• Published 7th Feb 2012
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The Memoirs Of A Reality Jumper - Techogre

Alex has been lost for a life time. Can he make a life in Ponyville?

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35 - Unexpected Meetings

As Bea and AJ finished the group hug, I announced my plans, “Alright, guys, now I just want to get cleaned up and see my daughter.”

Applejack looked at me with motherly concern, “You sure about that, hon’? Scootaloo can wait until morning.”

Bea shared an expression of worry and concern, “I agree. Rainbow told me about that child and she sounds like a strong little filly. She will survive until morning. You really need to get some rest.”

I had a small smile and looked at them in turn, “Thank you for your advice. I will take it all into consideration.” I touched my lips with my fingertips, turned my eyes to the ceiling then looked at my friends again, “I’m afraid I have to see her. I’m just not strong enough to wait. I... I need to see my daughter.” They both sighed, rolled their eyes, and gave each other knowing looks.

Big Mac carried me to my house, again with no argument from me. Twilight and Beatrix took turns supporting me and Applejack walked beside us. I could see worry painted on Twilight’s face, more so than I thought the situation warranted.

“Hey Twilight, penny for your thoughts?”

She looked up as if startled then gave me a tired smile, “Oh, no big deal. It's probably just me worrying about nothing, as usual.”

“Come on Twilight, tell your old uncle Alex.”

Twilight laughed, “Until I can run some blood tests to confirm, I would rather not say.” Her voice became a little manic and ended in a sing-song, “I don’t want to drive anypony crazy.”

I chuckled, hoping she was just joking, but I did notice Applejack gave Twilight a worried glance. I tried to lighten the mood a little, “I just want to confirm that we’re using little tiny baby needles next time, right?”

Twilight chuckled a tiny bit more maniacally than I would have liked, “Yes, wittle Alex-y W-alex-y will have his itty bitty baby needles.”

I wanted to defuse this bit of madness I accidentally started before it got out of hand. “Twilight, I have complete faith in you. I know you didn’t know how weak my cowardly skin-”

Applejack scowled at me. “Now you hush about that. You’re braver than anypony should ever have to be.” She muttered under her breath, “Braver than that traitor Rainbow Dash deserves. Why that disloyal featherbrain would run away when her stallion needs her the most is beyond me.”

I knew no one else heard her, but I needed to defend my Dash, even if what Applejack said was likely true. “The reason Dash isn’t here is because she needs time to internalize what happened tonight, Applejack. It happened before when she saw the scars on my back. What she saw tonight was horrible by human standards, I can only guess what it would be like by pony standards.”

Applejack gave me a friendly glare, “Rarity said you sometimes forget we’re adults, on account of that silly show.”

I dropped my head slightly, “That is true, my dear Applejack. Thank you for kindly reminding your foolish older brother. The monkey one, to be specific.” I could feel a subsonic chuckle from Mac.

We finally got to my cottage, most of us in quiet cheer. I was hopeful Dash was only reacting as she did with my scars. No point in fretting over something I have no control over. As I limped my way up the back steps, Beatrix was right behind me.

I stopped cold, and she almost bumped into me, “Whoa there, Miss Beatrix. Where do you think you’re going?”

Beatrix tilted her head slightly and spoke to me as if I were a young, dull child, “I was coming in to help you with that shower.”

“Like hell, you...” I stopped, closed my eyes for a moment to centre myself, then smiled a little and started again, “I mean, while I truly appreciate all the help you’ve given me so far and will be giving me after this, I don’t feel comfortable with getting help from a beautiful mare while I’m buck naked. So, if Applejack can spare Elusive for a few minutes...”

“Is it the scars, boss? They can’t be all that bad, and anyway, I’m a big filly. I can handle anything.”

“That’s part of it, but it’s mostly the nudity taboo.” I sighed, “Applejack, can you explain it to her while Elusive gives me a hand... hoof... horn... whatever.”

Applejack chuckles, “You see, sugar cube, Alex’s people wear clothes all the time.” She continued her explanation to a curious Beatrix while Elusive helped me in.

Before the door closed, I turned and said, “Mac, when I’m done, you should come have a quick shower to clean the mess off your back. Sorry about that.”

Mac answered in his usual verbose manner, “Thank you kindly.”

As Elusive helped me to the bathroom, he voiced his opinion, “I don’t know, buddy, that Beatrix is a hottie and if Dash is out of the picture...” I glared at him for a moment. “Hey, I’m not saying you guys are splitsville, but, and I say this only to be informative, not to be a jerk, but Rainbow Dash has a bit of a reputation. She doesn’t stay with any one stallion, mare, or gryphon for very long. Hey, I hope I’m wrong, and you guys gallop into the sunset together, know what I mean? But under the current circumstances, well, if I was in your hooves, I wouldn’t be opposed to having Beatrix lather me up. Not me mind you. I’ve got Applejack. She’s all the mare I can handle.”

“While I appreciate your candour, I have no doubts Dash will be back. I know her past has been very different from mine in almost every way, but I really don’t care. I’m still not sure what she finds so special about me, but I do know I love her with everything I’ve got. I know you’re trying to be helpful. You wouldn’t be a friend if you didn’t. But please understand, that’s the past. I understand her, Elusive. Well, enough to know she cares about me. Deep down. Most folks get that once in their life. I got it twice.” I stared into space for a moment and chuckled as we got to the bathroom door. “Anyway, let's get me showered up. Oh, and a heads up. The scars on the back are bad, really bad. You should brace yourself.”

“I’ve seen some of the scars on the sides of your barrel and your shoulders. Are those them?”

“That’s the edge of them, yes. Ever notice that whenever I had my shirt off I would always face you? I never turned my back on you. Well, you’ll see why.”

In the washroom, I managed to take my dirty, damaged clothes off with a minimum of embarrassment and placed them in the garbage. I thought wearily, ‘I’ll burn them in the fireplace later. Damn, I liked that shirt. Guess that means more business for you, Elusive.’

Elusive spoke cheerfully, “Alright, Alex, let’s get you cleaned up.”

Still facing him, I saw the blue glow surrounding his horn and a look of concentration on his face. Feeling lighter and supported, I made my way to the tub and started the shower. The bandages were water-resistant, so I was able to remove the sling and wash all around it. When my left arm straightened and had to support its own weight, I grunted in pain. The stitches pulled, and my upper arm ached. Once the water was nice and warm, I gingerly turned and stepped into the tub.

At the moment, I had one foot in the tub and one foot out of the tub. Elusive, I assume shocked by what he saw, dropped his telekinetic hold on me. With the sudden loss of support, I dropped like a stone, hitting myself on the ice-cold porcelain.

Elusive called out, grabbed me again, and lifted me back up. “Alex, I don’t know what happened. Are you okay?”

I grunted out an answer, “Yes, I’m fine. I really didn’t need my balls anyway.”

“I just got surprised, that’s all. I’m okay now. Won’t happen again.” The hot water flowed over my body, relaxing my muscles, Elusive made a comment, “So, those scars. Nasty. Where did you get them?”

“One day, I’ll tell you about Garat, son of Sinabi, but not tonight and not without a lot more alcohol in my system.”

“Subject dropped, oh mighty Paladin of Luna.”

We continue without much further comment. While I wash my hair, one-handed, Elusive just worried about holding me up, deftly catching me when I slipped. He helped me get dried off with a minimum of embarrassment.

As I resigned myself to climb the stairs, Elusive spoke, “Where are you going?”

“Upstairs to get clothes. That,” I gestured at the ruined clothes in the trash, “is way too dirty and damaged to wear again.”

Elusive rolled his eyes and spoke in his designer voice, “Nonsense, my fine human friend. Let the master do his magic.” So, I sat on a stool and let my tailor friend do what he did best.

He closed his eyes, and the clothes lifted from the trash basket. They swirled around in a tiny whirlwind, the blood, gore, and dirt forming a vile flying shell. This disgusting crust separated itself from the spinning mass and gently dropped into the toilet. I glanced at Elusive, and I could see beads of sweat on his brow, his eyes shut tightly in concentration. My attention returned to the mass of now clean whirling clothes. They slowed, hanging in the air and forming themselves into the shape of my body. All the rips and tears began to glow brightly and knit themselves shut, seemingly on their own. Once all the damage was repaired, the clothes folded themselves neatly and landed on the side of the vanity.

Elusive let out a long breath, “And that, ladies and gentlecolts, is why Elusive washes by hoof. It's slower but a lot less effort. Anyway, I still feel bad about dropping you on your colts.”

Now clean and dressed, we returned outside. I sat on the step with a grunt. “Big Mac, the shower’s free. Get that crap off your back. I imagine the smell must be driving you all a little buggy.”

Big Macintosh rumbled, “Thank ya kindly. The stink was getting to be a bit much.”

Once he was inside, I decided to be a good host. “If anybody wants a drink or a snack, you’re welcome to raid my fridge. I’m afraid I’m not much of a host right now, so you’re on your own.”

“Shoot, hon’, don’t you fret about us. I know where everything is.” Applejack gave Elusive a bit of a ‘come hither’ smile, “Come on, Elusive. After all that hard work you deserve a treat.” Elusive happily cantered behind Applejack, smiling from ear to ear.

After a few long minutes, Applejack and Elusive came back out, with Elusive hovering over a tray of drinks and sporting a huge smile and Applejack with a bit of a blush. In short order, my little brother came back out, clean as a whistle, the stench of blood completely gone.

With Bea and Twilight’s help I slowly climbed back on Mac. It was only a twenty-minute or so walk, at Mac’s speed, to the orphanage. Just before we got into sight of the building, I spoke up. “Hold up, Mac. I don’t want Scootaloo to see me like some invalid. I want to walk the last bit. I want her to see her dad walk up to her on his own two feet.”

There was a chorus of disagreements, but I spoke firmly, “This wasn’t a request. I was telling you what I was doing.” I grunted, pushing against the telekinetic fields that Beatrix used to hold me in place. She relented, carefully lifting and guiding my limbs.

Beatrix sighed, “Applejack, is he always this stubborn?”

Applejack chuckled warmly, “Shoot, I’ve never known him any other way.”

Beatrix snorted, “Fine then. At least let me provide some discreet support. I promise you, no pony will see anything.” She smiled, and her voice changed slightly, “The Great and Powerful Trixie is, after all, the greatest illusionist in all of Equestria.”

I gave her a half smile, “How can I possibly say no to the Great and Powerful Trixie?” She gave me a self-satisfied smirk, and her horn glowed. I gradually felt like I was wearing a snug body stocking on my legs and torso. I felt lighter and more stable. I simply said, “Thank you.”

I noticed Applejack was giving Beatrix an appraising look. Her expression went from probing to a slight smile and a small nod. I was happy to see Beatrix had passed whatever test Applejack had set before her. I was growing quite fond of Beatrix and her Trixie persona.

Prepared with invisible support and with my entourage close by, I turned the corner. I could see Scootaloo on the porch, her little ears pressed down, abject sadness and worry on her face. Miss Sweetheart was sitting by her side, comforting her.

I gave a sharp whistle, careful not to make it a wolf whistle. It was just a nice high-pitched sound that would get her attention.

Scootaloo's head snapped up, a wide grin plastered on her face. She bolted towards me at full speed, all the while calling out, “Dad! Dad!”

I carefully lowered myself to my knee and held my good arm out. Beatrix thoughtfully made some padding for the knee on the ground. When she got to me, all she did was snuggle into my chest. All I could do in response was to hold her tightly, the tears of joy seeping through my eyelids. My body shuddered in relief with each wave of joy. I could only speak the comforting words my parents had used with me and that I had used with my human children, “Tout ira bien, ma petite, ton papa est là.”

She looked up at me with curious eyes, “What does that mean, dad?”

“It means everything will be alright, pumpkin.”

She looked behind me, looked up, then back at me, “Where’s R... Mom?” I could hear panic and fear rising in her voice, “She’s not hurt or d—”

I interrupted her before she could work herself up, “She had some stuff to take care of, that’s all. All you need to know is that she’s just fine.” I turned my head and was taken aback by the look of disappointment in Applejack’s eyes. When I turned back to Scootaloo, I think she suspected there was more to it, but she was so happy to know we were both alright she didn’t pursue it.

She scanned me up and down and asked, “So, what happened to your foreleg?”

I shrugged, “The popping cat kind of stepped on it, hurt me a little, but not too bad. I’ll need the sling for a few weeks, and the stitches will come out next week.

“What... what happened to the popping cat?”

I had already lied about Dash, and I just couldn’t do it again. Anyway, I knew this would get out sooner or later, so I decided to simply tell her the truth. I licked my lips before answering, “I tried to keep it busy until Miss Fluttershy or Miss Twilight could get there to take care of it properly, but I messed up. It had me pinned, and I had no choice but to kill it. I’m not proud of that, and I hope you don’t think less of me because of it.”

Then, that amazing little girl said the most incredible thing. Quietly, almost in a whisper, “I know you tried your best, and that’s all anyone can do. I also know you feel bad about it, but you shouldn’t. You were in a bad situation, and there was nothing different you could have done. I’m just happy you’re not badly hurt.”

I looked at my daughter, love filling my heart, my eyes wet, and then all I could do was hold her tightly. I whispered, “Thank you.”

After a few moments, I sniffed and pulled away, “Alright young lady, I think it’s way past your bedtime. Miss Sweetheart is waiting for you, and I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

She smiled brightly, breaking my heart again, “You bet, Dad!” She lept up and kissed my cheek, then ran off back to Miss Sweetheart.

I returned to the group, waving to Scootaloo one last time before I turned the corner. I then promptly collapsed against the wall and was immediately helped by Elusive and Beatrix.

“Applejack, I know you think I should have told Scootaloo everything, but right now, all she needs to know is that we’re both safe.”

Applejack cocked her hat back, “That may be so, but I still think you should have told that filly the truth.”

I grunted as I stood, “Well, what did you want me to say, Applejack?”

She pointed a hoof at me accusingly, “I wanted my adopted brother to tell the truth to his adopted daughter.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose, “You wanted me to tell her that her new Mom went crazy? That she pissed off as soon as things got complicated? What happened tonight is tearing me up inside Applejack.” I put my head against the cool wall of the building, “I’m still wondering if it might have been better for me not to survive if only to give that filly a chance with Dash and not disgust Fluttershy.” I punched the wall and spat out, “Damn it.”

I heard a few steps and a distinct voice, “Boss, look at me.” I didn’t budge. “Alex, I said look at me.” I reluctantly turned and saw Beatrix was almost snout to nose with me. “Get your head out from between your flanks and think about what you have, what you would have lost. You have friends and family who love you, and you would have missed out on watching that fabulous little filly grow up. And worst of all, you never would have had a chance to make up with Rainbow Dash. I’ve seen a lot of couples who say they’re in love, but you two... you two radiate it. You fought for their flanks. Now fight for their hearts.”

I looked into her eyes and could only see fierce determination. I slowly put my hand on her cheek, then hugged her. “Thank you, Beatrix. I’ll be forever in your debt for what you did for me tonight.”

I straightened and turned to face the worried crowd, “Okay, I had my moment of weakness. I want to thank you all for helping me. I owe you all a great debt for your actions tonight. Now, I need to get home to rest and do the right thing.”

Mac was the first to respond, “Climb on, big brother. We’ll be back in the morning to sort things out.”

We finally made it back to the cottage. I thanked everyone for their kindness and was escorted up the stairs by Applejack and Elusive. Elusive supported me as I lay in bed.

Once I was settled in, Applejack came beside my bed and gave me a kiss on my forehead. “I opened your balcony doors, sugar cube. Fresh air and a good night’s sleep help a body heal.”

Finally, once they were satisfied I was as comfortable as possible, they wished me goodnight and left. As I watched them step out of the room, I desperately thought, ‘Please don’t leave’. I wanted to ask, beg them to stay, but they obviously wanted to enjoy some time alone together. I resigned myself, ‘Who am I to mess up their plans more than I already have.’ The sounds of their hoof steps got quieter, the sound of the downstairs door opening and closing, and finally, the murmured sound of conversation faded. I was now left in the dark, quiet bedroom. I felt very alone.

After about an hour of effort, I still couldn’t sleep despite the physical exhaustion. The events of the evening were dancing in my mind, always putting themselves at the forefront of my thoughts when I relaxed my guard. Unable to take any more, I sat on the edge of my bed, my back to the open balcony doors, and I enjoyed the cold night breeze. With the warmth of Scootaloo’s hugs still fresh in my mind, I smiled, though perhaps a little bitterly because of the lie I told her.

I reached a decision and slowly reached for my knife on the bed stand. I drew it out of the sheath and spoke in a weak and shaky voice, “SAFETY.OFF”. My hand trembled as I moved the tip to my left forearm, about halfway between my wrist and elbow. There, a small neat row of twelve little scars. They were inconspicuous among the other little scars, but I knew what these ones meant. Each had a name and a story. Each was important to remember; a person, a life, a death, an event. Now, I would add another failure I needed to remember.

I prepared myself for the ritual of remembrance, a ritual I’ve already done twelve times, and now, I thought with a bitter chuckle, ‘Lucky thirteen.’ As I meditated on the breeze, on the smells, on the soft, smooth handle of my old friend, even on the pain of my injuries. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the soft sound of a pegasus landing on the balcony.

I didn’t turn or open my eyes. I lifted the blade away from my skin ever so slightly and smiled with joy that the marking of my shame was interrupted. With a catch in my throat, I spoke quietly, “Rainbow Dash. I’m so glad you’re back. Thank you.”

A very meek, quiet voice answered, “I’m sorry, Alex, it’s Fluttershy.”

I lost my smile but stayed calm and kept my back to her. I put the knife back on the table, and I answered more tersely than I had wanted, “What can I help you with, Miss Fluttershy?”

She didn’t speak for a moment, so I spoke again a little louder, “So? What do you want?”

Her soft voice was difficult to hear, even with my senses. “I... I don’t know why I was so cruel. I was very upset at the death, but I understand why you did what you did. Even a bunny will fight to protect its family, and for you, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo are your family. I don’t know why I didn’t see it. It was like I lost control, just like when that meanie Discord... hurt me.”

I turned to see her sitting in the double doors, her forehoof tracing a small circle. She seemed quite sad and sincere. ‘This universe runs off friendship and kindness. I would be the monster she accused me of being if I refused this olive branch.’

I lied a little, just to smooth things over, “Same goes for me. I guess it was a combination of adrenaline and high emotions for everyone. I haven’t been in that kind of situation since I got here. I mean a real, life-threatening emergency, fighting for my life. Believe me, I’m ashamed of what I did. I wonder if Scoots would be better off with a pony fa—”

“Oh, goodness, no. No, please don’t blame yourself. Things just spiralled out of control. I... I don’t blame you for what you did.” I could hear the delicate clopping of Fluttershy moving closer. I felt the bed shifting, and I think Fluttershy was sitting on the edge.

When she spoke, she was much closer, “You’re scary, you know. It’s not nice to say, and I don’t think you do it on purpose, but you’re scary. You looked so vulnerable, lying on that field of snow. But, when you stood, you were so tall, so wild-looking. And then you spoke. Your voice can be so harsh, so angry, and yet so full of fear. You’ve always frightened me.”

I thought for a few moments, “Yet, despite that fear, you were always so kind to me. I will always find that humbling.” I sniffed, my eyes getting moist. “Fluttershy, I’m thankful for your reminders to be kind. I’m always so worried about protecting, about helping others, that I forget to be kind. And because of that, Dash left me.” I felt the tears running down my cheeks, “She left because I’m a monster. All you did was point out the facts, and I thank you for that. As much as I love her, I don’t think I can get rid of that monstrous part of me.”

I heard a high-pitched gasp that was Fluttershy’s vocal signature. This was followed by the unmistakable voice of the coolest mare in Equestria, “You’re no monster, you big lug. I’m the jerk who bolted from my stallion at the first sign of trouble.”

Author's Note:

To see what happened between Applejack and Beatrix take a look at Applejack’s Diary.

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