• Published 7th Feb 2012
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The Memoirs Of A Reality Jumper - Techogre

Alex has been lost for a life time. Can he make a life in Ponyville?

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51 - A Mother's Secrets

Luna was tired. While she could remain awake for months or even years and be fully alert the whole time, she had grown used to the simple routine of a light meal and a rest at the end of her nighttime vigil.

This routine had been disrupted by an argument with her sister. While she found this was wearying, this time she would not quietly acquiesce.

With renewed determination, Luna looked up defiantly at her sister on her golden throne. Celestia had cleared the royal atrium lest her little ponies see their beloved princess and her reformed sister arguing like mere mortals. The elder sister looked down with amusement. "You keep saying redemption, little sister, but I do not think you know what it means."

Luna resisted the urge to slam her hoof down in frustration. She took a moment to look at the stained glass images depicting her redemption, her transformation from Nightmare Moon to her true self by The Elements of Harmony. Luna eventually spoke with a control born of millennia of practice. "Dear Sister, I have experienced it first hoof. Have you forgotten that I have been... cleansed by The Elements?" Her voice softened as she tried to reign in her exasperation. "Nevertheless, does not a Princess have need of her champions? Champions like your Element Bearers?"

Celestia, seemingly ignoring the question, spoke in an amused tone. "It would seem, little sister, that you're trying to copy me."

Luna tore her gaze away from the reminder of her mistakes and looked up at Celestia. "My beloved sister, why would you have any issue with anypony imitating you? I have noticed, since my return, there seems to be a statue of you in every village, town, and city centre." For the briefest moment, Celestia's expression flashed annoyance. It quickly returned to the one of her famed kindly neutrality. "Come now, sister. You had been cultivating an image of a loving mother for centuries before my… incident. There is no need to hide this."

The solar diarch smiled wisely, "What my little ponies do is not under my control. If they wish to celebrate me, who am I to deny them? Still, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you seek to emulate a successful tradition, as it were. My sources tell me even Cadence is planning such a group. What did she call them? Her League of Extraordinary Gentlefolk?" Celestia waved a hoof dismissively, "A silly name, but she is young and full of what she thinks are new ideas. Perhaps she was influenced by that champion of yours?"

The Princess of the Night gazed at her sister with obvious pride, "A positive influence, I have no doubt."

Celestia kept her famed expression of gentle neutrality. "We shall see."

Luna's gaze returned to the stained glass. Her response was tempered with the slightest sliver of doubt. "Yes, you shall, sister." She slowly continued to the stained glass depicting Discord, looking up ruefully at the image.

Celestia stood from her throne and joined her sister in gazing upon the terrifying Draconequus. "Luna, do you recall the last thing Discord said before we imprisoned him?"

Luna snorted, "Of course I do. He said our friend would free him. You are not implying it is Alex, are you?"

Celestia shrugged, "He is quite chaotic, but I'm not saying it's Alex. It could also be that entertainer, Beatrix Lulamoon." She gave her sister a tight smile, "Speaking of your champions, what tasks have you given them, Luna? All I've seen are trivial tasks, saving an individual here or there. Nothing substantial. The Element Bearers have the Elements. What weapons have you given them? None."

Luna stiffened, then turned an angry glare at Celestia, "That may be so, sister, but at least I don't send my champions armed only with riddles, half-truths, and misdirection."

Celestia sat with a thump, unable to hide her anger as the words cut deep. "You know I must make them strong and that is the best way. They wield our best defence against Equestria's threats, old and new."

Luna locked eyes with her sister for a moment, then bowed her head."Forgive me, Celi. I did not mean to question you or your methods. They work, and I am living proof of that. But, I do ask, for one thing, please treat them with respect."

Celestia sighed, "I will, Lulu. However, I still think he is a thug and a brute, as witnessed by the school house incident." She shook her head, "It's bad enough Rainbow Dash has been charmed by this beast, made him her special somepony, but they have adopted a child."

Luna reminded her sister. "Her name is Scootaloo. Hers was one of the first dreams I interceded in when I returned."

Celestia smiled sadly. "Yes. Scootaloo. I recall her supplication, asking for 'a super cool mom like Rainbow Dash'. I knew one day they would be a family, but I didn't expect... him. I never saw him then, and I still don't see him now, just the chaos he leaves in his wake. This is how your episode started." She swallowed hard, a cold sweat making her shiver, "The weave had shown me Rainbow Dash and Soarin becoming her parents, you know. I had made arrangements for them to spend time together at the last Wonderbolt rally, for their love to blossom, for Soarin to save Scootaloo in the school house." The Princess of the Sun rubbed her temple and spat out accusingly, "But, your Alexander, he distorts everything he touches. He makes long-term," she hesitated for the slightest moment, "planning so much more difficult."

Luna rolled her eyes, "Come, sister. It cannot be that bad."

Celestia pleaded, "I don't think you understand. Any strand he touches twists and bends in uncontrollable ways. Now, even the simplest change to those corrupted threads yields unpredictable results. Luna, my control is no longer certain."

Luna shrugged, "Perhaps it is time for you to lose control? Maybe our little ponies should lead themselves."

Celestia continued, ignoring her sister, "The most worrying thing is that it's spreading. Rainbow Dash's connections are changing, twisting and fading. The other Elements, even Twilight, are beginning to become resistant to my touch. She questioned my advice, Luna. Twilight Sparkle. The little pony who worships the ground I trot on. I had wanted her to become her own mare, but not like this." Celestia grabbed her sister and almost shouted, "How can we keep our little ponies safe if I cannot influence the Weave?"

Luna hugged her sister tightly, "Do not fear. Our ponies will become stronger. We cannot forever hold them to our bosom like mewing babes. Why, one day, they might outgrow the need for us, dear sister."

"Yes," Celestia said coldly, "and maybe one day we shall release and befriend Discord."

Luna's expression became annoyed, "That was most uncalled for. Comparing Alex Roberts to Discord is most unfair." She stood and sighed, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I would like to rest. I need to be strong to perform my duties tomorrow."

"Of course." Celestia smiled sadly, then, in a most sisterly way, hugged Luna.

In the heart of the Everfree Forest stood the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters. In the decaying throneroom were gathered a group of ponies from all walks of life and all social strata. One cloaked earth pony sat on the crumbling dias, her face hidden in shadows. She stomped her hoof to get the others' attention, then spoke. "My sisters, behold the greatest gift our master has left us. The cursed chaos orchid, the Orchidaceae Maledictionem Chaoticus, the—"

She was interrupted by an angry shout, "Get on with it!"

The speaker replied in a jovial tone, "Right, sorry. Just adding a little chaos to the mix." She burst into hideous laughter that would have caused any outsider to flee for their lives. Here, it was joined by the others. She finally slowed and stopped. "As I was saying, this beautiful example of Poison Joak all cause… well, something."

The gathered disciples started excitedly suggesting possible results.

"It'll turn his arms backwards." This elicited a few groans and one of 'boring'.

"It'll make him into a proper pony." There was silence, quickly followed by a single snort and giggle.

"You know, it might not do anything at all." This suggestion was followed by hisses and boos.

"Oh, oh! What if he becomes the joak? Blessing everypony he touches. Won't that Rainbow nag be surprised? Huh? Huh?" There were several cheers at this suggestion.

"What if he brings back, you know, Discord?" There were a few angry shouts of 'blasphemy'. "Don't forget, he's a friend of the Princess and chock full of chaotic goodness."

"Why bring him back? That weirdo could be Discord, just in a sillier monkey package." There were shouted disagreements from all sides.

"Hold on, hold on! You know what I hope for?"

A random voice from the gathering shouted 'What!'

"I hope it turns him inside out."

The gathered throng roared in laughter.

The leader called out, "Whatever it does, it will be a doozie."

One of the cloaked figures raised a hoof, "So, um, Exalted One, not to question your plan, but how are we getting this to that goodie four shoes? We can't waltz into town with those flowers."

The nominal leader smiled at the brilliance of her plan. "My plan is simple. First, we bless ourselves, en mass, with Poison Joak. Second, we overwhelm the hospital, begging for cures, and maybe do something about the source while we're at it. Thus, all the available medical treatments will be depleted. Third, we get him the flowers. Four, not quite sure. Five, we profit! And by profit, I mean to watch that interloper suffer."

The lone figure, hoof still raised, "But, you didn't actually answer my question, did you?"

The leader rolled her eyes under her cloak, "Yes, you have a point. I've been grooming our nascent Nightmare Moon, our diminutive Discord, our tiny Tirek. Her name, pause for effect, is Diamond Tiara."

The room was silent, not the reaction she was hoping for. Then, from the back came a single voice, "She sounds like a nag."

The room erupted in laughter.

In the city of Cloudsdale, at 1717 Skyway Towers, apartment number 137, an older sky-blue mare with a fading fire-red mane held an envelope in her hoof. It was addressed to her, Golden Dash, and it was from her daughter. Strangely, the post office stamp was from Canterlot, not Ponyville.

Golden smiled warmly. Her daughter sent so few letters. I suppose I can't really complain. My little filly is a hero. She doesn't have time for an old mare like me. She decided she would savour this rare treat. She made a pot of tea and sat in her over-stuffed chair. Pouring a cup and taking a happy sip from her cup, she used the steam from the teapot to carefully open the letter.

Her eyes grew wide at the fancy Canterlot Ritz-Canterton stationary it was written on. 'My little filly has sure moved up in the world.'

Dear Mom,

It's been a while, and I'm sorry for that. Not very loyal of me. It's been crazy here, and once you read this letter, you'll understand why.

I finally fell in love with somepony. I know what you're thinking, "You fall in love twice every year, and you've broken up with them just as fast." Well, this time, it's different. He's different. You could say he's out of this world. And we love each other. He doesn't care about my past and how I'm not refined, I guess. He loves and trusts me like nopony else ever has, except you. His name is Alex Roberts.

Golden read it again and a third time. She thought, 'What a strange name. He must be an earth pony. They always have strange names. That's alright. As long as he treats her with respect.'

Long story short, we're getting married!

Golden Dash put the letter down and wiped a happy tear from her eye. Her heart was bursting with joy. She said out loud, "Oh, my little Rainbow, you're all grown up."

But, there is something you should know. So it's not a shock when you meet him.

Golden put the letter down again and became sad, 'Oh dear. I hope he's not sterile. I do so want grand foals.' She took a sip of tea and read on.

He's not a pony.

Golden folded the letter, closed her eyes, and pleaded, 'Please, please, please don't be another gryffin.' She had a sudden, terrifying thought, 'Please, sun giving Celestia, not a diamond dog, not one of them. They're so… dirty.' A pleasant memory struck her, 'Although, that zebra was a lovely young mare. And some ponies don't think they're ponies. I could have listened to her talk for hours, but Rainbow is like her father, just no patience for that way of talking, I suppose.' She giggled at a new thought, 'I wonder if he's a sea pony? I read about them in the newspaper a few weeks ago. Could she… well, it would be unique and out of this world, as she said.' She tisked, 'I hope it's not one of those dreadful night guard bat ponies. The last one she dated was such a snob. Well, no use in guessing. I may as well read it and get it over with.' She began unfolding the letter but stopped. 'I will put my hoof down at a donkey. I refused to have one in this family.' Golden giggled again, 'Unless he's rich.'

He's a human. A human is like a pony that stands on two legs, like a minotaur or a diamond dog. No, everypony says he looks like a diamond dog, and I can say for sure he looks nothing like one. I should know, I've tangled with dogs saving my friend, Rarity. He also has hands on his forelegs. They're like claws, but softer and warmer. It's like they were made to hold you and make you feel loved, ya know?

Golden read the paragraph several times, then sighed. 'Why couldn't it have been the gryffin?'

Mom, I want you to trust me. When you meet him, you'll love him too. He may look a little scary at first, but once you know him, you'll see he's got a heart of solid aluminium. I know, it's corny as all get out, but it's true.

The elderly pegasus sadly shook her head and muttered to herself, "Oh, Dashie-poo. You always say that every time. I hope this time it's different."

I'll end my letter here because I have to leave soon. Alex and I are headed back home, and we don't want to miss the train.

Love you with all my heart.


P.S. Alex and I have talked about adopting, for obvious reasons. We already know a pegasus filly, the one I was a Big Sister to. She's a great kid, and I love her to bits. Her name is Scootaloo.

Golden thought for a moment, 'Wasn't there something wrong with her wings? I can't remember exactly what. Well, I'm sure it's nothing.'

P.P.S. Before I forget, Alex said his wedding tradition is for the groom's family to pay for the wedding. Believe me when I say, he's not worried about the cost.

Golden shrugged and finished her tea, 'He may not be handsome, but at least he's rich.'

P.P.P.S. Say hi to dad for me.

Her expression soured, 'I doubt that salted scrub will care, but,' her expression softened, 'Rainbow Blaze might pull his head out of his plot long enough to be a father.'

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