• Published 7th Feb 2012
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The Memoirs Of A Reality Jumper - Techogre

Alex has been lost for a life time. Can he make a life in Ponyville?

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17 - My cunning plan

I had visited all the girls and had invited them to come over that evening. I wanted to tell the last four and do it as a group. I also wanted opinions, ideas, and objections.

I had a snack table laid out, along with a Gummy-free punch. I moved the couch to the side and placed pillows so we could all sit in a circle. Dash was the first to arrive. She had been really busy with work, so had been unable to see me yesterday.

“Alex! How's the planning going? I saw you going around town today. You looked busy.”

“Dash, I was busier than Fluttershy at baby bunny counting time. But I think I have my first set of ducks in a row. I've even hired some employees to find a key employee.”

She looked a little surprised, “Really? Fast mover. So who is it? Someone I know?”

I smiled and looked at the ceiling, “You could say that. I'm just going to, ah, juice this...” I took a sip of coffee.

“Ugh, you know I hate riddles...” Then realization crept across her face, “No... way... Applejack's going to flip!”

“No, I don't think so. They won fair and square, remember? They just had stuff that tasted like urine. Well, maybe not that tasty,” I chuckled.

“I heard it was so gross some pony had to lick up some cider-flavoured dirt to get the taste out of their mouth.”

“Yikes. Well, don't worry, I'm not letting those two anywhere near the concession stand. I'll tell you what I have in mind for those two when everyone else gets here.”

Dash tapped me on the thigh, “Okay, fine, Mr Showmanship, I'll wait for the others.” We sat on the pillows, “You know, Alex, I think you can do this, and I know the others will believe in you too.” She smirked, then looked up at me. “You know when I was walking Scoots home yesterday, she said it was a good idea, too. Just thought you would like to know.”

“Thanks, Dash. That means a lot. Scootaloo seems to be the kind of filly to call it as she sees it.” I looked at her flank, her cutie mark. I had kind of looked at it in a general way, but never closely. It amazed me how vibrant the colours were and how perfect the lines were. “At the risk of sounding creepy, you have a stunning cutie mark. Strong and bold, just like you.”

Dashes voice was quiet, her demeanour almost coquettish, “Careful cowcolt, you're straying into more than friend territory.”

I turned my head and squeezed the bridge of my nose, “Sorry Dash. Just admiring. I never really looked at a cutie mark, I mean really looked closely, and I find it incredible.” I sighed, “I committed a social faux pax, didn't I? I guess I should have asked first.” I chuckled self-consciously, “It's like staring at a human mare's chest, you know, her goodies.”

Dash giggled, “No you goof. It's nothing intimate. It's just, I never had anyone comment on it like that before. Here,” she took my hand in her hoof, those telekinetic 'fingers' holding it, and placed it on her flank. “See, nothing weird.”

Her coat is uniformly warm, but each colour has a slightly different texture. “That is so cool. Thank you.” I kept slowly moving my fingertips, feeling the changes between the colours, feeling how perfectly smooth the lines were. Each tiny change in the texture tells its own story.

Dash continued, “No problem, you're, what was that term Rarity used? A stranger in a strange land? You don't know this stuff. No shame in learning.” She smiled, watching my fingertips tracing the outline of the cloud.

To me, this feels very intimate. Not in a sexual way, but something shared by two friends, one learning from the other. I'm very thankful that she's letting me touch her like this as my fingers glided over the lightning bolt. I want to tell her she is the most beautiful mare in Equestria, that I love her, that I want to hold her, and that my isolation within this universe ends with her. But I can't. I can't make myself go that extra step beyond friendship. It's not something I'm willing to disrupt her life with. She's my friend, my best friend, and that will have to be enough.

At that moment, there was a knock at the door. I feel like a teenager about to be caught in something forbidden, my hand in the cookie jar, as it were. I jerked my hand away from her, embarrassed, “Um, I'd better get that.”

Dash blushed and seemed to be snapped back from a faraway place herself, “Ya. You do that.”

It was Rarity leading the rest. With a mischievous smile, “Oh, I am so sorry, darling. Am I interrupting something? You seem flustered.”

“No, no, no! We were just talking about cutie marks.” I flashed my smile, “Ladies, please come in! Come sit down in the other room. I have pillows laid out, and help yourselves to some drinks and snacks.”

As Applejack walked past me, she had a worried expression, “What's this all about, Alex? If it's bad news you, we've got yer back.”

“All in good time, Applejack. All in good time.”

Once all the ladies were gathered and comfy, I stood in front of them, smiled and looked at them, each in turn. Dash was sprawled on the pillow, relaxed and confident, enjoying a bowl of popcorn. Twilight had her sincere grin, knowing she knew what the good news was. Applejack looked worried, always expecting the worst with me, I guess. Pinkie Pie was enjoying some lovely rainbow cupcakes, seemingly oblivious, but I knew she was analyzing, sorting, and organizing all this data in her head. Fluttershy and Rarity were quietly sipping tea, waiting for things to develop. Spike was sitting between Twilight and Rarity with a little bowl of gemstones, happy to be between his surrogate mother and the love of his life.

My eyes lingered on Dash a little longer than the rest as I admired her confident grin. I wonder if anyone noticed? I don't care. It's not like I'm leering at her.

I started suddenly in a loud and nasally voice, causing Fluttershy to 'eep', “Ladies and gentle-dragon, I'm here to reveal who the master criminal is!” I reverted to my normal voice, “Oh, wait, wrong speech.” I was rewarded with groans, titters, and a pelting of popcorn. I chuckled and continued, “I have actually called you here to ask you...” I thought for a moment, “For your blessings in my future undertakings. I've already asked some of you in private, and there seems to be support for my idea...”

Applejack frustratedly called out, “For Celestia's sake, will you please get on with it!”

I held my hands out in a grand gesture, “Heh, right! In a nutshell, I'm building a theatre. To be specific, I want to rebuild and expand the town hall into a full theatre. I want a theatre that will become a focal point of the Equestrian Entertainment Arts. A place that will cater to the elite and the common pony alike. Not only pure entertainment but educational plays and music.” I smiled at each of my friends in turn. I have to say their reactions were mixed.

Dash, Twilight, and Spike just smiled and nodded sagely. I knew they liked the idea and supported my decision.

Pinkie Pie, with frosting on her nose, started hopping excitedly, “Oh my goodness! That's super-duper-luper fun neato! Will you have clowns? And parties? And party clowns? And clown parties? And cherry chungas? And party rooms? And treats? And...”

I hated doing it, but I knew if I didn't interrupt her, she would keep going for another hour, “You bet, Pinkie! In fact, I want you to be the official party planner. I know you can plan anything from a kid's party to a wedding reception, to... to... well, every kind of party!”

Rarity smiled dreamily, “Oh, the art and culture of Canterlot in our humble little town. This is simply a delightful idea!”

I turned and answered, “I hope so. I'm glad you see the potential of this type of facility. I don't just want to entertain, I want to uplift and educate too. A rock band one night and a concert by,” I snap my fingers, “that pony who plays the cello the next night.”

Fluttershy was not as enthused, “I'm very happy for you, Alex. But, the thought of a theatre reminds me too much of my modelling career. I can't see myself going in any case.”

“I understand, Fluttershy. As my first friend here, your thoughts are very important to me. I may have some ideas to change your mind, but I never want to put you in an uncomfortable position.”

I cleared my throat, “Applejack, you've been really quiet. What's on your mind?”

“Well, sugarcube, to tell the truth, I'm not so sure it's a good idea. I mean, being an entertainer? You're funny an all and can tell a story, but I don't know if it's enough to fill a theatre week after week. Besides, wouldn't it be better to run some kind of business that involves technology? I mean, you're always mouthing off about how that you people are so good at it, why not do that? I'd be like an Apple not apple farming, or a unicorn not using their magic.”

I stared at Applejack for a few heartbeats. “That's a good point, Applejack. That is a very good point, and I have thought about that. In fact, until you gave me the idea, that was exactly what I was going to do. A mighty technology company, building mighty computers. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized I didn't really know how to build a computer or any higher technology that would be a game changer.”

I turned to Twilight, “Correct me if I'm wrong, Twilight, but hypothetically, if you were suddenly dumped into a non-magical environment, like where I come from, your ability to cast spells, heck, even your ability to do ordinary telekinesis, make your horn glow, even that basic little stickiness trick all ponies can naturally do under your hooves, would be impossible.”

Twilight sat a little more primly, “Although my starswearl glands could normally store five or six blaaneras of magical energy, it would be quickly depleted just keeping me healthy. In fact, I'm fairly sure it would be impossible even for a fit earth pony like Applejack to stay healthy in the long term.”

Applejack looked at me suspiciously, “So what does that have to do with the price of hay?”

I dropped to one knee and looked Applejack square in the eye, “Everything. My magic, if you will, requires a heavily industrialized society. I don't see a lot of integrated circuit manufacturing plants around here. Heck, as far as I can tell, you don't even have vacuum tubes. I can't do much beyond what any other pony could do. My hands don't even give me much of an edge, really. Before I could start producing anything, it would take twenty or thirty years to build the tools to build the tools to build the tools I need to get started.”

I put one hand on Applejack's shoulder. Her eyes flicked to my arm, and an unpleasant expression dawned on her face, “Applejack, I really do value your opinion. You are a brilliant business mare, and under your control, Sweet Apple Acres has prospered. You understand this world far better than I do. I have no reason not to scrap my plans based on your advice. If you say the word, I'll come up with something else.” I took my hand off her and went on both knees. I looked her straight in the eye, waiting for an answer. Everyone was looking at her with bated breath.

The expression of irritation grew on Applejack's face. “I think it's a damn fool idea and a waste of bits, but you're an adult, and I can't tell you what to do. I refuse to take on the responsibility of deciding for you. If you think it's a good idea and they do too, I won't stand in your way. But I don't have any interest in taking part. I hope you succeed Alex, I really do, but I just can't see how you will.”

Rarity seemed to lose her patience, “Applejack! What a rude thing to say to Alex. This is his dream, what he wants to perfect over a lifetime, surely you...”

I raised my hands, “Rarity, I wanted Applejack's honest opinion, just like the rest of you. I asked you all here because I assume you respect me enough to tell me your honest opinion, not what you think I want to hear.” I looked around and saw only loving, supporting friends. I sat back, “Well, that was an honest opinion, Applejack. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I also thank you for... well... not approving exactly, then not stopping me from trying. I want you to know that.”

A slow smile crept on Applejack's face, “I still think you're a crazy fool for doing it.”

“A little madness goes a long way. Now, I already hired some agents to find a specific entertainer for me.” I braced myself, reasonably sure this would not go over well. “The Flim-Flam brothers are going to be my talent scouts, and the first person I want them to find is Trixie.” I winced, waiting for the onslaught of... no reaction whatsoever? “Wait, you mean you have no issues with me hiring the Flim Flam brothers and trying to hire Trixie?”

Dash spoke first, looking at me, eyes half closed, a strange smile on her face, “As much as those two jerks and the loudmouth bug me, if you believe in them, then I do too.” Her face quickly went back to her trademark confident smirk.

I could see the other girls sort of looking at each other, passing perplexed glances around. This didn't seem like a Rainbow Dash response at all.

Applejack spoke next, “Well, the Flim Flam brothers didn't cheat. They carried through the contest fair and square, and in the end, they lost because they made an inferior product.”

Twilight added, “As far as Trixie goes, I think we misunderstood her. Yes, she was arrogant but, in retrospect, I think some of us flew off the handle at her. And the whole Ursa Minor mess, it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for those two, over enthusiastic fans. For all we know, picking fights and boasting was just part of her act, and I suspect it was. She was used to outdoing the local hotheads.”

Rarity, with her trademark generosity, “My dear, when I got over the shock, it was all quite funny, my hair, I mean. It was an illusion that was gone within the hour. I may be a little bit of a drama queen at times. In fact, I would find such a spell useful for the work I do. Short-lived, but still useful.”

Twilight chipped in, “And even though I could teach Rarity illusion spells all day, I'll admit that Trixie has truly mastered that kind of spell. She is far more skilled in that respect.” Her expression became a little sad, “She ran off so fast we never had the opportunity to help her out before she left. I'm not proud that I never looked for her after the dust settled. Normally, insurance doesn't cover that sort of loss, but I'm sure if I had asked Princess Celestia, something could have been arranged. I even kept her hat and cape, just in case I meet her again one day."

I looked around, surprised at their reactions, “Heh. Just when I had you ponies figured out...”

Today is a fabulous day. I woke up early, ready to face it. I had a plan, and I had a direction. For the first time in I don't know how many years, I felt I could achieve something.

I needed to go to the bank for bits. I was running low at home. Heh, home. That word still makes me giddy.

But first, I was stopping to see my good friend Applejack. I stopped and got us two coffees, mine black and hers with milk.

Once I got to her stand, I made myself comfortable. We chatted about the price of apples, hay futures, and possibly planting a few fields of oats.

I was craning my neck, looking at Applejack's cutie mark. I saw a perturbed expression on her face. “What do you think you're doing?”

“Taking a good long look at your cutie mark.”

“Beg pardon?”

“Sure, getting a closer look at your cutie mark. Last night, before you guys got to my place, I was checking out Dash's cutie mark. I was fascinated by how each colour had a different texture and could feel them with my fingertips, but I'm sure I could also see it if I looked close enough.”

“Wait, you're saying Dash let you touch her cutie mark? As in your hands in contact with her flank?”

“What? I asked Dash, and she told me it wasn't intimate or anything...” I blinked a few times, then put my face in my hands, “Oh my goodness. It is a private place, isn't it?”

Applejack gave that low chuckle, “You bet it is, sugarcube. You touch me there, and I'll buck you to next Tuesday. I think Dash was playing a prank on you. But, I've got to say, that's kind of... adult, even by her standards.”

I snickered, “Still, you do have a fine cutie mark.”

Applejack smiled, “Why thank you, Mr Romeo. You do know how to sweep a girl off her hooves.”

I chuckled, “You bet Pony Ann. If I were going to hit on any pony, it would be you.” I waited while Applejack sold some apples. “Do you know why I call you Pony Ann?”

“You already told me it's because I remind you of your Ann.”

I leaned on the apple cart, not daring to make eye contact with Applejack. “That's only half of it. If I put your mind in a human body, kept those wonderful green eyes, and changed your accent, you would be Ann. Heck, you even take your coffee like she does. If I closed my eyes and listened to you speak, I would swear it was Ann talking. Not just the sound of your voice but your attitude, thoughts, way of thinking, values, everything. I suppose that's why I'm here every day. Talking to you is like talking to Ann. The only thing missing is having Lily run up to me in one of her ballistic hugs or Dan's little bear hugs.”

With a burst of anger I barely kept under wraps, “I wish Dash hadn't pulled that little stunt of hers. All it does is remind me how alien I am to this place. Well, I hope she had a damn good laugh.”

“Hey, there, sugarcube. I'm sure Dash was only funning.”

I took a few breaths to calm myself, “You know what, Applejack? It sucks being the only one of your species, and having that slammed into my face is not appreciated.” I turned my head away completely from Applejack. I didn't want her to see my face. “Sixty goddamn years is a damn long time.” I breathed slowly and deliberately. I couldn't speak for a full minute.

I wiped my eyes, then turned to her with a sad smile, “Well, I may be alone, but at least I've got friends.”

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