• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 5: Episode 10 - Pokemon Bikes (Power Ponies Background)

Author's Note:

Power Ponies was something I decided to put into the usual Sunset Snippits collection which will once again, be the pre-finale episode of Season 5 so I can lump all the small moments together in a recollection episode just like last time. I know I joked before how it was becoming tradition that I would end up making a Sunset Snippits collection EVERY season, but now? Now it's just part of this story's identity at this point. So you know what? I'm just going to own it.

There will be an easter egg in this chapter. Cookie if you get the joke.

While the Cutie Mark Crusaders wanted to help other ponies get a getter understanding of their cutie marks, it was Diamond Tiara who had mentioned something.

"You know, I just realized: We have next to no knowledge about Pokémon. So if we come across a Pony whose special talent turns out to relate to Pokémon, we'll be dead in the water." Diamond Tiara said.

"I guess you've got a point. But, who can we turn to to get that knowledge?" Scootaloo asked.

"Actually, ah think we may know a couple of experts we can talk to." Apple Bloom said.

"We do?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Ah'm talking about Lightning and Raiden of course. Who better to ask about Pokémon then actual Pokémon?" Apple Bloom asked.

"She's got a point you know." Diamond Tiara admitted.

"Plus, Lightning in particular seems to know a lot about the Legendary Pokemon. So, yeah, I guess that is a fair point." Scootaloo said.

"Then let's go find them." Sweetie Belle said.

The quartet found the duo with Fortus Vile who was being lifted onto the back of a strange Pokemon.

"There you go, your getting it." Raiden said.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Just helping Fortus Vile out with getting onto this here Cyclizar. A discussion of bikes came up, and how humans would ride around on bikes." Lightning said.

"Yeah, but then Fortus wanted to know if there were any bikes left from that period, which sadly, there aren't any human made bikes left; Arceus destroyed them all after the human extinction." Raiden said.

"So then why is this Cyclizar going to be giving Fortus a Ride?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Because while most humans did make their own bikes, those bikes were made because of accounts from the Paldea Region of people riding around on Cyclizar. See, in that region, humans would ride around on Cyclizar to get from place to place. It's actually a symbiotic relationship, because Cyclizar love giving others rides." Raiden said.

"And there just so happened to have been living in Ponyville for a while now. So, we just asked them for a favor, and they agreed." Lightning said.

"Huh. I didn't know there were Pokemon like Cyclizar out there. Well, that's good to know." Scootaloo said.

"Of course a Cyclizar isn't anything compared to the Paradox Legendaries of Koraidon and Miraidon.

"...Me ride on?" Sweetie Belle said.

"No, me Rydon!" A nearby Rydon said. "...I couldn't resist, sorry."

"...Okay, that was just random." Lightning said.

"Wait, why do you have to call those two Paradox Legendries? What's the difference between them and the other legendary Pokémon?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Because it's unclear where they came or how they came into existence. Even Arceus themself is baffled by the how. And when the creator of the majority of legendary Pokémon says 'I have no clue where something comes from' then you KNOW there's nothing really known." Raiden said.

"How can Arceus; the creator of...wait, what do you mean the majority of legendary pokemon? I thought he created all Pokemon. At least, that's what Miss Cheerilee taught us." Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah, I'm going to have to have a talk with her later about that. See, while it's believed Arceus created all Pokémon but himself, that's simply not true. Arceus created the majority of Legendary Pokémon. All the common Pokémon such as Raichu or Luxray actually originate from Mew which was the last Pokémon Arceus created before he took his five-thousand-year nap. Mew is special even amongst all other mythical Pokémon, in that it was given the DNA of all legendary Pokémon. The common Pokémon actually share a bloodline with the original Mew that Arceus created, as at some point, the Original Mew began to want other Pokémon to play with. So while Arceus snoozed, the Original Mew used the DNA it was given by Arceus to create the first more common Pokémon. And after creating enough, began to pair them up to propagate others. That eventually led to the Pokémon of today." Lightning said. "Of course, the Original Mew didn't stop there. Origin Mew; the nickname given to the first Mew; also created humans from it's own DNA too. But, what Origin Mew didn't know was that when it was finished, that it had used up the last of it's DNA, becoming just a regular Pokémon by the end. Completely undistinguishable from what it was before. So, Arceus decided to wake up a bit early and then create a second Mew. The knowledge of the Origin Mew eventually passed into total myth, which is why Mew are still considered 'Mythical Pokémon' even though they are much more widespread now a days." Lightning explained.

"How does that answer my earlier question though? I asked why you're calling Koraidon and Miraidon Paradox Legendaries." Scootaloo said.

"See, that's the thing: In the Paldea region, there's this place called Area Zero. It's where these things called Paradox Pokemon come from. The Paradox Pokemon exist thanks to the mysterious crystals found in Area Zero. The humans were unable to solve the mystery of the crystals, and not even Arceus knows how they formed in the first place." Raiden said.

"But here's what is known about those crystals: After one human researcher went down there, suddenly Paradox Pokémon began to spawn in Area Zero. That human researcher became lost in Area Zero after being attacked by the Paradox Pokémon. Even now, the term 'Paradox Pokémon' has stuck to them like glue, because some look like they could be ancestors to today's Pokémon, while others look like they are cybornetic versions of the ones from today, so humans assumed they come from the future. And while Arceus is not fully convinced of that, when those same Pokémon continued to exist despite humans being made extinct, it made Arceus realize that the cybernetic Paradox Pokémon must originate from some kind of future where something will go horribly wrong with our environment." Lighting said. "Even Arceus does not know what yet, they want do all they can to make sure that the same thing cannot happen. It's likely the Paradox Pokémon from the ruined future will still remain around, as they have become trapped here because of those crystals."

"Wait, those Paradox Pokemon can leave Area Zero now?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Thanks to Arceus, they are able to. It was the least they could do since all Paradox Pokemon seem to be stuck here now." Raiden said.

"Koraidon and Miraidon are special though. There were originally two of each, but two of them were brainwashed by a time machine discovered in Area Zero. Those versions of them were ultimately defeated and the Time Machine was decommissioned. However, when the Time Machine was decommissioned, the Paradox Pokémon became stuck here." Lightning Said. "That includes the Paradox Legendries themselves. So, Arceus has given Koraidon and Miraidon the task of keeping the more common Paradox Pokémon in check to make sure none get as aggressive as the Koraidon and Miraidon that were brainwashed by the Time Machine to defend it did."

"Arceus did find out that Koraidon and Miraidon are absolutely blood related to Cyclizar though. Koraidon is an ancient ancestor that did much what Cyclizar still do. And Miraidon is a future descendent of Cyclizar, made cybernetic just like the other Pokémon that were made cybernetic; meaning it must come from the same apocalyptic future that the others came from. And since the Cybernetic Paradox Pokémon were still discovered to be coming through DESPITE humans becoming extinct, it means that something non-human created an apocalypse, but Arceus is still looking into the who, and what. Once that is figured out, the why should become obvious." Lightning said.

Meanwhile, Marina the Merciless was sneaking into the forbidden Starswirl the Bearded section. "The blasted Sunburst...because of that stupid audio recording, all my plans are ruined here in the present." Marina said. "But I just have to have the ability to travel into the past. Before I figure out what I must change about the past to ensure my plans succeed, I will need a time travel spell. Many unicorns seem to praise Starswirl the Bearded for his magical talent." The Mawile said as she looked through the forbidden wing. "So that old unicorn has to have made a time travel spell. All I'll need, is the perfect Pony to modify it if need be. And I already know the perfect candidate who would do anything for Sunburst." A Dark look crossed Marina's face. "...Anything~" Marina added.

To be continued...

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