• Published 7th Feb 2012
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The Memoirs Of A Reality Jumper - Techogre

Alex has been lost for a life time. Can he make a life in Ponyville?

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25 - An understanding

With my confidence shaky but improving, we finished breakfast and I started cleaning up. With a quick kiss and hug, Dash turned to leave for her daily exercise routine. “I’ll be back in an hour, you big baby, eleven-thirty at the latest.”

I always get a thrill watching her take off, so I followed her out to watch her leave. When I reached the door I leaned against the frame. She was in that crouched position she takes before a powerful takeoff but when she saw me she straightened herself and hovered toward me with a sultry smile. Without saying a word she embraced me again, more passionately this time. I held her in my arms, her wings wrapped around me. I couldn’t help but notice she still had the scent of lilacs from the party last night. I took a deep sniff and smiled. Her natural scent and the perfume mingled perfectly. “You still smell great.”

I could hear the smile in Dash’s voice and a bit of a giggle, “Enjoy it now. You won’t want to do that when I’m done with my workout.” I held her with my left arm holding her up, the other around her shoulders. I didn’t know how long we stayed like that, but I didn’t want to let her go. She finally spoke, her voice almost purring, “Alex?”

“Yes, Dash?”

“As much as I hate to say this, you need to let me go so I can get working out. You may think I’m a hottie, but that won’t get me into the Wonderbolts.”

“I’m afraid I must agree. One last kiss?”

She kissed me again, as passionately as she ever had before, after a much too short a time, “There. That’ll have to hold you until I get back. Now, move your arm from around my shoulders.” I did as instructed, and she launched herself from my arms. The burst of wind almost knocked me down, and I could only look up in wonder and admiration as she joyfully spiralled into the sky.

“There, all done,” I mumbled to myself. With the house all clean, I made my way back to the living room to sit. As I was turning the corner, I heard a small popping sound. I turned back and saw a scroll with a black and dark blue seal. ‘I wonder what Princess Luna wants?’ I picked up the scroll, snapped the seal, and started reading.

My Faithful Paladin Alex Roberts,

I Am Disappointed At Your Recent Actions Regarding Golden Coins. While He Is Flawed, We Both Know There Is A Spark Within Him That Can Be Fanned Into The Flame Of Redemption. We Also Know That Your Approach Was Equally Flawed. In The Future, You Will Refrain From Physically Threatening Ponies.

With This In Mind, I Want You To Meditate Upon The Dream I Sent You and Coins. It Is A Glimpse Into A Possible Future, One That Must Be Avoided. I Hope This Will Help You Understand The Dire Need For The Redemption Of Golden Coins.

While You Are The First Of My Paladins Of Redemption, You Must Still Learn Humility. In the Interest Of Learning This, I Would Ask You To Apologize To Golden Coins, As He Will Apologize To Mrs Derpy Hooves. I Have Sent Him A Letter Of Guidance As I Have Sent One To You.

I Give You This Guidance In Love,
Princess Luna

P.S. In The Future, Please Monitor Your Alcohol Consumption As It Seems To Make You Act Foolishly.

'I'm a disappointment.' That was my only thought. I had disappointed a goddess with my stupidity and now had to prostrate myself before that caricature of a pony, Coins. ‘Fair enough, I suppose. I do owe her for her guidance, and she did appoint me a Paladin, so I may as well live up to it. Anyway, I think Coins is hurting as much as me after that dream. I mean, if big bad Alex can get cut that deep, I can only imagine what it would do to a pony. Even a bastard like Coins.’

I sat a while, just waiting for Dash to come back. I was thinking about what I would be saying to Coins. ‘You’d think I was worrying about the girls, but I’m not. Elusive told me mares work this kind of thing out, and heaven knows I’m no expert on this kind of thing.’

“Equestria to Alex. Didn’t you hear what I said?”

“What? Sorry, Dash, just thinking.”

“I said, ‘Would you like to take a shower with me?’ but that’s off the table. You only get the hottest Rainbow if you’re paying attention.”

I was so distracted my response was, “Oh, well, if that’s the way you feel. it’s okay by me.” I was brought back to reality by a tap on the back of my head. That snapped me out of my funk and made me realize what had been said. “Dash, I’m so sorry. I just got his letter from Princess Luna that’s messing with my head.” I handed her the scroll.

Dash read the scroll and let out a low, slow whistle, “So, what exactly did you do when you weren’t under supervision?”

“In a nutshell? Put on my ninja costume, broke into Golden Coins’ house and held a garrot to his throat. I then, in a very drunken act of stupidity, threatened him with much bodily harm for almost ruining Derpy and Caramel’s wedding. You know, the usual.”

Dash hugged me from behind and kissed me on the cheek. “You, Mr Roberts, require constant supervision and no alcohol. What possessed you to do something that stupid?”

I smiled, “Lack of supervision and too much alcohol. Do you know the worst part? If I had had just a couple more virgin Humans, I would have been too drunk to pull it off.”

“I would say that was totally awesome if it wasn’t so bucking stupid.” She pulled away, and I could hear a sniff, “Wow, okay, I need a shower. Do you mind if I use yours?”

“You go right ahead, angel.” I smiled, wishing I had paid attention.

“I guess it will be a lonely shower, all alone.” Dash tsked and sighed, “You missed your chance for today.” There was a heartbeat, and she started giggling. I turned my head in time to receive a kiss and watched her go off to the bathroom.

When she came out, it was quarter to noon. It must take longer to dry off with her coat, mane and tail. I felt bad not offering to help her dry off. Maybe next time. I was still on the couch, waiting for events to transpire. She climbed on the couch beside me, stretching her toned body and resting her head on my lap. I absentmindedly scratched behind her ears and was rewarded with a happy sigh. “Dash, I hope you know how happy you make me.”

Art by Dan Houser (dan.r.houser@gmail.com for commissions)

I paused, carefully thinking about my next words, “In fact, I've been thinking, and even if I had a chance to go back to where I come from, I don’t think I would take it. I would miss you too much. I don't think I could ever bring myself to ask Twilight if she could do it, even hypothetically.”

She turned and looked me in the eye, “Really? You would give all that up for me?”

“In a heartbeat. I’m not saying I don’t miss them, but it’s been so long, they’ve become an abstraction. Even with the occasional communications, they’ve become unreal to me, just moving pictures. But you, my beautiful angel, are far more real to me. I hope you don’t think any less of me for abandoning them.”

“Alex, you idiot, you hardly abandoned them. You waited a lifetime by anypony's count. You deserve a family. And I’m happy you want me to be part of that.”

“You bet I do. I mean, who else will keep me in line?" I happily stroked her mane

We spent the last half hour or so simply enjoying the warmth of the other, not saying much, if anything. I would occasionally run my fingers through her soft multi-coloured mane or a fingertip along the edge of her ear, making her giggle and her ear twitch. She would run her hoof along my leg, causing it to twitch making her giggle even more.

Finally, the event I was dreading, what broke this moment of warmth and comfort, distant voices I recognized as Applejack and Big Mac. They were arguing outside, and they were both speaking in stage whispers.

Big Mac's smooth baritone was the first I understood properly, "Now I told you to get in there. Alex is trying to help you and Miss Rainbow Dash patch things up."

"Listen here, Big Macintosh, you know full well why I tried to get Alex's attention. Dash will chew him up and spit him out before the end of the season. Alex is too sensitive to be jerked around by that... that jerk."

The exasperated tone in Big Macinosh's deep baritone voice was evident, "Applejack, just go. As your big brother, I'm ordering you."

"You can't order me. You may be older, but I'm the head of the household."

"Maybe so, but I am your older brother, and don't you forget it." He punctuated his point with a snort.

"I don't know why you're so keen on them two getting together. Didn't you have a crush on RD? Didn't he steal your mare? If Alex is with me, you can sweep in and romancify her."

There was a noticeable pause before he answered, "A while ago, I might have taken you up on that and maybe let you give him a try. But now? Alex is a decent person. Now that I know him a little, I could never do that to him. Do you know he tried to set me up with Miss Rainbow Dash?" there was a pause, "That's right, you didn’t know that, did you? I know he's not some colt looking for a quick rut. Who knows, if the situation ever changes, I wouldn't be opposed to it. But right now, that's not going to happen and likely never will. You need to get in there and settle things."

I heard Applejack give a little grunt and stumble. “Alright, alright, no need to push.”

There was a knock on the door, and Dash sat straight up. She looked at the door worriedly, then back at me, "I guess it's time to go."

"Best to do it like a band-aid, rip it off fast." Dash looked at me with pinprick pupils. "Er, sorry, I guess that would be bad for you. Let's do this and get it over with. I'll be the one in the middle." I smiled and gave her a little peck on the nose, "Trust me, Dash, I'll fix this." I added to myself, 'I hope I can, anyway.'

"No, Alex. I want to talk to AJ alone. Mare to mare. And I don't want you listening in, even though I know you can. It's something we have to do. Please, do it for me."

"For you, anything. I'll grab some drinks and go chat with Big Mac. Do you want me to make some tea before I go?"

She laughed, "You'll make a great little homemaker. I think we'll be good. If we want anything, we'll raid your fridge."

"That's why it's there."

I reluctantly got up, grabbed a couple of cold bottled drinks and stepped out the back door. "Thanks for coming, Applejack. Dash is inside. Help yourself to a drink in the fridge. I've been kicked out, so I thought me and Mr Macintosh could have a talk. Hope you like this stuff, Mac." Applejack gave me a small apologetic smile and went inside.

Mac gave me that almost smile, "That's just fine. Best let the mares come to some agreement. No need to get involved."

I motioned to the shady spot under the tree where the heavy bag was. I tried hard not to listen in. I pulled the top off one of the bottles and passed it to Mac. I opened the other one and sat down. "Eeyup."

Mac answered with his usual verbose commentary, "Eeyup."

After a while, to drown out the conversation Applejack and Dash were having, I started talking, "I tell you, Mac, it wasn't this complicated where I come from. Just as many hes as shes. What's the ratio here, three to one, four to one?"

"Four to one in Ponyville." Mac finished off the drink and placed the bottle on the ground.


“Alex, in my experience, mares usually work this stuff out beforehand or just wait for the stallion to choose. This here situation just got more complicated because the mares involved are stubborn.”

I chuckled, “Really? Are Rainbow Dash and Applejack stubborn? Inconceivable.”

Mac looked a little confused, “Alex, I don’t think that word means what you think it means.”

I snorted, “Sorry, Mac, it was just a joke.”

Before Mac could answer, Dash called from the back door, her voice and expression neutral, "Alex, could you come in here, please?"

Applejack was seated at the far end of the kitchen table, her hat in front of her. She had a look on her face that said embarrassment. Dash motioned me to sit on the stool between them as she sat opposite Applejack.

Dash started speaking, “Alex, me and Applejack have things worked out, but I wanted to ask a question, and I wanted you to hear the answer. Like you said, blinders off.”

"AJ," Dash looked at her long-time friend with a little sadness, "why did you do it? Why did you, and I never thought I would say this, why did you try to steal my stallion? I mean, you're so pretty. Big Mac has a hard time keeping them away from you."

Applejack sighed, a faraway expression on her face, "RD, it's like this. Yes, I suppose I'm pretty, but that's part of the problem. The stallions who try to court me are fine looking, but not much else. Alex liked me," she paused with a bittersweet smile, "loved me for me, not because I'm pretty. Heck, he couldn't tell if, if Twilight or Fluttershy was the prettier mare." Applejack looked at me pleadingly as if to ask me to confirm this.

I smiled a little, "I'm not proud to say so, but it's true. Physically, ponies all look alike to me. If I had a black-and-white image of just your face, it would be hard for me to tell you apart. I rely on your colours, body shape and language, and cutie mark to recognize you. Colour-coded for my convenience. But that also means I can focus on the important part of a pony, their heart. At the end of the day, that's what matters."

I turned to Applejack and took her hoof in my hand. I saw the controlled scowl Dash was flashing me, but I ignored it for the moment, "Applejack, you are the sister I've never had, and I love you with all my heart. It's the same kind of love I feel for my daughter: absolute, heart-bursting, and platonic. That will never change, never. You could break my bones, and it would not change that. I would be annoyed, but I will never stop loving you."

Dash was visibly upset, but I continued. "I am so sorry that I will never be the person you can love in that way. But, there are two straightforward reasons, the one you know, that you're too much like Ann, and this one," I turned to face a scowling Dash, "my heart belongs to a mare that makes me smile when she kisses the sky," her expression became neutral, "that makes my heart skip a beat when she speaks," her expression grew to a small smile, "that makes me dream of a future with her," her smile grew as her eyes became moist.

I turned back to Applejack and was greeted by a bittersweet smile and wet cheeks. She slowly pulled her hoof from my hand and placed it on my cheek. "I, I think I really understand now, sugarcube." She put her hoof down and turned to Dash, "I'm so sorry, RD, I wronged you, and you're my best friend. If I had only been honest with myself, and I mean really honest with myself, this never would have happened. I guess I was wanting that kind of friendship so badly I ignored what I knew." She sniffed loudly, "I'm so lucky to have a friend like you," she turned back to me, "and a brother like you."

After a tender moment between us all, "Okay, so I think you girls should go off and spend the rest of the day together. Patch things up, have fun, and be friends. Maybe prank somebody.” They both hugged me and turned to leave, “Dash,” I give her a quick peck on the forehead, “ Can I have a word in private with Applejack? Family business.”

Dash looked a little unsure but finally nodded and went outside to wait. “Applejack, I just want to give you a single piece of advice that I know has helped me in the past. Instead of waiting for your prince charming, maybe you should go out there and find him.”

Applejack seemed to be taken aback by my advice, “I, I never thought of that, really. Around here, stallions take their pick of mares, seeing as there are so many. I’m not sure it’s proper. But I know you wouldn’t steer me wrong, at least not on purpose.”

I give her a smirk, “Just telling what worked for me once, long ago. Anyway, according to everyone else, you can have your pick of the litter. You just need to find the one. Heck, you might find that tailor, Elusive, to be right up your alley.”

She gave me a questioning look, “Are you trying to set me up with your pal? Because, if you are, he must be a fine stallion to be your friend.”

“Not set you up as such, just letting you know about an option you may not see otherwise. Oh, and if he talks really campy when you meet him, just say you’re friends with me and I told you his secret. He’ll talk normally after that.”

“But, what if he doesn’t like me, you know, the real me?”

“Then you get back on the horse and... wait for me to find a better human saying. It means, if Elusive Isn't the one, keep looking. I know there’s a stallion out there who is decent and hard-working and will care for you. The real you. And if he doesn’t, he’ll have two older brothers to look out for.” I got up, lazily stretched, and gave her a big smile, “You’re a good person, Applejack. Don’t you ever forget that.”

I jerked my thumb toward the door, “Now scram and go spend time with your friend.”

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