• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 6,483 Views, 474 Comments

Twilights Mane Passion - Darkonshadows

Twilight grows up with a strange passion and it changes her life from how it should have been.

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Fifteen minutes of constant horn impacts and weapons clattering against her barrier spell that bottlenecked every minotaur a distance behind the train. Twilight was beginning to suffer under the strain of holding up her magical barrier.

“Okay let me through your barrier Twilight; I can’t watch you suffer like this.” It was upsetting Tress to watch her friend struggle to hold the barrier all on her own. “I want to take the fight to them.”

“Let me WUB a few out there as well.” It was also building up guilt for Vinyl to watch a friend put up so much effort at protecting every pony and one dragon.

“No Vinyl, I can keep going. Besides you need to watch out for any of them who might try to climb around. I don’t think they’re that smart though, especially if they are dead set on taking the direct approach to this situation.” Twilight was positively sweating, each horn ram, weapon clash or even just one punching the barrier was putting a strain on her. “Don’t force me to use up more energy to prevent you from being gored by a minotaur Tress.”

“Fine, but I don’t like it.” Tress huffed and stayed right by Twilight’s side, sitting down next to her. Vinyl and the volunteer militia stallions who gathered around the unicorn keeping them safe, followed Tress in sticking together and sitting down.

“Look at it this way, I have to be earning their respect for my strength, integrity and most importantly that I haven’t yet fallen to their constant attacks.” Twilight grunted as she took another ramming impact. Ponies tended to herd together in times of danger to protect the weak and those who couldn’t or wouldn’t defend themselves. Minotaurs on the other hoof sent their weakest into battle first so they could grow strong, the strong would join the battle if the enemy were equally strong and the purple minotaur leader was hitting Twilight’s barrier the hardest.

“That and you’re tiring them out, I guess I can see a good reason to stay patient.” Tress was willing to wait as long as it meant they would have it a little easier when it came time to finally fight. Looking behind her, she could see ponies working tirelessly to clear the train tracks. “The tracks are three fifths clear Twilight, I don’t think your barrier is going to hold long enough for them to finish.”

“I know that Tress, but I have to keep trying.” If she had to keep this barrier up any longer Twilight felt her horn would explode violently. Good thing there was never any documented evidence of something like that ever happening to a unicorn, another axe strike caused her barrier to buckle slightly and she felt the pressure was on.

“Guys I found help!” Rainbow yelled as she flew in and landed on the ground.

“Is it the Celestial Guards? That would be rather fast for them considering they are flying while wearing armor.” Twilight felt the barrier crack slightly and forced the crack to close.

“No it was a pony I know that was definitely a mare. She was on this big bird thing, I thought she was in trouble at first but then it just seems she was enjoying herself riding it around.” Rainbow looked excited to have done something helpful. “She said she’d be here in a minute once I told her minotaurs were attacking a train and ponies needed help.”

“A pony riding a large bird, that’s the help you got for us? How is that going to help us?” Tress was a bit angry that Rainbow only brought one pony and a large bird. If only Tress had more zap apples or a pony that would hit her with lightning without asking questions. She only had enough Mane-iac juice to power up her eyes halfway; she had emptied out their stock of zap apples back in Ponyville getting that much back. Currently Tress was thinking of strangling Rainbow. She wouldn’t kill her, but strangling her definitely sounded nice right now.

“Actually it might be just what we needed, can you describe the pony that was riding this large bird to me?” Twilight would have normally wanted her head examined for asking Rainbow to describe a pony, but in this situation it was important to know who was coming to help. If she was right then they were definitely saved.

“Well she looked like and most definitely was a….” Rainbow started off and was quickly cut off by Twilight yelling.

“Tell me what the bird she was riding looked like!” Twilight wasn’t about to go down that road and cut off the problem early this time, she knew how Rainbow worked now. Even then she could feel that her righteous fury was now powering the barrier that had just about shattered until her angry outburst reinforced it.

“Well the pony with the three purple stars on her flank, light grey coat with the purple and white hair that looked kind of like you except with a Rarity curl thrown in was riding on this big red and sand colored bird.” Rainbow tapped her chin with a hoof looking thoughtful. “Big is not a word to describe it really, awesomely large, super sized? Humongous, that’s it! It had this beak that looked like it could split Celestia in half!”

“Twilight did Rainbow Dash just describe….” Tress knew it was too soon to say, but if Rainbow was right then they might be soon rescued by the least likely pony she could think of. She didn’t know of the bird from vague description Rainbow gave, but apparently Twilight knew what it was. Tress never finished her sentence because Twilight’s barrier finally broke and Twilight crumpled to the ground.

The minotaurs were immediately charging them and they were twenty feet and closing when a shadow covered all of the ponies ready to defend the train. A huge screech was heard and suddenly the charging minotaurs all found themselves harshly slammed into the wall of the mountain by an incredible force.

“Okay which one of you decided to mess up my Fluttershy cuddle time charts, I had it all planned out to the second that she arrived at the station! Not only that, I arrive to find you launching an all out assault on my daughter!” Velvet was certainly beyond angry as she stood on top of the birds head as it flapped its massive wings. “Twilight, are you alright my little sparkle? Did any of them hurt you? Because they are so dead if they hurt my baby in any way.”

“I’m okay mommy, just tired of holding back a horde of dangerous minotaurs for that last hour or so!” The large bird hovered above the train and it lowered itself down slightly to extend its neck over the train tracks. Twilight watched as her mother slid down its beak to hop off and run up to her.

“Oh my poor baby, your horn is burning up.” Velvet was hugging her daughter with tender love and care. “Harrier, please be a dear and blast them again if they keep trying to move one hoof towards us or any pony would you?”

The large bird nodded as it slowly flapped its massive wings to stay hovering where it was.

“So were you taking your pet Roc out for a joyride because we were late mom? She’s gotten a lot bigger then I remember.” Twilight smiled at the ridiculously large bird that cooed at her and her mother, it quickly returned its attention to the minotaurs that were slowly standing up.

“My yes, it’s been a while since I took my pet out for a nice flight and the sky was clear for it.” Velvet was now completely ignoring the minotaurs as the situation was completely handled. “She does tend to get lonely just sitting on the mountainside by herself at times. She’s been eating a few Ever Free Forest tree’s lately, I’m surprised you haven’t seen her around Ponyville.”

“Twilight, have I ever told you that your parent are really nuts?” Said Tress blandly while looking off to the side, Vinyl was still gawking at the giant bird and the stallions were frozen by the very sight of it.

“Multiple times Tress. I don’t think I would change that about them for anything though.” Twilight idly noted Fluttershy immediately flying out of the train and towards the Roc, of course the shy pony would want to spend time with a new animal. Rocs weren’t exactly native to this part of their world.

“Wait, if it’s a rock how is it able to fly?” Rainbow was even more curious about the large bird. “It has to be really heavy and junk.”

“It’s not like the ones in your head Rainbow.” Twilight had always been fascinated with her mother’s pet, they just couldn’t keep her near their house because it was so big and was usually on loan to a nearby zoo. “An R O C is a large bird native to Saddle Arabian territories and are creatures known for controlling winds and creating huge tornadoes, they are the leading cause of all sandstorms in deserts. They tend to eat entire date trees and one is enough to last them for a whole day, they need a lot of fiber in their diet.”

A powerful focused blast of wind punctuated the end of Twilight’s sentence that pinned the minotaurs back to the wall they were trying to stagger away from; they didn’t look like they would be getting up after that one for a few minutes.

“Good girl!” Velvet yelled proudly and the giant bird trilled, she also noticed Fluttershy was happily sitting on its head looking content with the world. She was going to get her cuddles soon. “Now do you need any more help daughter of mine?”

“Yes mom, I would like it very much if you assisted us in reaching Canterlot.” Snuggled against her mother Twilight was happy to have been rescued in a ridiculously over the top fashion like this.

“Quick question, how did you end up with a Roc for a pet?” Tress was willing to suspend her disbelief for a moment to hear the explanation for this one patch of weirdness.

“Well I did spend quite a few Arabian Nights in Saddle Arabia; I think I was pregnant with Shiny back then. I and Night had quite the interesting honeymoon.” Velvet drifted off staring into space with a look of wistfulness and whimsy on her face.

“Right then, let’s get every pony to Canterlot. Move it along ponies, nothing to see here!” Twilight was immediately set off and flustered at the look that crossed her mother’s face. It could only end in traumatizing embarrassment for her if her mother was allowed to continue.

Less than an hour or so later after Velvet finished talking to the Celestial Guards; she was walking up to Twilight and her friends with a bright smile on her face at the train station in Canterlot. Her daughter made her so proud sometimes, especially for holding back an entire horde of minotaurs by herself like she had. It had taken Velvet a while to get her pet back where she belonged and it was feeding time for the Roc anyway.

“You know what Sparky? I still can’t believe how crazy awesome your mother is.” Vinyl stated bluntly as Velvet reached them.

“So these are some of my daughters new friends, they must really like you to give you nicknames. I of course am well acquainted with Fluttershy here.” Velvet was immediately cuddling an uncomfortable Fluttershy, she was behind on her cuddling charts and she was going to make up for lost time. She believed Fluttershy needed the affection and love, she also thought Fluttershy needed a strong mare to take charge of her but Velvet wasn’t about to tell her that out loud.

“Mom, this Rainbow Dash she’s the head weather mare in Ponyville, though I honestly don’t know how she managed to get that position. Vinyl Scratch here is apparently a popular DJ and this is Octavia Philharmonica who’s specializes in playing quite a few stringed instruments.” Having to cover her ears Twilight couldn’t believe the squeal of joy her mother just gave off.

“Oh, my you’ve meeting such adorable friends, look at Octavia’s cute bowtie.” Immediately Velvet started invading Octavia’s personal space snuggling her, then she was giving Rainbow a hug. “I’ve always wanted to meet an adorable tom colt like you.”

“Twilight can’t you control your mom? And I’m not adorable!” Rainbow had a few personal space issues to work out and was soon released.

“Now let’s see what you’re hiding under your glasses.” Velvet quickly flicked Vinyl’s glasses off her face and was hugging the poor unicorn to her. Vinyl struggled not to get out of the strong grip, but to get her glasses back and Velvet soon relented placing them where they rightfully belonged. “Oh my goodness Twilight, I’m so happy for you! How have you gained so many wonderful friends?”

“I’m just lucky I guess.” It was like Twilight couldn’t avoid her mother embarrassing her. Then again it was nice that her mom liked her new friends and all, but this was a bit much.

“Only your mom can impress every pony around her and just as equally embarrass you within the same hour Twilight.” Tress had a small impish smile on her face.

“Look at it this way mom. She’s too busy with your friends that she hasn’t thought of breaking out your baby pictures yet.” Giggling about it, Barb couldn’t believe she had slept through all of that. At least she got to see her grandma’s pet Roc.

“Do all of you want to see my daughters foal pictures when we get home?” The really ecstatic Velvet was so happy at meeting so many young mares that would be friends with her poor daughter. At least knowing that Twilight had friends that would stay by her side through tough times in general was something to celebrate with the age old parental tradition.

“Do we still have time to set the minotaurs free as a distraction?” Twilight lamented quietly while slowly raising a hoof to her face.

Author's Note:

This was the only way this chapter could have ended. I'm sorry, I truly am.

Again no harpies were used in the making of this story.