• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 1: Episode 19 - Title Card Not Found

A really long time ago...

A strange dark blob creature was suddenly falling from a giant palace built on top of a large mountain; the tallest mountain around. When the blog creature hit the ground, Eeveelutions started to cheer as a male Vaporeon suddenly decended the mountain safely via a helipack they rigged up. "It's over Nozrog. You've lost. I've defeated you, and as such, your reign of terror ends here." The Vaporeon said.

"Defeated by an Eeveelution...how could this be possible?!" The blob creature known as Nozrog said.

"I didn't do it alone." The Vaporeon said as a nerd looking female Leafeon soon joined them.

"This can't be happening..." Nozrog said. "First my father vanishes...and now this..." It added.

"You can settle your daddy issues in Equestrian jail, fugative." The vaporeon said before a large cyan looking alicorn approuched him. "He's all yours, Queen Faust." The Vaporeon said.

"Indeed. Thank you, young Varris. I hope one day, my own two daughters grow up to be just as heroic as you are." The alicorn said.

"Out of curiosity, what are the names of your daughters? You never told me." Varris said.

"They are Celestia and Luna." Queen Faust said.

"I see. Well, I hope Equestria and the liberated Eeveelution Kingdoms live in harmony." Varris said.

"Your leaving us?!" The Leafeon next to him exclaimed.

"Fear not Eeveelutions. Though I may have come from afar to save you, I know in my heart that there will come a time when darkness once again threatens your new way of living. And if that should happen, a descendent of mine whose bravery is unmatched shall appear, and it is by his paw that the kingdoms will be unified once more; this time under the rule of a more benevolent king." Varris said before he faded into the nearby lake.

Present day...

"I will succeed in taking over everything here. But first..." The mysterious being known as Gorzon said, looking afar at the Golden Oaks Library where Celestia, Luna, and the elements were all gathered. "The daughters of Queen faust will die by darkness, and that is after I overcome those so called 'elements of harmony' and break apart the fantasy world they live in. By showing them pure evil." Gorzon said before he unleashed a laugh that was unfiltered evil.

"Aw...she's so cute~" Pinkie Pie said. Everyone was there in Golden Oaks Library with Throsten and Gloria; the latter of whom was holding a baby female Eevee as evidenced by her tail being that of a floral pattern on the tip that was colored cream.

"So, how's it feel to be a dad?" Fluttershy asked.

"Heh. Trust me, fatherhood isn't going to be nearly as challenging as what I've already been through. It'll be...nice to be a father. I'm going to raise all my kids right, do my best to pass down the things I've learnt so they know about how I became the King of the Eeveelution Kingdom." Throsten said.

"I think you'll be the best dad to our child." Gloria said.

"Gloria, is it just me, or are you acting a little...different then when we first met." Sunset said.

"Considering I had gotten rudely interrupted from my naps by a stampede and some bunnies...you could probably excuse my behavior as I was trying to get some rest." Gloria said. "Mostly in preperation for this." She said.

"Oh I can so understand that. Some of the animals who have children get really cranky and angry if you mess with their children." Fluttershy said.

Suddenly there were ponies screaming outside. "What's going on?!" Celestia exclaimed.

"Go. I would help, but I gotta protect Gloria and my newborn daughter." Throsten said.

"Your not afraid of what's out there are you?" Sunset asked. "Or maybe loosing Gloria and your daughter?" She asked.

"I'm going to do my best to protect them both so that latter thing doesn't have to be brought up. You focus on dealing with whatever just showed up." Throsten said. "Plus, you have the princesses of Equestria, the daughters of Queen Faust to help out too." He added.

"You wish for us to fight?" Luna asked, confused.

"Your mother once worked alongside the Eeveelution Hero himself to defeat the powerful dark monster known as Nozrog. So I know you both would be willing to defend your ponies if it came down to it." Throsten said.

"Luna, he his right: Our ponies are in danger. This should make it easier for Ponies to accept you as my sister and fellow ruler once again." Celestia said.

"...You bring up a good point sister. Very well, I shall assist in vanqushing this fool who dares threaten our subjects." Luna said.

The elements and royal sisters went outside to see a strange shapeshifting creature changing it's form and trying to destroy the buildings around ponyville. "Ah...the daughters of Faust have arrived." The creature said, before shapeshifting into the form of Gozon.

"Who are you intruder? And why shape shift your form like that without a care?" Celestia asked.

"You may call me Gorzon. I am a shapeshifter and a master of darkness. And the main reason I want ponies to know I'm a shapeshifter...well is to take their hopes and shred them up like paper." Gorzon said.

Gorzon? Why does that name sound a little familiar somehow? Sunset thought to herself.

"We won't allow you to destroy Ponyville like this. Our friendship will defeat you." Twilight said.

"Oh come off it! You mortals and your speeches about friendship, honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, and loyalty make me sick. For litteral years I have been kept alive by the pain I continously feel do the the enemies mortals create, the lies they tell, the malice they inflict through bulling, the sadness they spread when children become orphans, the greed that is caused when they just want more then they can settle for, and the betrayal some ultimately fall for. I've felt each and every aganizing pain from these feelings of pure negativity." Gorzon said. Suddenly, parts of him shifted into what appears to be other species: Dragon, earth pony, Pegasus, unicorn, griffon, hippogriff, changeling, and yak...there was a part of him that resembled it all, even if most of the ponies recognized none of these things.

I...I could try to talk him down but...I don't think that would work. Sunset thought to herself. This being...has become so traumatized by the pain he feels by the negative opposites of the elements the others protect, that he no longer can be emphasized with. He's consumed by hate and darkness.

"So here and now, I'm going to burst up this fantasy land you've created once and for all. Then, and only then, will I grant you what little mercy I have, and slaughter you all." Gorzon said.

"This...this isn't the time for me to be scared. Other ponies lives are at stake." Fluttershy said.

"You refuse to cower before me at all mortas?" Gorzon asked.

"Read our lips buster: We're going to kick your flank." Rainbow Dash said.

"The approiate term is flank." Gorzon said. But then blinked. "What in Tartarus; what's up with my swears?!" Gorzon exlciamed. "Bah. I'll figure it out latter." He said before he turned into a giant blob of darkness. "This here? This is the real me." Gorzon said.

"Doesn't matter what you look like. Ya ain't going to ruin our way of livin'." Applejack said.

"Oh, is that so? Well, we'll just see about that!" Gorzon said.

Eternal Antagonist
Gorzon Unleashed

Gorzon started by shifting to an earth pony, lifting up parts of the ground to throw at the group which were easily swatted back, causing a bit of a tennis match which sped up and Gorzon got hit, allowing the group to wail on the villian for a while.

After that, he turned into a Pegasus which Rainbow Dash quickly outsped and crashed to the ground which allowed for another wailing.

"I heard something was causing trouble in Ponyville." Gilda said, suddenly coming in to join the fight. Right as that moment, Gorzon suddenly shape shifted into a unicorn. "Is this some sort of shape shifter?!" Gilda asked.

"Yeah. Wanna help put him in his place?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Don't need to ask me twice." Gilda said. With some assitance from Gilda, the group was easily able to overcome Gorzon's unicorn powers before he shifted into the form of a Griffon. "Now that's just not cool." Gilda said.

"Tell me about it." Rainbow Dash said. Gilda was easily able to overpower Gorzon again, and after this, Gorzon started to shift all over again.

"That's enough, Nozrog." A male voice suddenly called out, stopping the battle.

"THAT'S why I thought Gorzon's name sounded familiar: Gorzon is 'Nozrog' spelled backwards!" Sunset said. "...Wait who said that?" She then asked.

Suddenly, an anthromorphic anubian jackle with a staff in his left hand approuched the group. "Jackle. It's been a long time." Celestia said.

"Not here for any trouble, Celestia." Jackle said before he approuched Gorzon. "Son, why do you continue to torment the mortal kind? You know how unmatched you are." Jackle said.

"SON?!" All the ponies excliamed.

Wait, even the royal sisters were surprised by that? Sunset thought to herself.

"So, you've followed me here, old man." Gorzon; or rather; Nozrog said.

"You should know better than this. If I must end you, so be it." Jackle said.

"You really think I haven't gotten stronger father?" Nozrog said before with one strike, he heavily injured Jackle. "THINK AGAIN OLD MAN!" Gorzon said.

"You...why you..." Jackle said before he passed out.

"Enough playing around anyways. I was going to stall out your demise, but seeing as my dad is here, I think it's time I went EXTREME!" Nozrog said. Suddenly, a black light envolped them all.

When the light faded, the group was on some kind of outcropping of Ponyville, which was floating in midair and a dark swirling vortex was seen a few feet from the edged. In one part of the space though, was Nozrog's true form, before it suddenly grew a pair of arms. And then...Some bubbles started to appear at the top and then a head formed just as music really kicked in.

"Before this is over, I'm going to show you true evil!" Nozrog said in his real true voice.


Nozrog started by coating his main body in a glass casing, before launching one of his arms out. Upon trying to attack it, Nozrog suddenly self-desmembered it before quickly regenerating it.

"I don't think we're going to harm him by attacking the hands." Gilda said.

"Then let's try that body." Rainbow Dash said before rushing it, and cracking the glass easily.

"WHAT?! That glass is tempered glass. How can you crack it so easily?!" Nozrog exclaimed.

"You really need to stop underestimating us." Twilight said. The group was able to expose the main body to wail on it, before they were knocked back and stunned as the glass was remade.

"Pure luck. That's all that was." Gorzon said.

"Girls, get ready. Gilda, Spike, Ray, Princesses; get that glass destroyed once more." Twilight said.

"Your going to use the elements no doubt." Celestia noticed Twilight's plan.

"It's our best shot." Twilight said.

This was done, and when the element were used and thier beam hit Nozrog, his form exploded, and things were brought back to normal. Nozrog was now just a small blob. "Take that." Rainbow Dash said.

"Thank goodness, it is over." Celestia said.

"Not quite..." Nozrog suddenly said before the elements, Gilda, Ray, Spike, and the princesses were all pinned to a wall of darkness. "Did you really think that would work on me?!" Nozrog said as he took his human form again.

"End of the line, Nozrog." Throsten suddenly showed up.

"You...your that umbreon who followed Rob around. So, where's the justice hero? Not coming? All alone this time?" Nozrog asked.

"You think that scares me? You think anything about you scares me? Do you even realize who I am? Once Rob told me your real name, it all clicked. You've returned from your defeat long ago, Nozrog." Throsten said.

"So you know about the Eeveelution Hero huh? And why does that matter?" Nozrog asked.

"It matters because of this." Throsten said before he suddenly jumped in the air, and suddenly, there was this massive anime transformation where gold armor attached itself to him.

Nozrog's eyes went wide. "No...it can't be...YOUR HIS DECENDENT?!" He said, dropping the equestrians.

"That's right. And this time, I'm going to finish what he started." Throsten said before he tackled Nozrog hard.

And when he did so, Nozrog's form was shifted beyond the evil's control. "No...no that's not possible..." Nozrog said. He could already sense that Throsten wasn't corrupted by the darkness he was now using as Throsten tackled him and forced him to change again. "How?! How can this be? I was supposed to be the real master of darkness..." Nozrog said before he was force changed by another tackle. "And yet, here you are, mastering it without getting corrupted..." Nozrog continued before another force change.

"I really don't get what that's about." Throsten said as he tackled Nozrog again. "But I know this Nozrog..." Another tackle. "No matter how many times you come back..." Another tackle. "No matter what kind of tricks you try to use..." Another tackle. "In the end, the result will always be the same." Another tackle. "I bet your shaking now huh? I'm channelings something you can't find negative for." Another tackle. "I used to be afraid of my own shadow, afriad of the dark..." Another tackle. "But then, I went up against Dialga who had gone berserk because of the interference from a Dakarai that was under orders that saught to drown the world in darkness." Another tackle. "Then I went up against the Ultimate Darkari and an artifical groudon capable of tearing a ship in half..." Another tackle. "Found out a shadow flareon was going to become an evil tryant, and when I stopped those plans, he unleased the spirits of destructive fire dragons that were banished long ago." Another tackle. "That's why nothing scares me anymore. I litterally can no longer feel fear. Being king of all eeveelutions, hell being a dad...that's nothing. I've become not only brave, but the bravest ever." One final tackle before Throsten started channeling darkness into one big final tackle. "SO NOW YOU FACE THE TRUE POWER OF THE NEW EEVEELUTION HERO!" Throsten shouted before he tackled Nozrog one final time.

When he did so, in a litteral blink-and-you-miss-it moment, Nozrog cycled through each of his forms once, before he was suddenly launched at high speeds. If one could slow down time and see him, they would see that he was rapidly changing forms beyond his control as he flew.

Finally, he landed in the Everfree forest, turning into a giant purple puddle. "Ow..." Nozrog said simply.

Everyone including Throsten went up to him. "That's it? No quip from you this time?" Throsten said.

"After that display of power, you expect me to talk down to you? Fat chance of that. You just did what no being has ever done before. Look at me...look at the state you've put me in. You did this to me. I'm nothing but a puddle now. Not just physically speaking either. Compared to what you just did, my power might as well just a drop in the bucket; a tiny fragment, a speck of dirt...whatever idiom you want to use that means the same thing, it doesn't matter: You outclass me in ways no being; undead or mortal; has ever been able to before. Not even Rob Snowden; the Legendary Justice Hero; has ever done this to me. I am no longer the master of darkness. That title belongs to you now." Nozrog said to Throsten.

"So, guess that's it for you then huh?" Throsten asked.

Suddenly, a strange purple beam lifted Nozrog up. "WHAT IN TARTARUS IS THIS?! WHATEVER IT IS, I'LL GET OUT OF THIS! MARK MY WORDS: YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!" Nozrog said before he vanished.

"Where'd he go?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Beats me. But, I have a feeling it's going to be a long, long time before he decides to mess with anyone here on this planet." Throsten said.

"Agreed." Celestia said.

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