• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 6,483 Views, 474 Comments

Twilights Mane Passion - Darkonshadows

Twilight grows up with a strange passion and it changes her life from how it should have been.

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It was simply just another day and today Fluttershy and Trixie were spending time watching Rainbow Dash fly around. Scootaloo was also there enjoying the impromptu show going on in the sky.

“Trixie does not know why she likes Rainbow so much. She’s got an ego as big as Trixie does and Trixie has been working on that.” It seemed like Trixie completely lacked the ability to not say her own name every sentence.

“Well you’re doing a wonderful job Trixie; it’s just that I think Scootaloo really likes Rainbow because she flies so fast and free. I think it’s also because she leaves a trail of colors wherever she goes.” Fluttershy watched as Rainbow zipped across the sky with an excited Scootaloo frolicking around on the ground below, the filly was probably dreaming of being able to fly like that. Sighing she turned to Trixie; Fluttershy didn’t mind Trixie’s odd habits and even enjoyed the fact that she was always wearing her hat and cape everywhere in a cute manner. “I’ve noticed that she has seems to have problems with flying. She might be a flightless pegasus.”

“Trixie can see why that would make Rainbow more important. Having wings and being incapable of flight is like Trixie being incapable of being good with magic though she has a horn.” Trixie wilted a bit and also watched as Rainbow performed several loops through the air at an incredible speed. “Having a special talent for telling tales and illusions really is not what Trixie thought Trixie would be good at.”

“Well I never thought I’d be good at anything, I was always picked on for being a weak flyer and the education systems in Cloudsdale are really poorly suited for ponies that can’t fly very well or at all. Do you even know what happens to a pegasus that can’t fly and lives in Cloudsdale?” Fluttershy knew the answer and Trixie didn’t look like she was about to ask for it.

“It’s a tough world at times; Trixie once thought you had to step on ponies to make any headway in it.” After Trixie Lulamoon met Pinkie Pie and became her personal party magician, she couldn’t even think of being self centered anymore. “Pinkie has a way of changing that kind of world view.”

“How does it feel to be in love?” It was nice to ask some pony who knew what it was like as Fluttershy was still sadly single. She wouldn’t poach Twilight or Tress from each other; they were in a strong platonic relationship and Fluttershy didn’t want to mess up that synergy.

“Very weird, Pinkie does so many odd things and Trixie enjoys being hugged by her a lot.” Trixie had only just started dating Pinkie and it was a mutual attraction or at least it appeared to be. They shared a lot of time at parties and worked well together to make each one special.

“There is never a reason to frown, as long as Pinkie lives in this town.” Zecora chuckled as Trixie and Fluttershy both jumped. One bleated like a goat and the other had immediately become invisible except for the disruption of four circles in the grass. “Oh you ponies are the ones I love to tease, now what are you talking about if you please?”

“Hey what’s with the weird pony… she doesn’t look like she has a cutie mark. Does this mean there’s a chance I’ll never get one?” Scootaloo had finally taking her attention off of the most amazing pony she had ever seen and saw a grey, black and white pony.

“Aw such a cute young filly, you are quite silly. I’m not a phony, but I’m definitely not quite a pony.” Zecora had always liked the young fillies and colts as they were usually so sweet and innocent. “The symbol of a cutie mark is not meant for my race, when you will achieve yours I can’t tell as it’s not my place.”

“Do you always talk like that?” Scootaloo tilted her head intrigued by the not a pony.

“Like Trixie, she has a preferred method of speech. Haven’t you ever heard of a zebra before in school? Trixie has learned many things of the other races out there and knowing something like that will help Trixie in understanding their customs if Trixie is ever to travel away from Ponyville.” Trixie had never met a wiser zebra that was a good conversationalist and managed to keep it going in rhyme no less.

“Um, Trixie… I don’t think Scootaloo has ever been in a school before.” At least that’s the impression Fluttershy was getting from Scootaloo. Aside from Smart’s investigation, she personally asked around Ponyville and found out that the little filly was taught on the streets by the townsfolk in general everyday life. At least Ponyville watched out for any pony that lived there even if a pony could overcharge you for a cherry if they felt like being cruel.

“School is so boring, why would any pony want to sit in one place all day when you could be outside having fun and eating the fresh grass? There’s also taking naps out on the sunny hills’.” Scootaloo liked grazing and grass was always a free meal; however it did kind of get boring to eat grass all the time.

“Learning in its own unique way can be quite fun, it’s about as useful as always going for a run. You need to exercise both body and mind, as doing so will help you grow stronger in kind.” Zecora wondered why this adorable filly wasn’t going to school, there was so much that the filly would miss in life if she didn’t learn things.

“What?” Scootaloo really didn’t understand what Zecora meant.

“She means that while you’re a very healthy little filly, you still need to learn how to do math, science and even write. It’ll help you much later when you grow up and you won’t be so alone.” If Fluttershy was going to get to the root of the problem, she was going to start by being there for Scootaloo. The filly in question looked hurt by the insinuation that she was lonely, even if it was very much true. “School is not just a place about sitting around. It’s a place where you can make friends and learn how some things work in the world. You might even be able to learn how to fly like Rainbow does.”

“You should really listen to Fluttershy about this stuff as she’s smart like that. I might not have been too great at regular school, but even I went and learned how to do things.” Rainbow came in for a landing and was suddenly attracting Scootaloo’s attention like a high powered magnet. “I wouldn’t even be able to live in Ponyville if I didn’t know how to hold the weather manager position I have. I’m glad I have enough smarts to even have the job that I do; still it’s not a bad thing to enjoy the world while you’re still young. No point in being a big egghead and wasting all your time with worries when you could be doing things, but that’s just me. Even I need to learn stuff to become a Wonder Bolt, just think about it kid. I’ve got to get back to work guys, see ya.”

Scootaloo mulled over what Rainbow Dash said as the quick flying mare shot for the skies once more. The filly was seen wandering off towards Ponyville on her scooter looking thoughtful. As soon as Scootaloo was gone Fluttershy turned to Zecora and Trixie.

“Um… did you need something Zecora or were you just stopping to say hello?” It was so nice to see the zebra as it has been a while.

“Of things with any pony I can talk, do you two want to go for a walk?” Zecora motioned to the bright happy day going on around them. It was sunny, the lake was shining, the birds were singing and Twilight was once again in pitched battle for survival against what looked like a fierce dragon like creature. Zecora brought a hoof to her chin to rub it with an intrigued look on her face. “Well now that is an interesting sight, what is a jabberwock doing out of the forest and it being nowhere near night?”

Fluttershy was behind Zecora and curled up cowering at the sight of the relatively large dragon like monster. Trixie moved over to the shy mare and started trying to sooth her by holding her. Zecora just shook her head sadly as she watched the unicorn get chased by the monster on the far side of the lake, eventually the two disappeared into the woods. Even if they did go to help, they probably wouldn’t be able to do much to assist her or even know where to go as they were too far away to see which way Twilight was now running.

A jabberwock was a dangerous chimera creature to be sure. They had a body like dragons, but thankfully not the size or actual toughness to match a real one. They had powerful fanged jaws in a fish shaped head with whiskers on a long neck; on its head was some small insect styled antenna. Their wing tips and legs ended in painful looking grasping talons like a birds.

“Do you think we should help or get some pony who can? Trixie doesn’t think she can keep running forever.” It wasn’t like Trixie was incredibly worried for Twilight’s safety, that unicorn has likely survived worse. Right now she was more focused on calming down Fluttershy by snuggling the cute mare. “It’ll be okay Fluttershy; no big bad monster is going to hurt you while Trixie is here.”

“I really don’t like dragons. Just don’t tell Barb I said that as I actually like her.” Fluttershy whimpered and snuggled into Trixie and her enwrapping comforting hooves. The very sight of a dragon like beast scared her.

“It’s a matter based in fact, I have no idea how we’re to act. Our friend Twilight is magically strong; to think that creature has any resilience to magic is wrong.” Zecora knew a thing or two about animals far and wide in the world. Even if this was the first time she has actually seen one, she has heard more than enough to know a unicorn can use magic against it easily enough.

“Do you think Twilight knows that?” Trixie continued to pet Fluttershy gently, the shy mare looked particularly distraught about this.

“We’ve studied all kinds of creatures together Trixie, I’m sure she’ll be okay. She’s always getting into dangerous situations all the time. Can you two walk me home so I can get my medical kit though? I have a feeling she might need it soon.” Fluttershy felt bad about not confronting the creature immediately, but they didn’t have any idea which direction Twilight would be running when she entered the forest on the far side of the lake.

“It is a good course of action to which I can agree. Maybe it is best we should get Twilight when she lands and flee.” The two mares were about to ask Zecora what she meant, only for Twilight fall out of the sky covered in scrapes, a few shallow cuts and breathing like she has just ran a marathon. The mare had tumbled along the ground until she came to a stop near them staring up at them pleadingly. “Now that you see what I mean, it’s about time we became the shoulder on which she can lean.”

Trixie quickly released Fluttershy from the cuddle and focused her horn on Twilight to lift the mare into the air. They all set off in the opposite direction from where they last saw the jabberwock. A little while after this incident Fluttershy was patching up Twilight from her minor injuries and small flesh wounds.

“Are you okay Twilight?” Fluttershy continued to gently patch up the purple unicorn with Trixie’s help.

“I’m okay; I just accidentally woke up that jabberwock. They are really sensitive about their whiskers apparently.” Twilight really wondered how she and Tress keep getting into these messes during very seemingly simple jobs. All she had to do was pick a few specific flowers for Roseluck and then leave. It seemed that sometimes even the simplest jobs she receives get very dangerous in a variety of random ways.

“So you were flying with the gravity spell again I see, Trixie still thinks you need to work on the landings as you’ve only done it once.” It wasn’t that Trixie was jealous Twilight could fall sideways in a unique fashion to appear as if she was flying. She was only slightly envious and figured the poor purple pony needed some cool abilities to make up for all the insanity.

“There is something of the Trouble Takers I must ask; the mayor of Ponyville has given me a task.” Zecora was going to eventually see Twilight about this and now seemed like a good time. Twilight just nodded. “Can you assist me with aid on telling a story of the night, one that brings to many foals, fillies and colts a fright? The special illusionary powder for the performance I won’t have time to mix, do you have the ability to create illusions as a fix?”

Twilight turned to Trixie with a bright cheery toothily wide smile, job finished in half a second. That was a new record.

Trixie wilted as this meant trouble in the foreseeable future if Twilight had a penchant for evil tendencies like Tress did. She’d still do it as it was her special talent and she wasn’t going let some half baked illusionist perform in her town while she was still fit to put on a show.

Author's Note:

Only half baked illusionists, Pinkie is a fully baked illusionist of the highest order.