• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 6,483 Views, 474 Comments

Twilights Mane Passion - Darkonshadows

Twilight grows up with a strange passion and it changes her life from how it should have been.

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If there was one thing Tress could understand about the situation she now found herself in, it’s that things had become more complicated since coming to Ponyville. Meeting Fluttershy’s only childhood friend for about three years at most, on her birthday and the first day she’s in Ponyville no less, was not one of the things Tress thought would happen.

Only being in Ponyville a little more than four days could this happen, how many more absurd situations could Tress handle before she snapped and blew up at her friends about it all. Well Tress sort of did it with the hydra, she didn’t think that really counted or at least she didn’t want it to. She would never hate Twilight for something like that.

Tress could feel herself seething with some loathing for Rainbow Dash at the moment, how could she have left Fluttershy in the lurch to be bullied like she was? Did Rainbow have no idea what Fluttershy has been through? Here she has the gall to act like she was a great pony? Tress wasn’t about to cause a scene and not during the mares birthday, but at a later day she very well might.

On a similar mindset Barb was also angry at Rainbow. She knows Fluttershy would always talk about Rainbow in a nicer light and didn’t say anything bad about her. Even then Barb saw that Rainbow had abandoned her friend at some point to hang out with someone more exclusively, Rainbow didn’t bother to make any time for her aunt. Auntie Shy was a really nice and wonderful pony that could really sing a sweet lullaby that could lull even a big mean cantankerous creature right to sleep with her angelic voice. How could Rainbow not want to hang out with her and why would she stop spending time with a pony that no one could possibly hate. Well unless you were one of those ponies who picked on her auntie growing up.

“I accept you’re apology, now we must be going about our way.” Snubbing the colorful mare was probably the best thing Tress thought she could do at the moment without causing a scene or some huge mess. Making sure Barb was secure on her back, Tress walked on by the mud covered Rainbow paying her no attention whatsoever. They were going to get back on track to what they were originally doing and hopefully things would stay quiet.

After a moment the pegasus fluttered up and started to slowly follow Tress out of curiosity. The creature that was with the earth pony had already garnered Dash’s curiosity enough, but Tress had managed to earn it just as much from how she dodged out of the way of her crash landing. Rainbow hadn’t seen how the mare had done it, she was sure the mare would have at least gotten covered in some mud from the impact. There was also the fact that she had just gotten snubbed and glared at for no good reason. It was her first day in Ponyville and she found something that intrigued her and caught her attention, so spy mode time it was!

Tress’s mind was somewhere else or she would have noticed the winged pony tailing them; she wouldn’t bother the flying rainbow as long as she didn’t annoy her too much. She was worried about the implication of even a little bit of her powers returning to her, she had only made a single lock of tail hair turn green and pulled herself out of the way of getting an unwanted mud bath.

Walking up to Quills and Sofas, Tress was going to scope out the wares while she thought of whether or not she’d be happy to even have a little of her Mane-iac powers back. Davenport met her at the entrance and greeted her warmly.

“Uh Tress, the big blue dodo with colorful hair is following us.” Barb wasn’t worried; if Tress had her powers back and could control them then she was plenty safe. If not, Barb knew Tress was a tough mare that could take care of herself.

“She’s more like a peacock Barb; just don’t pay any attention to her. As long as she doesn’t bother us we won’t have the need to have an altercation. Let’s just look at sofas and… novelty quills I guess. Why do you even sell quills Mr. Davenport?” It was a good question, from a standpoint this store was really odd to Tress and odd was something she has to deal with on a daily basis living with Twilight. The tiny ear infesting tapir was just one in a long string of ridiculous things that have crossed their paths, she thought tapirs could dream eat at a distance. It was probably stronger up close and more comfortable swimming in ear wax or at least that’s how Tress tried to rationalize it.

The stories the stallion could tell made looking at sofas fun and Barb wasn’t bored at all, in fact it brought on more questions than it answered. Even Tress was impressed at some of the strangest things she’s ever heard of, and that is even considering what happens in Night and Velvets kitchen back at the Sparkle home.

“It all just fell into place like the Paints and Bathtubs down the street. Ponyville has lots of strange specialty stores like that.” It wasn’t like Mr. Davenport would question it too much when he owned one of those odd stores himself.

“Actually, that one vaguely makes some sort of sense.” Tress thought it did at least, ponies get covered in paint and they’d need a bathtub to go along with it to clean up.

“Well it makes more sense than Whips and Weights store.” This only got Mr. Davenport an odd look. “Look it just works okay? I know someone whose nickname is Snowflake that frequents that store just for workout weights. He tends to wear them out frequently, he’s a heavily muscled pegasus and you can’t even miss him if you ever saw him. He’s broken quite a few couches just because he’s so large, it’s kind of what keeps me in business and I’m still trying to design a couch with him in mind.”

“Still doesn’t explain the oatmeal thing though, it sounds rather crazy.” Barb took a glance at Rainbow who it seemed was taking a keen interest in the conversation while lying on her belly. Rainbow was idly flicking an ear in interest in their general direction while kicking out her hind legs once in a while, her chin resting in her hooves.

“It is. Pinkie could tell that part better than I can, I hear tell she’s even getting started on sending invitations out to celebrate all the new ponies that have come to Ponyville at the end of this week for a meet and greet party. Apparently some fairy thing told her it was easier to hold one big party for multiple new ponies once a week; she was probably sold at bigger parties. You can get the rest of the story from her when you go.” Mr. Davenport knew Pinkie was planning something big because she was currently hardly throwing parties faster than most ponies could keep up with. “I’m sure she can’t wait to invite you or send you an invitation on its time and location.”

“I bet it’ll be the best disaster to ever happen to me and my friends.” Because goodness knows if they could go a few days without something seriously weird happening, Tress didn’t doubt it’d be a blast though. It would probably be a good opportunity to ruin the dress Rarity was making for her, like it’d survive an event where things were bound to go horribly wrong. Tress wasn’t about to ruin the dress on purpose though, Rarity was really excited about making one for her and she wouldn’t do something needlessly mean like that. “I think I’m done looking around, got a catalogue? I really can’t spend all day here.”

“Sure thing Ms. Ravel. Say, where’s your friend and associate Ms. Sparkle?” After telling Davenport about the tapir attack and that Twilight was getting caught up on her stolen sleep. She left with a catalogue full of sofas and quills he could have crafted for her, even then Tress still had no clue what she’d do with quills as she was more of a pencil pony. Maybe she should get one for Twilight’s next birthday? Twilight goes through a lot of quills with her ideas for advancements in enchantments; Tress had no idea what she was currently working on anymore as it slowly started turning into a bunch of jargon.

Leaving the store Tress detoured towards the marketplace a little more aware that the not so sneaky pegasus was still following them. Barb was being a pretty good dragon so far and it looked like she was going to earn that expensive ice cream this evening.

“Hey there Tress, come over here for a spell!” Both dragon and pony perked their ears up at hearing Applejacks voice. She was sitting at an apple stand; she even had a zap apple sitting on the counter with Tress’s name on it. “There’s a free zap apple in it for you.”

“Looks like you’ll be meeting Applejack sooner than I thought Barb. It’s okay to act disgusting around her; she’s used to it unlike Rarity.” Barb nodded and hopped off Tress’s back to run up to Applejack smiling.

“Hey there I’m Barb, did you see the message I sent to my mom yesterday?” Barb was eagerly looking up to Applejack.

“I sure did, but you’re not quite what I was expecting when Twilight said her daughter sent her a message. Who am I to judge, family is family. I don’t care what you look like; since you’re a right cute little thing.” Applejack immediately hoofed the zap apple to Tress who quickly took a bit out of it and savored the tangy goodness. “Now who is that there following you from a distance? She’s acting mighty shady and a bit silly and I know silly, being around Pinkie Pie long enough tends to lead a pony to doing strange things like dancing and singing perfectly in sync without any kind of practice.”

“Oh that? It’s a tailgater and I wish she would get out of my mane. I’m getting a bit more annoyed to the point I could just… hm.” A sharp determinately evil grin crossed Tress’s face. Sure she can’t recreate evil sprays of doom in Equestria, but she could still certainly commit to an evil plot. “Well today is that mare’s birthday, how about you call her over after I leave and tell her happy birthday from me. Also I want to purchase the zap apple she’s going to personally bite into.”

“Why, that’s rather downright devious of you Tress. Sounds like a perfectly good prank to me. If you’re paying, then it’s no bits out of my profits.” Applejack then nodded to herself and placed another zap apple on the counter just as Tress finished her own, Barb wanted an apple too and Tress bought her one to snack on to tide her over until her just desserts that evening. Applejack was willing to oblige and even gave a discount; they were making quite a haul on all those zap apples. “Did anyone ever tell you you’re an evil mastermind?”

“You don’t even know the half of it Applejack.” Tress rolled her eyes before smiling sweetly; there were just some parts of being a villain that she missed. “Wait for her to come close and then call out for her. If you can actually spook her I’ll the pay the rest of the price for the apples later. Hey don’t give me that look; I know you just gave me a discount so think of this as challenge. By the way, I’m off to say hello to your older brother and little sister.”

“Well how in the hay can I say no to that challenge? Oh and tell Apple Bloom she better be done with her chores by the time I mosey on in.” Applejack said pleasantly as Tress walked off in a way that Rainbow would pass close to the stand. Rainbow did come close to the stand and as she passed, Applejack smiled and snuck up behind her. “Hey there, are you feeling hungry!”

Rainbow jumped at the sudden voice from behind and flew straight into an overhanging roof and fell back to the ground dazed. Applejack chuckled at her misfortune.

“Huh? Well yeah I guess, what do you got?”Rainbow was suddenly proffered a zap apple and in her eyes it was a really cool looking rainbow colored apple. If only she knew the truth of the matter.

“That mare that just came by here thought you might be in need of a snack. What with all the creepy stalking you’re doing there. So she paid for this apple and left it for you to have, she also says happy birthday.” Applejack was going to enjoy the look on this ponies face and commit it to memory when she bit into it.

Rainbow opened her mouth to take a bite out of the apple in her hoof.

Tress’s ears flicked at the loud yelp she heard and she smiled, she wasn’t about to let that pegasus follow her to Fluttershy. She thought it was nice that she was getting some revenge in the shy mares place, Fluttershy probably wouldn't approve of her methods though.