• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 6,483 Views, 474 Comments

Twilights Mane Passion - Darkonshadows

Twilight grows up with a strange passion and it changes her life from how it should have been.

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Twilight came down in front of the Carousel Boutique, she did so on her face. She really had to work out balancing issues with her gravity spell or else that would keep happening. After rubbing her slightly sore nose with a hoof, Twilight knocked on the door. Rarity opened it welcoming Twilight inside.

“Sorry I’m a bit late. I was having an important discussion with the mayor.” Twilight was actually understating how important it was to change some things about the Summer Sun Celebration being held in Ponyville. It was going to be a celebration of the night as well as the rising sun.

“I just got finished putting the tea on darling, why it’s not even a problem at all. Come on in, I was about to bring out the biscuits.” Rarity bustled back into the kitchen to both Bonbon and Octavia who were sitting at the table already discussing something.

“Oh hey there Twilight, will you please thank Tress for me the next time you see her. That Ever Clean Cleanser stuff is amazing; it makes my job so much easier. Now if only Tress could figure out how to make it in a different smell. Don’t get me wrong as I like the smell of mint, it’s just kind of overpowering.” Bonbon smiled cheerily as Twilight took a seat across from her and Rarity sat down with them while levitating over a plate of biscuits to go with their tea when it was finished. “How did you like my present? The candy tin is reusable after you are finished with the candy inside of it.”

“I’ll keep that in mind when I see her and the candy is really good, I’m finding it hard not to eat all of it in one go.” Twilight liked the gummy candy. It had a nice balance of sweet and sour that was tantalizing instead of overboard.

“I was hoping you could tell me what Canterlot is like Octavia, I’ve never been there myself. Twilight apparently thinks it’s a constant horror story if one decides to look past all the glamour.” It was about time Rarity asked for a second opinion.

“It is kind of like that actually; we saw Cerberus when we went there for the wedding a while ago. Even I would find it hard to get a hoof into high society if it weren’t for a fact that there were nice ponies there as well. Fancy Pants is quite the gentle stallion and Fleur is a lot more promiscuous then I’d thought she’d be.” Octavia gained a little heat in her cheeks remembering how Fleur acted with Fancy; those two were definitely a pair. “It’s not so bad what with the Celestial Guard being competent or at least Twilight’s brother is apparently highly competent.”

“Shiny has a special talent for protecting others and barrier spells. I used to get bullied all the time when I was little and he was always there for me, that is until he left to join the guard. At least I know he’s doing well, he said so himself in a letter he wrote after that horn removal surgery.” Twilight wondered why Rarity and Bonbon was looking at her in a horrified manner.

“Good heavens, what did he do that warrant the removal of his horn and why would a unicorn be okay with that?” Rarity clutched at her horn with her hooves rubbing it softly, the horn of a unicorn was made of stern stuff and to have it removed against your will was like losing your best friend or a limb.

“It wasn’t that horn that got removed.” Now Octavia wondered why Rarity was looking a little sick, Bonbon just looked intrigued.

“You mean he was gelded? I wonder how a stallion can still be happy after that.” Bonbon thought Rarity really needed that tea and soon. She would need it personally to calm her slightly upset stomach.

“Okay, before you two take this out of context any further he got a horn from a minotaur stuck in him and needed to get it removed.” Twilight wondered if they could just stop this conversation now. It was just getting plain silly how much of Shining Armor’s situation could be taken out of context when mentioning it.

“I don’t know whether to feel sorry for your brother or the minotaur now. How did it happen and was it consensual at least?” Rarity did not understand why her question just caused Twilight to face hoof, it was a perfectly legitimate question. She often wondered if there was such a thing as a female minotaur, you never really hear of them and only the males of their species are truly prominent.

“You two really aren’t getting the context here, what happened is that her brother got rear ended by a minotaur and he left his horn in him.” Octavia understood and knew what happened to Twilight’s brother, her phrasing could have used a little work however.

“We know that, what’s wrong with Rarity asking if it was consensual or not?” Now it was Bonbon wondering why Twilight was double face hoofing.

“It was one of the horns from the top of the minotaur’s head that broke off in his flank in pitched battle; does any of that sound like he had given his consent to you?” Both mares, much to Twilight’s delight, had a look of comprehension and understanding on their faces. This was around the time the tea pot started whistling, it made Twilight happy that there was something to distract the two mares from their one track minds.

“Well how deep did the minotaur penetrate...?” Rarity started only to stop and take in Twilight’s flat stare. Being the generous host she was and also for the better part of her own safety, it was time for something else to talk about. “Right, I guess it’s time for a change of subject then.”

“I’ll start, I have an idea for a Nightmare Night costume and I would like you to make it, it’ll require quite a selection of gems. while I’m at it I’ll commission a costume for Tress. Her costume is far less elaborate then mine will be.” Twilight pulled out a folder with her magic and slid it over to Rarity. The fashion master opened the folder and looked it over. “So how much will these two suits cost me?”

“Yes, I believe can do this easily enough. Though tarry the thought of actually… yes it’ll be something like eighty bits given it’s a special job.” The icy stare Rarity received when she was about to do it for free made her shiver.

“Rarity you can’t keep giving stuff to me for free like this. While you never come off as selfish except for your slight gold digging tendencies, you should seriously stop being so lenient to all of your friends. We’re not freeloaders and we all have decent paying jobs. You should also be glad I’m not waiting until the last minute to ask for the costumes as a rush job.” This was a time Twilight was going to be stern with the overly generous mare as she deserved recompense for her hard work. “I’ll be paying those eighty bits even though I know it’s probably discounted given your fine work.”

“It’s Rarity, of course it’s a discount. Speaking of costumes… I was wondering if I could commission a candy corn costume.” Bonbon would be the candy corn to Lyra’s nuts. Those two together tended to make for a good candy bar, one that tasted like a Neigh Day.

“I would give my friends the world if I could Twilight, never doubt that for a moment. Of course you can Bonnie. Octavia do you have a costume in mind as well?” If Rarity was taking Twilight and Bonbon’s requests, then she may as well get Octavia’s in while she was at it. This sudden change in topic was some nice business for Rarity as she’s been a bit light as of late, she could probably advertise her costume making prowess aside from her dressmaking ways.

“Can you make a werewolf pony costume that breathes well? Also I need a cape or mantle for a vampire pony costume if you can do that. I’ve always kind of assumed that you only made dresses.” Octavia took a sip of her tea while leaning back and enjoying good company. Her thoughts turned to the ever infuriating Vinyl and her annoyingly charming habits.

“Just because dresses are my favorite thing to make doesn’t mean it’s the only thing my shop produces.” Looking into her shop from the kitchen Rarity saw nothing but dresses, she just shook her head. “Though I guess I can understand where you’d get an idea like that from. I'll make sure to write down your order as well Octavia.”

“If you broadened your inventory even a little bit you’d get more customers. You could still be known for dresses too if that is your main focus, I’m not here to tell you how to run your business.” It was a bit obvious sounding to Twilight.

“I know, I just really like designing dresses and I have a terrible time getting away from doing so. I’m just doing what I love even if it may drive me a bit crazy at times. Maybe on a slower week I might fancy that option to expand into making other things a bit more, I’m pretty good for winter clothing. Anything else we need to discuss?” Things weren’t going too badly for Rarity today, she was commissioned to make some costumes for some of her friends and she was having a generally quiet day. One would suspect something to go horribly wrong in the presence of Twilight, but nothing so far.

A few minutes after Rarity thought that there was a huge commotion outside. The four ponies went to the window and looked outside to see an army of what looked like killer cupcakes being fought off by Tress and Pinkie.

“How did this even happen, Twilight was nowhere near the bakery!” Tress bit down on a cupcake before tossing her head back sending it into the air. She swallowed the entire cupcake in one go, it was hard to do and Pinkie made it look so easy too.

Speaking of Pinkie, she was taking care of most of the attacking cupcake forces that were growling and biting at their ankles. Pinkie kept snapping them up as fast she feasibly could, there would never be a day where a cupcake would ever get the best of her.

“Tress, why haven’t you called for Palatable yet?” The dumb look that crossed her friends face at the realization of something that would make things easier just made Twilight face hoof harder than usual.

“Pal, get your sweet smelling butt over here and pronto!” The reaction was immediate as Tress witnessed the cupcake army being torn in half by the blind fury of her pet. Only then did the cupcakes start trying to make a run for it, but it was too late to do so. “Thank you for reminding me of him Twilight. Those cupcakes were pure evil I tell you, didn’t taste bad though.”

“No, it wasn’t the cupcakes that were evil. They just wanted to be sugary baked goodness in a world that didn’t understand them and thus they rebelled against us.” Pinkie was holding a candy skull and looking saddened, before she brightened up and bit the candy skull in half.

“Understand what, they had sharpened peppermint sticks for teeth!” In the face of that pronouncement Tress saw Pinkie cringe. This led her to calming down and giving the pink pony a smile. “It’s okay Pinks, I still wonder what caused this if it wasn't Twilight.”

“I think I know and if I’m right I have a little sister to punish. Now if you will all excuse me, SWEETIE BELLE!” Rarity was quite livid that her sister created food monsters again. Whether it was burning juice by just pouring it or bringing more food monsters into the world, Rarity always has to remind Sweetie that her special talent would not be related to anything having to do with food. Her little sister was supposed to be smart, yet she kept trying the same things and expected the end results to change. Their mother trying to help Sweetie learn how to cook was just a small part of the insanity in Rarity’s life.

“I didn’t create any cupcake monsters or was anywhere near Sugar Cube Corner today Rarity, I honestly wouldn’t know about it!” The fact that Sweetie Belle even knew what the monsters were kind of ruined her entire alibi, especially if she had never been out of her room.

Elsewhere in Ponyville Fluttershy was currently spending time with Scootaloo. The filly was enjoying the presence of a pony cool enough to be good friends with Rainbow Dash. In the distance a unicorn watching the two sent off a message using a spell and the light traveled to Canterlot and it would coalesce in front of Celestia. The guard hadn’t been as secretive as he could of been and had been caught spying on Fluttershy and Scootaloo by a Fluttershy lookalike who was now smelling a conspiracy in the works. Thus the guard had earned an unwanted tail.

“Hmm… what’s this? The most likely candidate for the element of kindness has been spotted and she’s been seen around Scootaloo a lot lately. I hope this Fluttershy doesn’t pry too deeply into where Scootaloo comes from, it’s nice to see that filly is at least making some friends.” Even with this good news, Celestia was still reeling from the fact that Cadence jailed herself and refused to leave for quite some time. Where had she gone so wrong with Cadence? She was going to start treading much more lightly from now on.

At least the elements of harmony were gathering on their own, Celestia at least knew the ponies that represented laughter, generosity and honesty. She could only hope that Sunset Shimmer would find the magic in her to complete the set and hopefully she would save herself at the same time by befriending these ponies. Her hidden guards only had to find one more pony and then they could all come back, except for the ones watching out for Scootaloo’s safety of course.

Author's Note:

The smell is still horrible, but the floor is at least dry, mold may be a issue though. Flood damage is not nice at all.

Otherwise I'm perfectly fine. Hope this chapter is received well enough.