• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 5: Episode 20 - The Dynamic Duo

"That was a great training session with you girls." Twilight admitted. She and her friends were outside of the Electra Sisters estate.

"It was great having you over. Maybe we'll stop by Ponyville sometime soon. Even if there's a 'chu there." Plusla said.

"Well, we look forward to hosting you." Sunset said as the ponies and two dragons left.

"Girls, you'll never believe what I found out about Raiden!" Neutra said.

"Oh? This I gotta see." Lori said. The sisters were gathered around a computer scene.

"According to this, not only was Raiden's grandpa the one who liberated Lightning Town from it's tyrannical rule, his parents used to run an orphanage outside the city limits." Neutra said.

"Huh. So he comes from good stock then. Well, that makes him different then most 'chus we've seen." Emily said.

"Yeah but get this: His parents were killed when he was only six years old." Neutra said.

"Wait...you mean he was once an orphan himself?" Lori asked. "But he acts so...so tough and confident."

"Yeah. It seems he built up that kind of attitude to survive in the crime ridden town." Neutra said. "Still, it looks like now a days, he's more well known for the infamous Orphan Band that goes around place to place performing various songs."

"Whoa. For being a Raichu, this guy has a heart." Lori couldn't help but admit.

"Maybe being around him won't be so bad after all. I mean, he lost his parents when he was four years older then Poli after all." Emily said. "Poor Poli. She's not old enough to understand this kind of loss. Yet Raiden was."

"And he's stayed tough because of it. He actually might not be too bad to be around. I don't have to socialize with him, after all." Lori said.

The ponies had gotten back to Ponyville with Shallor. "Seems you've learnt enough from the Electra Sisters. They're really good at teamwork." Shallor said. "Tomorrow, we're putting what you've learnt into practice with a battle against Raiden & Lightning."

"Whoa, your giving us the final exam already?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Nah. That would be something more then this. No. The battle against Raiden & Lightning is more like a pop-quiz. I got much more difficult battles lined up for the likes of you." Shallor said.

"But there's still time in the day. Can't we do it now?" Twilight asked.

"Raiden wants to build an arena that can have the audience protected from any stray attacks. He doesn't want this to be open field." Shallor said.

"Wow. He's really considerate on that." Rainbow Dash said.

The next day, the elements, Spike, and Ray entered an arena where the stands were full of ponies and pokemon alike spectating. And a couple of griffons too. Gilda was even present too.

"Wonder what Gilda is doing here?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"We can ask later." Twilight said.

"Didn't think we'd be battling like this, Twilight. Over the time I've spent here, I've come to see you for what you're really like." Raiden said. "But just because we're friends, doesn't mean I'll be going easy on you. Lightning and I will be giving you a battle to remember."

"That's fair." Twilight said.

Raiden then took out a hat that had a Pichu and Shinx printed on it. It took Twilight's group to realize Lightning was already wearing the very same hat. "...You know, I was upset by Lightning when he went undercover like that. But I understand now." Raiden said. "So, let's show you our dynamic power! Our battle shall be orchestrated by the legendary Orphan Band!" At that, several Pokemon in the stands began playing a song.

As the song began, there was a huge overview shot of the stands, and at one point, in a blink-and-you-miss-it moment, Raiden and Lightning's Shadows turned into a Pichu & Shinx respectfully, before quickly turning back.

I swear I'm not imagining that. Rainbow Dash thought to herself.

As the music really hit off, that's when the true battle began.

Dynamic Duo
Raiden & Lightning

Lightning began by sending a Discharge attack arcoss the battle field. Raiden expertly dodged the stray bolts while the elements were quickly separated from each other. It was obvious this was a ploy to get them all seperated quickly.

Thankfully, Sunset quickly reconginzed this and countered an approuching Raiden with some fire magic. However, Raiden was able to dodge it last minute. Still, it prevented him from getting any closer.

Yet Raiden had his own surprises it seemed, using a Thunderbolt to Target Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was able to see the attack coming from a mile away, and thus dodged it very adeptly.

In the audience, Night Wing took notice of how adeptly Rainbow Dash dodged Raiden's Thunderbolt. It was like she was able to perceive the attack from her flying position. Makes me wonder...

Meanwhile, Lightning was trying to close in on Fluttershy with a Thunder Fang attack, but Fluttershy confused him with a cloud that was modled to look like her before hitting Lightning with a hoof strike.

"Dang, that was pretty clever. What was that, some kind of Cloud Substitute?" Lightning asked.

"Focus Lightning." Raiden said.

Using the distraction, Twilight managed to hit Raiden with a magic blast of her own. It obviously did quite a bit of damage. "Oof! Raiden, you okay there bud?" Lightning asked.

"Yeah. I think it's time to stop playing around." Raiden said before he quickly started running fast. At first, Twilight thought this was quick attack, before the attack started gaining electricity behind it.

The Electra Sisters were on a black cloud that could be seen not too high from one side of the stands. On this cloud, Neutra suddenly gasped. "Isn't that Volt Tackle?!"

"Dang, those two guys thought of everything." Lori couldn't help but admit.

The elements did their best to counter attack, with Sunset managing to use a strong magic blast to deal critical damage to Lightning, forcing him to bow out of the battle so his injuries wouldn't become life threatening, and shortly after, Sunset & Twilight used a magic spell together to make it so Raiden had to bow out too.

Raiden looked like he was frustrated over his loss from the way he grabbed his cap, but, then he smiled. He quickly threw his cap up in to the air where it landed in the middle of the arena.

"Seems no matter where I go, it's creatures such as yourselves that really show me that just like how the sun will eventually shine through a thunderstorm, so too will the light dispel the darkness. So, despite my loss, I am content with it, as your victory was one you earned and weren't given. I can take pride in that much at least. Seriously, what can I really say? You've really earned my respect here today, and I don't give it to royalty all willy nilly like. My hat goes off to you, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. You two and your friends really gave us your all and did not hold back in the slightest. And for that, you deserve nothing less than my full respect. What else is there to say? Congratulations on your victory; you've earned it." Raiden said.

The Electra Sisters were now on the arena field. Not to battle, but to really size up Raiden. "Seems Raiden really is different then most 'chu out there. He's got a real good heart. I seriously doubt even non-royals get his respect willy nilly." Lori said.

"You've got a point there. Seems so strange though." Emily said.

"Yeah. Raiden's like a major exception to the rule." Plusla said.

"...Hey, is it just me, or is there smoke coming from the woods where the Electra Sisters live?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"...Well now that you point that out, yes; it does look like there's smoke coming from that general direction." Shallor said.

"Is there a forest fire going on?" Night Wing asked.

"I couldn't tell you, but I bet we should hurry and contain it before it spreads." Twilight said.

"Leave this to the Shadowbolts!" Night Wing said.

However, as it turned out, the fire had started at the Electra Sisters estate, and unfortunately, it was too late to salvage the building. The fire was contained though and didn't spread too terribly far "Wha...who did this to our house?!" Mina exclaimed.

"I'll tell you who..." Raiden said, as he examined the soul around the area now that the fire was out. "It's this Evil 'Chu Tribe my team's been trying to capture for the longest time. They give 'chus like me a bad rap. And most other 'chu think it's okay to copy their behavior. Believe me, it's not."

"We did experience a 'chu tribe that tried to attack all of us a while back. Could it be the same tribe?" Emily asked.

"There's only one 'chu tribe that would go out of there way like that to attack Pika-clones like the lot of you mostly are; and it's the very same one me and my team have been trying to capture. We've just never been able to get anything to stick before." Raiden said.

"But between the attack you can testify too, and this? I think we've finally got something that can stick." Lightning said.

"My only question is, would you be willing to testify about the attack you underwent?" Raiden asked.

The grin on Lori's face spoke volumes as she said four simple words.

"We'd be glad to~"

Author's Note:

I really wanted to make sure I didn't shortchange this battle between the elements and Raiden & Lightning so it would be easy to actually see that Raiden has a lot of power in him. I wanted to show case some of the moves Raiden & Lightning are able to use, making it obvious they have both Physical and Special moves to use so they can attack from any angle. And yes, they are able to use more than four moves each. I don't know why people go with that cap most of the time. Why not take the cap off and just have fun with it? I clearly did. And keep in mind, this is just a small sample. I didn't want the battle to go for super mega long, but I hope I was able to make it obvious how a true full battle could go if you really wanted to push the boundries for such a thing. Because I could, I just chose not too. Granted, it does allow me to save plenty of surprises for much later. Because Raiden & Lightning will have a chance to show off much more of their moves in the future. This just gives you a small sampling.

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