• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 6,477 Views, 474 Comments

Twilights Mane Passion - Darkonshadows

Twilight grows up with a strange passion and it changes her life from how it should have been.

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“Come on Twilight stop acting so down, let’s go find Fluttershy and we’ll talk to her about how you’re feeling. You’ll see then that you’re not forcing any pony to be friends with you.” Tress released her grip on Twilight and moved on to ask a familiar face if they’ve seen her. “Hey Lyra, have you seen Fluttershy recently?”

“Of course, she’s been walking around with Rainbow. I swear I almost never see that pony on the ground in comparison to Flutters. She’s always flying all the time; it’s like her wings are never restless.” Lyra was street performing and hadn’t ceased playing her lyre just because some pony was talking to her. She continued to make beautiful music even while she was distracted, she was good at multitasking. “Try down that road I think they were going to share some nachos over a discussion.”

“Thank you, you wouldn’t happen to know a good pet store anywhere around here would you?” There was a grimace crossing the mint colored ponies face, Tress wondered why she reacted like that.

“Yes, but please don’t bring up goldfish around Bonbon. Don’t say I didn’t warn you if you do. You’ll find a nice store for all your pet care needs that way and on the right, nice cat by the way.” Lyra waved at them off as they left, Tress just dropped some bits for her performance and information.

“Twilight, you’re being awfully quiet.” It was almost breaking Tress’s heart to see Twilight looking so moody. At least Twilight wasn’t sniffling and crying; she was still following her but looked subdued doing so.

“I’m wondering why Celestia didn’t just use the elements to calm her sister down. If they were that powerful why would she have to seal her own sister away for a thousand years? Did she even intend it to be a thousand years or was that just what happened? I’m still a bit iffy on the reality that I could be the physical representation of the sixth element, that being magic. It could alternatively be known friendship, the basic spark that ties all the elements together and is the basis of social interactions in life.” It wasn’t like Twilight didn’t remember she had problems with garnering friends growing up, it was just strange to her that she could make so many good friends as she had in one week.

Ponies didn’t instantly become friends with another pony upon meeting them for the first time, it seemed like it did happen in Ponyville though. Now Twilight was unsure about things given her research into the elements and what they could do, she almost felt like she was mind controlling ponies to be her friends. If it weren’t for Tress keeping her calm, she’d be a lot more panicky and worried.

“There they are, Rainbow actually looks pretty down about something.” Tress calmly trotted up to the outdoors table to see a depressed Rainbow sitting with a sad Fluttershy. “Okay what’s got the Chromatic Crasher down Shy? Hey that’s another good one Twilight.”

“Tress, I’m not wearing spandex in seven colors nor do I want to.” Twilight growled out angrily, if not really feeling the anger. It seems like today was a Monday that was just getting several ponies down. At least the Radiance costume she wore in the Power Ponies comic wasn’t made with spandex, she was pretty sure Rarity would immediately stuff her into a hero costume if she brought up wanting one.

“I told her about Gilda, she’s not taking it very well.” Fluttershy leaned in close to Tress. “I still haven’t told her why Gilda acts so nice to her though, please let her figure out that Gilda likes her in that way on her own.”

“No promises Fluttershy, but I’ll try. It may take twenty years for her brain to figure out, if it isn’t spelled out in every way imaginable on a wall.” The flat sulking colorful forms ears perked up at Tress’s words.

“Figure out what? That my so called friend was picking on Fluttershy behind my back!” Rainbow was only slightly angry at Tress, she was angrier at herself. Especially for missing the fact that Gilda had been picking on Fluttershy while right under her nose. She was definitely going to confront Gilda the next time she saw her about it.

“Oh it’s not that. I’m talking about the reason why Gilda was picking on Fluttershy in the first place.” Tress laughed at the comical distressed look on Rainbow’s face. Oh if only she had a camera right now. Speaking of camera’s they should get one to take some pictures of their new friends, they could send them Velvet and Nightlight.

“Fluttershy, what is she talking about?” The shy mare looked away from her, causing Rainbow to feel as there was something she had been missing entirely from the way Fluttershy was acting.

“It’s not my place to say Rainbow, I’m sorry.” Fluttershy covered her face with her mane at the attention she was garnering from her friend. She uncovered her face for a moment to quickly grab a cheese covered nacho and daintily tossed it in her mouth with a flick of her hoof. She bit down and hummed in a satisfied tone as she chewed the chip.

“So there’s more to what Gilda did than just picking on you?” Rainbow was positively livid, especially if Gilda had done more things behind her back.

“You could say that, but I’d rather not talk about it if it’s okay with you.” Shy really wanted to tell Rainbow, she wasn’t about to ruin Gilda’s opportunity to tell her herself. She was going to continue being Gilda’s friend because she didn’t seem like a griffon that made friends easily. Sure Gilda may have bullied her a bit, but the griffon had never struck out at her or even harmed her.

“Was what she told you really that bad?” Now Rainbow’s attention turned towards Tress and Twilight, they had to know what Fluttershy was talking about.

“It’s not a bad thing really, it’s just better if you hear it from Gilda herself.” There was no way Tress was going to say anything if Fluttershy wasn’t.

“How’s your day been going Tress? Do I need to teach the lake krakens more synchronized swimming lessons?” Fluttershy wondered why she was getting an odd stare from so many ponies.

“So that’s why they’ve been acting up lately.” A pony from off to the side commented. “I had wondered why they started swimming weirdly.”

“No, I just brought Twilight over here so you can reassure her that she isn’t forcing you to be her friend.” Rolling her eyes Tress wondered if she could make this quick, she actually wanted to get a toy for her crazy little fur ball sometime today.

“Oh my, why would she think something like that? Twilight you’ve been more quiet then I usually am, come here. You’re a good friend to worry about things like this, even if it seems a little silly.” Fluttershy was having none of Twilight’s attempts to step away and she pulled her into a tight comforting hug. “You’d never hurt any pony or their feelings on purpose, I doubt you would even need to force me or any pony to like you.”

“Thank you Fluttershy, I really needed this.” Twilight gave Fluttershy a hearty squeeze herself before she backed off of her shy friend. Getting hugs from Fluttershy was like getting a hug from the cuddliest thing in the universe.

“No problem Twilight, I’m always willing to help my friends feel better.” Smiling Fluttershy cheered up Twilight and Rainbow was looking better already just from having these two around.

“See, aren’t you feeling better now?” Tress sometimes felt that her best friend could be such a silly pony. Even more so then Applejack could be at times, especially after she found out ghosts were real. Applejack had several odd reactions to hearing that Twilight’s parents had living proof of one just idling around in their house minding his own business most of the time.

“Who couldn’t feel better after a getting a hug from her?” It was absurd to Twilight if a pony managed to resist liking Fluttershy’s hugs. What wasn’t absurd to Twilight was just about anything life would possibly throw at her, after the fruitcake dragon she didn’t really think anything could surprise her anymore. On some level she knew it was wrong to think like that, because something eventually was going to surprise her and it wasn’t going to be Pinkie Pie. “Thanks again Fluttershy, hope the rest of your day goes well.”

The two left to continue their day, Rainbow and Fluttershy waved to them as they left.

“You know it’s so cool that they have a lot of weird things that happen to them. Life around here would have been too boring otherwise.” Rainbow smiled as she thought of the dancing krakens, which was something you’d never see in Cloudsdale. They usually managed to drag one of their friends into the weirdness occasionally and if it was Pinkie Pie she eventually ended up as the one doing the dragging.

“I admit that they are really good friends Rainbow, but sometimes I worry about them. Twilight easily gets worked up at times and Tress doesn’t really have a goal in life to pursue and she’s mostly going through the motions.” After a moment Fluttershy decided to simplify it for Rainbow’s convenience. “Twilight get’s sad easily and Tress doesn’t have her own dreams.”

“Oh.” It was all Rainbow said as she continued to eat from the pile of shared nachos.

“Yeah, but they are too strong to ever let life get them down for long.” Vinyl sat down at the table and just started stuffing her face with nachos. “Don’t mind if I do.”

“Please don’t talk with your mouth full Vinyl and no we don’t we mind.” It was kind of odd to Fluttershy how well Vinyl could get through her shyness so easily without doing so much, she was also quite sneaky to have just appeared like that at the table and without spooking her no less.

“You see Fluttershy, this is the very reason I ordered the extra large nacho platter.” While Rainbow might not be the brightest pony around, she certainly understood the likelihood of friends passing by and wanting to share in the bounty that was cheesy goodness. Applejack, Vinyl and Pinkie were some of the best friends she’s ever had.

“Don’t be so stuffy.” Even as Vinyl said this her mouth was stuffed full of corn chips, cheese and jalapenos.

“Just make sure to chew you’re food, I’m not exactly certified to help you if you start choking.” Not that that would stop Fluttershy from trying to save her friend. It only mattered if she performed anti choking maneuvers and some pony called her out on not being medically inclined to perform it.

“I’m good with knowing how to eat Squeakers.” Vinyl was already chuckling at Shy’s squeak of protest at the nickname. “I’m not like Prism here you know.”

“Hey, you know Pinkie shoved that cupcake down my throat!” It was one of the times Rainbow thought Pinkie was being too forceful about eating her cupcakes.

“And I apologized for it already too!” Pinkie said as she passed by still pushing her party wagon. “It’s not like I was shoving churros or anything else long like that down your windpipe.”

“Is it just me or is that the fourth time I’ve seen Pinkie pushing that thing around today?” It did have Rainbow curious, but she just shrugged off the curiosity and continued to eat.

“I really think that mare is the world’s greatest party animal.” Vinyl sighed wistfully, she’d never hold onto that title if she ever got it. No pony would likely out party Pinkie Pie.”She should be easy for you to control Squeakers.”

Fluttershy blushed at the thought of controlling Pinkie and didn’t like where her head went with it. She ducked down slightly even as she took another nacho chip from the platter.

“So what have you been up to lately?” Well Rainbow had to ask the best DJ in town as she knew where stuff was at.

“I just recently got a gig with some ornate slacks stallion coming up in Canterlot. He’s paying me a good deal to make it a nice reception for this lady he’s going to be marrying, he doesn’t care what music I use either. I even think he hired Octaves to do the march down the aisle song thing.” If there was one thing Vinyl disliked it was rich, upper class and snooty as all get out ponies. The fancy pony that hired her was alright for a pony that was rich. “I’m hoping to have a blast there, but I’m not so sure all the snoots will appreciate what I got for them. At least I know some ponies will appreciate my work; apparently the bride to be likes my music. She doesn’t sound snooty at all and neither did the stallion that hired me.”

“That sounds quite lovely Vinyl; I hope you have a great time there.” Fluttershy was truly happy for Vinyl finding some good work..

“Well now that it’s been brought up, would you two like to come? I’m allowed to invite some guests and until it gets to the reception it’s going to be quite the snore fest for me.” Not that Vinyl minded weddings it’s just that they were really boring to work at as a DJ.

“Do you even have a dress for the wedding?” When Fluttershy asked this she heard a gasp and she watched as Rarity came running up to them with a bright smile of glee on her face.