• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 6,484 Views, 474 Comments

Twilights Mane Passion - Darkonshadows

Twilight grows up with a strange passion and it changes her life from how it should have been.

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Tress counted off the houses and stopped at the third one on the left, trotting up to the door of the small house she could only imagine the way things could go wrong. She seriously wondered why she was so popular. Fleur was supposed to be the one every pony looked up to, not her!

Sighing and deciding to bite the bridle, Tress marched up to the door and gave it several smacks with her left hoof. She could hear a voice on the other side grumbling about something. The door slowly opened up to reveal a somewhat tired looking earth pony.

“Why Vinyl I have half a mind to… to…” Octavia was grey coated mare with a black mane and tail set in a refined well brushed style. Her fringe was especially cute as it swept across her forehead and she wore a small white collared pink bowtie around her neck. Marking her flank was a purple treble clef cutie mark. She stood in the doorway staring at Tress with a rising amount of awe and then her purple eyes rolled upwards. She had flopped into Tress’s hooves passed out.

“Is there a doctor nearby?” Tress suddenly called out. She was completely aware that Twilight was right, today was going to be crazy and this was only the beginning.

A brown stallion with an hourglass cutie mark stopped nearby and gave a mischievous smirk while waggling his eyebrows at Tress and then continued on his way. Tress was thoroughly confused by the stallions’ actions and then she saw Fluttershy leading a pack of ducks while walking backwards.

“Hey Fluttershy, can I get a little help here! How do I resuscitate a pony that’s just passed out in shock?” Tress was asking the pony who knew first aid better than she did.

“Oh my, is she okay? Hold on a second Mrs. Quackers, this’ll only take a moment. Well first you need to lay her down gently; you caught her fainting which is a good thing. Now let me check her pulse… well unless you know she’s perfectly fine and still breathing.” Seeing that the pony was still breathing meant it wasn’t a serious issue, but Fluttershy checked her pulse anyway and it was still strong which was good. “Please remember these things when a pony passes out Tress, you could save a life. First we try to shake her shoulder gently and if she’s unresponsive we move on to the next action to take.”

Tress shook Octavia’s shoulder and she was slightly responsive as one of her ears flicked, but didn’t do much else.

“If that doesn’t work, do you know her name? If she doesn’t respond to your voice we’ll move on to the next step.” Fluttershy waited once again for Tress to complete her action.

“Octavia, wake up!” Yelled Tress into her ear and now both her ears wiggled slightly.

“No Vinyl, I don’t want you to lick marmalade off my belly. That’s really disgusting of you Vinyl… keep going.” Octavia’s words caused Fluttershy and Tress to blush.

“Let us never speak of this moment or even bring it up ever again Fluttershy.” As if it wasn’t awkward enough for them already that she fainted right into Tress’s hooves.

“Um… that would be for the best. Okay if this doesn’t work, you should introduce pain and or splash her with water, but make sure she doesn’t choke on the water and might want to splash her chest or belly as it’s more sensitive. If she’s still unresponsive and doesn’t immediately wake up, get her to a hospital as fast as you can. She doesn’t seem so bad off so get some water; I don’t like causing other’s pain needlessly.” That wasn’t to say Fluttershy wouldn’t cause pain if it could help someone, she just hoped to minimize said pain when the situation it was needed occurred.

They both walked into the currently open home and quickly found out where the mare kept her drinking glasses, after a moment Tress filled one with water and splashed Octavia carelessly. The mare immediately sat up sputtering water and looked completely confused.

“Vinyl, what in the world are…?” Octavia stared at the two ponies one in particular was Tress Ravel, the other was just some random pegasus who she felt radiated pure kindness with her soulful eyes. “Uh… this is awkward.”

“Yes, very much so… you can get back to what you were doing Fluttershy and thank you for all the help. I’ll try to keep your knowledge in mind when another pony passes out on me.” Tress watched the shy mare exit the domicile and then started coaxing the ducks back onto their migratory waddling path along the ground. Apparently Mrs. Quackers little ducklings couldn’t fly, Fluttershy was leading them safely through town to a nice pond.

“Excuse me for my episode if you will, but what is The Tress Ravel doing in my home?” Octavia was kind of star struck and her voice was quite soft sounding in nature with a classy lilt to it reminiscent of an upper class pony. “Oh where are my manners, I am Octavia Apple Melody Pie Philharmonica, you can just call me Octavia or Ms. Philharmonica if you will.”

“What is it with ponies thinking I’m so famous? I only worked with Fleur for about two years. It was nothing that big really.” Considering the positively aghast look on Octavia’s face, Tress felt she was about to get an interesting response from her.

“Why, whatever are you talking about? You’re an inspiration to ponies everywhere and not just because you worked with Fleur De Lis. I’m having troubles even getting my hoof in the door to Canterlot, though I have gotten some acknowledgement for my work. You see my special talent is playing all kinds of stringed instruments, I’m best with a cello or a bass. I’m also really good at violins, but that was mostly because of cousin Fiddlesticks helped me learn. Though I still don’t fully understand her insistence that I learn to play the more country stuff, it’s not my thing really and she thinks I’m just being silly about it.” Octavia paused realizing that she wasn’t talking to Vinyl and was going off on into her own little world. Usually Vinyl let her ramble on but this was a guest in her home and a famous one from Canterlot no less. “I’m terribly sorry about my rambling Ms. Ravel, is there any particular reason you sought me out?”

“I heard I had a fan in the area and I decided to introduce myself. I just moved into Ponyville recently with my friends and so far this town seems peaceful. Well if you can discount the giant monsters and the forest of imminent death next door.” Well that was mostly true, Tress knew Octavia was a fan of hers. Almost like Rarity was and just as classy, she should probably introduce the two to each other as they’d get along greatly.

“Still though, why did you quit? You were doing so well and I must admit you’re as elegant and beautiful as your pictures. Even then I don’t think they do you even a smidge of justice.” Octavia was starry eyed as she said this.

It kind of freaked out Tress on some small level, but Octavia's compliments were nice all the same.

“I’m Tress Ravel as you know, what you don’t seem to know about me is that I’m not into fame or fortune thing. I’m just trying to live a nice life that was given to me, though I thank you for thinking so highly of me. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind following me around for a bit and then we’ll do lunch with my associate I’m currently working with.” Almost immediately Tress received a nod, Octavia looked eager to impress her and wanted to be friends. “First we have to go meet another pony, since she has a job for me and needs my help.”

“Okay lead on Ms. Ravel, though would you mind if I ask you a question?” Seeing that the taller pony nodded as Octavia locked up her home, she decided to ask the question on her mind. “What is your special talent and how did you get your cutie mark?”

“How I got my cutie mark isn’t that important, I just loved smelling things when I was younger and wondered what it would be like if I could smell like them.” Because it would require Tress to explain she’s a comic book character from another universe and that she was a whiz at alchemy at a young age and had to run a corporation left behind by her deceased parents. All the riches and fame in the world still couldn’t compare to a friend once you’ve lost it all and hit rock bottom. Still though, it wouldn’t hurt to tell Octavia what she was good at. “My special talent is making beauty products, more specifically shampoo and body wash are the particular things I’m really good at mixing up. I have a side business selling some of this homemade stuff and I wouldn’t sell it if I didn’t perfect it and use it on myself first. My main job is working with the Trouble Takers with my best friend and we’ll take commissions for just about anything as long as it isn’t violent in nature. Doesn’t mean the situation we get called in for can’t be volatile, a few days ago we ran afoul of a five headed hydra while chasing a cat.”

“I heard about the hydra thing in the marketplace. That was you and your friends doing? Well that’s an interesting talent, so how did you get along with Fleur so well if I may be so bold to ask? I would also like a few tips on how I can get my start in Canterlot.” Octavia wanted some pointers if she was going to try and become a pony others could look up to as well. She really didn’t want to know how Tress ran into a five headed hydra; it was probably something Vinyl might eventually drag her into meeting because it sounded fun.

“Well for one you got the accent down, honestly don’t know why ponies bother with the holier than thou attitude though. Let me tell you a secret about how things work in life, be yourself and don’t try to change who you are to fit someone else’s design. That’s what Fleur taught my best friend and she’s one of the nicest ponies you could ever meet.” Tress thought Twilight was something special and so did any other pony that inadvertently get’s affected by her endearing personality. “It’s best to find the ponies that you can work with, ponies that will be your close friends no matter what happens. I wouldn’t try to force anything if you’re really dead set on dealing with the nobles though, you should really cater to those who would truly appreciate you.”

“I can agree with that, though I can think of a friend I’d rather not have causing trouble around me.” Octavia was referring to Vinyl Scratch. That pony was such a nuisance and yet Octavia felt a pang of guilt if she were to try and run off Vinyl despite how infuriatingly annoying she was. Vinyl was always messy, uncouth, smelly and was never really too serious about anything and yet Octavia liked having her around for some odd reason. “Then again I feel like I’d miss her too much if I were to push her away.”

“Trust me on this one Octavia; a best friend is something every pony needs. Just to have a pony that can understand you even if they don’t see eye to eye with you. In the high society scene you want to break into, you’re going to need to find friends like that to stay in business and do what you love.” Tress felt a tingly sensation in her heart, now if only she could tell if it was growing three sizes or not. “I think we’re almost there. Let’s see, yes this should be it.”

Octavia took notice of where they were and wondered why of all places did they have to come to her house? She really didn’t like the pony that lived here, but she wasn’t about to voice her displeasure as this was a job for Tress and this had nothing to do with her personal displeasure of the pony.

Walking up to this particular house and knocking on the door, Tress waited for the pony inside to open it. Inside was a mint green pony with a lyre for a cutie mark, she had a cyan colored hair with white streaks in it. As soon as she saw Octavia she glared.

“You, what are you doing here!” The pony in particular had a rivalry with Octavia.

“She’s here with me. I’m Tress Ravel and I’m here about the help you wanted.” Tress saw a bad situation coming a mile away from the clients’ reaction to Octavia who shied away slightly not wanting to cause her any trouble. It was a good sentiment, though Octavia didn’t really need to worry about her livelihood even as she shook hooves with Lyra.

“I’m Lyra Heartstrings. Does she have to be here for this?” Lyra wasn’t particularly pleased with Octavia’s presence; they were rivals in music after all.

“Considering your reaction to her, she has to be here now more than ever!” Both of the ponies looked at the evil smile on Tress’s face with confusion and trepidation. Tress had a plan; she did say a friend was a pony Octavia needed even if she couldn’t see eye to eye with that pony. What better way to show her that then to spread a little friendship between two enemies. “Now what was it you needed of the Trouble Takers Ms. Heartstrings?”