• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 6: Episode 4 - Not so Vile (On Your Marks AU) (Easter Madness 2024)

It's was yet another great day in Ponyville, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were at their clubhouse.

"So, are we ready to go find ponies to help with their cutie marks?" Apple Bloom asked.

"And maybe help those that don't have cutie marks yet find theirs." Diamond Tiara said.

"Hey, we should check up on Fortus Vile, see how he's doing." Sweetie Belle said.

"Sounds great. Let's do that." Scootaloo said.

The group found Fortus Vile doing some things around the school after hours for Miss Cheerilee, and there was something else.

"Hey, is that a Gold Star (S64) from Miss Cheerilee?" Diamond Tiara asked noticing what Fortus Vile was wearing.

"Why yes it is. I've actually gone pass the need to keep doing community service, but I figured I'd do some stuff for Miss Cheerilee. She does spend so much time teaching us that she deserves a little something." Fortus Vile said.

"Well that's very good for you. Just don't go and get a big head about it." Diamond Tiara said.

"Nah. But, I did come across some fliers for activities you girls might want to consider doing." Fortus Vile said before handing over some fliers.

"What's this about?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Hey, you can do things on your owns you do realize that yes? You don't have to do everything together. Plus, think of it this way: You're that much more likely to run into a pony you can help with your special talent that way." Fortus Vile said.

"Not a bad idea. We could give that a shot." Apple Bloom said.

Each member of the CMC did their own thing, with Apple Bloom doing a dance class that ended up with her meeting Tender Taps. Who had a passion for wanting to dance, but he had a serious case of stage freight. Apple Bloom wasn't very good at dancing though herself, yet she could tell Tender Taps was.

So when Apple Bloom revealed that Tender Taps didn't have his cutie mark yet because of his stage frieght to the others, using the skills they learnt through their classes, they helped Tender Taps overcome his stage frieght and get his cutie mark.

"That was...amazing. I mean really, props where props are due, I didn't think you girls would be able to pull off something like that." Fortus Vile said.

"Hey, it was your idea to try so many different things that made this possible." Scootaloo said.

"Indeed, don't sell yourself short." Sweetie Belle said.

"You did real good with that." Diamond Tiara admitted.

"What more is there to say? We'll have to see if we can do this again some time soon. Hopefully, next time it's with a class I can actually do." Apple Bloom said. All five foals laughed at that. "...I'm being serious by the way." Apple Bloom interrupted the laughter.

"You're starting to sound a little like I did. So you might want to reign that in." Fortus Vile said.

Apple Bloom then spent some time calming herself down. Though when Tender Taps tried to do some flirting with Apple Bloom, he got glared at by Diamond Tiara as he walked away.

Author's Note:

What the...well gosh darn it, that rascal left another one of those Golden Eggs behind and somehow evaded my trap. Can you find the Golden Egg for me? I'm going to be busy making up a new trap to try and capture this rascal who keeps hiding these Golden Eggs in my stories.

Though once again, the chapter was pretty short, but at least I did my best. I guess my creative juices aren't at full throttle right now...

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