• Published 7th Feb 2012
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The Memoirs Of A Reality Jumper - Techogre

Alex has been lost for a life time. Can he make a life in Ponyville?

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44 - A Running Fight

I mumbled angrily, “If that’s Lily Valley freaking out over nothing again, I swear to god I’ll frog march her to Canterlot and get her psychological help.”

In the darkness, we all heard some panicked yelling and screaming coming from outside. I could make out the occasional ‘dogs’ and ‘gnolls’, but it was, for the most part, nondescript panic sounds.

“‘Dogs’ and ‘gnolls’. Looks like there’s a party going on.” I cracked my knuckles. “I could use the distraction.” What I wanted to say was, ‘I need to bust some heads and break some noses to help me forget the nightmare that just happened.

I started getting up, but Dash pushed me back gently but firmly into my seat with one hoof. She spoke to me hurriedly, “You stay right here. Do you understand me? This is mare’s work.” I ignored the sexist comment and looked toward the window, hoping for some glimpse of the problem. She placed a hoof on my cheek and pulled my face in her direction. “Are you listening? Me and the girls will take care of this. Besides, you’re in no condition to handle anything right now. Got it?” She gave me a quick kiss and spoke softly, “Alex, your head isn’t in the game. Anyway, I really don’t want to spend any more time at the hospital with you.”

She looked at me for a long moment, her eyes pleading, “Please,” she placed her forehead against mine, “just stay here, where you’ll be safe, okay?” She kissed my nose, placed her forehead back on mine, and whispered, “I… I’m not strong enough to lose you.” She pulled away, put her other hoof on my other cheek, and locked eyes with me. She said flatly, “Promise me.”

I placed my hand on her hoof and fell into her eyes, “I’ll try, but I’m not sure I can.”

Her eyes narrowed, and a tear seemed to form, “Fine. Just don’t get yourself killed. Then I’ll be really mad.” Before I could answer, she bolted out the window and out of the library.

Twilight put a hoof on my hip, “Don't worry, Alex. I’ve known her for a long time, and she’s just worried. Now, as a good friend, I would also ask you to stay here. Somebody needs to protect Spike.”

From another room, I heard Spike, “I can take care of myself. I’m a dragon!”

Twilight retorted with an ever so slightly manic edge to her voice, “A baby dragon!” The snap crack of teleported saddle bags brought the smell of cinnamon, anise, chocolate, and other scents.

She started mumbling to herself, “Spices and chemical spell enhancers, check. Okay, Twilight, Rover wouldn’t do this. He may be a son of a bitch, and wouldn’t know a good thing if he was dating her, but you can’t take your frustrations out on-” She stopped abruptly, looking me in the eye, “So, as Dash said, stay here.”

She turned to leave, taking a few steps toward the door, then suddenly turned to face me, “You’re a loyal coltfriend, right? You would never dump Dash just because she’s smarter than you, right?” Twilight didn’t wait for an answer and looked at me, imploring, “I mean, if Dash had to spend a few days or weeks conducting important experiments for the Princess, you wouldn’t be upset about that, right? You wouldn’t just give her an ultimatum to choose between the Princess and him, would you?” She threw her hooves in the air, “Of course you wouldn’t. That’s because you are a loyal coltfriend, unlike some disloyal dog. You understand Dash is smart and does experiments for the princess...” She blanked as if returning to the present. “Um, sorry, bad memories. Anyway, stay here, keep, um…” With a flash, a green vase with wilted daisies appeared in the air between us, “this vase! Vitally important it stays safe. Take it, and stay here.” She seemed to be satisfied with her blatant falsehood and galloped off.

I sighed and murmured, “That is a high-maintenance girl. God save the poor bugger that catches her eye.”

Once I placed the vase safely on the table and got rid of the sling, I stepped into the late afternoon sun, shading my eyes. I slowly scanned the chaos around me. There were large dog-like humanoids, one each to my left, right, and straight ahead. Gnolls. I started listing their strengths and weaknesses to myself.

‘Gnolls are taller than me but are lean and gangly, weighing about as much as I do. They have long arms with taloned hands but usually use crude weapons. These ones don’t seem to, but I'll keep an eye out for it. Their jaws can crush stone. Keep away at all costs. Their weaknesses are a sensitive snout, weaker back legs, and a soft underbelly. They have a predictable attack pattern but faster reflexes to make up for it. The key is to find the Alpha and take them down hard. The rest usually fold once that happens.’

The trainer who had taught me how to defend myself had shown me a meditation trick to help me relax and focus. This was especially useful when frightened, or in my case, mortified that my wife of eighty years thought I died, or worse, ditched her. ‘Okay, Alex, focus. Clear your mind, and let all the distractions wash away.’ With that, I dropped to a combat stance, readying myself for the inevitable fight.

I hadn’t been noticed yet, so I took the opportunity and sprinted to the closest gnoll. It was facing away from me, terrorising a mare and her colt. The mare was tan, with a brown mane and tail, while the colt was dark brown with a reddish mane and tail and, of all things, a propeller beanie on his head.`

As I ran, I held my breath, so I didn’t make too much sound. At the last moment, as I made eye contact with the mare, I leapt and snarled like a beast. Grabbing the gnoll’s mane at the back of its head, I pulled as hard as I could, then kicked down on its left hock, putting all my weight behind it. There was the sickening sound of breaking bone, a high-pitched yelp, and the creature crumpled unceremoniously to the ground. I took a moment to force myself to breathe slowly, calming myself.

As it whimpered in fear and pain, I snarled, “Stay down.” I forced my expression to one less savage and looked up with concern at the terrified ponies, “Don’t worry. Princess Luna sent me. I’ll make sure you’re safe.” It's a bit of a lie, but I was supposed to be her representative. I may as well try to live up to my title. I silently prayed, ‘Princess, now would be a good time to come to Ponyville.’

I breathed in slowly through my nose and out through my mouth. I stared hard into the eyes of the now terrified creature at my feet while I forced myself to breathe calmly and rhythmically.

Once I centred myself enough to think clearly, I grabbed the gnoll by the scruff of the neck and spoke in a guttural voice, “Where’s your alpha?” It only whimpered. I moved my face closer and raised my voice, “Where! Is! Your! Alpha! Gnoll?"

It whined pathetically as it flinched in pain, “Me, diamond dog. Me no ugly gnoll. You looking for boss?”

I forced myself to speak calmly to maintain some semblance of control. “Yes. If you tell me and stay down, then I’ll make sure you get medical attention. Deal?”

It was looking into my eyes with fear, almost terror, then seemed to come to a decision. “Yes. Rabbit Slasher stay right here. Boss go to red book house for whelps.”

I’ve never known a gnoll, or diamond dog, I suppose, to be cowed so fast and so completely. First time for anything, and it's much better than the alternative.

“Thank you.” I directed my attention to the mare, “Ma’am? If this one tries to get away, buck them anywhere, but not in the leg. I don’t want to cripple them.”

She smiled grimly while looking at the Diamond Dog, “With pleasure, Alex Roberts.”

I patted the colt’s shoulder, “You’re very brave, son. Keep a sharp look out for your mom, okay?”

“Yes, sir! Sweetie Belle was right. You’re no monster.” He got this goofy grin, “This is so cool.”

I gave the kid a half smile and kept scanning the area, looking for an opportunity to get closer to the schoolhouse. “All you have to remember, kid, is that this monster is on your side.”

I started looking around as I planned my path to the school. I wanted to make the maximum difference in the minimum amount of time so I could get there as quickly as I could. Anyway, if I make a straight beeline there and make enough of a stink, they might get clever and ambush me or something. My teacher’s words still rang in my ears even after all these decades, ‘Never fight foolishly or predictably.

I hated to admit it to anyone except maybe Dash, but part of me was exhilarated by this. I felt so alive and very much in my element. Much to my surprise, I wasn’t even winded anymore.

My attention was drawn to a thunderous explosion in the sky to the northeast end of town. There was what looked like a swarm of flaming bees rising and dancing into the air, then suddenly streaking down, seemingly all to the same point. That was from the direction of Bea’s house. I smiled and almost felt sorry for the diamond dogs at that end of town. Almost.

I looked straight up in time to see Dash streaking toward Rarity’s place. No matter how often I saw her fly at full speed, I was still amazed. I smiled and said aloud, “That’s my blue angel.”

I snapped back from my revelry. The Diamond Dog’s words remembered. ‘Scoots. Damn it to hell. I’ve got to get to that schoolhouse.

I skulked down an alley. I knew Elusive’s shop wasn’t too far, so I thought I could do a quick pass by to make sure he and his dad were okay. Like half the alleys in Ponyville, this one had a dog leg about halfway down. I used this particular one on occasion during the market to avoid crowds. When I turned the corner, I was face to face with a pair of Dogs. They both snarled at me and started advancing.

I quipped, “Well, boys, cowardice is the better part of valour." As I was about to turn and run, a gray and blond shape streaked past me from above. My eyes shut instinctively, and only half reopened at the cloud of dust and particles of brick centred on one Dog.

There in the wall, in a pegasus-shaped dent, was Derpy. She lay there, pinning an unconscious dog under her. His buddy stood in shocked silence, so I took the opportunity to charge the other one with a shout. I ducked below its massive clawed paw as I dropped a fifth of the total electrical reserve into him. His eyes bugged out, and then he went limp. I shoved him off of me and started making sure she was alright.

“Thanks for the save, Mrs Derpy.” I quickly added, “Are you okay? Are Caramel and Dinky alright?”

“Yes, they both are. They're at the Town Hall, where all the adults are gathered. It's the safest place to be. I was just heading out to find Rainbow.”

“I saw her heading toward the Carousel Boutique. But do me a favour. I kind of promised Dash I would keep my head down. Don’t tell her you saw me. Please?”

She smiled, “Saw who?”

All I could do was return her lovely smile.

I finally reached the back door of Elusive’s tailor shop. I peeked in and saw Elusive’s father in the back room, barricading the door. I called out, “Snazzy Suit! It’s me, Alex Roberts! How are you guys holding out?”

I could hear him, a little muffled, but still understandable. “I’m fine, but Elusive is playing hero out front. I’d appreciate it if you went and looked out for your friend.”

“You bet, sir. On my way.” I snuck along the side of the tailor shop to the small plaza out front, looking for my drinking buddy. I would be all kinds of angry if he was injured. I mean, he’s a fashion designer, not a warrior.

What I saw gave me pause. No, it gave me a full stop. There, the meek little tailor and the pencil neck academic, Elusive and Emerald, were surrounded by a pile of stunned, battered, bruised, vomiting, and out cold dogs around them.

After a particularly impressive takedown, I heard Emerald comment, “I think they make an agreeable thump when they hit the ground.”

To which Elusive, with all the relish the foppish designer could muster, “Quite, sir. Quite indeed.”

They then proceeded to share a shoulder bump, like any two workmen celebrating an exciting hoofball play.

I thought it best to leave them alone to their fun. They didn’t need my meddling. I made my way back to where Snazzy Suit was barricaded.

“He’s fine, Snazzy. He can teach anyone something about being a hero.”

I had to cross a small plaza. Luckily things were quiet, and I figured it should be safe. I heard the galloping of a few ponies but ignored it. I figured they were heading to town hall and safety.

Without warning, I was tackled. A light blue pony with a messy and unkempt white mane was on top of me, and it seemed very excited. I think it also had some bladder control problems. It whimpered with excitement and suddenly licked my face. The disgusting smell made me gag. I could now see it was a mare. In a sing-song voice, “You are the key! You bring all the beautiful madness into the world, oh most beautiful key.” She giggled, and her voice became lustful, “And you taste like strawberries. I just love strawberries.”

Before I could push her off, I heard some gruff stallion voices calling, “Get back here!” She laughed maniacally and bolted in the opposite direction, barking like a dog. The two stallions dressed in medical smocks galloped through the plaza and presumably continued their chase.

I continued my own mad dash to the schoolhouse. My only thought was the safety of my daughter. There was a last blind alley before the less dense part of Ponyville. With a surge of hope, I pressed harder.

I reached one of the ubiquitous doglegs, almost running into the wall. As I turned the corner, I stumbled into a pony.

A tired, angry, and frightened stallion’s voice bellowed, “Blasted and Tartarus-fire! Get out of our way you Discord addled fool!” I could now see it was Golden Coins, followed by an equally frightened Miss Butterscotch and Silver Spoon.

“Coins, head to the town hall, it’s the-” I stopped, surprised by the sight of two diamond dogs tearing around the other corner. They came to a screeching halt, confused. I think they were surprised by my appearance.

My own shock only lasted a moment. I drew my knife and lept between the ponies and the dogs while yelling, “Get behind me!” I placed myself firmly between them and the Dogs. I ordered through gritted teeth, “Get to town hall, now.”

Butterscotch moved in beside me. “I’m not letting you take all the credit for saving them, Alex Roberts.”

Recovering from their momentary stupor, the two dogs snarled at us and pounced.

I lept and lashed out in an arc, using half the electrical discharge in hopes of getting them both. I did manage to hit one, it’s body convulsing then dropping like a ragdoll, but the other passed me, hitting me in the upper back as I passed by. My face ground into the gravel, my breath gone for a few seconds.

As I gathered my wits, I saw a most unusual site. Miss Butterscotch was standing on her hind legs, her forelegs held close, and she was dancing. No, I recognised it from my own martial arts training. She was readying herself to fight, keeping her centre of balance always moving.

The dog lashed out at her, and she grabbed its arm in her forelegs. She then kicked off the ground while twisting her body around, her body becoming parallel to its arm. At the top of her arc, she bucked both hind legs, smashing the dog senseless. I was amazed at the smoothness of her attack. It was like she had practised it hundreds of times, but how could you ever do it without serious injury to your partner? The defender, no, the target, otherwise it would imply some chance of deflecting the attack, didn’t stand a chance.

I almost felt sorry for the dog. I was sure it had a shattered jaw and dislocated shoulder, at the very least. It simply lay on the ground, whimpering, until she unceremoniously bucked it in the head again. It now lay unmoving and silent except for shallow breathing.

Butterscotch offered me a hoof and smirked, “I suppose you owe me one now.”

I smiled and took her offered hoof in friendship.

One last shortcut. I peeked down the alley and saw a brown cloud billowing out, quickly followed by a trio of coughing, stumbling, and finally collapsing dogs.

As Twilight trotted out of the cloud, she spotted me. I could see she sported a slightly disturbing manic grin. As she got closer, I could see her mane was dishevelled, and most disturbingly, her right ear was twitching randomly. I have never been around her when she went seriously ‘twazy', but I’ve had enough advice and common sense to know that I should direct her to safe tasks and, barring that, get out of her way.

I really, really hope she’s forgotten about the vase.

She levitated a small mass of reddish-brown powder from one of her saddle bags. “Cocoa powder was the key, Alex. In the right concentrations, it worked fairly reliably, too.” She giggled manically, abruptly stopping herself, “Out cold if they breathe enough.”

Yup. She forgot about the vase. But replaced it with a side order of crazy.

I knew from what I had been told by Dash and Applejack that when she was like this, it was best to humour her and just stay out of her way. “Wow, who would have thunk it? Well, I have to get going-”

She came closer, levitating a few bottles out of her bags, joining the little cloud. “It was quite simple once you consider the fact that canines are allergic to cocoa. I then took a common idea from the countless examples I saw in your Wikipedia.” she took a triumphant breath and held her head high with pride, “I weaponized it.” Her eyes started to drift in different directions as she let out a disturbing chuckle and rubbed her hooves together.

I tried to not change my expression. I wasn’t sure if I should be proud of her for thinking outside the pony box or horrified for thinking like a human. I had to think fast.

She continued, excited about her new combat-ready coffee topper. “It all came together once I added powdered espresso beans and rubrum taurus to the matrix and-”

Sometimes, the best plans are the dumbest. I pointed to the middle of town and yelled, “Look! More Diamond Dogs!”

She turned, changing her focus from me to maybe attacking dogs. “How dare they attack Ponyville! That’s just crazy!” She slammed her hoof into the other, then started rubbing them together with that deranged smile and tiny pupils still shrinking, “I’m going to write a letter to the Princess about this so hard it will make their heads spin, then he’ll be sorry he dumped me!” With the snap crack of teleportation and some relief on my part, the purple unicorn was headed toward the centre of town. In the distance, on the edge of my hearing, was the sound of familiar, if somewhat deranged, laughter.

I finally reached the edge of town and saw the large empty field between me and the school. As I took a moment to rest, a large shape flashed past me in the sky. I didn’t get a good look at it, but I was able to recognise a long sky-coloured tube being pulled by a bunch of pegasi wearing sky-blue overalls. It was headed in the direction of the large fields not far from my house. I did see something drop out of the back before it was obscured by the houses.

With my short rest complete, I sprinted to the school, eager to resolve this situation once and for all. I reached the front door, climbed the stairs two at a time, and skidded through the classroom door. I stopped my hands on my knees. I raised a hand and gulped air, “Just a sec.”

The huge Diamond Dog had turned, a look of confusion on his face. He was not alone, flanked by three more of those dog troopers, but they looked better fed and were cleaner than the ones I had seen so far.

They must be trusted lieutenants.

Behind them was a purple mare with a two-tone pink mane. She was standing protectively in front of a brown pony with a black and grey mane and impressive handlebar moustache lying on the ground, a serious bruise on the side of his face, and a bunch of terrified kids huddling together in fear. I looked directly into Scootaloo’s eyes and saw the fear. My heart skipped a beat.

God damn it.

My daughter, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle were in the group, along with Diamond Tiara and five or six other kids I didn’t recognise. At the front was one of the kids I didn’t know: grey coat, teal mane, and tail. He caught my attention because he seemed to be placing himself firmly in defence of Scootaloo.

All those kids.

I came up with a desperate plan, and it required I continue with my act. Well, half an act. I really was a little winded. “Ma’am? You’re Cheerilee, right?”

Unsure how to react to the surreal situation she was in, she simply half smiled, “Yes. I’m the schoolteacher here.”

“Great, great. We’ll have to talk later. Work comes first.” I chuckled, “Luna’s a real strict boss.” I stood up and cracked my back, startling all the conscious ponies.

First, the stick. I need to show them what a precarious situation they’re in.

“Alright. Here’s the deal. Most of your boys are captured or incapacitated. The Royal Guard will be here any second. Luna’s personal Paladins are all around you, with the head Paladin standing in front of you and the Elements of Harmony all around town.” I realized this was all based on the assumption the locals could handle themselves. I really hope I’m right.

And now for the carrot. A chance for them to get out of this without losing face.

“Now, I’m tired, you probably are too, with all that terrorizing of kids and such. What say I give you a chance. You and your boys step out this door and tell your guys to release any ponies they have. Then, and only then, will I let you guys go. You will then come back in a week, and I swear to you I will do everything in my power to help your people.”

He seemed to think for a moment, then gave me a big toothy and slightly unsettling grin. “Bonecutter. Kill him.”

There were audible gasps from the ponies, even a desperate little ‘no’ from Scootaloo. I had almost forgotten how shocking that sort of thing would be to them, but I knew I couldn’t afford to lose my focus. Nevertheless, I was ashamed for the briefest moment; I was unaffected by it.

The larger dog to his left, Bonecutter I presumed, took a step towards me. I quickly drew my knife and threw it at a spot on the ceiling above him. As it left my hand, its shape changed into a steel hummingbird with a blade in place of its head, trailing an almost invisible hair-thin wire connected to a quickly forming bracelet around my wrist. I love elven design. Always so damn elegant.

He snarled with laughter, “You ugly dummy miss me! Ha!”

I commanded NON-LETHAL.FINISHER. The knife, in only an instant, grew to a sphere about half a meter in diameter. I knew that while it didn’t weigh much, it would spit out from the ceiling like an apple seed, moving about as fast as an arrow.

Almost in slow motion, the ball slammed his face into the floor. This was instantly followed by the sound of a large electrical discharge, a dance of blue lightning around the sphere, and the jerking and flailing of the diamond dog. The ball returned to its knife shape and slapped into the palm of my hand. “So, the offer stands. But, this is your last chance.”

“Bonecutter was an idiot.” The two other dogs took discreet but noticeable steps away from their boss. “So, pink puppy, what you do if me say…” his smile was filled with malice and foul cheer, “no.”

He snarled to his subordinates, “Kill the purple pony and take the whelps back to camp. Me want take pink runt.” I noticed the two hench-dogs glanced at each other and hesitated.

The leader was angry, bellowing, “Do what you told!”

Scoots impudently called out with pride. “They’re smarter than you, puppy. They know my dad will beat you all up.”

He casually shoved the noble little gray colt to the floor and angrily backhanded Scootaloo. Her little head snapped back, trailing a thin line of blood and saliva.

As soon as I saw her struck, something broke inside me. This animal had to be put down. My breathing became rapid as my vision completely focused on my target. The Alpha was clear as day while everything else blurred out of sight. I felt my nerves were on fire as I gripped my weapon.

I may have bellowed something out because the Alpha turned his full attention towards me. I wasn’t fully aware of what I was doing. This whole time, I was walking towards him, calculating exactly where I wanted to hurt him. The knuckle guard formed around my hand. No blade. No spikes. No electrical discharge. No killing.

The Alpha Diamond Dog lunged its arm out. I nimbly moved to the side as the claws tore into the sides of my shirt, the tips digging in and leaving shallow wounds. My right arm was already pulled back and ready. I drove it into his snout without hesitation. Despite the protection offered by my weapon, I was dimly aware of the knuckles on my right hand popping. I watched the dog’s head snap back with a satisfying crack.

That moment of clarity vanished as I realized that I had thrown my entire being into that attack. The Alpha Diamond Dog was flying backwards, and I was following close behind. The dog crashed through a window he was standing in front of; glass was everywhere as I passed through. I may have been cut, I was unsure as I didn't feel anything. It didn’t matter if I was hurt. This barbarian had the gall to hit my daughter.

I had no intention of stopping. This monster would learn pain. The alpha landed on its back. Its nose was bloodied, and glass shards had cut its neck and ears. I slammed my knee directly into his sternum when I landed on him and quickly dug in.

I didn’t want him blacking out for this.

I wanted him to feel every ounce of pain. There was something I have never done before, a setting I had always refused to use, but now… now was the perfect time to use it.


My brass knuckles grew vicious points as I sent the first blow to its throat. I felt something crunch. It hacked and coughed blood as my left followed up on its face, and then my right hit the other side of this mongrel’s mug. I lost myself as blood splattered on my cheek. I only wanted to pound this beast’s face into ground meat, leaving it in agony for what he did to my baby girl!


Each blow…


Made me hate...


This worthless creature...




And more...


And more...



A young filly's voice cut through my rage, “Dad!

Then, there was nothing left.

My vision cleared. I looked down on the Alpha, its ragged breathing matching my own. It begged with a whispered and choked cry, “Please…”

“Dad, stop... please..."

I looked over, my little Scoots was breathing hard, and her voice sounded a little raspy. Was she calling out to me? How long was she doing that? The dog in front of me was wheezing in pain, and both of his eyes were swollen shut.

I… did... that.

I scrambled away as fast as I could, stumbling and landing on my backside. My weapon fell out of my hand, landing in the gravel pathway by the school. The world around me returned to clarity. I saw for the first time there were glass shards everywhere, and blood had stained my clothes.

Scootaloo was by my side, and she wrapped her forelegs around me. “It’s ok, Dad. You can stop now.”

I held her tight, “Are you okay? Tell me you're okay.”

She sniffed, “I’m fine, dad.” I just held for a moment longer. “I hope Miss Sweetheart doesn’t see us.”

I chuckled warmly, “I don’t think that will be a problem.”

I slowly stood up, my body shaking a little after the rush I had been through. I looked down to see the bigger mess that lay below me. There was blood on the ground. The dogs watching me do this from the window were terrified, their tails between their legs. I noticed Ms Cheerilee had been keeping the children from watching. Any other witnesses simply grimaced at the site.

After regaining my composure, I leaned down, resting my hands on my knees, glaring at the dog until I could see his pupils lock with mine through his swollen eyelids. “Don’t ever forget, it was a filly who saved you. My little filly.” I turned away from this beaten dog and smiled hopefully at my little Scootaloo.

Author's Note:

I would humbly like to thank the following in no particular order (and look at their home pages for their stories):

Tosety - The gray earth colt protecting Scoots is Steelskin.
DiscordsAdvocate - Because I'm a jerk and totally forgot about him.

The others know who you are, and should brag about it.

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