• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 6,484 Views, 474 Comments

Twilights Mane Passion - Darkonshadows

Twilight grows up with a strange passion and it changes her life from how it should have been.

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“Quick question, did anyone ask you about why I survived the lightning strikes?” It was something that Tress thought would be mentioned or at least brought up by the other ponies at the wedding. They were currently on their way to the hospital; Canterlot had some of the best medical care in the world minus Fluttershy of course.

“A few did, I told them the dress you were wearing had some enchantments on it that wore out on the second bolt and then I was asked what would have happened if it was hit a third time. I told them you might have gotten hurt slightly, but the pegasus expended almost all the energy on the first two shots so the next one would have done any permanent damage.” Twilight hadn’t gotten the chance to talk to Shining before he got carted off by the other guards for the hospital. Apparently the medic wasn’t enough to fix all of her brother’s wounds, but he didn’t look too bad off, then again Twilight has seen him in worse states so she wasn’t a good judge of injury for him specifically. She’d be able to diagnose the injuries of any other pony except her brother perfectly fine.

“I would like to say thank you for the plausible deniability.” Tress said as her mane became fully green and waved around a bit before returning to its light blue color. “My powers are a little more than halfway back thanks to the easily taken down guy.”

“So Fluttershy said she’d catch up with us?” Twilight took note that it was getting pretty late in the evening and the sun had yet to set. The rest of their friends had just gone home to sleep off all the food they had at the wedding and most likely to avoid any more randomness from following Twilight around. After Fluttershy was done with the animals she’d come to the hospital to see how Shining was doing.

“Yep, she’ll be escorted to the hospital by a bunch of… yeah I should have probably stayed with her. That is unless she was chatting up the female guards, then she’ll be perfectly fine.” Shrugging Tress just continued onward and opened the door to the hospital. Shining probably got here thirty or so minutes ago that it took them to walk all the way here, while he got the flying chariot express.

“Can I help you?” The receptionist said, looking up from the papers she was shuffling through.

“Yes, I’m Twilight Sparkle; can you tell me what room Shining Armor Sparkle is in? He’s my brother.” Patiently waiting for the receptionist to finish with her stuff, Twilight turned to Tress. “This might take a while.”

“Funny I thought you would be here to visit your father Nightlight Sparkle, a little bit of his blood was somehow converting itself into coffee which is a strange phenomenon. At least we took care of the problem and he’s only here to make sure his blood isn’t still doing that.” The receptionist flipped through several papers. “Ah here we go, fifty three minutes ago. Multiple injuries, only one appears to be serious. He apparently has a minotaur’s horn stuck in his rear end and needs to have it surgically removed. Otherwise he’ll make a full recovery within a week. He should be in room thirty seven B second floor.”

Tress was already snickering about it as they set off towards the room Shining was in, they hadn’t been able to see too much of Shining other than all the blood he was soaked in. Those minotaurs sure could certainly bleed everywhere without dying from claw wounds, it was more impressive when the changeling survived being mauled by a panther since it didn't have anywhere near as much bulk.

“I swear my brother is going to be the butt of every joke about being horny for quite a while.” It needed to be said and Twilight had to say it to get the puns out of her system. She also didn’t need Tress to break down laughing in front of her brother like she currently was after all the heroic things he did.

Apparently Shining managed to evacuate the area, while using barrier spells to contain the threat to the given area. The minotaurs and the big cats with the ahuizotl were mostly taking each other out and the minor demons came in later, said demons were the cause of the giant banana monster. Eventually Cerberus arrived to put the demons back where they belonged and helped fight the other two problems at the same time. Celestia dealt with the banana monster personally, but no pony around really saw what she exactly did to it and the banana peel was the only clue.

Opening the door to the room Twilight walked in and looked for the bed Shining would be in, she found him laying on his belly with almost fully broken off minotaur’s horn coming out of his butt and it was only about a few inches in. The doctor was writing something down on a clipboard and turned to the two mares that just entered.

“Yes, can I help you?” The doctor continued to check Shining over despite their presence, he was a pretty good doctor to not get distracted so easily.

“I just came to see what kind of state my brother was in. He looks to be doing better than the flying disc incident or that time with the boomerang.” Chuckling about those two incidents, Twilight always thought Shining got injured worse in accidents then actually fighting anything. Her big brother was a bit of a klutz at times.

“He’s surprisingly well off, all the large felines seem to have gotten the worst of it and the minotaurs didn’t fare that much better. I heard a specialist was taking care of the large cats and the minotaurs that broke out of prison are still alive if only in bad conditions.” The doctor finished scribbling stuff down and then looked at Shining. “Do you want me to wake him up? He’s not in a critical condition and just needs some stitches after we get that horn pulled out of his rear, otherwise we have as many bandages on him as we’re going to get.”

“Yes, please.” Twilight watched as the doctor just lightly shook Shining awake and she face hoofed, even she could have done that.

“Wake up, you have some visitors. Now don’t touch the horn in his rear end, we’ll take care of that soon enough and then he’ll need a weeks’ worth of rest.” The doctor exited the room leaving the two mares with Twilight’s older brother.

“Hey, how are you feeling best big brother friend forever?” Twilight started off cheerfully enough.

“Like a truck ran me over and there’s this itching feeling in my flank.” Shining sounded woozy; he was probably on a lot of medication to ignore the slight painful pinch of having a horn in his butt. “Is that you mommy?”

“No Shiny it’s not mom.” Rolling her eye Twilight waited for Shining to come to his senses.

“Are you that pretty alicorn girl that foal sits from down the street?” Shining guessed still muddled in the head.

“If even half the rumors about her are true I should hope not. Would you put me down if I start abusing my magic like that Tress?” If anything Twilight hoped Tress would stop her from becoming her own worst enemy.

“Yeah, but I wouldn’t have the heart to kill you. Holding you down and smacking some sense back into you is about the best I can do.” Tress just shook her head; she didn’t believe Twilight had the stomach or the heart to go evil. She herself however did have the heart for it and it didn’t bother her if she was using her evil ideas for good purposes. She could become a byronic hero if she tried hard enough.

“Leggy, did you come to cocoon me and gently rock me to sleep like you used to do? I miss the good old days when you foal sat for my parents.” Shining said while smiling goofily.

“Okay, you’re not even really trying anymore are you Shiny? Also I did not need to know that the spider that dad keeps in the basement was once your foal sitter.” Now Twilight was disturbed on a number of levels by the huge spider.

“How bad do I look Twily, Is it the javelin incident all over again?” Shining didn’t look to poor off as his heart rate was good and strong and most of his wounds were patched except the one in his flank.

“Not even close to that one, though you do have minotaur’s horn sticking out of your butt.” It was hard not to stare at. “The guards I asked said your barrier spell took the brunt of the impact and it broke off while getting stuck in you.”

“So my injuries are closer to the soccer ball incident then, well that’s a relief. I thought it might have been as bad as the baseball incident, specifically the third one.” Shining smiled, he was enjoying every minute of the medication he was on while he can as he lazily looked back at the horn sticking out of his butt. “I doubt I’m ever going to hear the END of the jokes for this one from my friends in the guard.”

“I swear it’s like you two are speaking in code, your family and their noodle incidents. Well if you want to go on about how horny you…” Before Tress could get started Shining glared hard at her.

“Please don’t Tress, it's bad enough I have to go into surgery soon to have it removed. Every pony is going to make cracks at me about getting rear ended.” Shining thought it was no less than true that they would think of many ways to reference it or the scar it would leave mentally and physically.

“Well I’m going to go visit dad while I’m here as well, he’s apparently having coffee blood problems. I'll be back soon.” Twilight didn’t even know how that one was feasibly possible with any other pony but the ones in her family.

“Thanks for stopping by to see me little sis, tell dad I said hello and that I’m doing much worse than he is at the moment so therefore I’m winning.” Shining just knew most ponies wouldn’t understand why being in a worse condition would be winning, he saw her nod before she started for the door.

Twilight was about to exit the room when she came face to face with the very alicorn she wanted to have a chat with. She and Tress immediately halted in front of Cadence who also stopped to look at the two ponies before her.

“Um, is this the room Shining Armor is in? Also is he awake, I have news of the promotion this brave guard here is supposed to receive.” Cadence didn’t like the looks she was receiving from the two mares; one even looked like she could be related to the guard in question judging by her cutie mark. The other pony looked like she could have been Shining Armor’s girlfriend. She thought Celestia told her he was single, oh well. Why was it always the cute ones that were taken?

Twilight thought Cadence had a nice pink coat and the ponytail she had her rose, violet and gold colored mane in was downright cute. Despite how beautiful Cadences hair might have looked and how much she wanted to play with it, Twilight was going to have her talk and she was going to have it now. If it turns out Cadence is flagrant with the use of her compulsion spells, then Twilight might have to do or say something to teach her not to use them so often.

“Excuse me, but can we talk in the hallway princess. Tress, please wait here with my brother.” Soon Twilight led the curious Cadence out into the hallway.

Tress shrugged, if Twilight wanted to face this issue alone it was up to her. She returned to Shining Armor.

“So, are you keeping that horn after they pull it out? I know you could always use a spare with all the accidents you keep getting into. I’m surprised you’re not worse off then you look.” Chuckling, Tress got a slightly disapproving grunt from Shining.

“I don’t know, but the horns aplenty to think about. Maybe I can play a few notes on it before deciding whether or not to keep it.” Shining decided to be in good humor and get some of it out before Tress did. He didn’t exactly hate his sisters’ best friend, but it was still weird she came from a comic book of all places.

“Well at least you can always tell some mare you’ve got three horns, that’ll be an interesting conversation starter I bet.” That got Tress a chuckle from Shining.

“Please don’t make me laugh, it kind of hurts.” Whined Shining from his position on the bed.

“Aw, but I had a good one about a horn job.” Now Tress really got Shining laughing and crying in a pained manner.

“Oh please stop, I can’t take much more without some more pain medication.” Shining the stallion with a sparkle covered shield as a cutie mark, white coat and electric blue mane was slowly beginning to realize the pain he was in. The dose they had previously given him was probably way to light.

“So what, I can’t ‘poke’ more fun at you about it?” Giggling Tress got another burst of laughter from him. “Haven’t you ever heard that the best medicine is to laugh it off Shining? Well that’s at least what Pinkie says.”

“Come on Tress, this is seriously making me self conscious now even if it is funny.” Even with tears in his eyes that he calls liquid pride, Shining knew he was going to be hearing a lot of these later.

“Suck it up hero boy, some pony has to desensitize you to it now before it gets worse.” It was all in good harmless fun to Tress, she idly wondered how sharply Twilight was going to dig into Cadence.

Author's Note:

Don't go thinking I have forgotten about Cadence now.