed.

On the night throne, Luna seemed unaffected by her sister’s sudden intrusion. She discreetly put aside a report from a particularly trusted Night Guard physician. She had been reassured there was no immediate concern and had no reason to doubt their word.

Celestia hurried onto the royal rostrum, and in the room's silence, she whispered, “Did you feel that, sister?”

Luna nodded, “Yes. It would seem we have another guest on the way. I shall notify my Paladins as soon as you can tell me where they will arrive.”

“Just outside of Ponyville, near Fluttershy’s estate, within about half a kilometre of the fork in the stream.” The solar diarch rubbed her temple, “Why is it always Ponyville?” She groaned in frustration, “Another Alex. Wonderful. Let’s hope this one is as compliant as our current chaos creature.”

Luna gave her sister an irritated look, “I would appreciate it if you didn’t call Alex a creature. He is a citizen, one of our little ponies. You made him one yourself. True, he does not share the same shape as most, but he is one nonetheless.”

Celestia closed her eyes and sighed. “Forgive me, sister. Can we discuss this after we have determined what is arriving? I’ll contact the Elements while you contact your Paladins. Perhaps Alex will be best suited to deal with this newcomer. Shall we inform Cadence so that she can call on her League?”

“Given we do not know what is arriving in about thirty minutes, it would be the wisest course of action.” Luna thought for a moment, “Do you know what members of the League are currently in the area?”

Celestia closed her eyes for a moment, “I believe the gryffon Gary and the pegasus Silver Thought are the only ones in Ponyville at the moment.”

Luna looked out the window towards Ponyville, “I hope it’s enough.”

Gary was in the kitchen of the restaurant, washing dishes. It was his turn, and fair is fair. His sister's turn was tomorrow night, and he could take a break then. He was happily drying the second sink full when there was a sudden snap-crack of a teleported scroll. It hovered in the air briefly and fell unceremoniously into the dirty, sudsy water. With a sigh, he gave the scroll a quick shake, broke the pink seal and started reading, “My dear blah blah blah important mission blah blah blah your compatriot Silver Thought blah blah blah at the stream blah-,” he stopped reading. He reread the last part, “Another Alex Roberts in twenty minutes? Oy feathers, this is going to be a long night.”

Silver Thought was settling in with a cup of her favourite tea and a good book. It had been a busy day, and she looked forward to it. Reorganizing the shelves of her bookstore was always draining. She was startled by the unexpected snap-crack of a teleporting scroll, almost spilling her tea. She quickly snapped the seal and read it. “A second human? So soon?” She pondered the question, “Maybe. A second interdimensional jumper for sure.” She reached for her frying pan, “I hope they’re friendly.”

It had been a long day, and I was beat. I only wanted to spoon with my wife and get some shuteye. As I finished brushing my teeth, I heard the snap-crack of a teleporting scroll coming from the living room, followed a moment later by a second snap-crack and a scroll appearing at my eye level. I grabbed it and read. I rubbed the back of my neck and muttered, "Shit. Another jumper?".

I heard Dash yell to me, "Princess wants me to go to meet and greet another jumper!" She trotted into the bathroom excitedly, "Do you think it's another human?"

"I... don't know." I sighed, "So much for bed."

Author's Note:

Take a look at the latest chapter in Applejack's Diary.

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