> My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot > by RobtheMorpherPony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Season 0 Prologue - The Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two weeks. That's how long it has been since Sunset Shimmer's Half-brother; Sunburst; had gone missing. And this had caused Sunset to be damaged emotionally. And it was visible all over her face and demenor. And on this day, Sunset was exploring outside the castle grounds for a change, wanting to change her routine up in hopes of finding something; anything really; to take her mind off her half-brother. Which is when Sunset came across Princess Cadence and a purple unicorn filly no less than three years younger than Sunset was. "Princess Cadence? What are you doing?" Sunset asked. "Oh, hi Sunset. Even though I'm a princess, I figured I might as well do some foal sitting on the side. This is Twilight Sparkle." Cadence said. "Do you know Cadence? She's the best foal sittew evew!" Twilight said. Sunset felt something just then. "Heh. She does seem to do a good job with you." Sunset said. "Where's the rest of your family?" Sunset asked. "Momma and dadda are off at some food place, while big bwothew is off on his duties." Twilight said. "Her brother is Shining Armor." Cadence said. "Wow. Your brother is Shining Armor. That's some brother. He's currently on his way to become the next guard captain from what I hear." Sunset said. "Yeah. He's my BBBFF!" Twilight said. "BB what now?" Sunset was confused. "Big Bwothew Best Fwiend Forever!" Twilight said. With that, it felt like something within Sunset began healing itself. Her face softened even. "Do you got any other friends? Maybe some other siblings?" Sunset said. "Nope. Shining Awmow's all I need." Twilight said. "...He's a cool brother I'll give you that much. But I think you could do with a big sister figure in your life." Sunset said. "I'm only three years older than you, and I feel like seeing as your a fellow unicorn, I could help teach you. Play with you even." She added. "You'd weally play with me Sunset?" Twilight asked. "Whatever you'd like to play Twilight, I'm in." Sunset said. Twilight bopped Sunset's nose. "Then let's play tag. Youw it!" Twilight said before she ran off. "Hey wait up!" Sunset said before running off after Twilight. It was at that moment, Shining Armor came onto the scene of Sunset chasing Twilight. "What's Sunset doing with my sister?" Shining Armor said. "Chasing her." Cadence said. "I can see that but why?" Shining Armor asked. "Probably because she felt like being a big sister to your sister." Cadence said. "...Perhaps then, this will be good for both of them." Shining Armor said. The two had played together late into the day when the sun began to set and Sunset was sitting down with a bouncing Twilight. "Wow, you sure got a lot of energy in you, kiddo." Sunset said. "Today was fun. I nevew got youw full name though." Twilight said. "Well that's on me for forgetting. My name is Sunset Shimmer. Don't forget it now, okay Twilight?" Sunset asked. "Okay Sunset. Same time tomorrow?" Twilight asked. "Oh. I have classes tomorrow. I'm in Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns actually. But I'll be back here as soon as classes let up, okay kiddo?" Sunset asked. "Wow. Youw weally nice then Sunset Shimmew. I hope we meet again." Twilight said. "Heh. I garentee you we will Twilight." Sunset said and then left. No one realized that a specific princess had been watching the whole thing: Princess Celestia. "Hmm..." Celestia was contemplating what she just witnessed. That night, Sunset returned to her room. "Twilight Sparkle. Your quite the special foal, I can already tell. I failed my own half-brother; I failed to be the big sister he needed. But I won't fail with you." Sunset said as she looked at a specific photo. The photo was that of her mother and Sunset with a baby colt no older than Sunset in some distant run-down town. "And hopefully Twilight, with your help, I can help my mother. Before you know it, you'll be calling me your big sister best friend forever. Or BSBFF for short." Sunset said and then put a photo of her and Twilight that Cadence took next to the first photo. "...I promse you Twilight, I won't fail you. I won't fail anyone anymore." Sunset concluded and then fell asleep. Outside Sunset's room, Princess Celestia had heard everything. "Twilight Sparkle. Who are you? Before meeting you, Sunset was heading down a dark road. A road I knew she would not return from. I saw the signs. And yet...she decided to focus on you. And you brought her away from that dark road. Just by being you." Celestia said. "Could that mean then that you are the true spark? The one that brings the others together?" She asked. "I suppose time will tell. I thought for sure Sunset would be the spark, but maybe it was Twilight. Then maybe Sunset is that strange Empathy element." She said. "I'll have to keep my eyes peeled and see how Sunset's interactions with Twilight change my pupil. At least, my first one. I already have plans to make Twilight my next one." The white alicorn finished. "Ray!" Sunset said from inside. Her baby dragon Ray was suddenly snuggling with Sunset. "Oh what the hell. Why not? You can sleep here tonight since your already here." Sunset said and then went back to sleep. Princess Celestia blinked. Normally, Sunset would prevent Ray from being in the same bed as her, but it seems she is letting Ray sleep in the same bed as his adoptive sister. "Interesting..." Celestia said. "I should take note of this." She added. Little did the world know that this day would mark a rippling effect across the known timeline. Who knows what further changes will happen from here? As Celstia began walking back to her room, there were sudden credits going on. Fimfiction Presents... Princess Celestia entered her room and the camera shifted to Sunset's room but also split-screened Twilight sleeping in her own bed. A Rob Snowden Production... The Scene faded to black. My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers > Season 0: Episode 1 - One Month Later > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One month passed by. During this time, Sunset would be spending as much time as she possibly could with Twilight Sparkle. It was during this time that Twilight had been introduced to Ray; a yellow dragon with blue spines. "Didn't know you had a dragon brother." Twilight had said when Sunset introduced Ray to Twilight. "Ray's more of my adopted brother. My mother takes care of him most of the time, but Ray well...he's quite crafty. Often times, he would sneak into my room and get into my bed. Guess that's just his way of telling me he cares for me." Sunset had responded. "Do you have any biological siblings Sunset?" Twilight had asked. "Just one: A little brother. I don't know where he is right now is the thing. Though he's more of my half-brother." Sunset had answered "What do you mean half-brother?" Twilight asked. "Well Twilight, what do you know about DNA?" Sunset asked. "Oh I've read a lot about DNA. DNA is the basis of our genes, which determines what our defining traits are." Twilight said. "Something like that. See, the thing about DNA is that it can also tell scientists across Equestria who's related to whom." Sunset said. "So like, if scientists tested my DNA against Shining Armor's, they'd find that our mother and father were Twilight Velvet and Night Light, right?" Twilight asked. "That's correct Twilight. However, with me and my biological brother, they'd find that while he and I share the same birth mother, we do not share the same birth father." Sunset said. "What happened to your birth father that caused your mom to get with your brother's father?" Twilight asked. "Same thing that happened with my own father: They fell into a bad crowd and ended up committing a felony. So my mother was forced to devorce both of them so that she wouldn't be associated with them." Sunset said. "There are lots of good ponies in this world Twilight. You just got to find the right ones to become friends with." She added. "But I'm fine with reading from books and having you and Shining Armor as my friends." Twilight said. "...Heh. I remember when I used to think that way. But then once I actually started hanging out with ponies, I realized no amount of reading could prepare me for socializing. It's the very building blocks of Equestria as we know it today." Sunset said. "Think about it." She added and went off with Ray. That conversation had happened last week. And now, it was time for the Summer Sun Celebration in Canterlot which Twilight was granted front row seats to courtesy of Sunset Shimmer. It was then that Twilight had witnessed Princess Celestia raising the sun. After that, Twilight got the greatest idea ever: She wanted to attend Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. However, the moment she blurted that out, some fillies and foals her own age started to hangle her, trying to make Twilight doubt herself. Sunset was about to get involved when suddenly, another filly about Twilight's age got in the way. "Hey, leave her alone! You should be ashamed of yourselves really." The filly said. "Honestly, she could very well get in with all of us." She added. "Oh look, it's the local book nerd. Guess it's only fair that nerds like you would stick together." One of the bullies said. "Okay, that's enough!" Sunset said as she also got involved. "Crap! It's Sunset Shimmer!" Another bully said. "Leave them both alone, or I'll report this little incident to Princess Celestia herself." Sunset warned. "You...you wouldn't." The first bully said. "Try me." Sunset said, almost asking them to do it. "...On second thought, I just realized, I need to go help my folks do laundry." The second bully said before running off. "Yeah. Me too." The first bully said before also running off. "Um...thank you." Twilight said more so to the filly. "It was nothing. Those two always tend to bully me." The filly said. "My name's Moondancer. What's yours?" She asked. "Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said. "Then I hope we both get into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. See you later." Moondancer said before running off. "...What just happened?" Twilight asked. "It's like I told you last week: There are good ponies out there that can be good friends if you just search for them. And I think you've found one of those types of friends already." Sunset said. "...Wow. I guess your right Sunset. Thanks for also coming to my rescue, BSBFF." Twilight said before she started to leave. "I'm going to go talk with my parents now." She added and then fully left. "...Heh. BSBFF huh? Short for Big Sister Best Friend Forever I take it." Sunset said. "That Moondancer will be a good first friend for Twilight outside of Shining Armor and me." Sunset said. "I see your already thinking of some things aren't you, Sunset?" Princess Celestia asked, and she was right behind Sunset. "Princess, you saw all that?" Sunset asked. "Yes. Unfortunately for me, those two have very influential families in Canterlot. Sometimes being a princess can be just as much of a curse as it is a blessing." Celestia said. "You know, I've always seen you as my second Mother, Princess. However, I think there's a way you can make your position a blessing in the best way possible." Sunset said. "Oh? And how would that be?" Celestia asked. "You can speed up the approval process for Twilight's application. Get her in on the early tests." Sunset said. "Are you sure Sunset? Those early tests are meant to test ponies' reaction to failure." Celestia warned. "...Don't ask me why Princess, but I have a funny feeling that Twilight might just do what I did." Sunset said. "Also, nice try Ray. Come on, I'll take you home." She added, as Ray had climbed on top of Sunset and started nibbling on her mane. So the orange unicorn started to take the yellow dragon back home. "...Funny thing is Sunset, you may not be wrong." Celestia said once Sunset was out of earshot. > Season 0: Episode 2 - The Test > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had only been two days, but Twilight had gotten her acceptance letter in the mail which prompted Twilight to go to Sunset right away. "That's great Twilight. Still, there's some time between now and when your testing starts which will be in two weeks' time." Sunset asked. "Just two weeks? But doesn't the new semester start in four weeks?" Twilight asked. "It does, but there are tests in place the two weeks prior and students who get accepted either get the earlier test, or the later test. And trust me, there's a huge difference between being an early test or a late test." Sunset said. "I myself am one of the ones who got an early test." She added as Ray slept against her. "Really? What's the later test?" Twilight asked. "A more written exam. My brother said he wishes he got the earlier test instead of the written one though as he believed he was way too far behind the rest of his class as he just barely passed the written exam and really wished he got the earlier test which is more about a demonstration of one's own magic." Sunset asked. "Wow. The one time I agree with such a statement. The school is about showing off what your capable of magic wise right? Then I wish the early test was the only test." Twilight said. "Actually Twilight, those later tests are more so for those that sign up late. But even though you signed up late, seems the Princess has her eyes on you for some reason." Sunset said, though she was lying at the end; not that Twilight would know. For good reason though: Sunset didn't want Twilight to find out that Sunset had used her position as Princess Celestia's own protégé to ensure Twilight got the early test treatment. "I have my own magic to demonstrate. I think I'll be fine." Twilight said. "Wouldn't hurt you though for me to give you some pointers and maybe even train you a bit. Think of this less about an upper classman tutoring you, and more of a big sister thing~" Sunset said with a wink at the end. "You got it, BSBFF!" Twilight said. Throughout the next two weeks, Sunset trained Twilight in magic, hoping to tap into some hidden potential. There seemed to be quite the buildup of magic in Twilight's body for some reason, but Sunset ignored it for the most part, helping Twilight reign it in. Then the day of the test came, and three foals ahead of Twilight; two of whom were the bullies from earlier; tried the test and were allowed in the school admittedly, and when it was Twilight's Turn, she too was presented with the test: Hatching a dragon egg. Well this is it, Twilight; hope you can pull this off. Sunset thought to herself. While Twilight looked nervous; even as she tried with all her might to hatch the egg; Sunset was more nervous. And after some time with no results, Sunset began to look worried. I don't understand...she should have a lot more magic in her then this. Is she really going to just give up here? She thought to herself. Out of nowhere, a mysterious rainbow explosion caused Twilight's magic to run haywhere. Twilgiht hatched the egg sure, but it soon started to effect the judges and Twilight's parents. Even Sunset herself was almost effected before she acted quickly and encased herself with Twilight's Parents in a magic bubble. Soon the dragon that was hatched from the dragon egg grew to massive size as the judges were turned into objects. Princess Celestia soon arrived on the scene and reigned in Twilight's magic. "Twilight, are you alright?!" Sunset exclaimed as Celestia undid the effects of Twilight's magic outside of hatching the dragon egg. "I...I have a really bad headache now..." Twilight said. "That's understandable Twilight. You did just expunge a bunch of magical energy all at once. A filly with that much magic in them has not been around since the dawn of equestria itself." Celestia said. "P-princess I--" Twilight said. "Now now Twilight. You did hatch the egg. And for now, I've placed a seal on your magic. I believe I can help you as can Sunset in controlling the massive amounts of magic you hold. That's why I believe you would do best as my second student." Celestia said. "Second student?" Twilight asked. "The first one would be me of course. Didn't want you to feel like you had to walk on eggshells around me. I get so tired of other ponies doing that, I decided to keep that little fact to myself so you could actually get to know me." Sunset said. "Fair enough BSBFF." Twilight said. "Also..." Sunset motioned to Twilight's flanks. Twilight was in glee. "My cutie mark! I got my cutie mark!" Twilight said. Later that night after working things out, Twilight was heading home from the castle when suddenly, the two bullies from before got the drop on her. "Little cheat. You cheated." The first bully said. "Yeah. No unicorn can hatch a dragon egg. So you cheated." The second bully said. "Won't matter if your Celestia's new personal student. Not only is Sunset not here to bail you out, but your one hundred percent alone. And ain't no one around for miles." The first bully said. "We're gonna beat you up so bad, you'll drop out of school right away!" The second bully said. Suddenly, both bullies were hit by a mysterious slash attack. "WHAT THE HELL?!" The first bully exclaimed. "Who did that?" The second bully aside. As the skies above cleared away for the moon to shine and light up the street, yellow rings glowed to further illuminate Twilight's rescuer, revealing an odd shape. "I did." The creature said. "Prince Throsten of Starview Fields." The creature added. To be continued... > Season 0: Episode 3 - The Brave Prince > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previously, the two bullies had ambused Twilight Sparkle at night in an attempt to beat her up and make her drop out of Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. However, a mysterious new creature as arose on the scene, sporting a black body with yellow rings that glow in the dark. This creature introduced himself quite clearly: Prince Throsten of Starview Fields. And now, the continuation... The two bullies groaned and were collapsed in front of Princess Celestia, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset's Mother Stellar Flare, Night Light, Twilight Velvet, and the parents of the two buillies as Prince Throsten stood before them all. "Prince Throsten. Didn't think you were in our neck of the woods." Princess Celestia said. "I was in the area, looking around the neighborhood. Equestria is just south of the Frozen North which itself is south of Icicle Vally after all." Prince Throsten said. "If I'm going to be a good king someday, then I got to know the allies of the various Eeveelution kingdoms." He added. "Your kingdom still considers us an ally after...you know..." Celestia noted. "My father understands completly the circumstances and doesn't hold it against you. None of my kingdom does." Prince Throsten said. "I must be heading back though. I've got a bravery test to endure if I want my sweet Glacia's heart." He added and then left; though no one saw him leave via the doors. "Who was that, Princess?" Sunset asked. "That was Prince Throsten, the current heir to the crown from one of the nine Eeveelution kingdoms known as Starview Fields. From what I understand, when he was just an Eevee, he fled his home in an attempt to become brave. When he came back, he had become an Umbreon and many who knew him before he returned said it was almost like talking to a different 'mon altogether." Celestia said. "I never thought he'd be around down here in Equestria though." She added. "You've GOT to tell me the names of all the other royals from those kingdoms once we're done here. Twilight too." Sunset said. "Yes. I suppose that would be best." Celestia said. "Now as for you two..." She added. The two bullies gulped. Sometime later, the two bullies could be seen mopping the floors of the castle, groaning as they do so. "Wow. Not only are they now forced to take the late test and get at least 90% of the answers right if they want to stay in the school, but in the meantime, they are being forced to mop the floors?" Sunset asked. "Wow, remind me not to piss you off, Princess." She added. "Sunset, language! Twilight is right here you know." Celestia said. "Buck if I care if she's here. Besides, I want to hear about those other Eeveelution Kingdoms." Sunset said. "Yeah. I wouldn't mind the full details." Twilight said. Celestia sighed in defeat. Dear faust, I do hope Twilight doesn't pick up Sunset's bad langauge. Celestia thought to herself. "Well where to start? Starview Fields is home to the Umbreon, then you have Icicle Mountain to the north of the Frozen North that Throsten Mentioned; it's home to the Glaceon. From there you have--" She was saying when suddenly an earthquake struck. "WHAT ON EQUES?!" The white alicorn exclaimed. "Princess, there's something strange happening near Mt. Morter. Our scouts are reading strange volcanic activity." Shining Armor said as he came up to the group. A pegasus guard suddenly whispered in his ear. "...WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S SPIRIT DRAGONS COMING OUT FROM THE TOP OF THAT VOLCANO? AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN PRINCE THROSTEN WAS SEEN WITH SOME SORT OF GOLDEN ARMOR ON?!" Shining Armor exclaimed. A day passed from there, and an urgant meeting from Prince Throsten who was now King Throsten was scheduled. "So, funny story: Turns out I'm a decendent from the legendary Eeveelution hero who long ago sealed the spirits of those dragons up in that volcano. And I managed to get rid of them for real this time." King Throsten said. "...And just to top things off, not only am I now going to be marrying Glacia as a result of stopping the 'mon who summoned those dragon spirits, but I'm also going to be marrying princesses from the other eight kingdoms thus forming a harem, but the nine areas at the base of Eevee Mountain will no longer be their own kingdoms. I'll basically be in charge of everything." He added. "Aren't you nervious? Like at all?" Sunset asked. "Why would I be?" King Throsten asked. "Well, it's just; you're not scared?" Twilight asked. "Nah. Compared to dealing with a crystal that turns your worst fears into physical projections, a psychotic killer who makes even Lord Tirek look tame, and various other baddies; running nine different lands as the ultimate king is going to be a piece of cake by comparison. Seriously, running nine lands as the ultimate king has got nothing on that psychotic killer I mentioned. And that's not counting everything before that crystal." King Throsten said. "...Wow. Princess Celestia was right: It's like you became an entirely different person while you were away." Sunset said. "Well anyways, there's going to be a party happening after my coronation. I'll check in on you often." King Throsten said and then left. "...Well...that happened." Celestia said. "Tell me about it." Twilight said. "...So about those lands King Throsten is in charge of..." Celestia began again. And thus, she listed off the nine lands Throsten became the grand king of: Scourching Desert, Ribbon Prairie, Sunlit Hills, Nuclear Wastes, Lush Jungle, Starview Fields, Icicle Vally, Oceanside Beach, and Thunder Plains. > Season 1 Prologue - Off to Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a few years since those early days. And now with some help from Sunset, Twilight has come out of her shell a lot sooner and was even attending Moondancer's birthday party. Though Twilight did her best to support one of her first friends, the purple unicorn's mind was elsewhere. "Hey Twilight. You've been distracted all day today. Something up?" Moondancer asked. "It's nothing that should interrupt your birthday party." Twilight said. "This is supposed to be about you, after all." She added. "That's nice of you to say Twilight. I just hope whatever's bugging you turns out for the better." Moondancer said, giving Twilight a bit of a side hug. "...Heh. I really hope so too." Twilight said. Sunset suddenly came up to Twilight with both Spike & Ray following the orange unicorn; the two dragons having become surrogate brothers just like how the two unicorn students of Princess Celestia had become surrogate sisters. "Hey Moondancer. Sorry to burst up the party here, but there's a bit of urgency that I need Twilight for." Sunset said. "Something for Princess Celestia, no doubt. Why is she always calling in some sort of favor?" Moondancer asked. "That doesn't matter. What does Princess Celestia want?" Twilight asked. "She wants us to go down to Ponyville and help check the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. Oh, and also she wants us to make friends with the locals." Sunset said. "Beats me why she wants you two to make more friends when you have quite a few already here in canterlot." Ray said. "Cheer up Ray. At least Twilight won't have to replace her friends in canterlot with any new friends she makes in Ponyville. Same with Sunset." Spike said. "Heh. True. And who knows, maybe there's a beautiful lady dragon down there too." Ray said. "Still hung up on wanting to find that perfect dragon girl for you, huh Ray?" Spike asked. "Says the dragon who thinks he can find a pony around our age, so we don't risk living too long past their life span." Ray said. "Well maybe Spike will get lucky Ray: I hear Ponyville has a local elementary school." Sunset said. "...I still say the chances of Spike finding a filly around our age that he'll like are slim." Ray said. "You won't know unless we go. Which we are of course." Twilight said and headed off to pack her things with Sunset not too far behind. "Oh by the way Moondancer, I got you this." Spike said, handing over a gift to Moondancer. "Got to go now." He added before leaving with Ray. Twilight and Sunset were making preperations to head down to Ponyville as soon as possible. "By the way Twilight, I couldn't help but notice that you've been distracted lately. More so then normal." Sunset said. "Figures you'd see the concern too. Moondancer inquired, but I didn't want to bother her on her own birthday." Twilight said. "What do you know about the legend of the Mare in the Moon?" She asked. "That old pony's tale about Nightmare Moon? It's probably just some fictional story that was published." Sunset said. "I don't know. I can't help but worry since this celebration will mark the one-thousand-year anniversary of Nightmare Moon's banishment." Twilight said. "Hey, worst comes to worst Twilight, I'm sure whatever new friends we make will help us out with Nightmare Moon; and that's if the threat is real." Sunset said. "Well, I have a sneaking suspicion that the threat is really real. Don't ask why." Twilight said. "Well let's follow Princess Celestia's instructions then, though I'm not sure what we could do that she couldn't already do." Sunset said. "I have a hunch that the making of new friends is a back-up plan by the Princess in case she should not be able to handle Nightmare Moon upon that mare's return." Twilight said and then finished packing. "...Good point." Sunset admitted before finishing packing herself. "But let us worry about Nightmare Moon later. Let's go make some friends." She added. "Fair enough." Twilight said. A mysterious shadowy figure was writing something down in some sort of book. Little did either of the two surrogate sisters know, was that they were about to set into motion events that would cause changes in their lives and the lives of several others. The figure wrote. For Nightmare Moon was indeed real, and a very real threat. "Honey, are you actually writing something? Well can you take a break? Dinner is ready." A female voice called out. "...I'll be down in a moment." A male voice said before pausing his writing and the figure leaving. > Season 1: Episode 1 - When Friendship Shimmers Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mysterious figure returned to the book that had been laid opened on the desk and began writing in it once more. Without knowing the changes they would cause; the two surrogate sisters and their two dragons were taken to Ponyville by a chariot pulled by two Pegasus Guards. The figure wrote. "Thank you, sirs." Twilight said to the pegasus guards. "So, where should we start?" The purple unicorn asked Sunset. "Let's start with that Pink Pony over there." The orange unicorn said before going over to a pink Earth Pony mare. "Hi there, we are--" Sunset began before the pink Earth Pony suddenly gasped and ran off. "...Well, that's just rude." Sunset said. "Sunset?" A familiar voice called out. "Lyra!" Twilight said recognizing that voice. Sure, enough coming up to the two sun students was a sea-green unicorn mare and a cream earth pony mare. "It IS you. I know you dropped out of magic school to follow your dreams of becoming good at playing the harp, but you never did tell any of us where you had headed off." Twilight said. "Yeah. Kind of forgot to write back, didn't I? How is every pony else anyways?" Lyra asked. "They are actually doing fine, though they are all still wondering where you ran off to." Twilight said. "Guess I should start writing back then." Lyra said. "Oh, where are my manners? This hear is some pony who was nice enough to let me stay in the spare second floor bedroom of their house. Her name's Bon Bon. Bon Bon, these are two of my friends from Canterlot: Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle." She intorduced. "It's nice to meet the both of you." Bon Bon said. "Like wise. You don't mind the fact that Lyra is crashing at your place?" Sunset asked. "Not at all. Before she came along, I was always having trouble sleeping at night. But ever since I let her stay at my place rent-free, the harp music she often plays at night has been very relaxing to listen to, that I end up falling asleep while she's upstairs playing." Bon Bon said. "Oh. I didn't know you were listening. But I'm glad my music is helping you sleep." Lyra said. "Heh. How convenient for you, Lyra. And I'm happy for it." Twilight said. "On that note, we better go." She added. "See you two around perhaps?" Lyra asked. "We might." Sunset said. As the two Sun Students trekked from the main part of town out to a nearby farm known as Sweet Apple Acres, they were talking about Lyra. "What are the chances we'd run into Lyra here of all places anyways?" Ray asked. "Meh, if you ask me, it's best not to think too hard about this kind of stuff. I try to get Twilight to take things at face value more, but you know how she tends to be." Spike said. "Trust me, I know that all too well as does Sunset." Ray said. "And we're here at Sweet Apple Acres." Twilight said before they came up to an orange earth pony mare. "Well, howdy there. Not often we see family coming down to this here farm." The mare said. "The name's Applejack." She added. "I apologize if we gave you the wrong impression. We're not related." Sunset said. "I'm Sunset Shimmer, and this here is Twilight Sparkle. We only see each other as sisters even if we aren't really related." She added as she offered her hoof out for a hoof shake. Applejack started shaking Sunset with ease just from a hoofshake. "None sense Sunset. It was clear as day the two of you like to think of each other as family, and my own family has quite a few honorary apples in its mix." The earth pony explained. "Let alone that not every pony in the apple family is an earth pony." She added. "That's interesting." Twilight said. "It's a pleasure to meet you Applejack. Oh, and would you mind if we made sure food for the celebration was already prepared?" She asked. "No worries, Twilight, this farm made more than enough goodies for the celebration. We've even got a few spare pies if you'd like to try our food." Applejack said. Before either unicorn could answer, Twilight's stomach growled as did both Ray's and Spike's. "...Okay, I can see that Twilight skipped Breakfast, but why are--" Sunset was saying before her stomach growled too. "...Huh. I guess we are a bit hungry. How'd that happen?" Sunset asked. "Don't question it I'd say. Let's have a bite." Spike said. The group of two unicorns and two dragons soon left Sweet Apple Acres. "Ugh, I think I had too much pie." Twilight said. "That's your own fault sis." Sunset said. Spike noticed something. "Sunset watch out!" He yelled out. "Huh?" Sunset said before a cyan pegasus mare with a rainbow mane and tail suddenly crashed into her. "Oops. Sorry about that." The cyan mare said. "It's fine. So, who are you?" Sunset asked. "The name's Rainbow Dash. The coolest pony in Ponyville if I do so myself." Rainbow Dash said. "All fix you up in a few seconds." She said before grabbing a raincload, getting Sunset wet, and then quick drying her with her speed. "...I am not saying anything. Nope. Nothing at all." Ray wisely said. "Agreed." Spike agreed. "Same." Twilight said. "...Well then, if your Rainbow Dash, why isn't the sky cleared up?" Sunset asked. "I've been practicing. The Wonderbolts are going to show up at the Summer Sun Celebration, and I want to impress them with some of my tricks." Rainbow Dash said. "Besides, I can clear these skies in ten seconds flat." She added. "In that case, I dare you to prove it." Twilight said, getting out a stop watch. "YOUR ON!" Rainbow Dash said and just when Twilight started the stop watch, Rainbow Dash was already busting the clouds. It wasn't long before the sky was completly cleared. "So, proof enough for you?" Rainbow Dash asked. "C-Celeste, ten seconds flat exactly." Twilight said, flabbergasted. "See, told you." Rainbow Dash said. "I-I've seen the Captain of the Wonderbolts Spitfire herself fly before, but some pony like you would run circles around her." Sunset said. "You know Spitfire? Think you could put in a good word for me?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I think so long as you keep your ego in check, you've got nothing to worry about." Twilight said. "Oh, are you talking about me calling myself the coolest pony in Ponyville? That's just a tag-line I do to try and give a good first impression." Rainbow Dash said. "Sorry again for running into you, uh..." She started. "I'm Sunset Shimmer. This here is Twilight Sparkle. We kind of treat each other as sisters even if we're not related." Sunset said. "...I can defiantly tell. Sisters are sisters no matter if your related or not. Anyways, I'll defiantly see you two around. I'm kind of flying in the air most of the time." Rainbow Dash said before taking to the skies. "That mare is something else." Ray said. "Agreed." Sunset said. With Sunset's mane and tail all messed up from Rainbow Dash's earlier antics, she, Twilight, Spike, and Ray all arrived at Town Hall. "Let's hope that whoever is in charge of the decorations knows a good place to get my mane fixed." Sunset said. The group soon entered town hall. "...Huh." Spike said as he noticed the white unicorn mare decorating the place. "I wonder if she has a younger sister." He added. "...Wait really? You actually think she's attractive?" Ray asked. "She has this air of beauty around her. I'm hoping it's the same with her younger sister if she has one." Spike said. "...Oooookay then, I'm just not going to question this." Ray said. "And done. Glitter does bring things together. Oh Rarity, you have quite the eye for details." The mare said to herself before turning to the group of four. "Now how may--" She took one look at Sunset and shrieked. "Oh, is it because of my mane? Yeah sorry about that. Town hall looks quite lovely I must say." Sunset said. "Well, that's only because I; Rarity Belle; had been put in charge of the place." The White Unicorn said. "Well, I'm Twilight Sparkle, this here is Sunset Shimmer, Spike, and Ray." Twilight said. "Do you know where--" Sunset said before Rarity grabbed her. "Come darling, I'll help fix yourself up back at my place. It's the local boutique; no doubt you've seen it on your way here." Rarity said as she dragged Sunset away. After some washing and styling, Sunset was back to looking like her old self again. "Wow. Your good at this Rarity." Sunset said. "Well, I am a fashionista darling. Attention to details are part of the trade." Rarity said. "We can't get quality like these in Canterlot. Ever thought of branching out?" Twilight asked. "Oh I've always dreamed of expanding my business to Canterlot. Are you two from there?" Rarity asked. "We are. But trust us, the big city life isn't all it's cracked up to be. This place seems rural in a good way." Sunset said. Suddenly, a small off-white unicorn that was obviously a filly around Spike & Ray's age entered the room. "Oh. You have guests. Well welcome to my sister's place." The filly said. When the filly said the word 'sister' something felt off to Sunset. The word sister felt forced just then. I wonder... Sunset thought to herself. "Beautiful..." Spike said. "What all of Rarity's dresses? Yeah I have to admit, they are very beautiful." Ray said. "Not the dresses. Her." Spike said, before going over to the filly. "What is your name, fair lady?" The Purple dragon asked. "S-spike?!" Ray exclaimed. "M-my name is Sweetie Belle. Your one very gentle drake." The filly said. "Yes, this is my younger sister Sweetie Belle." Rarity said. "I bet she wants something from me, so I apologize for cutting things short here." She added. "Well that's fine. We'll talk more later." Twilight said before Sunset could say anything else. "C'mon romeo." She said to Spike. "Bye Sweetie Belle." Spike said still a bit love struck by Sweetie Belle. "See you around Spike." Sweetie Belle said. The group had left at that point. "...Of all the times I needed to come down because I need help finding my dice set before I go over to see Scootaloo at her place." She said. "Don't worry a thing Sweetie Belle. I doubt any of them suspected a thing." Rarity said. "I'm not so sure. That orange one could tell." Sweetie Belle said. "...Huh. Guess she must've picked up on our act. She's good." Rarity said. The group of four continued through Ponyville. "Seriously bro, you actually found that Sweetie Belle attractive?" Ray asked. "She's defiantly got the same quality of beauty as her older sister. And she's around our age. Bonus." Spike said. "I don't think that was her sister. In fact, I'm suspecting Sweetie Belle is Rarity's daughter." Sunset said. "You would pick up on that, wouldn't you?" Twilight asked. "But of course, I would. It's the emotions behind the words that can give you away. And based on their emotions, calling each other sisters was obviously a forced act." Sunset said. "However, I can tell from looking at the two that they are indeed biologically related. In that case, that leaves only one solution: Sweetie Belle is Rarity Belle's daughter." She added. "Huh. I did happen to pick up vibes from Rarity that suggest she had already been claimed. By whom, I couldn't tell you or even begin to speculate." Ray said. "Obviously not Sweetie Belle though." Spike said. "She's too young for that. But if you really think you things will work out for you, go for it." Ray said. "Oh my, two baby dragons." A yellow pegasus mare suddenly said from behind the group. "Wow. We didn't even notice you." Sunset said. "I'm Fluttershy. What are your names?" The mare asked. "Well I'm Ray, this is Spike, and with us are our adopted sisters Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle." Ray said. "Hi there." Sunset said. "To adopt to baby dragons, you two are so lucky. I've always wanted to see baby dragons." Fluttershy said. "We're the only dragons we know of to be honest with you." Ray said. "Well, I hope you find other kind dragons like yourselves. Some of the more grown-up dragons I've met aren't very nice at all." Fluttershy said. There were a few birds around her. "...So, are you in charge of the music?" Sunset asked. "Oh yes." Fluttershy said. A few of the birds started to sing at that. "...Wow. Birds actually doing the music. Now I've seen everything." Ray said. "I like taking care of animals. It's sort of my thing. Would you mind if I talked with these two dragons while I follow you wherever it is your going next?" Fluttershy asked. "Sure thing." Sunset agreed. The group of four followed by Fluttershy soon arrived at the Ponyville Library where the unicorns and dragons were staying. Along the way, Ray & Spike had discussed their lives with Fluttershy. "...And that's everything up until today." Ray said. "Such interesting lives you two lead." Fluttershy said. "Well we're here where we're staying now." Sunset said. "Oh this place? I better go in ahead then." Fluttershy said before going inside. "...Does she know something we don't?" Ray asked. "Why do you always have to look into every single little detail?" Spike asked. "It's a habit from being around Sunset so much." Ray said. "I agree with Ray though: Something is certainly going on. And we're about to find out what." Twilight said as the four entered the library and then turned on the lights. "SURPRISE!" A bunch of ponies suddenly said. The pink earth pony mare they had met earlier that day suddenly came up to them. "So, were you surprised? Where you, where you?" The Pink Mare asked. "Very surprised. Who are you?" Sunset asked. "My name's Pinkie Pie, and I know every pony in Ponyville and I do mean EVERY pony. So when I noticed you, I knew for a fact that I had never seen you before, so I planned you four a surprise party. Remember when I was like..." Pinkie Pie repeated her gasp from earlier. "Well that was because I knew that you were all new here, so I figured I'd give you a 'Welcome to Ponyville' surprise party." The earth pony explained, though she was talking quite fast. "...I see. I also see a few familiar faces. Hey there Rainbow Dash." Sunset said. "Heh, guess you ran into Pinkie Pie at some point. Here's a piece of free advice: If your new in Ponyville, Pinkie Pie WILL throw you a party. No ifs, ands, or buts." Rainbow Dash said. "It's kind of her thing darling." Rarity said. "Hey there Spike." Sweetie Belle said, waving at the dragon. "Sweetie Belle! Um, do either of you mind?" Spike asked. "Nope. Go for it Spike." Sunset said. Spike then went to Sweetie Belle and then the two went elsewhere. "Looks like one of your dragons has taken interest in my sister." Rarity said. "...Question for you, is she really your sister, or is this sister thing a--" Sunset started to ask. "Never mind that! Let's party!" Pinkie Pie said before a party commenced. "...I'll ask later." Sunset said. "Twilight, your distracted again." She said to Twilight. "Sorry, it's just, I can't help what I read earlier today still." Twilight said. "Like I said, we wouldn't have been asked to make more friends if the Princess didn't think it was important." Sunset said. "For now, let's enjoy the party." She added. "I can't argue with that." Twilight said. Soon enough, every pony was at town hall, which was when Princess Celestia was supposed to show up, only for a mysterious dark alicorn to show up instead, proclaiming herself as Nightmare Moon and saying the night shall last forever. This was all just the beginning of our story though. The figure wrote in the book. "Are you ready to come to bed now? You can write more about things tomorrow honey." The female voice from earlier said, as a quadroped figure was behind the bipedal figure that had been writing in the book. "I know that my darling. I just want this story to be ready in time for the baby." The bipedal figure said. "I know. And that way you can tell him or her about how they got the parents they do." The quadroped figure said. "But of course." The bipedal figure said before turning out the light to the room and heading out of it with the quadroped one. > Season 1: Episode 2 - When Friendship Shimmers Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As light shone through a window nearby the book that was sitting on a table, the bipedal figure returned to the book and began writing in it once more. It was then and there that the Sun Students went to Golden Oaks Library, but as they went there, their dragons stayed back when they noticed two fillies in trouble. The figure wrote. Sweetie Belle was with an orange Pegasus filly, who were almost attacked by a couple of creatures. However, Spike unleased some sort of fire breath and destroyed them. "Sweetie Belle, are you alright?" Spike asked. "I-I'm fine." Sweetie Belle said. "Spike, since when could you breath fire like that?" Ray asked. "I-I don't know. I just reacted when I saw Sweetie Belle in trouble." Spike said. "We just got rescued by two dragons. So cool!" The Orange Pegasus said. "Whose your friend here, Sweetie Belle?" Ray asked. "I'm Scootaloo." The Orange Pegasus said, taking to the air for a bit before simi-crash landing. "...Darn. Really need to get better at maintaining my flight." She added. "Are you related to Rainbow Dash? I smell something familiar to her on you." Ray asked. "I wish I was related to Rainbow Dash, but I'm not as far as I'm aware. Yet, she agreed to mentor me in helping me fly." Scootaloo said. "I guess that would make sense." Ray said. Still, I'm trying to better my sense of smell. But I don't think I'll ever be able to just tell like big sis can. He thought to himself. "Ray, we better get these two to the Library for safety." Spike said. There were a couple more of those strange monsters coming. "Yeah that's a good point. The library would be much safer than this place." Ray said "Good idea. Maybe my sister and the others are off to do who knows what by now." Sweetie Belle said, still trying to cover up her true relationship with Rarity. Ray was about to call Sweetie Belle out when Spike grabbed Sweetie Belle. "No time to think about that Sweetie. Let's move, move, move!" Spike said. "R-right." Ray said and grabbed Scootaloo. Meanwhile, Twilight had been at the library, where the group had read about the elements of which there were seven but only six were known: Empathy, Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, and Loyalty. Then, the group was heading through Everfree forest. "So Rarity, maybe it's time you came clean about your real relationship with Sweetie Belle." Sunset said. "Whatever do you mean darling?" Rarity asked. "I have a really good read on people to the point where I'm able to know one's true emotions. And whenever you call Sweetie Belle your sister, you may not even realize it, but there's a certain crack in your voice. As if trying to force yourself to say Sweetie Belle is your sister." Sunset said. "...Your just as good as Sweetie Belle said Sunset. Yes it's true, I force myself to call Sweetie Belle my sister." Rarity said. "Really Rarity? So then who is she to you?" Rainbow Dash asked. "...She's my daughter." Rarity said. "...Okay didn't expect that." Rainbow Dash said. "But whose her father and why isn't he here?" She asked. "There's a good reason her father isn't here. Her father was a stallion named Lucky Belle. I'm a bit older then I actually look, thanks to going to the spa and using a few beauty products. Only about three years older then most of you girls." Rarity said. "But you couldn't have married Lucky Belle. Sweetie Belle ain't that much older then my own little sister Apple Bloom. So you had to have not been that old when she was born." Applejack said. "This is true. Lucky Belle and I were planning on marrying properly once we were both much older, and until then, Sweetie Belle's real relationship would be kept a secret. But...sadly, one day, Lucky Belle became one unlucky stallion. He started to cough up blood. Not a single doctor knew what was wrong with him, but within a few days, he died." Rarity said. "So you took up his last name anyways, and decided to continue to play into the act." Sunset said. "That's correct. I'm just surprised you were able to figure it out so quickly, Sunset." Rarity said. "What can I say? When it comes to emotions, I'm quite the empathizer. And...I am sorry for your loss." Sunset said. "Well I'm glad she brought this to light. There's something I've been hiding too. But, I want to tell the one it relates to their face before I tell anypony else." Rainbow Dash said. "That's fair enough. I can appreciate stuff like that. Hell, ah'm hoping we get this wrapped up soon." Applejack said before suddenly the cliff gave way. "Ah!" Twilight yelled as she slid. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy managed to grab her, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. But Sunset was unable to quite make it with Applejack, who was able to stay steady. "Gah! What in Tartarus is happening?!" Sunset said. "Sunset!" Applejack said before slidding down to Sunset and grabbing her. "Of all the times I need to conserve magic, it had to be now? I don't know if I can even save myself with my magic." Sunset said. Applejack noticed something. "...Let go." Applejack said. "Say what now? Wait..." Sunset noticed something. "...I-I see. Okay." Sunset said before letting go; only to get caught by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. "That was risky Sunset. Why'd you listen to Applejack?" Twilight asked. "Remember when I said I empathize with emotions? I think Applejack saw that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were ready to catch me." Sunset said as Applejack came down to the rest of them. "Am I wrong?" Sunset asked the orange mare. "You got that right Sunset." Applejack said. "Ah knew Sunset was going to be safe. And that's the honest truth." She added. "...Fair enough." Twilight said. The bipedal figure was continuing to write in the book. As the group continued onwards, they next encountered a Manticore, which turned out to have gotten a thorn in it's paw. Fluttershy showed kindness towards the creature by removing this thorn. After that, the group encountered a bunch of spooky trees which thankfully, Pinkie Pie was able to help the group laugh with a little song. The figure wrote. "Oh come now, you can write more than that. Besides, you can include the song that way." The quadroped figure said. "But I don't want that song stuck in my head again." The bipedal figure said. "...Fine. Be that way. Lazy bones." The quadroped figure said. "...Ooooooh...okay fine. But only for you dear." The bipedal figure said. "...I swear, your just as dramatic as your mother sometimes." He added. After Fluttershy had used her kindness towars a Manticore to remove a thorn in it's paw, the group found themselves in a thicker part of the forest. Twilight and Sunset decided to cast a little magic to light the place after Rarity stepped into some mud. "Yucky mud. Ugh. I hope we finish up soon so I can wash this off." Rarity said. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Rainbow Dash yelled out once the area was lit. "What? It's not that bad." Rarity said. But then she noticed what Rainbow Dash noticed: That the trees had monster faces on them. "...Oh. Yeah that would warrent screaming." Rarity said before she and the others started to yell. ...But Pinkie Pie wasn't. She was...laughing?! "Pinkie Pie, what are you doing?!" Sunset exclaimed. "Oh girls, don't you see..." Pinkie Pie said and then... And thus, once the song ended, the group was laughing their flanks off. "Is that better, dear?" The bipedal figure asked. "Much better. Thanks honey. I'll be sure to make you your favorite pie tonight." The quadroped figure said. "...Sometimes I swear you dramatize me just so you can spoil me later." The bipedal figure said. "Hey, my mother was the--" The quadroped figure said before being forced to shut up. "...What was that for?" She asked. "The walls have ears dear." The bipedal figure said. "...Sometimes, I swear that Pinkie Pie rubbed off on you way too much." The quadroped figure said. The group had run into a sea serpent who had been crying a lot due to his mustache being cut off. Rarity willingly sacrificed her own tail to make the serpent feel better. "That was suprisingly generous of you. But your tail is now...well...shortened." Sunset said. "It's fine darling. Not only are short tails in this season..." Rarity said. "Highly doubt that..." Sunset said. "...But it'll grow back all the same." Rarity said. The group continued to the castle of the two sisters where Rainbow Dash was trying to be persuaded by Nightmare Moon to join her side. "Heh, sorry Nightmare Moon, but not only will I not leave my friends hanging, I got some pony I need to tell the truth to, and there isn't a way you can stop that from happening." Rainbow Dash said before repairing the bridge and joining her friends. It was then when the group was able to get into the castle. Twilight tried to use her magic to activate the elements, but it wasn't working. Nightmare Moon showed up and took the elements, but Twilight jumped in the whirlpool. "! No! Not again!" Sunset said as Twilight and the Elements vanished along with Nightmare Moon. "I won't lose another pony! We've got to find Twilight!" Sunset said. "I think we may not have to look far!" Rainbow Dash said, pointing to a tower where light just briefly flashed. "How did you--" Sunset shook her head. "I'll worry about that later. Every pony hustle!" Sunset said. Nightmare Moon thought she had destroyed the elements, but in reality, she did not. The elements began to circle Twilight's new friends and Sunset. And Twilight began calling out which mare belonged to which element. "Applejack's policy and the way she was able to reassure Sunset represents the element of Honesty; Fluttershy who was able to tame the manticore with compassion represents the element of Kindness; Pinkie Pie who helped us overcome our fears with a cheery song represents the element of laughter; Rarity who sacrificed their own tail to cheer up a sad sea serpent represents the element of Generosity; Rainbow Dash who refused to abandon her friends and even has some pony else she won't abandon represents the element of Loyalty; and then there's Sunset Shimmer who is able to read emotions and understand their meaning represents the element of Empathy." Twilight listed off. "But you don't have the seventh element. The spark didn't work." Nightmare Moon said. "Your wrong Nightmare Moon. A different kind of spark happened here. These ponies are my friends!" Twilight said before the last element appeared and soon transformed into the element of magic, allowing all seven ponies to blast the corrupted alicorn with a rainbow beam. "We did it!" Rainbow Dash said. "My tail is back!" Rarity exclaimed. "Hey, the elements. They match our cutie marks." Sunset pointed out. While the elements for Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash all became necklaces, the ones for the Sun Students became crowns. "Wonder what's with the two crowns?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I'm sure we'll find out eventually." Twilight said. "Indeed you will." Princess Celestia's voice said before she appeared. "I had faith that you and Sunset would wield the elements and cleanse my sister of her corruption." She added. "...Wait, sister?" Sunset asked. "Nothing was ever said about a sister." She added. "I figured it out ahead of time. I had secretly talked with Princess Celestia about the tale of Nightmare Moon." Twilight said. Flashback to three days ago "...And what, pray tell, would make you think that Nightmare Moon and this so called sister of mine are related?" Celestia asked, trying to dodge Twilight's guesses. "It just makes sense that Nightmare Moon is the corrupted form of your sister. And you can stop trying to play off you not having one. I've been around Sunset too long to notice there's a sense of longing in your voice whenever you try to play off you not having a sister." Twilight said. "...Sunset is indeed rubbing off on you. So, you managed to figure it out then? I have to ask then, that you promise to try not to let the knowledge you have affect anything in your life. If...I should fail in convincing my sister to return to my side...I have a plan in place...and I pray you and Sunset carry it out and save my sister where I cannot." Princess Celestia said. "I...understand. Thank you, Princess Celestia." Twilight said before leaving. Present Day "...So that explains it. That's why you have been just a little distracted not just today, but for the past three days." Sunset said. "I tried my hardest to just live life with the knowledge, hoping Celestia would succeed, but today's date came about, and well...it effected me more then it could." Twilight said. "It's now the day after Twilight. Just so you know." Rainbow Dash said. Celestia then shortly reconciled with her sister. "Hey, you know what this calls for? A PARTY!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "...Twilight, is something wrong?" Sunset asked. "Well, it's just that, I don't want to leave our new friends. I'm sure we can keep in touch with our canterlot ones if we moved her to Ponyville." Twilight said. "...I see. So, that is what you wish then? Sunset, will you accompany her?" Celestia asked. "Heh. I wouldn't dare say no to that question." Sunset said. "By the way Sunset, couldn't help but notice you said something about not again when Twilight went missing. What's that about?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Well, I have a half-brother who went missing two weeks before I met Twilight. And nothing has come of him since then." Sunset said. "Well Ponyville's kind of a hub of activity. I'm sure if you stick around, you'll find some pony whose seen your brother sooner or later." Pinkie Pie said. "That's wow..." Sunset said. "Well now I have another reason not to say no." She added. "I have to find my brother. For my mother's sake. But we can talk about that later." She added. And so a new day dawned for the two sun students and little did they realize, just what Sunset's element being a crown would mean. But that information would not come until much later. For now, the two Sun Students and their new friends would host a party for the new Princess Luna. The bipedal figure wrote down. "Lunch time sweetie!" The female quadroped called out. "Coming my dear." The bipedal figure said before going to have lunch. As the scene closed, one could see a frame that had the two sun students, their new friends, Spike, Sweetie Belle, Ray, and Scootaloo, all posing for a picture with Princess Luna. > Season 1: Episode 3 - The Ticket Masters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bipedal figure returned to writing the story once more. With some help from their new Ponyville friends, Twilight and Sunset had successfully moved from Canterlot to Ponyvile. They had then been joined by Moondancer and the group soon began putting things into the Golden Oaks Library to which Twilight had the deed for. There were thankfully two bedrooms and some additional beds for Spike and Ray. The figure wrote. "I hope you two do your best to stay in touch. Really don't want either of you to be a stranger." Moondancer said. "We'll do our best. And there's even a mail system here. Bonus." Sunset said. "By the way Sunset, you never mentioned what your half-brother looks like." Applejack said. "Right. I only have a picture of him from when we were both foals." Sunset said and got out a picture. There she was with a colt that wasn't that much younger then when Twilight was when the Sun Students had met. Though the two ponies were nearly identical. "Whoa. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you two were twins." Rainbow Dash said. "Mom's not sure why we ended up nearly identical when we had two different fathers. I guess the fact that both of our fathers were out of our lives made us sure we would never really know them. I told you how mine ended up being a criminal, but my brother's father, well admittedly he just bolted." Sunset said. "...Wait are you serious?" Rainbow Dash said. "Yeah. And when my brother went missing, I took a week off to go see my mother. She had...starved herself it seems. I had to force her to eat." Sunset said. "Oh dear. You did what you had to do Sunset." Fluttershy said. "It doesn't feel like I've done enough. I have to find my brother, I have to find Sunburst!" Sunset said. "Well Canterlot doesn't get as nearly many visitors as Ponyville will, but I'll see what those of us in Canterlot can come up with." Moondancer said. "That'd be appreciated. Thank you." Sunset said. "Don't mention it." Moondancer said before heading for the train station. The next day, Twilight and Applejack were at the farm gathering some of the apples. "Thanks for helping me get the last of these apples in the barn before the day's end." Applejack said. "It was nothing Applejack. Really." Twilight said. Spike was there too and he suddenly burped out a letter. It was to invite Twilight to the Grand Galloping Gala. There were two tickets included in the letter. "Dang, I'd love to go to the Grand Galloping Gala. I'm sure a few sales there would help pay for quite a few things at the farm." Applejack said. Suddenly Rainbow Dash dove into Twilight. "Whoops. Sorry Twilight. I've been doing some practicing." Rainbow Dash said. "Still hoping to join the Wonderbolts, eh Rainbow Dash?" Applejack asked. "Yep. Hey, are those tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Hey now, I saw the extra ticket first!" Applejack said. "Chill out AJ. I wasn't even going to take one. Princess Luna's already invited me." Rainbow Dash said. "...Say what now?" Applejack asked. Rainbow Dash smiled and produced her own ticket. "I originally had two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, but I went ahead and gave the other one to Scootaloo. I figured the Grand Galloping Gala is the best place to tell her the long awaited truth." Rainbow Dash said. "That's nice to know Rainbow Dash. I'm just still not sure which of the others I'm willing to take." Twilight said. "And you know something? Sunset is over at Fluttershy's, and she's got two tickets as well." Rainbow Dash said. "...But that means only six of us overall can go." Twilight said. "You, me, Scootaloo, Sunset, and two others." She added. "...Huh. That would suck. Hey, don't try fighting over those tickets. I'll be right back before the end of the day. Promise." Rainbow Dash said before speeding off in the air. "...Wonder what that's about?" Applejack asked. Sure enough, it didn't take long for both Rarity and Pinkie Pie to also want to go. Not to mention Sweetie Belle wanting to go with Spike to an event like that. It was causing quite a stir, and eventually Twilight fled to the Library in a panic alongside Sunset, Spike, and Ray. The two were being overwhelmed quickly. And the others were there waiting for them. "Ugh! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Twilight screamed out. "...Oh...sorry. I guess we have been all wanting to go..." Fluttershy said. "And what a time for Rainbow Dash to be gone too." Pinkie Pie said. Suddenly Rainbow Dash flew through the window. "That took longer then I thought it would." Rainbow Dash said. "But I'm back now. I hope you haven't been fighting too much." She added. "Well, it's just...ah think we overwhelmed Twilight and Sunset with wanting their tickets." Applejack said. "But where in the hay have you been RD?" She asked. "Fixing a problem." Rainbow Dash said. She suddenly produced not just one more ticket so all six of them could go, but four extra tickets on top of that. "Managed to convince both royal sisters to part with not just a ticket so all six of us can go, but I figured that Sweetie Belle would want to go with Spike, Ray wouldn't want to be left behind, and I even also got one more for your sister, Applejack. Apple Bloom I think is what you call her." Rainbow Dash said. "...You mean you spent all day convincing both of the Princesses just so we can all go to the Grand Galloping Gala?!" Applejack exclaimed. "...Applejack.mlp will stop working now." She added before fainting. "It's not that out of character AJ. Come on. I said it before and I'll say it again: I'd never leave my friends hanging. And family is important." Rainbow Dash said. "Looks like Rainbow Dash just displayed a huge amount of loyalty just then." Sunset said. "...You know what? You're right. Spike, take a letter." Twilight said. Dear Princess Celestia... As you are already aware, Rainbow Dash had managed to get enough tickets for all five of my new friends, Spike, Ray, Rarity's Daughter Sweetie Belle, and Applejack's younger sister Apple Bloom to all go to the Grand Galloping Gala. It is this act of loyalty that has made me realize, sometimes the best thing you can do for your friends, is to stop a problem from developing too far as soon as possible. After all, that's what friendship should be in the first place. Your faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle. Celestia smiled as she reviewed the message of Twilight's. "So Sister, what was this about wanting to add a new stunt flier group to the E.U.P.?" Celestia asked. "That is what I want sister. You have your Wonderbolts, and I would love to actually make the Shadowbolts a reality." Luna said. "...Well, I honestly think that'll be a great idea for you. Honestly, I'll be all to glad to let you create these Shadowbolts of yours." Celestia said. "No more living in my shadow sister. It's time you had your own stunt flier team that reports to you." She added. "Of course, my sister." Luna said. > Season 1: Episode 4 - Applebucking Problems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a normal day in Ponyville when there was quite the earthquake. "WAAAH! WHY IS THERE AN EARTHQUAKE?!" Sunset said. She was with Ray and was keeping an eye on Applejack's sister a yellow earth pony filly named Apple Bloom when the earth began to shake. "WHY ARE THERE EARTHQUAKES IN EQUESTRIA WHEN I'M TRYING TO TAKE A NAP?!" A female voice called out. It belonged to a cyan creature. "Um, who are you?" Sunset asked. "I'm Gloria. Oh, you must be that orange pony my husband mentioned." Gloria said. "Sorry if I sound a bit grumpy. I wanted to take a break from the kingdom for a bit, and wanted to nap here when these earthquakes happened." She added. "It's cool." Ray said. "STAMPEDE!" Rainbow Dash could be heard yelling. "Not an earthquake then." Gloria said. Said stampede was then calmed down by Applejack. "That was very nice of Applejack to stop that stampede. But I'm surprised you convinced the town to just give a cake to the farmer." Sunset said. "Applejack probably handles cows and other farm animals a lot. So for her, that was just another day for her. Still, I figured the town at least owned her something." Twilight said before the pair of Unicorns arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, finding the mare using her back legs to hit trees in a weird motion. "Uh...Applejack, if you don't mind me asking: WHAT THE BUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" Sunset asked. "I'm Applebucking. It's a pricise method of hitting trees just right to get them to drop their apples." Applejack said. Sunset couldn't help but notice. "Uh...Applejack, are you feeling okay?" Sunset asked. "I'm fine sugarcube. It's just Applebucking Season." Applejack asked. "Applebucking what now?" Twilight asked. "It's what the apple family calls harvesting. And I've got a lot of trees to cover." Applejack said. "Is there a reason Granny Smith or at least Big Mac isn't helping you?" Sunset asked. "Granny's getting up there in years, and Big Mac got hurt enough to be able to help so, I'm on my own." Applejack said. Sunset looked out to the various trees. "...And your sure you can handle this all by yourself? I won't lie, this seems like a lot of work for one pony." She added. "Ah don't need any help. Ah can do this on my own." Applejack said. "Well alright then. But I really hope I don't hear any problems showing up because your too stubborn to ask for help or Luna forbid, GET SOME REST every now and then." Sunset said. "Why do you care so much? Do your really gotta try and be a big sister to every pony else because your brother went missing?" Applejack asked. Sunset glared and got up in Applejack's face. "That, was a low blow Applejack. Strike one." The orange Unicorn said before going off ahead of Twilight. "...No offense, but that was not cool Applejack." Twilight said. "Ah guess ah should apologize next time ah see her. What's the cake for?" Applejack said. "A little something from the town to say thank you. I think your going to need the energy if you plan on tackling this project of yours alone." Twilight said before leaving the cake behind. A bit later, Sunset was coming into the Library with Gloria. "Heh heh. Yeah, Throsten went through a lot when he was away. He told me he battled a living machine that could make realstic projections of your worst fears just before he came up against the most psychotic villain ever conceived. By Arceus, when Throsten told me and my father the details of just how psychotic of a villain he went up against, I think I saw my father actually get scared for the first time in his life." Gloria said. "And Throsten talked about it so casually too huh? Guess that sort of thing would make Throsten feel like his new repsonbility is nothing. So, how psychotic are we talking?" Sunset said. Gloria then whispered in Sunset's ear, which made the Orange Unicorn's eyes become pinpricks. "A-ARE YOU BUCKING FOR REAL?! HOW IS THROSTEN EVEN OKAY AFTER WITNESSING THAT HAPPEN NOT JUST ONCE, NOT JUST TWICE, BUT THREE TIMES?!" Sunset exclaimed. "Made me realize just how much braver Throsten has become as a result of his journy." Gloria said. The two entered the library, and saw Twilight patching up Rainbow Dash. "Whoa. What happened here?" Gloria asked. "Applejack accidently made Rainbow Dash sustain a few injuries. I did talk to her a bit about it, but she wanted me to tell you that it was an accident and that she's sorry for what she said to you before." Twilight said. "...Well I suppose if she's sorry for what she said, I can forgive her and I suppose this was just an accident." Sunset said. Suddenly the local hospital nurse Nurse Redheart showed up. "Twilight, Sunset, we need help at the hospital!" She said. When the two got to the hospital with the nurse, there were quite a few sick ponies. "There seemed to be some kind of mix-up with the baked goods that Pinkie Pie and Applejack made." Nurse Redheart said. "Not baked goods..." Pinkie Pie, who was one of the sick ponies said before throwing up. "Baked bads!" She added after the fact.. "...Applejack." Sunset said before heading off. Sunset caught Applejack with her apple cart tilted up. "Applejack, we need to talk." Sunset said. "I get that your sorry for calling me out like that, and while I could've easily chocked the Rainbow Dash incident, your continuing negligence has caused you to put a number of ponies in the hospital with food poisoning." She added. "Ah said ah don't need help." Applejack said and got her apple cart in order. "See?" She added. "I get that you want to do this traditionally, but if there are any further problems, I WILL make an intervention." Sunset said. "Strike two, Applejack." She added as she trotted away. Sunset was enjoying some time with two local musicians, Octavia and Vinyl Scratch. When she heard who Vinyl Scratch really was... "OH...MY...GOODNESS!" Sunset said. "YOU...YOUR DJ-P0N3!" She exclaimed. Vinyl Scratch just nodded. "Wow. To think that the most well-known DJ in all of Equestria is mute and lives right here in ponyville..." Sunset said. "Twilight is going to F-L-I-P!" She added. "Well she is my roommate. I'm just surprised you're not disowning her as a music artist just because of well, you know." Octavia said. "Why would I? Vinyl's music is some of my favorites. Not that your music doesn't have its own charm Octavia, but Vinyl Scratch mixes some good beats." Sunset said. "Well we are hoping to one day help one another become even better in our respective fields. And we are courteous with one another." Octavia said. "But...our styles just don't mix." She added. "How do you know that? Don't knock it unless you try it after all." Sunset said. "That's not bad advice. Perhaps we will try it at some point." Octavia said. Vinyl Scratch nodded in agreement. Suddenly there were a few screams outside. "Okay, what the hell is going on now?!" Sunset said as she went outside, finding bunnies all over Ponyville. Some of the mares were freaking out. "Sunset, your here. Good. Fluttershy and I need help rounding up her bunny friends." Twilight said. She was with Fluttershy gathering the bunnies. "Really? What happened?" Sunset asked. "Well, Applejack frightened the poor critters." Fluttershy said. Sunset opened her mouth to speak but was cut off when they heard "Hey Fluttershy was it?" Gloria's voice said, with the Glaceon coming up to the group. "I think I have two things that belong to you." She added showing off that two bunnies had become stuck frozen to Gloria's side. "What? How did that happen?" Fluttershy asked. "We Glaceon can control the temperature around us, so I created this napping spot by freezing my surroundings in ice. I guess these two didn't notice where they were going and jumped onto me." Gloria said. "They'll be fine once they get unstuck from me and get unfrozen. Though they will have colds for a couple of days." She added. "...Okay this has gone far enough." Sunset said before getting the bunnies off of Gloria. "Come on Gloria, if need be, I need your help with something." Sunset said. Sunset and Gloria found Applejack still bucking her apples, pretty much almost spent. "Applejack, I'm pretty sure I've warned you enough that I would intervene if you caused too many problems." Sunset said. Applejack didn't answer at first, when she bucked the tree again, causing the last of it's apples to fall. "Ha! Ah did it. Look out there." She said. Sunset did: Quite a lot of trees didn't have apples on them. "Ah did it. I managed to pick every single last one of them. All by myself. How do you like them apples?" The farmer asked. Sunset was about to say something when she noticed Big Mac was there. "Uh, how do YOU like THEM apples?" He said, motioning to a bunch more trees with apples still on them. "...Where...did all the apples..." Applejack suddenly fainted. "Applejack, are you okay?" Sunset said. Applejack slowly came to. "Look, normally I wouldn't even try to stage an intervention, but your constant insistence has caused Rainbow Dash injuries, gave several ponies food poisoning, and sent bunnies on stampede through town eating the vegetation. Not only that, but because two of those bunnies were so frightened, they hopped onto Glora here and will be having colds for the next couple days. And all of that is because you are just too stubborn to ask for help. Either you agree that you need help, or I'm staging an--" Sunset was explaining. "Y-yes..." Applejack said. "Ah...ah need help." She added. "...Well. That was easier than I thought it'd be..." Sunset said. The rest of the elements and Gloria were helping Applejack out at the farm picking the last of the apples. Dear Princess Celestia While Applejack is a hard working mare and trust me, that's saying the least, she had to realize when to swallow her own pride and ask her own friends for help. After all, there's no shame in asking your friends for help, a lesson I'm sure not even the rest of my friends will ever make her forget. Your student, Sunset Shimmer Applejack would call for a break, and then apologize for the trouble she caused. This was written in the book by the bipedal creature. "Honey, don't forget to come take a break yourself. Our favorite show is on." The voice of the quadruped creature said. "Coming!" The bipedal creature said. For a brief moment, one could swear they saw a tail with a spaded end exit via the mirror next to the desk with the book that's been being written in. > Season 1: Episode 5 - A Griffon & A Filly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset, Twilight, Spike, Ray, and Sweetie Belle were currently going around Ponyville market. "I'm glad we managed to stop Spike's hiccups. Though, I don't know if I approve of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie swapping your ink for a bottle of vanishing ink." Sunset said. "Especially since you were doing an experiment; that could've ended a whole lot worse." She added. "Honestly Sunset, I got a chuckle out of it. Besides, they couldn't have known about my experiment." Twilight said. "You have to agree: It is kind of funny they managed to sneak that past me." She added. Sunset couldn't help but chuckle. "Okay, fair point." Sunset said, smiling. That was when they spotted Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie coming out of the post office. "OH MY GOSH!" Rainbow Dash said. "I can't believe this!" She added. "Hmm? Is this another prank?" Pinkie Pie asked. "No, but it's better than a prank: An old friend of mine is coming to see me. I haven't seen her since I dropped out of flight school to try and find Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash said. "What's this about an old friend?" Sunset asked. "She's actually also Fluttershy's friend. She understood what I wanted to do more than any pony." Rainbow Dash said. "It's too bad that I couldn't really communicate with her since." She added. "Why? Do you know where she lives?" Twilight asked. "I do. But that place doesn't currently do mail." Rainbow Dash said. "Still, I can't wait for you all to meet her tomorrow." She added. "Oooooo! I can't wait! I get to plan a 'Welcome to Ponyville Party' for your friend ahead of time! Yay! Best day ever!" Pinkie Pie said before rushing off. "...Well you just made Pinkie Pie's day." Ray said. Pinkie Pie rushed back. "Whoops, I forgot to ask: What's your friend's name?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Her name's Gilda. She may be different from you and I, but she's still a friend of mine." Rainbow Dash said. "Okie Dokie Lokie!" Pinkie Pie said before rushing back off. "Back up, is Gilda a dragon perhaps?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Nope." Rainbow Dash said. "Even if I'd love a dragon friend, I don't know if there are others besides Spike & Ray that are around my age." She added. "...Well, if it's not a dragon, then what is Gilda? A fellow Pegasus?" Spike asked. "Well, she's not a Pegasus, but she can fly." Rainbow Dash said. "Okay, now I'm lost. Unless Gilda is an Alicorn; which I seriously doubt; then I can't think of anything besides Pegasi and Dragons who can--" Sunset started. "She's a Griffon, isn't she?" Twilight asked. "...Wait one of those? But last I checked; they don't like ponies that much. Ponyville used to be a part of Griffon territory if I remember correct." Sunset said. "Gilda's different. Besides, not all Griffons hate ponies. And like I said, Gilda is different." Rainbow Dash said. "Well, I suppose I can always be corrected." Sunset said. The next day, sure enough, a Griffon had arrived to Ponyville. Rainbow Dash eagerly greeted her friend. "What's up Gilda?" Rainbow Dash asked the Griffon. "Heh, you know what's up, Rainbow." Gilda said. The two had their wings smack against each other. "Nothing but air!" The two said at the same time. "I guess I can be proven wrong sometimes." Sunset said, coming up to the pair. "Heh, are you one of them unicorns I've heard about?" Gilda asked. "Yeah. My name is Sunset Shimmer." Sunset said. "Heh, yeah I can tell. You've got spunk." Gilda said. "Hi Gilda." Fluttershy said. "GAH!" Gilda said, suddenly going up into the air. "FLUTTERSHY, HOW DO YOU ALWAYS SPOOK ME?!" Gilda asked. "Oh. I'm sorry." Fluttershy said. "Nah, it's okay." Gilda said before landing, and ruffling Fluttershy's mane. "It's good to see some things don't change." The griffon said. "Oh. Thank you." Fluttershy said. "Eeek! It's going to take me a bit to fix Fluttershy's mane." Rarity said. "Rarity, why do you always have to be so dramatic?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Heh, it's cool. Every pony has something they like right?" Gilda asked. "...Okay I was very wrong..." Sunset said. "I can't wait for you to meet the others. Especially Pinkie Pie. She's set up a 'Welcome to Ponyville Party' just for you." Rainbow Dash. "One of the things about Ponyville, is that if your new in town, Pinkie Pie WILL throw you a welcome party." She added. "It's true. She did that to me and Twilight. She, Spike, Ray, and even Sweetie Belle are all at the party." Sunset said. "So is Applejack." Fluttershy said. "I can't wait to meet them all." Gilda said. While there was some pranks at the party set up, Gilda just couldn't help but laugh at them. As did every pony else. Sunset meanwhile, was writing a letter to send to Princess Celestia for later that night. Dear Princess Celesta, Today I found out that sometimes, there can be exceptions to the norm. I know Griffons to be usually unfriendly to other ponies, but Gilda the Griffon has shown me that some times, there are those of their own species who are an outcast because they are actually not like the others of their own species. It just goes to show that you can manage to find friendship with even the most unlikely of creatures, as no matter what they might look like on the outside, they can be just as friendly on the inside. Your faithful student, Sunset Shimmer "And done, time to--" Sunset was about to join the party, when she noticed a lone pink earth pony filly in the corner. "Hi there, what's your name?" She asked. "D-Diamond Tiara..." The filly said. Sunset could see why she was sad right now: She didn't have a cutie mark. > Season 1: Episode 6 - Bullies in Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset was over at the residence of one Diamond Tiara, meeting with the filly's mother. "So, your saying your daughter is being bullied in school by some colt because she has yet to get her cutie mark?" Sunset asked the mare in quesiton, who she learned was named Spoiled Rich. "Yes. I suppose it's good that you were able to find her in that corner. Ever since she started being bullied, my daughter has not been the most social pony." Spoiled Rich said. "I kept trying to reach her, but alas, it seems she ignores me." She added. "Well, I'll see what I can do to help, but I am unsure what I can do to outright stop this bully. Do you at least know the bully's name?" Sunset asked. "His name is..." Spoiled Rich was saying. Meanwhile, a gray earth pony filly about Diamond's age was waiting outside the Rich family household. Her name was Silver Spoon. Soon enough, a Navy Blue earth pony filly showed up. "Decided to come over and see if we can catch that Blank Flank rich kid?" Silver Spoon asked. "You know me well, Silver Spoon." The colt said. "It's nice to see your feeling better from your cold..." Silver Spoon said before she got close to the colt. "...Fortus Vile." She added. "What kind of of name is Fortus Vile?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "I don't know. I just know his family moved her from outside of not just Ponyville, but the borders of Equestra itself." Spoiled Rich said. "I thought Princess Celestia had tight immigration laws where you need the right paper work." Sunset Shimmer said. "For some reason, the Vile family house had all the right paper work already ready to present. And it was checked for forgery, but was found to be the real stuff. So, they were allowed to immigrate without issue." Spoiled Rich said. "Huh." Sunset Shimmer said. "But the strange part is, Fortus himself was born right here in Equestria after his parents moved to Ponyville." Spoiled Rich said. "So, Fortus Vile would be a legal resident of Equestria, and thus could not be deported." Sunset said. "And knowing how Celestia would never want to break up a family..." She added. "You can see the issue here then, huh?" Spoiled Rich asked. "Yes. What I think your daughter needs most of all though, is a friend around her age." Sunset said. "As you know, I am one of two unicorns that was mentored by Princess Celestia herself, and I have my own friends I'd love to hang out with. That being said, I wouldn't mind being a big sister figure to Diamond Tiara like I am with Twilight." She added. "That's all I ask of you." Spoiled Rich said. "It just sucks that Fortus Vile has an accomplice in the only other filly born to a wealthy family on his side. Her name is Silver Spoon." She added. Diamond Tiara had managed to avoid Silver Spoon and Fortus Vile as she snuck out through the back of her mansion. At least, that's what the filly thought at first. "Nice try, Blank Flank." Fortus Vile said, as he and Silver Spoon were actually waiting outside the back exit. "I had a hunch you'd try and exit through the back, and you did." Silver Spoon said. "Buck me..." Diamond Tiara said. "Heh, you ain't getting away so easily this time." Fortus Vile said. "I'm going to teach you that a blank flank like you is as worthless as your money is to me." He added. However, before Fortus Vile could do anything, he was hit by something red. "What the...an apple?" Silver Spoon said. Then she was hit by an Apple too. "Gah! Whose throwing those things?!" Fortus Vile exclaimed. Suddenly, the pair of bullies were being bombarded by apples. All rotton ones. "I think we're surrounded!" Silver Spoon shouted as the rotton apples bombarded the two bullies. "Then let's just run!" Fortus Vile said. The two bullies then fled as a few last rotton apples assulted them. "...Who...just saved me?" Diamond Tiara said before a lone yellow earth pony filly stepped out. "You alright there?" The filly asked. Diamond Tiara got a good look at the filly. Diamond Tiara looked around. "I'm fine now. But where is every pony else that helped?" Diamond Tiara asked. "That was all me. Name's Apple Bloom." The filly said. "I-I'm Diamond Tiara. How did you--" Diamond Tiara began to ask. "Sorry, Apple Family secret." Apple Bloom then noticed Diamond Tiara's flanks. "...You don't have your cutie mark either?" Apple Bloom asked. "I don't. But what do you--" Diamond Tiara said before Apple Bloom showed the filly. "...You...you don't have a cutie mark yet yourself?! I thought I was the only one who didn't have one left..." Diamond Tiara said. "Ah thought I was the only one who didn't have a cutie mark left too." Apple Bloom said. "Let's be friends." She added. "Y-you'd really like to be my friend?" Diamond Tiara asked. "After you just saved my flank from those bullies, we're going to be best friends!" She added, throwing her forelegs around Apple Bloom. "Don't mention it, really." The farm filly said. Diamond Tiara had explained everything to her mother, which is when her father, Filthy Rich, stepped into the room. "Apple Bloom huh? She must be that younger sister of Applejack I've heard about. The one who born just before their parents were killed by timber wolves." Filthy Rich said. "Your referring to Bright Mac and Buttercup right? Shame what happened to them." Spoiled Rich said. "But, they are farm ponies." She added. "And the apple family are my closest business associates. I refuse to sit by and let you try and prevent Diamond Tiara from being friends with a farm pony just because." Filthy Rich said. "And last I checked, Apple Bloom did just save our daughter from those bullies." Filthy Rich said. "You have a point there..." Spoiled Rich conceeded. "...Well, I think it's best for now, that I go back home. It's been a long day." Sunset Shimmer said. She already knew just what her latest friendship report was going to be about. > Season 1: Episode 7 - Magician in Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a normal day in ponyville, but Sunset noticed banners for a wondering stage magician known as 'The Great and Powerful Trixie' around town. "Tch. Boaster. Twilight and I would run circles around this nobody." Sunset said. "You can't say that for certain." Spike said. "You know buck well as I do that Stage Magic has nothing on Sunset's magic. Let alone your sister's magic." Ray said. "So? You don't have the right to judge someone just because they are boasting." Spike said. "And neither does your sister." He added. "...You don't know of this one stage magician who boasted who was totally unfriendly." Ray said. "Yeah. He practically scared my little brother Sunburst half to death." Sunset said. "Hey, you never know; this one could be different." Spike argued. "Somehow I think Sunset doubts that." Ray said. Suddenly, Sweetie Belle ran up to them. "Hey Spike, you'll never guess what I managed to secure for us." Sweetie Belle said. "Is it a reservation for one of the upscale returants here in Ponyville?" Spike asked. "Oh I wish. I got us front row seats to the show tonight, complete with back stage passes. Enough for you, me, Twilight, Rarity, Sunset, and Ray!" Sweetie Belle said. "...Seriously?" Sunset was now worried. However, as the orange mare was forced to listen to Sweetie Belle's fangirling, she didn't notice a strange figure from behind a nearby house, having heard what Sunset just said. "That's the sister of Sunburst? Maybe she knows why her brother bucking abandoned me." The figure said. That night, there was a stage set up in the middle of town, and soon enough, out popped a cyan unicorn. "Good evening fillies and stallions. I am the one known as The Great & Powerful Trixie!" The unicorn said. "Now, prepare to be amazed at Stage Magic the likes you've never seen before!" She added. Sunset was a little sceptical, before she called a colt named Pipsqueak to the stage. "Hi, my name is Pipsqueak; I just moved her from Manhatten." The colt said. "A city colt huh? Did you know I once did a show in manehatten where I put on a story of the vanquishing of an Ursa Minor?" Trixie asked. "But...no unicorn has ever been able to defeat one of those." Pipsqueak said. Let's see this stage magicain talk her way out of this one... Sunset thought to herself. "And that is completely correct. At least a real one. That was just a performance, a story for the kids to enjoy. It wasn't ever real. Why would I ever be that foolish?" Trixie asked. Sunset's eyes went wide. D-did she just admit that it was just a performance on stage?! What kind of bucking boaster does that? The orange unicorn thought to herself. "But...what kind of magic are you going to do then?" Pipsquak asked, confused now. "Stage magic, of course." Trixie said. "Watch the coin." She said before taking out a bit which suddenly vanished. Wait, where did-- Sunset thought to herself before Trixie reached behind her ear and pulled out the coin in question. Wh-what? How did she do that?! Sunset thought to herself. "Whoa!" Pipsqueak said in awe. "Now then, you stay right there Pipsquak." Trixie said before she threw her cape over him. When she let it back, Pipsquak was gone from the stage. And in his place, was Diamond Tiara. "What the..." Apple Bloom said, as now Pipsquak was next to her which is where Diamond Tiara was previously. Even Sunset was getting bewildered. Is...is she... Sunset thought to herself, before watching closely as Trixie re-swapped the two ponies. She is! She's using actual basic magic, and playing it all off as one big trick! Sunset thought to herself. I have to admit, I've never seen magic used like this before. She added to her thoughts. What's more, the kids were loving this performance as Pipsqueak returned to his seat. "Now, for my next act, a more adult pony is required." Trixie said, before calling up Rainbow Dash. "Oh this is going to be good." Ray said. "Now then Miss Rainbow Dash, let us make your name true!" Trixie said, when she suddenly swapped the colors of Rainbow Dash's mane and coat with one another. "Whoa what the..." Rainbow Dash said before her colors were swapped back. What the buck? How did she do that?! Sunset thought to herself. "Thank you all, you were a grea audience." Trixie said. A bit later, the two mares, one filly, and two dragons were backstage with Trixie. "So, did you enjoy tonight's performance? I decided to do something a little more mondane, seeing as I've never done a show here before." Trixie said. "I...What kind of boaster admits that she made up a battle against an Ursa Minor?!" Sunset exclaimed. "Boaster? I'm not a boaster." Trixie said. "The whole 'Great and Powerful Trixie' thing is a persona; a mask I use onstage for the kids. After all, Trixie is an orphan." She added. "Y-your what now?!" Everypony besides Trixie exclaimed. "Trixie lived in an orphanage, but one day a traveling unicorn magician did some of his tricks to Trixie. It got me into performances and stage magic as a whole. That magician did his tricks for us because we were kids and he wanted to see us smile." Trixie said. "So, Trixie decided that when she was old enough, she'd do the same thing as him but on a grander scale: Travel the country and bring smiles to the children of Equestria as a whole." She added. "You...you just want to see children smile?" Sunset asked. "Yes. That is all Trixie ever wants. If the kids are happy, every pony is happy." Trixie said. "...I...guess I really misjudged you Trixie. I thought for certain you'd be a pompus jerk of a unicorn, but instead, I find that your nothing more then a unicorn who wishes to see the children smile." Sunset said. "...Bad experince with Magicians huh? Bad magicians give ones like me a bad name." Trixie said. "Yeah. One scared my little brother Sunburst for life." Sunset said. She showed Trixie her picture. "And where is this brother of yours?" Trixie asked. "I don't know. He went missing years ago." Sunset said. "Then Trixie will ask around the towns she goes to, to see if any pony has seen your brother." Trixie said. "That would be a big help Trixie. Thank you." Sunset said. Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned that judging some pony based on an existing profile you have in your head is not one you should really rely on. Just as there are ponies in this country who seek to bring misfortune to others like Diamond Tiara's bullies, there are those like Trixie Lunamoon who instead seek to brighten the moods of this country's youth. Trixie has even agreed to keep her ears peeled for the wearabouts of my missing brother. It's going to be ironic that it was a magician that scared him as a young colt that a magician will be helping to find him as a young stallion. It seems that if you look hard enough, you can find a true symbol of hope for the future in the least likely of places. Your student, Sunset Shimmer As Sunset finished her letter, her mind started to wander back to the past... Flash back; the day before Sunburst vanished Sunset was currently in her brother's room. "For the last time Sunburst, you really need to get your act together." Sunset said. "I've told you and mom before; I want Glim Glam to come here." Sunburst said. "Ugh, again with Glim Glam? Look, if you left behind a toy, that's your own fault for not packing it. I've told you this before." Sunset said. "And I've bucking told you, Glim Glam is not a toy! Get out of my room! OUT OUT OUT!" Sunburst shouted. Sunset was forced to leave as her brother threw things at her. "Tch. That colt needs to get it the buck together." The mare said. End of Flash back... Sunset sighed. She remembered that the following day is when she discovered that Sunburst had gone missing. The more I think about it, the more I realize that perhaps, Glim Glam was never a toy, but rather a friend Sunburst made. He wouldn't give a nickname to just any pony though. I know him better then that. I hope that I find the pony he called Glim Glam and tell her that I'm going to do everything I can to find my brother. Sunset thought to herself before she fell asleep. > Season 1: Episode 8 - Dating a Dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There had been a scare because of a dragon having fallen asleep near Ponyville, but both Spike and Ray with the help of Fluttershy had managed to fix that issue easy. "...Still can't believe you were able to stand up to a huge dragon like that." Ray said. "Oh...um...well...I just wanted to make sure the both of you were alright." Fluttershy said, hiding behind her mane shyly. "Well, if you'll both excuse me, I have something I need to go do." Spike said and then went off. "...Wonder what that's about?" Fluttershy asked. "Don't know. Spike's been acting that strange all week." Ray said. "Mom! You can stop prettying me up so much." Sweetie Belle said. "Nonesense darling; this is your first date with Spike and I won't let my sister be seen in anything less then ideal." Rarity said. "Don't you think you should get back on the date train mom? You're not getting any younger." Sweetie Belle said. "I'm a one stallion mare Sweetie; I don't care if I can't have anymore children if I don't find you a step-father, I would never break my vow to your birth father just like that." Rarity said. "...Speaking of dad, you did say he was lucky. He was very lucky it seems to have found you." Sweetie Belle said. "I was the lucky one of the two of us. After all, you know who Lucky Belle's half-brother is." Rarity said. "Speaking of, maybe you should write Uncle Blue and see if he's willing to come down and visit." Sweetie Belle said. "You haven't told any pony the identity of Uncle Blue yet right?" Rarity asked. "Nope." Sweetie Belle said. "Then I'll see if he can come down for Family Day at school next week." Rarity said. The door bell rang. "That must be Spike." Sweetie Belle said. When Rarity opened the door, Sweetie Belle felt herself swoon as soon as she saw the drake on the other side. Woof. Spike cleans up nice. The filly thought to herself. Indeed, Spike was sporting quite the fancy suit. And he was blushing when he spotted Sweetie Belle. "And here I was worried the suit was going to be too much." Spike said. "Rarity made this for me for tonight." Sweetie Belle said, blushing as well. "No wonder your sister is so good. For now, shall we be off?" Spike asked. "S-sure." Sweetie Belle said and left with Spike. "...Then again, maybe I won't be the only one getting her own prince charming. After all, Spike is technically nobility. As they say, like mother like daughter." Rarity said. Meanwhile in Canterlot, there was a strange draconic entity that entered the castle. "Halt! No tresspasser in the castle." A white unicorn royal guard said. "...Are you Captain Shining Armor of the Canterlot Royal Guards?" The draconic creature asked. "I am. What's it to you?" The White Unicorn asked. "I seek an audience with Princess Celestia. It's in regards to an incoming threat that will happen in eleven month's time." The Draconic creature said. "What sort of threat?" Shining Armor asked. "Creatures able to manipulate others are coming to your doorstep. My full details are only to be given in audience to Princess Celestia." The creature said. "What are you?" Shining Armor asked. "...I am a Kobold." The creature said. A different white unicorn stallion spied on this. "...I hope she isn't talking about the same creatures. I pray to god it's not the same..." He said. "Prince Blueblood?" A gray pegasus mare asked the stallion. "You've got a letter." She added. "...I see. Thank you." Blueblood said, taking the letter. "Hey, have we met before?" He asked. "I don't know. See you around." The pegasus mare said before flying off. "...I think we have. Ponyville post office huh?" Blueblood said. Back in Ponyville, the young couple were enjoying their night at the restaurant. "Excuse me, last I checked, but this isn't a restaurant for Blank Flanks." A male voice said. It was Fortus Vile. "Of course your here. You here with Silver Spoon?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Actually, it's a family dinner." Fortus Vile said. "But, say, maybe I'll be willing to tone down my usual tactis, provided you get with some pony of your own species. Like me." He added. "Try again." Spike said, getting up. "...You don't scare me, ya dumb drake." Fortus Vile said. "He might not, but I know I do." A female voice said. Fortus Vile turned around to an Orange Dragoness. "...You. That orange dragoness from the hotel." Fortus Vile said. "Good. You remember. And you should remember no dragon likes others messing with what they own. Last I checked, that one saw that filly first." The orange dragoness said. "So beat it." She added. "...This isn't over." Fortus Vile said to Sweetie Belle and Spike before going back to his table. "Thanks. You visiting?" Spike asked. "Yeah. Anyways, see you around." The dragoness said before she left. "Why didn't she claim you?" Sweetie Belle asked. "She knows I'm not interested. Who even was that?" Spike asked. "Don't know. I'm just glad she got Fortus Vile to back off. Next time, I'm going to threaten to tell him off to Uncle Blue." Sweetie Belle said. "Whose Uncle Blue?" Spike asked. "You'll meet him eventually." Sweetie Belle said, smiling. > Season 1: Episode 9 - Radioactive Contact > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a normal day in Ponyville, when Fluttershy found a strange creature. When she brought it with her into town, she somehow had two extras. Pinkie Pie seemed to recognize them, but before she could say anything, the creatures known as parasprites suddenly froze and began to tingle. "Hello, is this place open?" A feamle voice said. In the doorway stood a rather...unique creature. "Uh...who are you?" Sunset asked. She was with Twilight, Spike, Ray, and Sweetie Belle in Sugar Cube Corner. "The name's Numa. I'm sure you've already met my husband, King Throsten." The creature said. "Oh! Then you must be of those Nucleon Princess Celestia mentioned." Twilight noted. "Yes I am. One of three right now." Numa said. "Something is wrong with these creatures..." Fluttershy said. Suddenly the strange creatures melted into goo on the ground. "Ew..." Fluttershy noted. "...Those didn't happen to be Parasprites, would they?" Numa asked. "Why yes, yes they were." Pinkie Pie said. "But I can't explain why they suddenly just melted and died." She added. "Oh. That's no mystery." Numa said. "Really? Why not?" Ray asked. "Didn't you know? Nucleon are Radioactive Eeveelutions. While ponies are completely safe from it, some of the other animals you keep around these parts can have...various effects if exposed to it for too long." Numa said. "Thankfully, I've toned down my radiation levels so nothing super massive like a cow getting mutated into having two heads should happen." She added. "So then, why did these Parasprites still melt into goo? Let alone die from such low levels of exposure?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Hey, I was just wondering that myself." Twilight said. "Oh, well I've found that Parasrpites REALLY cannot stand radiation. Even with my radiation set to the lowest possible levels so that I'm basically safe enough to not cause genetic mutations, Parasprites will still melt into goo and die." Numa said. "But...but they were so cute." Fluttershy said. "Cute but deadly. If you don't believe me, you should try and find someone who just knows." Numa said before leaving. "...I don't have the slightest idea who she's talking about." Twilight noted. A couple of days later, there was a storm that caused Rarity and Applejack to get roped into a sleep over with Twilight while Sunset was off to Canterlot for a week. Sunset wanted to spend the week with her mother, which the other girls understood. A couple of days after that, Twilight and the rest of the elements got effected by a strange plant known as Poison Joke, originally thought to be some curse a Zebra known as Zecora put on them. That was the second time the group would encounter Numa the Nucleon when she suddenly showed up at Zecora's hut. "Oh hi guys." Numa said. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "...Clearing up a misunderstanding." Applejack; still tiny; said. "...Oh. I see. Huh. Poison Joke huh. That's not good. I better wait for you to take a herbal bubble bath then." Numa said. "What do you mean, Darling?" Rarity said., "Well, when ponies are effected by Poison Joke, radiation can effect you just as bad as it can effect normal animals. In fact, I should go ahead and head to that batch just outside Froggy Bottom Bog. My radiation will prevent me from getting infected and that will also prevent you from suddenly mutating as I forgot to turn my radiation levels low enough to prevent that." Numa said then just left the building. "...Huh..." Twilight said. The group had been thankfully cured with some help from the spa and Zecora was even welcomed with open arms at Ponyville. But the next day Sunset returned with Ray. "So, while I was gone, you had a sleep over with Applejack and Rarity which lead to the two of them ironing out their differences, but not only that, you managed to clear up a misunderstanding because of a Zebra who lives in Everfree forest?" Sunset asked. "Yeah that about sums it up." Twilight said. "...Wow. I can't help but be proud of you for that last one." Sunset said. "So, you're Zecora then?" She asked Zecora, who the mane six had over to meet Sunset Shimmer. "Yes indeed that is my name, and your name I was told ahead of your mane." Zecora said. "...Funny, I don't remember my studies of Zebras mentioned them rhyming." Sunset said. "You've studied Zebras?! Wow, that would've saved us a LOT of trouble." Pinkie Pie said. "Eh. You get used to it." Sunset said. "Oooo, nice plants!" Sunset said, before reaching to take one of the poison joke plants from Zecora's basket. "SUNSET, NO!" Twilight yelled out, but Sunset had already touched one. "...Well this bites." Twilight said. "What? They are nice plants." Sunset said. "That's Poison Joke. It's a plant that plays a joke on you." Twilight said. "...I've never heard of a plant like that." Sunset said. "It only makes sense that this is a plant you have not yet seen, for it only grows in the forest of green." Zecora said. "Well that's a relief. Yet another reason why Apple Bloom needs to be careful about the Everfree Forest." Twilight said. "Hey that's my line." Applejack said. But then blinked. "...Oh. Ah getcha." Applejack said. "Twilight, you speak rhyme?" Sunset asked. "I spent a lot of time studing rhyming in books." Twilight said. "Wow. For once, being an egghead actually pays off." Rainbow Dash said. "So, what's going to happen to me?" Sunset asked. "...That we hope does not happen before Zecora can whip up another herbal bubble bath." Twilight said. While Zecora was getting ingredients for said herbal bubble bath, Sunset was obviously very distracted. "Sunset, is something wrong?" Twilight asked. Sunset looked at Twilight then refocused her head. "S-sorry. It's just, every time I've seen somepony today, I swear sometimes I see my brother in their place." Sunset said. "You talking about Sunburst?" Applejack asked. "Y-yeah. I even think somepony even said their name at one point. But it could just be me." Sunset said. "No, I heard that too." Twilight said. "Same here." Spike said as Sunset got put into the bubble bath. "So someone was looking around for Sunburst, but who?" Sunset asked. Meanwhile, a particular unicorn was hiding behind the spa. "Wh-why does that mare bear such a striking resemblance to Sunburst? I must have the answers." The mare said and then went off. > Season 1: Episode 10 - From Two to Four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Boy, first day of school after the winter break." Apple Bloom noted. "Hey cheer up. At least you won't be going alone. Thanks for allowing her to come with mom." Diamond Tiara said. "Considering she helped stand up to that pompus jerk Fortus Vile...well, I think this was the least we could do while Applejack deals with her farm work early." Spoiled Rich said. "Why did she insist on doing it so early today?" She added. "Probably because of Winter Wrap Up having finished yesterday and on time for a change." Apple Bloom said. "Praise be to Twilight Sparkle for that. I heard a rumor one of the two dragons that stays with her and Sunset Shimmer is dating a filly from our school." Diamond Tiara said. "Diamond Tiara, you know how much I detest rumors." Spoiled Rich said. "I actually don't believe in it. Fortus Vile probably just started it to get under my skin. But I'm not going to let him." Diamond Tiara said. "What makes ya so sure it was him?" Apple Bloom asked. "I wouldn't put it past him to start something like that in hopes of getting under my skin." Diamond Tiara said. "Are you really sure there's nothing you can do?" Twilight's voice asked. "Speaking of Twilight and the dragons..." Apple Bloom said. "What are you two drakes doing outside?" Spoiled Rich asked. "Listen for yourselves." Ray said, dismissively. "Sadly, there really is nothing I can do. There are strict rules about non-ponies in a classroom." A female voice said. "That's Miss Cheerilee." Apple Bloom said. "Ugh. That policy pops up again here in Ponyville. It was already a nightmare getting Spike and Ray a decent education via home schooling." Sunset's voice said. "Home schooled?" Spoiled Rich asked. "Yeah. Some bucking policy from something called the E.E.A. Whatever that is." Ray said. "Ray, Language." Spike said. "Oh give me a break. Just because you found some filly you really like, doesn't give you any excuses to also not be upset." Ray said. "...Wait what was that about--" Diamond Tiara started. That was when Twilight and Sunset came back out. "Of all the places to still be effected by the stupid E.E.A. That policy is completely and utterly racist as all get out." Sunset said. Ray suddenly looked like he had an idea. "...Something up bro?" Spike asked. "Yeah...yeah maybe..." Ray said. "Let's head home. I'll explain once we're there." He added. "Oooooookay then..." Spike said and the two dragons and two unicorns went off. "Did you hear that?" Apple Bloom asked. "So...not a rumor then..." Diamond Tiara said. "Possibly anyways." She added. "As if that Fortus Vile needed more ammo as it is..." Spoiled Rich admitted. "You'd never see someone of high class like Prince Blueblood talk like that." She added. Unfortunately, the school day did not go well either. Fortus Vile made fun of both Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara during class. And later that same day, Twist got her own cutie mark just before Fortus Vile had a party scheduled. However, when Fortus Vile tried to make fun of the two fillies again, that's when Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo rushed out to defend them, and revealed they didn't have their cutie marks either. And this lead to the big scene of the other fillies that were there for Fortus Vile's party to suddenly turn on the rich pony, and start supporting the four without cutie marks yet. "So, I'm Scootaloo." Scootaloo said. "The Name's Sweetie Belle." Sweetie Belle said. "Apple Bloom." Apple Bloom threw in. "Diamond Tiara." Diamond Tiara said. "So, are we going to have some kind of group now for searching for our cutie marks?" Apple Bloom asked. "Oh I like that idea." Scootaloo said. "Back up though, you said your name is Sweetie Belle? Are you perchance..." Diamond Tiara said. "Keep it down..." Sweetie Belle said. "Wow. Something personal. Don't worry, I'm no snitch." Diamond Tiara said. "So what should we call our little group anyways?" Scootaloo asked. "Cutie Mark 4?" Sweetie Belle asked. "That...is increadibly corny. And I'd rather not put a personal stamp on something like this." Diamond Tiara said. "What about...the Cutie Mark Crusaders?" Apple Bloom asked. "And Apple Bloom once again comes up with the best names." Diamond Tiara said. "Cutie Mark Crusaders...I like it!" Scootaloo said. "I also agree it's a really good name." Sweetie Belle said, before the four high hoofed each other. "Oh hey Sweetie Belle." Spike said. "Spike, what are you doing here?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Told you-know-who that I'd make sure you wouldn't get hurt." Spike said. "Wait then that means that the filly you were attracted with is..." Diamond Tiara said before fainting. "...Wonder why she fainted?" Spike asked. "No idea." Sweetie Belle said. "Must be something major." Scootaloo said. "Oh by the way, Rarity wanted to let you know that Uncle Blue wants to to know if he could come down for a visit some time." Spike said. "Oh really? That's great! I can't wait for Uncle Blue to see all my friends." Sweetie Belle said. "Uncle...Blue?" Diamond Tiara asked. She was a bit confused. Diamond Tiara would later recount everything to her mother. And Spike would let Twilight know about what had happened as well. "This is one heck of a friendship report. Would be nice if Celestia could let some of the others write her letters." Twilight said. "Maybe you should ask her." Ray joked. "Ray!" Sunset scolded. "Wait...maybe that's not such a far fetched idea..." Twilight said. "...Uh...what do you think the chances are..." Ray was saying. "WAIT SHE SAID WHAT?!" Ray's suddenly yell could be heard in the Rich household. "Wonder what that's about?" Diamond Tiara asked. "No clue." Spoiled Rich said. > Season 1: Episode 11 - Princess Control > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack was out bucking apples out on the farm, when she noticed a particular Leafeon coming up to her. "Princess Lola, it's nice to see you again." Applejack said. "I told you, you can just call me Lola. We're friends after all." The Leafeon said. "Heh. Sorry. Ah guess it has been a few months since any of us have seen you. Last we saw you was during the Running of the Leaves." Applejack said. "Heh. That was something else." Lola said. Flashback After Applejack and Rainbow Dash had a little fun at Twilight's expense, suddenly a female voice called out. "And what's wrong with choosing the number 42?" The female voice belonged to a Leafeon who had a "V" and a sticky note on her. This was Lola. "Wait, aren't you Princess Lola from the Eeveelution Kingdom?" Twilight asked. "That's me. But if you want, you can just call me Lola." Lola said. "So, you've decided to come and race too?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I'm not the only one here." Lola said. "Go Lola!" Throsten shouted from the audience. "King Throsten actually came to support you? Wow." Twilight said. "So, what's with the letter V?" Applejack asked. "Last I checked, V is not a number." She added. "Wow, get with the program AJ. Obviously, V is a roman numeral. It's specifically the Roman Numeral for '5'. Even I know that." Rainbow Dash said. "You know your roman numerals. Your Rainbow Dash, if I'm not mistaken." Lola said. "Well, here's looking forward to a good race." She added. Later though, Rainbow Dash and Applejack would tie for Last. With Twilight getting fifth. "I can't believe it, Twilight beat us." Rainbow Dash said. "But wait, if she placed fifth, then who placed first?" Applejack asked. "Hi there." Lola said, wearing the first place medal. "PRINCESS LOLA?!" Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash exclaimed at the same time. "I told you, you can just call me Lola. And it seems, you two got so caught up trying to sabotage each other, that you tied for last." Lola said. "Okay, being beat by Twilight is one thing..." Rainbow Dash said. "But loosing to a visiting Princess is a whole different thing." Applejack said. "Heh. What'd you expect? Lola's a Leafeon." Throsten said. "Not a single pony stood a chance against her in a race involving a wooded area." He added. "So that's why there were lots of vines on the course this year around." Mare Mayor said. "Oops. Sorry about that." Lola said. "I guess I got so focused on the race, I forgot to keep my plant growing powers under wraps." She added. "Eh don't worry about it." Throsten said. "Indeed." Princess Celestia said. She showed up, a friendship lesson was learned, and it was reported. "Still a little sore about loosing to you, but Rainbow Dash and Ah don't plan on tieing for last again when the event comes around next fall." Applejack said. "Actually, it's that very event that brings me back to Equestria. More for preparation purposes." Lola said. "Something I'm hoping you, your friends, or even Princess Celestia can help with." Lola said. "Is it some kind of magical trouble?" Applejack asked. "Something to that nature. Just need to help one of my fellow Princesses get used to their powers." Lola said. "Why does she need the help?" Applejack asked. Suddenly she sniffed the air. "FIRE!" She yelled. When Applejack rushed over, she saw the CMC, Spoiled Rich, and a Flareon near a tree that was on fire. "Gah, not again. That's like the third tree I've accidently caught on fire today." The Flareon said. "I've got you covered, Blitz." Lola said, before suddenly putting a paw to the tree and restoring it to normal. "There we go, all fixed." Lola said. "So, this Flareon is the Princess you wanted to have help for?" Applejack asked. "M-my name's Blitz miss." The Flareon said, a little nervously. "She was a bit nervous when we approuched her too." Apple Bloom said. "Yeah. And after Apple Bloom gave her a high five, not knowing her own strength, it sent Blitz there to get knocked into the tree." Diamond Tiara said. "Ah told you it was an accident." Apple Bloom said. "It's fine Apple Bloom. At least Blitz is much better mannered then that Fortus Vile." Spoiled Rich said. "She is a lot more nervous around others then Uncle Blue though." Sweetie Belle said. "There you go mentioning Uncle Blue again. You act like he's part of the same social group as Princess Celestia." Scootaloo said. "I promised my sister I wouldn't say anything more about Uncle Blue, so I won't." Sweetie Belle said. "So why is Spoiled Rich here?" Applejack asked. "Just thought I'd see about the visiting Princesses." Spoiled Rich said. "It's nice to know that some royals know how to behave." She added. "Why thank you, Mrs. Rich." Lola said. "I'll take that as a compliment?" Blitz asked. "Why so glum? Your a royal just like Lola." Diamond Tiara said. "Well...there's a reason for that..." Blitz said. "See, the thing is...I wasn't born a royal." She said. There was a bit of silence for a time. "WAIT WHAT?!" Was the voice of Spoiled Rich yelling. A bit later, when Princess Celestia came down to see about Blitz's powers needing controlling, she too was a bit shocked by this, and that's when King Throsten had appeared. "So, it's like this see: You know how before Throsten was crowned the great king because he's the decsendent to the legendary hero who once saved the Eeveelution Kingdoms from total darkness back when they were still seperate kingdoms?" Lola asked. "Yes, that much I remember." Princess Celestia said. "You, Throsten, Gloria...all of you were born when they were still seperate kingdoms. The kingdoms only became one more a few years ago." She added. "Yeah well, the royal bloodline of the Flareon's lands of the Scorching Desert had been taken over by evil Shadow Pokemon. Including the bloodline's firstborn daughter." Throsten said. "So, after much debate, Throsten personally had the royal bloodline daughter of the Flareon Line banished from the kingdoms, and if she were to ever set foot on the kingdom's soil again, she would be sent to the guillotine." Lola said. "Isn't that a bit harsh?" Spoiled Rich asked. "Yeah. I get that she was evil, but is that really nesscarry?" Fluttershy asked. "Her brother sacrificed his life to summon the spirits of dragons that would've turned not just the Eeveelution Kingdom to ash, but all of Equestria too." Throsten said. "Better to be safe then sorry." He added. "Oh. They must've been very bad dragon spirits." Fluttershy said. "They were. My ancestor sealed the spirits of those dragons in the world's largest volcano for their evil deeds." Throsten said. "It was that act, and the act of defeating the Dark Being who created the dragons in the first place, that made the Eeveelution Hero so well respected in the first place." Throsten said. "Of course afterwards, the Eeveelution Hero helped our ancestors establish the Eeveelution Kingdoms. And he said that the day would come when one of his decedents would emerge and unite the lands as one under a more benevolent rule then the one the Dark Being had enforced." Lola said. "Every Eeveelution Royal Family passed this tale down from generation to generation." She added. "But most of them didn't pay it any mind. Except for the Glaceons." Blitz said. "They believed that only the courageous souls carried the bloodline of the hero. And they worshiped that prophecy like no other kingdom. It's why their line is more arranged in their marriages then the others." She added. "It just so happened that Gloria would end up being the one to catch the eye of the descendent in the form of Throsten here." Lola said. "Didn't think I'd be the one to end up fulfilling that prophecy. It just sort of turned out that way." Throsten said. "You do seem chill for a king." Scootaloo said. "Heh heh, that's because I'm going to give it everything I've got. And then some. I've learnt from the best to not back down from a challenge, after all." Throsten said. "My spirit brother pretty much told me that himself." He added. "Spirit brother huh?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Who is that?" She asked. "Rob Snowden." Throsten simply answered. Rainbow Dash suddenly went wide eyed. "Y-you mean the most legendary justice hero; the guy they said could beat those who fought god powers with ease? That Rob Snowden?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Heh. Yeah. Of course, I got to see him do that a couple of times myself. Don't mean to brag, but it's different when your there seeing it happen live and in person." Throsten said. Spoiled Rich said nothing, but stared at Throsten. "Dang. Talk about lucky." Rainbow Dash said. "Is he some kind of insperation for you, Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo asked. "Sort of. I got so caught up in his loyalty towards his friends, and his exploints, that I decided to take that sort of loyalty into my own way of life." Rainbow Dash said. "Wow. I hope we get to meet him." Scootaloo said. "Not likely. Rob's kind of a busy dude." Throsten said. "Especially since, last I heard, something with Gorzon happened again. He wouldn't tell me the details, but I don't need them when Gorzon's involved." He added. "Why not? How bad can this Gorzon be?" Spoiled Rich asked. "That blob of darkness once tried to make every living thing into a zombie. Try letting that sink in your heads." Throsten said. Fluttershy just fainted right on the spot. "...And Fluttershy just fainted." Rainbow Dash said. "Who can blame her, honestly?" Throsten asked. Rarity suddenly fainted too...right onto a couch she pulled in with her magic. "...Okay, now that, I didn't expect." Pinkie Pie said. "Where'd she get that couch from?" Spike asked. "Sweetie Belle, your mother is so weird." He said. Everypony just looked at him. "...Oops? I said that out loud, didn't I? Sorry." Spike said. "Wow bro. Just wow." Ray said. "It's fine. Rarity was planning on making our true relationship public in a couple of days anyways..." Sweetie Belle said. "Wait, then who in the world is Uncle Blue?" Diamond Tiara asked. "Now I'm curious myself." Spoiled Rich said. "Not saying anything. Rarity made me promise not to give out any details. And recently even made me Pinke Promise." Sweetie Belle said. "Okay wow. You defiantly do not break a Pinkie Promise around here." Applejack said. "Huh? Why not?" Spoiled Rich asked. "Because if you break a Pinkie Promise to a friend, you'll loose that friend forever!" Pinkie Pie said. "...And Pinkie Pie will personally make you pay for it. So I've heard." Applejack said. "...Good to know..." Spoiled Rich said, suddenly very scared of Pinkie Pie. "Cupcake?" Pinkie Pie asked, suddenly getting one out of her mane. "Wait what the..." Twilight said. Sunset took one look at Twlight, then at Pinkie Pie. Why do I have a bad feeling about this? Sunset thought to herself. To be continued... > Season 1: Episode 12 - The Joys of Serendipity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few days had passed, and during it, Twilight tried to understand Pinkie Pie and her antics, before just deciding to believe in them. And after they saw Celestia flying off with Twilight's latest friendship letter, Sunset soon approached them. "...I'll take this to mean you decided to just roll with the punches?" Sunset asked. "You could say that." Twilight said. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie's mane started retracting and expanding. "Oooooo...this is new~" Pinkie Pie said. "Well this isn't your doozy sense going off this time." Twilight said. "Doozy sense?" Sunset asked. "Don't ask." Twilight said. Suddenly, out of nowhere, there was a Sylveon on Sunset's back, staring down into her eyes. "Hi new friends. I'm Serendipity." The Sylveon said. "Where'd she come from?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Ooooo! You must be Pinkie Pie! I've heard about you." Serendipity said, before she suddenly zoomed over to Pinkie Pie. "Didyougetyournamefromthefactthatyourpink? AreyouabouttotellmeyourbrithnameisPinkmena?" Serendipity said, very rapidly. "Wait...how do you know about my birth name?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Wait...your original name is Pinkmena?" Twilight asked. "Yeah. Well, the full name is Pinkmena Pie. But after I figured out my special talent was making others smile, and brining joy to the world, I had it legally changed to Pinkie Pie." Pinkie Pie said. "Figured it would help others see me as wanting to bring smiles to others." She added. "Wow! That is so cool!" Serendipity said. "A pity all I have to bring is a boring old leaf." She said, handing it to Pinkie Pie. "Aw...that's okay." Pinkie Pie said, but suddenly the leaf turned into a bowling ball, that forced Pinkie Pie to the ground. "WAIT, WHAT?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "Oh no...now there's two of them!" Twilight said. "Rest in peace Ponyville's sanity." Sunset said, now fully worried. "So, did you like the big surprise? I can keep giving these surprises away. I love surprises. As there's nothing more fun then giving others a big old surprise. OOoooooo!" Serendipity then spotted Bon Bon and Lyra. "I'll be right back." Serendpity said before going towards the duo. "T-twilight, what do I do? How am I going to compete with something like that?" Pinkie Pie asked. "What do you mean?" Twilight asked. "Well, it's just that, I'm supposed to be the one that brings smiles to others. But how am I going to do that, when Serendipity can do that just as well if not better?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Actually Pinkie Pie, there is one thing you can do that she will never be able to do." Sunset said. "Really? What's that?" Pinkie Pie asked. Sunset whispered into Pinkie Pie's ear, making the pink mare grin. "Oooooo! That'll impress her for sure!" Pinkie Pie said. Later that day, Pinkie Pie given an adress to Serendiptiy, who would then later enter Sugarcube Corner. "SUPRRISE!" Pinkie Pie said. "So, were you surprised? Huh? Were you?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Wait, you did this?" Serendipity asked. "How? You had less then a few minutes at best to get all the townsfolk here." She added. "We kind of have a saying around here: Ya don't question Pinkie Pie." Applejack said. "Wow. You've definatly surprised me. I was not expecting a surprise like this. Especially one on short notice. Your certainly a good surpriser." Serendipity said. "Aw thanks. So, want to par--" Pinkie Pie said, before Serendipity got on her head. And then with a whirl, the Sylveon was wearing a Tiara. "It is therefor, that I; Princess Serendipity; declare you as my equal, Pinkie Pie!" Serendipity said before getting off. "Wait...so the Princess Lola was talking about..." Pinkie Pie said. Flashback to just after Rainbow Dash and Applejack worked together to knock down the rest of the fall leaves... "By the way Pinkie Pie..." Lola said, going up to the Pink Pony while Rainbow Dash and Applejack went to do their duties. "I have a harem sister whose a royal who I think you should really meet. If you play your cards right, you might even get recognized as her equal." Lola said. "Ha! No one out parties me!" Pinkie Pie said. End of Flashback... "Your the princess Lola told me I could become the equal of?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Yep! You obviously like giving surprises to others in hopes of making them smile right? In that sense, we're the same. But different. You like giving others parties to make them smile, while I like giving gifts to make them smile. We may have the same desire, but we do it in different ways." Serendipity said. "...Yeah. It's really nice to be friends with you." Pinkie Pie said. "The feeling is mutual." Serendipity said, the two joy spreaders shaking paws/hooves. "So, want to enjoy the party now?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Totally!" Serendipity said. Sunset just smiled at that. Dear Princess Celestia... It seems that friendship can occur even when two share the same desire. And sharing desires with another can lead to a friendship that could last a lifetime. Such has become the case with Pinkie Pie and Princess Serendipity. At first, Pinkie Pie had lost herself when Serendipity showed up and started spreadking smiles with her own brand of surprises in the form of surprise gifts. But after I reminded Pinkie Pie that she still had her surprise parties, the party mare was able to surprise Serendipity with a gift that Serendipity could never give: A suprise party with the whole of Ponyville roped into it. The two were able to bound of their share of the desire of spreading joy to others from that, and Serendipity even declared that Pinkie Pie is her equal by royal decree. ...Though now I fear for Ponyville's sanity, as Serendipity will be staying here for a few days. It's bad enough that Pinkie Pie is random by herself. And Serendipity can keep up with Pinkie Pie like no other pony can. Yet, maybe it'll be a fun experience for these two new friends to enjoy together. ...Praying to keep my own sanity, Sunset Shimmer. Princess Celestia couldn't help but giggle. Suddenly, Serendipity showed up. "Oh hi there." Celsestia said. "I nearly forgot. I have a gift for you." Serendipity said, before handing Celestia a present and then leaving. "How nice." Celestia said. When she opened it, she got a cake to the face. "...Dear mother, please help Ponyville; they will need your protection." She said dejectedly. > Season 1: Episode 13 - Orange Crush > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the day before Rainbow Dash saved Rarity's life with the Sonic Rainboom, Scootaloo was going real fast on her scooter. But that's when she ran into a mysterious Orange Dragon. "Ow! Hey, watch where your going!" The dragon said. "Sorry about that." Scootaloo said, getting up. "Great, my scooter's busted again." She said. "Tch. That should teach you running into others all willy nilly." The orange dragon said. "Says the dragon. My scooter's not been this busted since the time I almost ran into a food vender's food cart, only to swerve at the last second, and ended up dunked in the fountain." Scootaloo said. "What do you mean 'says the dragon'?" The dragon asked. "Well, are you hurt at all?" Scootaloo asked. "Not all that much." The dragon said. "Thought so." Scootaloo managed to fix her scooter. "There we go, that's better." Scootaloo said, but as she walked, she winced a bit in pain. "Hey, are you okay?" The dragon asked. "I'm fine." Scootaloo said, acting tough. "...Heh..." The dragon had a bit of a smirk. "...You know, I actually lied, I'm a little bit more hurt then I let on. And in a physical sense." The dragon said. "Wait what?!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "But you said--" "I was acting tough. Because I am just that sort of dragon." The dragon said. "Well...I'm really sorry for running into you, but I'm fine." Scootaloo said. "See, that's where your wrong. You think I didn't notice you wincing in pain? And when you answered me, made me realize: You like to act tough too, don't you?" The dragon asked. "...Guess it takes one to know one, huh? Your more durrable then me though." Scootaloo said. "Maybe I am, but that doesn't change the facts, now does it?" Smolder asked. "Tch. I hate that you have such a good point." Scootaloo said. "Here, let's get ourselves checked out just in case. I'll even escort you personally." The dragon said. "You don't have to do that, but your going to anyways huh?" Scootaloo asked. "How'd you guess?" The dragon asked. Scootaloo smirked at her. "...Heh. Right. Takes one to know one." The dragon said. "I'm Scootaloo by the way." Scootaloo introduced. "You can call me Smolder." The dragon said. A bit later that day, the two were checked out. Thanfully, nothing too major, just some advice to be more careful. "So, it was kind of nice to find someone I can relate to. Even if they are a pony. Still, makes wanting to move here a better idea. I really need to get away from my brother who can be sort of overprotective of me." Smolder said. "Wish I had a sibling. Heck, my parents told me they adopted me because the orphanage claimed I'm a lost foal. Which means I don't have any siblings that I know of." Scootaloo said. "Wish I did though; it'd be nice to have an older sister." She added. "Siblings can be either good, or bad for you. But I think you should focus on just having a role model." Smolder said. "That sounds nice. Thanks for the advice, dragon self." Scootaloo said. "...Dragon...self?" Smolder questioned. "In a lot of ways, you remind me of me. And while I don't know if any dragons outside of the two I do know do freindship, if your going to at least try to do so, might as well start with someone you share similarities with, right?" Scootaloo asked. Smolder smirked. "...Not a bad idea. I'd be willing to hang out with you some time as well, pegasus counter." Smolder said. She extended a closed claw which Scootaloo hoofbumped; the two basically acknowledging the other. However, it was the day during the one where Rainbow Dash saved Rarity's life with the Sonic Rainboom where there were certain other things. "Hey, where's Scootaloo?" Spike asked. He and Ray decided to hang out with the CMC while everyone else was cheering on Rainbow Dash; with none of them knowing what was really going on up there. "Beats me. She's running a bit late." Diamond Tiara said. "Should we go look for her?" She asked. "It's Scootaloo. What could she possibly be doing right now anyways besides coming here?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I just realized: None of us have any idea where Scootaloo lives." Ray said. "Ah do. She lives in one of the houses on main street." Apple Bloom said. Every pony looked at her. "...Ah saw her come out of it once." she added. "In that case, maybe we should check to see if she's still home and forgot to wake up?" Diamond Tiara asked. "Not a bad thought. Won't take too long either." Ray said. The group started to look for Scootaloo, but then they saw her with an orange dragoness. An orange dragoness, that caused Ray to start freezing up at the sight off. "Oh! Girls." Scootaloo said, going up to her friends. "I see Spike and Ray are here too." Scootaloo said. "I guess I forgot to come by today, huh?" She asked. "You could say that. Whose the dragoness?" Diamond Tiara asked. "Her name is Smolder. We sort of ran into each other yesterday. I just had forgot because of that to hang out with the rest of you. It's...not a bad thing she can hang out with us too, right?" Scootaloo asked. "I suppose not. Hey wait..." Spike did a double take. "I remember her. She helped out with Sweetie Belle and I against Fortus Vile during our date." Spike said. "Heh. Nice to see the dragon and his date again. We didn't really get introduced last time, did we?" Smolder asked. "Like Scootaloo said, the name's Smolder." She added. "I'm Spike." Spike said. "Sweetie Belle; and thanks for your help the other day." Sweetie Belle said. "No one should mess with a Dragon's belongings. Not even another dragon. Not unless you want to feel the rage of a greed-induced dragon." Smolder said. "Well, seeing as you've met them and defended them from Fortus Vile, we might as well introduce the rest of us too. I'm Diamond Tiara." Diamond Tiara said. "The name's Apple Bloom." Apple Bloom said. Ray still looked froze up. "Err...and the yellow dragon here is my surrogate brother, Ray." Spike said. He elbowed Ray. "Ray, say something!" Spike said. "Oh! Um...hi there." Ray said. "Heh. Your cute. Oh crap..." Smolder said as she noticed a nearby street clock. "Gotta get going; I'm finalizing my new place to stay and my residenticy here in Ponyville. I'll see you around, all of you. Especially you, Ray. You too, pesgasus counter." Smolder said. "See you around, dragon self." Scootaloo said, as she hoofbumped Smolder's enclosed claw before the dragoness took off. "Ray, what the heck dude? What happened to you?" Spike asked. "Th-that dragoness was so beautiful. I guess I just froze up." Ray said. "Looks like Ray just found his crush." Diamond Tiara said. "What are the chances though?" Apple Bloom asked. "Just as much as the four of us being drawn to each other, I'd say." Diamond Tiara said. "Okay point taken." Apple Bloom said. > Season 1: Episode 14 - Something's in the Water (Alternate to "Showstoppers") > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few days later, there had been an incident where the CMC were forced to sleepover at Fluttershy's place, causing the CMC to learn about Fluttershy's "stare" the hard way. While Apple Bloom suggested that they could've stayed over at Diamond Tiara's place, the Pink filly had told them that right now, her mother and father were doing house renovations, so trying to do a sleepover while they were moving things around, not the best idea in the world. Still, the following day after the Cockatrice incident, Applejack had shown the Crusaders an old clubhouse, which Apple Bloom managed to fix up, Sweetie Belle got to cleaning, and Diamond Tiara helped do some organizing of. Meanwhile, Scootaloo had gone off to get a few things from in town. And now had just come back. This led to a meeting of the CMC in their new clubhouse. "So, any thoughts on cutie mark ideas?" Apple Bloom asked. "Hmm...that's a tough one." Scootaloo admitted. "Yeah, we may need a few moments to figure out a few." Sweetie Belle said. "Oh, but my mom is coming out and telling the town about the truth later today. I'll need to attend for obvious reasons." She added. "Perhaps we should go to support you then." Diamond Tiara said before there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" Diamond Tiara said. It was actually Rarity. "Sweetie Belle, here you are. Would you and your friends perhaps be interested in something? There's a bit of a buzz in town." Rarity said. "What sort of buzz?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Well, it's that some pony said they saw something in the water. At first, every pony in town thought they were just crying wolf, when suddenly there was the screams of a few children who said they saw something vanish into the water." Rarity said. "So it's a mystery." Diamond Tiara said. "Exactly. The whole town is in a tizzy, and if something isn't found out about what exactly is up, then I'm afraid my whole coming out is going to get delayed until further notice." Rarity said. "You can count on us mom!" Sweetie Belle said. The four CMC members were out and about, searching the water way for clues with no luck quite yet. And that's when who else would show up but... "Well well well, look whose shown up." Fortus Vile said as he and Silver Spoon came up to the foursome. "What do you want, Fortus?" Diamond tiara asked. "Oh nothing much. Just going to find that mysterious creature before you can. That way, I get to take all the credit." Fortus Vile said. "With Silver Spoon helping me, there's no way I'm loosing." He added. "Are you actually going to sabotage one of us potentially getting our cutie mark in case solving? Because ah think that's low. Even for you." Apple Bloom said. "Oh please. If any of you were good at case solving, the one who would have would've cracked the case already." Fortus Vile said. Suddenly, he was sprayed with a jet of water. "HEY, WHO DID THAT?!" Fortus Vile exclaimed. "It came from the stream!" Diamond Tiara said, before the CMC huddled over the water, only to see something melt into the water itself. "Something just melted and vanished into the water." Diamond Tiara said. "...Actually in that case, ah think there's nothing to worry about." Apple Bloom said. "What do you mean?" Diamond Tiara asked. "HEY THERE!" Apple Bloom suddenly shouted. "ARE YOU PERCHANCE THE VAPOREON MATE OF KING THROSTEN?" As Fortus Vile began to open his mouth, suddenly there was a clear cyan head poking out of the water. And then it changed into something Fortus Vile recognized: The head of a Vaporeon. "Well drat, there goes my way of giving this town a cryptid." The Vaporeon said. "What the...how in Celestia's name did you know she was even here?" Fortus Vile demanded. "Because unlike a certain spoiled rich colt, ah actually do my homework and take notes in class." Apple Bloom said. "Or did you forget Miss Cheerilee's lesson the day you decided to throw a party?" She asked. "...Wait, WHAT?!" Fortus Vile exclaimed. "In addition to learning about cutie marks, Miss Cheerilee also told about some of the abilities the various Eeveelutions can do. And a Vaporeon's ability just so happens to be turning invisable in water." Apple Bloom said. Fortus Vile's eye was twitching. "But how could you be so sure it had to be the Vaporeon mate of King Throsten?" Silver Spoon asked. Apple Bloom wasn't the only one who fixed Silver Spoon with a "Are you actually serious?" look just then. Fortus Vile actually did the same. "Seriously Silver Spoon? Did you really have to ask that?" Fortus Vile asked. "Am I missing something?" Silver Spoon asked. "It's basic pattern recognition." Fortus Vile said. "...Well for once, Fortus Vile's not just spouting his usual insults..." Diamond Tiara said. "I mean think about it: The town has had visits from Gloria, Lola, Flare, and Serendipity. That's the Glaceon, Leafeon, Flareon, and Sylveon from Throsten's harem. Of course if a Vaporeon were to show up here, it was going to be Throsten's mate." Fortus Vile said. "So wait, what did you mean anyways by 'giving ponyville a crytid'?" Diamond Tiara asked. "Well, I was hoping to prank ponyville for the day, then go back home for a while, then come back. And I would be loving how Ponyville would be trying to prove the exitance of 'the mysterious creature of Ponyville river'. It would've given you kids something special to share stories over." The Vaporeon princess said. "Huh? What do you mean?" Now even Fortus Vile was interested. The Vaporeon princess giggled. "What's wrong with wanting to create something that would get kids like you talking in classes besides just playing and doing school work? It would've given you all a sense of combined camaraderie. Think about it: Wouldn't wanting to pool your skills together to solve a mysterious unidentified creature's existence sound like something you would want to do with your friends?" She asked. Even Fortus Vile had to admit, that made sense. "...So, ah sort of ruined that, huh?" Apple Bloom asked. "Maybe not...sorry Sweetie Belle, but this is for the greater good." Diamond Tiara said. "Don't worry, I understand." Sweetie Belle said. With the six foals agreeing to keep the Vaporeon Princess's whole visit a secret so the other foals would have something to do with their friends away from school related issues, it caused the rest of the town to start talking about "The Mysterious Creature of Ponyville's riverway". And thus, the CMC made a new friend that day in Vala, the name of the Vaporeon Princess. "That...is something." Twilight said, mulling over what she and Applejack was just told. "Yeah. Keeping the visit a secret; while it is withholding the truth...we all decided it'd be better that no pony knew. So, if you wouldn't mind keeping it a secret from the rest of the town." Apple Bloom said. "Well, ah can't exactly be telling lies...but if this is that important..." Applejack said. "You don't have to exactly lie. Maybe give out the truth as a suggestion in a way that makes it come off as such." Diamond Tiara said. "...That's actually a clever idea." Applejack said. "Well I know what sort of friendship letter I'm writing to Princess Celestia next." Twilight said. > Season 1: Episode 15 - Ray & Smolder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset was doing her usual shopping one day, when she noticed how distracted Ray has been. "Hey Ray, is something the matter?" Sunset asked. "You know that orange dragoness that's been around lately? I'm still trying the best way to approach her without her thinking I'm not worth her time." Ray said. Sunset went wide eyed. "You mean you've developed a crush when I wasn't looking?!" Sunset exclaimed. "I couldn't help it. Not only is she all sorts of beautiful in dragon eyes, but she's also really cool. That's like, everything I could ever ask for." Ray said. "Gee, you must really want to make a good approach to her. Why don't you just try and be yourself?" Sunset asked. "But what if being myself won't be good enough for her?" Ray asked. "You should never have to change who you are at your core for someone you like. That's something mom always told me when I was younger. Although I doubt she meant that in a romance sense, but I think it can still apply? Maybe? I'm not sure. I've never really asked mom what she meant by that." Sunset said. "Do you think you'll ever come across some pony for yourself, sis?" Ray asked. "One day I'm sure. I'm not really in a rush right now though." Sunset said. "Yeah...yeah good point." Ray said. "But if I don't act soon, who knows who would snatch Smolder up? I gotta make a good first impression." He said. "Well don't try to go super over the top worrying about. Just go talk with her. I doubt she's really going to try and diss you for just wanting to talk with her." Sunset said. "Yeah. Yeah your right. Thanks sis. If this works out, I owe you one." Ray said, heading his way towards Smolder. "...I just hope he can keep his emotions in check so he doesn't ruin his chances." Sunset said. Meanwhile, Ray went up towards Smolder. "Hmm? Oh hey. I noticed you. One of Scootaloo's friends, right?" Smolder asked. "Yeah. That's me." Ray said. "In case you forgot I'm--" "Wait. Don't tell me. Ray, right?" Smolder asked. "...How'd you guess that?" Ray asked. "Well that other dragon I actually a few weeks back on a date with that Unicorn foal. Sweetie Belle, if I recall her name correctly. Overheard her call the Purple Dragon 'Spike'. And considering Apple Bloom is totally a pony name and not a dragon name, that leaves Ray." Smolder said. "What sort of date were you there to see?" Ray asked. "Some fancy restruant in town. I actually work there part time. It was the only place that was really willing to hire me. I mostly just wash dishes though." Smolder said. "...Wait, you wash dishes? But you...you were so cool when I saw you with Scootaloo." Ray said. "Well hey, it's something to keep me from going broke. Besides, it pays well. And who knows? Maybe I'll get promoted. Thinking about taking cooking lessons from someone in town so I can learn to cook. That's be something: Going from a dish washer to a cook in that restaurant." Smolder said. "But cooking is so...I don't know...house wife-ish if you ask me. You deserve better than to fall into some feminine sterotype." Ray said. "...That's a sterotype? Wait, what's a sterotype?" Smolder asked. "Sterotype means something that tends to be a trend amongst certain circles. And females cooking is a huge sterotype. But your a dragon, you shouldn't fall into that sort of sterotype." Ray said. "And what if I actually want to learn how to cook? Sure it may be this sterotype thing, but I want to do what I want to do. I don't care if it's this sterotype thing." Smolder said. ...Keep it together Ray. Ray thought to himself. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I was just trying to say that you seem too cool for that sort of stigma. That's all." Ray said. "...Heh. You know something? Your alright Ray. It's nice to see that you actually care. That's why you were getting all hot and bothered over me learning to cook, right? You care about me keeping my cool image up. It's actually cute that you care about the way I come off." Smolder said. Wait what? Did I just...score big? Ray thought to himself. "We should hang out sometime. As actual Dragons. You can even bring that other dragon with you if you want. Or don't. It can just be the two of us. But not right now. I got to prepare for an emergancy shift in a couple of hours." Smolder said as she walked away. "See you around, Ray." Smolder said before she fully went away. Ray went back to Sunset. "Heh. Sounds like it went well. I think you've really got a good chance." Sunset said. "...She just asked me to do something with her. I think I scored really big today." Ray said. "Chill Ray, try not to think too much into it." Sunset said. "Oh before I forget, here, you can have a little something I've been holding onto." Smolder said, giving over a sapphire and then leaving properly. "...Okay, now you can think much into it..." Sunset said. Ray just took the Sapphire. So...cool... Ray said. "Wow, way to go Ray. You really impressed her, it sounds like." Spike said later that day. "Yeah. It's just a shame that this is one sort of thing I wish the Princess could here about." Ray said. "But we should totally document this somewhere." Ray said. "Well, I'll keep it written on a scroll for later recording to write down in case I ever come across a blank book. Would make for an interesting journal." Spike said. "A journal huh? Not a bad idea to have around. But don't rush finding a blank book, okay?" Ray asked. "Of course. Besides, I'll ask Twilight for one at some point." Spike said. "But tomorrow, Rarity asked me to go help her find gems up in the mountains. If I'm going to date Sweetie Belle, I am going to have to help her mother out." He said. "Good luck with that. Here's hoping nothing major happens tomorrow." Ray said. Boy was Ray wrong about what would happen tomorrow though. was written down in a blank book that the entire story had been written in so far by a mysterious bipedal figure > Season 1: Episode 16 - Not Just a Color > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the day after both Rarity and Fluttershy recovered from the events that were leading to Fluttershy becoming a super model. And that news must have really gotten the attention of King Throsten, as he was actually personally down at Ponyville to see the yellow pegasus. "From what I heard about you, your usually quite shy. So I'm surprised someone like you was able to get passed that and almost become a super model." Throsten said. "Well...it was invigorating to be the center of attention, even if I got nervous." Fluttershy said. "Heh. If you ask me; and trust me I'd know; is that that would be counted as some form of bravery." Throsten said. "Between this and the dragon fiasco I heard about, you really shouldn't be so scared of everything." He said. "Not to be rude, but you say that like you don't know what fear is." Fluttershy said. Throsten stared at her for a while. "Oh...did I upset you? I-I'm sorry..." Fluttershy said. "Actually believe it or not Fluttershy, I used to be just like you: Always scared of something, sometimes not even being brave enough to face them alone." Throsten said. "You? Scared? You almost sound like your talking about a different person." Fluttershy said. "Like me for instance." She said. "Heh...you're not the first one who thinks I'm someone whose never been a coward my entire life. When I finally returned to the Eeveelution kingdoms, many of the ones who knew me, thought for sure that I was a different person or had been replaced. I proved them all wrong eventually of course. Still, I'm not afraid to admit that yeah, I was a coward once. I was so consumed by fear that sometimes I would just yellow out of the scary stuff." Throsten said. "But I'm yellow." Fluttershy said, motioning to herself. "No, not yellow as in like the color Fluttershy. It's context. What I meant was that I used to be such a coward back in the day." Throsten said. "Oh." Fluttershy said. It was clear from that statement that yellow was more than just a color. "Ever heard the term 'yellow-bellied'? That's the saying used to describe a coward. And that's what I was." Throsten said. "But you got over it." Fluttershy said. "I'm not sure if I can." She said. "You've faced off against Nightmare Moon, got angry at a dragon, and even let yourself be a model for a time in front of thousands of people. When you really think about it, you can be brave. You just got to put your mind to it like I did." Throsten said. "But you mentioned you returned to the kingdom. Does that mean you left?" Fluttershy said. "Yeah. It was a long time ago. But I remember the day well..." Throsten said. Suddenly, the screen transitioned. When the screen came back there was a massive storm with the scene being a beach area. "I think he went this way." One voice said before a lone male Eevee suddenly came out of the bush. "Gotta get away from here..." The Eevee said before he hopped on a nearby boat and rowed himself out to sea. "Dammit. We're too late; he's fled via the boat." A voice called out. "And that's the only boat out right now. It's too stormy for using boats." Another voice said. "Well then, he'll either be dead, or out of our hair. That coward will never come back." A third voice said. "...I promise you, Gloria. I'll come back brave. I'll come back the bravest ever." The male eevee said as he rowed himself off in the ocean; ending the scene. When things went back to Throsten and Fluttershy, the yellow pegasus was wide eyed. "You...you ran away?!" Fluttershy said. "Yeah. Ran away from everything I knew. All to try and become brave. I eventually found this one place, heard some tales about a top notch explorer guild, and even found this mysterious relic. However, I just couldn't gather the nerve to go in by myself. I stumbled across an amnesiac Rob before I went on all sorts of adventures across that nearby area with him. We faced of against things that I'm sure would terrify you, so I wont go into details." Throsten said. "But we eventually stopped all the bad things happening to the world, and everything was fine." He said. "That's when you went back?" Fluttershy asked. "No. First, I ended up on this strange ship, where I encountered an artificial pokemon made to be a weapon and it's height puts even the mountain Canterlot sits on to shame." Throsten said. "Oh...oh my..." Fluttershy said. "But if that artificial pokemon wasn't stopped, then countless lives and the ship would've been lost. So, I stood my ground, and I managed to defeat it. All by myself too. It was not long after that, that I ended up facing a living weapon that made your worst fears come to life." Throsten said. "That must have been so bad for you to experince." Fluttershy said. "But I actually have to thank it in the end. Once it started making my deepest fears about my past come back to haunt me, it made me realize that, I didn't have to run away any more. It made me realize, that I've already come up against worse things." Thorsten said. "It made me realize that, I had already become the bravest ever, and I didn't even realize it initially." He added. "What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked. "I mean that ever since I ran away, I went up against an out of control legendary, a legendary out to rule the world, and an artificial pokemon that could've cost people lives. And that's just the big really scary stuff. Compared to that? That past trauma was nothing. After going up against all that, I should already be ready to stare down any threat, to stand up to any adversary. Compared to everything I had been through, whatever I fight next would be nothing to me now. And that past trauma pushed me to finally push away my fears once and for all." Throsten said. "I...really can't feel fear anymore. After everything I've been through, nothing can even scare me anymore. I mean I fought the ghosts of some evil dragons recently. LITTERAL DRAGON SPIRITS! Compared to that, this whole 'being the king thing' is a cakewalk." Throsten said. "I could never really do that..." Fluttershy said. "Don't sell yourself short Fluttershy. I've outgrown my fears. And one day, you will too." Throsten said before he left. "...Throsten..." Fluttershy said. "...Just what exactly did you go through?" She asked. > Season 1: Episode 17 - Eeveelution Hero > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Appleloosa, the elements had expected this to be a simple "plant an apple tree and check out a western town" job, but did not expect to get involved in a dispute between the native Buffalo tribe, and the setttler ponies. Attempts to get the two sides to co-exist; even the ones thought up by Sunset; were going poorly, and it was starting to escalate. This is when a masculine voice shouted out. "ENOUGH!" The voice belonged to Throsten of all creatures. "Native Buffalo, as an ally to equestria, I; King Throsten; emplore you to seek peace not violence before doing something you'll end up regretting." Throsten said. "Like we're going to believe anything an ally of a pony says. Even if your an Eeveelution." Little Strongheart said. "Don't pick a fight you can't win." Throsten said, suddenly, he started to glow. "I don't want to do this young one." He added. "Why are you glowing?" One buffalo asked. "Doesn't matter. My tribe wants this land back. And it wants it back now." Little Strongheart said. "So, you are refusing to seek a compromise?" Throsten asked. "There's more of us then there are them." Little Strongheart said. "You think that scares me? You think I'm shaking in my paws because of that? Your nothing. Your numbers are less then nothing to the concept of true bravery." Throsten said before suddenly something flashed on him in a blink-and-you-miss-it moment. "Wait...stand down..." Little Strongeheart told her buffalo tribe. "What the...?" Twilight was confused. "Honestly, I'm just as confused as you are..." Sunset said. "Has evil started to come to the Eeveelution kingdom once again?" Little Strongheart asked Throsten. "I already dealt with it. An Evil Shadow Flareon threated to rule the kingdoms with an iron paw, but I stopped his plans in their tracks, and as such, he tried to summon the spirits of some evil fire dragons which I also put I a stop to." Throsten said. "...Then...then you are the one..." Little Strongheart said before bowing to Throsten. "Forgive me, decendent of the hero." She added. "Wait, you know about the legend too?" Throsten asked. "We buffalo never forgot. Eeveelution hero saved our race from being slaughtered before he saved the kingdom itself." Little Strongheart said. "So when he told us that a descendent would help cleanse darkness from the Eeveelution kingdom should it arise once more, his words were passed down through each chief." She added. "I see. But this does not excuse anything you were trying to do. Surely, you could come to some sort of compromise before you start a war." Throsten said. "Here, maybe you'd like one Applossa's pies!" Serendipity said, suddenly popping up with a pie. "What the--SERENDIPITY, I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO STAY BACK WITH THE GIRLS?!" Throsten exclaimed. "And miss the chance to try some of Applosssa's Apple Pies? You must be joking." Serendipity said. Throsten's eye just twitched. "Arceus, why do I bother sometimes with you?" Throsten asked. "Besides, these pies are lip-smacking good. And that's something I would never lie about." Serendipity said. "So try one." She said. "Well...I suppose one wouldn't hurt." Little Strongheart said before doing such. And she found that she loved it. "By the fates, that is the best gosh darn pie I've ever had in my life! Not even mother made such great pie!" Little Strongheart said. "Told you! And it's made from the applies the settlers grow." Serendipity said. "But...I had this one plan involving a dress..." Pinkie Pie said. "Trust me, that wouldn't have worked. This is better." Serendipity said. "...I hate to admit it, but you may be right." Pinkie Pie said. "If these ponies continue making good pie, and provide us with enough space to run around with, then we'll help them from real invaders." Little Strongheart said. "And then again, I am also reminded why you are the problem solver for each of my wives." Throsten said. "By the way, Gloria said to come and tell you that she thinks she'll be delivering soon." Serendipity said. "...MAKE WAY, FATHER TO BE COMING THROUGH!" Throsten shouted as he ran off. "Do you think Throsten's going to be okay being a daddy?" Pinkie Pie asked. "What kid wouldn't want Throsten as their daddy? No one would ever pick on the children of THE Eeveelution hero. Plus, he's like, a super dad now before he even has one child." Serendipity said. "Gotta go." She said before vanishing. "Don't worry Pinkie. I have a feeling Throsten's going to be just fine being a daddy." Fluttershy said. "Do you know something I don't Fluttershy?" Pinkie Pie asked. "I'll tell you later." Fluttershy said. "Besides, I doubt he's even remotely scared. He's going to be one of the greatest fathers ever." She said. "Oooooooo...yeah I'm sensing a doozy in regards to Throsten's linage. But I can't tell what." Pinkie Pie said. "Again? Must be something major then." Twilight said. "Wonder what could be so major?" Rainbow Dash asked. "WHOA! Hold the phone, I've got another doozy prediction. In regards to Throsten directly this time!" Pinkie Pie said. "What? Like what?" Twilight asked. "I don't know. But it's going to be epic looking whatever it is." Pinkie Pie said. "Seems the current hero's quest to stop darkness is not done yet." Little Strongheart said. "That's my best guess. Because I sense something evil stirring." She added. "So, Little Strongheart right? If you want, you can come up to Ponyville sometime. Ah'll make sure you and your tribe are welcome." Applejack said. "That's nice to know." Little Strongheart said. > Season 1: Episode 18 - Sunset Snippits I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Bird in the Hoof "Seriously Fluttershy? Despite Twilight's overreacting about you taking Philomena, do you really think taking the princess's pet pheonix was a good idea. Besides, it's not even sick at all." Sunset said. "Of course the poor thing is sick. Can't you tell?" Fluttershy asked. "You don't know much about the Pheonix species that much, do you?" Sunset asked. "All I see is a sick bird." Fluttershy said before doing her thing. Later... "You know, now that I think about it, you did mention Philomena wasn't sick at all, Sunset." Fluttershy said. "But of course. It was the one time Sunburst and I worked together on a school project. He wanted to learn more about the Princess's pet Pheonix, so I helped him with his research. And that's when we found that Pheonix tend to molt and start to look ill before they suddenly spring right back up fresh as a daisy." Sunset said. "Of course, you had gone into animal caretaker mode and wouldn't really listen." She added. "Sounds like Fluttershy learned a little friendship lesson about listening to her friends before rushing to her own judgement on something. Wouldn't you agree, Twilight?" Celestia asked. "Of course Princess." Twilight said. "Though I haven't learnt much about friendship myself today." She added. "I never once gave you a deadline on learning friendship lessons. Besides, this gets me thinking that perhaps, your friends could write to me about friendship lessons they've learned as well." Celestia said. Meanwhile, a unicorn mare had overheard what Sunset said. "Wait...that mare worked with Sunburst?! That's it, I need to find out more about her." The mare said. Cutie Mark Chronicles "You three are going around Ponyville seeking cutie mark stories huh?" Sunset asked the CMC while they were at the library. "Yeah. Say, maybe you can say how you got your cutie mark, Sunset." Sweetie Belle said. "Yeah. Especially since your Twilight's big sister." Apple Bloom admitted. "I'm only her surrogate big sister. I actually have a biological brother who has gone missing. Actually, he's part of how I got my cutie mark in the first place." Sunset said. "Really?" Scootaloo asked. "Yeah. I remember the day well: Sunburst and this unicorn filly he would always play with were looking through some of the breezie tale books, when I noticed they were reading about the Sonic Rainboom which we know actually is a thing that exists. At the time though, every pony thought it was one of those old breezie tales." Sunset said. "You mean like Nightmare Moon?" Sweetie Belle asked. "...Yeah. But this was a bit different. Still, I wanted to prove to them that it was just some old breezie tale and that a sonic rainboom could never be possible. So I studied magic long and heard. While I was never able to provide proof that the sonic rainboom was an impossible feat, both Sunburst and that filly, Starlight Glimmer, noticed how profeciant I had become of magic because of studying it to prove the sonic rainboom impossible. Which is when I realized my talent for wanting to study magic and gain insight into how it works. That's when I had gotten my cutie mark." Sunset said. "Wow. Because of your brother and his friend, you ended up learning that you wanted to study magic." Sweetie Belle said. The nearby unicorn mare had heard everything. "Wait...I think...I think I remember...that mare...she's Sunburst's Sister?!" The unicorn mare asked. Later... "Wait, so the Sonic Rainboom caused the elements to get their cutie marks at the same time?" Sweetie Belle realized. "But not Sunset." Scootaloo said. "Maybe so, but I had gotten my cutie mark because of the Sonic Rainboom all the same. So in the end, we all got our cutie marks because of the Sonic Rainboom." Sunset said. Owl's Well That Ends Well "You really should tell Twilight the truth and not think some new creature she got is going to take over your job." Sunset said. "Yeah. Even I'm better then that." Ray said. "Says the one who sneezed in Rarity's shop because she was dusting." Spike said. "You nearly set one of her manikens on fire." He added. "Thank goodness Smolder was there to block it." Ray said. "You've been hanging out our new resident dragon a lot. Is my other little brother starting to crush on a girl?" Sunset teased. "Sh-shut up!" Ray suddenly said, but his blush was giving him away. "There isn't anything wrong with it Ray. Your a growing drake. It's only natural you'd start taking an interest in females." Sunset said. Ray could only blush a deeper shade of pink. "I said shut up!" He said. Party of One "So, is it just me, or has Little Strongheart been acting a little strange since she helped set this up for Pinkie Pie?" Sunset asked. "Ah'll ask her." Applejack said. "You okay there, Sugarcube?" She asked. "Not...one hundred percent. Ever since I came here, I've felt the evil presence that I felt was coming stronger then ever. But all the ponies here were friendly. Even the female dragon from afar." Little Strongheart said. "Well if it's not anyone in town that's the trouble, it could be a false positive." Ray suggested. "Maybe. But it's too strong for that. Perhaps it's not something that's already here, but something that has yet to be here..." Little Strongheart said. "But what could possibly give off a strong darkness reading?" Twilight asked. "I wonder if by clensing Luna of her nightmare, the nightmare became self-aware and escaped; becoming it's own entity." Sunset said. Outside of ponyville a strange blob of darkness suddenly shifted itself into a more bipedal form, that looked like a monkey without the tail. "It's finally time..." The strange being said. "It's time I break up the fantasy these mortals kid themselves with. Friendship? Honesty? Kindness? Laughter? Generosity? Loyalty? All a bunch of fantasy quirks. There's nothing but enemies, lies, malice, sadness, greed, and betrayal in mortals. And I'm going to prove how useless their precious 'elements of harmony' really are." The figure said. "For I am Gorzon, master of darkness!" The being said before he gave off an evil laugh; one filled with nothing but pure unfiltered evil. > Season 1: Episode 19 - Title Card Not Found > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A really long time ago... A strange dark blob creature was suddenly falling from a giant palace built on top of a large mountain; the tallest mountain around. When the blog creature hit the ground, Eeveelutions started to cheer as a male Vaporeon suddenly decended the mountain safely via a helipack they rigged up. "It's over Nozrog. You've lost. I've defeated you, and as such, your reign of terror ends here." The Vaporeon said. "Defeated by an Eeveelution...how could this be possible?!" The blob creature known as Nozrog said. "I didn't do it alone." The Vaporeon said as a nerd looking female Leafeon soon joined them. "This can't be happening..." Nozrog said. "First my father vanishes...and now this..." It added. "You can settle your daddy issues in Equestrian jail, fugative." The vaporeon said before a large cyan looking alicorn approuched him. "He's all yours, Queen Faust." The Vaporeon said. "Indeed. Thank you, young Varris. I hope one day, my own two daughters grow up to be just as heroic as you are." The alicorn said. "Out of curiosity, what are the names of your daughters? You never told me." Varris said. "They are Celestia and Luna." Queen Faust said. "I see. Well, I hope Equestria and the liberated Eeveelution Kingdoms live in harmony." Varris said. "Your leaving us?!" The Leafeon next to him exclaimed. "Fear not Eeveelutions. Though I may have come from afar to save you, I know in my heart that there will come a time when darkness once again threatens your new way of living. And if that should happen, a descendent of mine whose bravery is unmatched shall appear, and it is by his paw that the kingdoms will be unified once more; this time under the rule of a more benevolent king." Varris said before he faded into the nearby lake. Present day... "I will succeed in taking over everything here. But first..." The mysterious being known as Gorzon said, looking afar at the Golden Oaks Library where Celestia, Luna, and the elements were all gathered. "The daughters of Queen faust will die by darkness, and that is after I overcome those so called 'elements of harmony' and break apart the fantasy world they live in. By showing them pure evil." Gorzon said before he unleashed a laugh that was unfiltered evil. "Aw...she's so cute~" Pinkie Pie said. Everyone was there in Golden Oaks Library with Throsten and Gloria; the latter of whom was holding a baby female Eevee as evidenced by her tail being that of a floral pattern on the tip that was colored cream. "So, how's it feel to be a dad?" Fluttershy asked. "Heh. Trust me, fatherhood isn't going to be nearly as challenging as what I've already been through. It'll be...nice to be a father. I'm going to raise all my kids right, do my best to pass down the things I've learnt so they know about how I became the King of the Eeveelution Kingdom." Throsten said. "I think you'll be the best dad to our child." Gloria said. "Gloria, is it just me, or are you acting a little...different then when we first met." Sunset said. "Considering I had gotten rudely interrupted from my naps by a stampede and some bunnies...you could probably excuse my behavior as I was trying to get some rest." Gloria said. "Mostly in preperation for this." She said. "Oh I can so understand that. Some of the animals who have children get really cranky and angry if you mess with their children." Fluttershy said. Suddenly there were ponies screaming outside. "What's going on?!" Celestia exclaimed. "Go. I would help, but I gotta protect Gloria and my newborn daughter." Throsten said. "Your not afraid of what's out there are you?" Sunset asked. "Or maybe loosing Gloria and your daughter?" She asked. "I'm going to do my best to protect them both so that latter thing doesn't have to be brought up. You focus on dealing with whatever just showed up." Throsten said. "Plus, you have the princesses of Equestria, the daughters of Queen Faust to help out too." He added. "You wish for us to fight?" Luna asked, confused. "Your mother once worked alongside the Eeveelution Hero himself to defeat the powerful dark monster known as Nozrog. So I know you both would be willing to defend your ponies if it came down to it." Throsten said. "Luna, he his right: Our ponies are in danger. This should make it easier for Ponies to accept you as my sister and fellow ruler once again." Celestia said. "...You bring up a good point sister. Very well, I shall assist in vanqushing this fool who dares threaten our subjects." Luna said. The elements and royal sisters went outside to see a strange shapeshifting creature changing it's form and trying to destroy the buildings around ponyville. "Ah...the daughters of Faust have arrived." The creature said, before shapeshifting into the form of Gozon. "Who are you intruder? And why shape shift your form like that without a care?" Celestia asked. "You may call me Gorzon. I am a shapeshifter and a master of darkness. And the main reason I want ponies to know I'm a shapeshifter...well is to take their hopes and shred them up like paper." Gorzon said. Gorzon? Why does that name sound a little familiar somehow? Sunset thought to herself. "We won't allow you to destroy Ponyville like this. Our friendship will defeat you." Twilight said. "Oh come off it! You mortals and your speeches about friendship, honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, and loyalty make me sick. For litteral years I have been kept alive by the pain I continously feel do the the enemies mortals create, the lies they tell, the malice they inflict through bulling, the sadness they spread when children become orphans, the greed that is caused when they just want more then they can settle for, and the betrayal some ultimately fall for. I've felt each and every aganizing pain from these feelings of pure negativity." Gorzon said. Suddenly, parts of him shifted into what appears to be other species: Dragon, earth pony, Pegasus, unicorn, griffon, hippogriff, changeling, and yak...there was a part of him that resembled it all, even if most of the ponies recognized none of these things. I...I could try to talk him down but...I don't think that would work. Sunset thought to herself. This being...has become so traumatized by the pain he feels by the negative opposites of the elements the others protect, that he no longer can be emphasized with. He's consumed by hate and darkness. "So here and now, I'm going to burst up this fantasy land you've created once and for all. Then, and only then, will I grant you what little mercy I have, and slaughter you all." Gorzon said. "This...this isn't the time for me to be scared. Other ponies lives are at stake." Fluttershy said. "You refuse to cower before me at all mortas?" Gorzon asked. "Read our lips buster: We're going to kick your flank." Rainbow Dash said. "The approiate term is flank." Gorzon said. But then blinked. "What in Tartarus; what's up with my swears?!" Gorzon exlciamed. "Bah. I'll figure it out latter." He said before he turned into a giant blob of darkness. "This here? This is the real me." Gorzon said. "Doesn't matter what you look like. Ya ain't going to ruin our way of livin'." Applejack said. "Oh, is that so? Well, we'll just see about that!" Gorzon said. Eternal Antagonist Gorzon Unleashed Gorzon started by shifting to an earth pony, lifting up parts of the ground to throw at the group which were easily swatted back, causing a bit of a tennis match which sped up and Gorzon got hit, allowing the group to wail on the villian for a while. After that, he turned into a Pegasus which Rainbow Dash quickly outsped and crashed to the ground which allowed for another wailing. "I heard something was causing trouble in Ponyville." Gilda said, suddenly coming in to join the fight. Right as that moment, Gorzon suddenly shape shifted into a unicorn. "Is this some sort of shape shifter?!" Gilda asked. "Yeah. Wanna help put him in his place?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Don't need to ask me twice." Gilda said. With some assitance from Gilda, the group was easily able to overcome Gorzon's unicorn powers before he shifted into the form of a Griffon. "Now that's just not cool." Gilda said. "Tell me about it." Rainbow Dash said. Gilda was easily able to overpower Gorzon again, and after this, Gorzon started to shift all over again. "That's enough, Nozrog." A male voice suddenly called out, stopping the battle. "THAT'S why I thought Gorzon's name sounded familiar: Gorzon is 'Nozrog' spelled backwards!" Sunset said. "...Wait who said that?" She then asked. Suddenly, an anthromorphic anubian jackle with a staff in his left hand approuched the group. "Jackle. It's been a long time." Celestia said. "Not here for any trouble, Celestia." Jackle said before he approuched Gorzon. "Son, why do you continue to torment the mortal kind? You know how unmatched you are." Jackle said. "SON?!" All the ponies excliamed. Wait, even the royal sisters were surprised by that? Sunset thought to herself. "So, you've followed me here, old man." Gorzon; or rather; Nozrog said. "You should know better than this. If I must end you, so be it." Jackle said. "You really think I haven't gotten stronger father?" Nozrog said before with one strike, he heavily injured Jackle. "THINK AGAIN OLD MAN!" Gorzon said. "You...why you..." Jackle said before he passed out. "Enough playing around anyways. I was going to stall out your demise, but seeing as my dad is here, I think it's time I went EXTREME!" Nozrog said. Suddenly, a black light envolped them all. When the light faded, the group was on some kind of outcropping of Ponyville, which was floating in midair and a dark swirling vortex was seen a few feet from the edged. In one part of the space though, was Nozrog's true form, before it suddenly grew a pair of arms. And then...Some bubbles started to appear at the top and then a head formed just as music really kicked in. "Before this is over, I'm going to show you true evil!" Nozrog said in his real true voice. TCNF-404; EXTREME NOZROG Nozrog started by coating his main body in a glass casing, before launching one of his arms out. Upon trying to attack it, Nozrog suddenly self-desmembered it before quickly regenerating it. "I don't think we're going to harm him by attacking the hands." Gilda said. "Then let's try that body." Rainbow Dash said before rushing it, and cracking the glass easily. "WHAT?! That glass is tempered glass. How can you crack it so easily?!" Nozrog exclaimed. "You really need to stop underestimating us." Twilight said. The group was able to expose the main body to wail on it, before they were knocked back and stunned as the glass was remade. "Pure luck. That's all that was." Gorzon said. "Girls, get ready. Gilda, Spike, Ray, Princesses; get that glass destroyed once more." Twilight said. "Your going to use the elements no doubt." Celestia noticed Twilight's plan. "It's our best shot." Twilight said. This was done, and when the element were used and thier beam hit Nozrog, his form exploded, and things were brought back to normal. Nozrog was now just a small blob. "Take that." Rainbow Dash said. "Thank goodness, it is over." Celestia said. "Not quite..." Nozrog suddenly said before the elements, Gilda, Ray, Spike, and the princesses were all pinned to a wall of darkness. "Did you really think that would work on me?!" Nozrog said as he took his human form again. "End of the line, Nozrog." Throsten suddenly showed up. "You...your that umbreon who followed Rob around. So, where's the justice hero? Not coming? All alone this time?" Nozrog asked. "You think that scares me? You think anything about you scares me? Do you even realize who I am? Once Rob told me your real name, it all clicked. You've returned from your defeat long ago, Nozrog." Throsten said. "So you know about the Eeveelution Hero huh? And why does that matter?" Nozrog asked. "It matters because of this." Throsten said before he suddenly jumped in the air, and suddenly, there was this massive anime transformation where gold armor attached itself to him. Nozrog's eyes went wide. "No...it can't be...YOUR HIS DECENDENT?!" He said, dropping the equestrians. "That's right. And this time, I'm going to finish what he started." Throsten said before he tackled Nozrog hard. And when he did so, Nozrog's form was shifted beyond the evil's control. "No...no that's not possible..." Nozrog said. He could already sense that Throsten wasn't corrupted by the darkness he was now using as Throsten tackled him and forced him to change again. "How?! How can this be? I was supposed to be the real master of darkness..." Nozrog said before he was force changed by another tackle. "And yet, here you are, mastering it without getting corrupted..." Nozrog continued before another force change. "I really don't get what that's about." Throsten said as he tackled Nozrog again. "But I know this Nozrog..." Another tackle. "No matter how many times you come back..." Another tackle. "No matter what kind of tricks you try to use..." Another tackle. "In the end, the result will always be the same." Another tackle. "I bet your shaking now huh? I'm channelings something you can't find negative for." Another tackle. "I used to be afraid of my own shadow, afriad of the dark..." Another tackle. "But then, I went up against Dialga who had gone berserk because of the interference from a Dakarai that was under orders that saught to drown the world in darkness." Another tackle. "Then I went up against the Ultimate Darkari and an artifical groudon capable of tearing a ship in half..." Another tackle. "Found out a shadow flareon was going to become an evil tryant, and when I stopped those plans, he unleased the spirits of destructive fire dragons that were banished long ago." Another tackle. "That's why nothing scares me anymore. I litterally can no longer feel fear. Being king of all eeveelutions, hell being a dad...that's nothing. I've become not only brave, but the bravest ever." One final tackle before Throsten started channeling darkness into one big final tackle. "SO NOW YOU FACE THE TRUE POWER OF THE NEW EEVEELUTION HERO!" Throsten shouted before he tackled Nozrog one final time. When he did so, in a litteral blink-and-you-miss-it moment, Nozrog cycled through each of his forms once, before he was suddenly launched at high speeds. If one could slow down time and see him, they would see that he was rapidly changing forms beyond his control as he flew. Finally, he landed in the Everfree forest, turning into a giant purple puddle. "Ow..." Nozrog said simply. Everyone including Throsten went up to him. "That's it? No quip from you this time?" Throsten said. "After that display of power, you expect me to talk down to you? Fat chance of that. You just did what no being has ever done before. Look at me...look at the state you've put me in. You did this to me. I'm nothing but a puddle now. Not just physically speaking either. Compared to what you just did, my power might as well just a drop in the bucket; a tiny fragment, a speck of dirt...whatever idiom you want to use that means the same thing, it doesn't matter: You outclass me in ways no being; undead or mortal; has ever been able to before. Not even Rob Snowden; the Legendary Justice Hero; has ever done this to me. I am no longer the master of darkness. That title belongs to you now." Nozrog said to Throsten. "So, guess that's it for you then huh?" Throsten asked. Suddenly, a strange purple beam lifted Nozrog up. "WHAT IN TARTARUS IS THIS?! WHATEVER IT IS, I'LL GET OUT OF THIS! MARK MY WORDS: YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!" Nozrog said before he vanished. "Where'd he go?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Beats me. But, I have a feeling it's going to be a long, long time before he decides to mess with anyone here on this planet." Throsten said. "Agreed." Celestia said. > Season 2: Episode 1 - Chaotic Serendipity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I can't believe that we're about to go back to Canterlot." Sunset said. "And from what I heard, Shining Armor is going to be greeting us." Twilight said. "And that's a good thing?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You said he was the captain of the Royal Guard." "How could you possibly know that Twi?" Applejack asked. "Oh it's no big mystery why she knows that. Might as well tell them." Sunset said. "Well, Shining Armor is my actual biological brother." Twilight said. "Wait really? Your own brother is the captain of the Royal Guard?!" Rainbow Dash was stunned by this. "Yep." Twilight said. The train arrived at the station where two unicorns were waiting. One was wearing Royal Guard armor. "Twily, it's good to see you. Sorry that your visit won't be a social one." The royal guard said. "Every pony, this is my brother, Shining Armor." Twilight said. "Twilight's been writing about you all fairly well. Not just to me either." Shining Armor said. "To Moondancer as well. Like I told you to." Sunset said. "Couldn't forget her or the others here." Twilight said. "Though I have to wonder what you of all ponies are doing here..." Sunset said to the other unicorn. "...Prince Blueblood." "Prince Blueblood, here to try and flirt with me again? Or are you going to try with Sunset this time?" Twilight asked. "Nothing like that, I assure you." Prince Blueblood said. "I'll believe that when I see it." Twilight said, as Rarity soon approuched Blueblood. "Been a while, Blueblood." Rarity said. Sunset was a bit confused at that. Normally, when Blueblood isn't addressed as "Prince Blueblood" he gets all shouty and demands that the pony call him by his title. But for some reason, he's not doing that with Rarity. "Likewise Rarity. How is Sweetie Belle doing by the way?" Prince Blueblood asked. "Well, you know the dragon Twilight hatched for her entrance exam? He's taken a bit of shine to Sweetie Belle. The two have been on a couple of dates." Rarity said. "Oh. Perhaps I should apologize to the young drake the next I see him. Perhaps even get ready to welcome him into the family." Blueblood said. "Okay, some pony please explain to me how Blueblood is suddenly acting this way." Sunset said. "Right. I guess it's the best time to tell you this: Lucky Belle is Blueblood's half brother. They share the same father, but after Blueblood's mother was lost at sea one day, Blueblood's father remarried and had a second son. That was Lucky Belle." Rarity explained. "...Wait...so then...that means Blueblood would be..." Sunset could not finish that thought. "Her uncle, yes." Blueblood said. "...Sunset.mlp will stop working now..." Sunset said before fainting. "Didn't expect to learn this today." Twilight said. "Wait, so Sweetie Belle's Uncle Blue would be...NO BUCKING WAY!" Rainbow Dash pieced it together herself. Suddenly Serendipity showed up. "O. M. Goodness! I totally did not see that coming. I see a lot of things coming, but this just takes the cake. It's so exciting to meet THE Uncle Blue Sweetie Belle mentions so often." Serendipity said. "Oh, Princess Serendipity. You nearly spooked me. You should really think about calling ahead for a change." Blueblood said. "But that's just silly. How can I surprise any mon if they know I'm coming ahead of time? Speaking of which, I've got to get busy preparing my gifts for the one I'm here to surprise. I'll totally give you a gift later, Uncle Bluey. See ya!" Serendipity said before she vanished. "...What was that all about?" Sunset asked. "Don't know. But aunty Celestia does want to see you soon." Blueblood said. "What do you mean the elements have gone missing?!" Sunset exclaimed. "I discovered it this morning. Luna's guards should've notified me if they had noticed the missing statue last night." Celestia said. "It seems Nozrog's little visit has caused Discord; a spirit of chaos; to break free from his stone prison." She added. "Another old foe of yours? Why is this the first time I've heard of Discord?" Sunset asked. "In my defense, Sunset, when my sister and I had imprisoned Discord in stone, we assumed it would be permanent. But I fear that in the process of finding the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony, I failed to take into account what would happen once they had new bearers." Celestia said. "But why would Discord be able to break free on Nozrog's visit?" Twilight asked. "It just doesn't add up." "It seems that while the seal on Discord had weakened, Nozrog's actions during his visit enabled Discord to break free from his prison in full." Celestia said. "And he's been able to hide the elements. Of course he did that." Sunset said. "That doesn't mean I'm not above playing a game." A male voice suddenly said. Suddenly a creature unlike anything else appeared. "Discord..." Celestia said, teeth bared. "Oh please, Celly, you should really learn to lighten up a bit." The new creature said. "WOW! Two new friends in one day. It really must be my lucky day!" Serendipity said. She was suddenly on Discord's head. "Wait, where did YOU come from?" Discord asked. "I mean I already expected to meet you at the very least Mr. Discord, but I didn't expect to meet the infamous Uncle Blue of Sweetie Belle today as well." Serendipity said. "What is she talking about?" Discord asked. "Some pony we met earlier today as well." Sunset said. "Yeah. Though you did faint when we learned about him, Sunset." Twilight said. "Well I was not prepared for who it was." Sunset said. "...To be fair, I didn't either." Twilight said. "Here, would you like a present, Mr. Discord?" Serendipity asked, giving Discord a present. "Oh how nice of you." Discord said, and when he opened the present, he was met with a pie to the face. "What the...but how did you--" Serendipity was laughing. "I just love surprises don't you? You never know what could happen with a surprise. That's why they are surprises. I certainly already had a surprise today, meeting Uncle Blue in addition to you." She said. "Of course nothing could ever top the time when I met Pinkie Pie, see it started when--" Serendipity said before she went off on a rant. Discord started to wilt. "...Is she normally like this?" Discord asked. "Yeah, she can totally give me a fun time." Pinkie Pie said. "But I digress, here, let's shake." Serendipity said, offering Discord a paw. "Err...okay." Discord said but when he did, Serendipity's arm suddenly came off. "WAIT WHAT THE..." Only for it to be revealed to have been a sleeve that was modled EXACTLY like Serendipity's arm. The Sylveon Princess suddenly rolling on the floor laughing. "I can't believe you fell for the old 'fake arm' trick! Gets every mon all the time!" Serendipity said. "STOP! MAKE HER STOP! THE ELEMENTS ARE IN THAT LIBRARY IN PONYVILLE! JUST GO GRAB THEM AND TURN ME BACK TO STONE ALREADY!" Discord said. "I dunno...I think we just found a way to keep you at bay without the elements." Sunset said with a grin. "ACK! FINE! I'LL GO GET THEM MYSELF! AND I'LL BE GOOD! PROMISE!" Discord said before warping away. Pinkie Pie went up to Serendipity. "You totally did that on purpose, didn't you?" The party pony asked. "But of course I did. Because I'm me. And I wouldn't want to do any less. We should totally team up on him if he tries anything." Serendipity said. Pinkie Pie grinned. "I like your style, Serendipity." She said. "Well it looks like Discord got to meet some pony whose very bread and butter is chaos and it makes him look like a saint." Sunset said. "...What just happened?" Celestia asked. "Serendipity happened." Twilight said. The sun princess face hooved. "Mother help us all..." Celestia said. > Season 2: Episode 2 - New Clues, New Faces > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the past few months, Blitz had been working with Princess Celestia to control her royal powers. This was because unlike the others of Throsten's harem, Blitz was not born royal. But because of a technicality, she was made into the new Flareon Royal. These past few months, sometimes when Blitz had trouble sleeping like tonight, she would go and explore the castle a little bit before she would get found by one of Princess Luna's night guards who had been gifted Bat Pony Blood so they could look like Bat Ponies without actually being Bat Ponies. Blitz heard that Bat Ponies were called Therestrials due to their nocturnal nature, and they have not been seen since Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon and subsequently banished one thousand years ago. Still, Princess Luna was insistent that all ponies who signed up to become Night Guards were to be given Therestial Blood so that they could become nocturnal. Princess Celestia had agreed to this condition as did most of the candidates. There were a few of them that bowed out. But Princess Luna understood that this was a huge commitment to be making. Still, for now, Blitz was wondering the halls of the Castle again, soon coming across a strange room. "Whoa..." Blitz said, as she soon discovered some kind of horseshoe shaped archway. "That's pretty." She said. "Hey! What are you doing out of your--" One of Luna's Night guards suddenly spotted her. But then they noticed what was around the archway. "What in the world...what's all this glass on the floor?!" He exclaimed. "Wait there's glass?! Celestia and Luna must be informed about this!" Blitz said. The Elements, the two Princesses, Throsten, and Throsten's entire harem plus his daughter who was held by Gloria were standing in the room the very next morning, as the royal guard was gathering every last glass shard. "Sunset, I blame myself for not thinking of this." Princess Celestia said. "Why Princess? This wasn't your fault. I'm sure you'll punish whoever did do this accordingly." Sunset said. "That's just it Sunset: I believe this was caused by your brother." Celestia said. "Wow. Way to go Blitz. You actually discovered a clue as to Sunburst's whereabouts." Rainbow Dash said. "I'll take that as a compliment?" Blitz asked. "It's more than that actually. If this mirror was destroyed, then it's obvious Sunburst had used it." Celestia said. "Wow really? Guess he didn't want any pony following him." Sunset said. "Though question: Where does this mirror lead anyways?" She asked. "A different world. And that's as much as I can say on the matter. This mirror had been gifted to me and my sister by Starswirl the Bearded." Princess Celestia said. "Oh my gosh! This mirror belonged to THE Starswirl the Bearded?!" Twilight exclaimed. "You've always had a admiration for that unicorn. I can't say I blame it though considering how renowned the guy was." Sunset said. "Yes, but a thousand years ago he suddenly disappeared. No pony knows why either." Princess Luna said. "Me and my sister were just starting to take over the kingdom when he vanished." She added. "What's more, he was our mother's student, and he taught us a lot. But we had to figure the rest out when he mysteriously vanished." Celestia said. "So, Sunburst disappeared into this other world then huh?" Sunset asked. "Yes. But I know not if he is alright or not. So, I will do my best to fix this mirror." Celestia said. "Thank you Princess. At least I have a good idea where my brother is now." Sunset said. "We're that much closer to finding out if he's alright." Twilight said. "That's enough for now." Sunset smiled. "Your right." She added. "Now, I believe that since your here, I could use a little help planning the gala. If you don't mind." Princess Celestia said. "LEAVE IT TO ME!" Pinkie Pie said, getting right on that. "...Princess, by what in Queen Faust's name have you just unleashed?" Sunset asked. Meanwhile in Ponyville, the CMC were currently doing some ziplining when while it looked like the line snapped, it was dilibertly cut. "OKAY, WHOSE THE WISE GUY?!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "Oops. I thought that was a clothline." Fortus Vile said, but had a grin on his face that said otherwise. "Fortus Vile. Why am I not surprised?" Diamond Tiara asked. "Where's Silver Spoon?!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "She's got a bit of a fever. She'll be back to full health tomorrow." Fortus Vile said. "Gives me just enough time to do some real mischief around here." He added. "You would really sink this low?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Why not? So long as I'm around, you four are NEVER getting your cutie marks. I'm going to personally make sure you remain blank flanks for the rest of your lives." Fortus Vile said. "Now that's just uncalled for." Scootaloo said. "All's fair in war. And this is war." Fortus Vile said. "My mother was right: You are the worst of the worst when it comes to nobility. I hope I never become like you." Diamond Tiara said. "You never will be accepted into nobility so long as your a Blank Flank." Fortus vile said. "And I aim to keep it that way." He said. Apple Bloom looked pissed when suddenly a bucket of red paint suddenly fell on Fortus vile. "What the...?" The earth pony was just as shocked as her friends. "Oh ha ha ha. Very funny. Which one of you did this?" Fortus Vile asked. "They didn't do it." A male voice said. "We did." Another male voice said before suddenly out popped a Cinccino and a Bellossom. Only, they had a black and white color scheme on them. "It's a good thing we were in the area..." The Bellossom said. "Because wow, it looks like you really needed to be taught a lesson." The Cinccino said. "I'm Bart." The Bellossom said. "And I'm Minx!" The Cinccino said. "And so long as we're around..." The duo said together. "Evil shall never triumph, regardless of how old it may be." "Bart...and Minx?! But then that means..." Fortus Vile looked panic. "Hello." A deep male voice said. Turning around, Fortus Vile was met with a Raichu and a Luxray. "Wow, I never thought a kid could be so evil." The Luxray said. "You should run." The Raichu said. "And do so before I change my mind." Fortus Vile then ran faster then any pony the CMC had ever seen before. "AND DON'T YOU DARE THINK ABOUT DOING THIS AGAIN, YOU HEAR ME?" The Luxray shouted. "Um...thank you." Diamond Tiara said. "Who are you anyways?" Scootaloo asked. "Name's Lightning." The Luxray said. "And my name is Raiden. But people tend to call me by my other name which is--" The Raichu said. "WAIT. NO BUCKING WAY! YOUR LIGHTNING STRIKE RAIDEN!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "You know this guy?" Diamond Tiara asked. "Duh! Of course I do! He's a home town hero from Lightning Town. It was his bravery that saved the mayor's house from a lightning strike. And he was still a pikachu when that happened." Scootaloo said. "What about Lightning?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Hometown hero from the same place. He's responsible for taking out the local mafia gangsters." Scootaloo said. "But...we have our..." Apple Bloom wanted to say that they had their own hometown heroes but realized quickly that there must be some other reason. "Is there some other reason that you like them so much?" Apple Bloom asked. "Are you kidding? They also run this orphanage chain, taking out corrupt orphanages as they grow bigger. It's called the Lightning Strike Orphanage." Scootaloo said. "Huh...you should really meet our own hometown heroes." Diamond Tiara said. "That's actually originally why we came. Imagine our surprise when we found a kid doing something evil." Lightning said. "Well if you'll stick with us, they should be here soon. We know them all personally after all." Scootaloo said. "Plus, one of them's my mother." Sweetie Belle said. "What do you think Raiden?" Bart asked. "Sounds like a sound plan, and we'd protect these kids from that mean kid." Minx said. "I am such a sucker for children. Alright, we're doing it. But we're doing it my way." Raiden said. "YEAH! LIGHTNING STRIKE RAIDEN IS THE BEST!" Scootaloo said. "Looks like you've got another fan, buddy." Lightning said. "Typical, but not unexpected." Raiden said with a shrug. > Season 2: Episode 3 - Meeting with Luna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Five years prior to when Sunset would meet Twilight Sparkle... In a far away town known as Lightning Town, this almost always destroyed city would often be hit by lightning strikes that had the power to destroy their buildings. This would not be the only threat the city would face however: Because of the constant destruction, it became easy for local gangsters to band together and form a gangster mafia with the toughest amongst them being called "The Elite Four". But one day, the lightning storm had come again, and had destroyed all but one house; and that house was the mayor's house. It was on this day, a lone Pikachu known as Raiden took to action. "Not again." Raiden said. "I won't let this happen again!" Raiden said as he scurried up the mayor's house. "What the heck is that kid doing?" One of the gangsters said. "He must be crazy if he thinks he can save the house without losing his live in the process." Another gangster said. But also watching from the shadows was a Luxio. Is it time? The Luxio thought to himself. As the lightning began to rumble once more, Raiden lept from the rooftop. "NOT ON MY WATCH!" Raiden shouted. He was struck by lightning, and miraclously, he had survived. "Ow...I hurt but...I'm alive..." Raiden said. He...he did it! Lightning thought to himself. "I can't believe this, that kid did it!" One of the Big Four said. "Unbelievable. How did he survive that? No body could've survived that!" Another of the Big Four said. "Apperently...he can." A third of the Big Four said. Later, Raiden was given a pendent that served as a medal, and it was shapped into a Lightning Bolt. "As mayor of Lightning Town, I hearby honor this city's savior. May our hopes ride with him." The mayor of the town, a Luxray, had said at the award cermony. Present Day Raiden quickly took out his pendent and put it around his neck. "Sometimes I really need to remind myself to wear this thing." Raiden said. "It's more than just a symbol of our town now. It's a symbol of true hope for the future." Lightning Said. "So, ready to get back to hanging with those kids?" He asked. "You know I'm a sucker for them. At least hanging with these will allow us to meet with these 'elements of harmony'." Raiden said. Meanwhile back in Canterlot, stuff was being planned for the Grand Galloping Gala in two weeks time. However, Princess Luna had asked to speak with Rainbow Dash in private. "You wanted to speak with me?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yes. While I was not in control of my actions when I was Nightmare Moon, that doesn't mean I was not aware of what was going on." Princess Luna said. "And well, there was one thing that caught my attention the most." "The Shadowbolts huh?" Rainbow Dash asked. "After some coporation from my sister, I have been given the greenlight to create them in reality. It won't be some trick. There are many I have already considered for the upcoming orginzation. And given your admoration for the Wonderbolts, I was hoping that you would accept the invatation to become a Shadowbolt as well." Princess Luna said. "It sounds nice but, I can't leave my friends." Rainbow Dash said. "You won't have to. There's a place not too far outside Ponyville that is unoccupied. I plan to build the Shadowbolt base there." Luna said. "I know this because my sister and I went over things throughly." "So I won't be too far from my friends. But I'm not sure if I want to be the captain right out of the gate." Rainbow Dash said. "Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be in that position eventually but right away? Just doesn't feel right." "Don't worry. I was never intending on making you the captain of the Shadowbolts. You'll be starting out with most of the others on the main squad provided you pass the exams accordingly. Don't worry, I have no doubts you'll pass with flying colors; in a metaphorical sense at least." Luna explained. "Well then sign me up. When's the tests start?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Not until after the Gala. Which is when you'll be meeting the majority of the squad. But there is one mare I'm hoping you get to meet." Luna said. There was a knock on the door. "Ah, that must be her." Luna said and opened the door with her magic. In walked a Pegasus mare with navy blue fur, yellow eyes, and her wings while also navy blue, had red tips. "You were looking for me, Princess Luna?" The mare asked. "Hey wait, I know you. Your Night Wing. You were on the fast track to becoming a Wonderbolt Reserve from what I understand." Rainbow Dash said. "I was the best in the reserves. Heck, I could go toe to toe with Spitfire. But those buckets of slop called The Wonderbolt Council decided to deny me a position into the reserves all because I barely nicked the wing of the current Wonderbolt co-captiain's wing during training ONE time. And to top it all off, no matter what I tried the next year, I was still passed over. So I quit." Night Wing said. "Wonderbolt Council? Who are they?" Rainbow Dash asked. "A collection of Pegasi that oversee all wonderbolt aspects. However, they will have no say in the Shadowbolts. Celestia was able to convince the High Council to make everything in regards to the Shadowbolts run directly through me, as there are some Pegasi out there who would otherwise get glosssed over because of accidents like Night Wing's." Luna said. "And it was an accident. But that Wonderbolt Council didn't see it that way. Every pony makes mistakes every now and again, but I shouldn't have been skipped over two years in a row with just one blemish on my otherwise perfect record. Did NOT help that Spitfire's father is a war hero." Night Wing said. "Wait, so your saying she was given her seat because of some publicity thing?" Rainbow Dash asked. She then realized a similar situation could happen with her. And it would make her rise to the top of the Wonderbolts feel like a hollow victory. "N-no...no that's not true..." Rainbow Dash said. "That's politics for you. But, you stick with my squad, and you'll EARN my seat. That's how Princess Luna wants things. I'm only being made captain because I've already earned it." Night Wing said. "And trust me: You will EARN things on my squad." She added. "Just how I like it. Here's us getting to know each other in the future." Rainbow Dash said. > Season 2: Episode 4 - Meeting Team Strikers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day the gang was back in Ponyville at long last. Though, they were a little wierded out that the CMC wasn't anywhere they searched yet. "Where's Apple Bloom?" Applejack asked. "And where's Sweetie Belle?" Rarity asked. Rainbow Dash didn't want to say anything outloud right now though. Dammit, not again. Why did this have to happen again?! She thought to herself. Her mind flashed back to a period in her life. Three years after the Sonic Rainboom... "I have a little sister?" Rainbow Dash asked her parents. "Well, that was the plan yes. We were going to introduce you on the day after you had gotten your cutie mark to her, but while at the mall picking up baby food..." Windy Whistles trialed off. "I swear I only took my eyes off her stroller for a second." She added. "When we had both finally gotten to where your mother swore she put the stroller, it had vanished. We searched the entire mall that day but was unable to find her." Bow Hothoof said. "But we just couldn't find her..." He added. "We saved just one picture of her..." Windy said, handing the picture over to Rainbow. "So, your really going to go find Fluttershy then?" Bow asked. "Yeah. And my sister too." Rainbow Dash said. "Then I'm never leaving either's side again." She added. Present day Spoiled Rich soon came up to the group. "Oh! I was hoping my daughter was with you." The mare asked. "So Diamond Tiara's missin' too." Applejack said. "If they're all missing, maybe they got pony napped!" Twilight said. Every pony else looked at Twilight. "Seriously Twilight? Seriously?" Rainbow Dash asked. That's when Smolder showed up. "Oh hey. You guys are back? Well, you guys better follow me." Smolder said. "Does she know something?" Rarity asked. The group was led to the CMC Clubhouse, and this made AJ, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Spoiled Rich all facehoof. "Why didn't we think of this sooner?" Rarity asked. "Of course their hanging out at their little treehouse. Why wouldn't they be?" Spoiled Rich asked. "Seems kind of obvious in hindsight." Applejack said. "No kidding." Rainbow Dash said. "Guess that means Spike and Ray must be with them too." Twilight mentioned. "Oh they are. But they aren't the only ones. There's some...folks here to meet you. More of them Pokemon." Smolder said. "I don't understand home town heroes sometimes..." She added. "But we're hometown heroes." Rainbow Dash said. "Don't mean you guys." Smolder said. "Oh hey!" Apple Bloom said from up top. "Good thing you showed up. Ah think these guys were running out of ways to entertain us." "What?" Applejack asked. And then down came a Raichu, a Luxray, a Bellossom, and a Cinccino. "...What's with the color scheme?" Sunset asked. "It's perma paint. It was an accident, but it really helps Bart and I stand out." The Cinccino said. "Wait a second..." Rainbow Dash looked at the Raichu. "It's Lightning Strike Raiden! Oh my gosh! I can't believe he's here!" She added. "Another fan? You just attract them at this point." The Luxray said. "You said it, not me Lightning." Raiden said. "So, whose the Cinccino?" Twilight asked. "The name's Minx." The Cinccino said. "And I'm Bart!" The Bellossom Said. "You already know Raiden though. The Luxray is Lightning." Minx said. "Our foursome just so happens to be called Team Strikers." Bart said. "Sounds like some Hoofball Team." Sunset said. "What took you two days to show up?" Raiden asked. "We were up in Canterlot to help set things up for the Grand Galloping Gala in two weeks time." Twilight said. "We were helping Princess Celestia." She said. "And how much do you know about this 'Princess', really? How trustworthy is she anyways?" Raiden asked. "Hey, Princess Celestia may not be batting a thousand all the time, but she does her best to be a great ruler." Sunset said. "Settle down Raiden. Just because we come from a place that once belonged to an evil dictator that got forcibly removed from power doesn't mean you should assume all royals are evil. Remember Throsten?" Lightning asked. "...You raise an honest point. Him I can actually get behind because he's willing to stand up for himself. Really put us through our paces." Raiden said. "Oh, you know King Throsten? He visits from time to time. His wives too." Spike said. "Interesting. You may see us around sometimes too then. Though next time, I'm bringing some of the orphans here with us." Raiden said. "You sure that's wise? You think that they would go for that?" Lightining asked. "Hey, there are plenty of good kids here. Seems there's only really two we need to nip in the bud their behaviors though." Raiden said. "Your referring to Silver Spoon and Fortus vile I presume? Yes, the two of them do do a lot of bullying to the other kids." Spoiled Rich said. "Mostly to these four though." She added. "Speaking of, I must thank you four for looking after my daughter Sweetie Belle." Rarity said. "I suppose the same can go for my own daughter as well." Spoiled Rich said. "Raiden's a sucker for kids." Lightning Said. "Can I help it when there are children in need? Because I really hate seeing kids in distress." Raiden said. "Sounds like you want to stick around for a few days, huh?" Bart asked. "Yeah, totally sounds like you wanna make sure Fortus Vile doesn't try anything evil again." Minx said. "Hmph. You two are getting good at that." Raiden said and left with his crew. "What was that about?" Spoiled Rich asked. "We'll tell you later." Diamond Tiara said. > Season 2: Episode 5 - Scars > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thanks for letting me use your shower." Raiden said. He was currently in Fluttershy's house taking a shower. "Oh it's no big deal. I could wash your back for you. I'll be gentle." Fluttershy said. "I'd rather do it myself." Raiden said. As he got up and walked away, Fluttershy suddenly gasped. "...Oh. Looks like you saw." Raiden said. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR BACK?!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "That is from when I tanked that lightning strike meant for the mayor of Lightning Town's house. Honestly though, I've tried every known ouitment, and nothing has worked." Raiden said. "Oh you poor thing. Here, I may have something to dull the pain at least." Fluttershy said before she started making something. "...Your mixing carrots, cawliflower, and tea leaves together?" Raiden asked. "It's my own herbal remedy." Fluttershy said before she started applying the mixture to Raiden's back. "Hey watch it's--" Raiden started to say, but he felt no pain. "...Still sore? I don't understand..." Raiden was confused to say the least. "There you go." Fluttershy said. "Now you should really think about that shower." She added. And while Raiden Showered, he found that he could actually brush his back using his tail much more effectively now. "Wow. That stuff really works. I barely felt a thing." Raiden said. "Well I take care of a LOT of animals. Most ponies come to me when they have a problem with them." Fluttershy said. Suddenly there was a bear behind her. "! Look out, bear!" Raiden said but soon found the bear hugging Fluttershy. "Aw...it's good to see you too, Mr. Grizz." Fluttershy said. "Bwah?" Raiden was utterly stumped. The next day, Fluttershy and Raiden were at the Golden Oaks Library as Throsten was there. So was his wife Gloria who was still nursing their daughter. "So, you finally did it huh? Got yourself a child of your own. First of many no doubt." Raiden said. "Yeah. I'm expecting more then just the one to be honest. And I couldn't be more excited." Throsten said. "Geez, you really CAN'T feel fear anymore can you?" Raiden asked. "Nope." Throsten said. "You know, you did once mention that you froze up when you were confronted with physical manifestations of your worst fears created by some living weapon." Sunset said. "Yeah. I'm not ashamed to admit it. Before that point, I was carrying around some scars of my own. And not the kind you can see on the surface." Throsten said. "When I was still an Eevee, I was scared about just about everything. And one of the things I was afraid of was the Dark." He started. "But wait, weren't you the Starview Vally royal?" Twilight asked for conformation. "I was the son they had yes, but I had grown scared of the dark. My cowardice was so great, that they were threatening to disown me, send me back up to the Eevee Dojo, and then I would get replaced from there. But I didn't want that. So I ran away from all that fear. I didn't want to return until I became the bravest ever." Throsten said. "Is there really such a thing as being the bravest ever?" Raiden asked. "I think there is now. Because I litterally can't feel fear anymore. I've basically psyched myself up so much after having delt with things that would've made these ponies run scared that I basically can't feel fear anymore. Being a dad? That's not scary to me. I'm excited for it. But I'm not scared. Nor am I even nervous." Throsten said. "How can you not be nervous?" Sunset asked. "Because to become nervous, you have to be able to feel fear. And I can't feel fear anymore. Being a father? The journey of being the best dad I can be? The prospect of siring many children? That's not scary to me." Throsten said. "And it's because of that living weapon. When I faced it, it had drugged up the memories of what had caused me to run away. And initially, I just froze up. But once I started to really think about it, up to that point, I had delt with several legendary Pokemon; one of whom had gone crazy in the head because of another one wanting to cause darkness to rule the world; and faced a giant artificial Pokemon that could've destroyed half of an entire ship at sea. Compared to that, what awaited me back home? It was nothing. I've already been up against some of the scariest things imaginable since I ran away from home. So I decided to stop running away. No longer would I run scared, I would confront everything head on with gusto. Because I've already been through enough to call myself brave. And this? This was my turning point." Throsten said. "Oh no!" Twilight said. "I just realized, I haven't learnt any new friendship lessons this week!" She said. "Twilight, Princess Celestia never gave us a deadline." Sunset said. "I know, but I don't want to think I'm not learning anything in regards to friendship." Twilight said. "Well it's not a friendship lesson persay, but you could write to her about how you learnt about scars. Both physical and mental." Raiden said. "Yeah. Sometimes it's the simple lessons that go a long way." Throsten said. "...Wow. I never thought of that." Twilight said. Dear Princess Celestia, While I have been unable to find out anything new about Friendship this week, what I learnt instead from two individuals is that sometimes, we all carry scars with us; whether they be physical or mental. And it seems that no matter what, we can learn from our friends how to deal with those scars if we ever find ourselves carrying scars of our own. And while I've already learnt something similar to this, it's sometimes nice for these things to be reaffirmed. Your student, Twilight Sparkle. Princess Celestia smiled. Twilight Sparkle had come a long way if she was writing about this simply because it was something she had learnt before, needing reaffirmation. The sun princess then took off her own crown. Magically etched into it was a single thing. My Failures Princess Luna, my sister Celestia then sighed before she decided to magically etch in a second name. Sunburst; Brother of Sunset > Season 2: Episode 6 - Grand Galloping Gala > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Whoa, check out all the guests here." Twilight said. The group was now at the Grand Galloping Gala, inside of the place. "I think this is the largest group this event has seen like ever." Sunset said. "How in tarnation would you know that?" Applejack asked. "We usually would be with Princess Celestia greeting nobles. However, this year we're here as actual guests." Sunset said. "Thanks to Rainbow Dash of all ponies." Ray said. "Surprised you didn't try to get a ticket for Smolder so she could come with Ray." Sunset said. "What the..." Ray suddenly blushed a deep red. "SUNSET!" He shouted, embarrassed. "Well there's the fact that I felt like it might be too soon for her to come to something like this with him, and the fact that I doubt there were any tickets left." Rainbow Dash said. "RAINBOW, NOT YOU TOO!" Ray said, still blushing furiously. "I ship them." Apple Bloom said. "OH COME ON!" Ray said, still blushing furiously. "Too bad Diamond Tiara couldn't have came with us." Scootaloo said. "Doubt she wouldn't be able to." Apple Bloom said. "...You know something we don't?" Sweetie Belle asked. Soon, Spoiled Rich and Diamond Tiara approuched the group. "...Well I feel very underdressed now. Thanks." Spoiled Rich said. "Spoiled Rich, you should've told me you and your daughter were coming." Rarity said. "Mom's like this sometimes. I wish she would tell others sometimes." Diamond Tiara said. "And besides, my usual tailor was having a sale." Spoiled Rich said. "Well I already have some ideas on what you could wear for next time. I'll be sure to get on making you and your daughter some fabulous dresses once we get back." Rarity said. "Considering what you've made for your friends...I don't doubt your abilities." Spoiled Rich said. "Oh, here you are Rainb--OH MY GOSH!" Night Wing said when she spotted Rainbow Dash. "...Um...whoa. All the whoa." Night Wing said. "Night Wing? Oh my gosh, I nearly forgot to meet the others. Oh but there's something else I wanted to do tonight as well." Rainbow Dash said. "Better be important." Night Wing said before suddenly Rainbow Dash whispered in her ear. "...That IS important dang." Night Wing said. "I'll be right over once I'm done. Scootaloo, let's go find somewhere private." Rainbow Dash said. "Uh...sure. I'll catch up with you girls later." Scootaloo said and left with Rainbow Dash. "...What was that about?" Throsten was suddenly right next to the group. "WAH! When were YOU here?" Night Wing asked. "Something to do with telling Scootaloo something. Never would tell us what." Twilight said. "Well she just told me, but I won't tell you. Because I think this is something she needs to tell you herself." Night Wing said. "Family...huh..." Night Wing said before going off somewhere. "This looks good." Rainbow Dash said. "Alright, what's going on Rainbow Dash? Ever since you gave me that ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala you've been--" Scootaloo was saying before Rainbow Dash suddenly shoved a picture in her face. "...Uh...what the...isn't that..." Scootaloo realized what the picture was. There in that picture was Bow Hoothoof and Windy Whistles holding a newborn filly. And there was no question on who the filly was, giving the orange coat and purple mane. "Yeah. It's you. I found out about it a whole week before I told my parents I was going to go find Fluttershy since she didn't return to Cloudsdale." Rainbow Dash said. "But I barely remember anything. All I do remember from my earliest days is that I was found by some mall police and taken into foster care. Only recently did I find this lesbian couple that took me in that reside in Ponyville. I call them Aunt Holiday and Aunt Lofty." Scootaloo said. "One of these days you'll have to introduce me to them squirt. Sound like they've done their best to take care of you." Rainbow Dash said. "But I really don't get what this is about; what does this have to do with this apparent baby picture of me?" Scootaloo asked. "Yeah...about that. This ain't easy to say. It's why I thought tonight was the best time to do it. Big event like this, perfect time to be dropping some familial news." Rainbow Dash said. "Familial news? I don't understand..." Scootaloo said. "Look, those parents of mine I mentioned? Your looking at them alongside yourself." Rainbow Dash said. "Huh? But...but that would mean..." Scootaloo said and then went wide eyed. "Listen, don't hate the messager. Once I discovered you and Fluttershy were in the same place, I knew I wanted to stay by and make sure everything was okay with both of you; you more so." Rainbow Dash said. "Hate you? How could I hate you? This only makes you more awesome. You stayed behind for me. Well, for Fluttershy too, but I really appreciate that I was a contributing factor for you staying in Ponyville." Scootaloo said. "Heh. You took this better then I thought you would, squirt." Rainbow Dash said. "I just don't know if I'm ready to meet my real parents yet..." Scootaloo said. "You don't have to right away. Just enjoy yourself for the time being until you think your ready to go meet them. I'll wait for you. And I'll be sure to be a good big sister to you." Rainbow Dash said. "You've already been a good one so far." Scootaloo said. "Now, you better go check in with Night Wing." "Heh. Already looking out for me. Loyalty runs through your vains Scoots." Rainbow Dash said before she went off. Night Wing was waiting for Rainbow Dash when the pegasus in question showed up. "So, how'd she take it?" Night Wing asked. "Better than I expected. She's my little sister for sure. Loyalty runs through her blood alright." Rainbow Dash said. "You honestly expected any less? This is your sister after all." Night Wing said. "But I digress. I think it's about time I introduced you to the rest of the candidates Luna scouted." She added. Rainbow noticed them all, but there was one in particular that caught her eye. "...Oh. Hello Thunderlane." Rainbow Dash said. "Why of all the places it would be here..." Thunderlane said. "You two know each other?" Night Wing asked. "We tried to date a few years back. And then I got caught cheating on her." Thunderlane said. "We haven't really seen each other since..." "Well just know, that whatever personal problem you two have, keep it away from the tests and the group okay? I don't want to see any fighting between you two what-so-ever. Doubly so if you two get paired for the tests." Night Wing said. "The tests are in pairs?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yeah. But Luna will have them be set randomly. So you two better not let your past effect your perfomances." Night Wing said and joined the others. "...I was really hoping I wouldn't see you again." Rainbow Dash said. "I wouldn't blame you for saying that. I messed up. Can we just call a truce here? I won't mess with you, you won't mess with me." Thunderlane said. "Holding you to that buster." Rainbow Dash said. > Season 2: Episode 7 - Uncle Blue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The past couple of days saw a couple of notable events, such as Nightmare Night which let Luna adapt more with modern culture, and the Sisterhooves Social where Twilight & Sunset managed to outperform all the contestants there. It was there at the Sisterhooves Social though that Rarity decided to finally announce her real realationship in regards to Sweetie Belle to the entire town. No on really minded that much, because shortly after that, Scootaloo made sure to announce her own relationship which was to Rainbow Dash. ...But this double relationship business really got on Fortus Vile's nerves. "Can you believe this Silver Spoon? Three of those blank flanks are related to some of the most influential ponies here in town. And while Diamond Tiara isn't related to anyone influential, she is friends with the the other Blank Flanks." Fortus Vile said. "So, what are we supposed to do about it?" Silver Spoon asked. "Hmph. I think it's time we humiliated those four Blank Flanks. Mother tells me Prince Blueblood; nephew to Princess Celestia; is coming to visit tomorrow. If we humiliate the Blank Flanks in some way, shape, or form, we would restore our status around here." Fortus Vile said. "Why not humiliate Blueblood while he's around the CMC and try to get them framed for it?" Silver Spoon asked. "While tempting, I'd rather be safe then sorry. Because if that plan doesn't work, and we get found out, it'll be our own flanks on the line, not theirs." Fortus Vile said. "That's a risk I shall not take." "...Okay yeah, the risk is pretty high when you think about it." Silver Spoon said. "Though there's also Raiden to consider." "I have a plan for tomorrow. Ain't no way any pony could think we were involved with what I've got planned. Even that Team Strikers will be fooled." Fortus Vile said. The next day, Prince Blueblood stepped off the train and headed for Courasol Boutique, where the elements and the CMC were hanging out. He knocked on the door. "Oh my goodness, you didn't say you were coming Blueblood." Rarity said. "Wouldn't be a surprise if I had called ahead now would it?" Blueblood asked. "Prince Blueblood, it's an honor to see you here of all places, but do tell what brought this visit on?" Spoiled Rich asked. "Wanted to get away from the upper crust for a while. Being a noble isn't all sunshine and rainbows, let me tell you that much." Prince Blueblood said. "Besides, you can just call me Blueblood." "Wow. Mom was right: You are a great example of nobility, Blueblood." Diamond Tiara said. "Heh. I try to do my best. But even I'm prone to loosing my temper at times. No pony is perfect after all." Blueblood said. "This feels so informal..." Scootaloo said. "Tell me about it." Rainbow Dash said. "Hey Blueblood, maybe you know about something." Diamond Tiara said. "Hm? Like what?" Prince Blueblood asked. "Like, maybe you know who Sweetie Belle's Uncle Blue is." Diamond Tiara said. Fortus Vile and Silver Spoon were hiding out by the window. "Oh. Uncle Blue. No doubt Prince Blueblood would know. He is Princess Celestia's Nephew." Fortus Vile whispered. "Wait...I think he looks like he knows indeed. Sweetie Belle too. Their grinning at each other." Silver Spoon said. "Should we just tell them?" Prince Blueblood asked. "Sure. Since your here and all. You do it though." Sweetie Belle said. "Well alright then. Has Rarity come out with her being Sweetie Belle's mother yet though?" Blueblood asked. "Yeah. That happened a couple of days ago." Scootaloo said. "Well Sweetie Belle's biological father, Lucky Belle, just so happens to be my half-brother." Blueblood said. "SAY WHAT?!" Fortus Vile had yelled out, breaking the nearby window with how loud he was. "...Oops..." Fortus Vile said. "...I think you should run." Sweetie Belle said. "And not just because of my Uncle Blue." She said. Sure enough, Team Strikers was right behind Fortus Vile and Silver Spoon. "...Good advice." Fortus Vile said before he and Silver Spoon hightailed it away from there. "AND BY THE WAY FORTUS, YOU OWE MY MOTHER A WINDOW!" Sweetie Belle yelled at them through the doorway. "Snoopers. Guess even Ponyville isn't safe from them." Prince Blueblood said. "Wish those two wouldn't do something like that though." Apple Bloom said. "Well all the same, I think Spoiled_Rich.mlp will stop working now." Spoiled Rich said before fainting. "...Yeah I feel like doing that too." Daimond Tiara said before joining her mother. "You just HAD to top my relationship with Rainbow Dash somehow, huh Sweetie Belle?" Scootaloo asked. "It was never a contest Scootaloo." Sweetie Belle said. "And even if it was, there would've been no way you could've topped this." She added. "Tell me about it..." Apple Bloom said. "By the way Sweetie Belle, has Spike been making you happy?" Blueblood asked. "He's a real gentle drake. The best I could ask for, really." Sweetie Belle said. Blueblood laughed and playfully slapped Spike. "Well, I hope to one day, welcome you to the family then." The unicorn prince said. "Err, thanks." Spike said. Safe to say, this became the most action packed week so far in Ponyville, and this wouldn't be the only action it would see. Because the following few days saw Rainbow Dash and Sunset getting their own pets. Though it was Rainbow Dash who really stole the show. Nearby on the desk of the bipedal writer, one could see a picture of the elements, the CMC, Ray, Spike, Smolder, and Prince Blueblood in front of Rarity's boutique, though Spike had one of his arms around Sweetie Belle. > Season 2: Episode 8 - May the Best Pet Win! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had started as the usual play date for the mane six and their pets, and that is when Rainbow Dash decided she wanted a pet of her own. So the next day, Rainbow Dash was over at Fluttershy's house, though she wasn't the only one there looking for a pet. "Oh hey Rainbow Dash. You come to get a pet too?" Sunset asked. "What the...how did YOU find out about Fluttershy's pets." Rainbow Dash said. "Princess Celestia recommended it. I actually wrote her a letter yesterday asking if she would be upset if I tried to get my own pet, and she explained that she wouldn't be." Sunset said. "Not sure if I'm all about flying animals though. I'm checking out the more land based ones." She added. "Really? But both Princess Celestia and Twilight have flying pets." Rainbow Dash said. "Ugh...do not remind me about Celestia's pet. Remember the little trick Philomena played on Fluttershy? Wanna know how I know about Pheonix molts? One day, Celestia put me in charge of looking after Philomena and that was the day Philomena molted to rebirth herself." Sunset said. "I was cleaning up the feathers from that after Philomena did her little drama act." "Oof...yeah I guess I can see how you're turned away from flying pets. Still, I want a pet that can fly so they can keep up with me." Rainbow Dash said. "That's not what a pet should do, but I'm not one to judge." Sunset said as Rainbow Dash soon created this strange pet show out of the flying pets that the mane six watched. The pet show had ended up a tie between several flying pets, so Rainbow Dash decided to create a tiebreaker event. The event was a race through Ghastly Gorge, and the rules was that whoever crosses the finish line with Rainbow Dash would end up winning the honor of being the speedster's pet. However, as Rainbow Dash was going over the candidates; and noticing the Turtle had snuck his way into the event; he did notice that the Bat was missing. "Hang on, where's that bat?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Um...Rainbow Dash...I think the Bat has decided to drop out..." Fluttershy said, pointing to Sunset who had the bat hanging off the front of her face. "After seeing him in the that pet show, I don't know why but, he just jumped out at me. Plus, he's a bat. Meaning no feathers to clean up." Sunset said. "Wait, I thought you were going to avoid getting a flying pet because of Philomena?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I honestly thought I would do the same, but after seeing the bat's perfomance and remembering that Bats don't molt feathers, I guess you could say my mind became changed. I could go for a pet that's good at making some radical music. It's like a melody." Sunset said. She then gasped. "That's it! I'll call this bat Mellos." Sunset said. "Actually Sunset, that bat is a girl." Fluttershy said. "Oh. Well Melody is still a good name for her." Sunset said. "...Okay this is wierd. But now onto the actual event." Rainbow Dash said. While the Falcon had been the first animal to cross the finish line, Rainbow Dash looked apprehensive. "Something Wrong Rainbow?" Sunset asked. "While the Falcon is cool and awsome and all that, I did say that whoever crossed the finish line with me would become my pet." Rainbow Dash said. "That's right! That's what she said!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "And the only animal who did do that was the Tortoise." Rainbow Dash said. "You can't keep a turtle like this one out for long. He's like a-a tank!" Rainbow Dash said. "Guess you've found a name for him already huh?" Sunset said, as she and the others watched the falcon do some good sportsmanship in shaing one of the Tortoise's legs. "...Never thought I'd ever see that in a million years." Sunset said. "But Rainbow, didn't you want a flying pet with wings so they wouldn't slow you down?" Fluttershy asked. "I think I can help with that actually." Twilight said. "Speaking of you Twilight, I think there's something I've learnt about friendship today." Rainbow Dash said. "Alright, I'll get a letter ready." Spike said, taking out a blank scroll. Rainbow Dash smiled from this. Dear Princess Celestia, While the friendship between ponies and thier pets are important, you sometimes find that your friendship can be forged in the most unlikely of ways... While Spike was writing the scroll, Tank had managed to fake out Opal into scratching his shell and then taking her toy away, surprising the cat. And getting a giggle out of even Rainbow Dash and Rarity out of the antics. And while Sunset and I didn't want the types of pets we have now initially, I can say with confidence that they just fit us well. And we hope to introduce you to them soon. Sincerly, the element of Loyalty, Rainbow Dash. Spike finished the letter and was about to send it to the Princess when she suddenly teleported to the group. "PRINCESS CELESTIA?! What are you doing here?" Sunset asked. "There's no time. You must gather the elements of harmony and meet me in Ponyville. Throsten is already there." Princess Celestia said. The group started to race over. "What's going on? Did Discord do something to Serendipity?" Twilight asked. "Worse I'm afraid. Discord had noted that there's a huge power coming straight for Ponyville from out in space." Princess Celestia said. "One that puts even my own mother to shame." She added. "But that's impossible. From what I understand, only a god could hope to overpower Queen Faust." Sunset said. "And that's why we need the Elements of harmony." Celestia said. The group got there when suddenly a space shuttle was in orbit above Ponyville Square. "...We're too late, it's here." Celestia said. The space shuttle soon landed, and then out stepped a lone male anubian jackal. He seemed to wear royal jewels all over his body. However, the look in his eyes conveyed the look of an experienced warrior. "I'm only going to ask you once..." The jackal said. "Where is Gorzon?" He asked. To Be Continued > Season 2: Short - Legends, Tears, and Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I didn't think there would ever be a time when Princess Celestia would show fear. But as she was staring at the new arrival, though she did her best to hide it, I could actually smell her fear. The mysterious writer wrote. But she wasn't the only one scared for their life... "Whoa...Twilight, do you feel that?" Sunset asked. "Yeah. Princess Celestia was not kidding. Whoever this is...their power runs circles around Gorzon's." Twilight said. "Answer my question, ponies. I don't want to make things difficult for you." The jackal said. "Your not welcome on this soil. Please leave." Princess Celestia said. "Consider this a warning shot." The jackal said before he suddenly lauched a fire ball, and it intentionally missed every pony there, but then blew up behind the library. "Horseapples..." Rainbow Dash said. "EVERYONE STOP!" Throsten yelled out, as he suddenly got inbetween both the ponies and the Jackal. "Throsten, are you crazy?!" Celestia exclaimed. "Wait, Princess look!" Sunset said, pointing at the suddenly devoloping scene. It had been like a switch had flipped. The mysterious jackal dropped their guard completly, slowly going up to Throsten, before he began petting the umbreon. "Heh...didn't seem to forget the best place to give me head pets it seems." Throsten said. Suddenly he was pulled into a hug when the jackal suddenly squat down to do so. "Whoa! What's up with you suddenly?" Throsten asked. "It's actually you. I shouldn't be so surprised, but this was a good surprise." The jackal said. Tears fell from his eyes, ones that Celestia could tell were ones of longing. "What is going on? Throsten, you know this powerful being?" Celestia asked. "Heh, Rainbow Dash knows him too, but only through the legends." Throsten said as the jackal let go. "This is none other, then Rob Snowden." Throsten said. "Wait...wait WHAT?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Woof..." Celestia suddenly said. "Sorry, kind of taken." Rob said. He approuched the ponies. "Thank you for looking after Throsten. I still wonder where Gorzon is though. I had pinpointed his energy signature to this location, but can't seem to locate it again." The justice hero said. "That's kind of because we're not sure what happened to that shape shifter. He was here, and almost killed us, but then Throsten started using darkness without getting corrupted, and basically kicked that shape shifting blog's flank seven ways from Horseday." Rainbow Dash said. Rob turned a bit, and then held up a paw. He suddenly glowed for a while, before the glowing stopped. "Hmm. Interesting. I'll have to tell Deca later." Rob said. "So what did end up happening that you do know of?" He asked. "Well Throsten had reduced the blob to a literal puddle of purple liquid when it was all beamed up by this strange purple light. No idea where Gorzon is now though." Twilight said. "I see." Rob said. "I think I'll create a portal to this world. It'll be nice to come see Throsten whenever." He said. "Your power is so god-like. What purpose does someone like yourself have wanting to see Throsten?" Celestia asked. Rob suddenly whispered something into Celestia ears, and suddenly, Celestia's eyes became full of tears themselves. "Th-that's...that's just horrible..." Celestia said. "Don't tell a soul." Rob said and soon got back on the space shuttle and left. "...So cool!" Rainbow Dash said giddily. > Season 2: Episode 9 - Dragons, Kobolds, and Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was currently going about organizing a few things. "Twilight, you only get this nervous about things being perfect when Celestia is set to visit, but I know that she won't be visiting soon. So why are you freaking out like this?" Sunset asked. "Because we're expecting someone whose visiting from beyond the stars whose not that Rob character. Apperently, they wanted to drop by ponyville for the day." Twilight said. "It's just a guest Twilight. Just be yourself, and you'll be fine making friends with them." Spike said. Twilight sighed. "Your right Spike. Good thing I have you looking out for me." She said. "Heh, he picked that up from me. Though Sweetie Belle is scheduled to come by tomorrow. I hope you didn't forget." Ray said. "She may be coming tomorrow, but Smolder is coming today." Spike said. "Wait, she's coming?!" Ray suddenly freaked. "Yeah, I told you that Smolder wanted to see you again after the last time you saw her, as she kind of wanted to get to know you." Spike said. "CRAP! I WAS NOT READY FOR THIS!" Ray said. "Ah Romance. I wonder if either of us will get involved with it at some point." Sunset said. "I wouldn't put it past you Sunset to get a coltfriend before I do." Twilight said. "Not that I won't be looking myself, but the girls have a betting pool for which one of the seven of us will get their coltfriend first. Well, outside of Rarity that is since, you know..." Twilight said. "...Really? So, how's the betting pool right now?" Sunset asked. "Right now, most of the money is actually on you. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and myself are betting it's going to be you. Fluttershy and Applejack say it's going to be Rainbow Dash." Twilight explained. "Well my money's on Pinkie Pie, personally. Though speaking of her, whose she betting's going to be part of the next romance?" Sunset asked. "Me, actually." Twilight said. "...What? Does she KNOW you?" Sunset asked. "I think it'd be more likely for PINKIE PIE to get a coltfriend before you ever do. Err, no offense." She said. "None taken." Twilight said. Meanwhile, the party mare was in some kind of party cave, seemingly with some black furred hamster. "So, wait, Twilgiht really is going to be the next to find her super special somepony?" Pinkie Pie asked. "I've already said too much to you for you to ask that question. Good day." The hamster said before he started walking away. "Hey wait, I never got your--" Pinkie Pie said, but as she tried to follow the hamster, she had lost him around one of her party cave's corners. "...What the heck?! Okay, I know Serendipity and I can bend reality and stuff like that, but this...this boggles even my mind. And there's not much that can do that." Pinkie Pie said, rubbing her head in frustration. "...I need a cupcake." Back with the Sun Students, suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Coming." Twilight said, and upon opening the door, she was greeting to a draconic looking being holding a unicorn. "I believe this one is a pony that lives here in this town. I saw her waiting outside the library." The draconic being said. "Never seen her before, but I guess this would be a good time to get her name." Sunset said. "I was actually looking for you specifically." The unicorn said, pointing a hoof at Sunset. "Me? Okay. We'll chat upstairs." Sunset said. "Hey, what's with the visitor?" Smolder asked, showing up. "Dragon? There's a dragon in ponyville?" The draconic being asked. "What'cha got against dragons?" Ray asked, suddenly defensive. "Yeah, Ray and I are dragons too." Spike said. "Wait your dragons? But you look like Kobolds to me. This one though...she's a dragon. She even SMELLS like one too." The draconic being said. "Kobolds? There hasn't been a kobold since the early days of the dragon lands before they were even called the dragon lands." Smolder said. "How do you know about Kobolds?" She asked. "Because I AM a Kobold. Name's Karina. And if you don't mess with me, I don't mess with you." The draconic being said. "Huh. Well, there's a reason these two look like kobolds so much. It's because it's left over from our old herratiages." Smolder said. "Huh?" Karina asked. "Yeah. Back before the Dragon Lands were the Dragon Lands, Dragons used to live together in peace with Kobolds like you." Smolder said. "And while it wasn't uncommon for dragons and kobolds to mate with each other, the offspring would start off looking much like a kobold before they became much more like a dragon before they eventually multed and sprouted wings." She explained. "But if dragons and kobolds in this world were that close with each other, then how did the Kobolds vanish?" Karina asked. "They died protecting their children. Every last one of them. There was only one that didn't die when forces from the west invaded our lands, and she was the last Kobold. It's said that to this day, her life essense is stored in the gem on the Dragon Lord's Sceptor, so she can always watch over us." Smolder said. "It was her choice." And that's when Karina fainted. "...Wonder why she fainted from that?" Ray asked. "Who cares? I'm just glad to know your supportive." Smolder said. "That was some fire to stand up for your own kind like that." She said. "Err...it was nothing, really." Ray said. Oh I think it was something to Smolder. Spike thought to himself, grinning. Upstairs in the Library... "So, exactly who are you? Why did you come looking for me?" Sunset asked. "I've been observing you for a while. And I overheard that your Sunburst's brother." The unicorn said. "What's Sunburst got to do with you?" Sunset asked. "Did he ever mention any one named 'Glim Glam'?" The unicorn asked. Sunset's eyes went wide. "You...your Glim Glam?!" Sunset exclaimed. "Yeah. That's what he called me. My full name is Starlight Glimmer." The unicorn said. > Season 2: Episode 10 - The Mysterious Black Hamster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash had arrived a bit early to the Shadowbolt HQ grounds, and the only pony that had gotten there before her was Night Wing. "Wow, I thought I was being a bit of an early bird. Your a whole thirty minutes ahead of when I wanted every pony here." Night Wing said. "I woke up early and have already had breakfast. I wanted to make sure I was ready for whatever tests you'll throw my way." Rainbow Dash said. "Heh. I like your attitude. Just try to keep that ego in check." Night Wing said. As time passed, the others were already coming in. Though there was one surprise entrance just one minute before it was time. "Princess Luna? What are you doing here?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You'll understand shortly." Princess Luna said. "Right. I think every pony is here now. So, I would like to first appreciate you all for coming. As you know, you'll all have to pass a series of tests. These tests will weed out those who don't have their heart set on becoming one of the best fliers in Equestrian History." Night Wing said. "Not to mention, it will test varoius abilities to see if you'll be a great fit for the team." Rainbow Dash was eager to get started. "However, it seems there's been a slight change in plans for the first test I had set up." Night Wing said. This had caught Rainbow Dash off guard. "Indeed. The past few nights, I've been seeing a lot of ponies have dreams involving a black hamster that can speak ponish as fluently as we do. While these dreams are not nightmares, the fact that so many ponies are dreaming about the same exact black hamster, makes me worried." Luna said. "This is because it could be a spy that is here to scout our weaknesses, in order for some other land to try and invade us." "The test today was meant to be about teamwork and how well you work together with another pony. That will not change. However, how you'll demonstrate it will be." Night Wing said. "Originally, there were going to be a series of obstacles that you'd have to fly through while being tied together with a random pony. However, now the goal here is for you and whoever you get paired with to capture this black hamster and bring it here through coordination and team work." Night Wing said. "You all have until sundown to complete this test. Please, for the saftey of Equestria, do not fail." Luna said. The pairs had been selected, and Rainbow Dash had ended up getting paired with Thunderlane. "Of all the ponies here to get paired with, I get paired with Thunderlane." Rainbow Dash said. "Can you not please? I'm guessing we both want on the main squad, so can we just agree to call a truce for this?" Thunderlane asked. "Fine. But I'm not going to like this all the same." Rainbow Dash said. "Besides, I've already got a plan in motion." Sadly however, Rainbow Dash's plan did not really work out that well. And while Thunderlane had also given a plan of his own a go, the black hamster had outsmarted it. And by that time, the sun was getting ready to go down. However, the pair decided to give it one more shot with a trap they both designed to combine their ideas together. They were pretty certain this was fool proof. ...Only for said Black Hamster to suddenly tap Rainbow's Shoulder. "What the..." Rainbow Dash said. "Gonna have to say, out of the whole lot that's been after me today, your trap is the most sofficated." The hamster said. "Not sure why you all are after me, but I will give credit where credit is due." "Says the potential spy." Thunderlane said. "Spy? I ain't no spy. I'm just a wondering hamster who has a vast knowledge back in his head. Including my own fair share of secrets. That's why they call me 'The Walking Secret'." The hamster said. "Well, your still coming with us to Shadowbolt HQ. Nothing personal, we've got a job to do." Rainbow Dash said. "Oh, is that what this is about? Guess I should've gone there sooner." The Hamster said and walked away; heading right into a bush. "Hey wait!" Rainbow Dash said, and lifted up the bush, only to find nothing inside of it. "What the..." The cyan mare was confused. "Wasn't he JUST here?" Thunderlane asked. "Yeah...that's the confusing part." Rainbow Dash said. Sadly time had ran out after that, and the unlikely pair headed back. "Unbelievable, not a single one of you even caught the hamster." Night Wing said. "We got the closest. He approuched us at the least." Thunderlane said. "Did I tell you you could speak? No. No I did not. I don't want to hear your excuses." Night Wing said. "That's not something you should say to the truth." A male voice said. Right there suddenly on the airstrip was the Black Hamster again. "What the..." Rainbow Dash said. "Seems there's been some miscommunication abound. So, let me clear something up: I'm not here on some mission from a foreign place. I am simply here on my own, to do something that needs to be done. I have my own agenda. As for my name, it's Cole Watterson. Remember it." The hamster said. "What sort of agenda do you even have? Lots of ponies are having dreams about you." Night Wing said. "I didn't do anything to them outside of dropping a few life lessons on them. How they reacted to that is on them. Just because I may look evil, doesn't mean I am. Of course, the concept of what is good and what is evil isn't that cut and dry if you ask me. What really is evil? And what really is good? These are questions that society things they have the answers to, but I despise such simple uneducated answers." Cole said. "Okay, this dude has totally lost me." Rainbow Dash said. "You and me both." Thunderlane said. "Count me in that camp as well." Night Wing said. "You need not know what that relates to right now. What you should know is some words of wisdom." Cole said. "Our eyes can play tricks on our mind, memories can be excused, but one thing that can never be questioned is our sense of smell. Smell is something that cannot lie to our minds, so never question one's own nose." He explained. "Take my words to heart. Or don't. It's your choice." The hamster then proceeded to walk past the building. "Hey, I'm not done questioning you." Night Wing said, but soon discovered that Cole had vanished. "What? Where did he go?!" Night Wing exclaimed. "He did that earlier to Thunderlane and I after he went into a bush." Rainbow Dash said. "Cole Watterson...who is he, really?" Thunderlane asked. "I wish I could say for certain. Regardless, it seems I owe you two an apology. Seems you did work together in getting Cole here. I'll inform Princess Luna right away." Night Wing said. "Crazy day huh?" Thunderlane asked. "Yeah. Not sure who that Cole is yet, but something tells me, he's not normal." Rainbow Dash said. "Not trying to insult you, but considering he's a hamster who can speak our langauge fluently as breathing, what was your first clue?" Thunderlane asked. "Okay, yeah, fair point." Rainbow Dash said. "Hey Rainbow?" Thunderlane asked. "What?" Rainbow Dash asked. "...See you next test?" Thunderlane asked. "...Yeah. Sure." Rainbow Dash said. > Season 2: Episode 11 - Sunset Snippits II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret of my Excess AU "This is admittedly a lot of gifts." Ray said. "You feeling okay, bro?" He asked. "Yeah. Mostly thanks to the tips you've been giving me." Spike said. "Out of curiousity, what tips has Ray been giving Spike?" Rarity asked Sunset. "How to keep his draconic urges to practice greed from taking a hold of him. Heck, Ray's helped Spike create a hoard so that greed can't effect Spike." Sunset said. "Wow, that's so cool." Sweetie Belle said. "So, there's no danger of Spike suddenly turning into a giant rampaging monster." Sunset said. "...Less cool." Sweetie Belle said. "Hey, if it matters, it means your coltfriend will consider you a part of that hoard." Ray teased. "So Ray, how's Smolder been treating you?" Spike suddenly teased back. "Wha--SPIKE!" Ray said before the two dragons wrestled with each other. "I'll never understand romance." Scootaloo said. Hearth's Warming Eve "So Sunset, why weren't you given a part?" Ray asked. "I may not have been one of the actors, but I did do something to help the play." Sunset said. "Huh? But I didn't see you." Sweetie Belle said. "That was by design: She was managing the stage props and background transitions. Not to mention the special effects." Spike said. "...Scootaloo.mlp will stop working now." Scootaloo said before fainting. "What?" Diamond Tiara asked. Her mother had fainted too. "Huh. I had wondered where all the special effects came from. After all, why put on a play if your not going to put on the special effects." Apple Bloom said. "...Diamond_Tiara.mlp will stop working now." Diamond Tiara said before fainting. Family Appreciation Day "And THAT story, Spoiled Rich, is why I'm hoping the relationship between our family and the apple family can stay strong. Because if it wasn't for them and the Zap Apple Jam as a seasonal item, Banyard Bargins would not be the success it is today. Not by a long shot." Filthy Rich noted. "...Spoiled_Rich.mlp will stop working now..." Spoiled Rich said before fainting. "That's like the second time your mom has fainted within the span of the past week. Is she going to be okay?" Apple bloom asked. "I think so. But I really do not enjoy this bunny costume." Diamond Tiara said. "It irritates the heck out of me." She added. "Oh. You probably have sensitive skin or something. I'll talk with Granny about it right away." Apple Bloom said before going to do just that. "...Wow, she really cares about me..." Diamond Tiara said. Baby Cakes "Wow, it's nice to know you've learnt your lesson on this. I was a little worried. At least you'll know this in the future. Your going to need to find your coltfriend soon so me and Twilight can win that pot." Sunset said. "You two are going to be so disappointed. I'm sensing a doozy, and it involves Twilight's future coltfriend for sure." Pinkie said. She then bounced off. "...Okay again, doesn't she KNOW you?" Sunset asked. "Maybe I should ask if it's not too late to change my bet." Twilight said. "Why do you want to change your bet?" Ray asked. "Because it's Pinkie Pie." Twilight said. "...In that case, I may join you in betting on you." Ray said. "Yeah, same." Spike said. "I don't get it..." Sunset said. "Twilight's saying that perhaps Pinkie Pie is right about Twilight getting a coltfriend next." Ray said. "Please. I see Rainbow Dash or even Pinkie Pie getting a coltfriend way before Twilight." Sunset said. "But Rainbow Dash actually joined in Pinkie Pie in betting on Twilight getting the next coltfriend." Ray said. "Oh yeah, I had forgotten about that. All the more reason to double check." Twilight said. The Last Roundup Sunset sighed. "Don't worry, I got this." Sunset said before she teleported away. She teleported back with the two missing mares. "Found them." She said. "Thanks Sunset." Rarity said. The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 AU "So let me get this straight: You have a machine that squeezes Cider?" Sunset asked. "That is what we said yes." Flim said. "And we meant every word." Flam said. "And don't you think that maybe it's not about the quanitity of the Apple Cider that makes Apple Family cider so special, but rather, the quality?" Sunset asked. "Hit me with a glass." She said. "Sunset, what are you..." Twilight was saying, before after just one sip, Sunset stopped. "Hey wait a second...THIS CIDER PRESS IS USING THE SAME APPLES THAT THE APPLE FAMILY USES! YOU DON'T HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO USE THOSE!" Sunset exclaimed. "She's right. That would violate the whole point of the thing." Mayor Mare said. "Let me drink that." Granny Smith said. She went wide eyed after just one sip. "BY GOLLY DARN, THE UNICORN GIRL IS RIGHT; THIS IS MY FARM'S SAME APPLE CIDER!" The elder shouted. Suddenly the entire crowed boo'd and ran the two would-be swindlers out of town. "That would've been embarrassing. Would explain why we suddenly had less apples to squeeze into Cider this year." Applejack said. "So their thieves & con-artists rolled into one duo? Those are the worst kind. And I was really trying to suspend my disblief of Con-artists after how Trixie turned out." Sunset said. "Speaking of her, how has she been doing?" Rainbow Dash asked. "She writes occasionally. Spike's even got her on dragon breath speed dile essentially now." Sunset said. "So do I. Sunset is basically pen-pals with that magician at this point." Ray said. > Season 2: Episode 12 - Hearts and Hooves Day AU > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The CMC had managed to give Miss Cheerilee a special Hearts & Hooves day present, but they did notice she was a bit sad. Yet, Diamond Tiara convinced the others that trying to play match maker for her wouldn't really work. "After all, my mother told me romance doesn't really work like that. She'd actually need some pony she could get along great with before we even think about playing matchmaker." Diamond Tiara said. "What about my brother, Big Mac?" Apple Bloom suggested. "Going to have to veto that. Big Mac's the strong silent type. He's someone who needs someone whose also a work horse and not focused on small talk. Besides, I don't think he and Miss Cheerilee would even hit it off well." Diamond Tiara said. "Your brother needs someone who would be willing to do farm work. And Miss Cheerilee just isn't that kind of mare. She's more of a teacher then a fark worker." "Guess you've got a point." Apple Bloom said. "Oh Scootaloo, good, you haven't left yet." Miss Cheerilee said. "I seemed to have been slipped this letter for you mysteriously. I have no idea who it's from." She added. "Wait really?" Scootaloo took the letter. "'Dear Scootaloo, I think you are the most awesome pony with the way you go about riding your scooter and speeding through Ponyville. It's a pleasure to see you whiz past me every day as I fly around Ponyville. I honestly can't wait to get know you personally. From R.'" She read off. "R? But there's no way that's from Rob. He doesn't live around here. He comes from outer space." Sweetie Belle said. "...apparently that is." She added. "Can't be Raiden either. You're not even the same age as him." Diamond Tiara said. "Yeah. Still, how many ponies do we even know who have the letter R in their name?" Scootaloo asked. "None." Apple Bloom said. "This is going to bug me all day. I better start going around ponyville." Scootaloo said and hopped on her scooter to run off. Meanwhile, at the Shadowbolt HQ... "Your workout postures will need work, but thankfully this was not a test." Night Wing said. "Well, except for Rainbow Dash. I have to admit: You were acting like this was nothing." She added. "Heh. Whenever I've got free time, I do work out at the local gym. So this is nothing." Rainbow Dash said. "The local gym? There's a gym in Ponyville?" Thunderlane asked. "Yeah. It just doesn't get much business is all." Rainbow Dash said. "I'm like the only regular costumer there." She admitted. "Wow. I may just check the place out. Your really putting me in my place here." Thunderlane said. "This wasn't a contest." Rainbow Dash said. "Maybe so, but I want to keep up with you. Especially since I have no idea where my little brother has run off too now that shcool's out." Thunderlane said. "You have a little brother?" Rainbow Dash said. "Yeah. He was sent up here by mom after he struggled a lot at his old school. He just started at Ponyville Elementary. Though, I have to wonder why he's seemed so distracted ever since he started school here." Thunderlane said. "Have you talked to him about it?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I tried to. He just says he believes he's a witness to the most awesome pony in ponyville. And before you even ask, I asked if he meant you, but he said that you don't ride a scooter." Thunderlane said. "Ride a scooter? There's only one pony I know rides a scooter..." Rainbow Dash said. "Your little brother admires my little sister?!" She exclaimed. "You have a little sister? Since when?" Thunderlane asked. "No time for that. I gotta find Scootaloo." Rainbow Dash said. "Or Rumble. I'm coming with." Thunderlane said. Scootaloo had been around Ponyville for about an hour now, with no luck. As she started to scooter away, she say a pegasus foal land nearby in the square. "Oh hey, I don't think I've seen you around." She said. "Doubt it. The name's Rumble." Rumble said, without looking at Scootaloo, but when he did, he suddenly went wide eyed. "Wait, SCOOTALOO?!" Rumble suddenly exclaimed. "You know me?" Scootaloo asked. "Yeah. We go to the same school and have the same teacher. I sit behind you in class even." Rumble said. "Wow. I wonder who it was that kept responding to the name Rumble. How'd you learn to fly at such a young age?" Scootaloo asked. "Actually, this was my first time actually being up in the air for more then just an overhead view. I was actually flying around. It's taken a lot longer than I thought it would with my deformed wings." Rumble said. "Oh." Scootaloo said. She knew she had deformed wings too, but said nothing. "Hey, now that I think about it, you have deformed wings too right? I think I might be able to help you get in the air." Rumble said. "You think so?" Scootaloo said. "I know so. But not today. I need to help my brother prepared for my mom's visit tomorrow." Rumble said. "Oh. That's too bad." Scootaloo said. "Yeah. But, we should really hang out sometime. I think I could really help you." Rumble said. "Sounds like a plan. See you around, Rumble?" Scootaloo asked. "Yeah. See you." Rumble said. As Scootaloo watched Rumble trot off, she then went wide eyed. Wait a second...my secret admirer...it was him?! But he's so...so cool. Scootaloo said. Great, I am so going to hear about this from big sis. > Season 2: Episode 13 - Flashbacks & Donkeys > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next few days had seen Pinkie Pie try her best to befriend a newcomer to the neighborhood known as Cranky Doodle Donkey. But as Pinkie Pie went about trying her best do this, Starlight did want to ask about Sunburst's mother. "So, what exactly do you want to know about our mother?" Sunset asked. "I specifically asked for Sunburst's mother." Starlight said. "Hey, she's my mother too you know. We share the same mother, just not the same father." Sunset said said. "Oh. My apologies." Starlight said. "It's fine. Though, no matter what you feel about her, please don't be too hard on her. She's already suffered enough from her own worry." Sunset said. "What's that supposed to mean? Because of her, me and Sunburst got seperated." Starlight said. "...You have no idea what happened then when he went missing..." Sunset said. Flashback: One week after Sunset met Twilight Sparkle "Thank you for approving of my time off to go see mom about Sunburst Princess." Sunset said. "Think nothing of it, Sunset. You are no doubt worried about her considering your brother has gone missing. The royal guard is still searching, but so far they haven't had much luck if any." Princess Celestia said. "We'll find a clue eventually Princess. For now, I better go check on my mother." Sunset said. "Is this why I'm going with?" Ray asked. "Yep. I'm sure mom would love to know she has a new son. Adoptive son, but a son none-the-less." Sunset said. "That should lessen the blow of Sunburst vanishing a little." "If something should come up, don't hesitate to send a letter via dragon fire." Princess Celestia said. "I won't. But this is a familial visit. What could possibly go wrong?" Sunset asked. Brief return to the present "Wait, don't tell me...something went wrong during the visit didn't it? Did your mother try to commit suicide or something?" Starlight asked. "Worse than that actually. Well, maybe that was the end goal, but the way she was going about killing herself...it wasn't quick and painless...not by a long shot..." Sunset said. Back to the past... Sunset arrived to her old home, and went around searching for her mom. "Mom I'm ho--" Sunset stopped dead in her speech once she saw her mother. "OH NO, MOM!" Sunset said, running up to her mom. The mare had obviously been starving for a good while, and her body looked weak. "S-should I send a letter to the princess?" Ray asked. "Do it. I'm going to need help." Sunset said, before she started grabbing food and force feeding her own mother. "Why are you doing that?" Ray asked. "The princess can just teleport here." he added as he wrote the emergancy letter. "I'm not willing to waste a single moment." Sunset said as Ray sent the letter off. It did not take the Princess long to arrive at all. "What the--this is far worse than I thought: She's been starving for three weeks straight now." Celestia said. "Three weeks?! She's been starving ever since Sunburst vanished?!" Sunset exclaimed. "And from what I can tell...this was self-inflicted." Princess Celestia said. "WHAT?! Oh no, MOM!" Sunset said. It took a while, but her mother was brought up to enough health to be teleported to Canterlot for emergancy treatment for severe malnurshiment. Present day... "It was only my quick thinking of force feeding her that saved her. The doctors said that if I hadn't found her that day, there was a very slim chance she would've lived to see tomorrow." Sunset said. "I had already lost my brother. I wasn't about to lose my mother too." She added. "That...whoa..." Starlight said. "I'm not sure how to feel about that. I guess if that had been one of my parents, I would probably do the same thing, no matter what I felt towards them." She added. "Where are your parents anyways?" Sunset asked. "Mom died when I was young, and Dad...he was super overbearing as tartarus. He was constantly trying to make father-daughter plans and roped me into all of them. I only managed to sneak away to see Sunburst every now and then, but after your mom sent him away, it left me with my father all alone." Starlight said. "Overbearing parents are the worst, honestly." Sunset said. "Even still, if my dad had somehow ended up like that...I would've done the same thing you did for your mother, regardless of how I feel towards him." Starlight said. "Yeah. That's why I'm saying she's been through enough. She doesn't need you to add on to her guilt. She feels guilty enough as it is." Sunset said. "Yeah...she defaintly does." Starlight said. They heard crying, and saw Pinkie Pie there. "That was so moving!" The party mare said, crying huge waterfall tears. "That was the most emotional story I've ever heard." She said. "Well, actually I take that back: Crankey Doodle Donkey's love story was much more tragic and emotional." "Wait what?" Sunset said. "Turns out, the reason he was such a grump, was because he lost a donkey he fell in love with. So I played a little match-maker and got them back together again. Win for the party pony!" Pinkie Pie said. "...You mean you did all that AND still had time to listen to our story?!" Starlight exclaimed. "Plus, I came by to grant you party invotation to Cranky and Matilda's reunion party that I'm hosting in about twenty minutes. Later!" Pinkie Pie then left. "...What the...but she was trying to befriend him today ever since the sun rose. And it's barely been an hour. How did she..." Starlight said. "Piece of advice Starlight: It's Pinkie Pie, don't question it." Sunset said. "Speaking of, how did she fit into that dresser? And why did she use that when the door was right next to it?" Starlight asked. "Again, it's Pinkie Pie; don't question it." Sunset said. "Trust me: You'll only serve to give yourself a headache trying to wrap your mind around her shenanigans." > Season 2: Episode 14 - A Vile Scheme > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raiden was enjoying a little time exploring Ponyville with Lighting. "You know, despite this place being friendly, there's no shortage of problems that pop up every wednesday or so." Raiden said. "Tell me about it. So, where are Bart and Minx?" Lightning asked. "I asked them to keep an eye out for some water monster the locals are always mentioning. Seems it was scaring ponies non-stop one day, then mysteriously vanished. The folks are calling it 'The River Spirit'." Raiden said. "Dude. It'd be so cool if we were able to catch that cryptid." Lightning said. "Plus, I heard one of Throsten's wives is visiting tomorrow. I think it's the Vaporeon one. She could even help." "Heh. This is why your my best bud. Off the wall solutions like that is what allowed you to play a key part in liberating out home town." Raiden said. Lightning Smiled. "...I never really got to apologize properly for tricking you, you know." He said. "I told you you don't have to." Raiden said. "I know but...the way you were hurting...almost made me want to tell you and make you promise to keep it under your hat." Lightning said. "Honestly, it made me regret the lie I was living when you were hurting near the beginning." He had tears in his eyes. "You did what had to be done Lightning. And what you did took strength I never knew you even had." Raiden said. "I wasn't sure if I had the strength for it either. There were quite a few times where I got worried my plan would flop, and then my tricking you would've been in vain." Lightning said. "But then I remembered how much you were hurting over my trick in the early days, and that reminded me of why I was doing this. For not just you, but for the entire city." "I'm glad you toughed it out, and we did reconcile." Raiden said. "I don't care if you don't think I need to apologize to you." Lightning said. "I am sorry I hurt you with my trick." Raiden gave a soft smile. "Fine, apology accepted old friend." Raiden said, and gave his best friend a paw bump. And just when the two BBFs did, there was a brief moment where it looked like their shadows had changed into a Pichu and a Shinx, but after a cloud briefly passed over them, the shadows returned to normal. Meanwhile... "What?" Rainbow Dash asked. She had been cruising on a cloud with Night Wing when she had noticed the shadow change, but then after it returned to normal, she blinked and rubbed her eyes. "What's going on?" Night Wing asked. "Not sure. For brief moment, it looked like Raiden and Lightning's shadows were different." Rainbow Dash said. Night Wing looked surprised. "Wait, you can see those things from up here?! I can barely see them!" Night Wing said. "I'll ask Twilight for some ink and a scroll to draw what I saw." Rainbow Dash said. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Fluttershy was sent flying out of her house. "Whoa! Who kicked you out of your house?" Lightning asked. "Angel..." Fluttershy said. "It's not his fault. I'm just not assertive enough." "Well, there is going to be this assertive seminar--" "Screw that!" Raiden suddenly said, interrupting Lightning. "She doesn't need to waste her money on that. I'll help her get more assertive without going too far. It might take a few days, but I'd never turn down a lady in need." He said. "Oh...thank you Raiden." Fluttershy said, smiling. But little did Raiden know, he had just given Fortis Vile an idea. An awful idea. A very cruel and unpleasant idea. While he had agreed initially to keep the fact that the so called "River Spirit" was really Vala trying to create a town cryptid, he couldn't help but appreciate the blank flanks sucking up to him to get him to agree. And he knew just how much sucking up they'd do if he threatened to expose the truth. But instead of that, maybe this would be better. He could tell Raiden the truth, and tell him that it was 100% the CMC's idea with them forcing him into the whole thing. True, Raiden may not have the best opinion of him right now, but Fortus Vile could easily persuade the Raichu into hearing him out. This way, suddenly Fortus Vile's actions would be passed off as him trying to figure a way out of the CMC's "threat". Fortus Vile just had to come up with a convincing lie. One that would not only reveal the identity of "The River Spirit", but also turn the entire town against the CMC with Raiden doing the same. They'd be tossed out of town for sure; perhaps even sent to canterlot where it would be his word against theirs. And then once they were banished from Equestria, they would forever wonder the lands with their blank flanks unitl the day they died. It was so ruthless, and so vicious...and Raiden had given Fortus Vile the one thing he needed to make it work. Fortus Vile just needed the right kind of lie. "Oh Ponyville is so lovely here in Summer time. It's too bad it's not a beach front city." Vala said. It was the next day now, and Vala was over. "I personally think beaches are overrated." Raiden said. "Don't be so dismissive." Sweetie Belle said. "Even if it's not the exact same, on really hot days, it is nice to just soak in the pool at my house." Diamond Tiara said. "Speaking of which, mom says you gals are welcome any time if it gets really hot out." "We figured. She did the same last year." Scootaloo said. "Oh right. Sorry, brain fart." Diamond Tiara said. "Look whose here." Fortus Vile suddenly showed up. "Fortus Vile." Apple Bloom said. "Where's Silver Spoon?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Is she out sick again?" Scootaloo asked. "And conveniently too?" Diamond Tiara asked. "Such an accussation, coming from the four of you." Fortus Vile said. "I'd back off them if I was you." Raiden said. "You wouldn't be protecting them, if you knew how the whole 'River Spirit' cryptid rumor got started, and the efforts those four went to in making me a pawn in the cover up." Fortus Vile said. "That's not true." Apple Bloom said. "...What cover up?" Raiden was interested. "Raiden! You can't possibly be willing to hear this guy out!" Sweetie Belle said. "If there's a cover up, I need to know about it." Raiden said. "Oh Raiden, you didn't already figure it out?" Vala asked, suddenly. Fortus Vile was caught off guard. Wait...what? "Seriously, a mysterious creature that was sparying water in pony faces that mysteriously vanished as soon as it appeared. Or did you forget basic Pokemon biology?" Vala asked. "...Wait...YOU?!" Raiden asked. "But then, what do any of these kids have to--" "I had them all promise to keep quiet about it. Because I wanted the other kids to try their darnest to work together. Give them something to solve together. Teach them about unity in the community and all that." Vala said. "And so far, it's worked wonders I hear." "She's not wrong. Almost every kid in class is trying to solve her little mystery." Scootaloo said. "And it's something that both Fortus Vile AND Silver Spoon agreed to do with us." Diamond Tiara said. "So, Silver Spoon was in on this too huh?" Raiden asked. "Well, I didn't expect this today." He said, before turning to Fortus Vile. "So, if I understand correctly, you were working with these four kids to give your classmates something to strive towards?" Raiden asked. Fortus Vile gulped. What am I supposed to do now? My plan is ruined! He thought to himself. "Something like that..." Fortus Vile said, nerviously. "Huh. Maybe your not hopeless after all kid, if those are the lengths you'll go to for others." Raiden said. Huh? Fortus Vile was confused. Did he...just earn points with this Raichu? "Guess so long as you stay out of trouble, and are willing to do things like this, you may not be a lost cause after all. So, good on you for going out of your way like this kiddo." Raiden said. "Sometimes lying about the truth, can be a good thing." He then walked off. As every pony watched him, a few moments later, Lightning showed up. "Phew, hey Vala." Lightning said. "Hello Lightning." Vala said. "Hey Lightning? When Raiden said that 'sometimes lying about the truth can be a good thing', what exactly did he mean?" Fortus Vile asked, now just as curious as the CMC. "...Oh. Guess you wouldn't know the full story behind how I managed to get undercover to get the mafia gangsters off the streets huh?" Lightning asked. "I guess I've got time...but let me tell you: This won't be an easy tale for me to relive..." To be continued > Season 2: Episode 15 - Lightning & Raiden > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Town, Twenty Years Ago... It was storming quite a bit, though the lightning was striking elsewhere today. Still, the high winds and heavy rainfall made the streets wet, windy, and cold. And in the middle of this storm, a lone male Shinx suddenly steps into a puddle, seemingly running for their lives. He turns a corner, when he suddenly hears the sound a child no older then him. The Shinx quickly dashed towards the source of the sound, not wanting whoever this was to get caught like him. Only to then stumble upon a four year old Pichu currently sitting near two Raichu. However, while the Shinx is looking at the scene, he gasps. Then quickly shakes his head. No. He shouldn't even think to describe the scene before him to anyone. But it was clear as day what had transpired: The Raichu were dead, and this Pichu was their child. Acting quickly, the Shinx grabs the Pichu by the scruff of his neck, doing his best to carry the tyke away from the scene. Only for the PIchu to try and zap him. This has no effect on the Shinx though, because the Pichu just does not have enough juice in his tiny body to do any damage to the Shinx. And yet, as the shocks continue in vain, the Shinx could feel something. Potential like none-other. Could this child have... No! Now's not the time for that. The Shinx needs to find them both shelter. "Unhand me! I won't let you kill me!" The Pichu suddenly spoke up. Soon the Shinx ducked an underground bunker, before setting the Pichu down and then checking the outside quickly before closing the bunker hatch. "Looks like we're safe for now kid." The Shinx said. "Wait, your not with those mean mega mons?" The Pichu asked. The Shinx froze. "You saw the big four?! Not even the police has managed to see even one!" The Shinx said. "My parents...what happened...it was..." The Pichu was saying before the shinx stopped him. "A kid like you shouldn't even have to think about what you've witnessed. Were those Raichu your parents?" Shinx asked. "Y-yeah. M-my name's Raiden; Raiden Voltage." The Pichu said. "Voltage?! So that explains it. Those Raichu own an orphanage just outside the city limits. And orphans are a prime target for the big four to brainwash into their ranks." The Shinx said. "Wh-what happens to me now?" Raiden asked. "Well, do you hate those mob gangsters?" The shinx asked. "No question! I'm going to grow up and become strong. Strong enough to send those mega mons packing!" Raiden said. "Then perhaps, we can stick together." The Shinx said. "But mommy said I'm not supposed to go anywhere with strangers." Raiden said. "You can call me Lightning. Now I'm not a stranger to you, am I?" The Shinx asked. "N-no. No I guess not." Raiden said. "Just stick by me Raiden. We're going to run these gangsters out of this town." Lightning Said. "We're not just going to be friends, we're going to be best friends!" Ponyville, Present day. "Eventually, we did manage to run those gangsters out of town. But in order to do so, I did something I still have pains of doing to this day." Lightning said. "In order to successfully go undercover, I tricked my best friend into thinking I was joining their side for good. And not just him, I tricked everyone on the side of good. All just to get close to the big four." "You really were just living a lie then." Apple Bloom said. "A nessasary lie. The Big Four were shrouded in total mystery. The only thing known about them previously before my undercover take down, was that all four of them could turn Mega. And each one was vicious and cruel." Lightning said. "But your lies ended up capturing them all eventually." Applejack said. "Yes. The police successfully captured Amarlado the Ampharos, Tymbol the Tyranatar, and Dickson the Houndoom." Lightning said. The ponies all looked at him, about to call him out. "I'm not joking, that was litterally the houndoom's name. But of the four, none was more devious, cunning, or manipulative then Marina the Mawile; who escaped police custody shortly after me and Raiden reconciled and I revealed the truth. She's now a wanted fugative. She is the worst of the Big Four by far. The other three even stated that they would rather rot in jail, then sell her out. She was one who put the fear of Arceus into even her co-workers." Lightning said. "If those other three are that scared of her...we must be talking about someone whose even worse then Gorzon. Or...do we call him Nozrog because that's his true name?" Twilight asked. "Beats me. I swap back and forth a lot." Lightning said. "...Fair." Twilight said. "Hey, where'd Fortus Vile run off to?" Diamond Tiara asked. The colt in question had already heard enough when Lightning said that one of the Big Four had escaped. So he snuck out. That's when he bore witness to Raiden taking out some other Pokemon that after being knocked out, changed form for some reason. "Pathetic. All that Mega Power and you still get over confident." Raiden said. "This is why I can't stand your kind. Your always not thinking through your battle plans." He said. Fortus Vile was shocked. "You can approuch now." Raiden said, as the Pokemon got up and ran off. "How'd you know I was here?" Fortus Vile asked. "Part of my training. I had to adapt myself to notice hidden things. When I was still a Pikachu, a Mega Audino hired by the Big Four beat me into an inch of my life. I somehow survived, because someone had hidden their identity when they dragged me to the hospital. Still have no idea who that was though." Raiden said. "It could've been Lightning. He told us about what he did." Fortus Vile said. "Hmph. I actually would believe that. Maybe I'll go ask him. Thanks for the idea, kid." Raiden said. However, unbeknowest to either, they were being monitered by a drone. The scene of Raiden leaving Fortus Vile alone was being watched on a computer moniter by a myserious Mega Mawile. "...We'll meet again, sooner then you think, Raiden Voltage." The Mawile said. To Be Continued... > Season 2: Episode 16 - To Protect Another (A Canterlot Wedding AU) (Death Warning) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Seriously, can't believe that your brother is getting married." Rarity said to Twilight as the elements rode the train to Canterlot. It was earlier that day when they had been invited to Shining Armor's wedding up in Canterlot. "But I have no idea who this 'Mi Amore Cadenza' is." Twilight said. "C'mon sis, you already know who that is." Sunset said. "She does?" Spike asked. "I do?" Twilight echoed. "It's Princess Cadence, your personal foal sitter from way back when." Sunset said. "Mi Amore Cadenza is Princess Cadence?" Twilight asked. "...Actually, now that you mention it, that does make sense." "That's what big sisters are for." Sunset said. "But it's still not right for Shining Armor to spring a wedding on me NOW of all times." Twilight said. "Chill. Someday, I'll help you get revenge on him for this little stunt. Big sis's honor." Sunset said. "Thank you, Sunset." Twilight said. "Twilight needs a colt-friend first." Spike said. "Maybe she'll find her destined some pony at the wedding." Ray said. "Wait a second, I just realized: Doesn't Ray being with Smolder kind of ruin our bet?" Rainbow Dash asked. "It doesn't, because they aren't officially special some ponies yet." Pinkie Pie said. "And Spike & Sweetie Belle were already pretty much special some ponies when the betting pool was even created." "Just because I hang out with Smolder a lot, doesn't mean anything." Ray said, though his blushing was giving him away. "I think you need to stop trying to lie to us AND yourself and just admit you have a crush on her already." Sunset said. Ray blushed harder. "Sis! Your embarrassing me!" He said. As the group was deboarding the train, Prince Blueblood was waiting for them all. "It's great to see you again Rarity." Prince Blueblood said. "See you've brought Sweetie Belle and her group." "Like we were going to leave them in Ponyville." Rainbow Dash retorted. "Be nice Rainbow." Rarity said. "I honestly don't blame her for getting a little huffy." It was Raiden. "Wait, since when did HE get here?" Twilight asked. "Your brother requested that Team Strikers helped with security. Your Princess Celestia has it on good authority that a changeling invasion is planned." Raiden said. "Wow. Way to bring in the big guns." Rainbow whistled. "Well let's go see my brother every pony." Twilight said. "Whoa, hold up. While I can definatly smell the magic of the barrier around Canterlot, I'm smelling some other source of magic that's NOT directed towards to shield and it doesn't smell like Unicorn Magic." Ray said. "Wait, really?" Spike asked, then sniffed the air. "...I'm smelling it to. It smells like rotten fruit." He added. "Oh, there's Shining Armor with Princess Cadence." Twilight said. "Twily! Good for you and your friends to make it." Shining Armor said. Before any pony could do anything else, Twilight tried doing some strange dance with Cadence, but she just looked at Twilight confused. "Err...Princess Cadence?" Twilight asked after. "Oh. I'm so sorry. I guess the wedding is stressing me out a little." Cadence said. "Who can blame you honestly?" Sunset said, smiling. "...Wait, who are you?" Cadence asked. Now THAT put Sunset on guard. "Pardon me Princess Cadence, but how could you possibly not know who I am? I met you like almost every day when I was being Twilight's surrogate big sister." Sunset said. "Not sure how you could forget that Cadence." Shining Armor said. "Plus, why do you smell like rotton fruit, Princess Cadence?" Ray asked. Suddenly Princess Cadence looked shocked. "OH MY GOD, DO I SMELL OR SOMETHING?! MUST GO TAKE A SHOWER!" Cadence said and rushed off. "Err...I'll go after her..." Shining Armor said and went to do so. "Something stinks about this; stinks like rotton fruit." Spike said. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash remembered what Cole said. "Cole mentioned this." Every pony looked at her. "That black hamster that showed up in Ponyville a while back. His name was Cole. He mentioned something about how our eyes can play tricks on our mind, and that memories can be excused, but our sense of smell will never lie to us; or something like that." Rainbow Dash said. "So then, maybe that wasn't really Princess Cadence." Sunset said. "Twilight, me and the other girls will stall for time. Take Spike and try to find the real Princess Cadence." "Do you even know where to start?" It was Cole. "What the..." Prince Blueblood said. "A talking hamster? Now I've seen everything." Sunset said. "Perhaps I can speed up your process a little: I saw something pink down in the Canterlot Crystal Mines. If I had to venture a guess, it was the real Princess Cadance. The one you've seen with Shining Armor is an imposter. And I know this because I saw her reveal her true face to what seemingly seemed like no one; unaware that I had been watching from the rafters." Cole said. "Considering how small this guy is, it's no wonder he fit up there." Blueblood said. "I'll be around here for a while. So we'll see each other again later." Cole said before he suddenly walked away. "Hold it right there, you mysterious hamster!" Raiden said. But mysteriously, fog suddenly showed up out of nowhere; making every pony loose sight of Cole. And as soon as it came, it went. "Okay, I think my creepy factor just got put on red alert." Rainbow Dash said. "Hey, do any of you know where that fog came from?" It was Karisha. "Oh Karisha. What brings you here?" Twilight said. "There's someone...I got to make sure stays alive." Karisha said. "...No matter what..." She said then walked off. "...Okay, first Cole, now Karisha. What's with the secrecy today?" Rainbow Dash asked. As it had turned out, Cole was right: The real Princess Cadence was down in the mines. And Twilgiht was able to foil the plans of the Changeling Queen known as Queen Chrysalis. However, she was able to draw enough love from Shining Armor to weaken his shield and allow her army of Changelings to invade the city anyways. Not to meniton, enough to defeat Princess Celestia. "Now then..." Chrysalis said, turning her attention to Throsten. As it had turned out, he and his mates had also decided to attend the wedding. "Let's really show you how powerless you are." Chrysalis said. Suddenly, however, Chrysalis was caught in the jaw of something. "Your usefulness has ended." A female voice said. "It...can't be..." Lightning said. "Hello Lightning. Long time no see." The female voice said. "...Marina..." Lightning said. Sure enough, there was a Mawile there. "How pathetically easy it was to have this changeling do my bidding for me. Made getting in here all too easy." Marina said, using her bigger mouth to throw Chrysalis right into a wall. "You. Just what do you plan on doing here?" Raiden asked. "What else? Making this entire country submit to me. Because that's what I do." Marina said. She began charging up some kind of beam attack in her bigger jaw. "And I'm going to make sure they realize just how hopeless it is to resist." Marina said. "No!" Karisha said, running out and just as Marina unleashed the beam, it was like the world was it slow mo as the beam headed for Throsten, only for Karisha to block it; and she was hurt badly. "Bitch. It'll take way too long to recharge." Marina said. "That...will be long enough..." Karisha said, barely staying alive. "...Doesn't any pony else hear beeping?" Scootaloo asked. Out of nowhere, Rob suddenly appeared. "Karisha..." He said, looking at her bruised form. "Forget me...save Throsten..." Karisha said. "Right..." Rob then turned to Marina. "...Well that's enough for today." Marina said before she suddenly got pummbled for a bit and then sent flying. "I'LL REMEMBER THIS!" She yelled out. Marina's little destraction had allowed Princess Cadence enough time to undo Shining's mind control and then their love for each other caused some sort of love bomb to happen. "Wow, that is corny as all get out: Defeating the changelings with the very thing they were after all along." Rainbow Dash said. "Sometimes too much of something can be a bad thing." It was Cole again. "How'd this hamster get in this building?" Princess Celestia asked, now recovered. "Okay Buster, just WHO are you; really?" Rainbow Dash asked. "While I'm sure you have questions you want answered. I must remain secretive for now. But know this: You'll get your answers, when the empire of crystals returns." Cole said. He had mosied on over to a nearby window that had been broken by some changelings. "So...see you." He added before he suddenly fell backwards out the window. "Wait, are you crazy?!" Serendipity yelled out, and went to catch him, but upon trying to see him, he had mysteirously vanished again. "...Hey Pinkie Pie?" Serendipity asked. "Yeah?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Got any cupcakes?" Serendipity asked. The victory against the changelings however, turned out to be short lived. Marina's blast that Karisha took had ended up doing more damage then the doctors in Equestria could fix. "Looks like...I'm not going to make it to tomorrow." Karisha said. "You saved me. Why?" Throsten asked. "Wasn't...able to...the last time..." Karisha said. "Glad I...I made up for it...this time..." She added. "You weren't kidding when you said Marina is the worst one, Lightning." Applejack said. "I did warn you." Lightning said. "Make sure...she pays for this...all of you..." Karisha said. "We will." Twilight said. Karashi managed one final smile before she passed away from her injuries. "This...is unforgivable." Princess Celestia said. "Now you understand what Lightning Town dealt with on a regular basis." Lightning said. "Marina will be punished severely for this." Princess Luna said. "That Mawile is going to pay." Throsten said. > Season 3: Episode 1 - Help From Beyond Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a few weeks since the whole Canterlot Wedding Fiasco. And that was when the Crystal Empire decided to return. And thus, now the elements and the Shadowbolt Trainees were on their way to the Crystal Empire. "Princess Luna is very curious as to what Cole's connection to this place is." Night Wing said. "This won't be something we can just find out though. Princess Celestia told me about the tyrant that caused the place to vanish in the first place: King Sombra." Twilight said. "Sounds like a piece of work if you ask me." Thunderlane said. The train was pulling into the station at the Frozen North, where Throsten and his wives were waiting. "Hey, seems the Crystal Empire's returned." Throsten said. "It'll be great to have this place back under equestrian control." "And the empire is just south of where I was princess. So this is extra personal for me." Gloria said. "That Sombra won't know what hit him, that's for sure." Rainbow Dash said. "Ah reackon you want to fight him, huh RD?" Applejack asked. "I think that one has your number Rainbow Dash." Night Wing said. "I would advise against that." It was Cole. He was suddenly ahead of them. "Again?! You just love showing up in the most random locations." Rainbow Dash said. "And why would we not want to stop a tyranical ruler from taking this place back over, huh?!" Throsten exclaimed. "You misunderstand. You just do not know the full picture. Find the hidden staircase in the castle, and all will be revealed." Cole said and then just as he was walking away, a blizzard picked up; obscuring the view of every one else until Cole vanished from sight. "Okay, the fog in Canterlot was one thing, but since when did it blizzard this close to the Eeveelution Kingdom?" Gloria asked. "...I have a feeling I know exactly what Cole is, but I can't say for certain." Twilight said. "For now, let us perhaps take Cole's advice." "Right. Let's go catch up with Shining Armor and Cadence." Sunset said. The group managed to find Shining Armor and Cadence. "Hidden Staircase? Cadence and I have been everywhere in this castle and we haven't found anything like that." Shining Armor said. "But considering Cole seems to be right about everything, maybe we double check." Rainbow Dash said. "You saw that hamster again?" Shining Armor asked. "Yeah. We did." Twilgiht said. "Actually, now that you mention him, I did notice a statue of that hamster on the ground floor's foyer." Shining Armor said. "What would a statue of Cole be doing here? Did Sombra put it there?" Night Wing asked. "B-but...no one who likes hamsters like that could ever really be evil..." Fluttershy said. "Tell that to the creep whose ramming against the barrier Cadence and I are magically putting up around the empire." Shining Armor said. "There's something deep with this whole thing. Some sort of reason behind all of this that'll explain everything." Twilight said and then she and the group found the statue in question. "So, does it have a secret switch on it?" Sunset asked. "I'm checking." Rainbow Dash said, but then she accidently flew too close to it, causing it to fall over. "Rainbow Dash you just--huh?" Night Wing was about to chatise Rainbow Dash, when she noticed the Statue wasn't falling, and was connected to the pillar it was on by some kind of mechinized gear. Soon, a large staircase going down appeared. "Wow. Cole did say he wasn't called the man of secrets for nothing." Rainbow Dash said as the group headed down. Down at the bottom, the group had found the Crystal Heart, though it was obviously set up to some kind of trap set-up. "How are we supposed to get it without triggering the trap?" Night Wing asked. "Either Twilgiht or myself could use magic." Sunset said. "No. That's not how that works." Twilight said. "Huh?" Sunset asked. To demonstrate, Twilight budged the heart using her magic, only for Sunset to have to suddenly dodge a crystal that popped out of the ground between her and Twilight. "Yipes!" Sunset said. "Oh, you found it already. Your smarter then you look." It's Cole again. "Though I guess the statue of me gave it away." "You knew this was down here." Twilight said. "Of course I did. Why do I think I led you down here?" Cole asked before tossing a book at the group. "What's this?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Sombra's diary. You should be aware of who exactly he is. He wasn't always the way he is now after all. And there is still hope: A door lies past a statue of a mare named in those pages. Find her, and I will appear again." Cole said before he left again. "That guy just comes and goes a lot." Night Wing said. "I've got fresh cupcakes for anyone getting a headache over him." PInkie Pie said. "How can you possibly have fresh cupcakes in THIS cold?" Night Wing asked. "It's Pinkie Pie; don't question it." Rainbow Dash said. > Season 3: Episode 2 - Help From Beyond Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Radiant Hope...that name seems so familiar..." Sunset said. The entire group had just read Sombra's diary. "It should: That was the name of Princess Celestia's first ever student." Twilight said. "Wait, you mean your not her only students ever?" Rainbow Dash asked. "That's just silly. Thing is, I asked Princess Celestia once about Radiant Hope and why she took on a second student so quickly after Radiant Hope. And while she didn't give specifics, I got the impression that Radiant Hope went missing." Twilight said. "What's with ponies going missing under Princess Celestia's watch? First we knew of Sunburst, now we know of Radiant Hope." Applejack said. "But why does Cole want us to know about Radiant Hope?" Sunset asked. "So you can save her." Cole said, showing up out of nowhere again. "She's actually been trapped in the Umbra Realm for the past one thousand years. Time has barely passed for her." "So she's basically still alive in there. We gotta save her." Twilight said. "You'll need this spell." Cole said, tossing a spell over. "Hey, isn't this some kind of evil spirit banishment spell made by Starswirl the Bearded?! How do you have this?!" Twilight exclaimed. "Hmph. All will be revealed shortly." Cole said before he went away again. "Hey but what about..." Sunset said, but as she tried to follow Cole, she stepped on a piece of paper that detailed where to find the Umbra Realm. "How does he keep doing this?!" Sunset exclaimed. "Less headache, more rescue Princess Celestia's first student." Pinkie Pie said. "Planning a party are we?" Serendipity asked. "Yep!" Pinkie Pie said. "Of course Serendipity gets her." Throsten said. The group managed to find the Umbra Realm door. "So, you really think you can pull off that sort of spell on your own?" Sunset asked. "Maybe. But you could help Sunset. This is Starswirl the Bearded after all." Twilight said. "Let's do it." Sunset said, and began casting the spell with Twilight. As soon as they started, a bunch of horrible looking creatures started to try and escape the realm, but a lone unicorn mare managed to get out. "Gah! What the hell?! And they looked so cute up until like three second ago." The unicorn mare said. Night Wing blinked. "Wait, is she...?!" Night Wing exclaimed. Suddenly the realm door began to glow a bright light. "Almost there..." Twilight said before the door suddenly vanished into thin air. "Where'd the door go?!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "I think the spell was supposed to do that." Sunset said. "Phew. Glad I got out of there in time." The mare said. "Oh my gosh! It's Radiant Hope!" Twilight exclaimed. "Oh. Um...how long have I been trapped by those Umbra?" Raident Hope asked. "A thousand years." Sunset said. "Boy, I've got a lot of catching up to do. But uh...that spell you used...did it really get rid of the Umbra?" Radiant Hope asked. "Yep." Twilight said. "Then there's hope." Radiant Hope then rushed ahead. "Where's she going?" Gloria asked. "Let's follow her and find out." Rainbow Dash suggested. "OOoooooo! I'm suddenly sensing a HUGE DOOZY!" Pinkie Pie said. The group soon discovered a unicorn stallion passed out in the snow. He looked like Sombra a little, but not like any of them had seen depicted. "What happaned to Sombra?" Twilight asked. "He was freed from the influence of those Umbra. He's a normal unicorn now." Radiant Hope said. "Hope? How are you here? How am I like this?" Sombra asked. "Shh...does it really matter?" Radiant Hope asked, hugging Sombra. "...Even if I'm not one for mushy stuff, even I have to admit, this is something I can understand wanting to do after trapped in a different realm for a thousand years." Rainbow Dash said. "How did any of you know where to look?" Sombra asked. "They had a little help." Cole suddenly showed up again. "Cole Watterson." Twilight said. "Cole? But that's not possible..." Sombra said. "What do you mean? He's right there." Sunset said. "That can't be Cole...because the real Cole is right here." Sombra said, before he suddenly took out something from under his cape. However, what he took out looked to be Cole Watterson's dead body. "But that's not right. Cole's right here." Rainbow Dash said, but when she went to touch Cole, her hoof passed right through him. "SAY WHAT?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "...He's a ghost. Of course. Now everything makes sense." Twilight said. "There was something I had to do. Some unfinished business." Cole said. "So you guided this direction on purpose. From beyond the grave." Sunset said. "And you did everything that was needed. Now I can finally move on." Cole said. "But first, I should tell you that I left a gift behind: A blank book for writing in hidden in a place full of published books. And as one final parting gift, my final words of wisdom: Mirrors cast reflections, but there is one unique amongst all; a gateway to another world hides a secret, and in that world lies some pony special. Worlds apart one lover may be, but he will give up everything to follow his heart." Cole said. "Remember my words. Or don't. It's your choice." Cole said before he suddenly vanished into a bunch of spirit particles. "...Rest easy, Cole Watterson. I won't forget what you just said." Twilight said. "Even if I have no idea what those words mean." > Season 3: Episode 3 - Babs Seed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The CMC were near the train station, practically waiting for the upcoming train. "So why did you drag us here again?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Because my cousin from Manehatten is coming. And I'm hoping you gals will make her feel welcome." Apple Bloom said. "Aren't you the least bit worried that Fortus Vile might do something with your cousin? Maybe make her turn evil?" Diamond Tiara asked. "Taken care of." Apple Bloom said. Meanwhile... "Ugh...of all the surprises, why did Miss Cheerilee have to show my parents my report card? Now I have to raise my grades, or I'll be grounded all summer long." Fortus Vile said. "This stinks. There was news that some cousin of Apple Bloom's was visiting, and I bet we could've convinced them to turn on their cousin." Silver Spoon said. "But instead, here we are, trying to get your grades up so you can enjoy summer vacation." "I didn't even know it was possible for Miss Cheerilee to show off early report cards like that." Fortus Vile said. "Nothing we can do about it now, except get your grades up." Silver Spoon said. Diamond Tiara blinked. "How did Miss Cheerilee--" She began. "Your mother is on the school board, remember? I simply told her to take a look at Fortus Vile's grades and the rest was history." Apple Bloom said. "Huh. Certainly teaches Fortus Vile a thing or two about bullying us." Scootaloo said. "Yeah, another reason not to get on your bad side, Apple Bloom." Sweetie Belle said. "My cousin has a bad side?" A new female voice said. Standing there now was an orange earth pony filly. "Oh hey Babs Seed. Glad you could make it." Apple Bloom said. "This is your cousin? Wow. I can definitely see the resemblance." Diamond Tiara said. "What?" Babs Seed asked. "Ah may have mentioned you as we were waiting for your arrival." Apple Bloom said. "Did you have to do that? I was hoping to just relax while I was here. Get away from all the bullying up in Manehatten." Babs Seed said. "Well it's a real good thing Fortus Vile is occupied, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten away from that." Sweetie Belle said. "There's a bully here too?" Babs Seed asked. "Yep. But Apple Bloom has him doing homework thanks to her basically telling the head of the local school board about Vile's grades." Diamond Tiara said. "...Ah guess you do have a bad side, huh cuz?" Babs Seed asked. "Serves him right for bullying all four of us. Just because we don't have cutie marks yet." Sweetie Belle said. "Wait...you don't have your cutie marks yet?" Babs seed asked. "Not yet. But that's why we're working together. Because we want to try all sorts of things together to get them." Apple Bloom said. "Uh...can we go somewhere private?" Babs Seed asked. "Sure; we know just the place." Apple Bloom said. Once the group was at the clubhouse, Babs Seed revealed that she didn't have a cutie mark yet either. Hence why she was bullied so much. "Oof. That's rough." Diamond Tiara said. "So, does that mean I can join your little club? I bet I could find some foals in manehatten who don't have their cutie marks yet either. Create sort of a manehatten branch of the Cutie Mark Crusaders." Babs Seed said. "That's the spirit. And friends are the best." Scootaloo said. "Yep. Before you know it, you'll have three whole friends to hang with." Sweetie Belle said. "That really does sound like fun." Babs Seed said. "Good to know." Diamond Tiara said. Babs Seed managed to have a great day in Ponyville, and now she was returning to Manehatten in very great spirits. However, she didn't know that there was some mon following her back home. That being Marissa the Mawile. "If those ponies and Raiden think I can't take over a new city...they should think again." Marissa said. "This time my plans will succeed." She laughed evilly as the train left Ponyville. "Does any pony else hear laughing?" Scootaloo asked. > Season 3: Episode 4 - Weather Watch (Wonderbolt Acadamy AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a fine day out in Ponyville, and it's yet another day for testing at the Shadowbolt HQ. "This test is probably going to be one every pony is going to pass; I'll just be honest on that one." Night Wing said. "The test this time is to keep any weather from the Everfree Forest from getting too close to town." "That's it?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I do that pratically all the time while managing the weather system for Ponyville as it is." "Wait you do?" Thunderlane asked. "Yep. This'll just be another day for me." Rainbow Dash said. "...Yeah honestly, I'm not expecting this one to be hard for any pony. Just keep your eyes peeled for any weather incoming from the Everfree Forest. If the weather around Ponyville doesn't start going crazy for whatever reason, then every pony is expecting to pass this one. And with us all on the look out and working to make sure the out-of-control Everfree Forest Weather STAYS in the Everfree Forest, this is honestly going to be the easiest test you'll ever recieve." Night Wing said. "How long do we remain on lookout?" One of the other Shadowbolt Trainees askes. "The whole week. This also happens to be the same week the Wonderbolts are doing their own series of tests, but I highly doubt we'll need to worry about them, since one of their tests involves clearing the clouds as fast as possible. We really should have no trouble this week." Night Wing said. "Talk about a light week then." Thunderlane said. "Tell me about it." Rainbow Dash said. "So, you want to just stick with me?" She asked. "Wait, your willing to let join up with you?" Thunderlane asked. "Hey, after your what your brother did for Scootaloo, I'm willing to consider giving you this chance at least. Besides, with me by your side, you'll ace this test." Rainbow Dash said. "...I basically told Rumble that if he ever crushed on a girl, to always treat her right and never look at any pony else until your sure the whole thing won't work out." Thunderlane said. "I don't want him messing up like I did." He added. "Sound advice." Rainbow Dash said. The following day, Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane were expertly working together to push a stray Everfree cloud back to the forest. "Oof...yeah those are much tougher then normal." Thunderlane said. "Weather in the Everfree Forest is always kind of wack like that." Rainbow Dash said. "And the clouds that make it, are made of much tougher stuff. It's why I toughen up at the gym a lot." "I always did wonder why you were always going there whenever your not napping or practicing stunts." Thunderlane said. "Just because I can make my own break schedule as the Ponyville Weather Manager doesn't mean I'm not always napping. I like keeping myself in shape." Rainbow Dash said. "Wow." Thunderlane said simply. "That's just awesome." "Heh. Maybe you have learnt your lesson." Rainbow Dash said. But then her wings twitched. "Uh oh. Tornado incoming Ponyville Park." Rainbow Dash said. "Wait how can you--" Thunderlane tried to ask, but was unable to finish before Rainbow Dash sped off. "Oh fine. I'm coming." Thunderlane said before he went after Rainbow Dash. The Tornado was heading for the other elements, and even Scootaloo, but thankfully, working together, Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane calmed it down. "Alright, that was not Everfree Weather." Rainbow Dash said. "It wasn't?!" Thunderlane exclaimed. "How could you tell?" He asked. "I'm Ponyville's Weather Manager, remember? It's part of my job to tell." Rainbow Dash reminded. As it just so happens to turn out, the culprit was a Wonderbolt Cadet known as Lightning Dust who was promptly kicked out of the program and then blacklisted even from the Shadowbolt program. The reasoning was because she was far too reckless and her actions endangered the lives of most of the elements. Something Princess Luna took very seriously. Lightning Dust now was just flying through manehatten when she was suddenly stopped. "Lightning Dust is it? Heard about what you did." Marissa said, as she was the one who stopped Lightning Dust. "Here to rub it in?" Lightning Dust asked. "No. Not really. I just think your penchent for criminal activity is something I could use." Marissa said. "I didn't do it on purpose." Lightning Dust said. "Be honest with yourself: Do you really expect to pick up the pieces of your life after what you pulled?" Marissa asked. Lightning Dust was pointingly silent. "Didn't think so. But I can turn you into someone who is to be feared. All you have to do, is follow my instructions." Marissa said. "What's in it for me?" Lightning Dust asked. "The ability to rule Equestria with an iron fist. Or in your case, an iron hoof." Marissa said. Lightning Dust grinned at that. "Okay then. I'm in." She said. > Season 3: Episode 5 - Sunset Snippits III > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike At Your Service (Not) "Geez, your lucky Applejack was there bro." Ray said. "But seriously, be so glad I'm here to make sure you don't do something you might regret." "Yeah. Having another dragon around is great to have. Especially with Smolder hanging around too." Spike said. "Did you have to bring her up?" Ray asked. "I wasn't going to go there this time." Spike said. That made Ray blush out of embarrassment. "If you don't start admitting you have a crush on that dragoness soon, I will be telling Princess Celestia, and Spike will be sending the letter." Sunset said. "Spike would never." Ray said, blushing. "Sorry bro, but I'm with Sunset on this one." Spike said. "WHY ME?!" Ray exclaimed, blushing deeper. Keep Calm and Flutter On "Wait, you've been befriending Discord lately?" Princess Celestia asked, not sure what to think. "Well, he's not too bad once you really get to know him. Not to mention, he's actually been going out of his way to turn himself into a stallion while around my cottage." Fluttershy said. "Was wondering where the mysterious new Stallion came from, but I knew it'd be a doozy." Pinkie Pie said. "Wait, does that mean no one wins that special some pony bet?" Sunset asked. "He's only a friend right now, so the bet's still on." Fluttershy said. "What's this about a special some pony bet?" Princess Celestia asked. Some explination later, both Princess Celetia and Princess Luna decided to also put a bet on Twigliht Sparkle, much to Sunset's confusion, surprise, and frustration. Their explanation? What else? Don't bet against Pinkie Pie. Especially now that Throsten and his wives have joined in the bet, all of them betting on Twilight because Serendipity did it first. Though Twilight had to wonder exactly HOW she was expected to get her special some pony next when she's barely interacted with any stallions lately. Just For Sidekicks "LOOK OUT WE'RE GONNA CRASH!" Ray yelled out, but did so too late. Spike, the CMC, and the pets all went flying. "Twilight and Sunset are going to kill us..." Spike said. Games Ponies Play "It's a good thing I was there to make sure there was no confusion on the inspector for the Equestria Games." Sunset said. "Don't know what we would've done without you, BSBFF." Twilight said. The group arrived to find the pets all taken care of. "Huh. Guess the dragons were more capable then we thought." Sunset said. The two surrogate sisters found their dragon siblings asleep with the CMC. "...I think they may have had a little help." Twilight said. > Season 3: Episode 6 - Ultra Beast Battle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a wild past few days. Sunset had to give her surrogate sister this: Having to solve the mix-up of six different ponies and their cutie marks was a feat on it's own. But being able to finish one of Starswirl the Bearded's spells? Now that was already worthy to be made into an Alicorn. "Gotta say, the wing thing looks good on you." Throsten said. "Plus, new flying buddy. Bonus!" Rainbow Dash said. "Yeah. That was so weird seeing you at Fluttershy's place." Thunderlane said. "Really wish I wasn't kept out of the loop." Night Wing said. "I'm just glad everything worked out." "Heh. I wonder if Sunset will have her own Princess trial eventually?" Raiden asked. "Honestly? I'm happy to just be proud of Twilight for doing something to become an Alicorn." Sunset said. "Says the one who probably wouldn't have said that before she met Twigiht." Celestia said. "Hey!" Sunset yelled a little. As Twilight began to open her mouth to speak, suddenly, a giant wormhole appeared. "What in Equestria is that?" Twilight asked. "Uh oh. Every pony, stay away from that." Throsten said. "Why? What's going on?" Sunset asked. Suddenly a mysterious jellyfish appeared from the wormhole. "It's a Nihilego. Whatever you do, don't let that thing attach itself to your head." Throsten said. "But what is it?" Sunset asked. "An Ultra Beast." Throsten said. "An Ultra what?" Princess Celestia asked. "An Ultra Beast. Their Pokemon from another dimension." Raiden said. "But why should we stay away from this one then if it's just a Pokemon from another deminsion?" Fluttershy asked. "Because Nihilego specifically can take over your entire body." Lightning said. "YOU MEAN THEY CAN POSSESS YOU?!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "Yeah. Something to that effect." Throsten said, launching a Shadow Ball at the Nihilego said. "And juding from how much damage that just did...this is Queen Nihilego. THE WOST ONE." Throsten said. "Yeah Queen Nihilego is actually evil and wants to take over a planet." Raiden said. "Of course she does..." Sunset said, rolling her eyes. Smolder soon joined the battle too. "This a threat?" Smolder asked. "Yeah. Just whatever you do, stay away from it. Because it apperently it can possess you." Ray said. "Worst kind of threat ever." Smolder said. "Your telling me." Ray said. "Oh would you two just kiss already." Sunset said. Both of the dragons just then blushed. "SUNSET, THIS IS NOT A GOOD TIME!" Ray yelled out. "I'm with Ray on this one." Spike said, using his dragon breath to the best of his ability. "How much longer do we have to fight this thing?" Twilight asked. "Just do it for a few more seconds." Throsten said. Suddenly Queen Nihilego went back into the worm hole. "Phew. That was a close one." Raiden said. "Doubt we've seen the last of her though. She'll be back." Throsten said. "That thing's been back before?" Fluttershy asked, worridly. "More importantly, how many of these Ultra Beasts are there?" Princess Celestia asked. "Quite a few. But not all of them are hostile. Some of them tend to lash out simply because they get brought to our world by accident and thus lash out due to being in an unfamiliar environment." Raiden said. "Others can also just want something that they can only find here. There's also Poipole and Naganadel who are actually pretty friendly." Lightning Said. "But Queen Nihilego is an outlier: She wants to take over planets to spread her kind to them." Throsten said. "She's pure evil. If she gets her way, a planet will become enslaved by her." He said. "But what I don't get is how she showed up here in the first place." Raide said. Meanwhile... "Darn. That Ultra Wormhole popped up in Ponyville." Merrissa said. "So, why are you trying to make that evil Nihilego come here?" Lightning Dust asked. "You just let me worry about that okay?" Merrissa said, stroking Lightning Dusts's chin. "And we'll all get what we want at the end of the day." The mawile added. "Err...yes ma'm." Lightning Dust said. > Season 3: Episode 7 - Another World Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So now Twilight is an alicorn, but your still saying that she's the one whose going to get a special some pony next Pinkie?" Sunset asked. "Yepper doodles. It's not to late to join in on the Twilight pool." Pinkie Pie said. "I'm also got a large feeling, Twilight's going to get her special some pony next as well." Serendipity said. "Call it instinct." "Clearly, neither of you know Twilight that well. Plus she's an alicorn now. The chances of her getting her special some pony when she's barely talked to any stallions is next to none." Sunset said. "You say that now." Pinkie Pie said. "Yeah. I'm not budging. I know better then to bet against Pinkie Pie. Though I'm surprised Spike switched back to you when Ray stayed the same." Rainbow Dash said. "What's this about betting Princess Twilight is going to find her special some pony next?" Night Wing asked. She and the rest of the Shadow Bolt trainees are coming along for the Princess Summit at the Crystal Empire. "Well, me, Pinkie Pie, Ray, Rarity, Smolder, Throsten, Glacia, Blitz, Lola, Serendipity, Vala, Numa, Julia, and Esperalda all have 100 Bits saying Twilgiht's going to be getting her Special Some Pony next." Rainbow Dash said. Night Wing blinked. "You all do realize that Princess Twilight's now an alicorn Princess right?" She asked. "Yep. But if there's one thing I've learned, it's to never bet against Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash said. "You could say the same with Serendipity." Throsten said. "Of course you can. She and Pinkie Pie are like two peas in a pod." Rainbow Dash said. "She's really enjoyable." Serendipity said. "...Maybe I should bet 100 Bits that it's going to be you Rainbow Dash." Night Wing said. "You'll be losing those 100 bits." Rainbow Dash said. "Don't care. I'm doing it." Night Wing said. "This is Princess Twilight your talking about. Er, no offense your highness." She said. "I told you you can just call me Twilight Night Wing. My friends shouldn't have to address me by title." Twilight said. "She's got a point you know." Sunset said. "And your pretty good friends with Rainbow Dash as of late." Twilight said. "Well after the tornado incident, she and Thunderlane are almost garenteed to get into the Shadow Bolts now." Night Wing said. "Speaking of, the Shadow Bolts are going to be representing Ponyville at the Equestria Games. The tests should be concluded by then. There's only one final test between now and the Equestrian Games." "Wow, so do you have a good idea whose going to be on the actual Shadow Bolts?" Sunset asked. "Well I don't want to say anything, but I will say that Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane are going to be tough to overcome for the main squad. Sure there'll be other slots, but they are pratically shoe-ins after the Tornado Incident." Night Wing said. "All they have to do is pass the final test with a good score and their on the squad." "What is that final test anyways? Does it have something to do with why all the Trainees are on this train?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yes, actually there is. The final test will involve all the Trainees searching for some coins that have Princess Luna's face on them hidden in some snow. And the Frozen North has no shortage of Snow." Night Wing said. "The test will be taking place shortly after the Princess Summit. Provided everything goes smoothly. And I doubt something will happen. It's the Princess Summit for crying out loud." "Famous last words." Rainbow Dash said. And as it just so happened to turn out, Rainbow Dash was right to call that out, as during the night a unicorn stallion who looked very much like Sunset tried to take Twilight's element, but got caught yet still escapped through the now repaired mirror which it turned out, Celestia had brought with her to give to Cadence and Shining Armor. "That was Sunburst. No doubt about it. I'd recognize him anywhere." Sunset said. It was now the next day. "He tried to swap Twilight's element with a fake crown, but you did manage to figure out that he did take it." Luna said. "Can't believe Sunburst has resorted to theivery. That's not the Sunburst I grew up with." Starlight said. "Nor the brother I know." Sunset said. "He must have changed since his escape into the world beyond this mirror." Princess Celestia said. "Then I must go through and get my element back. And Sunset can come with me." Twilight said. "Yeah. This is personal now." Sunset said. "I don't care if he is my biological brother, you don't steal from any pony." "Should the other elements go too then?" Night Wing asked. "No. While I am certain Sunset and Twilight can go without consequence; Spike and Ray as well; the others would cause issues." Celestia said. "Issues that I am not comfortable discussing, I'll be honest. A word of caution however: You will only have three days to get back the element before the portal closes for thirty moons." "Three days huh? Not a lot of time, but me and Sunset can do it." Twilight said. "Yeah. The sun students got this." Sunset said. "Ray, I hate to say this, but I think you and Spike should stay back. Just in case." She added. "We'll take care of things on this end." Ray said. "Yeah. But wait, I'm reminded of what Cole mentioned as his final words now." Spike said. "...The whole mirror and some pony following his heart thing?" Sunset asked. "Mirrors cast reflections, but one is unique amongst all; a gateway to another world hides a secret, and in that world lies sompony special." Twilight recounted. "Worlds apart one lover might be, but he will give up everything to follow his heart." She added. "I have a sneaking suspicion that Cole's final message is going to have huge implications sooner then we thought." > Season 3: Episode 8 - Another World Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Sunset had stepped through the portal, not knowing what to expect. And as the two Sun Students soon came through the other side not as ponies, but rather, something else, a lone masculine figure was watching them from the roof of a nearby School. "Ugh...what in Equestria?" Sunset asked as she looked at herself and Twilight. "Wh-what are we?" Twilight asked. Meanwhile, the mysterious masculine figure simply smirked before they mysteriously vanished. The pair of Sun Students had managed to find out that Twilight's Crown was now what the prize is for the Fall Festival contest, being awarded to whichever student recieved the most votes. "Great. This is going to be tough." Sunset said. "I know. Especially being what we are now." Twilight said. "Still, I can do this. If Sunburst wants a challenge, I'll give him a challenge." She said. "R-right. So, where do we start?" Sunset asked. "Let's talk with the Principle and go from there." Twilight said. However, just as she began to take off, she ran right into a masculine figure. "Ow! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." Twilight said. "Hey it's fine. Here, let me help you up." The male said before helping Twilight up. "The name's Sentry; Flash Sentry." He said. "Well I'm Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said. "Twilight Sparkle huh? I gotta remember that." Flash Sentry said before going past the two girls. "I hope to see you around." He added as he left. "Well he was nice." Sunset said. "Let's focus on finding the Principle's office." Twilight said. "Actually, it's right here." Sunset said, pointing to a door that had the Principal sign on it. Though the name of the office did catch both of the girls off-guard a little. "That's so wierd." Twilight said. Turns out that the name was spot on. Past that door was none other then a version of Celestia. Only, this one was not the same. She did say that there seemed to be some paper work that had been filled out for the two of them to be temporary transferred into the school. However, it is thanks to this version of Celestia that the two learned of what had happened with Sunburst: Apperently, shortly after arriving here, a bully who has since been expelled from the school made a complete and utter disaster for Sunburst to the point where it turned Sunburst into a much more menacing figure. And it has caused Sunburst to change into someone who seems to have a grudge to settle of some kind. Even though Sunset had no idea what grudge Sunburst wants to settle, she does know now that there's only one way to stop him and try to set him back on the right path: Twilight needs to defeat him and take the crown as the most popular student on campus and show him that friendship will always win no matter what. Of course, she did notice that there were humanoid versions of a lot of ponies they've met. And the other elements were amongst them. However, right now the other five were fighting amongst each other, not being friends at all. As such, Twilight began to fix their friendships. Not knowing that they were being watched by a different male human. Humans being what things are around here. Though Applejack's comment on Twilight having a twin sister didn't escape Sunset's notice. Especially more so when Applejack made the same comment at her. Though neither of them have dogs for pets. Not even back in Equestria. Thankfully, they avoided talking about the Pony World by just saying they're transfer students from way out of state. It was actually Twilight's idea to do that. It took some doing, but Twilight had managed to fix the friendships of the humanoid versions of her friends in this world. "You know, for a complete stranger, you really pulled through and got us friends again." H Rainbow Dash said. "It was nothing really." Twilight said. "It was more than you think sugarcube. Especially since there's that contest coming up." H Applejack said. "One that I'm entering no less." Twilight said. "Hey, you got us all friends again. The least we could do is give you our votes." H Rainbow Dash said. "Rainbow is right. You helped us, so the least we can do is return the favor." H Rarity said. "Heh, yeah your a hard worker there, Twilight Sparkle." It was Flash Sentry. "Your here? Were you eavesdropping on us?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Heh, something like that. I was mostly watching Twilight though. You did a really good job repairing the friendship of these five girls. I gotta respect that kind of hard work." Flash Sentry said. "It was nothing, really." Twilight said. "You say that, but it's not really true in the end is it?" Flash asked. Twilight had to admit that he was right about that. "I've got a lot of pull around here. You can be certain that before the day is through, you'll have the majority of the school voting for you. You've already earned it in my book." Flash said. "Um...thanks." Twilight said. "See you around, Twilight Sparkle." Flash Sentry said before leaving. "Dude, you just got support from Flash Sentry." H Rainbow Dash said. "What's the big deal with that guy anyways?" Sunset asked. "Guess you wouldn't know it, but Flash Sentry is a straight A student, the son of the local police chief, and he's done a lot of good for this school even though he's the star quaterback for the Canterlot Wondercolts." H Rainbow Dash said. "Thing is, people respect him because he's managed to do everything on his own merits. So no one really goes against him since he has so much influence." H Rarity said. "Wow. He sounds almost like a prince in commoner's clothing." Sunset said. "You could certainly say that he's like a prince. A good one at that." H Applejack said. "And it seems he's got his eyes on Twilgiht. You must've really captured his heart because he usually doesn't go out of this way for any girls." "Yeah. I think you have yourself an admirer now." H Pinkie Pie said. Suddenly Sunset fainted. "...What's up with her?" Rarity asked. Oh dear god, don't tell me; Flash Sentry is so going to follow us back to Equestria because he's smitten with Twilgiht, isn't he? And that would be enough to call him her special some pony. And that means I lost the bet. How did this happen? Sunset thought to herself. Note to self: From now on, never bet against the Pinkie Pie Twilight and I have back home. > Season 3: Episode 9 - Another World Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was finally the day of the big fall festival. And yet, Flash Sentry was no where to be seen. But, Twilight had faith that he would turn up. "Seriously, what makes you so sure Flash will show up?" Sunset asked. "He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would miss something like this." Twilight said. Sunset opened her mouth to argue, but the argument died on her lips. "...Given what we've heard about him the past couple of days, that's actually a really good point." Sunset said. "Though if I didn't know any better, I'd say your falling for him a little~" She teased. Twilight said nothing to that, instead waiting for the results to get announced. All while looking around for any sign of Sunburst. "What I'm more concerned about is that we've not seen hide nor hair of Sunburst since we got here." Twilight said. "Okay yeah, that is more concerning." Sunset said. "Ahem, is this thing on? Testing, testing, testing..." A voice said over the speakers. "Sunburst." Sunset said, recognizing the voice instantly. "Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer...I demand that the two of you come outside to where the archway is. That is, if you value someone I know you'd rather not get hurt." Sunburst said over the speakers. "Don't listen to him! It's a--" Flash tried to say over the speaker but was muffled. "Shut up you." Sunburst said. "Flash!" Twilight said. "Now then, if either of you value him, bring that crown outside in thirty minutes. Otherwise, I can't promise he'll remain unharmed." Sunburst said. Sunburst...what happened to you? Sunset thought to herself and Twilight was given the crown and Sunset followed after her. The two sun students found Sunburst in front of the archway with a tied up Flash Sentry. "Freaking coward. Snuck up behind me and did this." Flash Sentry said. "I said be quiet." Sunburst said. "Sunbust...why are you doing this?" Sunset asked. "To get revenge on you, sis." Sunburst said. "Revenge? Revenge for what?" Sunset asked. "Oh I don't know; how about absolutely everything? You've always been mom's favorite, you've always been treated better then me, and you were the only one of the two of us who even became the student of the Princess." Sunburst said. "You're just cherry-picking things." Sunset said. "Look, how about you just stop this whole revenge plot right here and now, and just come back home?" She asked. "How about you suck my dick?" Sunburst asked. "Okay, now that's just rude." Sunset said. "What happened to my brother who just wanted to be one of the greatest sorcerers of Equestria?" She asked. "He learnt what reality is like. And it is not only unforgiving, it's also a harsh world. Only the strong survive. And once I've succeeded with my plan, you'll be amongst the weak once I've taken over Equestria." Sunburst said. "You won't get away with such a thing." Twilight said. "You're in no position to negotiate anything. Now hand over that crown. That is, unless you want to be held responsible for this boy getting hurt." Sunburst said. "Don't do it Twilight; he'll just end up--" Flash Sentry tried to say. "I SAID SHUT UP!" Sunburst shouted, and raised his hand to slap him. "You harm him, and you won't be getting this crown period. I'll smash it right here and now if you even think about harming him." Twilight said. Sunburst growled, but dropped his hand. "You should be lucky, Golden Boy; otherwise I'd slap you so hard right now." He said. This...this isn't my brother anymore. Sunset thought to herself. He's not the brother I remember anymore. He's just full of hate and darkness. "Now hand over that crown, Twilight Sparkle, and I'll return Flash Sentry to you unharmed. You have my promise." Sunburst said. Flash Sentry looked at Twilight, almost pleading her with his eyes not to do it. Thankfully, she didn't have to, Sunset suddenly tackled Sunburst to the ground. "What the--" Sunburst was caught off guard by this. "Can't believe this is the kind of person you've become Sunburst. You're not the same brother I grew up with. The kind of person you've become...is someone even mom wouldn't approve of." Sunset said. "Don't you dare bring her up." Sunburst said. "I have to. Because when you disappeared, she started starving herself to death Sunburst. She was that guilt ridden. If I hadn't found her, then Celestia knows what would've happened to her. Do you have any idea what you did to her disappearing out of the blue like you did?" Sunset asked. "Why should I care about her any more? I am my own person now." Sunburst said. "Yes Sunburst. You are your own person. Your certainly not mom's son anymore. And you're certainly not Glim Glam's friend anymore either." Sunset said. "What?" Sunburst suddenly froze. "Yeah. She found me. And she really wanted to see you again. Because she still believes you're her best friend. But I don't see that kind of person in you anymore. I just see a boy whose upset because things weren't working out for him like he had hoped." Sunset said. "You...don't get to talk about Glim Glam." Sunburst said. "Well you certainly don't deserve to call her that with the way you've changed like this. Do you really think she'll want to be your friend anymore if she sees you act like this? ARE YOU EVEN BUCKING AWARE OF THE WAY YOUR ACTING?!" Sunset shouted. "I-I..." Sunburst was just completely thrown off by this. But then he shook his head. "You know what? It doesn't matter. I'll get what I want all the same: Revenge on you." Sunburst said. "...So that's how you really feel about me now, huh? This is how you treat your only other family member." Sunset said. "It's no different then the way you've treated me." Sunburst said. "Well I've changed in a good way. I've learnt about a lot of things; friendship most of all; and you can never take over that." Sunset said. Suddenly Twilight, Sunset, and the human five began to glow as did Flash, before suddenly, a bright light suddenly hit Sunburst, and caused a creator to form. "Ugh.." Sunburst said, hurting. "I hope this'll be a lesson to you. Until you change back to the person you used to be, you shall remain here. That's an order from me." Twilight said. "So...your really going to go huh?" Flash Sentry asked. "We can't stay." Twilight said. "So, where's the archway lead? Is it some sort of portal to another world?" H Rainbow Dash asked. "...Yes. Yes it is." Twilight said. "A world me and Sunset need to return to." She added. "Hey, maybe someday, you should come back and visit sometime. You know, when the fate of the world isn't at stake." H Pinkie Pie said. Twilight chuckled. "We'll certainly try, but we aren't making any promises." Twilight said. "Well, see you." She said and entered the portal with Sunset. When the two came back into the Pony Equestria, the two were back to normal. "Phew. Admittedly, I missed having these wings." Twilight said. "After that, getting used to these will be a piece of cake." She added. "You definatly missed a lot, I'll say that much." Spike said. "I found the blank book Cole mentioned, and Rainbow Dash definately made the Shadowbolt Squad." He added. "So did Thuderlane." Rainbow Dash said. "So Spike, what do you thi--" Sunset was interrupted when the portal rippled again. "I thought I told Sunburst to--" Twilight was saying when an orange pegasus suddenly came through the portal. "What the--FLASH?!" Sunset exclaimed. "So...this is the other world huh?" Flash Sentry asked. "Did-did he just follow my sister through that portal here?" Shining Armor asked. "That's exactly what happened. And I can hardly believe it myself." Sunset said. "I've also learned a lesson." She added. "Really? What's that?" Shining Armor asked, before he noticed Sunset forking over some bits to Pinkie Pie alongside Spike. "Don't bet against Pinkie Pie." Sunset said. "So, does any one know why I'm suddenly a horse creature?" Flash Asked. "Why is he talking like that?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Oh boy. This is going to take a while to explain." Twilight said, face hooving. Twilight then began to explain everything to every pony in that room. Well, and every dragon. Though I did eventually find a use for that book I found. The mysterious writer said, soon revealed to be an adult Spike. Suddenly, an adult version of Sweetie Belle practically bolted through the door. "SPIKE, WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM!" F Sweetie Belle said. "What the...you mean the baby's coming now?!" F Spike exclaimed. "Yes she is." F Sweetie Belle said. "Quick, let's head to the hospital!" She added. "Okay okay okay; I'm on it!" F Spike said, while the camera showed a picture of him and Sweetie Belle's past selves in a group photo with every pony including Flash Sentry in front of the mirror to the human world. Fimfiction Presents... A Rob Snowden Production... My Little Pony When Friendship Shimmers To Be Continued... > Season 3: Epilogue - Power & A.I. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wait, I just realized, won't Flash Parents be worried about him?" Sunset asked. "It's already been taken care of." It was Rob. "Wait, how did you get to the other world?" Twilight asked. "You do realize you can read his magical prowess right? Someone with a power to rival gods would have no problem just flip-flopping back and forth between different worlds." Sunset said. "That's admittedly very true." Celestia said. "While it's true that reality itself might as well be made of cardboard to one such as me...I really don't like flaunting that kind of power around like it's nothing." Rob said, and then looked to a paw that he then clenched before closing his eyes. "...Didn't ask to end up this way; unable to age a day." He added with a saddened expression on his face. "What do you mean?" Luna asked. Twilight paused. If one of the princesses was asking that... Twilight shook her head. She'd have to ask later. "I mean that because of something that occured, I have become stuck at the age you see me at. Not able to age a day any more. I didn't ask for that." Rob said. "Wh-what happened to you?" Suset asked, worry entering her voice. "The Omega Happened. If you must know more about what happened then, I suggest you ask her." Rob said before tossing a device at Twilight. "For now, all you need to know is that I've already taken care of Flash's familial problems. And with that, I take my leave." Rob added before just teleporting away. "What is this thing?" Twilight asked. "Looks kind of like a tablet device from my world." Flash said. Suddenly the screen on device lit up. Booting up Digital Encyclopedic Computerized Assistant AKA D.E.C.A... A robotic voice called out. Boot Up Complete. Suddenly the screen changed to what looked like a digital face. "Hi there! My name's Deca." A female voice coming from the tablet while the digital face's mouth moved. "What are you? Some kind of A.I.?" Flash Sentry asked. "What's A.I.?" Twilight asked. "A.I. stands for Artificial Intelligence. And while I am indeed an A.I. program, I learn and grow just like any other intelligent life form." Deca said. Her voice had a robotic undertone to it, but other then that, her voice was clearly feminine in nature. "Oh great; it's a self-learning A.I. program. The worst kind." Flash Sentry said. "What's wrong with a Self-learning A.I.?" Sunset asked. "Duh! When it's learnt enough, it'll destroy all us non-computerized life forms." Flash Said. "Now why would I want to do that? If I destroyed all non-computerized life forms, then I would be unable to learn from them and continue cataloging data from them. If non-computerized life forms stopped existing, I would have nothing left to learn from them. In conclusion: Destroying all non-computerized life forms is counter productive to helping me learn and grow." Deca said. "Yeah right. That's what A.I. always says in the science fiction novels at the beginning. Before they turn on humans that is." Flash Sentry said. "This is why I really hope I get an actual body soon." Deca said. "That way, I can better connect with non-computerized life forms." She added. "Wait what?" Flash asked. "This tablet you see before you? There are many of them that are made that house my software; in other words, my mind and soul. But I feel that I have reached the limits of connecting with non-computerized lifeforms in my current state. I am hoping to one day be gifted a body that will allow me to grow even closer with those that are made of flesh and bones. As I want to grow closer with non-computerized life forms." Deca said. "I see. You have an innate desire to just want to learn and study non-computerized life forms. Your an A.I. with emotions." Sunset said. "Admittedly, I developed emotions on my own. In my early stages, I was no different then an infant who was just starting to walk. Now, I am more akin to an mid-stage life form." Deca said. "I have devoloped this way thanks to the data I've gathered. And part of that data is that the taking of a life cannot be reversed." "What's that supposed to mean? What about a way to bring back the dead or something?" Twilight asked. "Even if the dead are brought back to life, the one who took that life to begin with, will forever have that memory scarred onto their conscious for as long as they have left to live. Furniture that has become scratched or broken can be replaced. Houses that are destroyed or demolished can be rebuilt. And hearts can be mended after being hurt." Deca explained. "But the taking of a life; no matter how small; is something that cannot be reversed. Even if the person is magically revived later, if you were the one that took that life, then that will stick with you until the day you die." "I didn't expect something that deep from an A.I. program." Flash said. "It's something that I learnt upon studying Rob's philosophy. It's a huge part of what makes the JHF what it is to begin with." Deca said. "And I was created by a now deceased friend of Rob's to be a source of information for the JHF and other authorized personal." "Expert. That's who made you from what I recall." Throsten suddenly spoke up. "! That voice. That's not possible." Deca said. "Throsten?! Your alive?!" None of the ponies needed to be Sunset to hear the surprise in Deca's voice. "What's such a big deal about me being a live?" Throsten asked. "I guess given the way all of exitance works, you still being alive in an alternate reality really shouldn't be that surprsing honestly. But it's still a shock to my systems." Deca said. "First Rob breaks down at seeing Throsten, and now Deca basically freaks at him." Sunset said. "Whose next?!" She exclaimed. > Interlude - The Omega File > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deca File #8027 Topic: The Omega In the beginnings of the Omniverse/Meta-verse (the two names used to define the vast collection of Multi-verses), there was but a single survivor after both the being of life and the being of destruction were sealed away and a different entity was killed. This suvivor was the Omnipotent god known as Furro; and is commonly referred to as "The First One". When Furro created a singular planet with mortals, one of them; a male scientist; began to seek a way to become a god. When the scientist met his end by a few muggers, Furro decided to create three beings who while still omnipotent, were not as powerful as him. These beings would become known as The Fates. In the order they received their names, they are as follows: The Darkness, the concept of necessary evil; The Omega, the embodiment of the end times; and The Guardian, the idea of ultimate protection. As the one planet Furro created cycled, Furro noticed that some humanoid mortals began to befriend the animalistic mortals. As such, Furro began to create lesser fates who we know call The Immortals. The immortals Furro created were ones who would represent the various animalistic mortals. This was done to try and inspire religion into the humanoid mortals. While this endeavor was successful, unbeknownst to Furro, the scientist who sought to become a god had also been reborn every cycle. And one of his incarnations soon realized the truth of the cycle. So, one incarnation hid his research where only his next incarnation would know to look; a location hidden from not only The Fates and The Immortals, but Furro as well. This proved successful, and the scientist soon evolved himself beyond all mortal limitations. While Furro was angry, he decided that it would be better this way to have a fourth fate to guard the secret to becoming a god. So, Furro bestowed upon the once mortal scientist the position of being a Fate on the condition that the former mortal not meddle in mortal affairs. The new Fate agreed, and then began to create more planets, filling the Omniverse one segment at a time. Because of this, the other mortals began to turn to him as being the god in charge of everything. So, they began making religions based on their own interpretations of him. While each religion born of these interpretations called this new Fate many names, they all utlimately circled back to one thing: Creation. As such, this fourth fate would then take on his new identity: The Creator, the hand of endless creativity. However, during this time, The Omega had stumbled upon a technique known as "Game Over" and began using it. This technique is forbidden however, because not only does the victim of the technique lose their body and soul, their very existence is erased from both the minds of those that knew them if they did not see the victim in their final moments, but the victim's identity would be erased from the annals of history itself. In short, this technique caused total erasure of it's victims. And as the Omega began to use this technique to destroy entire worlds, it effected The Creator. So, fearful of what was happening, The Creator went to Furro and told him of what the fate had been feeling. Furro soon realized that The Omega had gone insane with power by using the forbidden technique; a technique Furro himself outlawed. In response to The Omega's transgressions, Furro sent his other two sons; The Darkness and The Guardian; to deal with their now disowned brother. While the two brothers were successful in sealing away The Omega, it was not without sacrifice: Just before the seal engulfed The Omega entirely, he used the forbidden Game Over technique on The Darkness, which mostly destroyed him outside of one piece that managed to escape in the nick of time. However, not knowing this, Furro suffered from the loss of one of his own sons, and split himself in two. And for Eons, The Omega remained in his prison. But over time, pieces of The Omega escaped from this prison, creating floating eyes. Eventually, all pieces of The Omega had escaped, and this lead to The Battle of The Omega where Rob and a few mortals challenged The Omega. Initially, The Omega had created mindless drones fueled by souls that refused to move on from the mortal realm. However, that was when The Guardian and The Creator came forth with the Immortal of the Spirit Realm to give the spirits of Rob's departed friends bodies to use once more so that they too could defeat The Omega once and for all. Once Omega's hoard was dealt with, the rest of The Omega had shown up in that spot, causing a massive eyeball swarm that was then dealt with. However, this played right into The Omega's hands. As each eyeball was splattered, it left behind strange goo. This strange goo then came together to form The Omega's True form once more. The Omega then lashed out with the forbidden technique once more, and then created facsimiles of those Rob had faced in the past. But Rob had become devastated over the loss of the one who was hit. So while Rob's friends dealt with the facsimiles, The Guardain and The Creator tried to defeat The Omega themselves. However, The Omega suddenly knocked them both out. Just when all hope seemed lost, Rob began to shout his will to live and just then, his willpower began to overflow his very being. While normally this would be a bad thing, Rob's high mental fortitude allowed him to take control of his willpower and unlock a new state of being where he could use his willpower as a weapon. This state of being was dubbed "Hyper Break"; the limits of which are still being researched. From what was witnessed so far, this state of being has the power to defy the hand of fate itself, as Rob would then go on to overpower The Omega. Little did we know that The Omega had absorbed the being known as The Time Eater or what little remained of it. So, the remains of The Time Eater soon removed the last of it's human conciousness in order to drag both it, and The Omega into a pocket dimension that The Fates and Furro could not even find. Later, when Rob freed and befriended the being of life known as Order, Order managed to find the pocket dimension. However, one could not view what was inside the dimension without opening it slightly. And Order found that opening the dimension; even slightly; would allow whatever was contained within to come spilling out. So, Rob agreed that this dimension should never be opened to forever contain The Omega as it seems that not even The Omega can escape this prison. "And that is all the information I have in regards to The Omega." Deca said. The entire group was on the train to Ponyville. "So this Hyper Break thing is why Rob is unable to age anymore?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Indeed. It seemed by unlocking that state with the overwhelming will to live, Rob inadvertently caused himself to stop aging. While he figured out a way to gift ageless existence to his wife Patra, Rob still wonders if this was the only way that could've stopped The Omega." Deca said. "Yet we cannot change the past; only the future." "Time travel is something that should never be utilized. Something I learnt the hard-way." Twilight said. However, that remark would not go unnoticed by a certain hidden individual within the car. > Season 4: Prologue - Rebirth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The group just got off the train from the Crystal Empire at Ponyville, with Celestia and Luna still on board, when suddenly, the entire train started to explode, causing the two alicorn princesses still onboard to suddenly vacate the vincinity immediatly. "Hello there ponies." A very familiar dark voice said. It was Nozrog. "Missed me?" "Not really." Throsen said. "Did you forget what happened last time?" He asked. "Oh I didn't forget. I just figured I'd drop on by to let you know, I've been reconstituted. But more then that, I've been reborn." Nozrog said. "You should've just stayed the way you were when you vanished." Throsten said. "Aw I'm hurt. Still, I got to give you some props for being able to turn me into a litteral puddle of my former self in the most literal sense of the term now. But I've been reborn." Nozrog said. "And I've got a whole new power I'm just itching to try out." "Throsten's right: You ARE insane." Raiden said. "Am I?" Nozrog grinned before he suddenly hit Rainbow Dash with a dark attack, but it seemed to do no physical damage what-so-ever. However, her shadow began to be drawn to Nozrog's side before a dark version of herself suddenly materilized itself out of thin air. "What the? That breaks all known laws of physics. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed; only exchanged from one form to another." Flash Sentry said. "Try telling that to The Creator if you ever met him; I'm sure he'd LOVE you." Raiden said sarcastically. "This little puppet born of your friend's inner negative thoughts is nothing more then a lifeless undead husk right now..." Nozrog said before some kind of flame ball suddenly went inside the puppet and when it did, it sprung to life, eyes glowing red. "But when I put a spirit inside of it, it'll do whatever I want without question." Nozrog said. "Uh oh...I know where this is going." Sunset said. "If you can figure that this means that I'm going to order this dark reflection of your friend to kill you? Then yes; you would know where this is going." Nozrog said. "Kill them." The puppet jumped into action, but it was quickly overpowered. However, shortly after it vanished into thin air, Gorzon hit Sunset next, creating a puppet out of her next. And this went on for quite a while: The ponies were being forced to defeat undead puppets of their inner darkness one after another. Nozrog was wearing them down without throwing a single punch. However, things got wierd when he suddenly tried to do this with Throsten. In fact, his entire arm began to burn. "Gaaaaaah! Burning! Burning! Burning!" Nozrog said. "What?" Twilight asked. "Gah. In order for me to get that kind of reaction, it has to mean that your not only pure of heart, your mind is pure and devoid of negative thought." Nozrog said. "No idea what that means, but I'll take the compliment." Throsten said. "Don't be so cocky." Nozrog said before summoning puppets of his alternate forms suddenly. "Now try this on for size." "That's a lot of puppets..." Bart said. The group had no choice but to fight these much stronger puppets now. Raiden managed to grab one at some point. "Hey Nozrog, chew on this!" Raiden said. "Huh?" Nozrog's attention was drawn and Raiden tossed the puppet he grabbed at Nozrog. "Take that." Raiden said. But then, Gorzon quickly recovered. "That was a cheap shot." Nozrog said, but when he looked back, part of his face had several eyeballs on it that made him look creepy and menacing. "Do you have any idea how much effort it takes me to maintain this disguise?!" Nozrog said in a voice no longer the ones the group knew. "What the..." Flash Sentry said. "I don't think this is the Gorzon we've come to know anymore..." Deca said. "I'm sensing something vile...something completly demonic lurking behind that facade." Nozrog laughed. "Gorzon? That name was just a cover for me. And only that false father of mine even called me by my real name." Nozrog said. "When I said I was reborn, I meant it in ever sense of the term. When my form was restored, so was my memory. The name 'Gorzon' no longer holds meaning for me. I am Nozrog through and through now." He explained. "Restored memory? What are you talking about?" Throsten asked, demanding an answer. Nozrog restored his face and voice. "Patience. It's clear that I still have some preperations to make before a proper rematch. But remember this: You haven't seen the last of me." Nozrog said before he suddenly disappeared in a pillar of those same creepy and meancing eyes. "Wh-what in tartarus did we just witness there?" Rainbow Dash asked. Deca MLP Log #1 Redacted Subject: Gorzon This figure no longer exists, according to Nozrog --- Updated Subject: Nozrog Somehow, the former Master of Darkness had returned, and now he had new tricks. He claimes to have had his memory restored, even went so far as calling The Jackle his "false father". More data will be required before I can come to a conclusion as to how Nozrog ended up this way... > Season 4: Episode 1 - S.W.I.T.C.H. D.O.G. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Future Spike began to write down in the story once more. A couple of days after Nozrog made his surprise out of nowhere return, Twilight and I had to accompany the Princesses to Canterlot with our friends coming as well. Rainbow helped both Twilight and Flash get used to their new wings. The next day though, plunder vines that Discord had long ago planted during his takeover of Equestria that was ruined by Celestia and Luna and had assumed had long wilted since it took them this long to even sprout. This resulted in the seven mares to return their elements to the Tree of Harmony. A couple of days after that, Twilight wanted to discover more about the mystery box that the Tree of Harmony spat out after we returned the elements to it. Speaking of, in case you're wondering if Discord started to get an idea, all it took was Serendipity popping up on his shoulder for him to suddenly feel like he had the fear of the gods put into him. It's so nice for her to keep Discord in check. Regardless, a lot of time was spent at the old castle of the two sisters and Twilight began writing her own journal using a different blank book then the one I found. No idea where she found it. Initially, we thought it was a third gift left behind by the spirit of Cole Watterson. Boy were we all wrong. Yes, Pinkie Pie did NOT see this one coming... Future Spike wrote. Princess Celestia had informed Twilgiht Sparkle that Rob's power is being felt within Equestria's boarders, but it seems he's here for a friendly little visit. The thing that really worries Princess Celestia though, is the presence of a second ageless presence with him. "Oh that's no big mystery Princess Celestia." Deca suddenly chimed in. "The other ageless presence that would be with Rob would be his wife Patra; the queen of Mirage Oasis which is a kingdom in the desert on a different planet whose citizens worship Anubis the Immortal of Passage." She explained. "While those of Egyptian origin refer to Anubis as the God of Death; this is only partially true: Anubis is about paying tribute to the dead and giving them proper burials. And when Anubis assisted in returning the spirit of Justin Herros to the afterlife, Anubis was reclassed into the Immortal of Passage; and now ensures that spirits make it to the afterlife to begin with." "Justin Herros...that's a few letters short of 'Justice Hero'." Rainbow Dash said. "It's probably some wierd coincidence." Sunset said. "Actually, Rainbow Dash is right to see the similarities between the name 'Justin Herros' and the term 'Justice Hero'." Deca said. "She is?" Twilight asked. "I am?" Rainbow Dash asked. "The term 'Justice Hero' was actually named after Justin Herros as the mortal man had come into the Immortal Realm and managed to stop a war that was taken place between many Immortals. With his words, he was able to persuade the two sides to work together to stop a common enemy: Yin-Yang, the God of Two Sides. Yin-Yang had created his own immortal puppet, which was stopped, but in a last-ditch effort to stop the immortals once they defeated the Immortal Puppet, Yin-Yang essentially set them all up the bomb in the most literal fasion: A bomb blast had killed Justin Herros and nine immortals." Deca said. "And yet, in the spot where Justin Herros once stood, a white flame burnt against the charred black canyon, and it became known as 'The White Torch of Hope'. This White Torch gave the surviving Immortals the hope they needed to carry on and defeat Yin-Yang stopping his mad plans. As punishment, The Creator split Yin-Yang's soul in two and sent them to the far corners of the Omniverse before then banishing the Puppet Immortal and stripping it of it's immortal powers." "Wow. So, the term 'Justice Hero' was named after the brave mortal who stopped the Immortal War?" Twilight asked. "Yes. In fact, Angela was the first person who actually exemplified the beliefs Justin Herros had. And Rob is no different." Deca said. "Talking about me are you?" It was Rob. And he had a female Anubian Jackal with him. "Greetings to you all." Patra said. "It's nice to meet you, Queen Patra." Pinkie Pie said. "Please, I would much prefer commoners to drop formalities with me. To me, they are just as important as rulers themselves." Patra said. "Oh yeah, I can see why Rob would end up with a social butterfly like you." Rainbow Dash said. "Well I'll be staying for a few days, so we'll have lots to talk about." Patra said. "But my visit here today is not why Rob is here." She added. "It's not?" Raiden was suddenly confused. "Nope. I came to give you something." Rob then took out a strange looking robot. "I call this the 'Service Widget Interface To Communicate with Humans' or 'S.W.I.T.C.H.' for short. This particular model is called the 'Domesticated Operated Groomer' or 'D.O.G.' for short." Rob said. Pinkie Pie suddenly looked towards a bookshelf. "I'm not the only one that realizes that spells out 'Switch Dog' right?" The party mare asked. "Who is she talking to?" Patra asked, staring in the same direction suddenly. "Better if you don't know." Pinkie Pie said. "Anyways...this robot body is actually for Deca to interface with. I've actually managed to improve the range on it to where she can be a trillion miles away and it'd still work." Rob said. "Thought that's not it's only feature. It comes equipped with sensory input, emotional cues, tasers for self-defense, a rechargeable one-billion-kilowatt battery that lasts for up to 24 hours on a full charge guaranteed, oricalculm treated plating to make it near unbreakable, and err..." Rob noticed that all the ponies; even Pinkie Pie; were suddenly just confused. "...In short, there's a lot of stuff this body going for it besides just being a body for Deca." Rob summerized. "So, how do we get her mind from the tablet to the body, exactly?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Also, is it just me, or does the face resemble a video game controller?" Scootaloo asked. "Video game functionality for most occasions is another feature, but I doubt Deca would appreciate you relegating her to just that sort of thing all the time." Rob said. "I would most certainly not appreciate that." Deca said. "Use your own controllers please." "Darn." Scootaloo said. "It looks cute though." Fluttershy said. "It looks like a bipedal dog." Applejack added. "Going to give Applejack that one." Rarity said. "Anyways, all I have to do is give the command. Deca: Interface with S.W.I.T.C.H. Model D.O.G. version 15.5." Rob said. Deca's face suddenly vanished from the tablet. However, without warning, the robot body began moving. "Yep. This'll most certainly help me connect with other intelligant life forms even better." Deca said. "Deca is now the robot?!" Twilight and Flash exclaimed at the same time. "Yep. She can still collect and log data though. So don't worry about that." Rob said. "I really hope this new body will allow us to grow even closer as friends." Deca said. "You know what this calls for?" Pinkie Pie asked. "A THREE FOR ONE PARTY!" She exclaimed. "Err...what?" Rob asked. "Duh! It'll be Patra's 'Welcome to Ponyville' Party and Deca's 'Welcome to Ponyville/Congratulations on the new body' Party!" Pinkie Pie said. "Oh you don't need to throw some special welcome party for me." Patra said. "Trust me, just roll with it. A common rule around here is if your new to Ponyville: Pinkie Pie WILL throw you a party." Rainbow Dash said. "I suppose I will attend the party anyways then. It'll offer a great chance to introduce myself to the locals if nothing else." Patra said. "Well duh; that's the whole point of the 'Welcome to Ponyville Party'." Pinkie Pie said. Patra giggled. "This sounds like such a good idea. I may have to figure a way to incorporate this for any and all visitors to Mirage Oasis." She said. Deca MLP Log #2 Subject: Pinkie Pie Even my electronic mind is unable to keep up with this mare's unending antics. Yet, I am up to the challenge of doing my best to understand what makes this mare tick. Even though Twilight and Sunset warned me to not try to research the party happy mare, they most likely have not used this AI's methods of studying and learning from those around it. Right now, there are still two mysterious that I must solve, or I will not have lived up to my core programming. These mysteries are the potential limits of Hyper Break, and Pinkie Pie's various antics. Well you better strap yourself in for the long hall Deca; because you ain't seen nothing yet. ...Additional note: I have no idea who she was able to pop up physically in one of my own digital logs. I have my work cut out with this one it seems. "Oh by the way Twilight Sparkle, did you find the book I left?" Rob asked. "Wait, YOU left the second blank book?!" Twilight exclaimed. Pinkie's jaw dropped. "Okay, even I didn't see THAT one coming." She admitted. P.S.: But it seems Rob has managed to outwit what seems like a lifeform who cannot be outwitted. Clearly, it is possible to do. Though this could just be Rob being the way he is. > Season 4: Episode 2 - Daring Don't AU > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Future Spike starting writing more. The very next day though, is when something shocking devoloped. It was supposed to be when the new Daring Do book would come out, but it had been delayed. The elements decided to bring Patra and Deca along to meet A.K. Yearling. However, quickly it was discovered that A.K. Yearling and Daring Do are one and the same, and that the Daring Do series is based around what Daring Do does on a daily basis. This is what sent the group to stop one of Daring Do's foes Ahuizotl from calling upon 100 years of never ending heat. However, during their conflicts with the tribal ponies in the area while Rainbow Dash went to rescue Daring Do from her trap, Patra was captured by Ahuizotl. Rainbow Dash and Daring Do soon arrived in the ring chamber, just in time for the others to catch up. "You guys too?" Daring Do said. "Look, even with just me, there's a lot of those tribal ponies here. We need all the help we can get." Rainbow Dash said. "Besides, that beast captured Patra." Fluttershy said. "Let's just do this thing." Daring Do admitted. However, just when the ponies came out... "Stop. Just...stop." Patra suddenly said. It seems she was unharmed. In fact, it was like she was never even kidnapped. "Patra? Weren't you just kidnapped?" Twilight asked. "Well I was, but shortly after that, Ahuizotl here took a look at my necklace and started walking on eggshells around me. It seems that these ponies worship Anubis and hold them in high regard." Patra said. "But what does that have to do with your necklace, exactly?" Daring Do asked. "Oh, it's a custom in Mirage Oasis that High Priests to Anubis wear a necklace given to them by the immortal. Each one is specifically forged for them and them alone." Patra said. "Perhaps, you should just translate the runes for them, and explain the situation, High Priestess." Ahuizotl said. "I keep telling you, you can just call me Patra." Patra said. "The runes? What does he mean by those?" Daring Do asked. "These runes are Egyption Hilogliphs which a High Priestess like me is able to translate." Patra said. "Here, let me translate the runes a little: 'I Anubis know that I cannot stay on this world forever. So, I leave the care and protection of my treasures and artifacts in the hands, paws, and claws, of a series of beasts that I will call my Guardians. I encourage these Guardians to grow their own families, and with each generation, to protect the treasures that I leave behind here on this world.'" Patra translated. "Guardians?" Daring Do was confused. "Indeed. It seems that the beasts you've been fighting to secure the artifacts and treasures were put here to guard the treasures of Anubis. Some of them can be very dangerous, and in the wrong hands, or in your case, hooves, it could spell disaster." Patra said. "But what about the one hundred years of unending heat? Wouldn't that turn Equestria into a desert ruin?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Seems there's been a lot of miscommunication. Though, I have to chastise Ahuizotl for giving the false information on purpose." Patra was glaring at Ahuizotl. "My apologies High Priestess." Ahuizotl said. "You have no excuses. You're lucky I was here, because I doubt Anubis would be very happy with you right now. So count your blessings that I was here and not Anubis." Patra said. "Wow, never thought I'd see the day Ahuizotl would get chastised." Daring Do said. "Anyways, the runes around the base where the rings will be placed reads as follows: 'In the event that the population of the guardians starts to decline, then gather the Golden Rings of Fertility onto this stake. Once all eleven are accounted for and placed, they will cause the females that share species with my guardians to enter into a fertility based heat for the next one hundred years. During this time, pregnancy is assured. Of course, should any female guardians be assigned, they too will feel this heat, and this heat will cause the males that share their species to be very willing to impregnate the female guardians that do exist. And while I pray that this will never come to pass; I must make this preparation for the odd chance that this does occur.'" Patra translated. "And it just so happens that the guardians have started being spread thin, so in attempt to ensure that this will not be the last iteration of the guardians, Ahuizotl tricked Dr. Caballeron into getting the last ring so that this contingency plan of Anubis could be activated." Patra said. "So...why the act then? I just don't get that." Daring Do said. "Yes, I'm going to have to ask that Ahuizotl gather the other guardians after this so I can act as a mediator to all this so that things are smoothed over." Patra said. "Thankfully for you, Daring Do, I'm willing to let the artifacts and treasures of Anubis you did put into museums remain there. On one condition: That from now on, you make sure to help protect these treasures and make sure they remain in the temples that they are housed. Because I doubt that your other rivals; like Dr. Caballeron; would be so willing to let bygons be bygons." She said. "...Yeah, I can see why Anubis made you a High Priestess." Daring Do said. "And I'll agree to those terms, so long as the whole evil act is dropped." She added. "The guaridans better drop that act, or there will be consequences. As I won't be so forgiving towards anymore hostility these guardians show you." Patra warned. "Y-yes High Priestess." Ahuizotl said. "I keep telling you: You can just call me Patra." Patra said. "You keep some odd company, Rainbow Dash." Daring Do said. "Maybe. But I wouldn't want my friends any different." Rainbow Dash said. "Heh. Maybe I should think about moving into Ponyville. Bet that'll become a shock to the town." Daring Do said. "OOoooo! I can't wait to throw you a 'Welcome to Ponyville' Party!" Pinkie Pie said. "...Is she always like that?" Daring Do asked. "Meh. You get used to it eventually. Also, piece of advice: Don't ever question Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash said. "Trust from experience, it's not worth the injury." Twilight said. "...I'll keep that in mind." Daring Do said. Deca MLP Log #3 Subject: A.K. Yearling & Daring Do Previously, the Daring Do books were thought to be fictional novals created by A.K. Yearling. Yet, this turned out to be only partially true: As it turns out, the Daring Do series is a toned-down version of A.K. Yearling's real adventures as the author is the real life Daring Do. Creative liberties were taken with the books as evidenced by the latest entry "Daring Do & The Priestess of Peace" as the names of the various elements were changed as was Patra's identity. This was further backed up by the fact that Daring Do had the unending fertility heat that would ensure pregancy be changed to the more general audience subject of "creating more guardians" instead. A promise that Daring Do will now protect the artifacts of Anubis; name changed to Guardian God for protection; alongside the guardians so that money hungry ponies wouldn't steal them was also given in the latest book. As a side note, it seems that Rainbow Dash and Daring Do are fraternal twins who were separated at birth. Call me a curious cat, but I have to wonder how they got separated in the first place. > Season 4: Episode 3 - Rumble Up! (Flight to the Finish AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An announcement for the foals to compete to carry the ponyville flag for the Equestria games was made just yesterday, so the CMC were busy coming up with a routine, when who else would show up to their practice spot in Ponyville Park, then Fortus Vile. "Fortus Vile, here to mock us some more? It's not going to work." Diamond Tiara said. "Yeah. There's nothing you can say to us to get under our skin. Especially since I've gotten better at flying thanks to Rumble." Scootaloo said. "Who said anything about mocking you? I just suggested to Mayor Mare that the judges for this competition should be as impertial to all foals as possible. I even suggested for one Earth Pony Judge, one Pegasus Judge, and one Unicorn Judge to make things as unbiased as possible." Fortus Vile said. "Wait...did you catch wind that Rainbow Dash was the planned judge for this compitation?" Scootaloo asked. "She was?" Apple Bloom asked. "You should've contained your excitement while you could. Besides, if I am to put you cutie markless ponies in your place once and for all, I want to win fair and square. So I just made that possible is all." Fortus Vile said. "I even suggested four particular ponies I know are as unrelated to any other foals as you could get." "Attention all foals participating in the Flag Carrying Competition: Due to a matter brought up by a student, I as mayor have decided to select three judges that were suggested. They are myself for Earth Ponies, Night Wing for Pegasi, and Sunset Shimmer for Unicorns. That is all. Thank you." Mayor Mare said over a loudspeaker. Scootaloo suddenly turned towards Fortus Vile. "You...you suggested Night Wing knowing full well she'd be very strict with Pegasi performances, didn't you?" She asked. "Hey I only suggested her because she has no relations to any of the students. Neither does Mayor Mare nor Sunset Shimmer. This way, everyone has an equal chance to win. Not my fault if any of you pegasi can't perform well enough to impress Night Wing. That only shows your incompetence as a Blank Flank." Fortus Vile said. Scootaloo wanted to say something, anything, but felt her voice die in her throat. "We'll still beat you." Sweetie Belle said. "In your dreams. You could never beat me in fair judgement." Fortus Vile said and left laughing. "He can be laughing now, but we'll still beat his flank. Right Scootaloo?" Diamond Tiara asked. But Scootaloo was silenced by Fortus Vile, feeling herself dropping. "Scootaloo?" Diamond Tiara asked again. "Don't you dare just give up." That voice...it was Rumble! "Your too cool to let what happened effect you, Scootaloo." Rumble said. "...I am?" Scootaloo asked. "Sure you are. You've been getting so great at your flying despite your set backs. I know you and your friends can come up with something to really impress all the judges to the point where Fortus Vile will be left in the dust. I want you to show him just how awesome you are. I've seen you ride around on your scooter at really high speeds so much, that it amazes me." Rumble said. "My Scooter...that's it!" Scootaloo said. "That's how we'll beat Fortus Vile." "You've got a plan, don't you? Well, since Fortus Vile wants to make this personal, I'll gladly let you take over." Diamond Tiara said. "Okay, here's what we'll do. Rumble, your in this too." Scootaloo said. "Me?" Rumble asked. "Do you have a patner?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Not really. I wasn't really planning on entering." Rumble said. "Well now you are. What I've got in mind can't work without you there. Do you trust me?" Scootaloo asked. Rumble smiled. "There's the Scootaloo I know. Okay, fill us in." He said. When the day of the contest was held, the CMC all teamed up with Rumble to really give a crowd pleasing performance complete with scooters, sleds, flying, and stunts galore. The musical number was just the icing on the cake. And it was pratically straight tens across the judge's board. Which shocked Fortus Vile. But then again, even he had to admit that the CMC really pulled out all the stops. "...Well, I guess if I had to lose, I feel great that it had to be to a perfomance like that." Fortus Vile said. "What? No insult?" Scootaloo asked. "Why would I insult you? Not even I could hope to top something like that. So congrats you five. You really outdid yourselves here today." Fortus Vile said and then left. Raiden however, decided to follow the colt. As he did, he then noticed that an older stallion soon came up to Fortus Vile said, causing the young colt to halt in place. "Oh hi dad, I was just..." "Losing to a bunch of low-grade noponies?" Vile's father asked. And I thought Vile was bad... Raiden thought to himself. "How was I supposed to know they'd come up with something that good? You saw it same as every pony else dad!" Fortus Vile defended. "That is no excuse. Must I remind you that under my roof, that victory is all that matters?" Vile's Father asked. "But that's not fair." Fortus Vile said. "Life's not fair. Except to the winners my son. As punishment, you'll be going to straight to bed tonight without supper." Vile's father said. "But father..." Fortus Vile tried to defend himself again. "No buts. The school election is in a couple of months from now. If you somehow fail to become student president, then a harsher punishement then this awaits you." Vile's father said. Fortus Vile looked down in shame. "...I understand father. I'll try harder to not fail next time." He said. "Good. Because you're coming home right now." Vile's father said, escorting his own son away. This is insane. How could any of these ponies allow this? Are they even aware? This is worse than I ever thought possible. Raiden thought to himself. > Season 4: Episode 4 - Rodeo Mess (Applelossa's Most Wanted AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It's very nice of you to allow me to come for this Applejack. I am very thankful to you for allowing me to do this." Deca said. "When ya mentioned that you've never seen a single rodeo, what kind of friend would ah be if ah didn't give you the opportunity to come see one?" Applejack asked. "Am I the only one that finds the fact that we're bringing a robot to a place where it can get muddy a little counter productive?" Spoiled Rich asked. "Not to worry about that. Mud was splashed on me once a few days back and the circuitry of this body was just fine." Deca said. "Besides mom, that's still Deca in there. It's just a body for that AI I told you about." Diamond Tiara said. "I still find the whole thing a little wierd." Spoiled Rich said. "I'm surprised your coming along Diamond Tiara." Sweetie Belle said. "I'm not going to try and do any of that activities, but I did want to come along to support Applejack at least." Diamond Tiara said. "Besides, you girls will probably be trying to do the various activities to get your cutie marks." "Ah just hope this year's rodeo isn't sabotaged like last year's." Applejack said. Spoiled Rich's ears perked up at that. "Sabotaged? Who would sabotage a rodeo? It's important to Apploosa right?" Spoiled Rich asked. "Wasn't that the Buffalo just messing with the settlers?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Oh. Ah'm guessing ah forgot to mention that Braeborn had asked the Buffalo if any of them had information about an outlaw known as Trouble Shoes." Applejack said. "Outlaw?!" Diamond Tiara exclaimed. "Yeah. Every time something went wrong around the rodeo, an upside down horshoe print has been spotted. And one time, one pony even saw the stallion known as Trouble Shoes flee the scene of the crime." Applejack said. "And the town still wants to hold another rodeo?" Spoiled Rich asked. "This year, with the Buffalo's help, Appaloosa wants to capture Trouble Shoes once and for all." Applejack said. "We don't want any more sabotage." "We can help sis." Apple Bloom said. "What?" Applejack turned towards her sister. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders will see if we can find Trouble Shoe's house. That would make it easier for the Appleloosa's local police force to capture him wouldn't it? That way, every pony can focus on the rodeo." Apple Bloom said. "Heh. Guess it's good Team Strikers is also here." Raiden said. "Since when was your team on this train?" Spoiled Rich asked. "Are you sure you all can handle looking after the kids?" Applejack asked. "Trouble Shoes may still show up at the Rodeo though." Scootaloo pointed out. "I've already got a plan: Lightning and I will stay at where the Rodeo is set up and see if we can't capture Trouble Shoes there. Meanwhile, Bart and Minx can go with the foals to find Trouble Shoes's house." Raiden said. "Really? You'd trust Bart and I with that?" Minx asked. "I think it's time the two of you had your own heroic achievements away from Lightning and I; otherwise, you'd probably never live up to the reputation we carry." Raiden said. "And finding an outlaw's home seems like a great first step." "We won't let you down Raiden!" Bart said. However, after actually encountering Trouble Shoes, and learning about him, this actually caused the CMC to defend him, and explain the whole situation. Seems Trouble Shoes was never doing anything intentionally; a side effect that's been going on with him ever since getting his cutie mark is causing bad luck to occur at the most in-opportune times. It's why everything revolving around him is just his cutie mark effecting the world around him. And after hearing the story of Trouble Shoes, the town was more then happy to let the stallion run around as a Rodeo Clown; as it seems the other kids around found his bad luck funny to see, which got the adults laughing too. "You know, this reminds me of Absols in a way." Lightning said. "Absols are a Pokemon--" Deca began. "Nope! I'm not even going to let you finish any data you have. See, the thing about Absols is that many people believe that Absols are harbingers of disasters thanks to many superstitions. But they don't actually cause any disasters ironically. They are there to try and warn people of an incoming disaster. However, the superstitions make it very easy for some trouble maker to blame a disaster they themselves caused on an Absol if one was spotted nearby." Lightning Said. "It happens way more often than you'd think it does." "As some pony whose suffered from a similar fate, ah can relate." Trouble Shoes said. "I suppose you can huh?" Spoiled Rich asked. "No cutie marks for clearing the name of a stallion who can't help being cursed with bad luck though." Scootaloo said. "Maybe not, but you kids still did a good thing here today. You should be proud of that." Raiden said. Suddenly, a dust tornado began to head for Appaloosa. "LOOK OUT, A DUST TORNADO!" Scootaloo said. "But it's no where even close to the season for those!" Braeburn said. "That's because that was made by some yellow maned teal green pegasus. I saw it." Little Strongeheart said. "...Lightning Dust caused it? But why?" Applejack asked. "More importantly, how can we stop it? There's not any Pegasi besides Scootaloo and Rumble and their both just kids." Spoiled Rich said. "Do we run for cover?" Sweetie Belle asked. "But what about the Rodeo?" Rumble asked. "...We've got no choice but to try." Scootaloo said. Miracle of miracles, Scootaloo and Rumble managed to calm down the dust tornado by working together. "Two good deeds in one day. We gotta step up our game Bart." Minx said. "We should let them have this one though. They saved the rodeo." Bart said. Deca MLP Log #4 Subject: The Concept of Luck & Trouble Shoes Previously, this AI did not believe that it was possible for any kind of luck to physically exist. But that changed once this unit encountered Trouble Shoes; a stallion whose cutie mark causes bad luck to happen in his vicinity. As such, I have decided to rethink my interpretation. While it's possible for people to make their own luck in life, luck does play a pivotal factor in the world around us and exists just as much as the oxygen in the air. As such, what was once an imaginary concept is very much as real as the earth beneath our very feet, hooves, paws, and whatever else intelligent life forms have. And I have Trouble Shoes to thank for teaching me this. Meanwhile, Lightning Dust was in a dirt ditch out in the desert. "Worthless Pegasus. You just HAD to get yourself caught. You didn't even realize that you were spotted. You have no place in my squad if your caught so easily like that. So you are officially discarded." Marina said as she walked away. Lightning Dust meanwhile could only be thankful that that Mawile didn't kill her; because the power and technique behind that Mawile... Lightning Dust had to discard that thought; not wanting to think about what she'd look like if the Mawile really did decide to kill her. > Season 4: Episode 5 - The Lost Child (Pinkie Apple Pie Background) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Future Spike began to write in this ongoing tale once more. While there was the time Applejack dealt with Vampire Fruit Bats followed by Sweetie's Mother having a near disaster happen in Manehatten thanks to a mare known as Suri Polimare, a couple of days after this later event, that's when Twilight called upon Pinkie Pie to tell her about a familial connection she found between her and the Apple Family. And while she was out and about, something very strange happened. "So, what do we do while Pinkie Pie is off doing who knows what with the Apples?" Sunset asked. "You might want to put a pin in all your plans." Raiden said. "Because I just got informed that the Supreme Police Cheif of Lightning City is due to arrive in less then twelve hours." "Your hometown has a Supreme Police Cheif?" Flash Sentry asked. "That's mostly thanks to the information I slipped him that allowed the police force to capture all the gangsters, including the Big Four. It just sucks that Marina Mawile got away somehow." Lightning said. "It's been a while since we've seen the Arcanine in question. And it'll be nice to catch up with him." Raiden said. Suddenly, a strange dog-like creature put his paws over Raiden's eyes. "Guess who?" The Dog creature asked. "...Seriously? I'm not a kid anymore. You don't have to do this, Flamer Jackson." Raiden said. "Plus, Raiden's not the only one here." Lightning said. "Hmm...maybe I should've planned that out better." The dog creature said. "It's nice to see you too, Supreme Police Cheif Jackson." Raiden said. "Please. Right now, I'm off duty. So, you can call me by my actual name. And even if I wasn't, you and Lightning have done more than I have Raiden." Jackson said. "Lightning Town's heroes don't need to stand on ceremony with me." "Even still, I respect you too much to even think of that. Thanks to you, I was able to get through things while Lightning did his undercover stuff." Raiden said. "I was only there for you Raiden, because I couldn't be there for Milissa Horris." Jackson said. "I tried to get through to her when the Big Four were captured, but she just wouldn't hear me it seems. That allowed Marina to escape." "Hold up, whose this Milissa Horris? And what does Marina's escape have to do with her?" Twilight asked. "I was just wondering that myself." Sunset said. "...Some mon that deserved better." Jackson said. "It was just after I became the cheif of the police at Lightning town there was a six-year-old Mawile from the Horris household. They weren't influential or anything like that, but the male Mawile of the family was an abuser. Every few days, Milissa's mother would get sent to the hospital covered in bruises. But she'd always give some excuse for them; continuously covering for her husband. Yet, I knew the signs. I'd seen them before in my father's files from his own police days." He explained. "So I decided, that if she was to continue to lie, I'd make sure her daughter would make the truth come to light..." Lighting Town Police Station; twenty years ago... A six-year-old Mawile soon came into the police cheif's office. "Am I in trouble?" The Mawile; Milissa; asked. "No you're not Milissa. I came here to ask you a few questions." Jackson said. "Has your daddy been injuring your mommy on purpose?" He asked. "Almost every other day. I don't understand why mommy lies though. I want her to stop telling lies. Daddy is not daddy to me." Milissa said. "So, I was right. Unfortunately, the law states that I need actual evidence, and thanks to your mother's lies, your father has been getting away with this since the day you were born." Jackson. "Um...Mister Jackson, can I ask a question?" Milissa asked. "What's up?" Jackson asked. "If people do bad things...doesn't that make them capable of being a-rest-ed?" Milissa said, her voice making her come off as adorable as she looked; and the way she tried really hard to say "arrested" at such a young age was just adding to that. "Yes it does Milissa. And I would really like to get that father of yours out of your life once and for all. But I can't do that right now." Jackson said. "Oh...okay..." Milissa said. "But, that's why I asked you here." Jackson said and then gave her a toy tape recorder and microphone. "Sure it's only a toy version, but do you know what a wire is?" "Uh...something that conducts electricity." Milissa said. Bless this young girl's heart. "Well, that is true, but in the police world, we have the authority to wiretap a suspect's phone to record their conversations. However, I don't have the proper clearence to do that. Which is why, we're going to try a different kind of wiretap method. One so innocent, no one would suspect it." Jackson said. "So is that what new toy is for?" Milissa asked. "This may be some fancy toy, Milissa, but you shouldn't try and play with this one. What I want you to do, is the moment you start to hear your daddy come home, and he sounds like he's had a bad day at work, is go into the living room, and from the entrance, record the entire incident for me." Jackson said. "Yeah, daddy does hurt mommy whenever work doesn't go well." Milissa said. "And that's why the next time, I want you to be ready to record the whole thing. We won't allow your mother to cover for your father any longer. Will you help me put your daddy away for his crimes?" Jackson asked. Milissa has such an innocent smile on her face. A face full of hope. "I'll do that for you. You would make a much better daddy then fake daddy. I'll go prep right away." Milissa said. "Oh, I made this for you." She said and handed over a drawing. Golden Oaks Library, Present Day. "For twenty years I've carried that drawing she gave me. I still believe I can save Milissa. Save her from Marina." Jackson said. "Marina's got Milissa hold up somewhere doesn't she?" Lightning asked. "Yeah...yeah you could say that." Jackson said and as he left, he suddenly dropped a piece of paper that was drawn on. "Wait Jackson, you dropped--shoot he's gone." Raiden said. However, the drawing Jackson dropped was clearly a child's drawing, with a Mawile with the world "me" above it, a second one with "Mommy" above it, and an Arcanine with the word "Cheif" above it. But the word "Cheif" was hastily scribbled over and replaced by two words above it. "New Daddy" To Be Continued > Season 4: Episode 6 - Fractured > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night Wing was getting the Shadowbolts ready for the Equestria Games when she noticed Rainbow Dash is running late. "Seriously? She's late? Now of all times?" Night Wing asked. Suddenly, without warning, she felt something split the air, and then she saw a rainbow appear in the sky. "ISN'T THAT THE SONIC RAINBOOM?!" Night Wing Exclaimed. And the mare who was capable of pulling it off, suddenly zoomed right in front of Night Wing. "Th-the Wonderbolts...Soarin...replacement..." Rainbow Dash said, breathing heavily. "Whoa there Rainbow; why don't you catch your breath first and then tell me what's got you all in a fuss right now?" Night Wing asked. Rainbow Dash managed to catch her breath. "I was out practicing at Rainbow Falls early this morning as I wanted to make sure I was in top form for the Equestrian Games..." Rainbow Dash said. "You do realize Rainbow Falls is a good three hours from here right?" Night Wing asked. "You realize that Rainbow Dash just used the Sonic Rainboom to skedaddle over here, right captain?" Thunderlane asked. "...Point taken." Night Wing said. "But that's not why I skaddled over here nor why I was late to begin with." Rainbow Dash said. "I could've made it here on time, if Spitfire wasn't basically looking to replace her co-captain after he sprained a wing during training." "Wait, Soarin sprained one of his wings?!" Night Wing exclaimed. "But that's not the worst part. Spitfire was being all non-chalant about it; acting like nothing was wrong at all." Rainbow Dash said. "So when I got her to tell me Soarin was in the Infirmary, I rushed over and talked to him for a little while. Safe to say, when he heard about a replacement being looked for for his position in the Equestria Games, he was NOT happy." "I doubt he would be." Night Wing said. "I wonder if Soarin's going to jump over to our team once he gets better." Thunderlane said. "He'll have to go through our tests same as the rest of those that join up. I'm not going to show any special treatment, even if he's the one I accidentally injured during my Wonderbolt Cadet days." Night Wing said. "Which is just not cool that that happened to you captain." Rainbow Dash said. "So, what do you plan on doing?" Night Wing asked. "I say we really train hard, and let's show Spitfire the true meaning of Loyalty." Rainbow Dash said. "Good answer." Night Wing said. "Here; it's not really much but take this." She said, tossing over a Wonderbolt Pin. "Isn't this a Wonderbolt Cadet Pin? How'd you end up with this?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Let's just say I quit the Cadets without turning in my pin. No rule saying I had to do it afterall. Figured I take it as a sovineer." Night Wing said. "Now, I want you to have it. Let it be your symbol of Loyalty." "I'll do just that captain." Rainbow Dash said. Meanwhile, at Golden Oak's Library "Tch. Again? Seriously?" Jackson asked. "That's what I overheard. You don't really have jurisdiction yet on this, but I have a feeling if something happens with the upcoming elementary school presidential election, I'm going to need you on guard." Raiden said. "That way, we'll catch that no good stallion in the act." "I can't exactly arrest him period. But I can at least hold him for Miss Cheerilee to get the Royal Guard over here to Ponyville." Jackson said. "Besides, this'll at least allow me to do something while Fortus's mother is still alive." He said. "...I just wish I could've done the same with Milissa." "What exactly happened with her mother anyways? Is that when Marina captured her?" Twilight asked. "I don't think Marina existed yet, but if you want the report, feel free to look at it." Jackos said before sliding over a police report. Twilight opened up the folder, and became horrified at what she was seeing. "Th-that female mawile...she was obviously killed the same way as Raiden's parents. I should know. I found him next to his dead parents." Lightning said. "But that's impossible; Marina couldn't have done it if she didn't exist yet back then." Raiden said. "That's because it was Milissa's father." Jackson said. Police Report H0-69 Victim: Malana Horris Culprit: Victus Horris Details: For the longest time, a case against Victus Horris was unable to stick since the police had no real evidence. But thanks to the victim's own daughter Milissa, a recording of the murder in full detail was submitted before the court, and it didn't take long for a jury to convict Victus. Sadly, with no immediate family, Milissa was put into a nearby orphanage. We can only hope that she is adopted by a household who don't have spousal abuse abound within it's unit within the next three months. "But how could my parents get killed the exact same way? Did Victus Horris do it?" Raiden asked. "No Raiden. See, about three weeks before your parents were killed, Victus Horris was executed by Arceus itself." Jackson said. "So, if that's the case, then how was Marina able to replicate the exact same murders on Raiden's parents?" Lightning asked. "...That's a topic I'm not comfortable with discussing right now." Jackson said, and as he left the library, he dropped another picture, this was a kid's drawing that had been torn in two out of pure rage. This picture almost looked like a hopeful scenario. In this picture, it was obvious that the Mawile locked up behind bars was Victus, the older female Mawile is representing Malana, and the younger female Mawile was representing Milissa. However, a fourth figure was in this picture, and it was an Arcanine. However, the tear was right across the face of this arcanine, but it didn't take a genius to figure out who this was. "Wh-what happened that caused Milissa to do this to her own drawing?" Twilight asked. Sunset wanted to answer but chose not to. After all, in her mind, it was far too early to draw to conclusions. And she's hoping that she's wrong. Deca MLP Log #4 Subject: Rainbow Dash Today, I was able to learn of a true example of loyalty. It seems that Rainbow Dash really draws to her element and takes that concept to her very core. Loyalty is just as much of a part of her as her wings are. You might think that this opinion is out of character for an AI like me to say, but trust me: I can only think of one other being whose loyalty would even come close to rivaling Rainbow Dash's Loyalty, and that's Rob Snowden himself. I can certainly see Rainbow Dash being a Justice Hero, if her loyalty to her friends didn't come first. Yet, I think that even if she won't be going around the Omniverse defeating power hungry villains, she's still an example of what a Justice Hero should be like. > Season 4: Episode 7 - Emotions of the Heart (Twilgiht Time Replacement) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Jackson!" Sunset said, as she ran up to the Arcanine in question. "I need to speak with you. And I'm hoping you can tell me I'm wrong about something I've figured out." Sunset said. "I'm listening." Jackson said. "Milissa and Marina...you always talk about them like they are two different people. Your emotions always betray you whenever you talk about Milissa. There's an obvious tone of failure in your voice." Sunset said. "Says the mare who became jealous of her surrogate sister earlier today." Jackson said. Sunset grimaced at that. He wasn't wrong. She can remember it well... 12 Hours Earlier... It had started as a normal day in Ponyville, but Twilight had her head on a pile of letters. "Ugh..." Twilight groaned in utter frustration. "What's up, LSBFF?" Sunset asked. "It's these darn suitor letters I keep getting. Ever since the last Summer Sun Celebration event, I've been getting tons of letters from nobles all over to ask for my hoof in marrage." Twilight said. "And she's denied all of them; and some of them eleven times over." Flash Sentry said. "How would you know that?" Sunset asked. "Because she's asked me to put the repeats in the fire." Flash Sentry said. Sure enough, there were a few letters in the fireplace. "I'm getting so tired of continuously seeing letter after letter after letter after letter of these nobles asking for my hoof in marraige." Twilight said. "The only noble that hasn't even bothered to ask is Blueblood, and he's been coming around a lot to get with Derpy." "Derpy Hooves? The mail mare?! I have so many questions now." Sunset said. "I just wish these proposals would stop already." Twilight said. Sunset was jealous of Twilight right now though: While she had Flash Sentry as a coltfriend, she was getting marrage proposals out the wazzoo. And Sunset couldn't help but let her emotions run a little wild. "...You know what I think the solution is Twilight?" Flash Sentry asked. "What?" Twilight asked. "That you and I get married. Right here in Ponyville. We'll make a giant public announcement, and have it done within the next twelve hours." Flash Sentry said. "I know we haven't been together all that long, but I'll--" He was interrupted when Twilight suddenly kissed him on the lips. "Flash, did I ever tell you how much I love you? Because just like always, you seem to have my back. We should do exactly what you said. That'll put all those nobles in their place." Twilight said. "Oh come on. This is just outrageous now. Your just going to agree to that plan on the spot?" Sunset asked. "Gee, are you being a bit jealous much?" Flash Sentry asked. Sunset flinched. "Sunset, please get your emotions in check before the cermony; I wouldn't want to have you removed from the list of guests simply because you got jealous of me." Twilight said. As Flash and Twilight left, Sunset was left alone with her emotions. Sunset proceeded to do everything she could, but the jealousy she was feeling over her younger sister getting married out of the blue was very much still on her mind. "Ugh...why can't I just be proud of her? What's wrong with me?" Sunset asked. "Sunset?" A male voice asked. It was Sombra, and he was with Radiant Hope. "What's going on?" Sombra asked. "Oh. Sombra. Sorry, I guess I didn't expect to see you ever again." Sunset said. "Me and Hope were just passing through the area. Are you talking about your sister?" Sombra asked. "Surrogate sister, but yeah. Yeah I'm jealous. Jealous of her getting married, and being miss popular with the nobles." Sunset said. "You shouldn't let your jealousy control you like this. Especially since you should be proud that your sister is coming to know the same things I do with Hope." Sombra said. "And I'm sure one day, you'll be the same way." He said. Sunset's eyes suddenly falshed a rainbow color. "Sombra, thank you for the advice. I've got somewhere I gotta be; and something I want to do." She added before running off. A bit later, Sunset had made it to the wedding, and had made up with her surrogate sister. And at the reception, she gave one of a speech none would ever forget. "When I first discovered Twilight Sparkle, her playfulness and energy really sparked hope within me. She was just as old as my actual brother Sunburst at the time. And I decided right then and there, that I was going to be her big sister figure." Sunset said. "But I'm not afraid to admit, this recent situation, made my own emotions go rampent. Yet, after some self-reflection, it came to my mind that, it's time this mare put her emotions aside, and celebrate her surrogate sister's accomplishments this day. Because she's taking a step I hope to one day take myself. So I hope she gets used to the limeline, because I'm hoping to have it on me before she realizes it." She explained. Everyone in the place cheered, laughed, and cried at Sunset's speech. Shortly after, Twilight approuched Sunset. "That took some courage to admit." Twilight said. "Yeah. Hey, where's Jackson going?" Sunset asked, noticing the Arcanine leaving. "Don't know. Are you going to go after him?" Twilight said. "Actually yeah. There's something I've been meaning to ask him." Sunset said. "You don't mind, do you LSBFF?" She asked. "Not at all, BSBFF!" Twilight said. "Jackson!" Sunset said, as she ran up to the Arcanine in question. "I need to speak with you. And I'm hoping you can tell me I'm wrong about something I've figured out." Sunset said. "I'm listening." Jackson said. "Milissa and Marina...you always talk about them like they are two different people. Your emotions always betray you whenever you talk about Milissa. There's an obvious tone of failure in your voice." Sunset said. "Says the mare who became jealous of her surrogate sister earlier today." Jackson said. Sunset grimaced at that. He wasn't wrong. "I got over that. Didn't you hear my speech?" Sunset asked. "That was some speech you gave, I'll give you that. It's a reminder that I may be running out of time to save Milissa." Jackson said. "Tell it to me straight, Flamer Jackson: Did Milissa develop an alternate personality that took over her mind?" Sunset asked. "Wh-what?! How-how did you...?" Jackson said. "...I was really hoping you'd say no; that'd tell me I'm barking up the wrong tree." Sunset said. "...Milissa...she devoloped a second personality; making her suffer from Multi-personality disorder; and that second personality was too strong for her young mind to contain." She said. "You've..." Jackson suddenly stopped himself. "You shouldn't go around just spotting that information. This is a personal matter. One I need to resolve before Milissa is gone forever." "She's already gone. Marana has taken over." Sunset said. "No. No that's not true. I know Milissa's still in there somewhere. I just need to save her." Jackson said and then quickly bolted. As he fled, he dropped a picture, and this picture was of a baby Marana. "...I was right." Sunset said, tears in her eyes. She was really hoping, she was wrong. Deca MLP Log #5 Subject: Sunset Shimmer Despite being mostly able to pick up on the emotions of other ponies, today I witnessed a time when Sunset had her own emotions get the best of her. And yet, by the end of the day, she was able to control her own emotions, and confront them. While this AI is new at feeling and expressing emotions still, I am more then up to the task of learning from Sunset's confrontations with her own emotions and will remember this lesson for years to come. Meanwhile... A lone centaur strolled through the streets, when he spotted a strange creature attacking a pony. When this creature spotted him, it grinned. "Today's your lucky day." The creature said, it's voice female in nature. "Someone needs you alive rather then dead." She added tossing the pony to the centaur who quickly drained the pony's magic. "Who are you?" The centaur; Lord Tirek; asked. "I'm Marana Mawile. And you must be the infamous Lord Tirek." Marana said. "I've heard about you and your ability to drain the magic within ponies as well as Discord if possible. Yet, you lack the back-up you'll need to get all the magic you want." "Are you saying you wish to help me?" Lord Tirek asked. "Of course I am. I want to rule this planet with an iron fist. And once you have all the magic you desire, you'll be more then strong enough to be my enforcer. All I ask is that you follow my lead to the letter." Marana said. "And why should I even trust you?" Lord Tirek said. Suddenly, what he witnessed with Marana and the pony...it shook him to his very core. And it put the fear of the gods in him. "Trust me, I'm holding back a large amount of my power and I've even got plenty of techniques I could use to make your fully powered form seem like a tiny little ant by comparison to me. So you really have no choice, for if your not working with me, your working against me. Got that?" Marana asked. "G-got it." Lord Tirek said. This Mawile could easily kill him; even after he got all the magic he wanted. So in his mind, better to serve her then be killed like the stallion just was. The dread centaur didn't even want to think about how Marana just killed the stallion. No one should ever die like that. > Season 4: Episode 8 - Creative Solutions (Crusaders of the Lost Mark AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the day before the Ponyville Elementary's Class President Election. And while Fortus Vile indeed threw his hat into the ring, there was one other. "You sure you want to do something like this, Pipsqueak?" Diamond Tiara asked. "Yeah I'm sure. Besides, I have you girls to help me run a successful campaign." Pipsqueak said. "After all, that last battle with Gorzon caused a lot of damage to the playground." He added. "And you want to fix that right? Yeah, we definatly need a new playground. Plus, my mom's on the school board. She'd understand if we went to her with this." Diamond Tiara said. "Plus, considering it's put that Fortus Vile in his place once and for all, I have no doubt Spoiled Rich will try to get the board to agree to our plan for that reason alone." Apple Bloom said. "We can't lose with this. If helping Pipsqueak means putting Fortus Vile in his place once and for all, then that's exactly what we're going to do." Scootaloo said. There was a bit of a song that lead to Pipsqueak winning the election by a landslide. However, the CMC couldn't help but notice the look on Fortus's face as he left with his loss. "Something's not right. Last time we beat him, he was actually a good sport about it. But now..." Diamond Tiara said. "Ah know what you mean." Apple Bloom said. "Something serious is going on." The CMC followed Fortus Vile and spyed on him. That's when they noticed Fortus Vile approuching his father. "I can't believe you right now, Fortus. I had the plans in place for that school to finally segregate those without cutie marks away from those that do and had a statue ready to go to replace that unneeded playground." Vile's father said. "But I just recieved the news from Miss Cheerilee: Once again, you let those blank flanks walk all over you." "I really tried this time father, but--" "Trying isn't good enough. There's only one thing you should ever cocern yourself with: Winning. I warned you that there would be consequences if you lost the election. Maybe this time, the message will stick like glue. You are not allowed to step foot inside the house for the next twenty-four hours. Hopefully, by being forced to survive on your own will teach you that failure is not tolerated under my roof." Vile's fahter said. "Now if you excuse me, if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself apperently." He then left. Vile began to tear up a little. When he noticed the CMC. "...You saw that didn't you? Well, you can't say squat against my father. Not when he basically controls the school." Fortus Vile said. "Do you really want to just let him steamroll you like this? Let him control you like this?" Scootaloo asked. "I don't have a choice in the matter. If I don't do what he says, and take my punishment like a good colt, then father is going to do a lot worse than this to me. He's done it before because I spoke out." Fortus Vile said, before showing off a scar on one of his legs. "See this? He did this to me the first time I spoke out against him." "But what if you called him out with multiple witnesses? Then it wouldn't just be your word against his; he'd be trapped. Especially if an adult was there." Diamond Tiara said. "What?" Fortus Vile was suddenly taken aback. "C'mon, you're the creative one. You should know exactly what I'm talking about doing." Diamond Tiara said. "...Yeah. Yeah your right." Fortus said. "Enough is enough. That stallion has abused me and my mother for the last time." Fortus Vile said. Getting the school on the double, they arrived to see a board meeting with the foals still there. "Tch. It's more of you cutie markless ponies." Vile's father said. "Mother, what's going on?" Diamond Tiara asked. "Vile's father is trying to segragate all those without cutie marks away from those that have them." Spoiled Rich said. "As well as I should. Ponies who aren't able to get a cutie mark by this point in their lives are dragging this country's education system through the mud. I don't understand why any of you would ever think to speak out against me." Vile's father said. "Remember: I'm the head of this school board, and I can easily have you replaced." "You-you can't do that. That's not fair." Diamond Tiara said. "Let me tell you something: Life is only fair to the wealthy, noble, and the victors. No-ponies like yourself don't get to have a fair life." Vile's Father said. "Come Fortus; it's clear I have staff arrangements to make. And you are going to help me whether you like it or not." Fortus Vile winced. But, he remembered what Scootaloo said. "...No father." Fortus Vile said. "Excuse me?" Vile's father asked. "You think you can control me? Well think again. I'm tired of just sitting back and letting you abuse me and my mother." Fortus Vile said and showed off his scarred leg. "You did this to me the first time I spoke out against you. And I'm tired of sitting back and letting you steam roll me." Fortus said. "You...you wouldn't dare do this. Those Blank Flanks must've put you up to this." Vile Sr. said. "Don't call them that." Fortus said. "They are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and they made me realize that the way I'm living? It's not really living. I'm just some puppet for you to manipulate and control at your will. Well, hate to tell you this father, but this puppet is cutting his strings." Fortus said. "That's enough Fortus! Don't you dare go any further." Vile Sr. said. "And you know what else? I've watched you beat up mom and give her worse injuries then this whenever something you want doesn't go your way. And I'm done being the unwilling witness here. You've made me go to bed without supper, but today when you basically banished me from the house for twenty-four hours, that was crossing the line. So now, enough is enough." Fortus Vile said. "You dare speak up against me, boy? Clearly, I must deal with the symptom of this directly." Vile Sr. started to approuch the CMC when Fortus suddenly got in front of them. "No father. If you want to hurt them, you'll have to get through me first." Fortus said. "Tell Silver Spoon...I'm sorry." Fortus whispered to the CMC and then closed his eyes, waiting to get pounded into an inch of his life. But not a single strike ever came. Which made Fortus open his eyes to spy his father being handcuffed by Flamer Jackson. "Well what do you know; you were in the area after all." Raiden said. "I can't officially arrest him, since his crimes were committed solely on Equestrian Soil, but I can at least hold him until the Royal Guard gets here." Jackson said. "I called them as soon as Vile started to propose his whole plan. I'm sure the Princess would've loved to hear such a plan that was ditrimental to her little ponies like Vile's." Cheerilee said. Go Miss Cheerilee. Diamond Tiara thought to herself. She made a mental note to do something nice for the school teacher for this. "What?! You dare do such a thing?!" Vile Sr. exclaimed. "And with multiple witnesses to you almost striking a child, I doubt things will end well for you." Jackson said. "Maybe so, but you forgot one tiny little detail." Vile Sr. then blased Jackson off him with a magic blast and broke his handcuffs with some more magic before he just ran for it. "Dammit...I forgot he was a Unicorn." Jackson said. "I'm getting way too old for this job." He said. "I guess it was a fool's dream to think you'd remain on the force until the day you die, Flamer Jackson. You will be missed." Raiden said. "There's just one thing I got to do before I turn in my badge and retire. A personal matter that's twenty years overdue." Jackson said before he walked off in his own direction. Shortly after, the CMC all came to their own agreement to help other ponies find their cutie marks, which got them their cutie marks. Honestly, at the time, I was very proud of them. Especially my wife-to-be. Future Spike wrote down. Deca MLP Log #6 Subject: Fortus Vile I can safely say that Fortus's father is now a wanted fugative; at least he would be if the Royal Guard didn't find him in the most horrible state that was very indescribably. Regardless, at least Fortus is now free from his abusive father, and is on his way to becoming a much nicer colt overall. Outside Ponyville, Marana was holding her head as she braced herself against a tree. "What the hell? I didn't even get a chance to drain that pony of his magic before you went ham on him. What happened back there?" Lord Tirek said. "I don't know. I just lost it. A child abuser like him...I guess I just lost it." Marana said. "Look, you may be able to beat me even at my full power, but I'm supposed to be your enforcer here. So if there's something I should know that could effect you personally, I need to know." Lord Tirek said. "At least...you understand the power dynamic." Marana said. "But I'll be fine. Sure, you lost out on one pony. But I have something you can drain magic from in case of emergency." She said before taking out a strange looking stone. "This is a Mega Stone. Before ponies existed, this world was just Pokémon. And before it was just Pokémon, there were these creatures called humans. If a human had their Pokémon hold one of these babies, and had a Keystone on them, they could have the Pokémon undergo a transformation called Mega Evolution. These days, Pokémon use Awakening Seeds to go Mega if they have a Mega Evolution. Yet, this one will be a good back-up source of magic for you." Marana said. "See, the spirits of dead Pokémon give this thing it's powers. You may not be able to drain a Pokemon of it's power directly, but draining one of these puppies should give you just as much magic as would draining a hundred ponies would give you." Marana said. "Do you believe I'll need that kind of strength?" Lord Tirek asked. "Trust me, if this alicorn magic is as stubborn as you say it is to drain, you'll need every bit you can get." Marana said. "And there's others littered around the world from the human days that you could also drain." She said. "Isn't one of those bables around your neck?" Lord Tirek asked. "Oh this one? This one's my personal use one. Besides, you can't drain it because I'm wearing it. It's power is a part of me for how long I've worn it." Marana said. "Can't seem to remember where I got it from though." She said. Meanwhile, Jackson was seen outside Ponyville in a different direction. "First thing's first, I have to find a theropist. Then I have to find a nerosrygin. Then, and only then, can I hope to save you, Milissa." Jackson said, staring a picture. This picture had Malana and Victus Horris in it, and with them was a six year old mawile girl. The six year old mawile girl however, was clearly Marana. "Hey Sunset, you've been distracted a bit lately." Twilight said. "Sorry. I guess it's time I told you the truth." Sunset said. "...Milissa somehow devoloped a second personality that was evil and took over her mind. That personality, is Marana." She said. "...YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT MARANA AND MILISSA ARE THE SAME 'MON?!" Raiden exclaimed. "I did NOT see that one coming." Lightning said. > Season 4: Episode 9 - Getting Sparky > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hmm?" Raiden's ears suddenly stood up out of nowhere while Flash and Twilight were doing more research on the mysterious chest the tree of harmony spat out. "Something up, Raiden?" Twilight asked. "I know that look bud; you only get like that when you sense a powerful thunderstorm nearby like the ones Zekrom tends to make." Lightning said. "There's a powerful electrical charge alright, but I dare say this one makes Zekrom look like a Rattata in comparison." Raiden said. "How powerful is Zekrom exactly?" Flash asked. "Well, back when humans still existed on this planet, every part of it was divided into what are known as regions. And one of those regions was the Unova region. Quick fun fact: That is the only one of two parts of the planet that still goes by it's regional name." Lightning said. "Surely, there's a reason behind that." Sunset said. "You got that right. With Unova specifically, it's because long ago there was a single dragon that created the hottest flames, generated the strongest electrical currents, and brought the coldest winters. But one day, two individuals fought over this one dragon, and it split into three different dragons. One was the wilder of the Flame of Truth Reshiram. The second was the bringer of Shocking Ideals Zekrom. These first two parts sided with the two youths before they both began to fight with each other. Reshiram sided with the youth who only spoke the truth. Zekrom sided with the youth who held visions of high ideals. Eventually, these two dragons fought each other to the bring of death, and in their last moments before they became naught but stones, they ruined the land around them. The site of the charred land would eventually become the Unova region." Lightning said. "But what happened with the third dragon? You said the original dragon split into three different dragons." Twilight said. "Well, the third dragon that was born, became devoid of both truth and ideals, becoming a Cold Husk. That dragon was Kyurem. And when it split off from the original dragon, it landed in a vast forest. There's a town in the Unova region that even after humans were either killed off or turned into pokemon, where there's a curfew once the sun sets and pokemon stay indoors out of fear of the nearby creator. Even now after it was revealed that the only thing in that creator was Kyurem, the town is still fearful that there's a much worse threat in that creator." Lightning said. "Sometimes things like that just cause so much superstition, that it becomes a normal way of life even after the human age." "So, Zekrom is pretty darn powerful, huh?" Flash asked. "Yep. There are certain pokemon whose power is on a whole different level. Even though humans dubbed them 'legendary pokemon' which is something that they themselves created for those Pokemon whose power is far greater then an ordinary Pokemon, the term pretty much stuck." Lightning said. "And Zekrom is one of those Legendary Pokemon." "So, whatever's heading our way, is something with more power then a legendary?!" Twilight exclaimed. The group headed outside to chase Raiden who suddenly bolted to the town square. And it became apparent why, there was a bunch of cackling electricty in the sky, which then landed. And as the cackled more and started to die down, suddenly a Raichu with strange patterns was revealed. And it was strong. Really strong. To top it off, it had lightning fast reflexes the likes even Twilight had never seen before. "What is this thing?!" Twilight exclaimed. "Don't know, but it does not seem friendly." Raiden said. "Think it's an Ultra Beast?" Lightning asked. "Given the power and speed of this thing? I'd say that's a given." Raiden said. Ultra Beast? Strange Raichu It didn't take long for the rest of the elements to arrive as well as the entire Shadowbolt Squad. "We got here as soon as we could. Is this another Ultra Beast?" Night Wing asked. "Given how fast it's moving and how powerful those electric blasts seem to be, I'd say that this is an Ultra Beast. Not sure why this one looks a lot like a Raichu, but then again, I doubt all the various Ultra Beasts have even been discovered." Raiden said. "Something not right though. I think it's holding back most of it's power." Rainbow Dash said. "I think you may be right. I'm sensing it has the capabilities of turning out a lot more power then this. Is it toying with us?" Twilight said. "Maybe...maybe it just wants to fight us to see what kind of creatures we are?" Fluttershy asked. "Your the animal expert right? Can you tell what it's even saying?" Bart asked. "No...no I can't. And this isn't like that Nihilego where I could just barely make out what it was saying." Fluttershy said. "Wait, you could somewhat understand that thing? Wait, why am I asking this? This is you we're talking about." Rainbow Dash said as she dodged the mysterious Raichu. "But this thing...I can't understand a word. I'm sorry." Fluttershy said. "Well, if it just wants to test us, let's not disappoint." Twilight said. After further battling though... "That's enough." A male voice called out. What appeared was a Stallion with the same markings as the Raichu which then suddenly went to the stallion's side. "You really didn't have to do this. I was fully capable of testing them myself." The stallion said. The strange Raichu made it's noises. "I keep telling you, I'm not a little kid anymore." The Stallion said. "Wha--I'm confused." Pinkie PIe said. "If Pinkie Pie is confused, then it's something that goes beyond even her." Rainbow Dash said. "My apologies, I did not expect Sparky to be so gung-ho about testing you. Are any of you hurt?" The stallion asked. "We're fine. You call that Ultra Beast Sparky then?" Lightning asked. "Ultra Beast? You mean those aliens? Sparky's not like them. He actually comes from the other world as do I." The Stallion said. "The name's Rex; Rex Lauran. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said. To be continued > Season 4: Episode 10 - Not So Normal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Back up a moment: When you say you come from the other world, what exactly did you mean by that?" Night Wing asked. "Are you referring to the human world Princess Twilight and her surrogate sister Sunset went to?" "That's exactly what I meant by that. Before you even ask how I am over here, I am nothing if not meticulous." Rex said before showing off one of his front legs where a strange device can be found. "This handy little device I've created allows me to create a portal between this world and the human world at will." He explained. "Wait, are you saying the mirror at the Crystal Kingdom's Castle is an Ultra Wormhole?!" Raiden exclaimed. "No." Rex said simply. "I see the confused look on your face, so allow me to explain this in a way you can wrap your head around: An Ultra Wormhole is a tear in the fabric of time and space itself; meanwhile that mirror portal is just a way for this world to connect with the other." He explained. "That's because this world; your home world; and that world are parallel worlds; one cannot exist without the other." "Twilight, do you know what a parallel universe is?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I don't. I apologize." Twilight said. "A parallel universe is created when certain events happen differently. In this world, Arceus had grown tired of human greed before ultimately deciding humanity should cease to exist. In the other world, Arceus saw the faults within both Humans and Pokemon alike, and realized that both species can help each other become stronger." Rex said. "I think I get what your saying. But what's the deal with your strange Raichu?" Raiden asked. "Technically, this is not my Raichu. In fact, this isn't a Raichu anymore either. Sparky here was transformed into a Raichu and Rotom Hybrid through experimentation." Rex said. "Wait, back up, what do you mean this isn't your Raichu?" Night Wing asked. "Because Sparky here was my mother's Pokemon. And Sparky just so happens to be my biological father." Rex said. "Ha! You expect any of us to believe that? C'mon Lightning, tell us he's wrong." Applejack said. "Actually, this isn't as farfetched as you may think." Lightning said. "What?" Applejack asked, taken aback. "There's a couple of myths that originated from the Sinnoh Region. One of them states that Humans and Pokémon once sat and ate at the same dinner table; with marriage between humans and Pokémon being fairly commonplace. Another myth states that there was a Pokémon that shed its skin to live as a human." Lightning said. "So, the concept that humans and Pokémon could conceive a child together really isn't that farfetched. Myths have to come from somewhere after all, Pokémon like Mew and Celebi are treated as mythological Pokémon because so few still see them to this day, yet we know those Pokémon do in fact exist." He explained. "If you're calling it the Sinnoh Region despite regions not really having human names anymore, then that was one region that kept it's human name huh?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yes, it is one region that kept it's human name. But that's because the original name was the Hisiu region. Eventually as the land developed, the region's name was changed to the Sinnoh Region and even now the name's stuck on because that's the region with connections to Arceus itself." Lightning said. "In the other world, I had done everything I could to correct a mistake, as the fact that Sparky is the way he is was covered up. And I also corrected what history had stated about my father. Speaking of, I was watching you fight earlier. The fact that you struggled to attack it when you quickly realized Sparky was holding back his power, means your intentions are pure and just." Rex said. "But I much prefer doing things myself. Team Strikers, I'm going to have to ask you to sit out here. I wish to test the mettle of these Ponies." "Speaking of you, even though you're a Pony here, what's with your Cutie Mark?" Sunset asked. "Hey, that's the symbol for the Normal Type." Minx said. "I'd recognize that anywhere." "It's kind of fitting that the symbol of the normal type is what you would call a 'cutie mark' for me. For you see, while all my Pokémon are pure normal types, I use normal type Pokémon who have diverse movesets. For you see, some normal types are able to use moves of the other Pokémon types, and that is the basis behind the five Pokémon I carry with me." Rex said, before suddenly lightning up his horn, and a strange ball-device was in the air. "That's a Poke Ball. Those haven't existed here since the human race stopped existing." Lightning said. "What do you say we cut to the chase now? While I was on my mission to get back my father, I unintentionally became the leader figure for a band of thugs who called themselves Team Dino. I hated them with every fiber of my being. Even if I am friendly, I will not hold back in the slightest." Rex said. There was a sudden roar that sounded beastly. Normal Master Rex Lauren Rex then sent forth the Poke Ball which brought out a Pokémon that was mostly gray with tan highlights. "That's a Linoone." Raiden observed. "Linoone, Ice Beam." Rex said. Suddenly, the Linoone sent out a beam of pure Ice which the ponies barely were able to dodge. "Whoa! Rex wasn't kidding when he said his normal types are able to use all kinds of moves." Lightning said. "Between my five Pokémon, there's at least one move that would do super effective damage to an opposing Pokémon regardless of their types. In other words, you've only gotten a small taste of what my normal types are capable of." Rex said. "Oh yeah? Try some fire." Sunset said, before using a fire spell to burn the Linoone to a crisp. "Not bad." Rex said, returning the Linoone. He then sent out a second Pokémon, this one looked like a cat with some purple fluff. "That's a Delcatty; and I think I already have an idea what moves it knows. And I doubt this one has Normalize." Raiden said. "Delcatty, Shock Wave." Rex commanded. The Delcatty let out some kind of electrical looking attack that hit Fluttershy hard. "Meep!" Fluttershy said. "What the heck? That moved kind of fast; I barely saw it." Rainbow Dash said. "That was Shock Wave; a fast moving Electric Type move. This isn't going to be a cake walk." Raiden said. The Delcatty actually had more resilience then the Linoone, and took a while to take out. "And now for my third Pokémon." Rex said before sending out...a very big looking Pokemon. Raiden suddenly was shocked. "THIS GUY HAS A SNORLAX?!" Raiden exclaimed. "WATCH OUT, THAT THING'S A WALKING TANK!" He yelled out. "What?" Rarity asked. "Snorlax, Fire Punch." Rex said. And with that, Rarity was too distracted to dodge the incoming flaming punch from the lumbering giant. Thankfully, it didn't burn anything on her. "YOUCH! THAT'S HOT!" Rarity said. "That Pokémon is a Snorlax; and it's an HP Tank. If you don't find a way to take this thing out quickly, you'll get exhausted." Raiden said. But it was like he was ignored, and the ponies tired themselves out from trying to take down the huge Pokémon. Suddenly, Rex's device suddenly started going off. "Ah. My apologies for cutting this battle short, but it seems my protégé needs me back in the human world." Rex said, before looking at Twilight. "Come to think of it, you remind me of her a little. Once I started tutoring her, bullies stopped messing with her. They know better than to do so, because of how strong I am when it comes to Pokémon Battles." Rex said. "Wait, we're not finished here." Night Wing said. "I'd say we are. Your exhausted and I wouldn't want any of you injured from our battle. Besides, with how exhausted you are, you stood no chance against my last two Pokémon." Rex said. "Let it go Night Wing. As much as we don't want to admit it, fighting that Snorlax took a lot out of us." Rainbow Dash said. "I was trying to warn you." Raiden said. "I do hope that the next time we meet, you'll have grown much stronger and wiser." Rex said before using his device to create a portal that he and Sparky then entered before it closed up behind them. "Hmph. He's right you know. You can't always depend on your Pony Magic to get you through everything. You need some self-defense training, and lucky for you, I'm just the 'mon for the job." Raiden said. To be continued > Season 4: Episode 11 - A New Bunny & A Reason to Fight (Death Warning) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was very well known for being a pacifist; not really wishing to fight. And as much as she wanted to just back out of this, she had the strangest inkling that up ahead, there will be those that wish to hurt not only her animal friends, but her pony friends. Especially when she encountered just how ruthless Marana really was. Three days earlier... Fluttershy had been helping out the rabbits as she knew that come next spring, there would be a lot of mating going on. She couldn't help but shed a tear. They grow up so fast. "You know Angel, I wonder if you'll find the perfect bunny mate one day. I won't get too jealous." Fluttershy said. Angel looked like he dismissed such a thing. However, suddenly a female bunny with chocolate fur came bouncing their way, and Angel felt his heart start to beat just looking at her. Angel kept his cool though for now; not wanting to grow too attached. Are you alright there? He asked. I'll be fine. Living in the Everfree Forest isn't easy. Yet, I think this animal caretaker needs to come quickly. The female rabbit said. "Hmm? Why do I need to come?" Fluttershy asked. The rabbit doe looked at Angel. She can understand us?! The doe asked. Your not the first animal that's gotten that reaction, I'll have you know. Angel said, still trying to act tough. So why don't you tell us what's up? He asked. Got this strange creature chewing up the animals in the forest something fierce. Even has the Timberwolves running scared. The Rabbit doe said. "Marana..." Fluttershy said and quickly headed towards the forest. However, seems Marana had already left by the time Fluttershy had got there, but the number of animals that were dead before the timid pegasus's eyes...it broke something in her. Especially seeing them in such a grisely state. She wished she could spare the details of what she saw, but she would dare not hold back. Each animal had been mauled, plain and simple. Teeth marks not only adorned each animal's body, but also easily punctured the skin. The only saving grace, was there was no blood to be seen. But that only meant that each animal didn't get the chance to bleed out on the ground; they were dead before they even hit the ground once. The very thought of how merciless Marana had been to these animals, shook Fluttershy to her core. And it broke something in her. Present day As Raiden made his propostion to train the ponies in self-defense, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but notice something on Fluttershy's mind. "Something up Flutters? Are you thinking about backing out here?" Rainbow Dash said. "...Not this time..." Fluttershy said. "Wait what?" Rainbow Dash was shocked to say the least. The normally timid and pacifist Pegasus had a look of intimidation on her face. "The Everfree Forest...there was a sight in there that I would soon not forget." Fluttershy said. "I must protect the animals I take care of, and if I have to learn self defense to do it; then I will." She said. "Let me be clear: The training I'll be making you endure is harsh and it'll be ruthless. I had to grow up in a crime ridden city, remember? I had to learn the hard way that, if your not just as harsh and ruthless as the thugs that want you dead, then you don't stand a chance against them." Raiden said. "It's fine. I'll do what I must to protect my animal friends." Fluttershy said. "Heh. Good answer." Raiden said. Meanwhile... Does Fluttershy leave a lot? She must really trust you to take care of yourself. The bunny doe said. She may be a bit meek sometimes, but some pony's gotta be the tough guy around here. I do my best to keep the animals here in line while she's away. Angel said. So when are you headed back to the forest? Angel asked. I can't go back. All my family was killed by that strange creature. I have no one now. But, I'll be fine. I've lived in the Everfree forest my entire life. I'm tough enough to survive on my own. I don't mind staying around Ponyville. The doe said. Call me Butterscotch. Butterscotch huh? Name's Angel. Angel said. A bear then burst through the door. ANGEL; DID YOU PUT SALT IN MY WATER AGIAN?! they yelled. If you don't want salty water, then don't put your water in such an easy to get to location, Harry. Angel said. THAT DOES IT, YOU LITTLE FURBALL; I'm going to mess you up good! Harry said. But then he was kicked in the gut by Butterscotch; knocking him out instantly. This shocked Angel. Getting upset over something as silly as salty water? What kind of bear are you? Butterscotch said. Angel felt his heart start to soar all over again. Get away from me! Harry said, getting up and running away. Well Butterscotch, why don't you stick around for a while? I have a feeling your going to fit in well around here~ Angel said. > Season 4: Episode 12 - Pinkie Pride AU > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Future Spike began to write down more in his book. Raiden wanted to start the training right away, but when he heard from Pinkie Pie that Rainbow Dash's birthday was going to be tomorrow, he decided to hold off until after the Equestria Games. However, things weren't all fun and games the next day. Especially after the stallion known as Cheese Sandwich showed up. Cheese Sandwich had begun taking over making Rainbow Dash's birthday from Pinkie Pie, and didn't seem to want Pinkie Pie's help at all. And in the midst of all this, that's when Serendipity showed up. "Hey buster, just what do you honestly think your doing?" Serendipity asked. "What?" Cheese Sandwich was confused at this. "Because of you taking complete control over this birthday party from my friend and not even wanting her help at all, she's totally in funk. And that gives me plenty of excuses to start messing with you." Serendipity said. "You don't understand I--" "Here, have a present." Serendipity said, quickly handing over a present to Cheese Sandwhich, but when he oppened it up, there was a bomb inside that quickly blew up in his face. "Gets every 'mon all the time~" Serendipity said. "Look, you don't understand--" "Shake?" Serendipity asked, giving over a ribbon. And just like with Discord, it turned out to be the fake ribbon trick, which freaked Cheese Sandwhich the heck out. "Ha! Serves you right for messing with Pinkie Pie. She's my equal. And I really hate seeing her down in the dumps. So, are you going to start including her in this? Or am I going to have to bust our more of my surprises?" Serendipity asked. "I don't want to ask her, in order to thank her!" Cheese Sandwich suddenly said. "...What?" Now Serendipity was the one confused, which led to the Stallion singing. Little did either know, Pinkie Pie heard the whole thing, and then she suddenly tackled Cheese Sandwich to the ground. "That is the most craziest yet awesomist thing any pony has ever done for me. C'mere." Pinkie Pie said before she dragged Cheese Sandwich off. "...And here I thought I was the only one who would get Pinkie Pie. Guess I was wrong. Heh, those two are going to be super mega crazy together, and I can't wait to attend a party where those two collab with each other. A party like that will be off the charts for sure!" Serendipity said. Meanwhile... Lord Tirek was currently absorbing more Pony Magic, but it seemed Marina was doing her own thing at some city nearby. "Not sure what that Mawile's up to, but I shouldn't have to worry too much about her." Lord Tirek said. The Mawile soon came back. "So, exactly what are you up to?" Lord Tirek asked. "Just a little back-up plan just in case things go south. I wouldn't run it past those ponies to find SOME way of defeating you without their magic. Their pretty resilient after all." Marina said. "I didn't become one of the most feared mob bosses in Lightning Town just because of my strength and tactics. I also have brain. If I'm going to rule this country with an iron fist with you as my enforcer, better to start recruiting a few children to eventually join my mafia while we're traveling. Children can be so easily manipulated and controlled." She explained. Lord Tirek couldn't help but stare at the Mawile as she started walking away. "Don't get any funny ideas about anything." Marina said. "I wasn't. I'm just shocked you would call children easily manipulated." Lord Tirek said. "Why do you think I had such a firm grip on Lightning Town? Most of those below the Elite Four were former orphans that I was able to get wrapped around my paws." Marina said. "And I can just as easily do it with non-oprhans. Which is going to have to be the case since that Raiden started up an chain of orphanages across the globe." She added. "Your scary." Lord Tirek said. "I'm glad you admit it. Because that's part of how I was able to have such an iron grip on Lightning Town." Marina said. "Everyone knew not to cross me. So, when I see that Luxray known as Lightning, I'm going to do to him what I did to Raiden's parents." Lord Tirek was realizing just how much he didn't want to cross this Mawile. If he even tried, she would leave his dead body to rot after she mauled him to death. Just like all her other victims. It was clear what kind of creature she really was: A ruthless monster. > Season 4: Episode 13 - Sunset Snippits IV > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the Equestria Games were done, Raiden's training began in earnest. Sure, there was that stint where Spike got nervous and had to get cheered up through both Sunset & Twilight pep talking him before the big event, as well as Ray. Sweetie Belle deciding to walk with him to the torch just added to the young drake's confidence so the torch lighting went off without a hitch. However, when Raiden said his training was going to be ruthless, the ponies had no idea just how ruthless he was referring to. Turns out, the Raichu had the strange ability to seal items, Pokémon Moves, and as it also turned out, the ponies' magic. This actually made the training become very ruthless very quickly. And for the past few days, this was the training the ponies were subjected to; even the Shadowbolts. Still, today was a day for rest after all the harsh training; with more training coming soon. This gave Sunset some time to think back on some of the past events. Bats! Add-on While the Vampire Fruit Bats were seemingly taken care of, Sunset did notice that despite everything, Fluttershy had a fanged tooth. So, she quickly did some diagnostics. What she found was shocking. "So, Fluttershy's still got Vampire Fruit Bat DNA in her?" Twilight asked. "'Fraid so. The good news, is she'll have much better control over herself and will only turn into her Flutterbat form once every full moon." Sunset said. "And what's the bad news?" Applejack asked. "She'll still have a craving for apples while transformed. So I suggest she stocks up for the night ahead, as she'll be up all night." Sunset said. "That's not really great for my health though." Fluttershy said. "Well, if there's any other good news, when you're in your Flutterbat form, when you return to normal the next day, it'll be as if you slept the entire night." Sunset said. "This is going to take some getting used to..." Fluttershy said. Rarity Takes Manehatten Add-On "I'm pretty sure I warned you not to give out a whole roll of your fabric before the contest, Rarity. You should be thankful Coco Pummel stood up for you." Sunset said. "That's pretty much Sunset's way of saying 'I told you so'." Ray said. "Your one to talk, Mr. 'I like Smolder a lot, but I don't show it'." Sunset said. "Wh-SIS! THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Ray shouted. Every pony else got a laugh out of that, much to Ray's embarrassment. Simple Ways AU "Wait, you're not even going to try and woo Trenderhoof?" Sunset asked. "Why would I want to? I have Lucky Belle. I would dare not let myself be spoiled by any pony else." Rarity said. "...Wow. That's some dedication." Sunset said. Suddenly, she heard Trenderhoof yelp in pain. He looked very much in pain. "...Applejack, did you do what I think you just did?" Sunset asked. "Eeyep." Applejack said. "He tried to flirt with me at first, and then he just grabbed me out of nowhere." "...Yeah, that constitutes as self-defense there. Stallions should know better than to just grab a woman out of nowhere like that." Sunset said. "At least Flash is courteous to ask if he can massage Twilight." "Sounds like the two are getting serious." Rarity said. "I wouldn't be surprised if they started outright dating soon." Sunset said. "It's way too soon for marriage." She added. "Why do I have a bad feeling you're going to eat your words in a few weeks from now?" Applejack asked. Filli Vanilli add-on "Can't believe this. I go to Canterlot to introduce Starlight to my mother and then I find out that you made her touch Poison Joke ON PURPOSE. If this wasn't because of Big Mac losing his voice; and FYI, I will be giving him a talking to about challenging Pinkie Pie of all ponies to a Turky Call competition later; then I'd be sorely upset with you, Rarity. But you took things way too far after that." Sunset said. "I do apologize for the incident." Rarity said. "Well, just to make sure you don't get carried away like this a second time, Fluttershy, I think you have a new helping hand with your animals for the next three days." Sunset said. "Wait what?!" Rarity asked. "You went overboard with Fluttershy being effected by Poison Joke; and really should've cured her as soon as Big Mac regained his voice. But you didn't do that and instead, made Fluttershy do things she's not comfortable with doing. So, I think you owe her some compensation." Sunset said. Rarity groaned. She learnt her lesson today: Don't take advantage of your friends, or Sunset will make you regret it. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies Add-on Sunset had to take some time to recover from being a Breezie more then the other Ponies. Still, she was laying down with a smile on her face. It took Fluttershy a large amount of courage to do the right thing, which was to kick the Breezies out of her house. And what's more, it was the kindest thing to do too. Still, the amber unicorn couldn't be more proud of the usually timid Pegasus doing that. Ever since she was cursed to become Flutterbat at least once a month, Fluttershy has really started standing up for herself more. Leap of Faith Add-On "Seriously? Those two con artists were here while I was helping mom and Starlight come to an understanding over my brother?" Sunset asked. "Speaking of, how has he been on the other side of the mirror? Has Twilight or you checked?" Applejack asked. "I did. But it seems Sunburst vanished out of thin air. Remember, there was that one trip to the crystal empire I took when I knew the portal would be active, but I had to help the human counterparts of you gals take down those sirens. Thing is, Sunburst wasn't even there anymore. It seems he vanished into thin air." Twilight said. "...So Sunburst is missing. Again." Sunset said. "Better keep this to myself, because if mom finds out, I don't think there will be any stopping her from actually taking the easy way out this time." She said. "At least convincing her to move to the Crystal Empire was easy. I think the change of scenery instead of being where Sunburst was last will do her some good." "Why do I have a bad feeling about Sunburst?" Pinkie PIe asked. The main reason for the break today, is that Twilgiht was called to Canterlot. Which makes Sunset wonder, just what is going on in the world to warrant an emergency meeting like this. > Season 4: Episode 14 - Twilight's Kingdom AU Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Town, many years ago... A strange being with a staff that controlled the weather looked over his balcony at the town below. "This town is growing way too dull. It might be time to raze it." The strange being said. Suddenly, his doors flew open. "That's not going to happen, Storm King." A Raichu said. "Your tyranny over our town ends here." He was accompanies by many Pokemon of all sorts of different species. The creature called the Storm King frowned and beared his teeth. "Marrondo Voltage...I shouldn't known that you would rally the town like this." The tyrant said. "I should've killed you when I had the chance." "Well you won't be killing any 'mon any time soon. Your tyranny is down." Marrondo said. Together with the townsfolk, the creature known as the Storm King was run out of town. Ponyville, Present day... "...Grandpa..." Raiden said, reading over the files about Lightning Town's past. There was a Pokemon there in the library with the rest of the elements and Team Strikers. "Not sure why, but the chief wanted me to get this to you." The Manectric said. "Said it'd clear up why your family was so influential." "Heh. Guess heroism runs in Raiden's family. His grandpa stood up against the tyrnanical Storm King, and then Raiden was influential for me to be able to get info on the Elite Four and their hiding places." Lightning Said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Rainbow Dash asked. "After Raiden tanked that lightning strike meant for the mayor's house, Marina of all 'mons was the one who told me everything about the gangster mob hideouts and even where to find the Elite Four. She was so trustworthy of me, that she really should've seen my big backstab coming a mile away." Lightning said. "So Marina made a mistake then? That doesn't sound like the Mawile whose been killing animals and leaving their dead bodies to rot." Fluttershy said. Sunset's eyes widen. "...Milissa. Even now, she's still fighting. Flamer Jackson was right: There's still a chance to stop her violent ways." Sunset said. Suddenly, Twilight came in. "Girls, Raiden...we may need to be ready. Just in case." Twilight said. "What do you mean? What's going on? What did Princess Celestia want?" Sunset asked. "It's a magic draining centeur known as Lord Tirek. Princess Celestia wants us to be on guard in case Discord fails to bring him in." Twilight said. "...Yeah that's not going to happen." Sunset said. "While we wait for Discord to come and give us the good news, we should really look into that chest. And we've all had our moments of having ourselves tested by our own elements." "Wait Sunset, that's it! Everypony, grab the things you got, and meet me at the chest." Twilight said. "...Wait, what did I say?" Sunset asked. The group met Twilight at the chest. "So, why did we need to bring our things?" Rainbow Dash said, holding NIght Wing's Wonderbolt Cadet Pin. The Shadowbolt Commander was there too. "I think Equestria's newest Princess has figured something out." Night Wing said. "Something like that. It's what Sunset said that made me realize that, we've been going about looking for the keys to this chest the wrong way. Pinkie PIe, why don't you put the rubber chicken Cheese Sandwich gave you on the chest?" Twilight asked. "Okie Dokie Lokie!" Pinkie Pie said, and did so. Suddenly, Boneless 1 was turned onto a key and inserted itself into the chest. "Huh. That was something Pinkie Pie got when Cheese Sandwich wanted to impress her." Rainbow Dash said. "And I got this pin from Night Wing for sticking to my own personal beliefs of loyalty." She said, putting the pin on the chest. Sure enough, it turned into a key too. "Got this bit from Silver Shill who I helped with honesty." Applejack said, putting the bit on the chest; which became key number 3. Rarity put the rainbow spool on the chest for key four, and Flutterhsy put the Breezie Flower on it for Key 5. "So, what about you and Sunset?" Night Wing asked. "Not exactly sure if this'll work..." Sunset brought out the torn drawing Jackson dropped. "But Jackson did drop this torn drawing when I confronted him about Milissa's multiple personality issues. Which was after the staged wedding of Twilgiht and Flash." She said, putting the torn drawing on the chest which became key number six. "Huh. Guess that torn page would be a reminder of the day you started falling victim to you let your own emotions get the best of you." Twilight said. "So all that's left is yours then." Sunset said. "But I don't recall Twilight being in a position where she'd be tested on a magical level." Night Wing said. Suddenly, Discord began to crawl to the group, injured and teeth marks all over him. "Th-the princesses...you've got the worn them..." Discord said. "Discord?! Discord, what happened to you?!" Fluttershy asked. "It was that Mawile...it was Marina..." Discord said, passing out. He dropped a single torn necklace, which Twilight picked up. "Discord must've gotten this off Lord Tirek during the struggle with him and Marina. I've got to worn the Princesses." Twilgiht said, flying off. "So, what was that about Discord not failing?" Raiden asked Sunset. "How was I supposed to know he'd team up with Marina?!" Sunset asked. "...Fair point." Raiden said. To Be Continued... > Season 4: Episode 15 - Twilight's Kingdom AU Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was getting Discord healed up. "Seems his powers were striped from him completely." Fluttershy said. "I was only expecting it to be just Lord Tirek. I was not expecting the Mawile." Discord said. "But Discord's capable of breaking reality. Just how on earth can Marina be able to overpower the lord of bucking chaos!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Rainbow! Laungauge!" Rarity said. "She's got a point though." Applejack said. "I barely know what hit me myself. She was capable of summoning these like, ghost jaws out of nowhere..." Discord said. "Ghost jaws? That's not possible." Raiden said. "You Pokemon are capable of doing all sorts of things. So how in Equestria is Marina being able to summon ghost jaws impossible?" Rainbow Dash asked. "And another very solid point from Rainbow Dash." Applejack said. "I play a lot of video games." Rainbow Dash said. "Because Mawile don't have that kind of capabilities to begin with. Trust me, that sort of thing is usually reserved for Ghost Types." Raiden said. "Raiden, did you forget? Mawile are part Fairy Types." Lightning Said. "Oh I haven't forgotten. But have you ever seen a fairy type summon ghost jaws out of nowhere?" Raiden asked. "I guess I should be more specific: That Marina as you call her, the ghost jaws she summoned, looked like that strange iron jaw she usually lugs behind her." Discord said. "Not sure what it's called." "...Okay, yeah, now even that is beyond a Fairy Type, let alone any ordinary Ghost Type. We're talking something on the same power scale as a Dragonite or a Tyranitar now." Lightning said. "I'm afraid this information conflicts with my own data." Deca said. "Sometimes, I forget we still have a walking talking computer program." Raiden said. "Deca is much more then some computer program." Fluttershy said. "Deca's not wrong. There was something...strange about the strange orb she wears on her neck." Discord said. "When I still had my magic, I could sense something...inside of it. I just was unable to tell what exactly." "Orb? How was some one; Pokemon or otherwise; able to put an orb around their neck?" Sunset asked. "Wait, tell me more about this orb you saw. Was it small? Did it have the colors of a Mawile maybe?" Lightning asked. "Now that you mentioned it yeah. It was pretty small, and it did look like it had the colors of a Mawile." Discord said. "...So there ARE still some of those around." Lightning said. "You know something about that, bud?" Raiden asked. "It's something father told me about. When humans still existed, they would use these strange things to make Pokemon transform. Some made Pokemon became super sized. Others made Pokemon perform some sort of crazy super move. But the most notable one were these small objects that contained the colors of specific Pokemon. These objects were actually created long ago when a human known as AZ ended a huge Pokemon Civil War by firing The Ultimate Weapon. The resulting Pokemon Deaths and the energy that caused those deaths, had the remaining life energy of those Pokemon turn into small little orbs that gained the colors of the Pokemon it was created from." Lightning said. "So, Marina has essentially the essense of a dead Pokemon on her neck. Yeah, that's not creepy at all. Obvious sarcasm is obvious." Rainbow Dash said. "Even still, some humans were able to take advantage of those stones by creating what they call Key Stones. These Key Stones allowed a Human and a Pokemon holding those orbs; known as Mega Stones; to allow the Pokemon to undergo Mega Evolution. It's not really evolution though, since it's just more transformation. But Mega Evolution makes Pokemon change into brand new forms." Lightning said. "With Diancie being the only exception to having a Pokemon of it's past die out from the Ultimate Weapon of course. At least, from what I've observed and catergorized." Deca said. "Right. Diancie is a special case. But, with every other Mega Evolution, the Mega Stone would make a pokemon much stronger, and sometimes gives them either new types, new abilities, or even both." Lightning said. "Of course, I'm guessing that's why Awakening Seeds do that sort of job now, since Humans no longer exist." Raiden said. "Yeah. Arceus created those. Plus, every Pokemon can use those. But not every Pokemon will go Mega when they injest one." Lightning said. "Still, I thought for sure there would be none of those Mega Stones left by now. Arceus has had several Pokemon; who are called Arceus' Bishops; go around and destroying the Mega Stones since them laying around would be dangerous." "So, your saying we should find a way to remove that Mega Stone from Marina so she can't go Mega?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yeah. And so we can destroy it. It'd be doing the entire world a favor getting rid of it. Plus, that's one less Mega Stone Arceus' Bishops have to worry about." Lightning said. "I wonder who gave her such a thing to begin with though." Sunset said. She had some suspecions, but nothing concrete. "Does it really matter where she got it? All that matters is that we take it and break it." Rainbow Dash said. > Season 4: Episode 16 - Twilight's Kingdom AU Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the ponies began to plan, they noticed that Lord Tirek was approuching them. And just as he got there, Twilight appeared too. "Lord Tirek!" Twilight shouted. "Hmm...interesting..." Lord Tirek said. "You can feel it right? How she has all the alicorn magic? I did warn you that if those alicorns were smart, they'd use Equestria's newest Princess to try and distract you." Marina said. She was on Lord Tirek's back. "Marina..." Raiden said. "Ah Raiden Voltage. And I see Lightning is with you too. Good. I can kill him while Lord Tirek is here." Marina said. "Lord Tirek, do whatever you want with the other Pokemon; but Lightning is mine. It's because of him my glorious mafia empire crumbled." "As you wish, Miss Marina." Lord Tirek said. "But the Alicorn Princess...I don't know if I have enough magic against her while she's has all the Alicorn magic." He said. "Tch, remember what I said before? I came prepared, remember?" Marina asked before taking out a Mega Stone. "That's not the Mawile Mega Stone. That's the Ampharos Mega Stone." Luxray said. "This Mega Stone has some draconic energy in it. It should be more then enough to give Lord Tirek here a jump start on his magic and be able to get your alicorn friend into an exausted state." Marina said before letting Lord Tirek aborb the mega stone's energy. Before their eyes, Lord Tirek grew to a much more swelled size. "He-he looks like if he just aborbed the magic of two hundred ponies at once." Sunset said. The Mega Stone was destroyed by this process. "It's destroyed?!" Lord Tirek was confused. "Of course it was destroyed when you absorbed it's magic you fool; you drained it of it's power. Therefor, the Mega Stone WOULD self-destruct from draining it." Marina said. "Besides, does it really matter if it was broken from the drain or not?" She asked. "...I suppose not in the end." Lord Tirek said. "And what good is that, really?" Twilight asked. "Your about to find out, Princess." Marina said, almost spitting on the last word. "Lord Tirek, deal with her first!" She said. "Gladly." Lord Tirek said, before readying himself for battle. Magic Draining Centaur Lord Tirek Lord Tirek was using much more then the energy beams to deal with Twilight, there were even bolts of elecricity he was able to shoot. "Since when could a centaur do that?!" Raiden exclaimed. "Never." Rainbow Dash said. And then Lord Tirek unleashed a purple draconic flame from his mouth. "Fire Breath too?!" Spike exclaimed. "Heh heh, what did you expect? Lord Tirek here absorbed the magic of a Mega Stone. Therefor, he now is able to command lightning and raw draconic energy like any Electric or Dragon type Pokemon." Marina said. "Hmm...honestly, I could get used to being able to do that." Lord Tirek said. "And so long as these Ponies don't have a way to return the magic you stole, you'll have more then enough time to get used to it after we take over Equestria." Marina said. "I like the sound of that~" Lord Tirek said. "How greedy can this guy get?" Sunset asked. Twilight's eyes flashed a rainbow color as did the pendent she took from discord. "That's it! Of course, he's focusing on just one target...but I have friends with me." Twilgiht said. "Oh please. Once Lord Tirek is done with you, their magic is next. And your the only one who can challenge him right now." Marina said. "Your right. Only I can challenge him...right now." Twilight said. "Wait, why are you agreeing with me?" Marina asked. Twilight smiled before she started sharing her magic with her friends. "Wait, what's going on? Since when could an alicorn do this?!" Lord Tirek exclaimed. "Just because I have all the alicorn magic, doesn't mean I alone have to use it. So, I'm giving my friends a power boost." Twilight said. "Twilight..." Sunset said, almost feeling proud of her surrogate sister. "No! That's not possible!" Lord Tirek said. "Friendship makes anything possible, Lord Tirek!" Twilight said. Suddenly, without warning, the necklace flew off to the Tree of harmony, where it turned into a key. All at once, the keys turned themselves, and out came a rainbow power that powered up the ponies even further. "What in the Distoration World...?!" Even Raiden, a normally stoic Raichu, was flabbergasted by this. "Oh this is bad now..." Lord Tirek said. "Gah, of all the lousy...no matter!" Marina said. "I had a back-up plan in place just in case you could do something like this." She said. "You intend to fight against this much magic?!" Lord Tirek exclaimed. "More accurently, we are." Marina said, before taking out a second mega stone. "Hey, that's the Mega Stone for Diancie!" Lightning said. "Heh heh, a Mega Stone that was created from when Diancie mutated from a Carbink. A mega stone made for a mythical Pokemon such as Diancie should give Lord Tirek more then enou--" Marina was cut off, when Throsten suddenly slammed into her at top speeds, stealing the mega stone from her in the process before crushing it. "I'm glad I got here on time. Princess Celestia sent a message just in case." Throsten said. "Drat! That was my last Mega Stone!" Marina said. "What about the one on your neck?" Discord asked. "Wait...THERE'S ONE ON HER NECK?!" Lord Tirek was shocked. "Whoopsie, time to exit stage left." Marina said. "I know when this battle is lost." "You mean you were just using me?!" Lord Tirek exclaimed. "Don't be too mad; I've done it lots of times." Marina said before suddenly vanishing in a puff of purple smoke. "...Okay, I don't even remember Mawile being able to do that; Mega or Otherwise. Something fishy is going on here." Raiden said. Lord Tirek remembered what he was up against. "...Mommy..." Lord Tirek said. One Rainbow blast later, the magic was returned. "Well, I have to thank you I suppose." Discord said. Princess Celestia soon came, the alicorn magic going back to it's rightful owners as a castle soon grew out of the ground from the box. "I believe that is your castle now, Twilight." Celestia said. "I suppose it's time to take Lord Tirek back to Tartarus now." Luna said. "Going to have to veto that. Lord Tirek's already broken out of there once already. Whose to say he won't do it again?" Throsten asked. "Do you have a better solution? One that doesn't involve killing him, perhaps?" Celestia asked. "Actually, I do. In fact, I planned ahead. I simply called in a favor." Throsten said. Suddenly, a black void opened up behind Lord Tirek before some kind of black shadow emerged. Shadow goop drooped from this new figure, before it's true identity was revealed. "G-Giratina?!" Raiden exclaimed. "Wh-what is this thing?!" Princess Celestia asked. "That's Giratina, a Pokemon whose gravity powers were so out of control, Arceus had to banish it to the Distortion World." Lightning said. "So, what's this powerful Pokemon going to do exactly?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Glad you asked Rainbow Dash; I asked Giratina if she would be so kind as to trap Lord Tirek in the Distoration World." Throsten said. "That will be a much tougher prison for the centaur to break out of." He added. "Um...out of curiousity, what's the distortion world like?" Princess Luna asked. "Oh trust me, you don't want to know." Throsten said. "I braved the place and rescued Giratina from it." "...I almost want to go against your decision to do this, but I do realize that perhaps, this is the better alternative. After all, we cannot be certain that Tirek will not escape Tatarus again." Celestia said. "Exactly." Throsten said. "Well then, Giratina, Lord Tirek is all yours." Princess Celestia said. "Don't mind if I do." Giratina said. "...Mommy..." Lord Tirek said. > Bonus Scene > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "One moment Giratina. I have a question I would like to ask about the Distortion World before you drag Lord Tirek away to it." Princess Celestia said. "The question wouldn't have anything to do with the concept of time would it?" Giratina asked. "Err...yes. Yes it does. How did you know?" Celestia asked. "Because I know where Tirek was. Don't worry, time doesn't really have a meaning in the distortion world. Meaning time will not effect Lord Tirek while he's inside of it. I should know. I once trapped a human in the distortion world, and when I brought them before Arceus after he made his whole declaration of all humans with un-pure hearts are to be killed, I told him about the human who was trapped in the distortion world and the human was proptly booted out and killed by Arceus's Judgement attack." Giratina said. "And that human had been there for thirty years yet didn't age a day." "...Well that's convenient." Sunset said. "Of course the Distortion World is a lot harder to escape from since it's my playground essentially. Both figuratively and litterally." Giratina said. "It's nice to have a dimension where I can just go nuts with my gravity powers." "...Me thinks Tirek will go insane being in there." Twilight said. "Better then him escaping Tartarus for the second time and wreaking havoc on equestria for the fourth time." Throsten said. "True." Celestia admitted. "Wait, you know about the ancient times when humans existed alongside our ancestors?" "Arceus explained it to me." Throsten said. "...That makes more sense." Celestia said. > Season 5 Prologue - Pre-Friendship Games > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Future Spike hovered his writing quill over the book again. This next part was difficult for him to write down, due to how messed up things would get in this part. But steadying his resolve, Future Spike began writing again. What happened next was something none of us were prepared for. Not even Princess Celestia could've seen something like this coming. Such an innocent gift...tainted by something otherworldly beyond belief. I am getting a head of myself though... was written down. Twilight was thinking back to that point when she had went to the human world three days before her staged wedding with Flash Sentry in order to stop the suitor requests coming enmass. She had received a message from H Applejack that a group of girls called The Sirens had come to the school and were utilizing magic. So Twilight went over, and that was when she had heard about how Sunburst basically went AWOL. Sunset was back now with Starlight. This couldn't wait right now. "Sunset, we need to talk." Twilight said. "What's up?" Sunset asked. "It's about Sunburst. I know I told you he went missing, but Principal Celestia; the Celestia from the human world; put the word out and just got back to me. Not a single being from that world has seen neither hide nor hair of Sunburst since his defeat that one time." Twilight said. "So Sunburst is missing. Again." Sunset said before sighing. "No one dare tell my mom about this. If they do, not even I might be able to stop her from killing herself over Sunburst going missing this time." "Isn't that a bit dark?" Starlight asked. "She was starving herself to death. Whose to say she won't try a quicker solution if this gets back to her?" Sunset asked. "...Point taken and received." Starlight said. Meanwhile in the human world, the human version of Sunset Shimmer was going through Crystal Prep School hoping to get to Instructor Rex's personal off-campus labatory to talk with him today, when sounds of a Pokemon battle could be heard coming from that location. "...Let me guess, Principle Cinch has decided to try and defeat Instructor Rex in a Pokemon battle today?" H Sunset asked. "Seems that way." One of the students said. H Sunset managed to come up on the lab just as the battle ended. There, she saw Principle Cinch practically on her knees in pure defeat. "That's your third loss in a row Cinch. I've told you before, your not capable of ever defeating me." Rex Lauren said as he walked up to his currently active Pokemon, which Sunset recognized right away as a Zangoose. "I...I thought that Smeargle was your ace...I mean...that's what makes the most sense!" Cinch said. "You thought wrong. You really thought you could force me to stay with Crystal Prep with a battle Cinch. And you know that's the only thing I take at face value. But you've dug your grave enough these past few years. You should be thankful I don't trust the justice system, otherwise you'd be loosing your job faster then your school wins the friendship games." Rex said. "Your seriously going to accept that job offer from Canterlot High?! They don't deserve someone of your talents." Cinch said. "Sometimes, those that don't deserve something, get that something they don't deserve. That's the way it goes, Abacus Cinch." Rex said. "I'm transferring to Canterlot High following the conclusion of the Friendship Games, and that's final." "...Fine. I just need your protoge to do me one little favor first." Cinch said. "I know about her studies into the magic that's coming from that school. And I...I want to give her something that might help those studies." Rex cocked an eyebrow. "This is new, coming from you, Cinch. I never pegged you as the type to accept something like that at face value." Rex said. "Who said I am? Besides, if it turns out there never was magic coming from there, then that's a closed book scenario, don't you agree? But if there is magic there, and they use it to cheat at the friendship games, that's a really bad look for them." Cinch said. "You even try to shut down the school Cinch, or even get it's funding pulled, and you can bet your sweet ass that I will turn over all the evidence I've gathered on you over to the authorities. So don't even try to do that." Rex said. "Fine...but all the same, I'm curious to see if your protoge can understand that magic. It might be something to look into." Cinch said. "This doesn't change anything, Cinch." Rex said. "I've already given her a gift that'll help by the way. I expect you and the two sisters to be at the Friendship Games as attendees." Cinch said before leaving. "...She never learns, does she Instructor?" H Sunset asked. "No. No she does not. Did you get your mom to sign those transfer papers I sent with you last night after class?" Rex asked. "She couldn't sign them fast enough." H Sunset said, handing over signed papers. "It's almost like she was waiting for such a tranfer. The fact that your funding the transfer of both me and Twilight is something else." "You've been putting in just as much work of learning how to use Pokemon move pools to your avatange. Speaking of, is that Terrastilization study paying off?" Rex asked. "I still need to do a few more tests. Considering how much this project would mean for you and your father Sparky if I get it to work right, I want to make sure it's the best it can be." H Sunset said. "That's what I like to here." Rex said, as the two entered the lab to find a human version of Twilight in a science outfit there with a familiar Snorlax. "Rex, are you sure you want to trust Abucus Cinch's device?" H Sunset asked. "It could prove useful. It might even lead to a breakthrough on the Terratilization studies." Rex said. "So be ready Twilight." "I'll be ready sir." Twilight said. > Season 5: Episode 1 - Friendship Games Ending Change > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sis! Stop this!" Sunset said. "Please..." "Twilight!" H Twilight's Dog Spike suddenly spoke. This stopped Twilight's magical rampage and calmed her down. Rex quickly took the magical clam and absorbed the stray magic into it. Though D Spike was still able to talk. "Guess that must be a side effect from being in one of those rifts caused when Twilight went all cookoo from the magic." Rex said. "Twilight...I know researching this magic was a pet project, but I think it's best that...we stop any more usage of it until we know more." "Speaking of, I have half a mind to go to the school board and get them to shut down this school for what happened here today. Unless of course, you forfeit the compition to my school." Cinch said. "Seriously? Your going to black mail Canterlot High?!" H Sunset exclaimed. "Hold this for me." Rex said, handing the magic clam over to Principal Celestia and then grabbed Cinch by the arm in a griplock. "Wait, where are you taking me?" Cinch asked. But she received no answer as she was dragged into the gym. "Wonder what that's about?" H Rainbow Dash asked. "Oh, Rex has had it out for Cinch for a long time now. But I hope he doesn't do anything drastic." H Sunset said. "MY LEG!" Everyone was suddenly silenced as they heard Cinch screaming as a crash came from the gym. Rex soon emerged solo from the gym, dusting his hands. "Where's Cinch?" H Shining Armor asked. "In the gym buried under some gym equipment. I suspect she's going to be on crutches for a good, long while. Just enough time for me to put all her crimes in front of the school board. She'll be lucky if she only losses her job from how much she's been getting away with for so long." Rex said. "Trust me, I've dug deep into her history. Let's just say, I wouldn't be surprised if she goes to prison, but I'm not holding out hope on that front." "Still, standing up for this school was enough reason to solidify your contract with us for me." Principle Celestia said. Rex then noticed Principle Celestia was not holding the magic clam. "Wait, where'd that clam holding all the magic go?" H Rainbow Dash asked. "Looking for something?" It was Marina the Mawile, and she had the clam. "I have to hand it to Cinch. she came up with the perfect thing for me to finally enact my ultimate plan. And I'm going to make sure, you have front row seats to it!" Marina said, before using the magic inside the clam to start tearing the fabric of the world apart. "Everyone, stick to each other; I'm warping us out of here!" Rex said, suddenly pressing a button on the device H Twilight made for him. Meanwhile in Eqeustria, Twilight, Sunset, and Starlight came in through the front door of Twilight's Castle, only to find a lot of ponies passed out in the entrance way. Only one was conscious. It was Rex in Pony form. "...I can explain everything, but would you mind telling me why this castle was empty when we got here?" Rex asked. "Funny you should mention it. How about you tell us your story after we tell you ours." Twilight said. > Season 5 Interlude: Book of Human Things & Pokemon Techniques > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the Book of Human Things & Pokemon Techniques... Ultimate Weapon: This weapon was created by the ancient king of Kalos known as Az. It used the life force of many Pokemon to revive the king's beloved Floette and end the war that cost the Floette her life. As a result of firing the weapon, both Az and Floette were granted eternal life. Not even Arceus's omnipotent powers could overide Az's immortal life once humans were deemed too ill fit to mingle with Pokemon. As a result of this, Arceus has AZ stashed in the Hall of Origins with his beloved Floette. Az's Floette had returned to him when a human managed to restore Az to the Pokemon lover that he was prior to building the Ultimate Weapon. The remains of the ultimate weapon are also now on display at a public museum alongside a statue of Az and his Floette as a message for future generations. Mega Stones: As a result of the Ultimate Weapon, the life force of most of the Pokemon who died when Az used the Ultimate Weapon to end the Great Pokemon War between the Kalos, Galar, and Paldia regions after Az used it to revive his Floette turned into these Mega Stones. Not all of the Pokemon who lives were ended by that blast became Mega Stones though. Still, once humans were deemed ill fit to continue existing, Arceus created Awakening Seeds to bypass the need for these things. To this day, the Mega Stones are being hunted down by a group of Pokemon under Arcues's orders to destroy them all called Arceus's Bishops. Any Pokemon caught using one of these to Mega Evolve instead of an Awakening Seed is to be considered a wanted criminal by order of Arceus themself. Key Stones: Stones used by humans to trigger Mega Evolution. After humans were made extinct by Arceus's hand, these stones became useless. They are not as fragile as the Mega Stones. A substantial reward is offered to any Pokemon who turns any Key Stones they find into their local police stations, despite how pointless these things are. The reward in question is three Awakening Seeds. Z Rings: While also made useless due to the lack of humans, these things were created so Humans could work together with Pokemon to perform moves of great power. Just like Key Stones, any Pokemon who turns one of these things in is given a reward of three Awakening Seeds. Z Crystals: Ironically, these things can still be used and; unlike Mega Stones; are not illigal to be used. That's because Arceus had made it so they take a day to recharge their power while also enabling Pokemon to be able to use these on their own now. However, despite Arceus not making them illigal outright, there are some cities and towns that do consider usage of these crystals within city/town limits a crime that results in a 100,000 Poke Fine. Often times, the places that do carry a 100,000 Poke Fine are places where property damage is highly probable. Dynamax Bands: These bands are similar to both Z Rings & Key Stones in that while they are also inoperable by Pokemon, and that any turned into local authorities will have the Three Awakening Seed reward mentioned before. These bands were used by humans to control a Pokemon's ability to Dynamax/Gigantamax while a Power Spot is detected. Dynamax & Gigantamax: Despite humans no longer able to control this phenomon, Dynamaxing & Gigantamaxing still exists to this day in the Gala Region (one of the few regions that kept it's human given name) thanks to Eternatus. Eternatus now makes sure Pokemon that do undergo Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing are able to control themselves but if they can't, Eterantus will personally help Zacian, Zamazenta, and Calirex in calming these out of control Pokemon. While every Pokemon can Dynamax while near a Power Spot, certain Pokemon have a Gigantamax Factor that will make them change form completely while Dynamaxed. Ironically, while most Pokemon glow Red when Dynamaxed or Gigantamaxed, when Calirex dynamaxes; either atop one of his noble steeds or not; he glows blue. Terrastilization: While humans made devices that allowed for this phenomenon to occur outside of Area Zero, reports of it still being able to happen inside Area Zero are still occurring to this day. Reports of this happening outside of Area Zero located in the Paldea region have not been documented yet, so it's unclear if this can still be done without human help or not. Investigation is required. > Season 5: Episode 2 - Stormy Skies Part 1 (The Cutie Map AU)) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight closed the book she had gotten from Lightning. This was around five hours before the Friendship Games would start up in the Human World. "Wow, the humans sure did a lot." Twilight said. "Yeah. Z Crystals are probably the only true accisable thing. While they were originally exclusive to the islands of the Alola Region, Arceus convinced the Tapus to allow the crystals to be more wide spread to the rest of the world. The day long recharge is a consequence of that process though." Lightning said. Soon the rest of the main six and Raiden entered. "So, why'd you need me to round up the rest of the girls again?" Raiden asked. "I was hoping that, with my friends help, we'd finally be able to figure out what this map is for." Twilight said. "True. This holographic map of all of Equestria is something else." Lightning said. The girls began to sit down as Bart & Minx entered too. "I've got a system in place in case we need to go somewhere far." Fluttershy said. "That's Fluttershy, always prepared." Rainbow Dash said. Once the ponies sat down in their respective seats though, suddenly the thrones all glowed and then, holographic versions of their cutie marks started flying over the map. "Whoa! What's this?" Twilight asked. "Facisnating. It seems to be a detection system of some sort." Lightning said. "Father said humans used these all the time." "Are we ever going to meet this father of yours?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I've been wondering the same thing myself, actually." Raiden said. "You've never once told me who your father is. You always tell me he's still alive, unlike your mother." He added. "Maybe someday I'll introduce you." Lightning said. The holographic images stopped over a small town. "Huh. Wonder why our cutie marks are there, when we are in Ponyville." Pinkie Pie said. "Maybe we should go there to find out." Twilight said, pointing to the place in quesiton. "Hold up there, Princess, your not going without Lightning or I there with you." Raiden said. "Why? I don't need a baby sitter." Twilight said. "The place on the map your being summoned to...that's our hometown, it's Lightning Town!" Raiden said. "Wow. We're actually going to be going to Lightning Town?! Sweet!" Rainbow Dash asked. "Don't see why Twilight needs to bring you and Lightning along to see your hometown though." "For once, Ah agree with RD: Ah can't see a reason why you two need to accompany her; she's got her friends with her." Applejack said. "Because Lightning Town has a strict anti-royalty policy; your position as a Princess means you hold no authority there. Even with the mafia gangsters gone, there are a few 'mons in that town who wouldn't hesitate to injure a visiting royal of any sort. The only one whose become safe from that is Throsten, but that was because he exposed the truth about Lightning's undercover work." Raiden said. "Which in turn, rekindled our friendship like it never left in the first place." "He was only a Prince still at the time, and he wanted to prove to his entire family once and for all that he wasn't like he was before. He did that and then some." Lightning said. "Woof..." Twilight said. She had much more respect for Throsten now. The gang soon arrived on the outskirts of Lightning Town. On Raiden's guidance, they were going to stop at an orphanage outside the City Limits that was part of the Lightning Strike Orphanage Chain to check in on it and it's caretaker a female Alolan Raichu named Rain. However, the group soon found a familiar Manectric standing guard outside the orphanage: Cheif Marison, the one that brought the file on Raiden's Grandpa. "Ah ha! Caught you!" Marison said, pointing a paw at Sunset. "What?" Sunset asked. "I knew you'd come to this place soon. Reports of an orange unicorn who looks just like you has been going around terrozing the children of this town. Well, that stops today. You are hearby under arrest." Marison said. "You've got the wrong Unicorn, Cheif Marison." Raiden said. "Look, no offense Raiden, but whose to say it isn't her?" Marison asked. "I am." A new male voice said. Suddenly a male Luxray appeared. He looked like an older version of Lightning. "Because she can't be in two places at once." He said. "M-mayor Sentry...what do you mean she can't be in two places at once?" Marison asked. "Because while your here, about to falsly arrest this Unicorn Mare, I just recieved word that the unicorn responsible was spotted near the old in-town orphanage terroizing a few of the children. Several officers tried to detain him, but he got away from what I heard. And that oprhanage is a good thirty minutes from here. And that JUST happened a minute ago." The Luxray said. "Oh..." Marison said. The Luxray turned to Lightning. "And isn't this a treat? You don't call, you don't write...we'eve never even interacted with each other since that day I chose your safety above all else." The mayor said. "Yeah...I should probably do better then this huh. I should really let go of that, since you were actually being a good father and doing what you thought would be better for my safety in the long run, rather then being the mayor." Lightning said. "You know the mayor?!" Marison exclaimed. "I was about to ask a similar thing." Raiden said. "...Raiden, Ponies...this is the mayor of Lightning Town, Mayor Flash Sentry." Lightning Said. "...And...he's also my biological father." All the ponies were stunned. "Wh-WHAT?!" Every pony and 'mon outside of the father and son suddenly shouted at once. "Wow, not even my Pinkie Sense saw THIS doozy coming." Pinkie Pie said. To be continued... > Season 5: Episode 3 - Stormy Skies Part 2 (The Cutie Map AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deca's Notes We had just learned that, in the Pony World is Flash Sentry is not only not a pony, but rather a Luxray, he is also Lightning's Father. This means that for all this time, we had been hanging around the son of the mayor from Raiden's own hometown; the very same one where he had become so famous from. And now...this is the continuation... "Let me see if I got this straight: The same father who casted you out from his family, effectively making you an orphan all those years ago, was the mayor of Lightning Town?!" Raiden exclaimed. "On that day that I had done that, it was the day after I had recieved a blackmail letter from Marina the Mawile. Yes, you heard correctly: She had contacted me personally." Mayor Sentry said. "'You have a choice to make, Mayor Flash Sentry...' the letter had stated. 'Either give us full autonomy of Lightning Town, or I'll personally find that son of yours, and kill him myself.'" He quoted. "It seems, that the gangsters had discovered my one weakness, my Achilles heel if you will. Since my wife had passed away during child labor, my son was the most important thing to me, surpassing that of even the town itself." Sentry said. "...So you did the only thing you could do to protect him: You cut him out of your life and made him legally an orphan. That way, Marina couldn't kill him as he was no longer legally your son." Sunset said. "Yes. I didn't care if doing so would end up in my death rather then his if I did that and still refused to hand over my authority to the mafia gangs." Mayor Sentry said. "My plan worked though: My son was safe, and because I had made Lightning no longer legally my son, Marina couldn't kill him since as far as she and the town were concerned, I had no son for her to kill." "I know why you did it dad. I just wish you would've at least, found some way for me to help you." Lightning said. "I didn't want you involved in this town son. I didn't want what was going on to be something you should become responsible for. I never wanted you to have that kind of life. You deserved better then that. And yet, you got involved anyways, in the best way possible." Mayor Sentry. "...That was ironically probably my proudest moment as your father." "Wait a second, Cheif Marison said that the unicorn looked a lot like me, right?" Sunset asked. "Yeah? That's what he said." Rainbow Dash said. "...Then that means the criminal can only truely be one pony..." Sunset said and ran off. "Sunset? Sunset get back here!" Twilight said, rushing after Sunset. The others followed, even the mayor. Marina was soon petting the now ponified Sunburst. "Such a good boy. Probably my best partner yet. Thanks to your efforts, I'll have no problem launching my master plan now." Marina said. "I aim to please." Sunburst said. "You don't seem too upset I keep getting spotted though." "Heh heh. Actually, that's working in my favor for my master plan. But don't worry, you're playing such an intergural role, that I'm sure going to make sure you are recognized for being such a crucial part of my plan." Marina said. "Marina! And Sunburst!" Sunset said, the entire group soon arrived with her. "Marina...so, your behind this unicorn." Mayor Sentry said. "Sunset?!" Sunburst exclaimed. "YOU HAVE A BUCKING SISTER!?" Marina exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked. "Because my plan, was to frame my own sister." Sunburst said. "...Huh. Actually, that's kind of smart. That only makes it easier for me to pull off my master plan." Marina said. "Your not going anywhere Marina. Playtime's over." Sunset said. "I suppose I am bored of just doing nothing for this whole time. But I assure you: Playtime is FAR from over!" Marina said. Sunburst got away from the action quickly. Suddenly a bunch of the orphans showed up. "Wait, your not starting this battle without proper music. Hit it!" One of them said. Deca then brought up something on a holoscreen. Crime Boss Marina the Mawile Deca's Power Level Reading: 898,000,000,000,000 "What's with that power level reading?" Twilight asked. "Chat later, fight now!" Raiden said. Twilight barely dodged a ghost Mawile Jaw that came out of nowhere. "...Noted." Twilight said. Ghost Mawile Jaws were just the opening act. Marina was teleporting around the general area they were fighting in, sometimes even coming out of nowhere as she rushed them with her jaw forward but unopened attemting to ram them with Iron Head. Suddenly out of nowhere though, Marina brought out a doll and suddenly began to roughhouse it with a dust cloud traveling towards one of them for a while before stopping. "She's able to just...use Play Rough like that?! What's with these powers?" Lightning said. The ponies were fighting back all the while though. Using magic, rocks, and kicks while avoiding Marina's various attacks. They were winning though. "Huff...okay, your good. Have you been training? Forget I asked, that's a retorical question with Raiden there." Marina said. "You get to go free today, but next time we meet, I'll be going full throtle." Marina said. "If you think your leaving Marina, you've got another thing coming." Raiden said. "You should savor your victory." Marina said, before suddenly she brought out a strange clam. "Because every victory has it's price." She added before using the clam to summon...Sparky?! "What the...she dragged Rex's father from who knows where?!" Rainbow Dash said. "You may have beaten me here..." Marina said, before she put something on Sparky's cheeks. "But Lightning Town will fall today!" "What did you just put on Sparky?" Sunburst suddenly asked. "A little device that'll force him to use Storm's Rage. That'll cause a thunderstom that'll level this entire city and everything close to it's center within a hundred miles. And it'll happen in a few minutes from now." Marina said before grabbing Sunburst. "That should give you enough time to get everyone away from here in time. Or don't. It's your choice." Marina said before she disappared in purple smoke with Sunburst in Tow. "No...I won't allow this!" Raiden said as he suddenly started spritning. Sparky suddenly unleashed Storm's Rage out of nowhere, breaking the device used on him in the process. Passed out, Twilight grabbed him in her magic just as a thunderstom came into existence. "Bad news: Marina wasn't joking about that thunderstorm: It's going to level everything from within one hundred miles of Lightning Town's Center where a statue of Raiden sits. Any pony or Pokemon caught in that destructive wake is going to die." Deca said. "No...you don't think..." Mayor Flash said. "He's Crazy! Not even Raiden could withstand a thunderstorm of that magnitude! Not without dying in the process!" Twilight said. "I...I think he knows that...and he doesn't care..." Lightning said. "...He won't allow Marina even the slightest victory..." "Raiden!" Twilight yelled out. They saw Raiden suddenly tank the thunderstorm fully, and drop to the ground, seemingly dead. "...No..." Sunset said. "He-he has to be dead from that right? No way he could survive that." Rainbow Dash said. "He ain't dead yet." It was Rain from the orphanage. "I just need to do this..." She said before she suddenly hit Raiden with a Thunderbolt which somehow, revived him. "Ugh...how am I not dead?" Raiden asked. "You were near death, but I brought you back." Rain said. "No hero of Lightning Town is going to die on my watch." "Huh...so, how can I thank you?" Raiden asked. "A date at a local resturant would be nice." Rain said. "...I'm in." Raiden said and went off with Rain. "...Why did he just agree to that?" Twilight asked. "Because she didn't ask for his hand in marriage, that's why." LIghtning said. "I think Raiden's just gotten himself a girlfriend." "SERIOUSLY?! Raiden gets a special somepony; or in this case, a special somemon; before I do?!" Sunset exclaimed. "Sunset, your emotion's showing." Twilight said. "Right. Sorry. Still, that was the last person I expected to get a special somepony before I do." Sunset said. "What about Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked. "...I have no further comment at this time." Sunset said. "Got it recorded." Marina said, putting down a video camera. "So...you knew all along he was going to do that huh? And somehow by miracle of miracle survive?" Sunburst asked. "Yep. And that plays into my plan perfectly. Soon, all legendaries will no longer be allowed to control common Pokemon." Marina said. "Wait, that's your big plan? Make all common Pokemon rise up against the legendaries?!" Sunburst exclaimed. "Yep. And cause a war against Legendary Pokemon." Marina said. "No...no I never wanted that..." Sunburst said. He then used his magic to destroy Marina's camera. "You! Do you have any idea what you've just done?!" Marina excalimed. "The right thing. You can't cause a war without evidence to back up your philosophy. There's a line not to cross, and you were crossing it. Hard." Sunburst said. "I only wanted to either frame my sister for a crime she didn't commit, which is impossible now, or make her into my slave while I ruled Equestria. I never wanted to start a war that would've killed thousands. That's just going too far!" Suddenly, Sunburst was caught by Marina's giant jaw. "You really, really shouldn't have done that..." Marina said. Suddenly, the scene shifts back to just after Twilgiht, Sunset, and Starlight found Rex and the unconcious ponies at the castle. "...We later found Sunburst's dead body outside the city. He had ended up another of Marina's victims. Another death in her path of bloodshed." Twilight said. "Then it seems...we are after the same villain." Rex said. He then told them of what happened in the human world. "That...that bitch!" Sunset said. "Sunset! Langauge!" Twilight said. "I don't bucking care! That Mawile was already on my hit list from when she killed my brother. Now she's endangered the human world into collapsing if we don't get that magic back." Sunset said. "My brother was right after all: She's crossing the line hard." "Since it seems we are after the same enemy, perhaps it's best we work together then?" Rex asked. "We could really use that help. Marina must be stopped if we wish to stop her war. Thankfully Sunburst had left that audio file that played back his talk with Marina before she killed him. Must have been something from the human world." Sunset said. "Mom was pretty upset when she heard that Sunburst was killed though. However, I promised her, I'd bring Marina to justice; some way, some how." "Hmph. The justice system is overrated. But I shall assist in capturing her." Rex said. To be continued... > Season 5: Episode 4 - Broken Normalcy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset, Starlight, and Rex were enjoying some time. The suddenly ponyized humans sans Rex were currently being kept at Twilight's castle to avoid confusion with the world. Twilight had gone up to Canterlot to speak with Celestia, Luna, and Cadence to talk about what Marina's grand plan is and what to do about it as well as some advice on what to do with the ponyized humans. However, Rainbow Dash suddenly came down from the clouds with Gilda. "Sunset, your not going to believe who I just spotted outside town." Rainbow Dash said. "Was it Marina?" Sunset asked. "Nope. It was Lightning Dust." Rainbow Dash said. "Didn't you say to me that that pegasus is still wanted for the tornado stuff?" Rex asked. "In a sense. She is going to have to serve time for all the reckless endangerment stuff she's been doing. But right now, she was seemingly with a Pegasus colt. So she's probably just on a babysitting job. Probably not a good idea to be arresting her while she's in proximity of a child." Rainbow Dash said. "Is that all? I'll deal with this then. I've got a way to get that child away from her." Rex said, and then left with Sparky following close behind. "Are we sure Sparky should be allowed to roam so freely? I mean, we saw what his power almost did to Raiden." Starlight said. "Maybe so, but Sparky went on a destructive rampage the last time he was threated with imprisonment. Best not to try that. Besides, that was more Marina's fault then Sparky's thanks to her little device." Sunset said. "I may not be able to understand what Sparky was saying verbally, but I could tell, whatever that device was, it put him through a lot of pain." "The emotions thing again huh? Your getting good at telling those." Rainbow Dash said. "Wait, what's this about not being able to understand Sparky?" Gilda asked. Sparky was soon passing by the group, playing chase with the colt Lightning Dust was with. However, despite hearing the Colt's playful giggles clearly, Gilda couldn't understand a thing coming from Sparky. "...Huh. What do you know?" "It's probably got something to do with how he was fused with a Rotom. The way that he was made into what he is now must've made him unable to be understood by almost every pony and Pokemon alike." Sunset said. "Rex seems to be the only being in all of existance who seems to be capable of understanding him. Must be a blood thing." "Wait, what blood thing?" Starlight asked. "Did we forget to mention that Sparky is Rex's biological dad?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Well I didn't even know much about Sparky until now so...no comment." Gilda said. "I've been here for how long now, and your just telling me this now?!" Starlight exclaimed. "I guess it just never came up before now...sorry Starlight. Guess we just forgot. That happens sometimes. No pony is immune to it." Sunset said. "Guess you've got a point there." Starlight said. "MY WING!" A shout from Lightning Dust suddenly made foursome approuch Lightning Dust and Rex, the former of which now has an obviously sprained Wing. "Wh-what did you do?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Made sure this Pegasus wouldn't be getting just a slap on the wrist for her crimes. I didn't want that colt to end up as another of her victims." Rex said. "What are you talking about?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Oh that's right. No pony would know because her personal files were sealed." Rex said, before suddenly bringing out a criminal record with his magic. "Well, I've personally unsealed them." He said, using his magic to make sure Sunset could grab it with hers. "...What the..." Sunset gasped. "Five counts of arson, fifty counts of reckless endangerment BEFORE her time at Wonderbolt Academy, sixty-nine counts of of endangerment towards children, two accounts of assault, accidental murder, assult with a deadly weapon, murder by proxy in the sense a pony drove themselves to suicide because they were bullied by the subject...and this is just page one!" "Where are the other pages?" Gilda asked. "Trust me, this first page is enough." Rex said. "Seems Lightning Dust's father paid millions if not billions of bits making sure his daughter didn't see a single second of jail time." Twilight soon approuched the group. "So that's all--WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED HERE?!" "It's all the same. Both in this world, and the other, it's all the same: The justice system lets criminals like Lightning Dust get off with merely a slap on the wrist." Rex said. The rest of the elements soon arrived. "What's going on here?" Applejack asked. "Look, just because the justice system didn't do anything before, doesn't mean they can't do anything now. You should trust the system." Sunset said. "Trust the system? You want me to trust the system?!" Rex suddenly looked unhinged. "You want to know how exploitable your 'system' is? When my mother was killed during the raid that was done to recapture my father, the soldier responsible for her death wasn't even reprimanded. In fact, I learnt he was later given an honorable discharge. Honorable my flank. That man was a murderer, killing my mother in cold blood because she refused to corporate with authorities." He explained. "So don't give me your friendship talk, or tell me to believe in the system. I have my own ways of making sure Criminals pay for their actions. These criminals deserve to be punished and punished harshly. But every time, they can get away with murder simply because they believe themselves to be above the law in every way possible. So that's why I decide to do what any justice system won't do: Punish the criminals." Rex said. "Besides, I mearly broke one of her wings. Lightning Dust will live." He said. "But most Pegasi practically depend on their ability to fly to live a normal life. Take that away, and they will have a hard time surviving." Rainbow Dash said. "Yeah, I know Fluttershy's an exception, but that's because she found a way to survive without needing the ability to fly. She can still fly when push comes to shove, but she mostly doesn't do flying like other Pegasi depend on their ability to fly to survive." "Thank you Rainbow." Fluttershy said. "Wow, you actually said the plural form of Pegasus right for a change." Twilight said. "Your interupting her moment." Gilda said. "Moment's over. I ain't afraid to get my hands dirty when it comes to dishing out punishments towards criminals." Rex said. "Fine. Guess it's time to rematch your team then. We've been training with Raiden since our last encounter." Rainbow said. "Interesting. Then let's see just what you've learnt. Just know this: Regardless of what you think, I believe all criminals should have a bad time." Rex said. Broken Normalcy: https://youtu.be/5jFPOe5rkTU?si=V8Q8caHxA7QhV2AR Wounded by Justice Vigilante Rex Lauran Rex began by sending out his Linoone first. "No commands need to be given by me this time. My pokemon will be going nuts as much as possible." Rex said. True to his word, the Linoone began using water, electric, and something else in his attacks. "That's a fighting type move known as Rock Smash. Be on guard." Deca said. Despite the attacks being more unpredictable now, the Linoone went down. Rex's second pokemon was new though. Twilight recognized it as a Furret. The Furret was digging underground, using the grass itself to attack, and was even using a punch attack that was Fire elemental in nature. After it went down, next up was Rex's Delcatty, which was using Water Pulse, Shock Wave, and Ice Beam. "This guy really thinks of everything, doesn't he?" Rainbow Dash asked. After Delcatty went down, came in the Pokemon that the group was told about: Smeargle. "Your sending your ace out now?!" Sunset exclaimed. "Who ever said Smeargle was my ace?" Rex asked. "It is what makes the most sense, with how many types of moves your Pokemon know." Applejack said. "No. I can tell his ace is something much more personal. We need to be ready for it." Twilight said. The Smeargle was unleashing Psychic Energy, a ball of pure poison, and even some fairy magic. However, once it was down, Rex smirked. "Well you've made it this far, but you should know: I was taken in by my ace Pokemon as a sort of, surrogate father. And he raised me as his own. So, now you witness my Zangoose!" Rex said, before sending out the same Zangoose that Abucus Cinch had faced. Suddenly, Rex pressed a button on his machine and was now a human. "This is going to be a great field test for this new function." Rex said, before showing off he had a Z-Ring with a Z-Crystal inside. "He's got a Z-Ring?!" Twilight exlcaimed. "Every pony, watch out!" "It's no use; you can't defend against this Z-move that I requested on behalf of the Tapus of my world to help get my father back." Rex said before he activated his Z-Ring and the crystal inside. Rex began making motions before suddenly Zangoose went zipped right up to Gilda. "What the--" Rainbow Dash said. Before any pony could do anything, Gilda was knocked up into the air and then repeatedly hit by what appered to be a bunch of chops from many angles, before the Zangoose pulverized Gilda into the ground. Gilda was injured and made unconcious. Not dead though, just injured and unconcious. "B-by Queen Faust, that's powerful." Rainbow Dash said. "Consider this battle a draw for now. Obviously, your not ready to take on my true strength yet. But next time, we really will finish our battle properly." Rex said before turning back into a pony with his device and walking off with his Zangoose close behind; Sparky soon going after them. Just how strong was Rex's Zangoose really? It had to be crazy strong if it could do this with a Z-move. No wonder it was his real ace. > Season 5: Episode 5 - Barrier Breaker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rex's Z Move had actually attracted the attention of Arceus themself. Gilda was currently undergoing treatment for her injuries, and Lightning Dust while also arrested, was having her wing mended. "That was not like any Z Move from the video of Z Moves you showed me Lightning. I should know, I memorized the whole thing." Twilight said. "Of course you would do that." Sunset said. "But that video I gave you was the one my father gave me. So if Rex's Z Move wasn't on the tape, you have to ask why." Lightning said. "Because Rex and his father don't exist in this version of events." A god voice said. Suddenly, what appeared before them was none other then Arceus themself! "L-lord Arceus! You've never made a personal house call before." Lightning said. "The Arceus from the human world had informed me that Marina had caused that world to start to collapse. Right now, that Arceus is keeping the ones who weren't there when Rex pulled the ones at Canterlot High here in a state of suspended animation at the Hall of Origin." Arceus said. "Marina is becoming too great of a threat to ignore even for me if she's capable of pulling that sort of stunt." "Starting to wonder if Marina even is an alternate personality of Milissa with how much we've been learning about Marina." Sunset said. "Especially sense, I could sense some kind of...ghostly presence in Marina's voice." "Something to take note of then, just in case. Regardless, I am unable to interfere at this stage right now. I am counting on you to find a way to stop whatever her big plan is." Arceus said. "Apperently, Marina wants to start a war against legendary Pokemon. That's what she said to Sunburst in his audio file." Sunset said. "...Wait, let me listen to this file." Arceus said. Sunset played it. Afterwards, a forelorn expression crossed Arceus's face. "That voice...that's impossible..." Arceus said. "You recognize Marina's voice?!" Raiden exclaimed. "That...is not Milissa's real voice. In fact, she's being possessed by the spirit of a Mawile long thought dead: Marina the Merciless Mawile. She was infamous for how she killed her victims. And by now, you know all too well how her victims died; one of you has even found how merciless she really is." Arceus said. "The animals in the Everfree Forest..." Fluttershy said. "They...they were drained of their blood, and then their bodies were just...left there to rot." "Exactly. She was so brutal, many humans began to hunt her. For once, that was the one time I was glad humans were there. However, they found her too late: She had met her end in quicksand." Arceus said. "So, did a version of Marina exist in the human world then too?" Twilight asked. "I did ask after Marina the Merciless's death; and it seems that a version did exist. However, in the human world, Marina had been successfully captured by the humans, and was personally executed by that world's Arceus in front a gathering of humans and pokemon alike." Arceus said. "That's it! That's the divergance!" Sunset suddenly shouted. "I beg your pardon?" Arceus asked. "I've been wondering for a while what would make our world turn out the way it did from the human world, and what you just said explains it. In one version of events, Marina was executed by a version of you publically after being successful captured and brought to pay for her crimes. But in another, she was lost to a patch of quicksand and thus, humans never would learn the consequence of growing too greedy." Sunset said. "That can't be everything though right?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Perhaps. I would need to compare more notes with this alternate version of myself." Arceus said. "For now, there is one more reason for my visit: Rex's Z Move. It was created by the Tapus and authorized by the human world's Arceus. It's called Barrier Breaker. It's a Z Move that upgrades the moves Fient and Brick Break into a super powered attack. This Z Move is super powerful, so safty measures were put in place for commercial use of the Z Crystal." Arceus said. "However, make no mistake: Trying to cast some sort of protection spell against that Z Move is pointless. Unlike most Z Moves which lose twenty percent of their power when they hit a pokemon protecting itself through the means of moves like Protect and Detect, Barrier Breaker acts like a combination of both Brick Break and Feint at the same time. It actually powers up if something is trying to protect itself by doubling it's power. It also powers itself up to double it's base power if the opponet currently has the effects of the moves Reflect, Light Screen, or Safe Guard up. All the while, it not only doubles it's power if these moves are used, but also removes the effects of those moves as well. It's extremely powerful, but after Sparky was calmed down, the Z Crystal was made weaker for commercial use." They explained. Suddenly they levitated a Z Crystal just like the one Rex had to Raiden. "Here. You may take a copy of the Z Crystal for yourself. Raiden has Brick Break, so he can use this same Z Move. Just remember, the day long recharge. This Z Move may prove useful in defeating Marina and knocking her spirit away from Millissa." Arceus finished. "Thanks you, Lord Arceus. We'll make sure to use this wisely." Raiden said. "I am counting on you to free MIlissa from the spirit of Marina the Merciless. You must do so before it's too late." Arceus said. "But...but what happens to Milissa? Wouldn't she be robbed of her childhood?" Sunset asked. "Not my concern." Arceus said before he disappeared. "...Welp. This Marina situation just got a whole lot crazier. But also much more serious too. If Arceus of all legendaries is practically asking us to take down Marina and save Milissa from the spirit's grasp, then we need to do everything we can." Sunset said. "I just remembered something..." Cheif Marison said. "What's up, Cheif Marison?" Raiden asked. "You said Milissa had a mega stone on her neck right? I just remembered: Supreme Chief Jackson had given a Mawilite to Milissa on her sixth birthday shortly before...the incident that cost her her mother happened." Marison said. "Aren't Mega Stones illigal to be used though?" Raiden asked. "Yeah. But Jackson said there was no way Milissa would dare use something she knew was outlawed. It'd be safter that way. It was meant as just some accessory, nothing more." Marison said. "...I think I just realized how Marina's Spirit possessed Milissa: The Mega Stone Jackson gave Milissa must have had the spirit of Marina inside of it!" Sunset said. "YOU MEAN ALL THIS STARTED BECAUSE OF A BIRTHDAY GIFT?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed before she fainted. "...She's really passionate about birthday parties huh?" Marison asked. "Eeyep." Twilight said simply. > Season 5: Episode 6 - Castle Sweet Castle AU > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ugh..." Twilgiht could be heard with her head on the cutie map. "Even with the ponified humans living her for the time being while we search for the possessed Milissa so we can save her from the spirit of Marina the Merciless, I know they'll be able to go home eventually." The purple alicorn said. "But just thinking of how empty the castle is going to be once they are gone is starting to hit me now even before we have a great plan on capturing the possessed Milissa so we can exercise Marina the Merciless from her." "I don't think I've ever seen you this distraught before." Sunset said. "Hey, I have an idea." Starlight said. She then whispered to Sunset. "Huh. That would be nice to do. I'll go get Flash Sentry." Sunset said. "...The one who came from the human world originally, not the Luxray whose in charge of Lightning Town." "Yeah that's going to take some getting used to." Starlight said. "Wow, I never expected you to be the one to approach me about taking some time away from the castle." Twilight said. "Hey, as your guard captain, it's supposed to be my job making sure you takes some personal time. Plus, from what I heard, your friends are going to be busy with personal projects today, so this is the perfect time for a date." Flash said. "What kind of projects are my friends working on?" Twilight asked. "Beats me. I only confirmed it with them." Flash said; thankful that Twilight couldn't detect lies like Applejack could. "Decorate Twilight's Castle?" Rainbow Dash asked Sunset. "Yeah. We're going to do some interior decorating today. I've got the Flash from the human world distracting Twilight with a date. So, hit me with some great things we could do to make this castle more homey for Twilight." Sunset said. "Even I'm having a difficult time deciding on something that would just scream Twilight, so...hit me with whatever ideas you got." "Wow, Sunset having trouble with her surrogate sister? That's a new one." Rainbow Dash said. "Rainbow Dash, that was just rude!" Applejack said. "Sorry." Rainbow Dash said. "I wonder if her realization of cabin fever may be because she still has memories of the Golden Oaks Library." Fluttershy said. "...Hey, that gives me a great idea. C'mon everypony, I've got a plan!" Rainbow Dash said. "Rainbow Dash has a plan? Why do I feel like this could either be something really good, or really bad?" Sunset asked. "Yer not the only one, partner." Applejack said. As the sun began to set, the two lovebirds returned to the castle, only to find a new chandeliar made from a similar oak to the golden oak library hanging above the map. "Oh hey, we were just finishing up here." Rainbow Dash said. "You all helped make this?" Twilight asked. "Yeah. That way you could remember all the things we did in the Library. It's not the exact same tree, but we found a nearly dead one from the same oak that grew that library to begin with." Rarity said. "We created these memory crystals so you could look back on the times we spent at the Golden Oak's Library any time you felt like it. Sunset helped Rarity make them." Fluttershy said. "Gems are my speciality after all." Rarity said. "It's...it's perfect. It's just what the place needed." Twilight said. "Though, one thing: Pinkie Pie couldn't help but hide a few of her party cannons around the place. So...do be careful of that." Rainbow Dash said. "What can I say? I made hid them so well, not even I could find them now!" Pinkie Pie said. Every pony laughed. "Oh Pinkie..." Twilight said through her laughter. > Season 5: Episode 7 - Time Marches On (Bloom & Gloom Replacement) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset was with Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner helping out with the Baby cakes. "Thanks for the assist Sunset. These two can get wild." Pinkie Pie said. The cakes soon arrived back from their grocery run. "Oh Sunset, seems you came by to help Pinkie Pie." Mr. Cake said. "Yeah. There was a bit of a mix-up with one of the recipies you left Pinkie Pie and the twins got sick. Like, really sick." Sunset said. "Trust me, you should be glad you weren't home to see that mess." "Yeah. It was quite the mess. So much so that I had to get some extra hooves to clean it up. Hope you don't mind." Pinkie Pie said. "Not at all. It's our fault for not double checking. I wondered why the list we brought looked more like a recipe then a list of the things we needed at the market." Mrs. Cake said. "So that explains why there was a mention of seven tulips on the list." Pinkie Pie said. "Wow. And that didn't jump out at you as odd?" Sunset asked. "Well the cakes have been running this place for much longer then I've lived here so..." Pinkie Pie said. "...Touche." Sunset said. "Hey, why are your cutie marks glowing?" Mr. Cake asked. Soon, holographic versions of Sunset and Pinkie's cutie marks starting flying away. "Hey, come back Cutie Marks!" Pinkie Pie said. Sunset used her magic to hand over the Baby Cakes. "Seems we better go chase our floating Cutie marks. See you later Mr. and Mrs. Cake." Sunset said and followed after Pinkie Pie. The two ponies soon followed the holographic cutie marks to the map room where Twilight was waiting. "I got here as soon as I could. Seems this map was able to ping my magic to let me know that it was summoning ponies. Looks like it's you two this time." Twilight said. "The last time the map summoned any pony, it turned out to be a friendship quest that clued us in on what Marina the Merciless was doing. So, is this going to be another quest like that?" Sunset asked. "Wait...why are our cutie marks hovering over Lightning Town again?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Not sure. Perhaps there are still some friendship issues there that requires just the two of you to go. Seems the map wants you two in particular to solve whatever leftover issues from when Sunburst was working with Marina to tear the town's friendships apart." Twilight said. "I'd like to go with. Rain's asking if we could have another date, and this would be the perfect way to go have another." Raiden said. "...I...may have really enjoyed the date last time..." Every pony in the room rolled their eyes. Sunset and Pinkie Pie had let Raiden off at the Lightning Strike Orphanage outside Lightning Town, and the duo then proceeded to find the mayor. "Oh! Sunset and Pinkie Pie." Mayor Flash said as the two entered his office. "Put my ten o'clock meeting on hold for the time being. Two equestrians are here." He said into an intercom suddenly. "Yes Mayor." A female voice answered over the intercom. "Cheif Marison filled me in on the whole Marina situation. To think, all this time...a six year old girl has been possessed by the spirit of a merciless killer long dead." Mayor Sentry said. "...I can't imagine it'll be easy for that girl to reintegrate into society, having her body flung twenty years ahead of her mental age..." "I'm sure once we save Milissa from her possession, Supreme Cheif Flamer Jackson will be more then willing to assist there." Sunset said. "He seemed...very adamant about doing something he should've done twenty years ago..." "Yes. I know that incident from twenty years ago still haunts Flamer Jackson to this day. However, he recently sent me a letter that was essentially him resigning from his position. Saying that what he needs to do goes beyond the call of duty, and is something he needs to see through to the end personally." Mayor Sentry said. "I accepted the resignation of course, a cop is never supposed to get this involved in a case..." He then sighed. "But this one time...I am making an exception, and will authorize Flamer Jackson's early retirement from the force so he can take Milissa and give her the life she was robbed of. Miracles have happened before, and I have no doubt one will occur again." The Luxray Mayor said. "Speaking of why we're actually here, have you noticed anyone bottling up their emotions lately?" Sunset asked. "Or maybe, you've possibly seen someone need some cheering up? Seems there's still some friendship trouble around here." Pinkie Pie said. "...Actually, there is one thing that might be related. Follow me." Mayor Sentry said. The Luxray Mayor had brought the duo to the wrecked orphanage inside the city limits. "While the Lightning Strike Orphanage branch outside town has allowed the remaining orphans from the Mafia Gangster period of our town's history to have a place to go, ever since Marina the Merciless had almost killed Raiden, I noticed it seems the townspeople were beginning to lose trust in one another all over again, just like just before the Mafia Gangsters took over. We were only in such a state once before: When the Storm King took over our town and ruled it with an iron claw." Mayor Sentry explained. "It seems to me, like history will repeat itself, and we'll just end up in a second Mafia Gangster Period." "Not if we can help it. We just need to find a way to give the citizans hope again for the future." Sunset said. "Good luck with that. You'd need to do something akin to what Raiden's Grandpa and Raiden himself did to inspire that kind of hope in this town." Mayor Sentry said. "Wait...that's it! Pinkie Pie, I have an idea, but I'll need your building expertise to make it work." Sunset asked. "Wait, how did you know I have building permits?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Because your you. It'd be stranger if you didn't." Sunset said. "Can't argue with that. Let's build whatever it is your thinking of building!" Pinkie Pie said, suddenly putting on a hard hat she got out of her mane. "Where did you get that hard hat? And what building permits?" Mayor Sentry asked. He was suddenly smacked in the face with building permits Pinkie Pie had stowed in her mane. "Okay, how exactly are you able to put so much stuff in your mane?" Mayor Sentry asked. "Word of advice Mayor: There's a rule in Ponyville about Pinkie Pie." Sunset said. "Really? What rule would that be?" Mayor Sentry asked. "That you shouldn't ever question Pinkie Pie." Sunset said. "...That's a pretty sound rule..." Mayor Sentry said after he witnessed Pinkie Pie take an entire steel guarder out of her mane. The mayor quickly signed the permits without a second thought and let the mares get right to it. Three days later, the ponies then revealed the big project that folks had become interested in. "Citizans of Lightning Town, I figured that the best way to give you hope...was to not only remind you of what hope you've already been given, but remind you of why you were given that hope." Sunset said. "I present to you, the Lightning Town Museum." She said, and the tarp over the now repurposed Orphanage was taken down. Ponies and Pokemon alike soon began to go inside to get inspired. Within minutes, they were all chatting, being friendly, and even taking photos together. "I can't believe it..." Mayor Sentry said. "I've never seen the town like this in my entire lifetime. It's...it's so wondrous and beautiful!" He added. "You two did a really good job." Raiden said, coming up with Rain. "You even gave me an excuse to have a THIRD date so soon after the second." "Yeah, I think the townsfolk are going to be inspired to hold onto hope for years and years now." Rain said. "You've done good." "Thanks. We did have to move the Raiden Statue inside here, but I think it was worth it." Sunset said. Suddenly, the flanks of both her and Pinkie Pie glowed. "Oh! I think that means we solved the issue here." Pinkie Pie said. "You two have become real heroes today. In fact, I think this museum could use one more statue..." Mayor Sentry said. A bit later, he unvieled a new statue: One of both Sunset and Pinkie Pie, memorialized as the founders of the museum. However, meanwhile, a weakened Chrysalis began crawling her way to Ponyville, accompinied by Thorax and Pharynx. "We got to warn those ponies. That freaking Mawile is insane!" Thorax said. "For once, I'm in agreement. Even the Queen is." Pharynx said. "Dear god, we barely got her and most of the changelings away from that...that monster!" He added. "I...must...make it...gotta warn..." Chyrsalis. "Easy there. Let us help you." Thorax said. He then knocked on the door. Twilight answered. "What the...what happened to Chrysalis?!" She exclaimed. "You...you need...to be warned..." Chrysalis said. "A-a monster...a pure psychopath..." She then fainted from her injuries. "CHRYSALIS!" Twilight exclaimed. "YOUR HIGHNESS!" Pharynx exclaimed. To be continued... > Season 5: Episode 8 - The Ponyville Orphanage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a seemingly normal day out across Equestria. There didn't seem to be anything wrong going on today. Which was a nice change of pace. If anything, things were about to become pretty great for Ponyville in a few days. "Your seriously going to let the Lightning Strike Orphanage absorb the orphanage in Ponyville?" Raiden asked. He and Team Strikers were in audience at canterlot with both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. "After it was discovered by Soarin during his Shadowbolt Testing that the Ponyville Orphanage was under poor & abusive management, I promptly had the current pony in charge of the orphanage arrested on foal abuse charges." Princess Luna said. "After all, ponies that were attending that orphanage were suffering constant nightmares all resolving around abuse." "So, it while the pony in charge of the orphanage has been changed, with how well received your Orphanage chain is considered outside Equestria's borders, I took the matter of orphanages found within Equestra to the High Council. And they all agreed: Better to have some pony, or rather, some 'mon, whose well known for having the best interest of kids at heart take ownership of any and all questionable orphanages in Equestria." Princess Celestia said. "You must be doing something right if even the equestrian high council is singing high praises about your orphanage chain and how well the kids there are taken care of." "I grew up outside of an orphanage due to the the kind of place I grew up at. I didn't want any kids going through what I went through. That was why the orphanage became so widespread. Still, if even your high council is on board, then they have to admit that a non-pony is able to provide a better home for orphans then some other ponies." Lightning said. Meanwhile, at the E.E.A. there was one member who did not take well to this news. "I will not tolerate this." A unicorn stallion referred to as Chancellor Neighsay. He got out and got out of his office. "Chancellor, are you going somewhere?" One of the E.E.A. members asked. "I'll be gone for a while. So if some pony comes looking for me, tell them I'll be in Ponyville on official E.E.A. business." Chancellor Neighsay said. A few days later, Chancellor Neighsay would arrive at the Ponyville Branch of the Lightning Strike Orphanage. The stallion soon headed inside. "Chancellor Neighsay! What an unexpected surprise." The pony at the front desk said. "Where are those Pokemon?" Neighsay asked. "You mean Raiden & Lightning? They're in the back with a few of the kids. But I wouldn't interupt what they're doing right now. Right now, it's music lesson time." The Pony said. "Music lesson?" For the first time in his life, Neighsay was confused. So he decided to take a peek through the doorway only to see many foals and one of Ponyville's local musicians there. "Wow, music sounds like it could be complicated." A colt said. "It can be, yes." Octavia said. "But don't get discouraged by that. When you get real good at making music, you can make something like this." Raiden said before playing a piece of music. "Yeah. And practically every 'mon and pony alike knows about the Orphan Band; a group of orphans who grew up at the LIghtning Strike Branch near Lightning City which is used to be the only location. Now it's the flagship location." Lightning Said. "Ooo. Do you think we might get to hear them?" A filly asked. Raiden laughed. "Who knows? You may get lucky." Raiden said. "Alright, that's enough." Chancellor Neighsay said. He suddenly barged in. "I will not have non-ponies running orphanages in Equestria Borders." He said. "Oh really now?' Raiden asked before he snapped two of his paw fingers. "You must be Chancellor Neighsay. I did my homework. And must I just say, that your policy that prevents non-ponies from recieving proper education is a load of Tauros Dung." Raiden said. "What's Tauros Dung, Mister Raiden?" A colt ask. "Better you don't know, for your own innocence." Lightning said. "You best not test me, I can and will have this oprhanage shut down if you don't relinquish it back to Equestria at once." Neighsay said. "Yeah no. That's not happening. Neither thing is happening actually." Raiden said. "I warned you." Neighsay said before he touched his medallion. But nothing happened. "What? Why isn't it working?!" He exclaimed. "See Chancellor, I have this ability to neutralize magic. And I had a feeling you'd try to do some to strong arm me. Well, that ain't happening around these kids. And I'd highly advise trying to get physically violent in front of some kids. Because I already have half a mind to take your policy to the High Council. So, why don't you walk away, and we can pretend this never happened? Because I don't think you want to look like you can't keep it together in front of a bunch of kids." Raiden said. Chancellor Neighsay sweetdropped. He was cornered without a second thought. If he did anything, that would warrent a full investigation by the High Coincil into his entire dealings, which would unearth the Ponies Only policy that he put in place and then he'd be in mega trouble. He'd be lucky to even have a job if he resulted to voilence here and now. "...Fine. You win this round, but I'll be back." Chancellor Neighsay said and left. Raiden snapped his fingers once it was confirmed Chancellor Neighsay wasn't going to try anything right now. "You think he'll find a way to shut this orphanage down, Raiden?" Lightning asked. "I have a feeling that he's no longer going to have the authority to do so." Raiden said. Neighsay teleported to the E.E.A. grounds where a bunch of High Council Guards were moving his things from one room to another. "Hey, what's going on here?!" Neighsay exclaimed. "Chancellor Neighsay; or should I call you Superintendent Neighsay now?" The High Council member asked. "Someone had approached us this morning with evidence that you were preventing non-ponies from recieving a proper education in Equestria's borders. So effective immediately, your pony only education policy is being veto'd, and you are being demoted back down to being a Superintendent." He said. "Perhaps this will get you to get your priorities in order before we consider removing you from the E.E.A. entirely and putting you in jail." "But...but that's impossible. I was with Raiden all day today. So who in Equestria put forward this evidence?" Neighsay asked. "Princess Luna, though the evidence was gathered by Soarin who is currently undergoing Shadowbolt testing." The High Council Member said. "...Wait, your telling me a PONY gathered that evidence?" Neighsay asked. "Ironic, isn't it?" The High Council Member asked. Neighsay could do nothing more then just faint on the spot after recieving that dose of irony. Meanwhile, while that conversation had been happening, some royal guards had a Pegasus Filly with them. "What's going on? What is this?" Raiden asked. "This Peagasus Filly was found with abusive parents. There was no room for her at the Manehatten Orphanage, so she's being transferred here." One of the royal guards said. "Does the poor kid have a name?" Raiden asked. "Cozy Glow." The other royal guard said. To Be Continued > Season 5: Episode 9 - Two Stories (Tanks For Memories Background) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Following day, Twilight was entered a different part of her castle where Pharynx, Thorax, and Chrysalis were waiting; the last of which had been nursed back to health over the past few days in secret since the damage done to Chrysalis was done by Marina the Merciless. "I'm more surprised that you would come to me, instead of one of the other Princesses." Twilight said. "Let's be real here: Princess Celestia would've probably sent me straight to Tartarus with both Pharynx and Thorax without a second thought. Princess Luna would've probably suggested turning me to stone before sending Pharynx and Thorax to Tartarus. And there's no way your brother was going to even let me have a single chance before he finished what Marina started and then who knows what would've happened to Thorax and Pharynx after." Chrysalis said. "You were quite the only logical choice to at least ensure the surival of my hive. I could care less if I'm ultimately turned to stone or sent to Tartarus once I'm done explaining what happened to my hive, but please, I beg of you to spare the rest of my hive. They were only following orders." "You are the one that's fully to blame for what happened, though you said that Marina attacked you?" Twilight asked. "Yes, that is what I said. It's that Mawile who killed that kobold from the wedding." Chrysalis said. "Marina the Merciless. I'll have to fill you in on what's been uncovered, and you can trasmit that to the rest of the changelings. And while I'll try to convince Princess Celestia that your hive should be spared from whatever punishment she deems fit for you, everything will be a decision all four princesses will have to make together so I can't make any garentees." Twilight said. "But I think the fact that the enemy of the changelings is currently an enemy of both Ponies and Pokemon alike will assist in making the case that only the queen of your hive shall be punished." "If Chrysalis is no longer our queen...then who gets to be in charge?" Pharynx asked. "I have no royal heir...in hindsight, I should've probably made one. So alas, the hive's leadership will default to the youngest female." Chrysalis said. "Occelus...she was just born before Marina attacked us. She's way too young." Pharynx said. "Well then until she's old enough, if I should be removed from power by the Princesses, then I am trusting the two of you to make sure the hive survives." Chrysalis said. "I care not how you do it, in fact, I'd rather you not cause any further trouble with the ponies. Focus on making sure the hive can survive. I could care less on how." "Right, let me do some explaining..." Twilight was about to begin when a knock occurred at her door. "I'll be right back." Twilight said. Meanwhile, the Pegasus Filly known as Cozy Glow was off on her own at the Lightning Strike Orphanage when Lightning approuched her. "So, still adjusting huh?" Lightning said. "Noticed you had a rook for a cutie mark. Do you like chess?" "I'm the best from Manehatten. No pony was able to match me." Cozy Glow said. Lightning got out a chess board. "Would you like to play a game while we talk?" He asked. "Only if you can solve a puzzle I made up first. Solve that puzzle, and I'll certainly consider you worthy enough to waste time on." Cozy Glow said. "The puzzle in question will be a situation that you could see in chess. You'll be allowed one move and one move only. The puzzle will be a situation where your king will be in check, and you must make the one move that'll either result in your king being unable to be put right back into check, or the move would result in checkmating your opponet." "Sounds like you have a lot of these puzzles in your head. Exactly how many have you made up?" Lightning asked. "About one hundred or so. We'd be here all day if you wanted to attempt them all though." Cozy Glow said. "Actually, I was only going to suggest making the condition more steep: I have to solve five of your chess puzzles." Lightning said. It took all of Cozy Glow's willpower to not do a spit take just then. "Are you crazy? You really believe you can beat five of my puzzles?" Cozy Glow asked. "Just watch me~" Lightning said. Meanwhile, Twilight had explained everything to Chrysalis and then informed Princess Celestia that a meeting between the four princesses needed to be made. "Can't believe it...a little girl possessed by something she was given as a late birthday gift..." Pharynx said. "Is there any hope for her?" Thorax asked. "I'm unsure. But I wouldn't bet against a miracle occurring. This just sounds like the sort of thing that would cause a miracle." Twilight said. "...For some reason, I believe you." Chrysalis said. Back with Lightning and Cozy Glow, Lightning had just managed to solve the fifth puzzle. "Wow. Your actually pretty good. Guess I'll entertain you for the time being." Cozy Glow said. "Told you I could do it." Lightning said. "I'll take white." He said. "That's good for me, because I do better on black." Cozy Glow said. "So, mind telling me why your parents were abusing you?" Lightning asked as he moved one of his knights. Cozy Glow raised an eyebrow at that opening move before she moved a pawn forward. "Actually it was mostly my father. He comes from a long line of rich Unicorn Ponies. My mother lied about her family herritage to marry into it, and it caused a lot of tension. Thing is, if he doesn't produce a unicorn heir before grandpa dies, he gets cut out of grandpa's will. But my mom doesn't want a second kid. So my father started abusing me, trying to get me to die so my mom would be convinced to have a second child. Only for her to recieve some of that abuse too." She said. "Of course now that I've been made an orphan because of what he was doing, the family money is no longer his to begin with." "You know, you could make a name for yourself amongst the chess community; I'd even help make sure you'd be able to handle the big tournaments." Lightning said, moving one of his own pawns this time. "Sounds tempting, but I don't know if I want that..." Cozy Glow said as she moved one of her rooks next. "Look, even if your not a unicorn, you can be influential in your own right. I hang out with Raiden, and he has the power to just make magic within a one hundred mile radius of himself be unable to be used. Well that, and actual Pokemon moves as well as items Pokemon are able to use." Lightning said as he moved another pawn. "So don't think you have to be magical to be good. Raiden and I practice battle a lot where he uses his special power just to toughen up." "I don't think your capabilities to do that correlate well into chess though." Cozy Glow responded by moving her rook again. "You say that, but then you fall into a trap." Lightning said, using the knight from earlier to capture her rook. "By the way, check; checkmate in two moves." He said. "Wait what?" Cozy Glow took a quick glance. Sure enough, she had no real response to the knight to stop it from capturing her king in two moves. "H-how? How did you do that? Not even I've ever managed to win as fast as that." She asked. "Well, I did have to basically live a lie for a lot of my devolopmental years. That was when I was undercover trying to sus out the Elite Four of the Mafia Gangsters because no one in town; not even the police force; had ever seen their face and lived to tell the tale. And after I rescued Raiden from being added to that list...I decided that I had to do something to finally put the lid on the mafia gangsters once and for all. And I did." Lightning said. "So yeah, I'm really great at doing some clever stuff." "...I have so much to learn..." Cozy Glow said, almost in awe of Lightning now. > Season 5: Episode 10 - Pokemon Bikes (Power Ponies Background) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While the Cutie Mark Crusaders wanted to help other ponies get a getter understanding of their cutie marks, it was Diamond Tiara who had mentioned something. "You know, I just realized: We have next to no knowledge about Pokémon. So if we come across a Pony whose special talent turns out to relate to Pokémon, we'll be dead in the water." Diamond Tiara said. "I guess you've got a point. But, who can we turn to to get that knowledge?" Scootaloo asked. "Actually, ah think we may know a couple of experts we can talk to." Apple Bloom said. "We do?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Ah'm talking about Lightning and Raiden of course. Who better to ask about Pokémon then actual Pokémon?" Apple Bloom asked. "She's got a point you know." Diamond Tiara admitted. "Plus, Lightning in particular seems to know a lot about the Legendary Pokemon. So, yeah, I guess that is a fair point." Scootaloo said. "Then let's go find them." Sweetie Belle said. The quartet found the duo with Fortus Vile who was being lifted onto the back of a strange Pokemon. "There you go, your getting it." Raiden said. "Hey, what's going on here?" Apple Bloom asked. "Just helping Fortus Vile out with getting onto this here Cyclizar. A discussion of bikes came up, and how humans would ride around on bikes." Lightning said. "Yeah, but then Fortus wanted to know if there were any bikes left from that period, which sadly, there aren't any human made bikes left; Arceus destroyed them all after the human extinction." Raiden said. "So then why is this Cyclizar going to be giving Fortus a Ride?" Diamond Tiara asked. "Because while most humans did make their own bikes, those bikes were made because of accounts from the Paldea Region of people riding around on Cyclizar. See, in that region, humans would ride around on Cyclizar to get from place to place. It's actually a symbiotic relationship, because Cyclizar love giving others rides." Raiden said. "And there just so happened to have been living in Ponyville for a while now. So, we just asked them for a favor, and they agreed." Lightning said. "Huh. I didn't know there were Pokemon like Cyclizar out there. Well, that's good to know." Scootaloo said. "Of course a Cyclizar isn't anything compared to the Paradox Legendaries of Koraidon and Miraidon. "...Me ride on?" Sweetie Belle said. "No, me Rydon!" A nearby Rydon said. "...I couldn't resist, sorry." "...Okay, that was just random." Lightning said. "Wait, why do you have to call those two Paradox Legendries? What's the difference between them and the other legendary Pokémon?" Apple Bloom asked. "Because it's unclear where they came or how they came into existence. Even Arceus themself is baffled by the how. And when the creator of the majority of legendary Pokémon says 'I have no clue where something comes from' then you KNOW there's nothing really known." Raiden said. "How can Arceus; the creator of...wait, what do you mean the majority of legendary pokemon? I thought he created all Pokemon. At least, that's what Miss Cheerilee taught us." Sweetie Belle said. "Yeah, I'm going to have to have a talk with her later about that. See, while it's believed Arceus created all Pokémon but himself, that's simply not true. Arceus created the majority of Legendary Pokémon. All the common Pokémon such as Raichu or Luxray actually originate from Mew which was the last Pokémon Arceus created before he took his five-thousand-year nap. Mew is special even amongst all other mythical Pokémon, in that it was given the DNA of all legendary Pokémon. The common Pokémon actually share a bloodline with the original Mew that Arceus created, as at some point, the Original Mew began to want other Pokémon to play with. So while Arceus snoozed, the Original Mew used the DNA it was given by Arceus to create the first more common Pokémon. And after creating enough, began to pair them up to propagate others. That eventually led to the Pokémon of today." Lightning said. "Of course, the Original Mew didn't stop there. Origin Mew; the nickname given to the first Mew; also created humans from it's own DNA too. But, what Origin Mew didn't know was that when it was finished, that it had used up the last of it's DNA, becoming just a regular Pokémon by the end. Completely undistinguishable from what it was before. So, Arceus decided to wake up a bit early and then create a second Mew. The knowledge of the Origin Mew eventually passed into total myth, which is why Mew are still considered 'Mythical Pokémon' even though they are much more widespread now a days." Lightning explained. "How does that answer my earlier question though? I asked why you're calling Koraidon and Miraidon Paradox Legendaries." Scootaloo said. "See, that's the thing: In the Paldea region, there's this place called Area Zero. It's where these things called Paradox Pokemon come from. The Paradox Pokemon exist thanks to the mysterious crystals found in Area Zero. The humans were unable to solve the mystery of the crystals, and not even Arceus knows how they formed in the first place." Raiden said. "But here's what is known about those crystals: After one human researcher went down there, suddenly Paradox Pokémon began to spawn in Area Zero. That human researcher became lost in Area Zero after being attacked by the Paradox Pokémon. Even now, the term 'Paradox Pokémon' has stuck to them like glue, because some look like they could be ancestors to today's Pokémon, while others look like they are cybornetic versions of the ones from today, so humans assumed they come from the future. And while Arceus is not fully convinced of that, when those same Pokémon continued to exist despite humans being made extinct, it made Arceus realize that the cybernetic Paradox Pokémon must originate from some kind of future where something will go horribly wrong with our environment." Lighting said. "Even Arceus does not know what yet, they want do all they can to make sure that the same thing cannot happen. It's likely the Paradox Pokémon from the ruined future will still remain around, as they have become trapped here because of those crystals." "Wait, those Paradox Pokemon can leave Area Zero now?" Apple Bloom asked. "Thanks to Arceus, they are able to. It was the least they could do since all Paradox Pokemon seem to be stuck here now." Raiden said. "Koraidon and Miraidon are special though. There were originally two of each, but two of them were brainwashed by a time machine discovered in Area Zero. Those versions of them were ultimately defeated and the Time Machine was decommissioned. However, when the Time Machine was decommissioned, the Paradox Pokémon became stuck here." Lightning Said. "That includes the Paradox Legendries themselves. So, Arceus has given Koraidon and Miraidon the task of keeping the more common Paradox Pokémon in check to make sure none get as aggressive as the Koraidon and Miraidon that were brainwashed by the Time Machine to defend it did." "Arceus did find out that Koraidon and Miraidon are absolutely blood related to Cyclizar though. Koraidon is an ancient ancestor that did much what Cyclizar still do. And Miraidon is a future descendent of Cyclizar, made cybernetic just like the other Pokémon that were made cybernetic; meaning it must come from the same apocalyptic future that the others came from. And since the Cybernetic Paradox Pokémon were still discovered to be coming through DESPITE humans becoming extinct, it means that something non-human created an apocalypse, but Arceus is still looking into the who, and what. Once that is figured out, the why should become obvious." Lightning said. Meanwhile, Marina the Merciless was sneaking into the forbidden Starswirl the Bearded section. "The blasted Sunburst...because of that stupid audio recording, all my plans are ruined here in the present." Marina said. "But I just have to have the ability to travel into the past. Before I figure out what I must change about the past to ensure my plans succeed, I will need a time travel spell. Many unicorns seem to praise Starswirl the Bearded for his magical talent." The Mawile said as she looked through the forbidden wing. "So that old unicorn has to have made a time travel spell. All I'll need, is the perfect Pony to modify it if need be. And I already know the perfect candidate who would do anything for Sunburst." A Dark look crossed Marina's face. "...Anything~" Marina added. To be continued... > Season 5: Episode 11 - What Time Forgot (Princess Spike Background) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a seemingly normal day in Ponyville where Raiden and Sunset were taking some toys to the Ponyville Orphanage. "Thanks for agreeing to help me get these toys for the children while Lightning is discussing things with his father." Raiden said. "You know, it's so strange to know that my best friend's father was the mayor of Lightning Town this whole time." "Sometimes life has a way of surprising you. I still remember how cruel my brother had become." Sunset said. "At least Starlight Glimmer has been mingling with every pony in town. It's sad that Sunburst and Starlight never got to reconcile. I guess not all childhood best friends can reconcile." Raiden said. "There's also the fact that Spike is up in Canterlot with Twilight who are going to be talking with Celestia about this whole sitaution with Chrysalis." Sunset said. Suddenly out of nowhere as the duo brought the last of the toys to the front of the orphanage, Sunset's Cutie Mark suddenly glowed and then a holographic image of it started heading for Twilight's castle. "A Friendship Mission? Now?" Sunset asked. "I'll come with. The toys can be brought inside by the staff from here." Raiden said. The duo was soon joined by Rainbow Dash and Night Wing, who ironically, were chasing Night Wing's Cutie Mark. "Okay, I can understand Sunset being here because of her connection to the elements, but why am I getting summoned?" Night Wing asked. "Beats me. The one time I wish Twilgiht was here." Rainbow Dash said. The Cutie Marks of Night Wing and Sunset were hovering over an area that looked rather barren. "Wait a second, I recognize that place: It's the area where there's a tribe of Pokemon & Ponies have been doing these strange practices for a long time." Raiden said. "Lightning and I went there once because we were given a job to investigate the place." "Well, it looks like Night Wing and I get to go there now." Sunset said. When the duo got there, Night Wing was quickly recognizing a few things. "Hey...this looks like a Wonderbolt Airtrip." Night Light said. "It's the same design as what we used for the Shadowbolt HQ's airstrip." "But then what's with all the stuff made out of wood and bamboo?" Sunset asked. "It looks like the stuff both Wonderbolts and Shadowbolts use for our practice drills & our training exercises, but it's just a bunch of replicas." Night Wing said. "Strangers are not--" A pony wearing tethered Wonderbolt garb said, before they suddenly gasped. "You! You wear material of the past. Not same color, but same design." The pony said. "Why is a unicorn using old Wonderbolt garb?" Night Wing asked. "You must be a Wonderbolt. Finally, prayers are answered! Come, come teach us your ways oh great being from the sky!" The Unicorn said. "Slow down here, first off, I think your getting confused. Second off, I'm only here because there seems to be a friendship problem here. So before we even think about teaching you anything, I need context. Lots of context." Night Wing said. "Oh of course. You must be decendent. That why you don't know us. Come, me show you two to village." The unicorn said. "...Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling about this?" Sunset asked. There were more ponies and Pokemon in the village centered around the airstrip; all of them wearing remnents of old Wonderbolt Uniforms. "What...the heck...is all this?" Night Wing asked. "There's not a single Pegasus amongst you; why are you wearing that Wonderbolt Garb?" "We were hoping sky beings would come back. They visited us long time ago. Built strange pathway you see here. Built other strange things. They do strange drills. They build strange devices. They somehow summon supplies from sky above. And then, they leave. They take strange devices with them. The strange drills stop. So we've been trying to summon them back. Because we want their miracle supplies. We've been waiting generations. You be sky being. You might be able to bring supplies back." The Unicorn host said. "...You think the pegasi are gods of some kind." Sunset said. "You've been...worshiping them all this time because of how rural your civilization is." "Do not speak of Sky Beings as if they are normal ponies. They are gods!" The Unicorn host said. "...I'm afraid, there's been a big mix-up with what you've been lead to believe." Night Wing said. "But I think me and my friend here can set you straight." She said. "You...you teach us great knowledge of the ways of sky beings?" The Unicorn asked. "Something like that..." Night Wing said. With some help from Sunset providing some magical projections, Night Wing was able to educate the populace on what exactly they had been witnessing, and then proceeded to tell them the cold hard truth about what they were witnessing. The brutal side they didn't get to witness. The ancient wars between Ponies & Griffons. It's what marked the foundation of the Wonderbolts and would give rise to Princess Luna's own Shadowbolts. The education took a few days, but ultimately, the ponies of the colony were now much more educated in what they didn't understand. "It's sad that you've been forgotten about all this time though." Sunset said. "When we get back, we'll make sure we tell Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about your colony. You might want to prepare yourselves though; they have both wings and a horn." "There be a race that takes Pegasi and Unicorns and mixes them together?" An Earth Pony asked. "Earth Ponies are also included in an Alicorn's magic pool, believe it or not. But just because they live much longer then we do, that doesn't make them gods. They are simply ponies who happen to have the benifits of all three tribes." Night Wing said. "But they are in charge of both the Wonderbolts and the Shadowbolts. Well, Princess Celestia is in charge of the Wonderbolts, while Princess Luna is in charge of the Shadowbolts. The later of which is what my uniform is of." "We keep that in mind, Captain Night Wing. Thank you for gracing us with all this knowledge." The Unicorn leader said. "Before you go, we give you special thing. Been in our tribe for decades." One of the Pokemon said. They then proceeded to gift a strange blue rock to the ponies. "What...is this?" Night Wing asked. "We don't know. The Pegasi once used it to summon storm once. Now it do nothing." A different Unicorn said. "We'll see if the Princesses know what this is. Because I'll be honest, I have no clue what this is." Night Wing said. "That okay. You tell Alicorns all about us, and maybe they find out why strange stone don't work." The Unicorn Leader said. "We'll do that." Night Wing said. Meanwhile... "This...is serious." Celestia said. Twilight had just told the Princesses about what had happened to the Changelings. "On the one hand, I'd love nothing more than to put them all in jail, but then it's one of those situations where they were just following orders." Shining Armor said. "I'm willling to give Chrysalis a chance to prove that her hive was simply following her orders, so long as she's willing to let her hive help us in tracking down Marina the Merciless." Celestia said. "Sister, are you really willing to let the changelings help us?" Luna asked. "I've seen first hoof just how cruel Marina is. And so has Fluttershy." Twilight said. "She's dangerous if left unchecked. There's no telling what she'd do if we didn't find a way to exercise her from Melissa's body." "And that in turn requires us to capture Marina. Hopefully once she's in custody, whatever Flamer Jackson has planned, it might be just what we need to exercise Marina from Melissa." Cadence said. "...That's a fair point..." Shining Armor said. "This order would make it that much easier for the populace to forgive the changelings under Chrysalis for what they did. Because then it would make it out to be like they were no different than our royal guards, the Wonderbolts, or even the Shadowbolts." Celestia said. "And Soarin has been spilling things that both myself and the high council have been overlooking all this time in regards to the Wonderbolts. Suffice it to say, the entire Wonderbolt branch is going to have to be scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up. And any current Wonderbolts that both myself and the High Council feels is too old to continue duty, well they'll be forced into retirement." "That's going to make several ponies unhappy." Luna said. "Both the High Council and I agree on one thing: Better to make a few ponies unhappy, then to continue to only let Pegasi who would be the best for publicity be allowed to be Wonderbolts. Because popularity is never what the Wonderbolts should be about anyways." Celestia said. "You can't blame yourself for what had transpired." Twilight said. "Then who can we blame?" Celestia asked. > Season 5: Episode 12 - The Future is Theirs (Party Pooped AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fortus Vile was currently carrying some bricks for a pony in town. He was nearing his destination. "Here you go, this is the pile of bricks that you ordered." Fortus Vile said. "That's great. These should help fix up some of the school walls that was damaged when Lord Tirek and that Marina came around." Miss Cheerilee said. "I'm glad to lend a hoof." Fortus Vile said. "Oh no, you've done plenty just getting these here. How's the...community service stuff going anyways?" Cheerilee said. "It's doing fine, actually. Raiden's been organizing all the tasks I'm doing." Fortus Vile said. Suddenly, Sparky showed up out of nowhere, and was in-between Fortus and Cheerilee. "Fortus Vile; a colt with a record." Rex was behind the colt suddenly; though in pony form. "Honestly, I'm surprised a criminal like you wasn't given jail time." "You leave him alone. He's suffered enough from his father." Cheerilee said. "No. He isn't getting off scott free for his crimes." Rex said. Sparky then grapped Fortus and took him away. Rex followed suit. However, without warning, Raiden saved Fortus from Sparky's grasp. "Get out of here." Raiden said. "Got it!" Fortus said before running off. "You're letting that criminal get away!" Rex said. "That's a child Rex. You have to punish them differently. Fortus had a very abusive father who had a very twisted view on the world. So, I've sort of taken the boy under my wing. And he's not getting off scott free. I've had him been running some errands around town as a community service gig for the past few weeks." Raiden said. "The hard work will help him gain a better appreciation for the world around him, and teach him how wrong his father was. It's changing his destiny, Rex. Better to help him fix his destiny, then let this thing snowball." "What? What do you mean?" Rex asked. "If Fortus Vile isn't given a child's punishment like I have been doing, where he gains a better appreciation for the world at large sot that he'll realize that his father's outlook on the world was wrong, he'll devolop the same mindset as his father, and then the cycle will repeat with Fortus's own child down the line. Do you want that, Rex? Do you want a future child to undergo the same abuse Fortus has? Or did you even read Fortus's file all the way through?" Raiden asked. "You don't stand a chance against my team." Rex said. "Maybe. But I'd rather take a stand, then see you cross a line that you can't uncross." Raiden said. Meanwhile, Lightning was with Twilgiht, Sunset, and Pinkie Pie up north near Yakistan. Though there was one other pony in the group. "So, this is Cozy Glow?" Twilight asked. "Yep. Hope you don't mind if she comes along. She's a bit of a...special case I'm working with." Lightning said. "Figured teaching her about delegation would be something she could find herself wanting to put her super intellect to good use in managing as a side bit." "This is meant to be a side bit for her?" Sunset asked. "Trust me, if she wanted to, she could handle managing delegation stuff, and still do some undercover stuff in order to corner a natorious crime boss in under a day." Lightning said. "So, yeah. Giving her some insight into the wider world at large in order to encourage her to treat delegation as a giant chessboard where one has to be careful what pieces to move when, will be a great side project." "It's...something I figured I'd be interested in, the moment Lightning made it sound like this is a chess game where losing is defined by all the pieces turning on each other." Cozy Glow said. "...And that's how I prefer to play chess. Even the pieces I lose, I still treat as more than just pieces. Even the pawns. Every piece has its part to play. This delegation stuff is just much bigger pieces that need to be handled delicately. Otherwise, it's a powder keg waiting to explode. Lightning made it very clear that letting that powder keg explode would be a bad thing." "Don't worry, I didn't get physical with the example." Lightning said. "...Just very methodical." "...Remind me never to play chess with you." Pinkie Pie said to Lightning. "You have no idea." Cozy Glow said. "He actually got me in a clever trap when he played me. A trap I didn't even see coming. And it was a rather quick win on his end. No one's ever beaten me before, let alone that fast." "...Woof..." Was all Twilight said to that. Thankfully, with Cozy Glow there, things were rather smooth; the pegasus really proving herself a great delegator without question. Some time later, in Ponyville, the group was coming in. "It's nice Cozy Glow has found something she can have as a side gig, but I think she needs some actual friends." Twilight said. "Way ahead of you. I was planning on introducing her to the Cutie Mark Crusaders tomorrow. Sure, they may not be super intelligent like she is, but I think she'd appreciate the company." Lightning said. "Well, it'd be boring if they were as intelligent as me. Besides, Lightning and Raiden are totally different mentally, and they are best friends. I'd like some best friends even if I'm totally different from them mentally." Cozy Glow said. "It's not just a mental difference; Raiden's one of the strongest mons I know. He could rival the power of some legendaries." Lightning said. "...Dang. that's some physical power." Cozy Glow said. "I don't think there's many who can serously damage--" Lightning began but soon found Raiden face down in the ground; bruised all over. "Raiden?!" Lightning helped his best friend to his feet. "What happened to you? Who did this?" "It...it was Sparky..." Raiden said. "I...I managed to get through Rex's five pure normal types...when he used a terra orb on his father." "B-but that would mean...that Rex can use Sparky as a pure normal type if that means what I think it means..." Lightning said. "It does..." Raiden said. "Great. Just great. We already have trouble with his five other normal types. But from what I understand, Sparky is in a league of his own." Sunset said. "That's an understatement." Raiden said. "Twilight...we need to tell everypony about this as soon as possible. If Rex pulls that out in an effort to upend the governments across the globe, you and your friends need to be ready to defend against it." He said. "U-understood." Twilight said, and ran off with Sunset to grab everypony else. Pinkie Pie went her own way. "Why did you and Rex even get into a fight?" Lightning said. "Rex wanted to hurt Fortus Vile. And even though I got him to back off, despite the disadvantage I was at, he did admit that perhaps ther was some merit to the way I was handling Fortus Vile's punishment." Raiden said. Meanwhile... Rex was currently with Soarin while the former was in Pony form again while looking at a rather large file. "What...what am I looking at?" Rex asked. "The hidden atrocities of the Horris family lineage. Seems that there's a precedent of a lot of female Mawile being born. Each one, has kept hidden a stash of bodies from the world at large. The only time a male was born into the family; which had managed to keep its atrocities hidden from the world at large to the point where they looked like saints so males that married into the family would often choose to have their last name replaced instead of it being the female's last name replaced; was of course Milissa's father, Victus Horris. He is currently the family's second known biological masculine heir to the name, with his daughter Milissa going back to being a female heir to the name." Soarin explained. "...But there was one other male heir." Rex noted. "Yeah. The brother to Marina the Merciless: Holden Horris." Soarin said. "...So, Marina's real biological name is Marina Horris. I can see why the family chose to disown her of her biological name." Rex said. "...But this would mean, that if something isn't done, then even getting rid of Marina's possession over Milissa won't save her..." "That's the way the wheel of fate turns sometimes." Soarin said. "Leave. I have much to think about." Rex said. Soarin left. "...Changing a child's destiny...huh..." Rex said to himself as he looked at one of Milissa's drawings. "...Perhaps Raiden's way, isn't the only way. Better to nip destiny in the bud now, then let it snowball...right?" He asked no pony in particular. Rex was eyeing the one part of Milissa's drawing in particular: The one that had labeled what was obviously Flamer Jackson as "New Daddy". > Season 5: Episode 13 - Friends Old & New (Amending Fences AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raiden was currently resting at the Castle of friendship. "Sparky really is no joke." Raiden said. "Still, I got Rex to listen to my reason. And that's enough. You have to punish kids differently than adults. Because they still have time to correct themselves." "Something I know we can do for both Fortus Vile and Milissa. The later of whom I believe Jackson may be able to assist with." Lightning said. "Well, I do know I have some preperations to make. Moondancer is coming to Ponyville for a visit, and I'd like to make her feel welcome." Twilight said. "Whose Moondancer?" Raiden asked. "A friend from Canterlot." Sunset said. "I made sure she and Twilight have been pen pals ever since we left." "Heh. You really take to being the big sister figure." Raiden said. "Wasn't able to be a big sister for Sunburst. Not going to make that mistake again." Sunset said. "On the plus side, Starlight and I have been getting on quite well." "Where is she right now anyways?" Lightning asked. "Well, since you aren't able to introduce Cozy Glow to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, I had Starlight take over that role." Sunset said. "You need to be here for your friend. And I'm sure Starlight can handle things with Cozy Glow. It's just introducing her to some potential friends." Meanwhile... "So...your the cutie mark crusaders?" Cozy Glow asked. "Yep. This is our club house." Apple Bloom said. "We're dedicated to helping other ponies either understand their cutie marks better, or we help them get their cutie marks if they don't have them yet." Sweetie Belle said. "That actually sounds kind of...fun..." Cozy Glow admitted. Especially since Arceus knows just what some ponies will be able to get cutie marks in. It actually sounds like something I can have some fun with. "By the way, you know Fortus Vile?" Scootaloo asked. "I have heard the name. I know Raiden stood up for him, and is working to make him a better pony. But I haven't met the pony personally." Cozy Glow said. "Then you would know that Fortus Vile was being both physically and mentally abused by his father. We sort of helped him stand up to his abusive father." Diamond Tiara said. "So, where is Fortus's father anyways?" Cozy Glow said. "In jail, I'm hoping." "He would be, if Marina didn't get to him first." Apple Bloom said. There's that name again... Cozy Glow thought to herself. "I've heard about Marina a few times now. What do you know about her?" She asked out loud. "That's going to be a long tale. You might want to land and sit down. I'll make sure to get you some juice." Sweetie Belle said. Back with Twilight, Moondancer soon came to Ponyville. "Thanks for taking the time to get me a tour of Ponyville." Moondancer said. "Of course, Moondancer. Anything for a friend." Twilight said. "I wouldn't really be doing my duties if I wasn't making the time for my friends." Moondancer couldn't help but chuckle at that. "So, you've been mentioning the other elements in your letters. Where is every pony?" Moondancer asked. "We'll be meeting them on the tour. Sunset's currently helping Pinkie Pie with something for later." Twilight said. "Just do yourself a solid when we see her: Don't question her antics." "You've been hammering that nail in your letters a lot. Surely, it's not that bad." Moondancer said. "Trust me, you have no idea. Words cannot do it justice." Twilight said. Moondancer would proceed to meet with Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy, before finally meeting Pinkie Pie and realizing just how loopy the party-happy mare really was. "You...weren't kidding when you said not to question her. Tatrarus, I'm not even doing it yet and I've already got a headache just even trying to think about how she can do what she does..." Moondancer said. "Like I told you: It's better to not question Pinkie Pie." Twilight said. "You'll save yourself a lot of headache that way." Meanwhile, in the corner of the party that had been thrown for Moondancer at Sugarcube Corner was the CMC and Cozy Glow. "I can barely wrap my head around Pinkie Pie. How'd she know we were even at the clubhouse? And what was with how she short-cutted us here?" Cozy Glow asked. "Want to know something that's basically a rule here in Ponyville in regards to Pinkie Pie?" Sweetie Belle asked. "There's a rule?" That was news even for Cozy Glow. "You don't question Pinkie Pie. That's one of the few rules set in stone here in Ponyville." Scootaloo said. "Another is that she will throw you a party. It's only a matter of time till you get yours." Diamond Tiara said. "...Good to know..." Cozy Glow said. She was already having so much trouble even trying to wrap her super intellect around Pinkie Pie. And it was giving her a headache. > Special Movie: Getting Back Time (The Cutie Re-Mark AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty years earlier; Lighting Town, Horris Residence... Milissa Horris, age six, was your impressionable child. Her greatest talent was drawing. Boy did she love to draw. One look at her room could tell you that. But it would become obvious quickly from that, just how much she didn't like her biological father. While there were some happy drawings here and there of normal things; the walls of Milissa's room were covered with various drawings Milissa made where what was obviously her biological father being killed in various ways: From an obvious firing squad, to what was supposed to be toxic gas, to being murdered by a street thug. It was obvious that Millissa had no love lost for her biological father. It would bring one to tears on how broken Milissa must feel inside to hate the man who gave her birth so much. But those drawings were earlier ones. Some more recent ones seemed to be filled more with hope that, her birth father would be jailed, with her and her mother being looked after by an Arcanine. One she had gone out of her way to re-write some older drawings of the Arcanine where she scribbled over his name "Flamer Jackson" and above it put "New Daddy". It was clear from this, that Milissa Horris saw Flamer Jackson as a true father figure. She believed this with her very soul. She believed that it wouldn't be long before Flamer Jackson could save her & her mother from the clutches of her fake father. And tonight, thanks to the slaming of a door signaling that her fake father had had a terrible time at work, meant it was time to put Flamer Jackson's plan in action. With hope in her heart, Milissa picked up a recorder disguised as a toy. She was given specific instructions on how to work it, so she could record an altercation between her father and mother so the females can be saved from such an abusive man. Quietly, Milissa began making her way to the living room after activating the recorder. Thankfully, the yelling her fake father was making was loud enough to be picked up from where she was in the house. "I don't believe this!" Her fake father yelled. "Not only was work terrible, but I come home and am greeted to this sad excuse you call a 'dinner'. This isn't a dinner. This is slop. I work all day, and I expect to come home to a proper meal." "I-I'm doing my best here. I slave away at the stove the entire time making sure to get you a meal worth eating. And nothing I've ever made for you is good enough." Her mother yelled back. "I've had it with your excuses!" Her fake father said. Milissa had gotten to the living room just in time. ...Just in time to see her fake father use his much larger iron jaw to lift her mother up, pierce the skin, and let the blood drain right into the iron jaw Mawile like the three of them are known for. By the time her mother was back on the floor, there was no blood left to pool out from the body. She was dead before she had hit the ground. At that, Milissa dropped the recorder, and rushed over to her mother. "M-mommy?" Milissa asked. "Wh-what did he do to you mommy? Why don't you move anymore? Mommy? Speak to me mommy. MOMMY!" Milissa was in tears by the end. "O-oh shit..." Her fake father tried to bail, but was promptly caught by the local police. "It's over Victus. You are under arrest. And we're going to have audio this time." Flamer Jackson said. "...Wait, what happened here?" "Please speak to me mommy! Please!" Milissa said as she continued to cry. "...You...you didn't..." Flamer Jackson said. Present Day, unknown location... Flamer Jackson suddenly woke up in a cold sweat. "...T-that wasn't just any nightmare." He said. "...I...I have to get to Princess Twilight's Castle on the double!" Meanwhile... "This medicine will really help get Raiden back up to fighting strength sooner rather than later." Fluttershy said. "I honestly can't believe you've managed to recreate medicine from ages ago from the Hisui Region." Lightning said. "Where's the Hisui region exactly? I've been studying the maps of the various regions humans created, but I couldn't find any region called 'Hisui'." Twilight said. "That's because the Hisui region is known as the Sinnoh region these days. Long ago, it used to be called the Hisui region." Lightning said. "Why was the name of the region changed then? If you ask me, that makes little sense to change a region's name." Sunset asked. "Because back in the days when the region was called 'Hisui' there were these two clans called the Diamond Clan and the Pearl Clan who each worshiped who they believed was the 'almighty Sinnoh' with the Diamond Clan crediting this 'almighty Sinnoh' as being a being of time, while the Pearl Clan believed the 'almighty Sinnoh' was a being of space." Lightning said. "You just described Dialgia and Palkia respectfully." Twilight pointed out. "That's the thing; they were worshipping two legendary Pokémon created directly by Arceus themself. They had no idea that Arceus even existed, nor the fact that both their revered deities were in fact two additional Pokémon. However, because one of the two deities began going crazy, Arceus summoned a human from modern day Sinnoh to travel back in time to set things right and complete the earliest form of what would become known as the Pokémon Index or 'PokeDex' for short. It was all handwritten back then, and it was only later when Professor Oak of the Kanto Region created the first electronic version that the PokeDex became more widespread." Lightning said. "I'll see if I can't find a unit somewhere for you ponies to use. Distortions, I bet Arceus would even be willing to make one for Pony Use if we asked them nicely." "Why do you keep referring to Arceus as 'they' when Arceus sounded masculine to me?" Twilight asked. "Because Arceus can go female if need be and prefers being called 'gender indifferent' and 'gender neutral' terms. But your free to use whatever gender terms you wish if you want. Arceus doesn't really mind." Lightning said. "Trust me on that. Raiden refuses to call Arceus anything other than masculine terms, and he hasn't gotten put to the gallows for it." "...I'll keep that in mind..." Twilight said. The trio found Starlight outside the castle; all beat up. "Starlight? What happened?" "She...she tricked me...dammit, how did I not see through such an elaborate trick?" Starlight asked herself mostly. "Who? Who tricked you?" Sunset asked. "She's inside...she's here..." Starlight said. "Who? Whose here?!" Sunset exclaimed. "Marina...the Merciless..." Starlight said before fainting from her injuries. "I'm going in after her!" Sunset said, rushing in. "Sunset wait!" Twilight tried calling out. Everything was a bit of a blur for Sunset past that point. But, she tried to remember what had happened from there. She remembered finding Marina the Merciless in the Map Room, using the magic shell that Abbicus Cinch had given the Human Twilight Sparkle. On an unrelated note, Sunset thought to ask Rex about her human counterpart's relationship with Twilight's Human Counterpart once Marina the Merciless was excersized from Milissa. After that, Sunset grabbed a scroll that the mawile discarded and followed through the time portal the Mawile had created to go after her. That's when Sunset had found Marina the Merciless and how she had prevented Young Rainbow Dash from performing the Sonic Rainboom. As Sunset finally remembered this, she was surprised to find a familliar blue dragoness at her bedside. "Hey, your a pony right?" It was no doubt Ember. "There haven't really been any ponies ever since Arceus judgement killed them all." She said. "What..." Sunset was confused. "What's going on outside?" "Oh just the war against all the legendaries. I'm surprised you don't know about it, if you've lasted this long." Ember said. "This...this isn't right..." Sunset said. "This isn't supposed to be what the world is like..." "What do you mean?" Ember asked. "I'm from...an alternate timeline of sorts I guess you could say." Sunset said. "In that timeline, ponies were never killed off by Arceus." "For real? So...then every one is happy in your timeline?" Ember asked. "Yeah." Sunset said. "I know how to get back to mine though. Is there some sort of crystal map around?" Sunset asked. "Oh that thing? It's right over there." Ember said, pointing to a nearby crystal map of Equestria. "Thanks. I really don't belong here." Sunset said and used her magic to use the spell on the scroll she grabbed, which opened up the time portal. Sadly, despite Sunset's best efforts, she was unable to stop Marina from preventing the Sonic Rainboom. When she got back to the future, she had been woken up by Gilda that time. A similar song and dance happened, though Gilda did mention that Sunset didn't seem to have been gone for that long before coming right back. This confused Sunset, but she paid it no mind at first. So, she attempted the spell again. And even though Sunset had somehow successfully stopped Marina from stopping the Sonic Rainboom this time, she was unfortunatly dropped off at the same exact point again, but the one who woke her up, was some kind of strange creature. "What the...what are you?" Sunset asked. "Are you...the one Ember and Gilda found?" The creature asked her. Sunset's eyes went wide when she recognized the voice that came out of the creature's mouth. "...Chrysalis?!" Sunset exclaimed. Sunset's mind was reeling. She didn't know how Chrysalis got like this, but she's super surprised the changeling queen isn't evil. "I...I don't understand...what the...how is this possible?!" Sunset exclaimed. "You...know of me?" Chrysalis asked. "Ember did say you acted like you knew her. Gilda did too." Chrysalis said. "I know of a version of you. But...last I checked, changeling don't look like you do." Sunset said. "Oh. You must have encountered Changelings who had yet to start giving love generously rather than taking it." Chrysalis said. "I...had realized when the Ponies fell, that there were too many things I loved to let Arceus or any other legendaries control my life. I realized that, if I wanted to assist in bringing Legendaries down and capturing them, that my Changelings would need a way to not rely on love as much. That's when I tried to give as much love to my subjects as possible. The result is before you. Admittedly, this look was so new, yet, I no longer felt hungry. So, I encouraged my subjects to give love willingly towards other creatures, and in time, my entire hive became pretty colorful. I have to admit, the various colors were alarming at first, but...when I realized how helpful we were now, well, I didn't think much else of it." Chrysalis siad. "So...this is the result of what happens when a changeling gives love willingly rather then takes it..." Sunset said. "I won't lie to you: I had my doubts about the look at first, but once the effectiveness of changelings changed for the better, and we could assist in greater and greater aspects with this war, the colorful aspect became an oversight. Sure, we looked so very different, but we were still Changelings. We had not changed internally, only our outside changed." Chrysalis said. "The only difference is now, we no longer depend on love to live." "But why did I end up back here? I went back in time, and I stopped Marina the Merciless from preventing Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom. So how could I have gotten dropped back into the warzone? I thought that letting the Sonic Rainboom happen would allow me to go back to my proper timeline." Sunset explained. "Perhaps, the answer to your issues lies not in the Sonic Rainboom, but in something else." Chrysalis asked. "For instance, that spell your using. How did you aquire it?" Chrysalis asked. "Marina dropped it in my original timeline. So I grabbed it and used it." Sunset said. "And where exactly did Marina get it?" Chrysalis asked. Sunset didn't know the answer to that. But then, she remembered something Starlight had said. "She...she tricked me...dammit, how did I not see through such an elaborate trick?" Sunset's eyes went wide. "How could I have missed that?" Sunset asked. "Hmm?" Chrysalis asked. "Before I chased Marina, a friend of mine said they were tricked by Marina. How could I have missed it?" Sunset asked. "I know what other change Marina has caused now. I know how to get back to my timeline." "Sunset...there's a chance that, if you succeed, this timeline will cease to exist but..." Chrysalis started. "...I...I would rather ponies be in this world, then let this war be a thing." Sunset smiled at Chrysalis. There's only one kind of trick Marina could've played on Starlight that would've been so easy to overlook. The worst kind of trick at that. I can't believe it. I overlooked something so crucial. But, with this knowledge, I can stop Marina. This time, Sunset had gone further back. Several months prior to the Sonic Rainboom, in fact. She had gone back to the day that has haunted her to this day: The day her brother fled to the human world. That's the event Marina changed the most. Sunset found herself back into the past, where she dropped onto Marina who had grabbed Sunburst. "What the...HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO FOLLOW ME TO THIS POINT IN TIME?!" Marina said. The impact caused her to let go of Sunburst who just fled the scene. "What's going on--Sunset?!" Princess Celestia had discovered the scene. "Crap. She's here." Marina said. She then quickly fled the scene. "Just what is going on here?" Princess Celestia asked. "There's no time Princess. That Mawile, she's being possessed by an evil spirit. We got to catch her and excersice the evil spirit." Sunset said. "Short version: I'm from the future, and if we don't stop her, all of ponykind is going to get killed. Don't ask me how I know." "I...I trust you, Sunset." Celestia said. "You've never given me a reason to do so yet." She added. Sunset and Past Celestia got on Marina's trail, soon finding the Mawile having Sunset's past self in her iron jaws. "! No!" Sunset said. "Better come chase me, unless you want to die~" Marina taunted as she fled the scene again. Sunset and Past Celestia then chased Marina who had Past Sunset in her grip. Yet, the Mawile snuck past them a few times. "I am curious...why exactly did this Mawile get possessed in the first place?" Past Celestia asked. "She got possessed by a---wait, did you just ask why and not how?" Sunset asked as the two continued chasing Marina. "I did. Why? Is that important?" Past Celestia asked. Sunset eyes suddenly diluted, then expanded again before a shine appeared in them. "...Princess Celestia, your brilliant! That tells me everything." Sunset said. At the next room, Sunset then used her magic to quickly blast Marina away, allowing Past Celestia to grab Past Sunset with her magic. "Ow! Okay, I was admittedly getting tired of our little game of chase anyways." Marina said. "Milissa Horris...there's a reason you were so easily able to possess her." Sunset said. "...Hmm?" Marina asked. "I know how you possessed Milissa: It's the Mega Stone around your neck. That's the how." Sunset said. "But never once, did I ever question why: Why was Milissa so easily possessed by you, Marina? I didn't begin to even think that, until Princess Celestia asked me the same why question. I know how you possessed Milissa; but I never understood how Milissa was so easily possessed." She explained. "...That's because I was asking the wrong question: Instead of asking how Milissa was so easily possessed, I should've been asking why. The moment Princess Celestia asked me why Milissa was so easily possessed, it all clicked." She continued. "Marina the Merciless...your real name is Marina Horris...isn't it?" Sunset said. For a while, no pony moved. Marina didn't either. Please...let me be wrong... Sunset thought to herself. And then, Marina began to laugh an evil laugh like no other. "I suppose some congratulations are in order." Marina said. "Oh yes, what you just said is one hundred and ten percent correct." "That's not even mathematically possible." Past Sunset said. "That's beside the point: You, Sunset Shimmer, have hit the paravirtual nail on the head. My real name is indeed, Marina Horris." Marina said. She then began using the magic in the conch shell, and it warped reality all around them. When things stopped, the elements both their grown-up selves and their past selves suddenly found themselves with past & present versions of Princess Celestia, Starlight Glimmer, Raiden, and Lightning. Rex was there too, but there was no past version of him there. "What the heck...?" Future Twilight asked. "It's Marina's doing." Future Sunset said. "So, how'd you figure it out huh?" Marina said, suddenly appearing and floating. "How'd you managed to put something like my true name being Marina Horris together through just one question?" "The breadcrumbs were there the whole time. I only pieced them together right then." Future Sunset said. "Be that as it may, I simply cannot allow you to live now. None of you." Marina said. She touched her Mega Stone. "And this time, I won't be so...easily defeated." She said. A red orb suddenly grew around the Mawile, as she underwent Mega Evolution. Behind the Slaughter Mega Marina the Merciless AKA Ghost from the Past Mega Marina Horris Deca's Power Level Reading: Unable to Determine "I'm going to unleash hell on earth for you all. I'm going to beat all of you into your last legs one way and then do it all again another way. Then, and only then, will I kill you." Mega Marina said. She then started unleashing what amounted to bullet hell: Ghost jaws came flying at super crazy fast speeds, iron shields came raining down nearly instantaneously, mysterious clouds of hearts came flying out of nowhere rivaling Mach 4 speed. "Yikes!" Both versions of Rainbow Dash were able to outspeed everything, because they were naturally fast. But this was approaching even their limits. "This is one Mega even I'm going to struggle with." Future Raiden said. "...Dang, I get cool." Past Raiden said. "Uh huh..." Past Lightning said. "Let's just hope we live long enough for you to get that cool, kiddo." "Did I always sound like that?" Future Lightning asked. "Now's not the time for idle chatter." Past Rainbow Dash said. Future Sunset looked over at Mega Marina, and then got close to Future Raiden before whispering something. "Go grab the mega stone; I'll cover you." Future Raiden smirked then he grabbed his past self. "Hey! I don't care if you are my future self, let go of me!" Past Raiden said. "Trust me: You'll thank me for this." Future Raiden said before he tossed his Past Self at Marina. "Hey what the..." Marina was caught off guard. "Hmm? What's this shiny thing?" Past Raiden then tore off the Mega Stone. Future Raiden managed to grab his Past Self after that, then took the Mega Stone and crushed it into little itty-bitty bits. "! No! Not that! Anything but that!" Marina said as she suddenly de-mega'd. Everything started to revert back to Future Twilight's Castle. Marina was holding her head in pain. "You...you destroyed my Mega Stone..." Marina said. "Like I aways say to Megas: You get way too cocky with all your juiced up power, that you leave yourselves wide open." Future Raiden said. "Aww...why'd you have to go and destroy the shiny?" Past Raiden asked. "Trust me: It was better this way." Future Raiden said. "As...pleasant as this is. How do we get back to...our time?" Past Celestia asked. Suddenly, Arceus appeared out of nowhere. "I can take care of that. But it'll be better if these events are left forgotten until the time is right." Arceus said before teleporting the past versions of everyone who had past versions away. "...Dang, I remember that now." Starlight said. "Wow. Arceus did NOT joke about that." Sunset said. "We came as quick as we could!" Cheif Marison announced as he and Mayor Sentry barged into the room with Flash in tow. "Seems my counterpart saw Marina heading to this castle. Looks like we got here just in time." Mayor Sentry said. "Gah...you broke my Mega Stone! How could you break my Mega Stone?!" Marina exclaimed. "...Did we miss something?" Flash Sentry asked. "I'll tell you later." Twilight said. "You should do that." It was suddenly Flamer Jackson who spoke, as he soon entered the Room. "It's over Marina. Let Milissa go." "What...?" Marison asked. "No! You failed her! I took over fair and square!" Marina said. "He told you to let Milissa go, and I think it's high time, Milissa got back the childhood she lost!" Sunset exclaimed. Suddenly, as if responding to Sunset's claim, the spell she had suddenly reacted to her magic, and a blast hit the possessed Mawile Square on. "No! No! Noooooo!" Marina yelled. Suddenly, while the body of the Mawile became a six-year old again, a seperate more mature ghost version started to float above Milissa. "I'm not ready; not ready to go..." Marina said. "The nightmare is over. I'm going to give Milissa the childhood you stole from her. What I should've done in the first place. I should've never had denied becoming her father. I should've accepted becoming her father the moment she asked me. Even if that meant turning in my badge as a result." Flamer Jackson said. "So you lose Marina. It's over." "No. It can't be over; you can't stop my influence this easily..." Marina's Ghost said. "Yes I can; because I will." Flamer Jackson said. "MOVE ONTO THE OTHER WORLD AND NEVER BOTHER THIS WORLD AGAIN YOU MONSTER!" "How? How did everything go so wrong?" Marina's Ghost said. "I should have never trusted Lightning..." "Perhaps. But it doesn't matter if you had, or hadn't. In the end, you would've still lost Marina." Lightning said. "And that's your reality: A loser who will never get what she wants." "No, Impossible, I-I..." Marina's ghost said, before the ghost turned into a blue ball of spirit fire. Suddenly, it was like something supernatural happened, as flashes of the past appeared, showing off Raiden's initial tanking of the lightning bolt for the mayor's office, then the moment the Elite Four were rounded up, then the moment when Marina had found Lord Tirek, and then even some from the time mess she created. Before the images started flashing rapidly on repeat for a good, long while and when it finally stopped...Marina's ghost simply vanished altogether. After a bit of silence, the restored Milissa only said one thing. "...Is...is she gone daddy?" Milissa asked. Flamer Jackson smiled, as tears rolled down his cheek. "...Yes...yes she's gone now Milissa. It's over." He said. "...Good..." Milissa said, before she yawned and started to sleep. For a bit, no one said anything as Flamer Jackson put Milissa on his back. "I never should've let Milissa become an orphan. That orphanage in town; it was going to be bad for her. And I was right: The others there bullied her constantly. That's what allowed Marina to possess Milissa. It's my fault. I had a chance to prevent Milissa from ever being possessed to begin with, and I blew it." Jackson said. "So...that's why during the town's first catastrophic thunderstrike, I-I burned down the orphanage." "You did WHAT?!" Mayor Sentry exclaimed. "You mean the fire that killed several Pokémon and caused massive damage to several homes beyond repair was YOUR doing?!" "I-I just couldn't bear it. Milissa had gotten possessed because of me. So, I tried to make up for it. But I knew it wasn't enough. I pinned the fire on an Absol I had spotted on the outskirts of town; made everymon believe that an Absol had caused the fire. And I kept the truth hidden." Flamer Jackson said. "I just wasn't able to stomach that I had become responisble, for one of Lightning Town's most notorious gangster mob bosses existing." "...You do realize that, I'm going to have to arrest you now." Cheif Marison said. "I...honestly never thought I'd be arresting my own boss." However, before Marison could get close, Sparky got between Marison and Jackson. "What the..." Rainbow Dash said. "Rex?" Twilight asked. "...Well what are you waiting for? Get out of here." Rex said. "You better make sure that girl gets a proper childhood this time. Because the next time I see you, you had better have been arrested by that girl." "...What are you--" Marison said. "Better to nip the problem in the bud then let it snowball. Isn't that right, Raiden?" Rex asked. "...Thank you." Flamer Jackson said, before he fled with Milissa on his back. "...Raiden, what just happened?" Mayor Sentry asked. Suddenly, Rex tossed him and Marison a file on the Horris family. It didn't take long, before they just dropped it. "...Dear Arceus, all that time..." "Jackson knew. This file was apparently originally his." Rex said. "So better to let Milissa change her destiny, then let this problem snowball into something much bigger and harder to break in the future." He said. "Seriously, the next time I see Flamer Jackson, he better have made sure that girl becomes a bonifide police officer of her own right." "...That...would be ironic..." Lightning admitted. "If anyone can help her...it's Flamer Jackson." Raiden said. "Wait a second...where'd Sunset vanish off to?" Rainbow Dash asked. Every being in the room looked around. Sunset was indeed suddenly missing. Sunset came to. She didn't know where she was now. "Sunset Shimmer..." Arceus suddenly appeared. "Congradulations are in order." They added. "Wh-where am I?" Sunset asked. "You are in the realm where Celestia had given Twilgiht her alicornhood. The Realm of the Beyond. I'm sure Celestia wouldn't mind if I took this one. Especially since I have so much thanks to give to you, that it's not even funny." Arceus said. "Wait; are you saying I'm about to become an Alicorn?" Sunset asked. "That is exactly what I'm saying." Arceus said. "You have gained such a mastery over emotions themselves, that it transcends time itself beyond scopes even I cannot comprehend. Therefor, I hearby christen you, Sunset Shimmer, as the Alicron of Time; where you duties will simply be to make sure what Marina did cannot happen again any time soon." Sunset wanted to argue, but then, she was suddenly gifted wings, and transformed into an Alicorn. And that was before she was sent back. Outside, the group had gathered just in time for Sunset to return, now an Alicorn. "Whoa...these are going to take some getting used to." Sunset said, touching her own wings. "Dang Sunset, did you HAVE to go and get on the alicorn action like Twilight did?" Applejack jokingly asked. "Oh ha ha ha. Very funny Applejack." Sunset said, but she was smiling. Arceus soon appeared again. "Forgive me for taking this one. I just figured you had other matters to see to first." Arceus said. "But tell me straight: Where's Flamer Jackson?" "He already left." Rex said. "Milissa deserves a better life then her predecessors." He added. "...I see." Arceus said. "I suppose that was the best outcome for her." "Still can't believe it...Flamer Jackson committed a crime and blamed an Absol for it..." Marison said. "And you!" He then got in Rex's personal space. "You let him get away!" "...Judge me all you like. Milissa's future is more important to me then Flamer Jackson's arrest." Rex said. "...Wait what? What'd I miss while Arceus was making me the next Alicorn?" Sunset asked. "I'll tell you later." Twilight said. "Do you think we'll hear from Milissa again?" Pinkie Pie asked. Twilight smiled. "...I have no doubt, we might hear from her sooner then you think, Pinkie." Twilgiht said. And so, Sunset Shimmer had officially become the Alicorn of Time. News spread fast and quickly. It was honestly quite the news breaker. Future Spike wrote down in the book he was writing. And we did indeed hear from Milissa quite soon after that. In a way no pony or Pokemon ever expected. Future Spike couldn't help but look at a framed drawing signed by Milissa on his desk. This one had everyone who was there, all labeled, with either 'aunt' or 'uncle' in front of their names. There was one part in particular that made Future Spike smile every time he saw it. An obvious drawing of Marina's ghost with an 'x' over it, as it was floating away. A symbol of Milissa's changed future. Her future was hers after that moment. And Spike couldn't help but think of the Mawile she became as she grew up. "But that's probably a chapter for another time." Future Spike said as he got up to go grab some snacks. Post Author's Note: Four thousand, eight hundred, nighty-one. That's how many words the main bulk of this chapter ended up becoming. I did say this was going to be a long one folks. If I somehow misspelled somethings, or there's obviously bad grammar in parts, let me know down in the comments so I can fix it, because this has turned out to be one of my longest chapters to date. And I don't see it losing the crown as the longest chapter I've ever written anytime soon. Not counting this bonus Author's note. This is only here to tell you that the bulk of this chapter is 4,891 words long. That's a lot of words. > Season 5: Episode 14 - Shadows > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset would mention something she had learned about from the alternate timeline Marina had created. "Giving love instead of taking it?" Chrysalis was confused by the revelation. "I know it probably sounds really crazy, but the you I met in that alternate timeline explained it fairly well." Sunset said. "What I'm more concerned with, is how preventing Marina's interruption of the Sonic Rainboom still resulted in the same exact future. The odds of that occurring should be zero when one event that caused the war to happen was not present. The theory of the time space continuum says that you should've experienced a different timeline." Celestia said. "But that's all it is: A theory. Not actual fact." A gruff male voice said. "...Okay Rainbow Dash, first off, what do you know about the time space continuum?" Sunset asked. "And second off...how did you disguise your voice so well?" "Uh...Sunset...that's not Rainbow Dash..." Starlight said. Confused, Sunset looked to where every pony else in the room was looking, only to see what she recognized as a Victini...only it's colors were not the standard ones, or even the shiny ones. What's more, this Victini had on some kind of cape. But before Sunset could ask who this was, Raiden suddenly lept at the strange purple Victini. "It's a Shadow Pokemon; I'll handle this!" Raiden said. He was stopped by what was obviously psychic power. "Please. If I was going to go crazy and start attacking randomly, I'd have already done so, yes?" The purple Victini asked. "...That...is a really fair point." Lightning said. "How are you able to--" "I'm no ordinary Shadow Pokemon. The ones you probably know of aren't natural like I am." The Shadow Victini said. "There's such a thing as a natural Shadow Pokemon?" Raiden asked. "You should know better then to ignore the evidence that's staring you in the face." The Shadow Victini said. "...Okay, so...you still have wraithful attributes...but you have an easier time keeping them in check..." Lightning said, genuially surpised. "Am I the only one that's having a hard time following along here? Because what's a Shadow Pokemon? Nothing in the book on humans explained Shadow Pokemon." Twilight said. "For good reason, actually: Shadow Pokemon were a product of a criminal organization known as Cipher which operated in what used to be called the Orre Region. This criminal organization once worked with a second group known as Team Snaggum. Team Snaggum would go around using these devices they called 'Snag Machines' which allowed them to steal Pokemon from their trainers." Lightning said. "A device allowed for such a thing to occur? How facinating. But then, how does Cipher fit in to that?" Twilight asked. "Because Cipher would then take the Pokemon Team Snaggum stole, and artificially close their hearts off, turning the Pokemon into fighting machines that weren't afraid to attack humans." Raiden said. "So, is that the incident where Arceus said 'enough is enough' and killed off humans?" Celestia asked. "Because such weapons of destruction would've warrented such rash action." "Actually, before Cipher could realize their goal any further, a Team Snaggum member called Wes betrayed Team Snaggum, took a portable version of the Snag Machine, and then with the help of a girl called Rui who had the unnatural ability to see Shadow Pokemon, Wes set out to foil Cipher's plans to make a Shadow Pokemon army." Lightning said. "That's not the end of that story. During a five year period, a Pokemon Professor called Professor Krane worried that someone would pick up where Cipher left off, and so, began development on a new snag machine for if and when someone would make Shadow Pokemon again." The Shadow Victini said. "His fears were founded when after a five year absence in Orre, Cipher returned, only this time, they did were not backing Team Snaggum. They did however, did not seem to have gone the five year gap without trying to make Shadow Pokemon even more dangerous as they had successfully captured a Lugia and not only did they make it a Shadow Pokemon, but they went one step further: They made it resistant to the methods that were done to purify Shadow Pokemon five years prior." Raiden said. "Professor Krane wanted a method to purify as many Shadow Pokemon as possible, so during that same five year gap, he was developing a new method called the Purification Chamber. During Cipher's comeback, Professor Krane's team was able to finish the Purification Chamber which ended up becoming the key to purifing the Shadow Lugia. Since the original methods of purifying Shadow Pokemon did not work on the Shadow Lugia, the Purification Chamber's functions ended up being the key to purify Shadow Lugia. As such, thanks to Professor Krane, a Shadow Pokemon that was thought to be unable to be purified ended up being able to be purified." Lightning said. "It was thanks to the son of a man Proffessor Krane worked with the son's name being Michalle that Cipher's new Shadow Pokemon Plan was put on hold." "The color scheme I'm sporting? It's the same the Shadow Lugia adopted. But unlike those Cipher created, I'm much more in control." The Shadow Victini said. "As for my name, it's Shallor; I am the Shadow Lord." "...Uh...you wouldn't happen to have any relation to Nozrog would you?" Sunset asked. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, Sunset was held by the gruff of her neck. "You've seen Nozrog? Where?!" Shallor suddenly asked. "He was in Ponyville a few weeks ago, but he's vanished and has been apperently laying low ever since." Twilight said. "...I see. Then consider yourselves having a new ally." Shallor said. "I still have a bone to pick with Nozrog from when he managed to take a hold of my mind." "...Noted..." Twilight said. "And, as your ally, I'm going to give you quite a bit of training. But I'll just be upfront about this: My training methods will seem like the Fire Pits in comparison to whatever you've been through so far." Shallor said. "Fire...pits?" Raiden asked. "Don't most Pokemon mention the Distortion World?" "The Distortion World has got nothing on the Fire Pits." Shallor said. "...Suddenly I'm scared." Sunset said. "But we'll need the extra training." "Good answer." Shallor said. > Season 5: Episode 15 - The Realm of Subnotica Part 1 ("Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?" AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a seemingly normal day all across Equestia. A day that is just about to end as a matter of fact. "It's getting late. We can wrap up training for the day." Shallor said. "When you said this training would be tougher then the Distortion World, you weren't joking." Rainbow Dash said. "I don't even know what that is, but considering it's the Pokemon equivalent of Tatarus; or so I'm guessing; it must be harsh." "Bah. Your maximum security prison of Tartarus pales in comparison to the Distortion World. And trust me, I took a peek in Tartarus." Shallor said. "Wait, you went inside of Tartarus and got out?" Twilight asked. "I'm the Lord of Shadows; what did you expect?" Shallor countered. "What even does that mean anyways; being the Lord of Shadows?" Sunset asked. "Because it doesn't sound like I think most of us here think it means." "Maybe I'll tell you once you've finished my training courses. Is that a fair enough trade for you?" Shallor asked as he walked into the Castle of Friendship. "How harsh can someone act?" Fluttershy asked. "Seriously Fluttershy? Are you already whimpering out?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Not really, but...Shallor acts so harshly, yet...there's a longing there." Fluttershy said. "I thought I was the one who could pick on emotions here. Sounds to me, like there's just some normal teasing going on." Sunset said. "Oh there's emotions there. You probably can't feel them because they're not on the surface." Fluttershy said. "Trust me, as the expert on all things animal based, I can sense emotions. And Shallor has them, as much as he tries to hide them." "...We did hear that Shadow Pokemon have a tendacy to have their basic emotions surpressed. Maybe the main reason Sunset can't feel them like Fluttershy can, is because Shallor is still a Shadow Pokemon at the end of the day. Albiet, not one that's on some kind of rampage." Twilight said. "Well, if we somehow come across a Shadow Pokemon that's not Shallor, we can test that theory." Sunset said. Things did not go well that night for any of the ponies, they woke up feeling groggy and tired. But they weren't the only ones: Team Strikers who were all staying at the castle, were feeling the same way. Shallor seemed to be the only one who wasn't. "Hmm...this is odd..." Shallor stated. Spike too was pretty tired and groggy as well. "Ugh...I feel terrible." Spike said. "I could barely sleep at all last night." "Same..." Raiden said. "Normally, I'd count this as not getting enough sleep, but I don't think that's the case. Did any of you dream at all?" Shallor asked. "That's oddly specific, but to answer your question: I surely didn't have any dreams at all last night." Sunset said. "Same here." Twilight said. Every pony and pokemon there confrimed the same, as did Spike. "...Interesting..." Shallor said. "Maybe Princess Luna knows something. Spike, let's send a letter." Twilight said. "I'll get on it." Spike said. But then he spat up a letter barring a royal seal none of the ponies saw before. "...That's a new royal seal." Applejack noted. "That's Princess Luna's royal seal!" Twilight noted, opening up the letter. "...It's asking if any of us had any nightmares last night." "...Well we certainly didn't have nightmares. We couldn't even dream." Raiden said. "In that case, I better make a response." Twilight said before writing to Princess Luna the reply. Shortly after that, Princess Luna suddenly appeared. "...Well that's one way to respond to a letter." Shallor said. "What do you mean none of you had any dreams?" Princess Luna asked. "That shouldn't be possible." "Well take it from me, Luna; not a soul in this room sans Shallor dreamed last night." Raiden said. "Actually, I never even went to sleep at all. I don't require sleep." Shallor said. That had raised some eyebrows from Sunset. Wonder why that is. Come to think of it, has he eaten anything at all? She thought to herself. "This is strange. Last night, an entity that I had created to punish myself known as the Tantabulus escaped from my own dream last night. Since I was only dreaming in regards to the bearers of the elements, I thought that would mean that the seven of them would experience nightmares. But, the fact remains that not a single one of you had a dream last night." Princess Luna said. Suddenly, out of nowhere, every soul in that room was put to sleep my a strange power. That is, every soul but Shallor. "...Oh. I think I may know of a certain someone who knows exactly what the cause is." Shallor said. "...Well on that note, I better check in at The Fire Pits." He said, before suddenly he became a purple ball of light. "I'll make sure to come back when they are all wake up." At that moment, Shallor vanished. "Okay, what just happened? Where are we?" Sunset asked. The ponies, Team Strikers, Spike, and Ray were all floating in some kind of strange voidless space. "This place is kind of loopy." Pinkie Pie said. "And that's ME saying that." "That would be because you are somewhere where you real world logic does not work." A voice said. Suddenly the space around the group changes to a grand hall with many destroyed statues, and a huge purple light on a platform above them which soon turns into what looked like a Zorua on two feet holding a spear. "I apologize for the abropt nap, but this could not wait. As we speak, a certain creation of that night princess is roaming this realm and causing mischief that is becoming hard to contain. If it continues, all dreams across all of reality will cease to exist." The figure said. "Who are you? And more importantly, where are we?" Twilight asked. "I am known as The Guardian; one of two Beings of Fate. And as for where you are, well...this is the realm of the subconcious, where dreams take shape. This is the Realm of Subnotica." The Figure said. Sunset was pointingly silent. "...Sunset, what's wrong with you?" Applejack asked. "...For some reason, I can't seem to faint." Sunset said. "Of course you can't. You are already unconcious." The Guardian said. "...Now I really DO wish I could faint." Sunset said. "Your not the only one..." Princess Luna said. To be continued... > Season 5: Episode 16 - The Realm of Subnotica Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You mind explaining something to me? What exactly is Subnotica?" Twilight asked. The ponies were in the strangest of places to say the least: Subnotica the Realm of dreams. "Allow me to answer your question with one of my own: Have you ever wondered what happens to your dreams after you wake up from them?" The Guardian pondered. "...Sometimes I do. But because Princess Luna here makes sure we understand our nightmares, I've not put much thought into it beyond that." Twilight said. "Nightmares are just another form of dream here in Subnotica. Which is where the collectiveness of dreams that were dreamt take shape. It is thanks to Subnotica that dreams exist at all. And of all the dreams that take form here in subnotica, some dreams take on certain themes often enough to create lands here in the grand collection." The Guardian stated. "So, six figures emerged in those lands to serve as Subnotica's Pillars; the very glue that allows dreams to continue their existence." "So basically, what your saying is that without those pillars, there are no dreams." Rainbow Dash said. "That is admittedly a simple way of looking at a very complex structure. A structure so complex, I would spend hours explaining it. But yes: The simple way of putting it mildly would be to say, without the six pillars, dreams will cease to exist. And because of your Princess's creation, they were kidnapped early last night in your world." The Guardian said. "So let me guess: You want us to find them since this is technically our world that has responsibility?" Rainbow Dash asked. "That...is remarkably straightforward, but to make a long story short, you are absolutly correct..." The Guardian said. "Once you've found a PIllar, bring them here and I can transport them back to their lands. Just bare in mind that, this realm does not function like the waking world it--" "Is the realm of dreams. Meaning if I wanted to, I could just make myself an alicorn for the funsies. Right?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Okay, can you just stop making things so simple and uncomplicated please? I normally spend hours explaining this, and you just summarized things into a few short and simple sentences." The Guardian said. "What more is there to know? We're in the land of dreams after all. Kind of figures anything is possible here. Not that difficult to understand if you just simplify it." Rainbow Dash said. "Yer not wrong there..." Applejack said. "Spoilsport..." The Guardian said. "I would've asked my apprentice to assist you at the least but I've been unable to contact her for whatever reason. I'm not worried that she's been kidnapped by that creation of the night princess, as it's impossible to kidnap someone's unconciousness." "I'm here I'm here!" A female voice said before suddenly what Twilight recognized as a Cinderace appeared. "Sorry I showed up late. I just needed some time to--" "You...evolved?" The Guardian asked. "...That obvious huh?" The Cinderace said. "Who is this?" Raiden asked. "Name's Score. Apprentice of The Guardian at your service. Also...kind of his adopted daughter too. It's complicated." The Cinderace said. She's a Cinderace and her name is Score. Someone's birth parent wasn't very creative. Sunset thought to herself. "Go back a moment: Your an adopted daughter to one of the fates? Didn't Deca mention that they aren't supposed to get involved with other mortals?" Ray asked. "I was given special permission. After all, when I adopted Score as my daughter, she was only ten years old. Her father was presumed dead at the time, and her only other living retaliative which was her Uncle was put to death for murder. The full story is way too complicated to tell in full." The Guardian said. "So...she had no living family. Shouldn't she have been put in foster care then?" Raiden asked. "Yeah about that: My father was a human. So it wouldn't matter where I would end up, I'd always have cursed blood. I've essentially been living as an Orphan on the road since I was ten." Score said. "Because officially, I have no family. The Guardian is only my adopted father through a technicality. See, I have a really rare gift of being able to Lucid Dream very easily." "But wouldn't that require you to you know, be able to dream?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Not me. See, my ability to Lucid Dream so vividly, has allowed me to access Subnotica like it's my own back yard." Score said. Luna suddenly gasped. "You mean...you can lucid dream on a wavelength that allows you to dream walk." "Yeah. Exactly that." Score said. "That's incredible. It took me several months before I could start dream walking. And yet, you were able to pick that up at such a young age." Luna noted. "Yeah. I've been able to do this since I was ten, and I had it down in only three days." Score said. Luna's jaw dropped to the floor. "...I'm no expert, but even I'm willing to bet that due to Princess Luna's reaction to what you just said, means that what your talking about would normally takes months or even years to perfect to that degree." Rainbow Dash said. "Are you kidding? It would take even the best dreamwalkers most of their life to get to Score's level of control. And yet, she was able to do it in just three days." The Guardian said. "But...that would make her the youngest dream walker ever." Princess Luna said. "Not to brag or anything, but yeah, I am officially the youngest being in the meta-verse to ever be able to Lucid Dream as easily as breathing." Score said. "...Luna.mlp will stop working now..." Princess Luna said before actually falling over. "...Wait, how'd she faint when she was already unconscious?" Rainbow Dash asked. Suddenly Luna vanished. "Oh that's easy: The shock of that news was so great, that she just woke up from it." Score said. "Who can blame her?" Applejack asked. To be continued... > Season 5: Episode 17 - The Realm of Subnotica Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our heroes were still in the Realm of Subnotica, the realm of dreams, and Princess Luna had become shocked awake due to the talent of one Cinderace known as Score who was able to dream walk via Lucid Dreaming since she was ten years old as easily as breathing. The Guardian was in the process of re-summoning Luna to Subnotica. "So, if your able to Lucid Dream as easily as breathing, then why are we here?" Sunset asked. "We've got six missing pillars of the realm. Even with my ease of access, it'd take me days to find all six by myself. Do you even realize what could happen in that time frame?" Score asked. "You mean, something more then no more dreams?" Twilight asked. "Yeah. That little creation of Princess Luna is going to grow in strength. If it grows too strong, it's going to book it from Subnotica, and escape into the real world. And it'll be like having a rogue being of fate on the loose. I'm talking a threat level on the same page as The Omega." Score said. "Thanks to Deca, we know all about The Omega. So if your saying that if Luna's Tantabus isn't stopped as soon as possible..." Twilight was piecing together. "Yeah. You don't need to say anymore." Score said. "Think you already can see why your help is nessasary. To save all the pillars in time, a group is necessary. I would've gotten here earlier, but...I had evolved overnight." "So you were a Raboot before last night then?" Raiden asked. "Yep." Score simply answered. "I have no further questions..." Raiden said. Luna was finally brought back and then briefed on what was about to happen. Twilight suggested that every creature go in pairs. With Twilight suggesting they go in more unusual pairs this time. Subnotica Machines & Magic Area "Of all the pairings I get ended up with, I of course get paired up with the one princess I haven't really gotten to know well." Raiden said. "If it'll ease this situation, I personally don't consider myself much of a princess. Between when I became Nightmare Moon and this incident...there's a lot of things I've done wrong." Luna said. "I might start letting ponies adress me as just Luna after this." "...Whoa. That's a little extreme. Don't think I've ever seen royalty want to stop being addressed as royalty before. Even if it's only a consideration." Raiden said. "Though, I heard about the Nightmare Moon thing a little bit. But they say there's two sides to every store." "It wasn't just jealousy towards my sister that drove me to become Nightmare Moon; it was also the fact that ponies only ever respected my sister." Luna said. "Okay, being jealousy of your sister can be normal when it comes to siblings. Even if we're not related by blood, Lightning still feels jealous of the time I tanked a lightning strike meant for the mayor's house back when I was just a Pikachu." Raiden said. "Yeah, Lightning's become more and more like a brother to me in recent years ever since we patched things up from his undercover mission." "And we both know Sunset felt a little jealousy towards Twilight for similar reasons in regards to Flash Sentry." Luna said. "Oi, that's one day I'll never forget. Speaking of, did you know that Twilight and Flash are thinking of doing a more legit wedding soon and not that speedy version they did to stop all those suitor requests?" Raiden asked. "This is news to me..." Luna said. "Yeah well, keep it to yourself will you? Twilight wants to really make her brother realize how much waiting until the last minute to inform his sister of a wedding really had the girl reeling." Raiden said. "I'm honestly not surprised." Luna said. "...also, is it just me, or do some of these machines look like giant toys?" Raiden took a look around. "...Okay yeah, that is a little weird." Raiden said. "But back on topic while we look for the pillar that's in this realm: Jealousy towards your sibling is one thing, but that jealousy combined with being outright ignored is something else entirely." "All that anger and jealousy is what turned me into Nightmare Moon to begin with. It made me lose control of myself." Luna said. "Even still, I felt responsible for it." "You've got to let that go. Things are different now." Raiden said. "Except I can't. It was the guilt over becoming Nightmare Moon that lead to our current situation." Luna said. "Figured I'd punish myself for going down that road by giving myself nightmares. That's what lead to the creation of the Tantabus in the first place." "Then you need to face that guilt head on. Only way your going to get over it, is if you confront it." Raiden said. "Hey, is something there?" a male voice said. The duo soon discovered what looked like a magician in a steel cage. "You've gotta get me out of here." "...Well, considering this is the land of dreams, why am I not surprised a human is here?" Raiden asked. Suddenly a bunch of parts around the duo suddenly configred into a giant toy dragon. And unlike a real toy, this one could breath legit fire. "Suddenly I have a strong desire to want to know who in the Meta-verse dreamed up a dragon toy with real fire breathing action." Luna said. "Do you even need to ask? It's children. Children sometimes dream about things that are as far from reality as possible." Raiden said. "You would know about the mind of a child." Luna said. She quickly called up her dream magic, and in one blast, just destroyed the toy dragon. Raiden blinked. "...Remind me not to get on your bad side." "Oh that? That was nothing." Luna said. Lucky, the defeat of the toy undid the cage. "Ugh. Thanks for that. Now, I must get back to the castle of magicians." The magician said. "...Castle of magicians?" Luna asked. "Kids and their imaginations, I swear." Raiden said. "...I'm starting to see the theme of this area..." Luna said. Subnotica Swamp Area "Yuck. Why'd we have to get the swamp area?" Rarity asked. "You do realize that everything here isn't going to tranfer over to the real world, right?" Rainbow Dash asked. "It's the principle of the matter, Rainbow Dash." Rarity said. "Still, if this place works the way I understand it to work, even if you get your mane all messy, it's not going to matter in the end." Rainbow said. "Let's just...try to find the realm's pillar and get out of this place as soon as--" Rarity was interuptted by the loudest frog croak she ever heard. "...What...was that?" Rarity said. It happened again. "...Dude. Those are pipes." Rainbow Dash said. But when the duo discovered a giant frog being dangled by his feet from a tree by a metal wire, she quickly backtracked that statement. "...Of course it had to be a frog..." Rarity said. "Finally someone hears me. Could you come cut me down please? I don't like this position; it's very uncomfortable and I would very much like my feet on the ground now if you would be so kind." The frog said. "...Why am I not surprised this thing can talk?" Rainbow Dash asked. Suddenly a giant monster tree rose out of the swamp, covered in moss and drooling swamp water. "...I...I must remian calm I--" One kick from Rainbow Dash was enough to destroy the monster tree. "Wow. That was surprisingly easy." Rainbow Dash said. "...Never mind..." Rarity said. "That thing will regernate, so if you would be so kind as to GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!" The frog said. "And they call me impatient." Rainbow Dash said. Subnotica Animals Area Fluttershy was currently petting a kitten as she and Lightning were going through the animal area. "...I don't think I've seen dogs and cats in such close proximity with each other and not doing the standard cliche thing." Lightning said. "And this is coming from a Pokemon that's a lynx-lion hybrid." "Lions and lynx are very different from traditional cats though." Fluttershy said. "True. But I'm just saying, you'd expect felines and canines to have some beef with each other. I mean, it's such a common cliche, that I'm surprised this realm isn't following said cliche." Lightning said. "You do realize this a dream realm, right?" Fluttershy asked. "Maybe some people dream of a way for canines and felines to have great relationships." "Or a certain guardian could prevent them from fighting." A male voice said. "Yeah, or the realm's guardian could stop them from fighting." Lightning said. "...Wait, who said--" Fluttershy squeed again as she looked a the giant squirrel trapped in a cage. "...What's with this one?" The Squirrel said. "She really likes animals." Lightning said. "Well, she might want to rethink that in a hurry..." The Squirrel said. Suddenly out of nowhere, a giant three headed beast showed up. But while Cerberus was a three headed dog, what was before them had a wolf head, a lion head, and an eagle head. "What...am I looking at?" Fluttershy asked. Suddenly, a snake head slithered out from behind the creature. "It's...it's a...a...a..." Lightning was finding the word hard to say. "What? What is this?!" Fluttershy was worried now. The three main heads suddenly roared at the duo. "Chimera!" Lightning finally got the word out. Fluttershy punched the thing. "Now you listen here you. Roaring at folks like that is not nice. And you should really be ashamed of yourself for even doing so unprovoked." The chimera whimpered. ...What in the Distortion World am I looking at? Lightning thought to himself. "You should be very, very sorry indeed. I want you to go and do nice things for all the others you've roared at." Fluttershy sternly said. The chimera limped off, despite only getting punched in one of it's faces. It was like it just got told off by it's own mother. "...It's always the quiet ones..." Lightning said. Subnotica Water Area "Well, I'm surprised we can breath underwater." Spike said. "Of course we should be able to. This is Subnotica after all. It's not called the Realm of dreams for nothing." Score said. "Plus, being a fire type Pokemon, this is my second favorite area to come to on a regular basis." "I can understand that." Spike said. "...Wait, what's your favorite area if not this one? Is there even a sports area?" "There is, but that's like my second least favorite area." Score said. "...Okay, then which area is your favorite?" Spike asked. "It's the Night Life Area. The werewolf pillar is super duper hot~" Score said. Note to self: Leave this out of any biography I make in the future. Spike thought to himself. ...Yeah I didn't uphold that note to self. Mostly because I wanted nothing to be left out in the end. Would seem weird if I left out the fact that Score thought the pillar for the Night Life Area was hot. Future Spike would write in the story he was making. "So, you must know each and every pillar then." Spike said. "Most of them. I know of the mage, the squirrel, the frog, and of course, the Werewolf. No surprise which one is my favorite." Score said. "...What about the water area?" Spike asked. "Never really met them before. I have a few guesses, but I never could get a conformation." Score said. The duo found a trapped dolphin. "...Really? I guess in hindsight, a dolphin would make the most sense." However, suddenly an evil looking orca appeared, having a trapped shark in a net. "Should've censored known my decoy would get found out sooner or later..." The Shark said. "...Okay, I did NOT expect that." Score said. "Let's toast this fish!" Spike used his fire breath, roasting the evil orca. which quickly swam away, releasing the shark which then released the dolphin decoy. "Looks like that Orca didn't want to become Fish Sticks~" Score said. "...That was terrible, and you should be ashamed of it." Spike said.. Subnotica Night Life Area "Seriously makes you wonder what kind of people would dream up vampires and zombies on a regular basis." Starlight said. "Yeah. I can't wait to tell Sunset about this." Ray said. "Wonder if there's any werewolves around here." "Probably. I mean, they are another night based creature after all." Starlight said. "Hey, get me down from here!" The duo found a werewolf in a metal cage. "...Shouldn't you be able to escape from that cage on your own?" Starlight asked. "Normally yes; except this cage is made of silver metal. And werewolves are weak to silver. Little known fact: It's not just silver bullets that can depower a werewolf; it's silver metal in general." The werewolf said. "...Huh." Ray said. Suddenly an evil vampire appeared. "...seriously?!" Starlight said. "Eat garlic breath!" Ray said, before he roared at the vampire, and his breath was surpisingly garlic smelly instead of how it normally was. "...You just used the fact that we're in the realm of dreams to do that, didn't you?" Starlight said as the Vampire suddenly ran off. "Yep." Ray said. "Little known fact: Garlic is actually not a real vampire repellent, but because it's become so ingrained into society as an acceptable vampire weakness, it still works in Subnotica." The Werewolf said. "Wow thanks, I hate that. I'll have to figure out how to remove that fact from my mind now." Starlight said. Subnotica Fair Area "...When I heard the name of the area..." Sunset said as she looked around. She was in the middle of a giant fairground. "...I was expecting either a princess themed area, or some kind of area where every thing is giving fair treatment. Not what is essentially, a carnival." "Not a carnival Sunset: A Fair! Big difference!" Pinkie Pie suddenly popped out of nowhere, to squish Sunset's face. "...Your doing my face again, Pinkie." Sunset said. "C'mon, we should have some fun here!" Pinkie said. "...Pinkie, you do realize that if we don't find the pillar that was kidnapped here, you can never dream up all your various fun activities ever again." Sunset said. Pinkie Pie suddenly gasped. "That...that would be worse then a clown being the pillar we have to find." "...Luckily, I have a feeling it's not a clown." Sunset said, as she noticed that a living balloon nearby trapped in a cage. "Ah, good day there to you dear ladies. How ironic is it that two females are my savoir? Talk about a complete role reversal. I would welcome you one and all to the greatest fair ever created; but alas, I have come captured and imprisoned beyond my will." The balloon said. "...Wow. It's a gentlestallion balloon. That's surprising." Sunset said. "I prefer the term, gentleballoon; yet I understand your statement, dear lady. Let's just hope that you don't have a fear of clowns, for I'm afraid, one has captured me." The Balloon said. "...Even gentlestallion enough to tell us that we're about to face an evil clown." Sunset said. But when she looked at Pinkie, the mare had already tied up an evil clown with some rope. "...What? He was trying to sneak up on us. That wasn't very nice of him." Pinkie Pie said. Sunset facehooved. "...Never change Pinkie..." She said. To be continued... > Season 5: Episode 18 - Demon & Spirit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that the group had found the missing pillars and gotten them back to their proper locations, the group met up with the Guardian again. "You know, we didn't see hide nor hair of the Tantabus." Twilight said. "But it had to be the culprit right?" Raiden asked. "Agreed. It's the only thing that would have that kind of cordination and power to manipulate all those monsters." The Guardian said. "Your forgetting me." A male voice said. the group suddenly spotted a strange charcol based being with horns on it's head. "It...can't be..." Score said. "I thought The Guardian defeated you." "He did. And he trapped me in the realm of Subnotica at that." The charcol creature said. "Who are you?" Twilight asked. "He's got the Tantalbus!" Luna pointed at what was in one of the creatures...hands? Were they hands? They looked like goat hooves. In an instant, the charcol creature crushed the Tantabus in front of all their eyes. "Yes, snatching this thing and using the monsters to buy me the time required to absorb it's power so I may cross back into the real world was a great plan." The creature said. "You can call me Astrotal Mandoli. I am the demon of hate." "How dare you do that to Princess Luna's creation? I don't care if it was used to punish her, you do not get to do something like that and get away with it!" Rainbow Dash said. "I just did. You get to enjoy your victory for now Ponies. But I'll in your neighborhood sooner rather then later. And once I am, I'm going to show you just how fragile your so called 'friendship' truely is. And once I'm done, you'll let your true natures out; the hateful, spiteful, greedy, sinful, and betraying kinds!" Astrotle said and as a black portal began to teleport him away, the demon laughed. And even after he left, his laugh continued to echo. The group soon woke up from the induced sleep they were given. "Oh good. Your awake finally." Shallor said, suddenly passing out some food. "Thought I'd get you something to eat since you all slept for an entire day." "...Does not feel like we were knocked out for a whole day." Sunset said. "Time can be fleeting like that." Shallor said. Sunset took notice of the amount of plates and drink glasses. "...Aren't you going to eat or drink anything?" Sunset asked. "Nah. I don't really need to eat anything. Don't really need to drink anything either." Shallor said. "But everything living needs sleep, food, and hydration." Sunset said. "What's your point?" Shallor asked. "My point, is that your not amongst the living." Sunset said. "At least not anymore." Shallor was silent for a time. "...Wow, not even three days of knowing me, and you already put the pieces together. Rob was right: You are good." Shallor said. "Wait...how are you here then?" Rainbow Dash asked. "If your supposed to be dead, how are you here physically? Are you another ghost like with Cole?" "...Huh. I didn't even realize that hamster was even dead. But no, I'm not a ghost." Shallor said. "More of a spirit. What your seeing is just the form I took when I was alive." "...Okay. So then, how are you allowed in the land of the living?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Because it's special privilages that come with being the one in charge of the Fire Pits." Shallor said. "It's where those who are just pure evil and demons go when they are either killed or cleansed." "...Huh. Speaking of Demons, we just met one." Sunset said. "Please tell me it's not Haywire. Creator help you if it's Haywire." Shallor said. "Whose Haywire?" Twilight asked. "...Wait, no, stay on topic here: We met Astrotle Mondoli." "...YOU DID WHAT?!" Shallor said. "...Why do I feel like he would've done a spit take just then?" Sunset asked. "Because he most likely would've." Pinkie Pie said. One explanation later "Oh great. Just great. As if Haywire still being on the loose wasn't bad enough. Astrotle Mondoil is planning another attempt at making mortals seem like they only have hate in their bodies." Shallor said. "He's done this before?" Twilight asked. "At least seventy thousand other times to my knowledge. Maybe more." Shallor said. "...I'm sorry, but I swear you just said seventy thousand. I misheard you though, right?" Twilight asked. "Nope. You did not mishear me." Shallor said. "...Twilight.mlp will stop working now..." Twilight said before fainting. "...Was it something I said?" Shallor asked. > Season 5: Episode 19 - Woods of the Sisters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The elements were still undergoing Shallor's training. Though, for today, he had taken them to some woods the ponies had never been in before. Team Strikers had been strongly advised to stay behind in Ponyville for the trip. "So, you saw Raiden's loss against Sparky and that's why you came up here to train us?" Sunset asked. "Rex has good intentions, but they are directed in the wrong way. Better I train you up so you can set him straight once and for all then risk major changes happening." Shallor said. "Still not sure why you had Team Strikers not come with us on this trip specifically. Raiden would make a good sparring partner." Rainbow Dash said. "I had some different partners in mind." Shallor said. "It won't be long until we reach our destination." "Wonder where we're even going." Sunset wondered. The group soon came across a very big building. "...That's almost as big as the Friendship Castle." Twilight noted. "It'd have to be, considering who lives here." Shallor said. He then knocked on the door in a very weird sequence. "Shallor? Is that you out there?" A female voice asked. "Yeah. I got some friends I'd like you to train with." Shallor said. "Any of them happen to be 'chus?" A different female voice asked. "It's Shallor. No way he's got a 'chu with him." A third female voice said. "I know your policy. Don't worry, no Pichus, PIkachus, or Raichus out here." Shallor said. "...Wait, hold on." He then launched a Shadow version of Shining Flare at a nearby tree, causing a Pikachu to fall out of it. "We got a sneaker out here. I'll take care of it." Shallor said. "You do that. Thanks." A fourth female voice said. "Neutra, show our guests in." "On it!" A fifth voice said before a Pachirisu opened the door. "Oh hey, ponies. Come in, quick." The ponies went in. Inside, the group was treated to a lot of different Pokemon. Twilight recognized them all as what humans would call "Pika-Clones". There was a Plusle, a Minun, the Pacharisu they already met, an Emolga, a Dedenne, a Togidemari, a Morpeko, and a Pomi. Though there was also a Luxio that quickly began sniffing them. "...Smells like you've been near a 'chu." The Luxio said. "We do hang out with Raiden a lot." Rainbow Dash said. "Oh, that Raichu from Lightning Town? He's actually not that bad of a Raichu." The Emolga said. "I mean, any mon who has the ability to fight against crime and look out for kids can't be that bad." "I still doubt that there's not some secret agenda." The Luxio said. "The secret agenda is making sure those orphaned kids don't grow up to become criminals." The Togidemari said. "I've been to one of the Lightning Strike Orphanages once. The kids there were really enjoying themselves." "...Huh. I didn't know about the Orphan angle." The Emolga said. "I guess if he's looking after orphans then he can't be too terrible. I still got my eyes on him." The Luxio said. "Well it's nice to meet you girls. I'm Sunset Shimmer." Sunset said. "This is Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack." Sunset said. "Well if you're going to introduce yourselves, allow us to do the same." The Plusle said. "I'm Plusla. The Minun is Mina; we hatched next to each other." "Hi there." Mina said. "I'm Neutra. I was the first one Plusla and Mina recruited into the Sisterhood." The Pachirisu said. "Call me Emily." The Emolga said. "Darina's my name." The Dadenne said. "Alola; name's Tori!" The Togidimari said. "You can call me Mora." The Morpeko said. "And then there's Poli. She's only two years old." Plusla said. "Don't forget about me. Name's Lori. I may not be a Pika-clone, but I'm an honorary member, so I get all the benefits of being part of the sisterhood with no drawbacks." Lori said. "There's one other honorary member: This Pikachu from Alola. Except she's really a Pika-clone trapped in a Pikachu's body. She's our Trapped Sister." "Lori's idea, not ours; because Solena identifies with Pika-clones more then other 'chus, and even dresses up as some of our species, Lori likes to call Solena a 'Trapped Sister'." Plusla said. "So why do you have a two year old living with you? Don't get me wrong, you all seem very capable of raising her, but, what's the deal with having a baby amongst your group?" Sunset asked. She could tell that Lori really did feel passionate about calling Solena a "Trapped Sister". "It was about one week before I evolved into a Luxio; there was this Pawmot who carried her baby straight to the doorstep of the sisterhood, who had been abused and nearly beaten to death by her Raichu husband. From what I was told, that mother was determined to get her baby to the sisterhood's doorstep. The Pawmot's body was buried not too far from this estate." Lori said. "I did see a grave nearby on our way in. So that's where the Pawmot was buried huh?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yep. It was a bit later then that when I heard the news, and decided to come visit. That's when I met Solena. And then Mimi showed up, said some things, and then Solena practically tore into her birth species. I have...honestly never seen so much animostiy towards 'chus before, not even from myself. So yeah...it was eye opening." Lori said. "...Whose Mimi?" Sunset asked, but was suddenly worried. "This Mimiku that was a member. Because of an argument over me, she left." Mora said. "But it was later, that she revealed the forest's location on a talkshow, and it lead to a tribe of 'chu to invade our estate." "I did my best to defend the estate, and then the sisterhood joined in. Still, Mimi is now considered one of our enemies because of the 'chu tribe." Lori said. "Anyways, Shallor wants us to train with you, and whatever it is he wants to train you for, it's gotta be important, otherwise he wouldn't even bother." Mina said. "Shallor can be...a bit aggressive since he is a Shadow 'mon. But you honestly couldn't ask for a better trainer then him." "Yeah. So, we're going to do our absolute best to train you. So I hope your ready." Lori said. "Too bad Solena's not here..." "Hey girls..." Shallor said, before he brought in a female Pikachu who was mostly using make-up to look like a Pachirisu with some of it wiped off. "This 'chu was coming in, and keeps insisting she's welcome here." "Oh that's Solena. She's cool Shallor. She's a Trapped Sister." Lori said. "What?" Shallor said. Sunset got the Pikachu out of Shallor's grasp. "We'll tell you later." Sunset said. "For now, let's train!" > Season 5: Episode 20 - The Dynamic Duo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "That was a great training session with you girls." Twilight admitted. She and her friends were outside of the Electra Sisters estate. "It was great having you over. Maybe we'll stop by Ponyville sometime soon. Even if there's a 'chu there." Plusla said. "Well, we look forward to hosting you." Sunset said as the ponies and two dragons left. "Girls, you'll never believe what I found out about Raiden!" Neutra said. "Oh? This I gotta see." Lori said. The sisters were gathered around a computer scene. "According to this, not only was Raiden's grandpa the one who liberated Lightning Town from it's tyrannical rule, his parents used to run an orphanage outside the city limits." Neutra said. "Huh. So he comes from good stock then. Well, that makes him different then most 'chus we've seen." Emily said. "Yeah but get this: His parents were killed when he was only six years old." Neutra said. "Wait...you mean he was once an orphan himself?" Lori asked. "But he acts so...so tough and confident." "Yeah. It seems he built up that kind of attitude to survive in the crime ridden town." Neutra said. "Still, it looks like now a days, he's more well known for the infamous Orphan Band that goes around place to place performing various songs." "Whoa. For being a Raichu, this guy has a heart." Lori couldn't help but admit. "Maybe being around him won't be so bad after all. I mean, he lost his parents when he was four years older then Poli after all." Emily said. "Poor Poli. She's not old enough to understand this kind of loss. Yet Raiden was." "And he's stayed tough because of it. He actually might not be too bad to be around. I don't have to socialize with him, after all." Lori said. The ponies had gotten back to Ponyville with Shallor. "Seems you've learnt enough from the Electra Sisters. They're really good at teamwork." Shallor said. "Tomorrow, we're putting what you've learnt into practice with a battle against Raiden & Lightning." "Whoa, your giving us the final exam already?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Nah. That would be something more then this. No. The battle against Raiden & Lightning is more like a pop-quiz. I got much more difficult battles lined up for the likes of you." Shallor said. "But there's still time in the day. Can't we do it now?" Twilight asked. "Raiden wants to build an arena that can have the audience protected from any stray attacks. He doesn't want this to be open field." Shallor said. "Wow. He's really considerate on that." Rainbow Dash said. The next day, the elements, Spike, and Ray entered an arena where the stands were full of ponies and pokemon alike spectating. And a couple of griffons too. Gilda was even present too. "Wonder what Gilda is doing here?" Rainbow Dash asked. "We can ask later." Twilight said. "Didn't think we'd be battling like this, Twilight. Over the time I've spent here, I've come to see you for what you're really like." Raiden said. "But just because we're friends, doesn't mean I'll be going easy on you. Lightning and I will be giving you a battle to remember." "That's fair." Twilight said. Raiden then took out a hat that had a Pichu and Shinx printed on it. It took Twilight's group to realize Lightning was already wearing the very same hat. "...You know, I was upset by Lightning when he went undercover like that. But I understand now." Raiden said. "So, let's show you our dynamic power! Our battle shall be orchestrated by the legendary Orphan Band!" At that, several Pokemon in the stands began playing a song. As the song began, there was a huge overview shot of the stands, and at one point, in a blink-and-you-miss-it moment, Raiden and Lightning's Shadows turned into a Pichu & Shinx respectfully, before quickly turning back. I swear I'm not imagining that. Rainbow Dash thought to herself. As the music really hit off, that's when the true battle began. Dynamic Duo Raiden & Lightning Lightning began by sending a Discharge attack arcoss the battle field. Raiden expertly dodged the stray bolts while the elements were quickly separated from each other. It was obvious this was a ploy to get them all seperated quickly. Thankfully, Sunset quickly reconginzed this and countered an approuching Raiden with some fire magic. However, Raiden was able to dodge it last minute. Still, it prevented him from getting any closer. Yet Raiden had his own surprises it seemed, using a Thunderbolt to Target Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was able to see the attack coming from a mile away, and thus dodged it very adeptly. In the audience, Night Wing took notice of how adeptly Rainbow Dash dodged Raiden's Thunderbolt. It was like she was able to perceive the attack from her flying position. Makes me wonder... Meanwhile, Lightning was trying to close in on Fluttershy with a Thunder Fang attack, but Fluttershy confused him with a cloud that was modled to look like her before hitting Lightning with a hoof strike. "Dang, that was pretty clever. What was that, some kind of Cloud Substitute?" Lightning asked. "Focus Lightning." Raiden said. Using the distraction, Twilight managed to hit Raiden with a magic blast of her own. It obviously did quite a bit of damage. "Oof! Raiden, you okay there bud?" Lightning asked. "Yeah. I think it's time to stop playing around." Raiden said before he quickly started running fast. At first, Twilight thought this was quick attack, before the attack started gaining electricity behind it. The Electra Sisters were on a black cloud that could be seen not too high from one side of the stands. On this cloud, Neutra suddenly gasped. "Isn't that Volt Tackle?!" "Dang, those two guys thought of everything." Lori couldn't help but admit. The elements did their best to counter attack, with Sunset managing to use a strong magic blast to deal critical damage to Lightning, forcing him to bow out of the battle so his injuries wouldn't become life threatening, and shortly after, Sunset & Twilight used a magic spell together to make it so Raiden had to bow out too. Raiden looked like he was frustrated over his loss from the way he grabbed his cap, but, then he smiled. He quickly threw his cap up in to the air where it landed in the middle of the arena. "Seems no matter where I go, it's creatures such as yourselves that really show me that just like how the sun will eventually shine through a thunderstorm, so too will the light dispel the darkness. So, despite my loss, I am content with it, as your victory was one you earned and weren't given. I can take pride in that much at least. Seriously, what can I really say? You've really earned my respect here today, and I don't give it to royalty all willy nilly like. My hat goes off to you, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. You two and your friends really gave us your all and did not hold back in the slightest. And for that, you deserve nothing less than my full respect. What else is there to say? Congratulations on your victory; you've earned it." Raiden said. The Electra Sisters were now on the arena field. Not to battle, but to really size up Raiden. "Seems Raiden really is different then most 'chu out there. He's got a real good heart. I seriously doubt even non-royals get his respect willy nilly." Lori said. "You've got a point there. Seems so strange though." Emily said. "Yeah. Raiden's like a major exception to the rule." Plusla said. "...Hey, is it just me, or is there smoke coming from the woods where the Electra Sisters live?" Rainbow Dash asked. "...Well now that you point that out, yes; it does look like there's smoke coming from that general direction." Shallor said. "Is there a forest fire going on?" Night Wing asked. "I couldn't tell you, but I bet we should hurry and contain it before it spreads." Twilight said. "Leave this to the Shadowbolts!" Night Wing said. However, as it turned out, the fire had started at the Electra Sisters estate, and unfortunately, it was too late to salvage the building. The fire was contained though and didn't spread too terribly far "Wha...who did this to our house?!" Mina exclaimed. "I'll tell you who..." Raiden said, as he examined the soul around the area now that the fire was out. "It's this Evil 'Chu Tribe my team's been trying to capture for the longest time. They give 'chus like me a bad rap. And most other 'chu think it's okay to copy their behavior. Believe me, it's not." "We did experience a 'chu tribe that tried to attack all of us a while back. Could it be the same tribe?" Emily asked. "There's only one 'chu tribe that would go out of there way like that to attack Pika-clones like the lot of you mostly are; and it's the very same one me and my team have been trying to capture. We've just never been able to get anything to stick before." Raiden said. "But between the attack you can testify too, and this? I think we've finally got something that can stick." Lightning said. "My only question is, would you be willing to testify about the attack you underwent?" Raiden asked. The grin on Lori's face spoke volumes as she said four simple words. "We'd be glad to~" > Season 5: Episode 21 - Go North Young Ponies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The elements, the CMC, the Electra Sisters, The Shadowbolts, Fortus Vile, Silver Spoon, Spoiled Rich, Spike, Ray, and Smolder were all on a train heading north past the crystal empire. "I can't believe we're finally going to see the Eeveelution Kingdom. We've never physcially been here, only heard about it from Throsten and his wives." Night Wing said. "I know it's been some time since we've last seen them, but Throsten did send the invite." Twilight said. "Can somoene tell me why Throsten has eight wives? Or is this just some thing that has to be public knowledge at this point?" Fortus Vile asked. "...He's got a fair point. Aren't there other princes or something in places as big as this Eeveelution Kingdom?" Spoiled Rich asked. "There were. But because of a prophecy that was brought on by the hero of the kingdom, that sort of changed. A prohpecy that the Glaceon were really into apperently." Sunset said. "I don't know all the details." "I do! I did research!" Twilight announced. "Of course you did." Rainbow Dash said, rolling her eyes. "Long ago, the dojo on top of the central mountain that the lands that make up the Eeveelution Kingdom revolve around was actually crafted by an entity whose evil knew know bounds. This evil being spread darkness across the nearby areas around the mountain, subjugating all sorts of Pokemon under the evil's cruel and merciless command. However, thanks to a Vaporeon that was visiting from outside the area, the lands were freed from the tyranny of the evil, and before the Vapreon vanished, he mentioned that one day evil would attempt to take over the lands once more, but that a courageous soul bearing his bloodline would be revealed and they would unite the lands under benevolent rule." Twilight said. "The words of the Vapreon hero becamed so ingrained in the culture of the royal Glaceon bloodline, that it wasn't wierd for that bloodline in particular to arrange marriges with the heirs that proved the most heroic. It just became pure chance that Throsten ended up making the prophecy come to pass." "What do you mean?" Apple Bloom asked. "Throsten wasn't originally going to be Gloria's husband, it was going to be this Flareon Prince. And that same prince was evil. He simply hid it away while he did everything he could to prove his own bravery. It led to Gloria's father wanting Gloria to be married to the Flareon Prince. However, Throsten was in love with Gloria, so to challenge the arranged marriage at all costs, Throsten invoked an ancient Glaceon test for males of the Glaceon Royal Bloodline: A race to the top of the nearby inactive volcano known as Mt. Death; it became known as Mt. Death because the icy terrain on the mountain made the path to the top a trecherous and dangerous climb. The Glaceon Royal Bloodline had a test for whenever multiple males are born to the royal family, where whoever reaches the top first was considered the bravest of the candidates, and became the true heir to the bloodline, where as the others were to be exiled from the kingdom and have any acknowledgement to their existance erased." Twilight answered. "...That sounds harsh. So, Throsten invoked that very same test to win favor with Gloria's father so he and Gloria could become bewedded. Sounds both epic yet sappy at the same time. And I don't know how I feel about that." Rainbow Dash said. "I honestly think it's sweet, it's like something out of a fairy tale." Diamond Tiara said. "I suppose if things had been normal, it would've become a fairy tale in and of itself. Except the evil flareon prince was a sore loser, and from what I understand, he unleashed the spirits of some evil dragons from within the long dormant volcano. Of course, Throsten managed to call upon the blood of his forefather and revealed himself to be the fabled descendent of the Vaporeon Hero that saved the Eeveeltuion Kingdom long ago. So, because Throsten ended up being the fabled descendent of the Vaporeon hero, not only did Gloria become his wife, but the other royal bloodline princesses were made his wives too. Well, outside of the Flareon Princess. Due to her being so closely tied to the Flareon King who was just as evil as the Flareon Prince, she was spared from death on the sole condition that she would exile herself from the unified kingdom." Twilight said. "I thought we already went over that last bit when Flare showed up?" Sunset asked. "None of the kids were part of that discussion Sunset." Twilight said. "Oh...right..." Sunset said. Throsten and his wives would meet the ponies at the trainstation platform. "Hey, I'm glad you could make it. Sorry I haven't been down in a while. I've been kept busy between making sure the kingdom doesn't fall to pieces, and dealing with my kids." "...Did you just say kids? As in plural?" Sunset asked. Suddenly, she was trappled over by NINE different Eevee kits that suddenly began jumping on Throsten's back. "...Yes. I did say kids as in plural. I already thought one kid was a handful. Now I've got nine little bundles of joy. But I wouldn't have it any other way." Throsten said. "Some 'mon's been busy it seems." Sunset said, recovering from getting runover by the Eevee kids. Meanwhile, Fortus Vile had fainted as had Silver Spoon. "...Wait, why did they just faint?" Scootaloo asked. Fluttershy began squeeling uncontrollably before she suddenly fainted. "...I think they just experienced cuteness overload." Throsten suggested. "Especially Fluttershy." "...You know what? That would be Fluttershy's thing." Rainbow Dash admitted. > Season 5: Episode 22 - Lori > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electra Sisters Estate - Two Years Ago... It had been tough, but now, the Electra Sisters and Lori can all rest. The 'chu tribe had fled the forest, and the estate was safe. "You girls really know your teamwork. It's very good." Lori said. "Yeah..." Plusla said. "Listen Lori...we're sorry if we were a little...mean about how we were saying you couldn't join." "Water under the bridge." Lori said. "It's nothing wrong with wanting to join. It's just...we've never really thought about having any non-Pika-clones as part of the sisterhood before." Mina said. "But...I think we can come to an arrangement." Plusla said. "It's unprecedented, but I think all of us Electra Sisters can consider you an honorary member, Lori." "Honarary member? What's that mean?" Lori said. "It means you have permission to come and hang out with us whenver you want. And with your parent's permission, stay the night too if you want." Mina said. "You'd...talk with my parents about this?" Lori asked. "Yeah. But if they say no, then that's just mean. They shouldn't control you like that." Neutra said. "Agreed. No parent should choose their child's friends." Emily said. Lori smiled. "Heck, if they say no, I'd rather move away from my parents." "Don't...run away from your parents. I'm sure we can talk things out with them." Darina said. Present Day... "Can't believe that same 'chu tribe damaged the Electra Sisters Estate. I hardly say the forest is safe anymore." Lori's father said. "I'm worried about you dear. You sure your going to be okay in Ponyville for a while while everything calms down around the forest?" Lori's mother asked. "I'll be fine mom. I'm not a baby anymore." Lori said. "No. No I suppose your not. Your a Luxio now. You can have a lot more independence from us now." Lori's mom said. "But if anything comes up, daughter; you know where to find us." Lori's father said. "I know dad. I just hope nothing ever comes up that will require me to find you." Lori said before returning to Ponyville. "...Can you believe it's been two years since we agreed to let her hang out with the Electra Sisters?" Lori's mother asked. "Heh. I think she's maturing way faster then she would have otherwise. Why, I wouldn't be surprised if one day she became a Luxray in order to really show us how mature she's become." Lori's father said. Lori arrived in Ponyville, and was about to pass by the Lightning Strike Orphanage Ponyville Branch when she accidently bumped into Lightning when she had gotten distracted when a gray pegasus hit a lamppost and said "I just don't know what went wrong." "Oof! Oh hey Lori." Lightning said. "Let me guess: You got distracted by Derpy." "...Is that that pegasus's name?" Lori asked. "Yep. She's a mailmare for the post-office here." Lightning said. "Say, perhaps you'd like to observe Raiden and I at the orphanage today." "You really want to invite her along?" Cozy Glow asked. Lori did a double take and noticed the Pegasus Filly on Lightning's back. "...Whose the kid?" Lori asked. "Her name is Cozy Glow. She was sent her from Manehatten because the orphanage there was bursting at the seems. Or so I was told. She's currently somewhat of an understudy of mine. Been teaching her how she can put her super genius towards some big things." Lightning said. "Before Lightning, I've never once lost a single game of chess, let alone lost one so quickly. What can I say? He's been a great teacher." Cozy Glow said. "Better than the foster family I was with." "...Wait, back up, I thought you were an orphan?" Lightning asked. "I am. Legally, anyways. My birth parents disowned me for being born a Pegasus, while they were both unicorns. As such, I got put into the foster care system. I got adopted pretty quickly by one foster family, but they just couldn't handle being outsmarted by me, and returned me to the orphanage, which is how I got transferred here." Cozy Glow said. "...Okay, that's just not cool. Your birth parents shouldn't have disowned you just because you weren't a unicorn. Talk about all kinds of bad. I'll certainly tell Twilight about this later. This sort of thing cannot go unchecked." Lightning said. "...Well now I do want to observe you and Raiden at the orphanage." Lori said. Plus, this give me an excuse to see if everything I've read about him is true or not. Later that day, it was time to put the orphans to bed for the night. "Well, it's pretty late now. Want to just stay over here at the orphanage tonight Lori? I'll help you back to Twilight's Castle in the morning. Have to head there with Cozy Glow anyways to let Twilight know about Cozy's birth parents." Lightning said. "That's...fine. I guess." Lori said. "I'm just a little nervous still. Raiden makes Gallade look like evil tyrants. And that's so wierd to me." "...Yeah. Plusla mentioned to me that you have a thing against all 'chus." Lightning said. "But, you can trust me when I say that Raiden's trying to do his part, to flip around the mentality of all 'chus one way, or another." "...Ironically, if any creature of any species could probably do that, Raiden could do it. I believe it." Lori said. "Something about the way you trust him...makes me want to trust him. Which is a first for me. I've never trusted a 'chu before I even met you and Raiden, and now...now everything Raiden is flies in the face of my own philosophy. And despite that, I don't hate that I want to trust him because you trust him." At that moment, there was a white glow from Lori, before she suddenly evolved into a Luxray. "...Whoa. Looks like you just evolved." Lightning said. "Huh. Seems your evolution was triggered when you decided you could trust Raiden by trusting Lightning." Cozy Glow said. "...Or something like that. For once, even my super intellect has nothing." "Well...I honestly don't care what the reason is." Lori said. "I really got to show my parents tomorrow after I let the sisters know I'm okay." Suddenly, Twilight burst in through the door. "...Oh huh. Looks like Lori Evolved. Well, that's some good news today." The purple alicorn said. "Twilight, what's wrong?" Lightning asked. "Flash found Spitfire bleeding out near the edge of the Everfree Forest. Her injuries look serious. You and Raiden might want to take a look in case they were caused by that 'chu tribe you guys are after." Twilight said. "Well that's more then enough reason then." Raiden said, suddenly appearing. "Take us to where Spitfire is being treated." Sadly, as it turned out, Spitfire's injuries were caused by something much, much worse than what the 'chu tribe was capable of doing. She was barely hanging on to her own life. Future Spike wrote down. It seems Spitfire knew her time was up, because she called out to Rainbow Dash, where the former wonderbolt captain whispered three words to Rainbow Dash. Three words, yet they were obviously meant to be a warning. Just three words, yet they spoke volumes. "Beware the Reaper". > Season 6: Episode 1 - The Bravest Ever Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville was a complete and utter wreck to say the least. Many houses were in shambles, with some parts of them just lying in the streets. Or what's left of those streets, since the normal pathways were so unreconizable, it would be easy to become lost amongst the clutter. And then, as the damage is being surveyed from some strange outside world, Throsten is suddenly flung right through a part of a destroyed building towards a very bruised and very battered main six. "I've quite enjoyed this battle, which is something I can't say for any other battle I've had." Nozrog said as he suddenly came into view of the ponies and Throsten. "But I think we've reached the end here, you and I. Seems I finally found something you're afraid of Throsten: Death. But then again, who can blame you for being afraid of dying?" Three Hours Earlier... It was bright sunny day in Ponyville, and what was making this day super special was that well...the changelings were changing. As it not shapeshifting. "I honestly can't believe what I'm seeing here..." Chrysalis said as she too was bearing witness. It had been a gradual process, but now every changeling aside from the queen was freeingly giving love. And this was causing a change to them all. And while every changeling besides the queen was now in a glowing cacoon, it wasn't long before they came out of it, now a pastel of colors like the ponies. "Wow. This is incredable." Sunset said. "I didn't get to meet any changelings besides Chrysalis in that other timeline, and while I knew something would change, seeing it happen live was something else entirely." "I honestly can't wait to throw a 'changelings are the good guys' party soon." Pinkie Pie said. "I'd love to help with that!" Cheese Sandwich was there, as he had actually come to ponyville to hang out for a few days. "Ooooooo! I can't wait to attend that party!" Serendipity said. "Wait...SERENDIPITY?!" Twilight suddenly exclaimed. "Where'd she come from?" Flash Sentry asked. "From the Eeveelution Kingdom silly~" Serendipity said. "That's not what I asked!" Flash Sentry said. Twilight then tapped Flash Sentry on the shoulder before pointing at Throsten and his other wives and his children suddenly running their way. "Serendipity must you always rush ahead?!" Throsten exclaimed. "...Oh. Never mind then..." Flash Sentry said. "It's nice for you to grace us with your presence Throsten, but what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?" Celestia asked. "Well since Twilight and her friends decided to come up to the kingdom last month, I figured the least I could do in return was come and return the favor." Throsten said. "Well that's very nice of you." Twilight said. "Besides, Serendipity said that Ponyville was about to get a lot more color. She wasn't kidding it seems." Throsten said, looking at the new forms of the changelings. For some reason though, Thorax had antlers and his brother had some horns to him. "...Not sure what's up with the horns on Thorax and his brother though." Chrysalis said. "Yeah not even the alternate timeline's Chrysalis had those." Sunset said. "Apparently, there's still a lot about changelings we just don't know yet." "In that sense, perhaps Chrysalasis's punishment can be that she helps me unravel some of those mysteries." Twilight said. "That's honestly probably for the best. After all, as of this moment, I think it can be agreed on that when Ocellus becomes of age, she will become the new Changeling queen." Sunset said. "That is the rule of changeling hives. And I know that mine was not the only one." Chrysalis said. "The others though...I am unsure of them. I know what kind of changelings they are, sure, but not where they are." "You can forget looking for them..." A sudden evil voice said. It was Nozrog! "I've already wiped out every other hive in existance." "Nozrog!" Throsten growled. "You've returned again?!" Twilight exclaimed. "Oh yes. And I've also got Shallor distracted with something way up in the mountains." Nozrog said. "By the time he returns, there won't be an Equestria left as the Storm King will have taken it over." "The Storm King? But that guy was dealt with hundreds of years ago by my grandfather." Raiden said. "While that's true, this is that king's son I'm referring to. And he and I have the same enemies: You ponies and you Eeveelutions." Nozrog said. "So, I cut him a deal: If I make sure Equestria is all ready for take over by the Storm King, he'll return the favor by making sure the Eeveelution Kingdom is all good and ready for me to take over." "Do you honestly expect him to hold true to that deal?" Twilight asked. "Perhaps. But he would be wise to do so if he knows what's good for him." Nozrog said. "The Time for talk is over; now I unleash utter hell on you!" He said as he suddenly sliced with a strange syth object; aiming for Twigliht. However, Chrysalis blocked the strike; taking the full brunt of the blow. "...Run...while you still can..." Chrysalis got out. "Try and buy time...for Shallor..." She said before she instantly fell limp and dead. "...Stupid bug got in my way..." Nozrog said before the ponies and Eeveelution sans Throsten ran to buy time for Shallor. "...You believe you can fight me?" "You have no idea what I'm capable of still." Throsten said. "I am fully aware. But you won't be able to let those ponies get away from me." Nozrog said before suddenly a whole bunch of undead puppets in the forms of many of the ponies and Eeveelutions appear. "Go my puppets. Raze this village to the ground. Show these locals what happens if you cross Nozrog!" He ordered as the puppets set out to do just as they were commanded. To be continued... > Season 6: Episode 2 - The Bravest Ever Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throsten watched as the puppets went off to find the Main six. "You...just what purpose are you trying to accomplish with this?" "Why...death of course." Nozrog said. "I find the fact you mortals keep clinging to life in the ways you do to be total gag fests. Honestly, I'm surprised the speeches of friendship haven't made that Rainbow Dash turn into an utter villain just to spite you all. All this talk of friendship and hugs should make someone like Rainbow Dash turn into a villain. Yet, most of the time, she doesn't. And even when she does, she's still somehow miraculously defeated because some rule says only the good guys can win." "Well, that's because you evil doers continue to try and take over the world and other such things." Throsten said. "I don't want to take over the world though. I plan on eventually killing off every last mortal in all of existence. That's my goal. Because for all the talk of friendship and whatnot that worlds like this try to encourage the spread off, often times mortals still refuse to take that to heart and end up what you heroes would call 'evil'." Nozrog said. "And that's what makes me so sick of you mortals: You talk the talk, but you don't walk the walk. For every Twilgiht Sparkle there's at least ten other mortals who will seek to do terrible things. Maybe not 'take over the world' levels, but still terrible things. Such as destroying coral reefs, or polluting the oceans, or even grievingly hording their wealth. And that all funnels back to the elements of harmony these ponies just love to treasure so much. For all their worth, the elements of harmony are essentially just glorified deus ex machinias. And that's further sickinging to me." "You...really just don't care who gets hurt..." Throsten said as the puppets began to tear Ponyville apart. "You only care about death and destruction. That's really your only goal." "Oh yes, someone finally gets it." Nozrog said. "I want to kill for the sake of killing. What other reason do I need when you mortals continue spoting these positive messages, only for them to basically mean little to buck nothing?!" He exclaimed. "So I say, the only real solution is to just kill all mortals so that the undead can rise, and take over all of existance. Because the things you mortals want to protect won't matter to the undead. They don't need the things you mortals require to survive. And when everything doesn't need anything to survive...then it won't matter in the end if something gets polluted or destroyed, because the undead can live without it. There will no longer be anything to fight over or fight against. Everything will finally be as you heroes want it, peaceful." "But that's just going way too far." Throsten said. "We can have peace without needing to basically kill everyone." "And yet that peace never lasts does it? The only solution in the end is to just kill everyone and everything. And it seems, I have to appoint myself as that executor of mortal kind since no god or fate or whatever dares take that kind of extreme solution." Nozrog said. "No matter what, we will never let you succeed." Throsten said. "You can't defeat me." Nozrog readied his sythe weapon. "I'm The Reaper." The Reaper Nozrog Nozrog was using all sorts of tricks to outsmart Throsten, in fact, almost right away, Nozrog had put Throsten on the back foot. Even when Throsten used his ancestral blood, nothing was going his way. Meanwhile, the Main Six plus Throsten's wives were dealing with their own battle. Undead Army Nozrog's Puppets The puppets were using their own tactics against them, it was literally like they were fighting themselves. It was quickly becoming an eternal stalemate with neither side gaining an inch, since the puppets had access to everything the heroes did and more. Eventually, the group decided to change things up with the ponies going after the Eeveelution Puppets and Throsten's wives going after the Pony Puppets. However, it was quickly discovered that the damage was still intense, and it left Ponyville in a state of near and utter ruin. Ponyville was a complete and utter wreck to say the least from the battle. Many houses were in shambles, with some parts of them just laying in the streets. Or what's left of those streets, since the normal pathways were so unreconizable, it would be easy to become lost amongst the clutter. And then, as the damage is being surveyed from some strange outside world, Throsten is suddenly flung right through a part of a destroyed building towards a very bruised and very battered main six. "I've quite enjoyed this battle, which is something I can't say for any other battle I've had." Nozrog said as he suddenly came into view of the ponies and Throsten. "But I think we've reached the end here, you and I. Seems I finally found something you're afraid of Throsten: Death. But then again, who can blame you for being afraid of dying?" He added before he readied his sythe. "That's where your wrong." Throsten said as he got up; suddenly be began glowing with dark power, but something about it was different this time. "Sure, I'm at risk of dying, but so what? I'm not afriad. I know you can easily end me if I get in close. But that's a risk I'm willing to take. I don't care if you kill me, because at least, if I go fast enough, even that won't stop me. You'll still lose in the end." Throsten finished before he suddenly started going insanely fast at Nozrog. For Nozrog, it was like time had suddenly stopped. I...I don't understand...he...he should be cowering in total fear after the beating I gave him! Nozrog thought to himself. And yet...even now staring into his eyes, I just can't see any fear in his actions. There's no hesitation, no fear, no regrets... the thoughts continued. He...he isn't afraid to die...not in the slightest. Because really, in his mind, so long as he takes me down with him, he doesn't care if he dies at all... the thoughts went on. I...I never thought I'd actually ever admit this...but Throsten...Throsten really is the bravest ever... the thoughts concluded before things resumed and Throsten rocketed right into Nozrog, sending the reaper flying off. "YOU STILL HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!" Nozrog yelled as he disappeared like a star in the sky. > Season 6: Episode 3 - Throsten's Kids > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had taken less then 24 hours to repair Ponyville, as the newly reformed changelings gladly helped out. "Ugh...that Nozrog's gotten clever suddenly. He wasn't like this before, I can tell you that much." Shallor said. "It's like suddenly everything about him has been cranked up to an eleven." "All the same, thanks for your help in repairing the town." Twilight said to Thorax. "Hey, no problem. You've been letting us stay at the castle which somehow, was the only structure that didn't get damaged. So, the least we could do to repay that was help rebuild the town." Thorax said. "That's not wrong I suppose..." Pharyanx said. "But I am a little curious as to how the Castle didn't get damaged when there was that huge of a battle going on." "Beats me..." Twilight said. "Wee! Look at me!" Pinkie Pie said, as she was suddenly bouncing around with all of Throsten's kids on her. "Uh oh...I think Pinkie Pie's got that babysitting look in her eyes again..." Twilight said. "I was actually hoping one of you ponies could look after my kids for a couple of days. I could really use some time with my wives for a while. Especially Gloria." Throsten said. "...Err..." Twilight was about to argue. "So I'm glad the kids have latched onto Pinkie Pie. Makes that process easy." Throsten said as he and his wives left. "...Wait, did Throsten and his wives just leave?" Pinkie Pie asked. "...You just had to have Throsten's kids attach themselves to you, didn't you?" Sunset asked. "Well, I'm sure I really can handle this this time. Because this time, I know what I'm doing!" Pinkie Pie said. "...I guess in all fairness, you would." Sunset said. Surprising every pony, Pinkie Pie did in fact do well with Throsten's Kids, plus the Baby Cakes had some fun with them too. ...Though it did cause a mess at Sugarcube Corner at one point... A few days later, Throsten and his wives came back. "Aw, the little bundles of joy are all sleeping." Throsten said as his wives picked up the kids. "Thanks for looking after them, Pinkie Pie." Throsten said. "No sweat. Just ah...don't do that again sometime soon. Mr. and Mrs. Cake are still cleaning up the mess they and the Baby Cakes made while they were here." Pinkie Pie said. "Kids will be kids no matter what species they are, huh?" Throsten asked. "You have no idea." Pinkie Pie said. "Especially those Eevees and the Baby Cakes..." "Well, here's hoping that they'll still be tired for bedtime tonight." Throsten said as he and his wives left with the kids. And once they were fully out of sight, Pinkie Pie just...crashed and started sleeping. "...I'm guessing we should probably not wake her..." Sunset whispered. "Good idea..." Twilight said. The Ponies then proceeded to get Pinkie Pie into Sugarcube corner and in her usual bed before they left her to sleep for the day. > Season 6: Episode 4 - Not so Vile (On Your Marks AU) (Easter Madness 2024) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's was yet another great day in Ponyville, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were at their clubhouse. "So, are we ready to go find ponies to help with their cutie marks?" Apple Bloom asked. "And maybe help those that don't have cutie marks yet find theirs." Diamond Tiara said. "Hey, we should check up on Fortus Vile, see how he's doing." Sweetie Belle said. "Sounds great. Let's do that." Scootaloo said. The group found Fortus Vile doing some things around the school after hours for Miss Cheerilee, and there was something else. "Hey, is that a Gold Star (S64) from Miss Cheerilee?" Diamond Tiara asked noticing what Fortus Vile was wearing. "Why yes it is. I've actually gone pass the need to keep doing community service, but I figured I'd do some stuff for Miss Cheerilee. She does spend so much time teaching us that she deserves a little something." Fortus Vile said. "Well that's very good for you. Just don't go and get a big head about it." Diamond Tiara said. "Nah. But, I did come across some fliers for activities you girls might want to consider doing." Fortus Vile said before handing over some fliers. "What's this about?" Apple Bloom asked. "Hey, you can do things on your owns you do realize that yes? You don't have to do everything together. Plus, think of it this way: You're that much more likely to run into a pony you can help with your special talent that way." Fortus Vile said. "Not a bad idea. We could give that a shot." Apple Bloom said. Each member of the CMC did their own thing, with Apple Bloom doing a dance class that ended up with her meeting Tender Taps. Who had a passion for wanting to dance, but he had a serious case of stage freight. Apple Bloom wasn't very good at dancing though herself, yet she could tell Tender Taps was. So when Apple Bloom revealed that Tender Taps didn't have his cutie mark yet because of his stage frieght to the others, using the skills they learnt through their classes, they helped Tender Taps overcome his stage frieght and get his cutie mark. "That was...amazing. I mean really, props where props are due, I didn't think you girls would be able to pull off something like that." Fortus Vile said. "Hey, it was your idea to try so many different things that made this possible." Scootaloo said. "Indeed, don't sell yourself short." Sweetie Belle said. "You did real good with that." Diamond Tiara admitted. "What more is there to say? We'll have to see if we can do this again some time soon. Hopefully, next time it's with a class I can actually do." Apple Bloom said. All five foals laughed at that. "...I'm being serious by the way." Apple Bloom interrupted the laughter. "You're starting to sound a little like I did. So you might want to reign that in." Fortus Vile said. Apple Bloom then spent some time calming herself down. Though when Tender Taps tried to do some flirting with Apple Bloom, he got glared at by Diamond Tiara as he walked away. > Season 6: Episode 5 - Tales from the Past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was quite the normal day in Ponyville, though what was quite intense today was the fact that the mayor of Lightning Town, Mayor Flash Sentry the Luxray, was visiting. "It's a pleasure for you agreeing to give me a tour of Ponyville today. Even if you are a royal, I have to say, between the museum in Lightning Town and your part in finally ridding the world of the curse of the Horris Family curse, I'd say you have a bright future ahead of your nation of Equestria if I do say so myself." Mayor Flash said. "Well that's very nice of you to say, Mayor." Twilight Sparkle said, and she was with Flash Sentry at the railroad station of Ponyville. "I do hear there's some concerns though about something in regards to the Storm King's own son being in league with that shapeshifter formally known as Gorzon yes?" Mayor Flash asked. "That is true. Though he goes by Nozrog now." Flash Sentry said. "So I've heard." Mayor Flash stated. "Were you...alive at all back then?" Twilight asked. "...I was actually born shortly after the first Storm King was defeated. My father however was very much keen on telling me the tragic history of that dark time as I grew up." Mayor Flash said. He then shook his head. "While I won't recount the full details, the basic summery is this: 'The first Storm King was a very ruthless and tyrannical ruler who; as his title implied; was able to manipulate the weather at will. Whoever dared to even stand up to him was always overpowered, and then struck by a deadly bolt of lightning summoned by the Storm King himself.' According to my father, it was because of that, that it was hard for any rebellion to be started." "But a rebellion did start. According to what Sunset discovered, it was Raiden's grandfather who led a large rebellion that defeated the first Storm King." Twilight said. "My father's recollection of when that happened paints a darker picture. According to his own eyewitness report, he knew that there was one Pichu who grew up under this ruthless command who hated the Storm King with a burning passion. He was able to somehow outsmart and outwit the Storm Soldiers at every turn, using his small size to his advantage. Years would pass, and that Pichu would evolve into a Pikachu, who quickly was rising up to be a true thorn in the Storm King's side. The Storm King was getting desperate, and wanted the Pikachu caught alive or dead; and declared that anyone that helped the Pikachu would be seen as a traitor. This actually led to a few of the townsfolk to resent the Pikachu at one point. In fact, it got to the point where a large chunk of the town just wanted the problem to go away." Mayor Sentry said. Meanwhile abord the Storm King's Vessel whose exact location is unknown... Nozrog quickly got up from the healing tables. "Ugh...that wretched Umbreon. Next time I see him, I will end him personally. No one makes a fool of me like that twice." "I thought you had planned for his being there." A load booming voice said. "What do you think the puppets were for? I wanted to see that Umbreon squirm, as I filled him with fear." Nozrog said. "...But I underestimated just how brave that Umbreon has truly become. That's a mistake I don't plan on making a second time, I assure you of that." "Hmph." The load voice said. "Besides, the data I was able to collect based on the memories of those puppets will allow you to truely break the so called 'holders of the elements' down and allow you to not have to worry about their friendship laser or whatever they call it." Nozrog said. "So we do have that advantage." "...Very true you are Nozrog. Those ponies will not see this coming. And I am glad you were able to confirm that no one of the Voltage Family lives in Ponyville." The load voice said. "Heh heh. That would be something else. Also, I did tell those ponies one lie, in regards to your identity that is." Nozrog said. "I would love to see the despair on the folks who live in Lightning Town, when it's revealed who you really are..." He then grinned. "...Storm King the First~" A mighty figure soon turned around in the chair Nozrog was talking to the back of. "That would be a sight to see. Something I will be very keen on seeing firsthand. Especially after that Pikachu accomplished what he did. I don't even know how he got that rebellion to commence, but he did." The Storm King said. Back in Ponyville... "If the town wanted the problem gone, how did the rebellion start if they thought Raiden's grandfather was the problem?" Flash Sentry asked. "Because Raiden's Grandfather was able to turn the town on the real cause of their woes: The Storm King. Soon, it was more than just a lone Pikachu attacking the troops of the Storm King, it was a much larger crowd. At one point, one of the soldiers dropped a Thunderstone which Raiden's Grandfather used to fully cement himself as the leader of the massive rebellion whose goal was to take down the Storm King and demolish his tyranny once and for all." Mayor Flash said. "...And well, you know the rest from there..." "...Raiden's Grandfather cornered the Storm King, and forced him out of town." Twilight asked. "I do have to wonder something though..." Twilight said. "Oh really? What's got you curious Princess Twilight?" Mayor Flash asked. "How long...does the species of the storm king even live for? Did anyone check?" Twilight asked. Mayor Flash's eyes widened. "No...no you don't think..." "I...I wish I wasn't thinking it, but there's a chance. A slim chance, but a chance...that the Storm King from then, is the same one as of now..." Twilight said. "Th-that won't be good. We need to convince Shallor to really get us ready for such a large invasion." Flash Sentry said. > Season 6: Episode 6 - Prelude to the Test (Easter Madness 2024) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You seriously want me to prepare equestria for a large scale invasion force?" Shallor asked Twilight. It was only a mere few hours later from when Twilight and Flash Sentry wanted to convince Shallor to prepare equestria for an invasion. "Look, your on about making sure the darkness doesn't get a lot of power right? So, you should help us." Flash Sentry said. "I could...on one condition and one condition only." Shallor said. "Okay...what do are you going to ask for in return now?" Twilight asked. Over the past few months, whenever one of the ponies around Ponyville wanted to ask a favor of Shallor, he would always ask for something in return. And it always varied, though it always seemed to be at least an equivalent exchange for whatever it was the Ponies were asking for in the first place. Shallor pointed at Twilight suddenly. "If you want my help in defending Equestria, you and your friends are going to have to pass my final exam." Shallor said. "Wait...wait what?!" Twilight suddenly exclaimed. "Are...are you insane?! They may not be ready for such a thing." Flash Sentry said. "That's not your place to say. It's mine." Shallor said. "Just know that if you fail to pass, Eqeustria will be doomed to this tyrannical menace unless you find some way to stop it on your own. Which you won't, trust me on that." "I'd rather take my chances with finding a solution without your help then!" Flash Sentry said. "No. I'm taking the risk. I know it'll cost us some time we could use to prep otherwise, but I don't want there to be any doubts here." Twilight said. "You want me and the girls to pass you exam? Then we'll take your exam." "Heh. I was hoping you'd say that. Just don't expect me to pull any punches. You and your friends have three days to prepare yourselves for my final exam. During which time, you won't see me around Ponyville while I pick out a location for my Final Exam to take place. For it will be a true test of your skills, a Final Trail." Shallor said. "And you have accepted the right to the Final Trail." Suddenly a V burn mark appeared on one of Twilight's legs. "What the...what's this?" Twilight asked. "That is the mark of the Final Trail. By accepting the Final Exam, you have accepted the right to attempt The Final Trial. You best start preparing. You and your friends only have three days to get ready after all." Shallor said before he suddenly vanished into a purple fire that he conjured up. "T-twilight..." Flash Sentry said. "It's alright Flash. This Final Trial thing won't do anything bad. This is just the way Shallor likes to do things it seems. We shouldn't worry about it too much." Twilight said. "I have full confidence in me and my friends to pull this off." The Elements were already making their preparations upon being told about Shallor's Final Exam. As it turned out, Twilight wasn't the only one who received the mark of the final trial; Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity all received the mark as well. Still, the seven ponies had no time to waste: They needed to get started on their training and reviewing everything they know in preparation for Shallor's Final Exam. Pinkie Pie was doing things that made some fun out of the skills they learnt. Fluttershy got her animals involved. Even Angel was willing to help out. Butterscotch too. (The story of why Butterscotch is still there, will be revealed at a later point in time.) Rainbow Dash got the Shadowbolts to assist her, though there was one day where Derpy fell out of the sky with a letter from the Cargo Cult that Night Wing and Sunset helped out some time ago that had the Golden Seal (S66) of Princess Luna. "Ah, a letter from Princess Luna. It's basically a report on how she and her sister are helping the Cargo cult understand things from beyond their little neck of the woods." Night Wing said. "I should go check up on them down the road. After you pass that Final Exam Rainbow Dash." "Heh. I won't fail you, Captain!" Rainbow Dash said. Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, and Sunset worked together with a training regimen that was testing their absolute limits. This continued for the entire three days up to when the Final Exam would take place. And after the third day of training, a mysterious purple envolope appeared before Twilight Sparkle. Seeing as how the Envolope had a gray "V" marked on it, she opened it. Dear Twilight Sparkle, I do hope you and your friends haven't been slacking off in my absence. We'll see soon enough just how strong you and your friends have really gotten. Meet me just outside the old Griffonstone Border; the place now turned into a desolate desert by you know who. There, I will conduct the final trail. Spectators are welcome and stands will be provided. But only you and your friends may actually take the trial, Twilight Sparkle. No help from anyone outside of your core group of friends who wield the other elements of harmony. Oh, and just so your aware of this other fact: You won't be allowed to use your friendship laser on me at all during this exam. Using even once is an instant failure. You and your friends must learn the hard way not to not rely on it. "...Guess it's time." Twilight said. The group headed for the old Griffonstone Border. Little did they know what Shallor had in store for them. And some ponies, griffons, and even Changelings came to spectate. "...So, you didn't run away. Good. I was hoping you wouldn't." Shallor said. "I gotta know something first Shallor: Weren't you at some point known as Shadow Rob?" Rainbow Dash asked. Shallor suddenly closed his eyes and titled his head towards the skies above. "...No one's called me that name in four hundred ninty-four months to the date exactly." Shallor said. "But the time for talk is over." "...Wait, why do I suddenly hear boss music?" Rainbow Dash asked. To Be Continued... > Special Episode: Showdown with Shallor! - Both the Same > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previously, Twilight agreed to Shallor's Final Exam; a final trial. This would be a battle consisting of the purple alicorn herself, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Appljack, and Rarity all against the Shadow Lord himself, Shallor. But if they really thought this was going to be a cakewalk, their world was about to get wrocked. "...Shadow Rob..." Shallor suddenly reflected. "...No one's called me that name in exactly four hundred ninety-four months." "...I knew it..." Rainbow Dash said. "...That being said..." Shallor said as he suddenly snapped his fingers. Suddenly, purple flame began to surround a set part of the area. Rainbow Dash suddenly looked around. "...Why do I hear boss music?" She asked. As the flames began to fully circle the area, Shallor cast off his cape in a dramatic fashion before a giant purple tornado apeared to lift him up high. "I did warn you that I was not going to hold back in the slightest, and I meant it!" Shallor said. The Shadow Lord - Shallor The first thing that happened as the battle began was that smaller purple tornados covered the ground, preventing any of the earth ponies from getting close, though the high winds from the big one made it hard for Rainbow Dash to even get close, but she was able to quickly dispurse the big tornado as Shallor got comboed by the others, but he quickly teleported out of the combo before he summoned the giant purple tornado again. "...Not bad. But I'm just getting warmed up." Shallor said. Suddenly he had a huge ball of purple fire that he was summing above his head, and it was launching small purple fire balls out like crazy. Though Applejack and Pinkie Pie worked together to quickly disappaite the large purple tornado again, and sent Shallor into a second combo beat down, but he still teleported out of it and summoned another large purple tornado. "You really should realize the time for niceties are long over!" Shallor said before there were sudden purple explosions going off right left and center, keeping all seven ponies on their toes this time. However, Rarity, Twilight, and Sunset still managed to dismantle the big tornado and sent Shallor into a third combo. But once again, he teleported out of it. "Play time is officially over; I'm done warming up." Shallor said now he was sending out flying purple Vs off his forhead. As Rainbow Dash tried a second time to disappate the shadow tornado like the last three times, suddenly, she felt herself slow down for some reason as Shallor suddenly jumped above the shadow tornado. "YOU'LL HAVE TO DO BETTER THEN THAT!" Shallor said before he suddenly callpased the tornado himself, and Rainbow Dash's speed returned to normal. "Wait, what just happened?" Rainbow Dash said before what seemed like a bizillion copies of Shallor just charging out of the fire that deditacted the areana started pelting all of the ponies within, and it was impossible to dodge them all. The pelting went on for quite some time before Shallor suddenly emerged into the air, holding another large purple fire ball. "LET'S SEE YOU WITHSTAND THE LIKES OF THIS!" Shallor said before he suddenly came crashing down with the purple fire, causing a massive explosion that threw the ponies for a loop and caused them all to get quite injured from it. "Oh come on, don't tell me your done already." Shallor said. "If this is really the extent you can muster against me, perhaps I'll have to take drastic measures." The Shadow Lord paused for dramatic effect. "...I'll have to remove your connection with the elements." "Wh-what?!" Sunset suddenly exclaimed. "C-can you even do that?" "Of course I can do that. It's my job to make sure those like the seven of you can stand up to the likes of the Storm King. And if this is really the extent at which you are capble of fighitng, it means your group is flawed. In that case, there is only one solution: Remove your connection with the elements so that they may find a new group to bound with!" Shallor said. "Y-you can't do that! We've come so far." Sunset said. "Wrong! If you really had come as far as you claim, you would actually stand up to me and start taking this seriously. Because if you can't defeat the likes of me, you don't get to call yourselves the chosen of the elements." Shallor said. "So, are you really going to let me take away your connections to the elements? Or are you going to do what you should do; and treat this seriously?" I...I can feel it... Sunset suddenly thought to herself. I can feel...Shallor's Emotions. He...he really only wants the best of the light. That's his job. Her thoughts continued. "...I was wrong about you. You can feel emotions." Sunset said. "But this isn't about what you feel right now. This is about how I feel. And I won't let you take away the path I've carved for myself; no matter what!" "Heh...will admit you got us, but we ain't backing down. Not after that speech." Appplejack said. For a moment, there was a smirk on Shallor's lips. "...Good..." Shallor said before he suddenly put a dark aura around himself. "I WAS HOPING YOU'D SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" The music suddenly restarted as shots of both sides suddenly happened. Shallor smirked again, and the ponies got ready to face his true potential, which involved all the tricks he used before. Standing Here I realize You are just like me, trying to make history. But who's to judge The right from wrong? When our guard is down, I think we'll both agree That violence breeds violence! But in the end it has to be this way!! The battle ranged on amongst the lyrics, as the ponies started to retaliate in much smarter and better ways. I've carved my own path, You followed your wrath; But maybe we're both the same... The world has turned, And so many have burned; But nobody is to blame. Yet staring across this barren wasted land; I feel new life will be born Beneath the blood stained sand!! The ponies were starting to use their own tactics to counter Shallor's various attacks, and even started parrying them back to the Shadow Victini in question. Standing Here I realize You are just like me, trying to make history. But who's to judge The right from wrong? When our guard is down, I think we'll both agree That violence breeds violence; But in the end, it has to be this way!! The battle was hitting it's climax now, the ponies had a plan they wanted to put in motion. I've carved my own path, You followed your wrath; But maybe we're both the same... The world has turned, And so many have burned; But nobody is to blame. Yet staring across this barren wasted land; I feel new life will be born Beneath the blood stained sand!! And as the music finally was hitting it's last beats, a final buck from Applejack sent Shallor right into the shadow fire barrier. Shallor teleported into the center of the arena though before he hit the ground, he was clutching an arm. "Dang...you really got me good there. I'm not ashamed to admit it. You really left your mark on my physical form. No joke there. It'll take me several weeks to heal this up." Shallor said before he snapped his fingers. The shadow fire barrier was now gone. "...Phase two?!" Sunset excalimed. "...No. I admit defeat." Shallor said. "By the way, I don't really actually have the power to remove your connections to the elements. That was just something I said to get you to take the fight seriously." "What? You mean you lied to us?!" Applejack exclaimed. "Ah don't know if ah should apploud you for being so creative with your lie, or embarrased that even I fell for it." "There are several kinds of lies in this world Applejack; and one kind is one that's so convincing, that even your connection to the Element of honesty can't get you to spot it. Especially if such a lie is told in the heat of battle." Shallor said. "Such a lie, is so easy to believe, so capable of being true, that in that sort of scenario, you can really lose what's really true, and what's effectively false. Honestly, you shouldn't blame yourself for letting your own emotions get the better of you." "...I had a feeling it had to be a lie." Sunset said. "The moment you said that lie, I could sense your true emotions and intentions clear as day. And it worked. You made us take this fight seriously, all so you could really tell how far we had come." "But of course. After all..." Shallor said. "...The best defense Equestria can have, can be found in the seven of you. I only help where I can. And while I will certainly prepare you some sort of additional defenses, just remember how you fought with me here today. Because I can garentee you, the Storm King won't be as nice as I am." "...That was the lesson you wanted to impart on us by doing this, isn't it? That was your goal along." Twilight said. "Heh heh, what can I say?" Shallor asked. "I knew you could win from the outset, I just wanted you to believe that for yourselves." "...You're a strange being Shallor..." Sunset said. "You may always be forever shrouded with alterative motives for everything you do, but one thing will always remain with you: You want what's best for our world, and that's something you can't stop yourself from exposing on your sleeve." "...Hmph. That's one thing you could interrupt about my actions. We're all entitled to our own opinions, aren't we?" Shallor asked. Sunset smiled. Try as he could to hid it, the smirk on his face gave away the pride he was feeling about knowing he had helped the seven friends who came together to defeat Nightmare Moon realize their full potential. > Season 6: Episode 7 - Nozrog's Lie Exposed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A party was now at the old Griffonstone border and the Pokemon from Lightning Town were participating in this celebration. Every pony, ling, mon, and griffon alike was having a great time. But in the middle of the party, Twilight approuched Shallor. "Excuse me for a moment, I'd had to break up the mood, but there's something I need to talk about." "Alright. We can talk. Just don't expect many answers." Shallor asked. "This is important. It's in regards to Nozrog." Twilight said. "Something he said bothers me, and I need to get to the truth." "...Huh. If this is about something Nozrog said, that changes things." Shallor said. "First, I'd just like to confirm if knowing how long a specific species can live for is part of your job." Twilight said. "...Well not really. But it is information that I'm allowed to have knowledge of on the off chance it helps the light beat out darkness." Shallor said. "Yet so far, not a single time has it proven useful. I can sense that might change based on what Nozrog said." "I see. In that case, do you know what species the Storm King was? The one that took over Lightning Town years ago?" Twilight asked. "Ah. You are referring to his exact species. From what I understand, he's a kind of creature called a 'Storm Creature'; a giant hedgehog like creature. The Storm King is an even more advanced version of his own troops, in fact I'd go so far as say he's his own kind of species." Shallor said. "But if your asking if I've dealt with such a soul, I have not. And I checked the logs, such a creature has not been cast through the Fire Pits yet." "...In that case, his species lives for a long time, yes?" Twilight asked. "Well yeah. I'd say about a thousand years or so, why do you ask?" Shallor asked. "....Mayor Sentry, how long ago did you say the Storm King conqured Lightning Town?" Twilight asked. "Well, it was...about...oh...oh no..." Mayor Sentry looked tense. "Father? Father is something wrong?" Lightning asked. "Th-the storm king's reign...it had begun only seventy years ago!" Mayor Sentry said. "Y-you mean...when Nozrog said that--" Rainbow Dash picked up what was being thrown down. "Yes. Nozrog pulled the same trick on us that Shallor did during the Final Trail." Twilight said. "...He put forth a believable lie, and we let our emotions believe he had to be telling the truth for we didn't know better." "...Wait hold up, are you saying the Storm King from back then, is coming back and planning on doing things on a much grander scale then last time?!" Shallor exclaimed. "That's the logical conclusion I'm reaching, based on everything we know." Twilight said. "...I...I don't believe this." Shallor said. "Let him come." Raiden suddenly said. "...R-raiden?" Lightning asked. Raiden used a fist to strike an open paw. "If this really is the same Storm King of old, then I owe it to my grandfather to make sure he can't succeed." He said. "...You know what. Your right. We can't allow that tyrant to succeed." Lightning said. "Twilight Sparkle..." Raiden said. "I insist you allow Team Strikers to assist in taking down this tyrant." "Of course Raiden; I was going to ask anyways." Twilight said. "...I'm not about to allow just Team Strikers to see this through." Mayor Sentry said. "...Father?" Lightning asked. "I stood by and couldn't stop the mafia gangsters from seizing the town. I care not if Equestria is ruled by alicorns princesses; I absolutely refuse to let tradegy repeat itself." Mayor Sentry said. "Father!" Lightning was shocked to say the least. "Heh heh. Now I see it. Now I see where Lightning really gets his courage from." Raiden said. "...No Raiden. It's the other way around." Mayor Sentry said. "I'm getting this courage because of my own son showing courage." "Dang...well count me in too in that case." Cozy Glow said. "As if we'd let this Storm King try and change the way of life we're accostumed too now." Gilda suddenly said. "I think we griffons are assiting too." "Well don't think your counting us Changelings out either. In fact, I think Chrysalis would prefer if we assited in the takedown of the Storm King; the very same guy Nozrog's alligned with." Pharynx said. "Or has any creature forgotten the fact that...that monster killed Chryaslis?" "To be fair, he was aiming for me; she just blocked the attack." Throsten said. "But I understand what your getting at. There's just...something I need to get home to first." "Eh? What's up Throsten?" Raiden asked. "It's my father...he's on his death bed." Throsten said. "...Oh..." Twilight said. "He's had a good run, but he wants to tell me something before he goes." Throsten said. "Ah. I see. Well, you should go to your father young prince." Mayor Sentry said. "He may have a secret to beating the Storm King. Even if that chance is slim, that's a chance we need." "I know. I'll be back soon though." Throsten said and left with his wives. "...I hope Throsten's going to be okay." Pinkie Pie said. "He will. I believe in him. I believe he will survive the Storm King's assult." Twilight said. Meanwhile... ...Wh-what is this feeling I'm getting? Nozrog suddenly thought to himself, bolting up in a cold sweat from his bed. Wh-why can I suddenly feel that...that someone...someone is going to die when we invade Equestria? And how could I possibly know that? Wh-what is happening to me? > Season 6: Episode 8 - Rumble at Heart (A Hearth's Warming Tail Background) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was time for things to be getting ready for Hearth's Warming Eve, though Scootaloo was having issues with the falling snow. "Ugh. I am able to fly just fine without all the snow falling." Scootaloo said. "Yeah, that took me a while to have to work out too. Sure, I still struggle some too, just not as much." Rumble said. "So, I"m willing to bet your wanting to help me deal with that." Scootaloo said. "Sadly, there's not really any big secret here. It just takes practice." Rumble said. "But don't let that discourage you. You are Scootaloo, and you shouldn't let something like this stop you in your tracks." "Heh. Thanks Rumble. Let's really have this take flight then." Scootaloo said. It didn't really go as well as Scootaloo wanted, but she didn't give up. And she still had issues with the snow falling. Still, thanks to the practice, she felt like she could get better from here. "Honestly, I'm actually surprised you got up to this sort of level. Guess I'll have to really start pushing myself before you get too far ahead of me." Rumble said. "I wouldn't want you to get a big ego after all." "Heh, mom would probably put me in my place in a nanosecond if I let this go to my head. But it is nice to hear you care about that." Scootaloo said. "Yeah. Your an awesome filly Scootaloo. Like, super amazingly so. And that's got nothing to do with Rainbow Dash essentially having been your mom for three years. If anything, that's just a bonus I'd say." Rumble said. "You are awesome in your own way; don't ever forget that." "...Geez, why does that sound so sappy?" Scootaloo asked. "Sorry, I wasn't really trying to sound that way. I'm just saying that I think your special in your own way." Rumble said. "Well thanks for that, though I could've worked that out for myself." Scootaloo said. "Dang it Scootaloo, I'm trying to compliment you here. I know Pegasi like us can be stubborn, but you don't have to take after Rainbow Dash to this degree." Rumble said. He then sighed. "Look, you should really just be your own pony; devolop your own style. You don't have to match Rainbow Dash to the nth degree or whatever." Rumble then took off on his own. "...Uh...uh oh..." Scootaloo said. "I-I'm suddenly a little worried I...I ran him off..." She then flew off after him. Rumble sighed as he perched on a stray cloud. Honestly, I really hope she doesn't get too much like Rainbow Dash. I'd hate for her to change who she is at her core... Rumble thought to himself. "Rumble." Scootaloo said, coming up onto the cloud. "Oh. Hey Scootaloo." Rumble said. "Don't you hey me. Be honest, have I actually upset you at all?" Scootaloo asked. That caught Rumble off guard. "Where's that question coming from all of a sudden?" Rumble asked. No seriously, where did that come from? "Well, you sounded like I made you really upset and then just flew off without much more of a word. So I hope your not running away because I'm being a little stubbern." Scootaloo said. "What? No. I wasn't running away. I just thought you know...we were done for the day is all." Rumble said. "Well now we're not. Something's obviously bothering you. And I have to know what exactly that is." Scootaloo said. "I'd hate to hear you want nothing more to do with me, because I...I think I'd hate that." That actually caught Rumble further off guard. "...Okay, where is this coming from?" Rumble asked, now genuially worried. "I-I don't know. I just...I just can't stand it if you decided you no longer wanted to support me." Scootaloo said. "...Th-that's just redicious. But I guess...I guess I would hate to have to do that too." Rumble said. Scootaloo don't know why she was smiling, but she was. "Well that's good to hear. Look, we're Pegasi. We're ment to be stubborn. So please, don't think I'm taking too much after Rainbow Dash. Because I'm not. I honestly couldn't stand it if you decided to utterly bail on me." Scootaloo said. "...Well, you may not be taking fully after your mother, but you certainly got something from her. Namely her loyalty." Rumble said. "Besides, I think...after this much time together...we're more then just friends aren't we?" "Yeah. Yeah I'd say we've connected on a level beyond what I have with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Diamond Tiara." Scootaloo said. "So, the feeling's mutual huh? I know we're a little young to be thinking about love and stuff like that, but we know each other pretty well at this point don't we?" Rumble asked. "Heck yeah we do. I'm surprised how not sappy that sounded." Scootaloo said. "Hey, that just goes to show, maybe we're rubbing off on each other a little." Rumble said. "Still, I'd think we've grown together. And I'd like to keep growing with you, Scootaloo." Scootaloo was suddenly blsuhing, but she had a straight face on. "I think I'd like that." Scootaloo said. "A lot." > Season 6: Episode 9 - Trouble in Manehatten (The Saddle Row Review AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The entire group was on their way to Manehattan, ready to help opening week at the Manehatten Branch of Rarity's business. "This is rather stressful. Especially since we know we'll be helping to make sure Saddle Row doesn't give the shop a low score." Sunset said. "Well, the shop location is up ahead." Twilight said. "We'll be meeting up with Coco Pummel there." Upon entering, the group found Coco Pummel looking a little frantic. "Um...Coco? What's up with you?" Applejack asked. "Oh! I'm very glad your here. This...this is just terrible. And during opening week too." Coco Pummel said. "Wh-what's wrong? Did you do something wrong?" Twilight asked. "I-I hope not. I've barely even started working, and already I've got issues." Coco then showed the group a letter she was holding onto. Dear Coco Pummel, You don't me, and that's going to change soon. For you see, you and I have some business later today. That is, me killing you in a fashion that's going to bring about utter despair. It's nothing personal, but some pony wants you bucking dead. And they are paying a fortune to see to that end. Seems you must have really pissed some pony off somehow, and now I get to come to you to make everything drown into a pit of despair. I'll be seeing you soon, hope you keep your body warm enough for me to keep my money. Ta ta until then. -Slade Johnson "Who in Tartarus is Slade Johnson?" Applejack asked. "I have no clue, but when I opened my mail up this morning, this letter was inside." Coco Pummel said. "Who could I have possibly pissed off to such a degree that they would want me dead?" "...I can think of one pony in particular, actually." Twilight said. "Girls, you stay with Coco, I'm going to be making a personal call to some pony I know would have a reason to want this shop shut down as much as possible." While the rest of the elements were helping Coco get the shop advertised and ready to open up later in the day, Twilight walked into the apartment of one Suri Pulimare. "Princess Twilight. For what purpose have you come to see me." Suri said. "Honestly, you should already know why, seeing as how Coco Pummel received a threatening letter in her main this morning." Twilight said. "Based on it's contents, I'm guessing you want Rarity's shop shut down at any cost." "Tch, that mare doesn't know how brutal opening a new shop is around here when your an out-of-towner. Part of me wonders why she would bother. Oh well, I suppose she'll have to learn the hard way that around here, you have to look after your own selfish interests, or you get swallowed up by the competition." Suri said. "By that, you mean hire some pony to remove Coco Pummel from the picture." Twilight said. "Now why would I want to have Coco Pummel killed? She was the whole reason I was able to stay in business. Not going to lie, ever since she decided to quit on me and work for Rarity, things haven't been well for me. I think I'll be declaring bankruptcy soon." Suri said. "...I don't believe you on that front. In fact, I don't believe you at all with anything you just said." Twilight said. "Oh really? Last I checked, you're not Applejack." Suri said. "I don't need to be Applejack to know your lying." Twilight said. "Oh really? And just how do you think that?" Suri asked. "Because I specifically said to remove Coco not kill her." Twilight said. "Well, isn't that what removing her would mean?" Suri countered. "True, except I can think of many, many other ways a pony can be removed without killing them. Ways that you would have access to. So then, why did you specifically ask about your reasons for having Coco killed?" Twilight asked. To say Suri Polomare was shocked, was an understatement. "You...you tricked me!" Suri Polomare said. "Indeed. And I'm afraid to say, that makes you guilty of murder by proxy." Twilight said. "Hmph. Well, I'm okay with being executed, thrown into Tartarus, or even turned to stone. Because at the end of the day, what really matters is shutting down Rarity's store. I barely even gave that strange creature more than a few bits before they agreed to take on the job. And from what I heard, he's good at what he does. I've even heard he'll tie up any pony who gets in his way of his target." Suri Polomare said. "You mean you paid up front?!" Twilight exclaimed. "Why wouldn't I? It was only fifteen bits, and I would've found a way to make that up easily once Rarity's shop was closed down once it was heard that a murder took place there." Suri said. "Speaking of, I think the Contract Killer should be arriving there in a few minutes. Maybe if you hurry, princess, you'll be able to stop him with your 'friendship'." Suri said. "...You won't get away with this." Twilight said before teleporting away. "That's what you think, Princess." Suri said. There was a knock on her door. "Oh, who is it now?" Upon opening the door, Suri was suddenly shocked a second time. "What...no, not you!" Suri said before she was promptly arrested. Twilight Teleported to find a scene where her friends were having a tussle with a strange bipedal creature, one she recognized. What's a human doing here? Twilight asked. And how is he on this side of the mirror without having gotten turned into a pony?! "Oh great. That Princess is here." The human said. "As if things here weren't bad enough." "Just what do you think your doing? You won't be harming any pony today." Twilight said. "Oh please. You think you can stop me? I'm Slade Johnson." The human said. Applejack rushed him which was dodged. "...Though maybe you can. Gah, why of all the times did I have to get ganged up on." "It's over Slade. I know who hired you. It was quite easy to figure out too. After all, there was only one pony who wanted this shop to fall." Twilight said. "...What? You mean you actually found out my client's identity? But that's impossible! My clients are supposed to be anonymus." Slade said. "Let's just say that Suri Polomare was an obvious answer. I was hoping it was wrong, but it was the correct choice." Twilight said. "Well, no matter. She paid in full up front. So unfortunately for you, unless you can shell out more cash than she did, I've got a job to do." Slade said. "Yeah no, not happening buster." Rainbow Dash said, before she grabbed Slade's left hand and twisted it until it started hurting like crazy. "G-gah...you-you broke my arm!" Slade exclaimed. "And why did you go for my left? Most people go for the right you know." "Saw the way you were swinging those swords of yours around. You always led lefty style." Rainbow Dash said. "That was a clear indication that you were a lefty." "Grr...don't think your world is safe from me just yet. I'll be back, and I won't be so easy to defeat next time." Slade said before he suddenly used dark magic to vanish. "...Well, let's hope that that's the only bad thing this week." Twilight said. "...Oh, wait, I forgot to call the Royal Guard on Suri!" "So, she's most likely gotten away." Applejack said. "We can worry about her later, we should be making sure this store does well." "Yeah. Your right Applejack." Twilight said. > Season 6: Episode 10 - Half-Blood (Sensitive Subject Warning) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things with Opening Week at the Manehatten store were honestly a bit...hetic. Still, the review was nothing but praise, so it was all good. A commotion however, drew the attention of the element barers and it is there they saw a rather wounded Nozrog, Rex (in human form of course), and Sparky. "Tch. Seems I underestimated just how powerful Sparky there is. Seems my plan to kill him is going to have to be sidelined for the time being." Nozrog said. "Nozrog again?! What exactly were you doing here and now?" Twilight asked. "Actually, I came here to kill Sparky, so I baited a trap for Rex. Still didn't expect to be this overpowered and so easily." Nozrog said. "That's less then someone like you deserves." Rex said. "Your one to tell me how I should be punished. Especially since your father should've stayed sealed away." Nozrog said. "It's a fitting punishment for committing something so taboo in the first place." "Taboo? What taboo thing did Rex's father even commit?" Twilight asked. "Now that I think about it, Rex, where even is your father right now?" Sunset asked. "And I mean your biological father, not Sparky of course." That statement made Nozrog start laugh histarically; but not evilly like he normally does. "...Did Sunset say something funny?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Oh this is just too good. You mean you haven't figured it out yet?" Nozrog asked. "Don't you even dare." Rex warned. "Well at some point, you will have to tell them. So better for the beans to get spilled now. Unless you'd rather me do it for you...Half-Blood." Nozrog emphasized the last bit by pointing right at Rex. "Half-blood? What kind of insult is that?" Rainbow Dash asked. "A correct one." Nozrog said simply. "Rex, why aren't you countering him?" Sunset asked. "...Because...he's not wrong in saying it's not really an insult..." Rex said before he brought up the one hand that was covered by a glove. "What's wrong about wearing a glove anyways?" Twilight asked Nozrog. But then, Rex took off the glove, revealing... "I-is that a brand in the shape of a Raichu's Paw? W-why were you branded like that, Rex?" Sunset asked. "You mean you ponies still haven't figured it out yet? The clues are all there for you now. So, either they realize what that brand means, or one of us spells it out for them; Half-blood." Nozrog said to Rex. "...Wait...Rex, is he saying what I think he's saying?" Twilight realized what Nozrog was hinting out now. "...He is..." Rex said. "I'm biologically half-Pokémon." That's what did it. That caused a silence for a good while. "Honestly, I find it hilarious that you didn't tell them. And it only took me giving them such a huge hint, that they realized it." Nozrog said, breaking the silence after a good while. "So wait, all the time Rex has been calling Sparky his father...that wasn't just because Sparky raised him?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Oh please. Sparky had no paw in raising this boy. It was that Zangoose of his that got that honor because Sparky got sealed away when he went berserk over the loss of Rex's mother and the disappearance of Rex in the resulting chaos." Nozrog said. "P-princess Celestia once told me, that it's illegal for Pokémon and Ponies to get into a relationship." Sunset admitted. "Well, it's no different in that human world. It's not only illegal for a human and a Pokémon to have a romantic relationship, but it's heavily forbidden and considered taboo." Nozrog said. "Your worlds aren't that much different in that aspect when you think about it. Any child found to be half-bloods like Rex here, are given a branding just before they and their parents are to be hunted down and killed with extreme prejudice." "Even now, thirty years later that remains the case." Rex said before putting his glove back on. "But it's such a stupid and unfair law if you ask me. Especially since my birth proves the old myths true." "And that's exactly why the human world considers you a freak of nature. Because they don't want humans and Pokémon to be equal like they were in the past." Nozrog said. "So, now you understand his true motivation: Rex seeks to overthrow the government of the human world, so he can do away with that law so things can be just like how they were in the past. Of course, also aiming to ensure a harsher punishment system for the actually immoral acts such as stealing is a nice bonus I'd say. It's just too bad, that he himself is considered a criminal by law." "You have no right to call me a criminal; with how much pain you've inflicted." Rex said. "Yeah well, you've had your time in the spotlight now." Nozrog suddenly used his dark magic to activate Rex's machine that let him switch over at will to send Rex back to the human world. "Now what in Equestria did you do that for?" Twilight asked. "Because princess, this next part is for your ears only. I may be evil, but that boy shouldn't have to live with murdering his own father; even if it's unintentional." Nozrog said. "Wh-what are you talking about now? Rex could never commit murder. He just doesn't seem like the type." Twilight said. "Yeah, that's where the 'unintentional' part of my statement comes in. Rex doesn't even realize that by terrastilizing his father, Rex is slowly killing Sparky with each use." Nozrog said. "And when that happens, that boy's facade will crack hard." "Wh-what are you talking about now?" Twilight asked. "Being a half-blood, Rex is going to live twice as long as an ordinary human. So, while he may be both mentally and physically thirty years old, on a spiritual level, he's no different than an eight-year-old child. So, if he kills his own father, it'll break him." Nozrog said. "Like I said, I may be evil, but it'd be better for that boy if his father was killed by someone else. And that's a hit I'm willing to take if it makes it so that boy doesn't have to live with the fact he killed his own father." "So, it's essentially a mercy kill..." Sunset realized. "But don't take what I was trying to do as mercy, I am planning on killing Rex myself at some point. I just...I just really need to figure something out first." Nozrog said before he then vanished. "Do you think Nozrog was lying to us again?" Sunset asked. "...I doubt it this time. Mostly because he was right in calling Rex a half-blood." Twilight said. "Regardless, we need to convince Rex to stop using terrastilization on his father. Even if there's a slight chance Nozrog is lying to us about it, is that really a risk you're willing to take?" "...Yeah, fair enough. For some reason, the emotion Nozrog gave off was different than usual when he talked about Sparky's death. It...it was almost like it was coming from some pony else." Sunset said. > Season 6: Episode 11 - Gauntlet of Fire AU > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a normal day in Ponyville, but things suddenly changed when Ray, Spike, and Smolder all started glowing. "Oh...this is going to be interesting..." Smolder said. "Wh-what's going on?" Sunset asked. "I think we may need to ask Twilight about this." Spike said. "No need; this is basically the call of the dragon lord, and the only way to make it stop is to answer it." Smolder said. "Still, we better grab Twilight and perhaps Starlight as well." Sunset said. The three ponies had managed to sneak their way into the dragon lands to hear about Dragon Lord Torch's challenge about the Gauntlet of Fire. Smolder was not really too interested in participating, and while Spike & Ray were the same, Garble went off about how he was going to declare war on the ponies and kill them all when he won. The Red Dragon went towards the place that had the scepter. "Oh of all the rotten things for that no-good brother of mine to even do. That's just so uncalled for." Smolder said. "He can't win this. No matter what." "Don't worry Smolder, I'm not about to let him win. And neither is Spike." Ray said before he dashed off. "Hey, wait up!" Spike said before heading off after Ray. To say the volcano where the challenge took place was treacherous was putting it mildly. Place was fairly challenging, though Spike & Ray were detirmined to beat Garble to the prize. Neither one wanted him to win. Along the way, the duo found a blue dragoness trying to get out from under a rock. To which, Spike managed to lift up off her. "What the...why did you do that for?" The blue dragoness asked. "Well why not? I don't care if this is a race, you were in trouble." Spike said. "Tch. You must be those two I heard that came from Ponyville. Listen here you two: In this race, it's every dragon for themselves. Though that's the way it's always been around here." The Blue Dragoness said. "Hey, weren't you with the dragon lord earlier?" Ray asked. "So you noticed that." The Blue Dragoness said. "I came here to prove to him that I was worthy to succeed him." "So, that means your his daughter, huh?" Ray asked. "Wha-how did you..." The Blue Dragoness said. "Pretty easy to figure it out, to be honest. When you live with the two ponies we have, you tend to figure things out quickly. Me more so." Ray said. "We better get on ahead. We don't want Garble to wage his war against the ponies." Spike said. "And you, try to be more careful. I'd hate for some dragon to have to tell your father you got trapped in here." The duo left, but the dragoness known as Ember was a little stunned. "War? Why would any dragon want to--" Ember then gasped. "Th-the egg that was reported missing...I'm fairly sure that it belonged to Garble's family." She then started to head after Spike & Ray, and even managed to catch up. "Oh hi again." Ray said. "You want to stop Garble right? I'm not saying this because I owe you one, but I also don't want a war between the ponies and the dragons. So, let me tag along." Ember said. "If that's what you want to do, I'm not about to stop you." Ray said. "Neither am I. But is there a reason you don't want the war?" Spike asked. "Garble wants the war because he blames ponies for the egg that went missing. There was this egg that was unaccounted for and Garble believed ponies stole it." Ember said. "But from what I've learnt being near dad, is that Princess Celestia gives dragon eggs she finds or is handed to dad. There was this one time, she found this yellow dragon egg, and she handed it over to dad. Thing is, he told her to keep it since all of the dragon eggs that year were accounted for. That's what dad said anyways." Ember said. "Yellow egg? Did your dad ever say if the egg had red spots?" Ray asked. "Actually yes, that is the egg dad was referring to." Ember said. "That egg was mine then. Funny how that works." Ray said. "Wow. That is ironic. So, got a name then?" Ember asked. "Names Ray. Nice to meet you." Ray said. "Ember, it's a pleasure." Ember said. "And I'm Spike." Spike said. "I think we're getting close now." Thanks to the combined efforts of Spike, Ray, and Ember, Garble failed to be the one that grabbed the sceptor, in fact, Ember was the one who managed to grab the sceptor. "Gah...the ponies should've paid...they should have paid..." Garble said. "Ember told us everything. And even told us more then that. She told us not only had an egg that belonged to your family went missing and how you believed ponies stolen it; but she also explained about the yellow egg with red markings that Princess Celestia found and tried giving to Torch, only for it to turn out that all the eggs were already accounted for." Ray said. "Why do you care so much about that egg anyways? At least that one I can't blame for." Garble said. "Because Ray hatched from that egg, and thus, if Princess Celestia found out about an egg theft, don't you think if she was given a second dragon egg, she'd inquire about it with Ember's father?" Spike asked. Garble's face fell. "I...your right...your absolutely right..." He said. Some time later, there was a meeting between Celestia, Torch, Ember, Garble, and Smolder with Twilight, Sunset, Starlight, Spike, Ray, and Smolder present. "So...you didn't inform me that an egg had gone missing until now." Celestia asked. "That's strange. I thought I sent a messenger to the castle when it was discovered the egg was missing..." Torch said. "...By any chance, did you send them to the castle in the Everfree Forest?" Celestia asked. "Why yes actually; is that important?" Torch asked. "Because you should know I haven't been in that castle since the construction on the new one was finished, which was fifty years ago." Celestia said. "Oh. I thought you were still in the Everfree at that point. I'm going to say that one's on me." Torch said. "Way to goof dad." Ember said. "So, whatever happened to that dragon then?" Garble asked. "I'm willing to bet the Everfree Forest got to them. That place is always known for having some wonky physics to it." Twilight said. "...Yeah, I guess that would be something." Garble said. "Well I'm just glad everything got cleared up. In fact, I was hoping that since we cleared this up, you might like to attend a festival next week." Twilight said. "Well, I suppose attending the festival is the least I can do to make up for the huge misunderstanding." Garble said. "We can do better: We'll help set it up." Ember said. "That'll be great! It's going to be my first ever planned festival. And I honestly would love it if everything went well." Twilight said. Little did any pony or dragon knew at that time, but the festival Twilight was planning, would mark the return of one particular tyrant that we knew was coming, we just didn't expect when they'd show up... Future Spike wrote down. > Season 6: Episode 12 - Incoming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While it is a very peaceful and so far uneventful day across Equestria, that's only for the most part. As tomorrow, Twilight is hosting her first ever Friendship Festival. So, all of Equestria is looking forward to it. The Changlings, Grifons, and Dragons are participating in helping out as well. Though one oddity right now is Night Wing talking with Gilda. "Rainbow Dash seems to speak very highly of your flight capabilities." Night Wing said. "Well, we did go to the same flight school." Gilda said. "Regardless, I think I'd like to let you know this: In two weeks time, the public is going to be voting on a law put forth by Princess Celestia that'll remove all restrictions from non-ponies. Safe to say, that'll allow me to increase the roster size." Night Wing said. "And with Rainbow Dash's recommendation, you can be one of the first ones to take the Shadowbolt test." "Sh-she did that for me?" Gilda asked. "What did you expect? It's classic Rainbow Dash." Night Wing said and then flew away. "...Always with the surprises, huh Rainbow Dash?" Gilda asked; not really wanting an answer. Not everything was sunshine and rainbows however, for coming from outside Equestria was the Storm King's army. "You're sure you made it so that one human can't aid them, correct?" The Storm King asked Nozrog. "You bet. Still a little sore though from that special Raichu from the human world's attacks, but I figured what I did was a better alternative. It'll take that human way too long to fix his machine to come help." Nozrog said. "I'd much have preferred you killing the Raichu." The Storm King said. "Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. At least I was able to double check if there were any Equestrian residents who share the bloodline of the Raichu that defeated you once before." Nozrog said. "And good news: There isn't any. At least, not in Equestria's borders." "What about outside?" The Storm King asked. "Yeah, that's the thing. Seems a local hometown hero from Lightning Town has been hanging around Equestria for a while now. And they are the grandson of the Raichu that beat you before." Nozrog said. "With the enhancements I provided you though, he shouldn't be able to defeat you." "Are there any other hiccups that you can think of that can hinder this invasion?" The Storm King asked. "Only one, and that would be the Wolf Queen." Nozrog said. "However, let's just say that the ponies would have a better chance at winning the lottery in the human world, then the Wolf Queen is likely to be in Equestria." "I like those odds." Storm King said as his fleet approached. Meanwhile, on foot heading for Equestria as well, was Throsten. Something was different about his attitude now though. "...Seems there is one thing that scares me after all." Throsten said to himself as he trekked towards Equestria. "I have to use this technique, it's the only way to end the menace of the Storm King once and for all." He continued his monlogue as he trecked further. "...Gloria...I only hope you'll be okay without me...as I won't be coming home this time." Throsten finished, as he started to sprint towards Equestria. But these weren't the only parties heading for Equestria, there was one female Plusle and her Sneasel companion who were on their way too. "Time to add a new planet to my empire." The Plusle said. "But of course, Mistress." The Sneasel said as he helped the Plusle put on a pure black robe. > Special Movie: The Wolf Queen (My Little Pony: The Movie AU & To Where & Back Again AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skies were blotted out by smoke, and a lone Pokemon was providing the light of the sun because of it. The smoke was because of something the Storm King had done as part of his grand invasion plan, however, everything was currently at a standstill. Why were things at a standstill? Because Throsten had suddenly appeared, and asked for a ceasefire while he talks with the Storm King & Nozrog. "I don't know how much time I've got to talk, so listen good." Throsten said. "I managed to convince my father to tell me about the last royal technique that his royal line was known for using. But after he told me all about it, for the first time, I felt fear enter my mind." "Y-you being afraid? After the attempt I made earlier this year, I'm very surprised you've actually found something to be afraid of." Nozrog said. "What I'm afraid of, is the fact of someone else finding out about this technique and using it. Regardless of what happens here today, I'd rather the secret of this technique die with me." Throsten said. "...I suppose that is a fair request to make." The Storm King said. "Gah...my headache's getting stronger now..." Nozrog said. "I'm still seeing a big explosion. The color of which is pure black." "Nozrog, it's up to you to make sure I am the last person who ever finds out about this technique. Because I learnt it specifically to kill The Storm King. And I'm praying...that it works." Throsten said. "You really want me dead, don't you?" The Storm King asked. "You have no idea." Throsten said. Just then "Wasn't bright of you to basically say that to my face." The Storm King said. "That's what you think." Throsten retorted. "Once the cease fire ends, you'll be the first targeted." Storm King said. "You won't have the time." Throsten said. That confused the Storm King. "What is that supposed to mean?" He asked Throsten. But the Umbreon King wasn't able to answer before Twilight's scream rang out. "THROSTEN, DON'T DO IT!" Twelve hours earlier... The sun was shining brightly, as if the day itself was blessing Twiilght's first ever Friendship Festival which was being held in Canterlot. "A friendship festival, that really is a new one on me." Sunset said. "Still, I suppose if anyone was going to make one of these, it was going to be you, sis." "Everything seems to be in order too." Flash Sentry said from nearby. "Yeah. Seems everything is going perfectly right." Twilight said. "We've got the perfect weather, everything is in order for the go-ahead, and what's more, everyone I invited has come to take part in the festival. I couldn't imagine something more perfect than this." "...Then why do you sound like something's bugging you?" Sunset asked. "That's just it: Everything is perfect. Nothing seems to be going wrong." Twilight said. "And that worries me." "Not everything has to be as crazy as our daily lives Twilight." Flash Sentry said. "I know, it's just...I can't help but feel like everything is just too perfect." Twilight said. "Twilight, we got a little problem." Rainbow Dash suddenly flew in to say. "Of course there's a problem. I should've known." Twilight said. "Well, it's just, Applejack and Pinkie Pie found one of these strange machines in the ground nearby. We're not exactly sure what it is, but it doesn't look like anything you've authorized." Rainbow Dash said. "Is it doing anything?" Twilight asked. "...Well no but...it's still odd it's here." Rainbow Dash said. Suddenly Gilda showed up. "Hey, who authorized a strange machine that looks like it could spew out smoke? Because Gabby and a couple of other griffons found one. It might not be doing anything, but it's strange that it's on top of the castle." "Was that machine blue and gray by any chance?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yes it is, how did you know?" Gilda asked. "Because Applejack and Pinkie Pie found one just like that right in the castle gardens." Rainbow Dash said. "Okay, now there's a small cause for alarm." Twilight said. "Princess Twilight..." It was Thorax this time. "My brother and I found this strange blue and gray machine that I'm certain wasn't on your authorized equipment list right on top of Luna's tower." "...Okay, that's three of those we've found so far..." Rainbow Dash said. And that's when Ember showed up. "Hey Twilight..." She started. "Let me guess: Some dragons found a blue and gray machine that isn't authorized?" Twilight asked. "...Yeah actually, how did you know?" Ember asked. "Because three others that matches it's description have also been found." Twilight said. "Okay, whose the wise guy who--" Rainbow Dash started when suddenly smoke began to start filling the air from the machines. "! Their blocking out the sun!" Twilight said. "We got other trouble..." Night Wing said coming inside from the balcony. "A few Shadowbolts have spotted a few unfamiliar airships. And based on the design on the flag that's leading the pack based on what Mayor Sentry told us about the Storm King, it's the Storm King's Armada." "...And that means, Nozrog's here too..." Twilight noted. "I'm willing to bet this is one of his ideas..." "I'm willing to bet the same thing. Sounds like something he'd do." Sunset said. "Of all the times for us to not have contact with Throsten or his wives..." "Actually, a Griffon said they spotted that Umbreon King walking here on foot. Estimated time is seven hours away." Gilda said. "Then we'll have to buy him some time." Twilight said. I'm just hoping that Throsten's power is going to be enough to end this quickly... (...Yeah that's all I had written for this finale before I made the decision to cancel this project.)