• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 6,483 Views, 474 Comments

Twilights Mane Passion - Darkonshadows

Twilight grows up with a strange passion and it changes her life from how it should have been.

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It was the twilight hours when Twilight was woken up from a nightmare involving the creature they fought at the castle. She never knew she could see something so horrific before that thing; at least Luna dealt with it after they spent a lot of time wearing it down. It was the sound of knocking on the door downstairs that had roused the unicorn from her sleep.

Yawning Twilight thought silently about how she and Tress would have to get their days straight and in a few hours the day of the summer sun celebration would officially end. Floating carefully downstairs while wiping at her eyes with her good leg, she was gravity flying to avoid putting weight on her broken leg, Twilight wondered what pony would be bothering them at this hour. Even if it was a night that she and Tress were going to be awake for.

She stopped at the small ottoman with a sticky note on it from Fluttershy, knowledge that there was a gallon of honeyed cider in the refrigerator made her feel giddy. She couldn’t wait to drink some and would maybe make a few sandwiches; it took her a moment to realize that this was a dumb idea. Tress would make the sandwiches for the meal tonight or else they would end up eating inexplicably living sandwich monsters. In fact a nighttime picnic sounded nice.

Even as she mused on spending a good time with her friend, Twilight opened the door while hovering in front of it. On the other side was Luna hopping from hoof to hoof in excitement.

“Huzzah, we have finally found thy friends home. We may have annoyed a few of thy neighbors in the process, but we are assured all will be forgiven for we have apologized!” Looking behind Luna one would see a rather irate looking Octavia.

“Yes, she’s your problem now. I’ve honestly been worried sick about you, Tress and Fluttershy. It’s nice to know you’re alright, maybe now Vinyl will stop bugging me about how you were doing. Well goodnight Luna. I’m sorry to sleep during your night, but I sorely need my beauty rest and I also have a concert to practice for tomorrow.” Octavia turned about face and grumpily muttered to herself about loud princesses as she trudged off for her home.

“Thy friends are all mares of many talents and we enjoy their company, including The Scratch.” Luna exclaimed exuberantly. “She is a wondrous reveler of the night and is rather affectionate.”

“So what can I do for you this evening Luna?” Sure she may have been a princess, but Twilight could care less about her status and wouldn’t address her as one unless she asked to be.

“May we enter thy abode? Also if it is not too much trouble, may we partake of some refreshments?” Friendship was still new to Luna and she didn’t want to overstep her boundaries.

“Of course Luna, make yourself comfortable and try not to destroy anything.” Twilight floated off to get a drink for their guest; she was getting pretty good at floating around. There were side effects to prolonged use of the gravity spell; she would get the exercise she needed once the cast can be taken off in a day or two.

After a bit of relaxation and some tea with Luna, Twilight had to ask about something that she had Luna look into.

“So did you find out why Scootaloo’s wings were being clipped?” The lunar princess was doing Twilight a small favor. She had asked the princess to make contact with the incognito guards that all the changelings in Ponyville could point out to her.

“We find the information strange; the filly was well protected by Celestia. It is of interest that thy sister has good reason for the clipping of the wings of a filly. I even saw a filly that looked like her by description in the hospital visiting Rainbow Dash, her mane and coat were all the wrong colors though. The similarities were still quite striking.” Luna wasn’t exactly the sharpest mare in the world; then again she had recently got off the moon and was still experiencing the changes of a millennium wrought upon a world without her.

“And that reason would be?” A sleepy Tress asked as she slowly staggered into the room, took up Twilight’s tea and downed the entire cup. She honestly didn’t know why Twilight was glaring at her. “Hey I really want to know too you know!”

“Apparently there are a lot of bad ponies that seem to be looking for a healthy pegasus, one that lives in luxury and is very visibly guarded.” Luna learned this while visiting the hospital to make sure Rainbow and Applejack would be okay. Applejack was almost fully healed and it hadn’t even been more than twenty four hours since she got her injuries. Rainbow would need a few days for her wings and hooves to heal, hitting what amounts up to a brick wall at rain boom speeds had to hurt even if she did massive amounts of damage to the monstrosity. “Also these enemies seem to be looking throughout cloud cities and somehow have documents that my sister’s arcane keeper had a healthy foal. The arcane keeper has recently notified the guards that they need not worry as she has found ponies she trusts implicitly to look out for her daughter.”

“Well that certainly answers a lot. Why look for a foal that was incapable of flight, lived in a normal neighborhood on the ground and where there isn’t a heavily noticeable guard presence. Say, are you hungry Radiance?” Hearing a rumbling stomach, Tress smiled and went to make some sandwiches. “You must have really burned through a lot of magic to be that hungry; I’ll make a lot of sandwiches then.”

“Pack them up for a picnic Tress; I want to enjoy the stars tonight!” If Twilight had to wonder if picnics existed a thousand years ago, then all she had to do was look to Luna. “Make extra and pack some extra snacks, I’m sure Luna is going to be joining us.”

“We would not wish to impose.” Luna started out.

“You wouldn’t be, besides you really need to see that there are ponies that truly do enjoy being up late. We did spend all of last night talking you down from killing every pony, fighting a monster and then surviving to sleep away our numerous injuries.” No selling the princess felt weird to Twilight, she didn’t want Luna to backslide into her shy shell when she was doing so well. “You really need to join us, especially when things aren’t as hectic as things have usually been for us.”

It might have taken a while but Twilight was soon floating along, towards the grassy observation hill where a pony would set up a telescope on to look at the stars or the moon. She was magically carrying the basket of goodies Tress had packed away.

Tress was keeping pace with Twilight with a blanket and a few other things on her back; she was choosing the spot they’d settle down at.

Bringing up the rear was Luna who was studying the cooler with the cider locked away inside surrounded by ice. She followed the two mares and looked around at the ponies that were still up and saw romantic couples, ponies that were relaxing and then there were the ones that were gazing at the stars with wonder in their eyes. She had truly been way too hasty in the past, looking up to the moon it now shone brightly even in a waning period.

“There’s a good spot.” Tress had pointed out a nice flat point on the top of the hill where she started setting up.

Settling down to eat, they talked and spent the next thirty minutes talking about simple things. Luna was able to get into the conversation easily enough, but spent most of her time quietly watching how the two interacted with one another.

“Well Luna did you have any questions or a topic to discuss?” Twilight was not about to let the princess stay out of the conversation.

“We do have one question. What is the importance of this honeyed cider?” Seeing a look pass between the two other ponies Luna couldn’t help but wonder why they were smiling at each other like that.

“It is what marked the start of my friendship with Tress and it is a really good drink.” Taking a cup of the stuff in her hoof Twilight slowly drank the ambrosia that was within.

“Not just regular friends either Twilight, you’re the best friend a mare can ask for.” Tress started in on her own drink.

“Is proposing a toast beyond us at this point?” Luna just looked at the golden colored fluids and sipped the sweet tasting concoction. She figured things would be alright if drinks like this continued existing.

“Go ahead Luna, we’re not stopping you and we’d join you for toast with this buttering us up.” Twilight received a playful slap from Tress for the horrible pun.

“I present a toast to the night!” Luna held her cup aloft in her magic.

“I present a toast to family!” Twilight said equaling the enthusiasm that Luna had and raised her cup to meet the princess’s cup.

“I present a toast to… friends!” Tress hesitated as she looked at Twilight and put her cup against theirs.

They all slowly downed their drinks savoring the taste as it flowed over their lips, passing their tongues and going down their throats.

Sharing cider at night with her best friend was something Twilight loved; she never thought she would be friends with a villain. Then again the villain wasn’t really that evil, just a bit lost in the dark and Twilight was the shining light that found her. The night was warm, beautiful and calm, she wonders what the future held for her and all the friends she had.

“There is something else we wish to discuss, we are taking residence in Ponyville and would like to ascertain some help from good friends.” It was too strong a hint and Luna knew it was.

“Of course we’ll help you acclimatize to the future Luna. So princess, welcome to the world of tomorrow!” Twilight flamboyant threw her hooves out towards Ponyville, Tress and Luna started giggling.

“Oh for the love of, please tell me you’re not going to become another Trixie. The town has one and that’s more than enough for the entire planet thank you. Couldn’t you become a second Bonbon, she makes great fudge.” After a moment to think it over and lay down, Tress snickered. “Never mind, I prefer you as the magically adorable dork you are.”

Twilight wondered what life would have been like if she never met Tress, would their paths have ever crossed at some point. Would she have saved Luna in the same way? It seems like the path she was on was painful after having to deal with what Luna termed the fabled monster Cthoodle.

Sure Twilight may get hurt, but she was always willing to stand back up and face every day life with a smile like any of her friends did. Collectively they all grinned and would bear it as long as they had ponies to share the pain with. Friendship was quite powerful; it helped solved all kinds of problems. Having friends that each had their own talents that they could use in unique ways to solve any situation.

Closing her eyes and nestling between the two larger ponies Twilight started to go down a mental list of friends she had met and all that they could do. All their hidden talents beyond their cutie marks were also something to factor in; the possibilities were limitless if they all worked together for a better world. She was comfy and snug between the princess and her friend.

“Twilight we would like to ask thee, why do thou covet our manes?” Luna noted it took a moment for the smallest amongst them to realize she was almost trying to cocoon herself in their manes.

Twilight blushed slightly; Luna might take offense to having her mane snuggled, Tress didn’t look bothered by it at all. At the moment Twilight started comparing the shades of their manes as she snuggled them.

“Don’t worry about it princess, that’s just Twilight’s way of saying she likes your hair. Eventually she’s going to ask if she can brush and comb it, she does that with every mare she meets and a few stallions.” In fact it was almost nonexistent for Tress to see Twilight work a stallion at all and that left her feeling oddly pleased by the prospect.

“Sorry, it’s just you’re mane is really sparkly. It also smells like Tress’s shampoo?” Twilight squirmed a bit in letting go of Luna’s mane, even when she managed to do that she had yet to cease holding onto Tress’s like it was a blanket.

“We thank thee for thy compliment. We have recently learned of the bathing implement known as a tub. The kind maiden Fluttershy showed us its purpose.” After a moment of deliberation Luna decided to ask about Fluttershy. “Why does she always stare at our flank when she thinks we are not aware of her eyesight?”

“Um… yeah… maybe you should field this one Twilight. You’re about to get into dating right?” Tress really didn’t want to explain that Fluttershy found Luna attractive; she didn’t know what the stigma about same sex coupling was like a thousand years prior in this world or what Luna thought of it.

“Well I don’t know who I would date, but this would be a good lesson about how things have changed!” Twilight finally released Tress’s hair and clapped her hooves together. “Okay how best to go about this... would you be upset to know Fluttershy is only attracted to mares as ideal mating partners and that she finds you enticing?”

"Actually, it brings to mind Clover the Clever and Pansy.” Luna mused out loud while looking thoughtful. “All those private meetings they shared were trysts then… so it is more okay nowadays to love who you wish openly?”

“Not entirely, there are still a lot ponies that would look down on Fluttershy for it such as nobles for one. Here in Ponyville that’s not a problem.” Twilight watched as Luna smiled vibrantly and her wings apparently flared at the thought of Fluttershy. Was Luna getting a wing…? It was like asking Rainbow Dash about the Wonder Bolts all over again.

Yep things were going to be just fine even if having a princess resident in town is going to cause all forms of chaos.

Author's Note:

The epilogue is going to be posted on a rather specific day. It's basically a summary of the story and Twilight's thoughts on her early life. Consider this story finished.

I could write a sequel, I have a few ideas already. A Power Pony arrives, Bulk Biceps finds the love of his life and Cadence finally getting out of jail. The one thing I’m definitely going to do if I write a sequel is that I will have Twilight defeat Discord in such a way that it will leave both Celestia and Luna so incredibly flabbergasted as to how she did it when they needed the elements of harmony to deal with him.