• Published 7th Feb 2012
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The Memoirs Of A Reality Jumper - Techogre

Alex has been lost for a life time. Can he make a life in Ponyville?

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20 - The right choice

The night was clear and calm and I carried the letter written by Luna herself. Her silver moon was bathing the streets in an icy glow. Unsurprisingly, the streets were deserted when I started walking home, and I appreciated that. I didn’t feel like interacting with others at the time.

I walked in the shadows to stay unseen, just in case. As I rounded the corner at the soap shop, I could see Pinkie Pie with another pony I didn’t recognize, standing on the step of Sugar Cube Corners. They had a brown coat and a darker brown mane and tail. I couldn’t make out their cutie mark. It looked like they were talking, and I soon saw he was a stallion. I walked a little more slowly, stuck to the shadows, and generally tried not to be noticed.

Pinkie lurched forward and gave him a hug, maybe a kiss. I smiled, thinking how pleased I was to see that sweet young mare so happy. They hugged for a few moments more, and I was soon close enough to hear them say the sweet goodbyes new couples say in every universe. He trotted off, all the while glancing back at Pinkie, and I could see the hourglass cutie mark.

When he turned the corner, I quietly walked toward Pinkie. Without looking at me, she said, “Hi Alex, that’s Whooves. He’s my special friend, and he makes me very happy. He even wants to work on my party cannon designs and said he had some ideas to make it bigger on the inside than the outside. I never thought I would be romantically involved, but I think I like it. It’s not the usual me, but sometimes it’s good to change.” She looked up at the sky with a smile and then looked at me.

“Luna works in crazy ways, hey Pinkie?”

“Yup, she sure does. So, do you know who it will be?”

“What do you mean?”

“Dashie, AJ, or Rarity, silly.”

I was getting used to Pinkie’s craziness and simply didn’t question it. “Rarity?” I groaned. “Don’t tell me she’s got a crush on me too.”

Pinkie snorted, “No, I was just seeing if you were paying attention. Rarity is all about, well, you know.”

I chuckled, “I hope those two get their heads together.”

Pinkie got reflective, “So, Dashie or AJ?”

“I think I know, and if I’m wrong...”

“I know you’ve made the right choice. You’re a clever cookie. Sometimes.”

“So, Whooves a nice guy?” I laughed, ”Well of course he’s nice. I can’t see you dating a bad boy.”

Her tone, as always, was infectiously sweet and upbeat, “You bet he is. We went star gazing, and he told me all about what was out there in the universe. His hobby is astronomy, so he had a lot of stuff to tell me. Even chatted about time and stuff. Timey-wimey stuff, he called it. It was nice to meet someone who was as smart as me, just as interested in everything, and could be just as silly.”

I patted Pinkie on the shoulder, “Well, it sounds like you have a great match with him, Pinkie. I’m really happy for you. And as much as I would like to chat, this old man is rolling home.” Pinkie giggled then we said our goodbyes, and I continued my reflective journey home.

Celestia’s sun burned brightly through my eyelids. As much as my body protested, I knew I should get up and face the day. Today was the day I would gladden one heart and break another. I thought sadly, ‘I hope the broken heart can forgive me.’

I scratched my chin and realized I had been so wrapped up in this problem I hadn’t shaved all week. Not only that, but my hair was shaggy. Well, Shaver's barbershop was closed, so there was no chance of getting a trim. I chuckled, ‘She’ll have to take me as I am.’

Shaved and showered, I grew more confident in my decision. I knew what was right and what was in my heart. I decided to wear my best suit, the one I wore to the audience with the Princess. ‘I may as well look as good as I can, not that she cares about looks.’

‘All dressed up and nowhere to go,’ I chuckled. Noticing a small rip on the knee, I decided to head to Elusive for a chat and a patch-up. I avoided the market, not wanting to bump into AJ until I was ready. I got a few looks. I guess someone dressed to the nines strolling along back allies was not a usual sight.

I walked into the shop and greeted Elusive in a jaunty voice, “Good morning. I assume you’re fully recovered from our night of debauchery.” I saw he was sporting a black eye.

He smirked, “Only just. Two questions. How much salt did I eat? And who did I get in a fight with?”

“Lots and that harshest of all mistresses, gravity. I remember tossing you over my shoulders in a fireman's carry, tripping, and laughing our fool heads off.

“Was gravity wearing a sexy saddle?” We both laughed.

I explained my minor wardrobe issue and he offered to fix it right there. As he was working on my pants, he asked, “So, you figure out how to fix your problem? With the girls, I mean.”

“I think so, but I want to get all my ducks in a row and in the nest before I start talking about them.”

“Fair enough.” I smiled at that, ‘He’s using human sayings like a pro.’

“Oh ya, before I forget, I’ll need some warmer clothes, Fall just started.’

“Huh, planning ahead, are you? Well, it never hurts to be ready, and I never begrudge the business.”

We continued to chat about the events of the day while he worked. I shook my head, ‘That guy is a wonder. If I was trusted with thread and needle, someone or something would be eviscerated, likely me.’

Elusive took his time to fix them, and I was in no rush to leave. ‘I suspect I’m stalling. Coward.’

I looked at the clock on the wall and smiled, ‘I’ve still got time to get flowers.’ “Well, my friend, I have a date with a beautiful mare. I’ll let you know tomorrow, assuming someone's big brother lets me live.”

We say our goodbyes, and I head toward the market to get roses from Rose. There is a good crowd, and Applejack is facing away from me. I see her starting to turn, and I ducked down behind a brussel sprout stall just in time. I thought desperately, ‘Okay, I have a plan and AJ not seeing me is basically it for now.’

She finally looked away, and I skulked to Rose, Lily, and Daisy’s flower stand. I got a dozen of their finest roses, including a recipe card, and managed to almost make it out of the market. I was so intent on keeping an eye on AJ that I bumped head-first into Derpy.

“Oh, Mr Alex Roberts. I was just headed to Applejack’s stand. That’s where you usually are this time of day. Anyway, Caramel and I want to thank you for standing up to Coins and, as Caramel put it, defending my honour.” She reached into her pack and pulled out a small envelope. “We would be honoured if you came to our wedding next week as one of the special guests.”

Staying crouched low, I looked up at her and smiled, “Well, thank you very much, Miss,” I chuckled, “soon to be Mrs Derpy. I would be most pleased to be your guest. However, at this exact moment, I’m late for an important date, as it were. You can expect me there with bells on.” She had a confused expression, “Sorry, human expression. It means I will be there happily.”

I was late getting to the restaurant. Dash was sitting at a small table beside the big dining room window, the red rose tucked behind her right ear almost blending with that part of her mane, her long hair in a simple tie. On the table a steaming pot of tea and two cups waiting to be filled. Her expression was pensive as she looked out the window. I was almost at the table before she noticed me. She turned, and her face lit up, “Wow, you clean up good.”

“If I'm speaking to a princess, I should dress appropriately.” Dash blushed and turned her head slightly. I lowered myself to one knee and looked up to her. “Rainbow Dash, you are my princess.” I presented the roses, “It took Luna's guidance to set my head straight.” I took her hoof, “She saw what was in my heart. And it was you Dash, my special friend. You inspire me. You make me laugh. You fuel my optimism. You are my redemption in this world. Will you accept this foolish old man?”

Her expression was affectionate as she leaned forward and kissed me softly. “Alex Roberts, you are something else.” She put a hoof on my cheek. “I heard about what you did for Applejack. You're such an idiot. A wonderful, caring idiot. I'm proud to call you my special friend.” She winced as she pulled a large feather from her wing. “Wear this to show the world where your heart belongs.”

I took the feather with reverence and looked at it for a few moments. “I'm sorry I don't have anything half as wonderful to give you.” I thought for a moment, “I have an idea. I'll be right back.” I tucked the feather in my breast pocket, the tip sticking out. I ran to the front desk and asked for scissors and some string. The waiter, being grateful for the French lessons, was happy to help me out. I carefully cut a lock of my hair and tied it with the string. I took a moment and made a necklace with the feather. He smiled and wished me good luck.

I returned to Dash’s expression of curiosity. I presented her with my meagre gift, “ I know it's not as pretty or as wonderful as yours, but I hope you'll accept it.”

She smiled as she accepted my gift and held it to her heart. “You didn't have to cut your mane.”

I shrugged, “It'll grow back. Anyway, you have a bald spot on your wing.” I gingerly brushed her wing with my hand, and they involuntarily popped out. “Heh, sorry about that.”

Her cheeks glowed red, “I could never feel embarrassed about that with you.”

Image commissioned by me, drawn and coloured by AphexAngel

Dash and I took a long walk in the park, talking about everything and nothing. I finally broached the subject I had been dreading. “Dash, I have to tell you something. And you have to promise not to be upset.”

She stopped dead in her tracks, a look of repressed anger on her face. “What is it.”

I sighed. It was better to do it then and there rather than later. “I found out this week Applejack has a crush on me. I love her as a friend, maybe a sister, but nothing more. Now, I have to let her know that we're together. I know she's your best friend, and maybe you can help me figure out how to break this to her. I don't want to mess up your friendship. Plus, there's...”

Dash was suddenly hovering in front of me, planting a quick kiss to shut me up. “Listen, AJ needs the truth, straight up. Don't candy-coat it. It'll just tick her off. And, if you wear my feather, she'll know what it means.” She kissed me quickly again. “And it makes me so happy when you care about others when you help them. Just don’t screw it up, AJ’s still my friend and yours too.”

“Thank you for the advice. I hope we can all be friends after this.” For the first time, I lean forward and kiss her.

Dash smiles and, with a throaty chuckle, “Nice to see I'm not the only one who can plant a kiss.”

I reached out to hold her, “Take a load off your wings, Miss Dash?” She hovered up against me. I hooked my arms under her wings, and she relaxed. She was lighter than I expected. I wondered if it was hollow bones or magic or both. With her forelegs around my neck, she nuzzled into my cheek.

She whispered in my ear, "That's Ms Rainbow Dash, now."

I noticed a few ponies looking at us. 'Let them stare,' I thought.

After a few moments, “Dash, I promised AJ I would tell her my decision. But it’s something I would rather do alone if that’s okay with you. Just, no matter what happens, don’t be mad at AJ, okay? She’s your friend and,” I was once again interrupted by a kiss. ‘Not a bad way to be interrupted’, I thought.

“AJ is my pal. She has been for a long time. How can I be mad at her for falling for you?”

I saw him working in the south field, and I wanted to talk before I spoke with his sister. I hopped the fence and jogged towards him. “Big Macintosh, there’s something I have to talk to you about.”

He looked up from his ploughing, “Applejack said I owe you some thanks for saving the farm. I just see it some darn fool fixing his own mistake.”

I smirked, “Glad someone else sees it my way.”

He squinted a bit, then prodded me with his hoof, “Is that a sky blue feather on your neck? The kind of feather Miss Rainbow Dash has?”

My face hardened, “Yes, it is. She declared herself to me, and you know what, I’ve got feelings for her too.”

His voice grew loud enough to rattle my bones, “Colt, I told you not to mess with Miss Rainbow Dash.” He drew his hoof back, anger growing.

I threw my arms out and yelled at him, “Fine, you want to beat me up? I won’t defend myself. If you need to crucify me to fix up your damn self-esteem, then that’s what I’ll do.” I stepped forward, surprising him and forcing him to stumble back. “And do you know what else? Your sister declared herself to me too. And do you know what? I was this close to taking her up on the offer. Do you know why? Because she reminded me of the wife I lost a long time ago.”

I take another step, forcing him to stumble further back. “And every time I see her, likely for the rest of my worthless life, my heart will break just a tiny bit. And that was why I could never get involved like that with Applejack. Because I would never know if I was her or Ann, it would have been so damn easy just to be with her. It would also have been so damn unfair. And now, I have to go and talk to one of the sweetest, warmest mares in Equestria and break her heart.”

“But if you need to beat the tar out of me because I stole your Rainbow Dash, I want you to do it now. Turn me to fertilizer, you stupid muscle-bound idiot.” I stepped forward again, putting my chest against his. “Do it!” I stood, arms out, glaring at him defiantly.

Anger was replaced by compassion, and Mac’s voice was softer, “Whoa there, Alex, let's all calm down.”

My arms dropped to my sides, and sadness filled my voice, “I don’t want to hurt her Mac. I love her like a sister, and knowing I’ve got to break her heart is killing me. Dash said I should be honest with her, and I can’t imagine doing anything else. I don’t want to do this. I would take the last week back and have it never happen if it would mean not hurting Applejack.”

Big Mac thought for a moment, wheat stock moving from side to side. “Alright, Applejack is at the barn. Let’s go.”

I tilted my head a little, unsure, “So, just like that?”

Big Mac snorted, “No, you all still have to talk to my little sister. And as for Miss Rainbow Dash, well, I guess if I had really wanted to court her, I should have done something about it. It’s not like you didn’t try to help me with that. And I suppose I owe you for the farm, no matter what the reason.”

I nodded, “Fair enough. I hope we can be friends after all this.”

He gave that almost smile, “I ain't making no promises, but I ain’t saying no.” We made our way to the barn. “Go on, colt. I’ll get ya to the hospital when you need it.”

“Gee, thanks.” I let a long, slow breath out and walked into the barn. She was facing away from me, and my heart was sinking from the moment I saw her. I tried my best to keep my voice neutral, “Hi, Applejack. I was hoping we could talk.” She turned, her face radiant.

As she saw the necklace, I knew that she knew. Her face became impassive. It would have been so much easier had she been angry, shouting obscenities at me, something, but she was just sad. Her voice was quiet, defeated, “Howdy Alex. I see I’m not special friend material.”

I sighed and smiled sadly, “Luna said to look in my heart, and I saw that I loved you like a sister. You know why I could never love you in an intimate way. Ann would always be there. Always. I’m so sorry.” I sat on a hay bale, “Applejack, it would have been so unfair to you. And I think if you’re honest with yourself, you know it’s true. And please don’t be upset at Dash. She cares for you very much, and I know she would hate to lose you as a friend.”

Applejack sat beside me and took a slow, deep breath, “If I look inside my heart, I guess you just made me think of Daddy. Kind, warm, funny, and always dreaming. I guess, if I look deep down, I love you like a brother.”

I smiled, “I assume siblings dating is just as creepy here?”

She laughed and bumped her shoulder into mine, “I guess so, mister comedian.”

“I’ve never had a sister, or a brother for that matter, and I’m honoured to have such a wonderful friend as you be my sister.”

“Alex, y’all have done so much for us. You are an Apple. You always will be.”

“Speaking of family, I had a talk with my newly minted little brother. I figured he might beat the tar out of me, and I could do this at the hospital. I’m not going to lie. My gut was in knots. But he’s okay with the situation, especially after I explained myself. He loves you so much, and I hope we’ll be friends in the future.”

The subsonic voice piped up, “Darn right, I love my little sister. And I guess I can tolerate my new big brother, seen’ as you’re older than I am.”

I snorted, and in an old man voice, “Darn right, sonny.”

Dash was waiting for me at the edge of the pond, just outside Sweet Apple Acres. She flew over as soon as she saw me, “How did it go?” Her face was painted with worry and concern.

“Well, Big Mac didn’t crush me like a bug, and AJ now thinks of me as her brother. I guess I remind her of her dad. Anyway, she’ll be having a chat with you tomorrow. So, I guess things are hunky dory.” I had a pensive expression, my brow furrowed in thought.

Dash said quietly, “Are... are you having second—” I interrupted her this time.

“Second thoughts? About you?” I smiled, looking into those eyes, “Never. I just,” I sighed, ”I just hated hurting Applejack.”

Dash just looked at me with a sad smile and beckoned me closer. I lowered myself to my knee, and she held me for a few moments. She whispered, “It’s going to be fine, you big lug. Everything will be okay, trust me.”

We walked until we were at my cottage, “I would walk you home,” gesturing to her cloud house, “but I'm a little too much of a ground pounder. Do you want to come in for a cup of tea?” I thought for a moment, “I'm hoping that doesn't have any double meanings.”

She gave me a sultry smirk, “Why, what does it mean to you?”

I decided to be honest, “It can mean the same thing as shared bread, sort of, but that's not how I mean it. I think we're still far too new as a couple for that, and I wouldn't want to abuse your trust, Dash. However, I warn you, there may be pastries.”

She beamed at me, “I guess you really do care. Ya, I would like, very much.”

I turned the lights on in the kitchen and was surprised to see a scroll on the table. I picked it up and saw it had the black and blue seal of Princess Luna and was addressed to me.

“That's weird. Check this out, Dash.” I sat with Dash at my side, then snapped the seal and started reading.

My Loyal Adherent Alex,

From The Moment I Was Aware Of You, I Saw In You Your Need To Find Redemption. Not Only In Your Self, But In Others. Even When You Have Redeemed Yourself Time And Time Again In The Eyes Of Those Around You, You Continue Your Search. Know That I Understand That Hunger. I Was Saved By The Power Of Redemption, The Sin Of Nightmare Moon Was Absolved By The Elements Of Harmony. I Wish To Give This Same Gift To Others Through You.

I Choose A Title From Your Own World And Many Of The Worlds You Have Visited. You Shall Henceforth Be Known As My Paladin Of Redemption, A Knight Protector Finding The Redemption Others Seek, Whether They Know It Or Not.

You Will Not Be Alone In This Task. There Shall Be Other Paladins Representing The Different Virtues Of Redemption. I Shall Advise You On Future Candidates And You Shall Assist Them In Finding Their Own Redemption.

Go Forth, My Little Paladin, And Give Others The Solace I Received In My Hour Of Need.

I Say This Unto You With Love,
Princess Luna

I felt Dash hugging me tight, “I guess you really are a knight in shining armour.”

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