• Published 7th Feb 2012
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The Memoirs Of A Reality Jumper - Techogre

Alex has been lost for a life time. Can he make a life in Ponyville?

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37 - Making her my little girl

I turned my head to see my oldest friend smiling kindly at me. I felt such joy knowing Fluttershy had forgiven my actions, chaos magic be damned. I welcomed her good news, “You found the pup, Fluttershy? That’s great!”

The timid pegasus shyly hid behind her long mane, “Oh Alex, the poor little thing was half starved. It’s so young, it needs constant care, and with your injuries, I’m just not sure you’re able to do that right now.”

I scowled a little at her, despite myself, “Fluttershy, I made a promise. I have something very important to take care of with Dash, but I’ll get to your place as soon-”

Applejack put a hoof on my mouth to stop me from talking, “Alex, sugar cube, I think y’all had better take Fluttershy up on her offer. You can barely take care of yourself, never mind a newborn. Look, no one here will think any less of you for asking for help, at least until you’re better. Then you’ll make your sister proud, or else.”

Bea spoke weakly, still being held up by Big Macintosh, “Alex, sweetie, Applejack is right.” She smiled weakly at Fluttershy, “She’s the expert here, she knows what’s best. Dash, talk to your fiance.”

Dash taps me on the shoulder, “Listen, you big lug. I know you want to do the right thing.” Her expression softened, “You wouldn’t be the person you are if you didn’t.” She put her foreleg around my waist and gave me a little squeeze, “But sometimes you’ve got to swallow that pride of yours and accept help.” Dash smirked at Applejack, “Your sister learned that the hard way.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, “Just when I thought I had everything under control, you guys show up.” I chuckled, despite being oh so annoyed at these wonderful ponies, “I suppose you’re all correct. However, Fluttershy, as soon as I feel I can fulfil my promises, I’ll be at your doorstep to learn from the best.”

Fluttershy’s expression and speech became stiff and formal, “And I, Mr Alex Roberts,” but then it changed to a warm, mischievous little smile, “will be happy to teach a friend.”

We arrived at the adoption office about an hour ago. The air was a little dusty, and the furnishings were well-worn and utilitarian. Like most pony public rooms, the outer walls had a low shelf with a wide cushion that served as a common seating area. Nothing fancy, but comfortable.

We spent the first few minutes quickly filling out the adoption forms. Like any of the pony paperwork I’ve encountered, it was simple but extensive. We managed to get it all done in fifteen minutes, my hands being a great advantage for writing quickly. Once we gave the sheets to Miss Sweetheart, she gave us a polite smile and said she would be back with us momentarily.

Momentarily turned out to mean almost three-quarters of an hour. We sat without saying a word, my arm around Dashs' shoulders, her sitting upright and leaning against me. Dash sitting upright, rather than in her usual sprawled position, was worrying. It spoke to how upset she was. I did the only thing I could, I kissed her muzzle and whispered encouraging words.

If I was honest with myself, my heart was in my throat, and I was probably as freaked out as her, but I’ve had a lot of experience in delaying my freakout to a better time. The only telltale of my worry was my foot tapping the ground.

Dash stated in a deadpan tone, “Alex, if you don’t stop that I’ll glue your foot to the floor.”

Ignoring her little joke, “If we screw this up, we may lose Scootaloo. We may never see our daughter again.”

Dash turned to face me, “You...” she placed her hoof on my cheek, “are going to be a great dad for her.” She smiled warmly, her voice uncharacteristically soft, “Don’t worry about yourself, it’s me you should be worried about. I mean, my past isn’t exactly squeaky clean.”

“And you...” I placed my hand on her cheek, “are going to be a great mom. You’re the Element of Loyalty for goodness sake. How much of a better mom could Scoots have? Dash, sweetheart, it ain’t you I’m worried about, it’s me. I mean, I’m not exactly a local.”

She gave me a short chuckle, “I’m from Cloudsdale, you goof. I’m not local either. Anyway, we’re both Equestrian citizens, and we both live in Ponyville. That’s all that matters.”

I chuckled nervously, “You know what I mean, Dash. I’m not exactly a known quantity. I’ve been here about, what, eight months, and as far as I can tell, the only humans any pony has ever seen before me was two thousand years ago, and it was the freaking Romans at their worst. I just... I hope I—”

Dash and I were so engrossed in our conversation we didn’t notice Miss Sweetheart open the office door. We nearly jumped out of our skins when she spoke, “I’m ready to see you now.—”

She smiled kindly, trying not to smile behind her hoof, “I hope I didn’t startle you.”

‘Time to be large and in charge.’ I stood and smiled, “No no, we’re just excited to see you. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can all be a family. I just...” I weakened as the gravitas of the situation weighed on me, “I just don’t want to lose my little girl.”

Miss Sweetheart smiled kindly, “Mr Alex Roberts, Ms Rainbow Dash, I want to thank you for coming-”

Dash interrupted her, “Sweetheart, you’ve known me for a while. Just call me Rainbow, and you can call this big lug Alex. He doesn’t like being called mister.”

She chuckled softly, “Of course. Rainbow, Alex, thank you for coming here today. Scootaloo has said so much about you both, how kind you’ve been, how loving. She’s never been this excited about any potential parents, and truth be known, neither have I. But, I must still conduct an official investigation, no matter what my personal feelings are.”

We nodded, showing her we understood.

“Good. Rainbow, let’s start with you.” Dash gulped and nodded, worry obviously painted on her face.

Miss Sweetheart brings out a fairly thick file, two or three centimetres thick. It lands with a slightly dusty thump. It looks old, twenty years at least. She opens it with a little smile. “Now, Rainbow, let’s review your file taken from the public archive. Your full name is Rainbow Marigold Dash.” Dash gets a slightly sour expression and nods while I smile ever so slightly. “You were born on the 46th day of Winter, 984 A.N.M. You grew up in Cloudsdale, at 1717 Skyway Towers, apartment 137, your father is Thunder Rose Dash, currently working at the Cloudsdale weather factory, and your mother is Golden Tulip Rainbow, currently a homemaker. Your academic marks at school were average, but you excelled in flight classes. You achieved top marks in your flight class every trimester, even your first season in Junior Speedsters.” Dash got a bit of a smirk at that.

“Your youth was not without... issues. You and a Miss Gilda,” she flips a few pages, “a gryphon would get up to no good on a regular basis. You spent a lot of time in detention. You were arrested six times during your high school years for various misdemeanours, but nothing truly criminal. You two were well known by the school staff and Cloudsdale authorities for your... hijinx.”

Dash rose in protest, “I... I was just a dumb kid. I didn’t know better. Please, don’t let this-”

She smiled kindly, “Please, Rainbow, let me finish.” Dash sat back down meekly. “You left school two months before the end of your final year, never completing high school. You stayed with your parents for three months before moving to Ponyville. You took a position as a cloud pusher in the Ponyville Weather Office. Thanks to a remarkable work ethic, you managed to become the Weather Captain in charge of all the weather in Ponyville, as well as being in charge of the stray weather from the Everfree Forest in the Ponyville region, in only three short years.”

Dash relaxed a little, “Yeah, I guess that’s all true.”

Miss Sweetheart continued, “Your activities here, as an adult, speak highly of the quality of your character. You are responsible for saving this town and Equestria as a whole multiple times, you are the bearer of the Element of Loyalty, and you have also been given letters of recommendation by all three princesses.”

The social worker gave Dash a warm, genuine smile, “Rainbow, while you had a rough start, and you still behave a little mischievously at times, you are a good mare who has done good things for Ponyville and Equestria. Your positive influence on Scootaloo has been profound, inspiring her to become a better flyer despite her physical disabilities.” Sweetheart inclined her head toward Dash and had the most hopeful of expressions, “That little filly glows when she speaks about you, Rainbow.”

Miss Sweetheart makes a few notes at the end of Dash’s folder. She then opens a drawer, takes a stamp and green ink pad out, and stamps a green smiley face on Dash’s adoption form. “Rainbow Dash, it is with great joy that I approve of your part of the adoption petition.” Dash threw her hooves around me in a warm hug and a passionate kiss. I could tell she was thrilled. “However...”

Dash looked at her in confusion and fear, “‘However’ what? I thought you said you approved the adoption.”

“I did. I approved your part of the adoption Rainbow. Alex, however, is a unique case. Since we don’t have as much information about Alex, we’ve had to modify our usual research procedure.”

I nodded, and Miss Sweetheart smiled, “Excellent. Alex, let’s look at your file.” She produced a folder, with maybe dozen sheets of paper. “As you can see, your available information is a little thin. So, let’s start with the basics. You already filled out the form, but I want to confirm. What is your full legal name from your home reality?”

“Alexander Jean-Paul Roberts.” I used the French pronunciation of my middle name. I never liked it, but if this was for an official investigation, then I wasn’t going to let vanity get in the way.

“And, what is your date of birth and current age?”

“Let’s see, I was born May 30, 1969. I first jumped in late August of 2011, and I’ve been jumping for about 60 years. Let’s call my chronological age 102, but my physical is 42, so...” I counted on my knuckles and did a little math, “about 45th day of Winter, 920th-year A.N.M.”

“Last question. Have you ever fathered children? What were their names, ages, and genders? And why are you no longer parenting them?”

“Yes. I’m the biological father of two human children. My son is Daniel Synclair Roberts, thirteen years of age. My daughter is Lillian Rose Roberts, four years of age. I no longer parent them because I am no longer in the same reality as them. But, thanks to some communication equipment I have, I can speak to them on occasion.” I smiled sadly, “I miss them very much, but I would still adopt Scootaloo even if I could go back.” I smirked, “Of course, the first five minutes back there with Ann and Dash would be kind of awkward, but they would both be worth it.” Dash chuckled nervously.

Miss Sweetheart flipped through the scant notes in my file, then looked up and tilted her head in the same way Twilight does when she encounters an interesting data point. “Who is this ‘Ann’ person?”

‘I knew this would crop up at some point.’ I cleared my throat and explained, “She’s my human wife. In the past, she has told me to build a life where I could. I want to make it perfectly clear that I still love her and my kids as much as I love Dash and Scootaloo. But with her permission, we will no longer be husband and wife. When I next speak to her, in about four months, I will ask her to release me from my vows, and I will marry Dash within a month. It’s not traditional or normal, but neither is my situation.” Despite my nervousness and knowledge that with a simple stamp, she could stop the adoption process cold, I gave her a defiant look.

Sweetheart considered what she had just heard, and I could see her weighing the pros and cons filtered through my unique situation. Her expression was almost cold as if she were reciting the results of a calculation.“If you were from Equestria, this would be an automatic denial of your request.” Dash took in a sharp breath. “But, since coming to our world was beyond your control, and there is no way for you to return to the world of your birth and your family,” her expression softened and held an edge of sadness, “and you are making attempts that are culturally significant to you to do the right thing, I simply cannot hold this against you.”

Dash and I both could breathe again. We thanked her and asked her to continue.

“Thank you. I would like to start with the positive things we have for you on file. Within the first week of your arrival, you protected Scootaloo in a public place from a known disciple of Nightmare Moon.”

I was taken aback by this, ‘I wonder... He seems to be changing, but...’ I was drawn back to the matter at hand by Dash’s light tap on my leg.

“You then risked your life to save Tree Trimmer from a burning building, resulting in serious injuries to yourself. In both cases, you had nothing to gain and placed yourself in physical danger, protecting two children you did not know. You have been a continuing positive influence on Scootaloo, always encouraging her to do her best. You have begun a major construction project that will contribute in the long term to the local artistic community as well as the economic growth of Ponyville. You have been given letters of recommendation by Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. Overall, very impressive achievements in a very short time.”

“Finally, as of last night, rumour has it that you stopped a dangerous recurring threat to Ponyville. I am referring to the popping cat. Can you please tell me what you did to remove this threat to our beloved town?”

I shifted uncomfortably on the stool and said simply, “I had to put it down.”

Miss Sweetheart tilted her head, slightly confused, “You insulted it?”

I didn’t know if she was playing stupid or if she genuinely didn’t know the expression, ”No,” I draw my thumb across my throat, “I put it down...”

Her eyes became huge and her pupils pinpricks, “Oh... well, as unfortunate as that is, it was a dangerous animal. I’m sure you did everything you could to avoid that solution.”

I looked at my feet and spoke my reply quietly, “Yes, ma’am. I did my best, but...” I shrugged.

“I understand, Alex. Please rest assured that this incident will not be held against you. As a citizen of Ponyville, I thank you for your act of bravery.”

I managed to look up with a weary smile, “Thank you, ma’am.”

“Now, in your own words, please describe the whole incident and what led up to it.”

I took a deep breath, “Simply put, we, that is Rainbow, Scootaloo and myself, were taking a walk together as a family. We weren’t paying close attention to where we were and wandered too close to the Everfree Forest. We were almost ambushed. I managed to spot it before it attacked. Dash was the real hero. She got our little girl out of harm’s way. To tell the truth, I blame myself for the whole thing.”

Dash’s tone was warning, “Alex...”

Miss Sweetheart gave me that little ‘Twilight tilt’, and her voice changed from warm and friendly to calm and neutral. “Why do you say that, Alex? Are you saying you led Rainbow and Scootaloo into that dangerous situation so you would have an excuse to exercise your more predatory instincts?”

I went blank for a moment, “I... I would never expose my daughter to that kind of horror, not on purpose.” I grew angry and started to stand, with Dash trying to hold me down. I snarled at her, “What kind of sick monster do you take me for? How dare you suggest I would risk the lives of my wife and child for some cheap thrill?”

Dash pulled me back down with difficulty and harshly whispered, “Calm. Down. She’s trying to get you upset.”

We both stopped mid-movement, a warm chuckle drawing our attention to Miss Sweetheart. She only beamed at us, “Alex, that is the reaction of a loving father. Thank you.” We all sat back down.

I muttered an apology, “Sorry I overreacted.”

“Actually, Alex, you didn’t, not by gryphon standards. Since you’ve mentioned multiple times yours is an apex predator species, and the closest species in Equestria that has extensive psychological profiles available are gryphons, we decided to use the WISGER scale. That stands for Wade and Ironclaw Scale of Gryffin Emotional Reactions. Evidence has shown your reactions lie somewhere between pony and gryphon norms. So, as long as the remaining evidence falls somewhere between the two, it will be acceptable. It may not be perfect, but we feel it is a workable compromise, given your... unique status.”

I relaxed a little, “You know, it’s actually reassuring that you’re working from objective standards and not from gut feelings. Thank you for telling us this.”

“Alex, if it were up to me, I would approve you. You’ve shown yourself to be, without a doubt, a good pony, and I know you would make a good father.” She seemed lost in thought for a moment, “The day Scootaloo and I visited you in the hospital when you were in such obvious pain, physical and, I think, emotional, you welcomed us so warmly. I could see your eyes light up when you saw Scootaloo, a little filly you barely knew. I prayed to Princess Celestia for her to find loving parents, and I know you and Rainbow are just that. But, the law requires I investigate. Rainbow was fairly easy. I could find plenty of information on her. In fact, every pony I’ve had in this room has been fairly easy to investigate. By now, I would have approved of both of you and sent you off to be a happy family. But, a unique situation requires a unique solution.”

“While your record is generally good, it only accounts for the last eight or so months. There have also been several incidents in that time that have caused concern. You have been overheard saying on several occasions that your species is the apex predator in the world you come from. There have also been reports that your behaviour is quite aggressive, even in situations that would not warrant such behaviour. However, your obvious efforts to blend into our culture far outweigh your aggressive tendencies. Our biggest concern, however, is the overwhelming lack of information we have or don’t have about you. Of any kind.”

“While you did many positive things, and there are many good things to be said about you, there are some concerns. Simply put, you are a predatory species we know nothing about. I want to assure you that we are not judging your species, just you.

Now, to help us get a better picture of who you are, we would like three testimonials.”

I brightened up. I knew AJ, Twilight, and Elusive would write me glowing recommendations. We were going to be a family, and it was clear sailing.

“We have a list of the three ponies who will venture their opinion on your character and your ability to parent. Your task is to go to each of these ponies and get a written statement on your ability to be a parent. We have chosen one individual known to be friendly but not a close friend, one for their objective neutrality, and one pony who is publicly known to not be your friend. This ensures a truly balanced and complete view of your character.” She took a single sheet of paper out of my file and slid it across her desk. It was not lost on me that the sheet was face down.

I closed my eyes, and I reached for the frightening sheet. I grasped it and snapped my eyes open as I read the three names written in a neat hand.

Mr Carrot Cake

I was relieved ‘Makes sense, he’s a good guy and a dad. I’m sure he thinks well of me.’

Ms Lyra Heartstrings

I was confused. ‘Why would they want that nice lady I bumped into at the train station involved?’

Mr Golden Coins

I muttered out loud, “Fuck me.”

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