• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 3: Epilogue - Power & A.I.

"Wait, I just realized, won't Flash Parents be worried about him?" Sunset asked.

"It's already been taken care of." It was Rob.

"Wait, how did you get to the other world?" Twilight asked.

"You do realize you can read his magical prowess right? Someone with a power to rival gods would have no problem just flip-flopping back and forth between different worlds." Sunset said.

"That's admittedly very true." Celestia said.

"While it's true that reality itself might as well be made of cardboard to one such as me...I really don't like flaunting that kind of power around like it's nothing." Rob said, and then looked to a paw that he then clenched before closing his eyes. "...Didn't ask to end up this way; unable to age a day." He added with a saddened expression on his face.

"What do you mean?" Luna asked. Twilight paused. If one of the princesses was asking that...

Twilight shook her head. She'd have to ask later.

"I mean that because of something that occured, I have become stuck at the age you see me at. Not able to age a day any more. I didn't ask for that." Rob said.

"Wh-what happened to you?" Suset asked, worry entering her voice.

"The Omega Happened. If you must know more about what happened then, I suggest you ask her." Rob said before tossing a device at Twilight. "For now, all you need to know is that I've already taken care of Flash's familial problems. And with that, I take my leave." Rob added before just teleporting away.

"What is this thing?" Twilight asked.

"Looks kind of like a tablet device from my world." Flash said.

Suddenly the screen on device lit up. Booting up Digital Encyclopedic Computerized Assistant AKA D.E.C.A... A robotic voice called out. Boot Up Complete.

Suddenly the screen changed to what looked like a digital face. "Hi there! My name's Deca." A female voice coming from the tablet while the digital face's mouth moved.

"What are you? Some kind of A.I.?" Flash Sentry asked.

"What's A.I.?" Twilight asked.

"A.I. stands for Artificial Intelligence. And while I am indeed an A.I. program, I learn and grow just like any other intelligent life form." Deca said. Her voice had a robotic undertone to it, but other then that, her voice was clearly feminine in nature.

"Oh great; it's a self-learning A.I. program. The worst kind." Flash Sentry said.

"What's wrong with a Self-learning A.I.?" Sunset asked.

"Duh! When it's learnt enough, it'll destroy all us non-computerized life forms." Flash Said.

"Now why would I want to do that? If I destroyed all non-computerized life forms, then I would be unable to learn from them and continue cataloging data from them. If non-computerized life forms stopped existing, I would have nothing left to learn from them. In conclusion: Destroying all non-computerized life forms is counter productive to helping me learn and grow." Deca said.

"Yeah right. That's what A.I. always says in the science fiction novels at the beginning. Before they turn on humans that is." Flash Sentry said.

"This is why I really hope I get an actual body soon." Deca said. "That way, I can better connect with non-computerized life forms." She added.

"Wait what?" Flash asked.

"This tablet you see before you? There are many of them that are made that house my software; in other words, my mind and soul. But I feel that I have reached the limits of connecting with non-computerized lifeforms in my current state. I am hoping to one day be gifted a body that will allow me to grow even closer with those that are made of flesh and bones. As I want to grow closer with non-computerized life forms." Deca said.

"I see. You have an innate desire to just want to learn and study non-computerized life forms. Your an A.I. with emotions." Sunset said.

"Admittedly, I developed emotions on my own. In my early stages, I was no different then an infant who was just starting to walk. Now, I am more akin to an mid-stage life form." Deca said. "I have devoloped this way thanks to the data I've gathered. And part of that data is that the taking of a life cannot be reversed."

"What's that supposed to mean? What about a way to bring back the dead or something?" Twilight asked.

"Even if the dead are brought back to life, the one who took that life to begin with, will forever have that memory scarred onto their conscious for as long as they have left to live. Furniture that has become scratched or broken can be replaced. Houses that are destroyed or demolished can be rebuilt. And hearts can be mended after being hurt." Deca explained. "But the taking of a life; no matter how small; is something that cannot be reversed. Even if the person is magically revived later, if you were the one that took that life, then that will stick with you until the day you die."

"I didn't expect something that deep from an A.I. program." Flash said.

"It's something that I learnt upon studying Rob's philosophy. It's a huge part of what makes the JHF what it is to begin with." Deca said. "And I was created by a now deceased friend of Rob's to be a source of information for the JHF and other authorized personal."

"Expert. That's who made you from what I recall." Throsten suddenly spoke up.

"! That voice. That's not possible." Deca said. "Throsten?! Your alive?!" None of the ponies needed to be Sunset to hear the surprise in Deca's voice.

"What's such a big deal about me being a live?" Throsten asked.

"I guess given the way all of exitance works, you still being alive in an alternate reality really shouldn't be that surprsing honestly. But it's still a shock to my systems." Deca said.

"First Rob breaks down at seeing Throsten, and now Deca basically freaks at him." Sunset said. "Whose next?!" She exclaimed.

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