• Published 7th Feb 2012
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The Memoirs Of A Reality Jumper - Techogre

Alex has been lost for a life time. Can he make a life in Ponyville?

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2 - Bad News

I was on the couch in my living room with the kids. We were watching… something. The screen was covered in bright, colourful pony shapes, and Fluttershy's tune was invading my senses. It was a repetitive yet catchy tune that triggered something on the edge of my mind, but its meaning was just out of reach.

And then I saw it—a still image on the screen, a moment frozen in time. At the bottom centre was Fluttershy, sitting demurely and unobtrusively, surrounded by other ponies, but I couldn’t quite see them beyond coloured pony shapes. A purple screen suddenly replaced this image with some kind of logo made up of dark pink words. I was fascinated by the spectacle. While I could see each letter clearly, I simply couldn’t make sense of the garbled collection.

I briefly tore my eyes from the screen to note the room was empty, with only the lightly billowing gauze curtain to keep me company. All I could do was turn back and stare at those letters, slowly changing and dancing but never resolving into anything legible. Despite my frustration, I smiled. I felt like a child joyfully chasing after a butterfly but never quite reaching it.

The diarch sat at the breakfast table overlooking the terraced gardens. Tea and scones for one, ale and apples artistically arranged on a plate for the other.

Celestia spoke tentatively, “Lulu, did you sense anything unusual earlier today?”

Luna nodded, “I did, dear sister. In fact, it woke me from my daily slumber. May I assume thou were likewise disturbed?”

She replied with concern, “Yes. During Day Court, I sensed The Weave being rend then as quickly mended.” She added significantly, “The mend was imperfect.”

The Princess of the Night tapped her chin, “An old foe seeking vengeance? A new foe seeking a weakness? Do you think a friend, perhaps?”

“I’m not sure. I will investigate the damage to the weave, and perhaps I can draw information. In the meantime,” Celestia called her majordomo, “Time Keeper? Send word to the Royal Intelligence Service, I require eyes and ears.” With her will put into motion, she bit into one of her apples.

This had been the first good sleep I could remember having in a very long time, but I didn't know why. Despite the feeling of safety, I still kept my knife at hand, ready to be used in my defence at a moment's notice. The various safety features built into it meant I could sleep with it in my hand, clutched against my chest, without worrying about stabbing myself. The years of back-breaking slavery in that thrice-damned copper mine had taught me that sometimes just being too comfortable, too vulnerable, or too weak would exact a high price. It was better to stay armed at all times and survive no matter how safe it seemed.

But that dream did something to me; I couldn’t remember the last time something like that had happened. I had felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, this place was different. I had thought that a few times before over the years and had usually been wrong, but this time, could I be right?

It was just a ghost of a glimmer, faint, the merest wisp, but it was there.

While I lay there, it struck me that the tune Fluttershy was humming was also in the dream. What did she call it? My Little Horsey? No, it was My Little Pony. That was the show. The logo from the dream resolved itself in my mind’s eye. Yes, that was it, I’m sure. I’ll have to look it up properly when I have a chance. I didn’t remember much, but if this is that world, then this is a paradise. A safe place where I can rest. ‘It would be nice just to rest.’

As I lay half awake, savouring this new hope, my body reacted reflexively. I rolled away from under the blanket and had my knife drawn before I was aware of what I was doing. I crouched, my blanket half draped across my leg.

I looked to find a small white rabbit sitting on his haunches, holding a carrot over his shoulder like a club. He looked angry. With a little rabbity snarl, he put one hand on his hip and pointed his club menacingly at me.

I lowered my knife, “You're one of Fluttershy's little animal friends, right?” His carrot lowered slightly, and he nodded slowly, his eyes squinting suspiciously. "Look, I don’t mean Fluttershy, or anyone else, any harm. In fact, I'm grateful to your friend. I suspect she's the kind to pick up any old stray, but I promise I'll repay her kindness. Even if it's just manual labour, I will repay her." I looked at the brave little menace thoughtfully, "She's lucky to have a protective friend like you."

The rabbit’s expression hardened. After a few moments, he pointed to his own eyes, then at mine. His message was crystal clear. Satisfied he had made his point, he shouldered his carrot and hopped off.

I made a mental note to never, under any circumstances, cross that rabbit. I had to admit I liked his spirit. I can respect wanting to protect Fluttershy. She radiates warmth and kindness. It’s hard not to feel protective.

Since I was awake, I took the opportunity to get properly washed up. My rough hand rubbed the shaggy growth of facial hair. I searched for my toiletries kit from one of the side pockets of my pack. Anyone looking at me while I was digging around in my handy haversack would see I had my arm almost to the shoulder inside the small side pocket. I called it my Tardis bag, but no one had understood the reference in years.

I finally found what I was looking for; a small cake of shaving soap and a small mirror. I wet my face and made a lather in the palm of my hand, then rubbed it into my beard. Unsheathing the blade, I issued a simple command: SHAVING MODE. I used to do this every day or two, but for the last few years of captivity, I only shaved when I had a chance to escape, mainly to disguise my appearance and allow myself to feel human again. I was quickly done, the magic blade only cutting the hair on my skin.

Admiring the clean shave in the mirror, it was about this time I heard the gentle voice of Fluttershy, “Alex?”

I called back, "Miss Fluttershy, over here, by the stream. I'm just cleaning up."

She called back, her voice getting steadily closer, “Oh, good! I was wondering if you would like to come to the house for some breakfast. I sure … you’re …”, her voice trailed off.

I was drying my knife on my pants and looked around for her. She was standing a short distance up on the bank of the stream, sunlight streaming behind her, with a look of shock and horror on her face, tears forming in her eyes. "Hey, Miss Fluttershy, what's wrong? I'm sorry, is the knife disturbing you? I'll put it away." I quickly sheathed the blade. I then started to think, with just a slight panic, ‘Damn, have I totally freaked her out?’ Her expression was slowly changing to one of disgust and pity. "Ah. Well, no worries, I'll get out of your hair as fast as possible. I'm very sorry I upset you." I was crestfallen. I had been hoping I could make friends this jump rather than temporary allies. I muttered a curse, “Calisse.” I reprimanded myself for the false hope, ‘Eh bien, c’est la vie.’ I hurriedly started packing up. I wasn't even bothering to change clothes, just throwing my shirt over my shoulders.

Fluttershy shook her head. "Oh, no. Don't leave. I didn't mean to upset you. Those scars. How can one creature have so many scars?" I realized Fluttershy was looking at my back.

"Oh.", I said quietly. "Most of them are punishments I got when I was a slave. A few are from some 'adventuring', or 'running-for-my-life-ing'.” I gave a weary chuckle. “I'm very sorry you saw them." I continued before she could speak, "They don't belong in a world like this, and frankly, neither do I." I quickly continued to pack my things, my back to Fluttershy. Those years in slavery were very hard, and I had seen a lot of cruelty. I didn't want her to see my tears.

I felt what I assumed was her hoof gently touching my back and lifting my shirt. My body stiffened. I fought the urge to knock her away. "Oh, you poor colt. What happened to you? Some of these are fairly fresh, no more than a few weeks." She gently touched some of the fresher scars. She made little comforting noises. "I'm sorry if I gave you the impression I wanted you to leave. Please stay. I think you're a kind person who was put in an impossible situation. Maybe my friends can help you get home? Please, don't go."

I was silent for a few moments, and then I forced my body to relax just a little. "I really appreciate the offer. I really, honestly, do." I turned and smiled, looking her in the eyes for a moment. Those eyes are so big, kind, and warm. I gave my head a shake and put on the best smile I could manage.

Fluttershy looked at me angrily. “Now, I think you need a decent meal. I want you to march to my cottage right now, mister. I have breakfast ready for us. I will not take no for an answer. Pick up your things and scoot,” her expression changed to one of motherly sternness.

"Well,” I cleared my throat, "I certainly can't refuse a wonderful breakfast from such a lovely lady. How about this? After breakfast, I'll contact my family. Then I can earn that breakfast. I'll be happy to help feed the animals, muck out stalls, whatever you need doing."

Getting in the house was an experience and a half. The door was at least two meters tall but only about half a meter wide, maybe slightly smaller. A little too narrow for my build, so I had to take my backpack off and scuttle in sideways. This world was built on a 3/4 vertical scale.

Fluttershy directed me to the low table piled with food. There were no chairs, and instead, there were pillows arranged around the table. Considering how sparingly I had been eating in the last three or four weeks, it was hard not to throw myself at the food and gorge myself.

I was a little surprised at breakfast. I didn't know what to expect, honestly. There were what looked like pucks of some kind of shredded wheat cereal and what turned out to be cow milk with the label Matilda’s Best. It was funny, after a fashion. No matter how outlandish, how far from home, I could still read the local writing and still speak the local language. Occasionally, I wondered if there might be more to it than just chance.

I noticed there was no spoon, but that was alright. I had my own. There was also a bowl with cold, hard-boiled eggs, a plate of toast, a small platter with what looked like cheddar, and a steaming pot of tea. I bowed my head and muttered a simple thanks to the universe for its gifts. When I opened my eyes, Fluttershy looked at me, a little perplexed.

I chuckled, "Sorry about that. I'm not religious, but I always like to be thankful for anything I receive. In this case, good food and a good person to share it with." I thought for a moment. "When I was growing up, breaking bread with a stranger made them your friend." I took a piece of toast, ceremoniously broke it into two equal pieces, and gave her one. I chuckled, "I would usually do it in my own house, but I'm a little new in town at this moment." I smiled and looked her in the eye. "I promise to do it again before I leave, with my own bread, in my own house." I shrugged, "it may seem like a silly tradition, but it means a lot to me." At that moment, I realized her irises were almost pinpoints.

Fluttershy looked at the dry piece of toast, up to me, and back down at the toast. I realized she was blushing. Her voice was so soft and meek I could barely hear her. "We have a similar tradition, but it's between married couples..." her voice trailed off.

It took a moment for her words to take on meaning, followed by my panicked exclamation, "Oh! Hay! Whoa!" I pointed to my bare left ring finger. "Married man! Holy Hannah, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to imply anything at all. If I had known this meant anything like that, I never would have... I mean, I would never... well, maybe in different circumstances... but, whoa, hey, oy... ugh..., I've never had this happen before. I'm really sorry. Gah! I'm such an idiot,” I facepalmed and tried not to laugh, or cry, at my error.

I heard her delicate, angelic laughter, “Um, Alex? It's alright. It was just a little cultural miscommunication. No harm done.” The yellow pegasus smiled warmly, “Now we have a laugh to share.” She was still blushing, but now she was looking at me with a friendly grin.

"Heh, I guess we do." I savoured the quiet for a moment. "So, it basically means, 'Hi sweetheart, want to get busy?'"

Fluttershy nodded once again, draping her hair over her eyes for a moment.

"Good to know.” I paused, then chuckled, “Can you imagine if I had tried to 'make friends' with someone less understanding? I suspect there would be a me-shaped hole in a handy wall and two horseshoe prints in my face." I chuckled at the imagery. "Or even worse, if I would have had all five of your friends around the same table, I shudder to think of the outcome. Especially if my wife found out." We both giggled at the imagery and in relief of an awkward situation sorted out. For the first time in a long time, I was hopeful and felt I could let my guard down just a little.

"Well, no point in letting this naughty toast go to waste!" I made exaggerated 'nom-nom' noises, and more giggles ensued. "You know Fluttershy, I'm relieved you have a wonderful sense of humour. However, for the foreseeable future, I'll double-check with you or another person I trust before making any cultural assumptions. I really don't want to propose anything untoward to some random pony."

I hadn't realized how hungry I was until I ate the toast, but I did my best not to bolt down my food. Fluttershy kept hovering over me, ensuring my cup was always full, and my plate was never empty. It was getting a little annoying.

I smiled kindly at her, "Fluttershy, as much as I appreciate what you're doing, I really feel like I'm monopolizing your time. Can you at least have breakfast yourself? I don't want you passing out from starvation because I'm too lazy to get my own tea." I cocked an eyebrow and smirked. Seeing her cup was empty, I reached over and filled it. "See? Long monkey arms come in handy. Now, sit and eat. Please."

From here, we continued like any ordinary breakfast party, passing toast with only a giggle. When one participant is a pony and the other an interdimensional monkey, you must make the best of things. We spent most of the time talking about my family and her friends. Bits and pieces of the show started falling back into place, but it was far from a complete picture.

Having finished our meals, I helped clean up, mostly putting dishes in the sink, and then my thoughts turned to other matters. "I think it's time for me to call home. I would be very pleased if you were with me when I do this. It would be nice to show them a friend instead of a dark cave, alleyway, or some crazy situation."

I took out my most prized possession. The most important gadget I had. The one I would do anything to keep safe. It looked like a thick plastic sheet, folded in half and then rolled up like a scroll. I flipped it out casually, then unfolded it to a comfortable angle. A laptop, if you wanted to oversimplify grossly. Have I thanked Mr. Richards enough yet? Nope, not really.

I fired it up and began the sequence to make an inter-reality connection. It usually takes less than a minute, but this time it took almost fifteen. Still, I wasn't worried. I chalked it up to this being the first animated universe I was in.

I used Skype to make the call but put my thumb on the camera. I wanted it to be a big surprise. The other end was ringing, and I got an answer. "Hi, sweetheart!" There she was, Ann, my wife, almost unchanged from the day I was taken. A look of concern crossed her face. "Why is it so dark? Are you in a cave again?" her voice lowered, full of worry, "Are you in a bad situation?"

I smiled, "No, dear, I'm in a great place. But I didn't want to surprise you too much. I'm in an animated universe. Everything is like a drawn cartoon. So, when I pull my thumb away, be ready. Oh, and call the kids. I think they will get a kick out of it."

"Dan is at school, but Lily is here. Wait a sec." Ann left, and a few moments later, a rambunctious three-year-old was looking at the screen, sitting on Ann's lap.

I could see my daughter peering curiously at the screen, "Where's daddy, mommy?"

I answered by removing my thumb, "I'm right here, sweetie!"

In a fit of giggles, only a toddler can produce, "You look silly, daddy!"

"Lily, I have another surprise. I met a very nice lady who has been very kind to me. You may know her. Miss Fluttershy, if you please." I turned the camera toward her.

Lily started hopping up and down with a manic grin, "Pony! Mommy, look! It pony! It Fuddershy! Fuddershy!"

Fluttershy said, "Oh, what a lovely daughter. So full of energy! She's a beautiful foal. And Mrs. Roberts, it's a pleasure to meet you. Alex has told me all about you. He's courageous, and I promise to take him to meet Twilight Sparkle and maybe get him home."

Anne asked worriedly, “Alex? Are you sure it’s safe? That you’re safe?”

“As safe as I can be, Ann.” As much as I hated lying, sometimes fake certainty and confidence were the best options. Besides, there was little I could do about this situation.

Fluttershy interjected, “He’s safe here, I promise you. I’m sure my friends will be able to get him home.”

I flashed my best smile at the camera, "Okay, Ann, now that I've checked in, let’s do the time test. I'm going to help Miss Fluttershy feed and take care of her animals, and I'll be back soon."

The test was fairly simple: I would end the message, Ann would start a timer, I would wait an hour then call back. A little math, and I would know approximately how long until my next jump. Easy peasy. I didn't want to get stuck anywhere for 20 years again. That was a long time. Too long. Even in a paradise like this.

So, with an hour to kill, I helped Fluttershy with her morning chores. It felt good to do something physical. Anyway, we had to hurry. Fluttershy informed me the weather office had a rain shower planned for late morning, which was coming up soon.

Under her guidance, I did as I had promised. I suggested we do the worst first, so we started with the shovelling out of the outhouse. Mind you, I almost had a heart attack when I saw the bear exiting it. I guess they don’t do it in the woods after all. Fluttershy assured me Harry was quite friendly.

The pig stall was far less exciting but did confirm my theory that pigs are the meanest s.o.b.s in every universe. No wonder orcs look like them.

The hour ended just as the rain began to fall, and I managed to duck back inside without getting too wet. Plopping into the seat with my laptop, I reconnected, and Anne had her face away from the camera. She turned with a shocked expression on her face. "Oh, sweetheart..." Tears were welling up in her eyes.

I stayed calm. It could mean anything. "How long?"

She just looked and stammered.

I felt desperate. I raised my voice. I never raised my voice to Ann. "How long?"

She closed her eyes, "27.33 seconds.".

I did the math in my head and blanched. 27 seconds for an hour translates to about 60 years. I was in a daze and mumbled, "Excuse me, I need to step outside for a minute." Fluttershy looked at me, not understanding, but she didn't follow. The gut-wrenching, primal scream full of anger, sorrow, and despair that I emitted must have startled her. It almost sounded like it hadn’t even come from me, yet it still didn’t express how I felt.

All I could think was, ‘Soixante calisse de tabarnak d’années.’

After a few moments, Fluttershy stepped out of the door.

It was still raining. She found me standing by the tree, methodically punching the trunk, my knuckles bruised and bloody. I had stopped saying anything, just silently punching, punching, punching, tears streaming down my face. Finally, I stopped even that, leaning my head on the tree and sobbing.

Fluttershy tentatively came up to me, "Um, Alex? Is th-"

My head snapped in her direction. A target had presented itself for all my grief and pain. A voice shrieked out, "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I can only imagine how my face contorted to produce it.

Fluttershy cringed in terror. Realizing what I had just done, I could only imagine how she saw me, a mad, scarred monster twice her size.

"Oh, dear god..." I dropped to my knees. "F-Fluttershy, I'm so sorry, I... I..." I dropped my head. I sobbed. I was so tired. I missed my family. I just wanted to go home. I couldn't keep up the mask. Oh god, I was so tired.

I felt her warm head on my shoulder and her forelimbs hugging me. It was a small but appreciated comfort.

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