• Published 23rd Nov 2022
  • 3,306 Views, 313 Comments

My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 6: Episode 7 - Nozrog's Lie Exposed

A party was now at the old Griffonstone border and the Pokemon from Lightning Town were participating in this celebration. Every pony, ling, mon, and griffon alike was having a great time.

But in the middle of the party, Twilight approuched Shallor. "Excuse me for a moment, I'd had to break up the mood, but there's something I need to talk about."

"Alright. We can talk. Just don't expect many answers." Shallor asked.

"This is important. It's in regards to Nozrog." Twilight said. "Something he said bothers me, and I need to get to the truth."

"...Huh. If this is about something Nozrog said, that changes things." Shallor said.

"First, I'd just like to confirm if knowing how long a specific species can live for is part of your job." Twilight said.

"...Well not really. But it is information that I'm allowed to have knowledge of on the off chance it helps the light beat out darkness." Shallor said. "Yet so far, not a single time has it proven useful. I can sense that might change based on what Nozrog said."

"I see. In that case, do you know what species the Storm King was? The one that took over Lightning Town years ago?" Twilight asked.

"Ah. You are referring to his exact species. From what I understand, he's a kind of creature called a 'Storm Creature'; a giant hedgehog like creature. The Storm King is an even more advanced version of his own troops, in fact I'd go so far as say he's his own kind of species." Shallor said. "But if your asking if I've dealt with such a soul, I have not. And I checked the logs, such a creature has not been cast through the Fire Pits yet."

"...In that case, his species lives for a long time, yes?" Twilight asked.

"Well yeah. I'd say about a thousand years or so, why do you ask?" Shallor asked.

"....Mayor Sentry, how long ago did you say the Storm King conqured Lightning Town?" Twilight asked.

"Well, it was...about...oh...oh no..." Mayor Sentry looked tense.

"Father? Father is something wrong?" Lightning asked.

"Th-the storm king's reign...it had begun only seventy years ago!" Mayor Sentry said.

"Y-you mean...when Nozrog said that--" Rainbow Dash picked up what was being thrown down.

"Yes. Nozrog pulled the same trick on us that Shallor did during the Final Trail." Twilight said. "...He put forth a believable lie, and we let our emotions believe he had to be telling the truth for we didn't know better."

"...Wait hold up, are you saying the Storm King from back then, is coming back and planning on doing things on a much grander scale then last time?!" Shallor exclaimed.

"That's the logical conclusion I'm reaching, based on everything we know." Twilight said.

"...I...I don't believe this." Shallor said.

"Let him come." Raiden suddenly said.

"...R-raiden?" Lightning asked.

Raiden used a fist to strike an open paw. "If this really is the same Storm King of old, then I owe it to my grandfather to make sure he can't succeed." He said.

"...You know what. Your right. We can't allow that tyrant to succeed." Lightning said.

"Twilight Sparkle..." Raiden said. "I insist you allow Team Strikers to assist in taking down this tyrant."

"Of course Raiden; I was going to ask anyways." Twilight said.

"...I'm not about to allow just Team Strikers to see this through." Mayor Sentry said.

"...Father?" Lightning asked.

"I stood by and couldn't stop the mafia gangsters from seizing the town. I care not if Equestria is ruled by alicorns princesses; I absolutely refuse to let tradegy repeat itself." Mayor Sentry said.

"Father!" Lightning was shocked to say the least.

"Heh heh. Now I see it. Now I see where Lightning really gets his courage from." Raiden said.

"...No Raiden. It's the other way around." Mayor Sentry said. "I'm getting this courage because of my own son showing courage."

"Dang...well count me in too in that case." Cozy Glow said.

"As if we'd let this Storm King try and change the way of life we're accostumed too now." Gilda suddenly said. "I think we griffons are assiting too."

"Well don't think your counting us Changelings out either. In fact, I think Chrysalis would prefer if we assited in the takedown of the Storm King; the very same guy Nozrog's alligned with." Pharynx said. "Or has any creature forgotten the fact that...that monster killed Chryaslis?"

"To be fair, he was aiming for me; she just blocked the attack." Throsten said. "But I understand what your getting at. There's just...something I need to get home to first."

"Eh? What's up Throsten?" Raiden asked.

"It's my father...he's on his death bed." Throsten said.

"...Oh..." Twilight said.

"He's had a good run, but he wants to tell me something before he goes." Throsten said.

"Ah. I see. Well, you should go to your father young prince." Mayor Sentry said. "He may have a secret to beating the Storm King. Even if that chance is slim, that's a chance we need."

"I know. I'll be back soon though." Throsten said and left with his wives.

"...I hope Throsten's going to be okay." Pinkie Pie said.

"He will. I believe in him. I believe he will survive the Storm King's assult." Twilight said.


...Wh-what is this feeling I'm getting? Nozrog suddenly thought to himself, bolting up in a cold sweat from his bed. Wh-why can I suddenly feel that...that someone...someone is going to die when we invade Equestria? And how could I possibly know that? Wh-what is happening to me?

Author's Note:

DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN! And now the ponies know!

Also whoops! This turned into an episode of its own when it was only going to be a bonus scene.

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