• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 6,483 Views, 474 Comments

Twilights Mane Passion - Darkonshadows

Twilight grows up with a strange passion and it changes her life from how it should have been.

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There was only half a year left for toying with her precious daughter left, half a year and her daughter would leave her parents protective hooves to set out into the world. Personally, Velvet thought she’d be safer anywhere other than here, not that she had anything against the friendly earth pony poltergeist that moved in a few days ago. Velvet just had to face facts that her daughter was growing up, so were the other two daughters she had gained over the last one and almost a half years.

Trotting down the stairs to the living room Velvet stopped and stared at the cute scene before her.

Tress, her quiet if sometimes temperamental daughter, was reading a book while she lay there on her side; her little sparkle got her hooked on the Daring Do series. It was cute to see what was once a super villain reading a story about a hero and other villains doing things, she herself would have been.

Velvet knew her daughters’ first real friend would be a real interesting one and Ms. Ravel didn’t disappoint. She wondered if she should probably tell Twilight that Tress is working with Fleur to help her earn enough money for the inevitable moving out process. Nah, Twilight would find out eventually in some other manner anyway and Velvet wondered how Tress would deal with the fallout of never telling Twilight about it.

Fluttershy, the adorable and sweet daughter, was reading a book on creatures mythological and known. She was currently snuggled into a chair with a blanket wrapping around her. She was really the cutest pony in the house with her squeaks and constant need to know if things were alright and was always apologizing for the slightest thing. Velvet didn’t care if she ran away from her previous home, she was happy to house the dear thing who tried to do housework even when she tried to tell her not to.

Velvet really liked hugging that pegasus, there were no words to describe how cuddly she was without taking her into your hooves and giving her a personal squeeze yourself. She really wished the sweet winged pony the best in life whether she wanted to continue following her daughter around or not.

Twilight, her beloved little sparkle, she was studying hard on the couch so she could graduate. Velvet couldn’t be more proud of her daughter for being who she was; she didn’t have a superiority complex though she was powerful, she tried to be friends with ponies who would be her enemies and found some true friends that would be by her side. Most of all, Twilight Sparkle was her baby so she’d be proud even if she wasn’t successful in life.

Velvet doubted that her daughter would have problems finding success, considering it seemed to be coming at her like a magic missile while dragging trouble in its magical wake. As long as her daughter was happy she would be happy too, even if her daughter was truly into mares and or starting herds with them. Just because she might not be, didn’t mean Velvet couldn’t get in a lot of teasing. All she had to do now as a parent was start forwarding Twilight’s Mane Fancy magazines to her new home.

Next to her daughter was Barb, Velvets granddaughter, reading a book on magic. Barb was an odd case as Twilight didn’t want to send her to Magic Kindergarten to gather the same scars that she did and instead homeschooled Barb through the use of Smart. Considering Barb was a magic dragon, Twilight has recently been teaching Barb on how to use her magic.

Velvet shook her head; her granddaughter still had a ways to go when it came to using magic. She could breathe fire like a dragon, had the tough fire and lava immune body like one, but at heart she was just as much a pony as any other in their family. Barb’s mane was a pretty funny sticking point for Twilight since the little dragons’ hair was just as tough her scales were and as such it was always hard to trim the bipedal dragon’s mane without magic or scissors made from sterner materials then metal.

The quiet scene was interrupted when Barb looked to Twilight.

“Mom, why would I need to learn a light spell when I can breathe fire?” It was an innocent question of a seven year old magical dragon pony hybrid. She may one day earn a cutie mark even.

“That’s a really good question. Now may if I may ask you a few in return, how long can you continuously exhale for? And what would happen if you had nothing around to light with your fire?” Twilight had a twinkle of amusement about her as she answered the question with more questions. She thought her daughter should learn to ask more questions.

“Well not for very long and I guess that I wouldn’t be able to keep a light going like that forever.” Barb turned her eyes to her mother and saw her smile, soon she was being rubbed on the head by a gentle hoof and her little wings fluttered in joy.

“Now practice the light spell and get a feel for your internal magic, ask any more questions if you have them. If I don’t know the answer then I might help you figure it out at a later time. We’ll work on levitation later in a much safer environment, since I’m not sure what would happen should you try levitating objects with magic flames.” Twilight was uneasy about flammable material around her daughter, not to mention explosive chemicals and alchemic ingredients. Sure it wouldn’t harm Barb because she was well armored against most forms of injury, but everyone else around her was a different story.

Barb concentrated and slowly exhaled a ball of fire that floated into the air, it lit up the shadows in the room as it floated in random quick circles in the air above her. After a moment Barb mentally snuffed the flame and it went out.

“Mom, can you tell me why my spell is different from your light spell?” Barb remembered the nights her mother had cast that spell for her as a nightlight. Even Smart could cast it with the same efficiency if a bit smaller and she usually cuddled her toy mom comfortably in bed when the creepy shadows were scared away.

“Well that’s an easy one; each unicorn or magic user has their own idea as to how a spell is supposed to work. If two unicorns used a levitation spell, you wouldn’t know it by the results, but their methods of how they make the spell work could be entirely different. It’s based in intent, my intent is usually to create a twinkling star or have my horn glow brightly. As for you, you are probably imagining a bit of your fire as a close companion. ” With a tilt of her horn, Twilight shot a light spell into the air and the twinkling white star brightened up the room considerably before its dissipation.

“Actually I was imagining how Smart would react to being lit on fire.” That brought a smile to everyone’s faces, even Smarts.

“What and you couldn’t be bothered to get up and go get me some water to put me out? And here I thought you loved me.” Smart said in good natured tune as she held out her tiny hooves, she was soon being dragged into a crushing hug by Barb. “There we go, that’s our sharp little dragoness.”

“You know that’s the very reason why I designed to you to be highly fire resistant Smart.” It was common sense on Twilight’s part, if you were going to have a dragon for a daughter that is. It was best to make sure your daughter didn’t have too many objects that could catch fire easily in her vicinity, especially when she had the ability to breathe flames.

They all continued reading their books in relative silence when the poltergeist floated into the room; he shrugged and floated out seeing as nothing interesting was happening. It was a quiet day in the Sparkle home for once; Velvet just sat down and started knitting a sweater.

“You know I’ve been meaning to ask Fluttershy, what did you eventually end up doing with the monster you found stuck in the toilet a while ago?” Idle conversation was certainly flying around this room; Tress thought things were way too quiet today so odd conversation topics were a must to liven things up.

“Oh… I identified what it was and found a nice place to release it back into the wild, safely far enough away from Canterlot to not be a bother. Though I’m still unsure how a cockatrice even ended up stuck in the toilet.” Admittedly Fluttershy did wonder about the things that went on in this house, much less why all the ponies that lived here weren’t worried about some kind of strange curse. Even she was hard pressed to find any problems with living in a place where weirdness was more of an aesthetic thing to make the whole place cozy; she was going to miss it when she moved out with Twilight.

“Don’t cockatrices cause ponies to turn to stone by sight?” Queried a wondering Twilight, why Fluttershy was okay if she’s met the gaze of one is a question to postulate on.

“What part of the cockatrice do you think was the part it got stuck in the toilet?” The shy pony really didn’t have to elaborate further as everyone in the room just went about ignoring the obvious questions. How did a cockatrice get in the house and why was it found with its head stuck in a toilet? “He was so happy that I freed him that he didn’t turn me to stone, he was very grateful about it and made a comment about being stoned not being a problem for those who are my friends and family.”

“Not going to ask any further and we don’t need any more details Fluttershy.” The less they knew about it now the better; Tress believed the other ponies in the room could agree with that.

“So how do you think you’ll do on your tests Twilight?” Even Fluttershy felt the need to change the subject.

“You’re kidding right? I’ve past almost every test I’ve ever taken with high scores. I’m not really worried about the tests; I just like keeping the subjects I’m learning about on my mind so I’m completely prepared for them. So how many books of the series have you been through Tress?” This felt like a really slow day to Twilight as nothing of great interest was happening today, but at least she was getting plenty of studying in.

“I’m already up to the thirteenth book.” It was all Tress would say as her tired eyes continued reading.

“But you only just started reading the series six days ago and you’re that… have you gotten any sleep?” Worriedly Velvet checked Tress’s eyes and her general state of health, she smelled like she was still bathing and her mane was still brushed and combed.

“Yes, I’m fine and I did get my sleep in.” After letting Velvet fret over her for another minute, Tress gave an indignant huff when she was finally left alone.

“I’m just making sure you’re taking care of yourself. I know what it’s like to go on a Daring Do reading binge.” After that things settled down again, Velvet started to notice the silence of the room was becoming very loud in its own way. Something felt so very wrong all of the sudden, this home was usually rife with troubles and was usually filled with activity. Was this how it was going to feel with all of them gone?

“Hey who wants to go out for dinner tonight? I’m buying.” As soon as Night said this, everyone in the room stood up and started exclaiming places they’d like to go eat.

Velvet smiled; maybe things without the kids around wouldn’t be so bad after all. After all, she’d have Night all to herself again when things got really quiet around here.

One eventful dinner and a few hours later, inside a restaurant were several ponies in rather bizarre states. This was all due to the circumstances of what happened between the moment Night suggested this, to the point they were at now were everything had gone wrong.

Fluttershy was wearing a maid outfit and blushing profusely, even then it made her feel pretty though incredibly embarrassed. She looked up towards the ceiling wondering how it had all come to this so fast.

Tress was stuck, glued to the ceiling of the restaurant with melted cheese; there was a horrified expression on her face. She was looking towards Twilight silently asking for help.

Twilight was covered in soot from an explosion of some kind and had a completely blank expression permeating her face. She slowly turned to where Barb was hiding behind one of the overturned tables.

Barb was keeping low with Smart in case anything else happened. She peaked out from her hiding spot at her grandpa.

A roughed up Night was smiling as he watched a pegasus that was resisting arrest be led away by some irate food covered celestial guards. He turned to his wife and gave her a cheesy grin.

“We just can’t let an entire day go by, can we?” Velvet sighed out at the shenanigans that had happened, but she still had a smile on her face. She was glad she brought the camera to capture all the events. She silently understood why the Sparkle family had that patent on the words ‘noodle incidents’ now, she should have just ordered a salad.

Author's Note:

To think Night and Velvet are soon going to be out of the plot. A look at a parent bird who see's their little babies ready to fly from the nest.