• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 2: Episode 13 - Flashbacks & Donkeys

The next few days had seen Pinkie Pie try her best to befriend a newcomer to the neighborhood known as Cranky Doodle Donkey.

But as Pinkie Pie went about trying her best do this, Starlight did want to ask about Sunburst's mother. "So, what exactly do you want to know about our mother?" Sunset asked.

"I specifically asked for Sunburst's mother." Starlight said.

"Hey, she's my mother too you know. We share the same mother, just not the same father." Sunset said said.

"Oh. My apologies." Starlight said.

"It's fine. Though, no matter what you feel about her, please don't be too hard on her. She's already suffered enough from her own worry." Sunset said.

"What's that supposed to mean? Because of her, me and Sunburst got seperated." Starlight said.

"...You have no idea what happened then when he went missing..." Sunset said.

Flashback: One week after Sunset met Twilight Sparkle

"Thank you for approving of my time off to go see mom about Sunburst Princess." Sunset said.

"Think nothing of it, Sunset. You are no doubt worried about her considering your brother has gone missing. The royal guard is still searching, but so far they haven't had much luck if any." Princess Celestia said.

"We'll find a clue eventually Princess. For now, I better go check on my mother." Sunset said.

"Is this why I'm going with?" Ray asked.

"Yep. I'm sure mom would love to know she has a new son. Adoptive son, but a son none-the-less." Sunset said. "That should lessen the blow of Sunburst vanishing a little."

"If something should come up, don't hesitate to send a letter via dragon fire." Princess Celestia said.

"I won't. But this is a familial visit. What could possibly go wrong?" Sunset asked.

Brief return to the present

"Wait, don't tell me...something went wrong during the visit didn't it? Did your mother try to commit suicide or something?" Starlight asked.

"Worse than that actually. Well, maybe that was the end goal, but the way she was going about killing herself...it wasn't quick and painless...not by a long shot..." Sunset said.

Back to the past...

Sunset arrived to her old home, and went around searching for her mom. "Mom I'm ho--" Sunset stopped dead in her speech once she saw her mother. "OH NO, MOM!" Sunset said, running up to her mom.

The mare had obviously been starving for a good while, and her body looked weak. "S-should I send a letter to the princess?" Ray asked.

"Do it. I'm going to need help." Sunset said, before she started grabbing food and force feeding her own mother.

"Why are you doing that?" Ray asked. "The princess can just teleport here." he added as he wrote the emergancy letter.

"I'm not willing to waste a single moment." Sunset said as Ray sent the letter off.

It did not take the Princess long to arrive at all. "What the--this is far worse than I thought: She's been starving for three weeks straight now." Celestia said.

"Three weeks?! She's been starving ever since Sunburst vanished?!" Sunset exclaimed.

"And from what I can tell...this was self-inflicted." Princess Celestia said.

"WHAT?! Oh no, MOM!" Sunset said.

It took a while, but her mother was brought up to enough health to be teleported to Canterlot for emergancy treatment for severe malnurshiment.

Present day...

"It was only my quick thinking of force feeding her that saved her. The doctors said that if I hadn't found her that day, there was a very slim chance she would've lived to see tomorrow." Sunset said. "I had already lost my brother. I wasn't about to lose my mother too." She added.

"That...whoa..." Starlight said. "I'm not sure how to feel about that. I guess if that had been one of my parents, I would probably do the same thing, no matter what I felt towards them." She added.

"Where are your parents anyways?" Sunset asked.

"Mom died when I was young, and Dad...he was super overbearing as tartarus. He was constantly trying to make father-daughter plans and roped me into all of them. I only managed to sneak away to see Sunburst every now and then, but after your mom sent him away, it left me with my father all alone." Starlight said.

"Overbearing parents are the worst, honestly." Sunset said.

"Even still, if my dad had somehow ended up like that...I would've done the same thing you did for your mother, regardless of how I feel towards him." Starlight said.

"Yeah. That's why I'm saying she's been through enough. She doesn't need you to add on to her guilt. She feels guilty enough as it is." Sunset said.

"Yeah...she defaintly does." Starlight said.

They heard crying, and saw Pinkie Pie there. "That was so moving!" The party mare said, crying huge waterfall tears. "That was the most emotional story I've ever heard." She said. "Well, actually I take that back: Crankey Doodle Donkey's love story was much more tragic and emotional."

"Wait what?" Sunset said.

"Turns out, the reason he was such a grump, was because he lost a donkey he fell in love with. So I played a little match-maker and got them back together again. Win for the party pony!" Pinkie Pie said.

"...You mean you did all that AND still had time to listen to our story?!" Starlight exclaimed.

"Plus, I came by to grant you party invotation to Cranky and Matilda's reunion party that I'm hosting in about twenty minutes. Later!" Pinkie Pie then left.

"...What the...but she was trying to befriend him today ever since the sun rose. And it's barely been an hour. How did she..." Starlight said.

"Piece of advice Starlight: It's Pinkie Pie, don't question it." Sunset said.

"Speaking of, how did she fit into that dresser? And why did she use that when the door was right next to it?" Starlight asked.

"Again, it's Pinkie Pie; don't question it." Sunset said. "Trust me: You'll only serve to give yourself a headache trying to wrap your mind around her shenanigans."

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